TLogger serves as the grpclog logger and is the interface through which expected errors are declared in tests.
var TLogger *tLogger
func RunSubTests(t *testing.T, x Interface)
RunSubTests runs all "Test___" functions that are methods of x as subtests of the current test. Setup is run before the test function and Teardown is run after.
For example usage, see example_test.go. Run it using:
$ go test -v -run TestExample .
To run a specific test/subtest:
$ go test -v -run 'TestExample/^Something$' .
Interface defines Tester's methods for use in this package.
type Interface interface { Setup(*testing.T) Teardown(*testing.T) }
Tester is an implementation of the x interface parameter to grpctest.RunSubTests with default Setup and Teardown behavior. Setup updates the tlogger and Teardown performs a leak check. Embed in a struct with tests defined to use.
type Tester struct{}
func (Tester) Setup(t *testing.T)
Setup updates the tlogger.
func (Tester) Teardown(t *testing.T)
Teardown performs a leak check.