Deprecated: Please use consts in:
const ( AutoscalingAlgorithm_AUTOSCALING_ALGORITHM_BASIC = src.AutoscalingAlgorithm_AUTOSCALING_ALGORITHM_BASIC AutoscalingAlgorithm_AUTOSCALING_ALGORITHM_NONE = src.AutoscalingAlgorithm_AUTOSCALING_ALGORITHM_NONE AutoscalingAlgorithm_AUTOSCALING_ALGORITHM_UNKNOWN = src.AutoscalingAlgorithm_AUTOSCALING_ALGORITHM_UNKNOWN AutoscalingEvent_ACTUATION_FAILURE = src.AutoscalingEvent_ACTUATION_FAILURE AutoscalingEvent_CURRENT_NUM_WORKERS_CHANGED = src.AutoscalingEvent_CURRENT_NUM_WORKERS_CHANGED AutoscalingEvent_NO_CHANGE = src.AutoscalingEvent_NO_CHANGE AutoscalingEvent_TARGET_NUM_WORKERS_CHANGED = src.AutoscalingEvent_TARGET_NUM_WORKERS_CHANGED AutoscalingEvent_TYPE_UNKNOWN = src.AutoscalingEvent_TYPE_UNKNOWN DefaultPackageSet_DEFAULT_PACKAGE_SET_JAVA = src.DefaultPackageSet_DEFAULT_PACKAGE_SET_JAVA DefaultPackageSet_DEFAULT_PACKAGE_SET_NONE = src.DefaultPackageSet_DEFAULT_PACKAGE_SET_NONE DefaultPackageSet_DEFAULT_PACKAGE_SET_PYTHON = src.DefaultPackageSet_DEFAULT_PACKAGE_SET_PYTHON DefaultPackageSet_DEFAULT_PACKAGE_SET_UNKNOWN = src.DefaultPackageSet_DEFAULT_PACKAGE_SET_UNKNOWN ExecutionState_EXECUTION_STATE_CANCELLED = src.ExecutionState_EXECUTION_STATE_CANCELLED ExecutionState_EXECUTION_STATE_FAILED = src.ExecutionState_EXECUTION_STATE_FAILED ExecutionState_EXECUTION_STATE_NOT_STARTED = src.ExecutionState_EXECUTION_STATE_NOT_STARTED ExecutionState_EXECUTION_STATE_RUNNING = src.ExecutionState_EXECUTION_STATE_RUNNING ExecutionState_EXECUTION_STATE_SUCCEEDED = src.ExecutionState_EXECUTION_STATE_SUCCEEDED ExecutionState_EXECUTION_STATE_UNKNOWN = src.ExecutionState_EXECUTION_STATE_UNKNOWN FlexResourceSchedulingGoal_FLEXRS_COST_OPTIMIZED = src.FlexResourceSchedulingGoal_FLEXRS_COST_OPTIMIZED FlexResourceSchedulingGoal_FLEXRS_SPEED_OPTIMIZED = src.FlexResourceSchedulingGoal_FLEXRS_SPEED_OPTIMIZED FlexResourceSchedulingGoal_FLEXRS_UNSPECIFIED = src.FlexResourceSchedulingGoal_FLEXRS_UNSPECIFIED GetTemplateRequest_METADATA_ONLY = src.GetTemplateRequest_METADATA_ONLY GetTemplateResponse_FLEX = src.GetTemplateResponse_FLEX GetTemplateResponse_LEGACY = src.GetTemplateResponse_LEGACY GetTemplateResponse_UNKNOWN = src.GetTemplateResponse_UNKNOWN JobMessageImportance_JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC = src.JobMessageImportance_JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC JobMessageImportance_JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG = src.JobMessageImportance_JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG JobMessageImportance_JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED = src.JobMessageImportance_JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED JobMessageImportance_JOB_MESSAGE_ERROR = src.JobMessageImportance_JOB_MESSAGE_ERROR JobMessageImportance_JOB_MESSAGE_IMPORTANCE_UNKNOWN = src.JobMessageImportance_JOB_MESSAGE_IMPORTANCE_UNKNOWN JobMessageImportance_JOB_MESSAGE_WARNING = src.JobMessageImportance_JOB_MESSAGE_WARNING