
Package jose

import "gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2"

Overview ▾

Package jose aims to provide an implementation of the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption set of standards. It implements encryption and signing based on the JSON Web Encryption and JSON Web Signature standards, with optional JSON Web Token support available in a sub-package. The library supports both the compact and full serialization formats, and has optional support for multiple recipients.

Example (JWE)


// Generate a public/private key pair to use for this example.
privateKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
if err != nil {

// Instantiate an encrypter using RSA-OAEP with AES128-GCM. An error would
// indicate that the selected algorithm(s) are not currently supported.
publicKey := &privateKey.PublicKey
encrypter, err := NewEncrypter(A128GCM, Recipient{Algorithm: RSA_OAEP, Key: publicKey}, nil)
if err != nil {

// Encrypt a sample plaintext. Calling the encrypter returns an encrypted
// JWE object, which can then be serialized for output afterwards. An error
// would indicate a problem in an underlying cryptographic primitive.
var plaintext = []byte("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet")
object, err := encrypter.Encrypt(plaintext)
if err != nil {

// Serialize the encrypted object using the full serialization format.
// Alternatively you can also use the compact format here by calling
// object.CompactSerialize() instead.
serialized := object.FullSerialize()

// Parse the serialized, encrypted JWE object. An error would indicate that
// the given input did not represent a valid message.
object, err = ParseEncrypted(serialized)
if err != nil {

// Now we can decrypt and get back our original plaintext. An error here
// would indicate that the message failed to decrypt, e.g. because the auth
// tag was broken or the message was tampered with.
decrypted, err := object.Decrypt(privateKey)
if err != nil {



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Example (JWS)


// Generate a public/private key pair to use for this example.
privateKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
if err != nil {

// Instantiate a signer using RSASSA-PSS (SHA512) with the given private key.
signer, err := NewSigner(SigningKey{Algorithm: PS512, Key: privateKey}, nil)
if err != nil {

// Sign a sample payload. Calling the signer returns a protected JWS object,
// which can then be serialized for output afterwards. An error would
// indicate a problem in an underlying cryptographic primitive.
var payload = []byte("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet")
object, err := signer.Sign(payload)
if err != nil {

// Serialize the encrypted object using the full serialization format.
// Alternatively you can also use the compact format here by calling
// object.CompactSerialize() instead.
serialized := object.FullSerialize()

// Parse the serialized, protected JWS object. An error would indicate that
// the given input did not represent a valid message.
object, err = ParseSigned(serialized)
if err != nil {

// Now we can verify the signature on the payload. An error here would
// indicate that the message failed to verify, e.g. because the signature was
// broken or the message was tampered with.
output, err := object.Verify(&privateKey.PublicKey)
if err != nil {



