
Package gotesttools

import "gotest.tools/v3"

Overview ▾

Package gotesttools is a collection of packages to augment `testing` and support common patterns.

Index ▾

Package files



Name Synopsis
assert Package assert provides assertions for comparing expected values to actual values in tests.
gty-migrate-from-testify Command gty-migrate-from-testify migrates packages from testify/assert and testify/require to gotest.tools/v3/assert.
cmp Package cmp provides Comparisons for Assert and Check
opt Package opt provides common go-cmp.Options for use with assert.DeepEqual.
env Package env provides functions to test code that read environment variables or the current working directory.
fs Package fs provides tools for creating temporary files, and testing the contents and structure of a directory.
golden Package golden provides tools for comparing large mutli-line strings.
icmd Package icmd executes binaries and provides convenient assertions for testing the results.
poll Package poll provides tools for testing asynchronous code.
skip Package skip provides functions for skipping a test and printing the source code of the condition used to skip the test.
x Package x is a namespace for experimental packages.
subtest Package subtest provides a TestContext to subtests which handles cleanup, and provides a testing.TB, and context.Context.