JobState_JOB_STATE_CANCELLED = src.JobState_JOB_STATE_CANCELLED JobState_JOB_STATE_CANCELLING = src.JobState_JOB_STATE_CANCELLING JobState_JOB_STATE_DONE = src.JobState_JOB_STATE_DONE JobState_JOB_STATE_DRAINED = src.JobState_JOB_STATE_DRAINED JobState_JOB_STATE_DRAINING = src.JobState_JOB_STATE_DRAINING JobState_JOB_STATE_FAILED = src.JobState_JOB_STATE_FAILED JobState_JOB_STATE_PENDING = src.JobState_JOB_STATE_PENDING JobState_JOB_STATE_QUEUED = src.JobState_JOB_STATE_QUEUED JobState_JOB_STATE_RESOURCE_CLEANING_UP = src.JobState_JOB_STATE_RESOURCE_CLEANING_UP JobState_JOB_STATE_RUNNING = src.JobState_JOB_STATE_RUNNING JobState_JOB_STATE_STOPPED = src.JobState_JOB_STATE_STOPPED JobState_JOB_STATE_UNKNOWN = src.JobState_JOB_STATE_UNKNOWN JobState_JOB_STATE_UPDATED = src.JobState_JOB_STATE_UPDATED JobType_JOB_TYPE_BATCH = src.JobType_JOB_TYPE_BATCH JobType_JOB_TYPE_STREAMING = src.JobType_JOB_TYPE_STREAMING JobType_JOB_TYPE_UNKNOWN = src.JobType_JOB_TYPE_UNKNOWN JobView_JOB_VIEW_ALL = src.JobView_JOB_VIEW_ALL JobView_JOB_VIEW_DESCRIPTION = src.JobView_JOB_VIEW_DESCRIPTION JobView_JOB_VIEW_SUMMARY = src.JobView_JOB_VIEW_SUMMARY JobView_JOB_VIEW_UNKNOWN = src.JobView_JOB_VIEW_UNKNOWN KindType_CONSTANT_KIND = src.KindType_CONSTANT_KIND KindType_FLATTEN_KIND = src.KindType_FLATTEN_KIND KindType_GROUP_BY_KEY_KIND = src.KindType_GROUP_BY_KEY_KIND KindType_PAR_DO_KIND = src.KindType_PAR_DO_KIND KindType_READ_KIND = src.KindType_READ_KIND KindType_SHUFFLE_KIND = src.KindType_SHUFFLE_KIND KindType_SINGLETON_KIND = src.KindType_SINGLETON_KIND KindType_UNKNOWN_KIND = src.KindType_UNKNOWN_KIND KindType_WRITE_KIND = src.KindType_WRITE_KIND ListJobsRequest_ACTIVE = src.ListJobsRequest_ACTIVE ListJobsRequest_ALL = src.ListJobsRequest_ALL ListJobsRequest_TERMINATED = src.ListJobsRequest_TERMINATED ListJobsRequest_UNKNOWN = src.ListJobsRequest_UNKNOWN ParameterType_DEFAULT = src.ParameterType_DEFAULT ParameterType_GCS_READ_BUCKET = src.ParameterType_GCS_READ_BUCKET ParameterType_GCS_READ_FILE = src.ParameterType_GCS_READ_FILE ParameterType_GCS_READ_FOLDER = src.ParameterType_GCS_READ_FOLDER ParameterType_GCS_WRITE_BUCKET = src.ParameterType_GCS_WRITE_BUCKET ParameterType_GCS_WRITE_FILE = src.ParameterType_GCS_WRITE_FILE ParameterType_GCS_WRITE_FOLDER = src.ParameterType_GCS_WRITE_FOLDER ParameterType_PUBSUB_SUBSCRIPTION = src.ParameterType_PUBSUB_SUBSCRIPTION ParameterType_PUBSUB_TOPIC = src.ParameterType_PUBSUB_TOPIC ParameterType_TEXT = src.ParameterType_TEXT SDKInfo_JAVA = src.SDKInfo_JAVA SDKInfo_PYTHON = src.SDKInfo_PYTHON SDKInfo_UNKNOWN = src.SDKInfo_UNKNOWN SdkVersion_DEPRECATED = src.SdkVersion_DEPRECATED SdkVersion_STALE = src.SdkVersion_STALE SdkVersion_SUPPORTED = src.SdkVersion_SUPPORTED SdkVersion_UNKNOWN = src.SdkVersion_UNKNOWN SdkVersion_UNSUPPORTED = src.SdkVersion_UNSUPPORTED ShuffleMode_SERVICE_BASED = src.ShuffleMode_SERVICE_BASED