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Index ▾

type CompressionAlgorithm
type ContentEncryption
type ContentType
type Encrypter
    func NewEncrypter(enc ContentEncryption, rcpt Recipient, opts *EncrypterOptions) (Encrypter, error)
    func NewMultiEncrypter(enc ContentEncryption, rcpts []Recipient, opts *EncrypterOptions) (Encrypter, error)
type EncrypterOptions
    func (eo *EncrypterOptions) WithContentType(contentType ContentType) *EncrypterOptions
    func (eo *EncrypterOptions) WithHeader(k HeaderKey, v interface{}) *EncrypterOptions
    func (eo *EncrypterOptions) WithType(typ ContentType) *EncrypterOptions
type Header
    func (h Header) Certificates(opts x509.VerifyOptions) ([][]*x509.Certificate, error)
type HeaderKey
type JSONWebEncryption
    func ParseEncrypted(input string) (*JSONWebEncryption, error)
    func (obj JSONWebEncryption) CompactSerialize() (string, error)
    func (obj JSONWebEncryption) Decrypt(decryptionKey interface{}) ([]byte, error)
    func (obj JSONWebEncryption) DecryptMulti(decryptionKey interface{}) (int, Header, []byte, error)
    func (obj JSONWebEncryption) FullSerialize() string
    func (obj JSONWebEncryption) GetAuthData() []byte
type JSONWebKey
    func (k *JSONWebKey) IsPublic() bool
    func (k JSONWebKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (k *JSONWebKey) Public() JSONWebKey
    func (k *JSONWebKey) Thumbprint(hash crypto.Hash) ([]byte, error)
    func (k *JSONWebKey) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
    func (k *JSONWebKey) Valid() bool
type JSONWebKeySet
    func (s *JSONWebKeySet) Key(kid string) []JSONWebKey
type JSONWebSignature
    func ParseDetached(signature string, payload []byte) (*JSONWebSignature, error)
    func ParseSigned(signature string) (*JSONWebSignature, error)
    func (obj JSONWebSignature) CompactSerialize() (string, error)
    func (obj JSONWebSignature) DetachedCompactSerialize() (string, error)
    func (obj JSONWebSignature) DetachedVerify(payload []byte, verificationKey interface{}) error
    func (obj JSONWebSignature) DetachedVerifyMulti(payload []byte, verificationKey interface{}) (int, Signature, error)
    func (obj JSONWebSignature) FullSerialize() string
    func (obj JSONWebSignature) UnsafePayloadWithoutVerification() []byte
    func (obj JSONWebSignature) Verify(verificationKey interface{}) ([]byte, error)
    func (obj JSONWebSignature) VerifyMulti(verificationKey interface{}) (int, Signature, []byte, error)
type KeyAlgorithm
type NonceSource
type OpaqueKeyDecrypter
type OpaqueKeyEncrypter
type OpaqueSigner
type OpaqueVerifier
type Recipient
type Signature
type SignatureAlgorithm
type Signer
    func NewMultiSigner(sigs []SigningKey, opts *SignerOptions) (Signer, error)
    func NewSigner(sig SigningKey, opts *SignerOptions) (Signer, error)
type SignerOptions
    func (so *SignerOptions) WithBase64(b64 bool) *SignerOptions
    func (so *SignerOptions) WithContentType(contentType ContentType) *SignerOptions
    func (so *SignerOptions) WithCritical(names ...string) *SignerOptions
    func (so *SignerOptions) WithHeader(k HeaderKey, v interface{}) *SignerOptions
    func (so *SignerOptions) WithType(typ ContentType) *SignerOptions
type SigningKey

Package files

asymmetric.go crypter.go doc.go encoding.go jwe.go jwk.go jws.go opaque.go shared.go signing.go symmetric.go


Key management algorithms

const (
    ED25519            = KeyAlgorithm("ED25519")
    RSA1_5             = KeyAlgorithm("RSA1_5")             // RSA-PKCS1v1.5
    RSA_OAEP           = KeyAlgorithm("RSA-OAEP")           // RSA-OAEP-SHA1
    RSA_OAEP_256       = KeyAlgorithm("RSA-OAEP-256")       // RSA-OAEP-SHA256
    A128KW             = KeyAlgorithm("A128KW")             // AES key wrap (128)
    A192KW             = KeyAlgorithm("A192KW")             // AES key wrap (192)
    A256KW             = KeyAlgorithm("A256KW")             // AES key wrap (256)
    DIRECT             = KeyAlgorithm("dir")                // Direct encryption
    ECDH_ES            = KeyAlgorithm("ECDH-ES")            // ECDH-ES
    ECDH_ES_A128KW     = KeyAlgorithm("ECDH-ES+A128KW")     // ECDH-ES + AES key wrap (128)
    ECDH_ES_A192KW     = KeyAlgorithm("ECDH-ES+A192KW")     // ECDH-ES + AES key wrap (192)
    ECDH_ES_A256KW     = KeyAlgorithm("ECDH-ES+A256KW")     // ECDH-ES + AES key wrap (256)
    A128GCMKW          = KeyAlgorithm("A128GCMKW")          // AES-GCM key wrap (128)
    A192GCMKW          = KeyAlgorithm("A192GCMKW")          // AES-GCM key wrap (192)
    A256GCMKW          = KeyAlgorithm("A256GCMKW")          // AES-GCM key wrap (256)
    PBES2_HS256_A128KW = KeyAlgorithm("PBES2-HS256+A128KW") // PBES2 + HMAC-SHA256 + AES key wrap (128)
    PBES2_HS384_A192KW = KeyAlgorithm("PBES2-HS384+A192KW") // PBES2 + HMAC-SHA384 + AES key wrap (192)
    PBES2_HS512_A256KW = KeyAlgorithm("PBES2-HS512+A256KW") // PBES2 + HMAC-SHA512 + AES key wrap (256)

