Deprecated: Please use consts in:
const ( AddressComponent_CONFIRMATION_LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED = src.AddressComponent_CONFIRMATION_LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED AddressComponent_CONFIRMED = src.AddressComponent_CONFIRMED AddressComponent_UNCONFIRMED_AND_SUSPICIOUS = src.AddressComponent_UNCONFIRMED_AND_SUSPICIOUS AddressComponent_UNCONFIRMED_BUT_PLAUSIBLE = src.AddressComponent_UNCONFIRMED_BUT_PLAUSIBLE ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest_UNUSED = src.ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest_UNUSED ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest_UNVALIDATED_VERSION_USED = src.ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest_UNVALIDATED_VERSION_USED ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest_USER_VERSION_USED = src.ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest_USER_VERSION_USED ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest_VALIDATED_VERSION_USED = src.ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest_VALIDATED_VERSION_USED ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest_VALIDATION_CONCLUSION_UNSPECIFIED = src.ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest_VALIDATION_CONCLUSION_UNSPECIFIED Verdict_BLOCK = src.Verdict_BLOCK Verdict_GRANULARITY_UNSPECIFIED = src.Verdict_GRANULARITY_UNSPECIFIED Verdict_OTHER = src.Verdict_OTHER Verdict_PREMISE = src.Verdict_PREMISE Verdict_PREMISE_PROXIMITY = src.Verdict_PREMISE_PROXIMITY Verdict_ROUTE = src.Verdict_ROUTE Verdict_SUB_PREMISE = src.Verdict_SUB_PREMISE )
Deprecated: Please use vars in:
var ( AddressComponent_ConfirmationLevel_name = src.AddressComponent_ConfirmationLevel_name AddressComponent_ConfirmationLevel_value = src.AddressComponent_ConfirmationLevel_value File_google_maps_addressvalidation_v1_address_proto = src.File_google_maps_addressvalidation_v1_address_proto File_google_maps_addressvalidation_v1_address_validation_service_proto = src.File_google_maps_addressvalidation_v1_address_validation_service_proto File_google_maps_addressvalidation_v1_geocode_proto = src.File_google_maps_addressvalidation_v1_geocode_proto File_google_maps_addressvalidation_v1_metadata_proto = src.File_google_maps_addressvalidation_v1_metadata_proto File_google_maps_addressvalidation_v1_usps_data_proto = src.File_google_maps_addressvalidation_v1_usps_data_proto ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest_ValidationConclusion_name = src.ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest_ValidationConclusion_name ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest_ValidationConclusion_value = src.ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest_ValidationConclusion_value Verdict_Granularity_name = src.Verdict_Granularity_name Verdict_Granularity_value = src.Verdict_Granularity_value )
func RegisterAddressValidationServer(s *grpc.Server, srv AddressValidationServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
Details of the address parsed from the input.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Address = src.Address
Represents an address component, such as a street, city, or state.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddressComponent = src.AddressComponent
The different possible values for confirmation levels.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddressComponent_ConfirmationLevel = src.AddressComponent_ConfirmationLevel
The metadata for the address.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddressMetadata = src.AddressMetadata
AddressValidationClient is the client API for AddressValidation service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddressValidationClient = src.AddressValidationClient
func NewAddressValidationClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) AddressValidationClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
AddressValidationServer is the server API for AddressValidation service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddressValidationServer = src.AddressValidationServer
A wrapper for the name of the component.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ComponentName = src.ComponentName
Contains information about the place the input was geocoded to.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Geocode = src.Geocode
Plus code ( is a location reference with two formats: global code defining a 14mx14m (1/8000th of a degree) or smaller rectangle, and compound code, replacing the prefix with a reference location.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PlusCode = src.PlusCode
The request for sending validation feedback.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest = src.ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest
The possible final outcomes of the sequence of address validation requests needed to validate an address.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest_ValidationConclusion = src.ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest_ValidationConclusion
The response for validation feedback. The response is empty if the feedback is sent successfully.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ProvideValidationFeedbackResponse = src.ProvideValidationFeedbackResponse
UnimplementedAddressValidationServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedAddressValidationServer = src.UnimplementedAddressValidationServer
USPS representation of a US address.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UspsAddress = src.UspsAddress
The USPS data for the address.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UspsData = src.UspsData
The request for validating an address.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ValidateAddressRequest = src.ValidateAddressRequest
The response to an address validation request.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ValidateAddressResponse = src.ValidateAddressResponse
The result of validating an address.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ValidationResult = src.ValidationResult
High level overview of the address validation result and geocode.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Verdict = src.Verdict
The various granularities that an address or a geocode can have. When used to indicate granularity for an *address*, these values indicate with how fine a granularity the address identifies a mailing destination. For example, an address such as "123 Main Street, Redwood City, CA, 94061" identifies a `PREMISE` while something like "Redwood City, CA, 94061" identifies a `LOCALITY`. However, if we are unable to find a geocode for "123 Main Street" in Redwood City, the geocode returned might be of `LOCALITY` granularity even though the address is more granular.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Verdict_Granularity = src.Verdict_Granularity