
Package benchmark

import "google.golang.org/grpc/benchmark"

Overview ▾

Package benchmark implements the building blocks to setup end-to-end gRPC benchmarks.


PreloadMsgSizeHeader indicates that the client is going to ask for a fixed response size and passes this size to the server. The server is expected to preload the response on startup.

const PreloadMsgSizeHeader = "preload-msg-size"

UnconstrainedStreamingDelayHeader is used to pass the maximum amount of time the server should sleep between consecutive RPC responses.

const UnconstrainedStreamingDelayHeader = "unconstrained-streaming-delay"

UnconstrainedStreamingHeader indicates to the StreamingCall handler that its behavior should be unconstrained (constant send/receive in parallel) instead of ping-pong.

const UnconstrainedStreamingHeader = "unconstrained-streaming"

func DoByteBufStreamingRoundTrip

func DoByteBufStreamingRoundTrip(stream testgrpc.BenchmarkService_StreamingCallClient, reqSize, respSize int) error

DoByteBufStreamingRoundTrip performs a round trip for a single streaming rpc, using a custom codec for byte buffer.

func DoStreamingRoundTrip

func DoStreamingRoundTrip(stream testgrpc.BenchmarkService_StreamingCallClient, reqSize, respSize int) error

DoStreamingRoundTrip performs a round trip for a single streaming rpc.

func DoStreamingRoundTripPreloaded

func DoStreamingRoundTripPreloaded(stream testgrpc.BenchmarkService_StreamingCallClient, req any) error

DoStreamingRoundTripPreloaded performs a round trip for a single streaming rpc with preloaded payload.

func DoUnaryCall

func DoUnaryCall(tc testgrpc.BenchmarkServiceClient, reqSize, respSize int) error

DoUnaryCall performs an unary RPC with given stub and request and response sizes.

func NewClientConn

func NewClientConn(addr string, opts ...grpc.DialOption) *grpc.ClientConn

NewClientConn creates a gRPC client connection to addr.

func NewClientConnWithContext

func NewClientConnWithContext(ctx context.Context, addr string, opts ...grpc.DialOption) *grpc.ClientConn

NewClientConnWithContext creates a gRPC client connection to addr using ctx.

func NewPayload

func NewPayload(t testpb.PayloadType, size int) *testpb.Payload

NewPayload creates a payload with the given type and size.

func StartServer

func StartServer(info ServerInfo, opts ...grpc.ServerOption) func()

StartServer starts a gRPC server serving a benchmark service according to info. It returns a function to stop the server.

type ServerInfo

ServerInfo contains the information to create a gRPC benchmark server.

type ServerInfo struct {
    // Type is the type of the server.
    // It should be "protobuf" or "bytebuf".
    Type string

    // Metadata is an optional configuration.
    // For "protobuf", it's ignored.
    // For "bytebuf", it should be an int representing response size.
    Metadata any

    // Listener is the network listener for the server to use
    Listener net.Listener


Name Synopsis
benchmain Package main provides benchmark with setting flags.
benchresult To format the benchmark result:
client Package main provides a client used for benchmarking.
flags Package flags provide convenience types and routines to accept specific types of flag values on the command line.
latency Package latency provides wrappers for net.Conn, net.Listener, and net.Dialers, designed to interoperate to inject real-world latency into network connections.
server Package main provides a server used for benchmarking.
stats Package stats tracks the statistics associated with benchmark runs.
worker Binary worker implements the benchmark worker that can turn into a benchmark client or server.