Signature algorithms

const (
    EdDSA = SignatureAlgorithm("EdDSA")
    HS256 = SignatureAlgorithm("HS256") // HMAC using SHA-256
    HS384 = SignatureAlgorithm("HS384") // HMAC using SHA-384
    HS512 = SignatureAlgorithm("HS512") // HMAC using SHA-512
    RS256 = SignatureAlgorithm("RS256") // RSASSA-PKCS-v1.5 using SHA-256
    RS384 = SignatureAlgorithm("RS384") // RSASSA-PKCS-v1.5 using SHA-384
    RS512 = SignatureAlgorithm("RS512") // RSASSA-PKCS-v1.5 using SHA-512
    ES256 = SignatureAlgorithm("ES256") // ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256
    ES384 = SignatureAlgorithm("ES384") // ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384
    ES512 = SignatureAlgorithm("ES512") // ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512
    PS256 = SignatureAlgorithm("PS256") // RSASSA-PSS using SHA256 and MGF1-SHA256
    PS384 = SignatureAlgorithm("PS384") // RSASSA-PSS using SHA384 and MGF1-SHA384
    PS512 = SignatureAlgorithm("PS512") // RSASSA-PSS using SHA512 and MGF1-SHA512

Content encryption algorithms

const (
    A128CBC_HS256 = ContentEncryption("A128CBC-HS256") // AES-CBC + HMAC-SHA256 (128)
    A192CBC_HS384 = ContentEncryption("A192CBC-HS384") // AES-CBC + HMAC-SHA384 (192)
    A256CBC_HS512 = ContentEncryption("A256CBC-HS512") // AES-CBC + HMAC-SHA512 (256)
    A128GCM       = ContentEncryption("A128GCM")       // AES-GCM (128)
    A192GCM       = ContentEncryption("A192GCM")       // AES-GCM (192)
    A256GCM       = ContentEncryption("A256GCM")       // AES-GCM (256)

Compression algorithms

const (
    NONE    = CompressionAlgorithm("")    // No compression
    DEFLATE = CompressionAlgorithm("DEF") // DEFLATE (RFC 1951)


var (
    // ErrCryptoFailure represents an error in cryptographic primitive. This
    // occurs when, for example, a message had an invalid authentication tag or
    // could not be decrypted.
    ErrCryptoFailure = errors.New("square/go-jose: error in cryptographic primitive")

    // ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm indicates that a selected algorithm is not
    // supported. This occurs when trying to instantiate an encrypter for an
    // algorithm that is not yet implemented.
    ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm = errors.New("square/go-jose: unknown/unsupported algorithm")

    // ErrUnsupportedKeyType indicates that the given key type/format is not
    // supported. This occurs when trying to instantiate an encrypter and passing
    // it a key of an unrecognized type or with unsupported parameters, such as
    // an RSA private key with more than two primes.
    ErrUnsupportedKeyType = errors.New("square/go-jose: unsupported key type/format")

    // ErrInvalidKeySize indicates that the given key is not the correct size
    // for the selected algorithm. This can occur, for example, when trying to
    // encrypt with AES-256 but passing only a 128-bit key as input.
    ErrInvalidKeySize = errors.New("square/go-jose: invalid key size for algorithm")

    // ErrNotSupported serialization of object is not supported. This occurs when
    // trying to compact-serialize an object which can't be represented in
    // compact form.
    ErrNotSupported = errors.New("square/go-jose: compact serialization not supported for object")

    // ErrUnprotectedNonce indicates that while parsing a JWS or JWE object, a
    // nonce header parameter was included in an unprotected header object.
    ErrUnprotectedNonce = errors.New("square/go-jose: Nonce parameter included in unprotected header")

Random reader (stubbed out in tests)

var RandReader = rand.Reader

type CompressionAlgorithm

CompressionAlgorithm represents an algorithm used for plaintext compression.

type CompressionAlgorithm string

type ContentEncryption

ContentEncryption represents a content encryption algorithm.

type ContentEncryption string

type ContentType

ContentType represents type of the contained data.

type ContentType string

type Encrypter

Encrypter represents an encrypter which produces an encrypted JWE object.

type Encrypter interface {
    Encrypt(plaintext []byte) (*JSONWebEncryption, error)
    EncryptWithAuthData(plaintext []byte, aad []byte) (*JSONWebEncryption, error)
    Options() EncrypterOptions

Example (Encrypt)


// Encrypt a plaintext in order to get an encrypted JWE object.
var plaintext = []byte("This is a secret message")


Example (EncryptWithAuthData)


// Encrypt a plaintext in order to get an encrypted JWE object. Also attach
// some additional authenticated data (AAD) to the object. Note that objects
// with attached AAD can only be represented using full serialization.
var plaintext = []byte("This is a secret message")
var aad = []byte("This is authenticated, but public data")

encrypter.EncryptWithAuthData(plaintext, aad)

func NewEncrypter

func NewEncrypter(enc ContentEncryption, rcpt Recipient, opts *EncrypterOptions) (Encrypter, error)

NewEncrypter creates an appropriate encrypter based on the key type

Example (PublicKey)


var publicKey *rsa.PublicKey

// Instantiate an encrypter using RSA-OAEP with AES128-GCM.
NewEncrypter(A128GCM, Recipient{Algorithm: RSA_OAEP, Key: publicKey}, nil)

// Instantiate an encrypter using RSA-PKCS1v1.5 with AES128-CBC+HMAC.
NewEncrypter(A128CBC_HS256, Recipient{Algorithm: RSA1_5, Key: publicKey}, nil)

Example (Symmetric)


var sharedKey []byte

// Instantiate an encrypter using AES128-GCM with AES-GCM key wrap.
NewEncrypter(A128GCM, Recipient{Algorithm: A128GCMKW, Key: sharedKey}, nil)

// Instantiate an encrypter using AES128-GCM directly, w/o key wrapping.
NewEncrypter(A128GCM, Recipient{Algorithm: DIRECT, Key: sharedKey}, nil)

func NewMultiEncrypter

func NewMultiEncrypter(enc ContentEncryption, rcpts []Recipient, opts *EncrypterOptions) (Encrypter, error)

NewMultiEncrypter creates a multi-encrypter based on the given parameters



var publicKey *rsa.PublicKey
var sharedKey []byte

// Instantiate an encrypter using AES-GCM.
NewMultiEncrypter(A128GCM, []Recipient{
    {Algorithm: A128GCMKW, Key: sharedKey},
    {Algorithm: RSA_OAEP, Key: publicKey},
}, nil)

type EncrypterOptions

EncrypterOptions represents options that can be set on new encrypters.

type EncrypterOptions struct {
    Compression CompressionAlgorithm

    // Optional map of additional keys to be inserted into the protected header
    // of a JWS object. Some specifications which make use of JWS like to insert
    // additional values here. All values must be JSON-serializable.
    ExtraHeaders map[HeaderKey]interface{}

func (*EncrypterOptions) WithContentType

func (eo *EncrypterOptions) WithContentType(contentType ContentType) *EncrypterOptions

WithContentType adds a content type ("cty") header and returns the updated EncrypterOptions.

func (*EncrypterOptions) WithHeader

func (eo *EncrypterOptions) WithHeader(k HeaderKey, v interface{}) *EncrypterOptions

WithHeader adds an arbitrary value to the ExtraHeaders map, initializing it if necessary. It returns itself and so can be used in a fluent style.

func (*EncrypterOptions) WithType

func (eo *EncrypterOptions) WithType(typ ContentType) *EncrypterOptions

WithType adds a type ("typ") header and returns the updated EncrypterOptions.

Header represents the read-only JOSE header for JWE/JWS objects.

type Header struct {
    KeyID      string
    JSONWebKey *JSONWebKey
    Algorithm  string
    Nonce      string

    // Any headers not recognised above get unmarshalled
    // from JSON in a generic manner and placed in this map.
    ExtraHeaders map[HeaderKey]interface{}
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Header) Certificates

func (h Header) Certificates(opts x509.VerifyOptions) ([][]*x509.Certificate, error)

Certificates verifies & returns the certificate chain present in the x5c header field of a message, if one was present. Returns an error if there was no x5c header present or the chain could not be validated with the given verify options.

type HeaderKey

A key in the protected header of a JWS object. Use of the Header... constants is preferred to enhance type safety.

type HeaderKey string
const (
    HeaderType        HeaderKey = "typ" // string
    HeaderContentType           = "cty" // string


type JSONWebEncryption

JSONWebEncryption represents an encrypted JWE object after parsing.

type JSONWebEncryption struct {
    Header Header
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func ParseEncrypted

func ParseEncrypted(input string) (*JSONWebEncryption, error)

ParseEncrypted parses an encrypted message in compact or full serialization format.

func (JSONWebEncryption) CompactSerialize

func (obj JSONWebEncryption) CompactSerialize() (string, error)

CompactSerialize serializes an object using the compact serialization format.

func (JSONWebEncryption) Decrypt

func (obj JSONWebEncryption) Decrypt(decryptionKey interface{}) ([]byte, error)

Decrypt and validate the object and return the plaintext. Note that this function does not support multi-recipient, if you desire multi-recipient decryption use DecryptMulti instead.

func (JSONWebEncryption) DecryptMulti

func (obj JSONWebEncryption) DecryptMulti(decryptionKey interface{}) (int, Header, []byte, error)

DecryptMulti decrypts and validates the object and returns the plaintexts, with support for multiple recipients. It returns the index of the recipient for which the decryption was successful, the merged headers for that recipient, and the plaintext.

func (JSONWebEncryption) FullSerialize

func (obj JSONWebEncryption) FullSerialize() string

FullSerialize serializes an object using the full JSON serialization format.

func (JSONWebEncryption) GetAuthData

func (obj JSONWebEncryption) GetAuthData() []byte

GetAuthData retrieves the (optional) authenticated data attached to the object.

type JSONWebKey

JSONWebKey represents a public or private key in JWK format.

type JSONWebKey struct {
    // Cryptographic key, can be a symmetric or asymmetric key.
    Key interface{}
    // Key identifier, parsed from `kid` header.
    KeyID string
    // Key algorithm, parsed from `alg` header.
    Algorithm string
    // Key use, parsed from `use` header.
    Use string

    // X.509 certificate chain, parsed from `x5c` header.
    Certificates []*x509.Certificate
    // X.509 certificate URL, parsed from `x5u` header.
    CertificatesURL *url.URL
    // X.509 certificate thumbprint (SHA-1), parsed from `x5t` header.
    CertificateThumbprintSHA1 []byte
    // X.509 certificate thumbprint (SHA-256), parsed from `x5t#S256` header.
    CertificateThumbprintSHA256 []byte

func (*JSONWebKey) IsPublic

func (k *JSONWebKey) IsPublic() bool

IsPublic returns true if the JWK represents a public key (not symmetric, not private).

func (JSONWebKey) MarshalJSON

func (k JSONWebKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON serializes the given key to its JSON representation.

func (*JSONWebKey) Public

func (k *JSONWebKey) Public() JSONWebKey

Public creates JSONWebKey with corresponding public key if JWK represents asymmetric private key.

func (*JSONWebKey) Thumbprint

func (k *JSONWebKey) Thumbprint(hash crypto.Hash) ([]byte, error)

Thumbprint computes the JWK Thumbprint of a key using the indicated hash algorithm.

func (*JSONWebKey) UnmarshalJSON

func (k *JSONWebKey) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)

UnmarshalJSON reads a key from its JSON representation.

func (*JSONWebKey) Valid

func (k *JSONWebKey) Valid() bool

Valid checks that the key contains the expected parameters.

type JSONWebKeySet

JSONWebKeySet represents a JWK Set object.

type JSONWebKeySet struct {
    Keys []JSONWebKey `json:"keys"`

func (*JSONWebKeySet) Key

func (s *JSONWebKeySet) Key(kid string) []JSONWebKey

Key convenience method returns keys by key ID. Specification states that a JWK Set "SHOULD" use distinct key IDs, but allows for some cases where they are not distinct. Hence method returns a slice of JSONWebKeys.

type JSONWebSignature

JSONWebSignature represents a signed JWS object after parsing.

type JSONWebSignature struct {

    // Signatures attached to this object (may be more than one for multi-sig).
    // Be careful about accessing these directly, prefer to use Verify() or
    // VerifyMulti() to ensure that the data you're getting is verified.
    Signatures []Signature
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func ParseDetached

func ParseDetached(signature string, payload []byte) (*JSONWebSignature, error)

ParseDetached parses a signed message in compact serialization format with detached payload.

func ParseSigned

func ParseSigned(signature string) (*JSONWebSignature, error)

ParseSigned parses a signed message in compact or full serialization format.

func (JSONWebSignature) CompactSerialize

func (obj JSONWebSignature) CompactSerialize() (string, error)

CompactSerialize serializes an object using the compact serialization format.

func (JSONWebSignature) DetachedCompactSerialize

func (obj JSONWebSignature) DetachedCompactSerialize() (string, error)

DetachedCompactSerialize serializes an object using the compact serialization format with detached payload.

func (JSONWebSignature) DetachedVerify

func (obj JSONWebSignature) DetachedVerify(payload []byte, verificationKey interface{}) error

DetachedVerify validates a detached signature on the given payload. In most cases, you will probably want to use Verify instead. DetachedVerify is only useful if you have a payload and signature that are separated from each other.

func (JSONWebSignature) DetachedVerifyMulti

func (obj JSONWebSignature) DetachedVerifyMulti(payload []byte, verificationKey interface{}) (int, Signature, error)

DetachedVerifyMulti validates a detached signature on the given payload with a signature/object that has potentially multiple signers. This returns the index of the signature that was verified, along with the signature object. We return the signature and index to guarantee that callers are getting the verified value.

In most cases, you will probably want to use Verify or VerifyMulti instead. DetachedVerifyMulti is only useful if you have a payload and signature that are separated from each other, and the signature can have multiple signers at the same time.

func (JSONWebSignature) FullSerialize

func (obj JSONWebSignature) FullSerialize() string

FullSerialize serializes an object using the full JSON serialization format.

func (JSONWebSignature) UnsafePayloadWithoutVerification

func (obj JSONWebSignature) UnsafePayloadWithoutVerification() []byte

UnsafePayloadWithoutVerification returns the payload without verifying it. The content returned from this function cannot be trusted.

func (JSONWebSignature) Verify

func (obj JSONWebSignature) Verify(verificationKey interface{}) ([]byte, error)

Verify validates the signature on the object and returns the payload. This function does not support multi-signature, if you desire multi-sig verification use VerifyMulti instead.

Be careful when verifying signatures based on embedded JWKs inside the payload header. You cannot assume that the key received in a payload is trusted.

func (JSONWebSignature) VerifyMulti

func (obj JSONWebSignature) VerifyMulti(verificationKey interface{}) (int, Signature, []byte, error)

VerifyMulti validates (one of the multiple) signatures on the object and returns the index of the signature that was verified, along with the signature object and the payload. We return the signature and index to guarantee that callers are getting the verified value.

type KeyAlgorithm

KeyAlgorithm represents a key management algorithm.

type KeyAlgorithm string

type NonceSource

NonceSource represents a source of random nonces to go into JWS objects

type NonceSource interface {
    Nonce() (string, error)

type OpaqueKeyDecrypter

OpaqueKeyDecrypter is an interface that supports decrypting keys with an opaque key.

type OpaqueKeyDecrypter interface {
    DecryptKey(encryptedKey []byte, header Header) ([]byte, error)

type OpaqueKeyEncrypter

OpaqueKeyEncrypter is an interface that supports encrypting keys with an opaque key.

type OpaqueKeyEncrypter interface {
    // KeyID returns the kid
    KeyID() string
    // Algs returns a list of supported key encryption algorithms.
    Algs() []KeyAlgorithm
    // contains filtered or unexported methods

type OpaqueSigner

OpaqueSigner is an interface that supports signing payloads with opaque private key(s). Private key operations performed by implementers may, for example, occur in a hardware module. An OpaqueSigner may rotate signing keys transparently to the user of this interface.

type OpaqueSigner interface {
    // Public returns the public key of the current signing key.
    Public() *JSONWebKey
    // Algs returns a list of supported signing algorithms.
    Algs() []SignatureAlgorithm
    // SignPayload signs a payload with the current signing key using the given
    // algorithm.
    SignPayload(payload []byte, alg SignatureAlgorithm) ([]byte, error)

type OpaqueVerifier

OpaqueVerifier is an interface that supports verifying payloads with opaque public key(s). An OpaqueSigner may rotate signing keys transparently to the user of this interface.

type OpaqueVerifier interface {
    VerifyPayload(payload []byte, signature []byte, alg SignatureAlgorithm) error

type Recipient

Recipient represents an algorithm/key to encrypt messages to.

PBES2Count and PBES2Salt correspond with the "p2c" and "p2s" headers used on the password-based encryption algorithms PBES2-HS256+A128KW, PBES2-HS384+A192KW, and PBES2-HS512+A256KW. If they are not provided a safe default of 100000 will be used for the count and a 128-bit random salt will be generated.

type Recipient struct {
    Algorithm  KeyAlgorithm
    Key        interface{}
    KeyID      string
    PBES2Count int
    PBES2Salt  []byte

type Signature

Signature represents a single signature over the JWS payload and protected header.

type Signature struct {
    // Merged header fields. Contains both protected and unprotected header
    // values. Prefer using Protected and Unprotected fields instead of this.
    // Values in this header may or may not have been signed and in general
    // should not be trusted.
    Header Header

    // Protected header. Values in this header were signed and
    // will be verified as part of the signature verification process.
    Protected Header

    // Unprotected header. Values in this header were not signed
    // and in general should not be trusted.
    Unprotected Header

    // The actual signature value
    Signature []byte
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

type SignatureAlgorithm

SignatureAlgorithm represents a signature (or MAC) algorithm.

type SignatureAlgorithm string

type Signer

Signer represents a signer which takes a payload and produces a signed JWS object.

type Signer interface {
    Sign(payload []byte) (*JSONWebSignature, error)
    Options() SignerOptions

func NewMultiSigner

func NewMultiSigner(sigs []SigningKey, opts *SignerOptions) (Signer, error)

NewMultiSigner creates a signer for multiple recipients



var privateKey *rsa.PrivateKey
var sharedKey []byte

// Instantiate a signer for multiple recipients.
    {Algorithm: HS256, Key: sharedKey},
    {Algorithm: PS384, Key: privateKey},
}, nil)

func NewSigner

func NewSigner(sig SigningKey, opts *SignerOptions) (Signer, error)

NewSigner creates an appropriate signer based on the key type

Example (PublicKey)


var rsaPrivateKey *rsa.PrivateKey
var ecdsaPrivateKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey

// Instantiate a signer using RSA-PKCS#1v1.5 with SHA-256.
NewSigner(SigningKey{Algorithm: RS256, Key: rsaPrivateKey}, nil)

// Instantiate a signer using ECDSA with SHA-384.
NewSigner(SigningKey{Algorithm: ES384, Key: ecdsaPrivateKey}, nil)

Example (Symmetric)


var sharedKey []byte

// Instantiate an signer using HMAC-SHA256.
NewSigner(SigningKey{Algorithm: HS256, Key: sharedKey}, nil)

// Instantiate an signer using HMAC-SHA512.
NewSigner(SigningKey{Algorithm: HS512, Key: sharedKey}, nil)

type SignerOptions

SignerOptions represents options that can be set when creating signers.

type SignerOptions struct {
    NonceSource NonceSource
    EmbedJWK    bool

    // Optional map of additional keys to be inserted into the protected header
    // of a JWS object. Some specifications which make use of JWS like to insert
    // additional values here. All values must be JSON-serializable.
    ExtraHeaders map[HeaderKey]interface{}

func (*SignerOptions) WithBase64

func (so *SignerOptions) WithBase64(b64 bool) *SignerOptions

WithBase64 adds a base64url-encode payload ("b64") header and returns the updated SignerOptions. When the "b64" value is "false", the payload is not base64 encoded.

func (*SignerOptions) WithContentType

func (so *SignerOptions) WithContentType(contentType ContentType) *SignerOptions

WithContentType adds a content type ("cty") header and returns the updated SignerOptions.

func (*SignerOptions) WithCritical

func (so *SignerOptions) WithCritical(names ...string) *SignerOptions

WithCritical adds the given names to the critical ("crit") header and returns the updated SignerOptions.

func (*SignerOptions) WithHeader

func (so *SignerOptions) WithHeader(k HeaderKey, v interface{}) *SignerOptions

WithHeader adds an arbitrary value to the ExtraHeaders map, initializing it if necessary. It returns itself and so can be used in a fluent style.

func (*SignerOptions) WithType

func (so *SignerOptions) WithType(typ ContentType) *SignerOptions

WithType adds a type ("typ") header and returns the updated SignerOptions.

type SigningKey

SigningKey represents an algorithm/key used to sign a message.

type SigningKey struct {
    Algorithm SignatureAlgorithm
    Key       interface{}


Name Synopsis
cryptosigner Package cryptosigner implements an OpaqueSigner that wraps a "crypto".Signer
json Package json implements encoding and decoding of JSON objects as defined in RFC 4627.
jwt Package jwt provides an implementation of the JSON Web Token standard.