ShuffleMode_SHUFFLE_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = src.ShuffleMode_SHUFFLE_MODE_UNSPECIFIED ShuffleMode_VM_BASED = src.ShuffleMode_VM_BASED SnapshotState_DELETED = src.SnapshotState_DELETED SnapshotState_FAILED = src.SnapshotState_FAILED SnapshotState_PENDING = src.SnapshotState_PENDING SnapshotState_READY = src.SnapshotState_READY SnapshotState_RUNNING = src.SnapshotState_RUNNING SnapshotState_UNKNOWN_SNAPSHOT_STATE = src.SnapshotState_UNKNOWN_SNAPSHOT_STATE TeardownPolicy_TEARDOWN_ALWAYS = src.TeardownPolicy_TEARDOWN_ALWAYS TeardownPolicy_TEARDOWN_NEVER = src.TeardownPolicy_TEARDOWN_NEVER TeardownPolicy_TEARDOWN_ON_SUCCESS = src.TeardownPolicy_TEARDOWN_ON_SUCCESS TeardownPolicy_TEARDOWN_POLICY_UNKNOWN = src.TeardownPolicy_TEARDOWN_POLICY_UNKNOWN WorkerIPAddressConfiguration_WORKER_IP_PRIVATE = src.WorkerIPAddressConfiguration_WORKER_IP_PRIVATE WorkerIPAddressConfiguration_WORKER_IP_PUBLIC = src.WorkerIPAddressConfiguration_WORKER_IP_PUBLIC WorkerIPAddressConfiguration_WORKER_IP_UNSPECIFIED = src.WorkerIPAddressConfiguration_WORKER_IP_UNSPECIFIED )
Deprecated: Please use vars in:
var ( AutoscalingAlgorithm_name = src.AutoscalingAlgorithm_name AutoscalingAlgorithm_value = src.AutoscalingAlgorithm_value AutoscalingEvent_AutoscalingEventType_name = src.AutoscalingEvent_AutoscalingEventType_name AutoscalingEvent_AutoscalingEventType_value = src.AutoscalingEvent_AutoscalingEventType_value DefaultPackageSet_name = src.DefaultPackageSet_name DefaultPackageSet_value = src.DefaultPackageSet_value ExecutionState_name = src.ExecutionState_name ExecutionState_value = src.ExecutionState_value File_google_dataflow_v1beta3_environment_proto = src.File_google_dataflow_v1beta3_environment_proto File_google_dataflow_v1beta3_jobs_proto = src.File_google_dataflow_v1beta3_jobs_proto File_google_dataflow_v1beta3_messages_proto = src.File_google_dataflow_v1beta3_messages_proto File_google_dataflow_v1beta3_metrics_proto = src.File_google_dataflow_v1beta3_metrics_proto File_google_dataflow_v1beta3_snapshots_proto = src.File_google_dataflow_v1beta3_snapshots_proto File_google_dataflow_v1beta3_streaming_proto = src.File_google_dataflow_v1beta3_streaming_proto File_google_dataflow_v1beta3_templates_proto = src.File_google_dataflow_v1beta3_templates_proto FlexResourceSchedulingGoal_name = src.FlexResourceSchedulingGoal_name FlexResourceSchedulingGoal_value = src.FlexResourceSchedulingGoal_value GetTemplateRequest_TemplateView_name = src.GetTemplateRequest_TemplateView_name GetTemplateRequest_TemplateView_value = src.GetTemplateRequest_TemplateView_value GetTemplateResponse_TemplateType_name = src.GetTemplateResponse_TemplateType_name GetTemplateResponse_TemplateType_value = src.GetTemplateResponse_TemplateType_value JobMessageImportance_name = src.JobMessageImportance_name JobMessageImportance_value = src.JobMessageImportance_value JobState_name = src.JobState_name JobState_value = src.JobState_value JobType_name = src.JobType_name JobType_value = src.JobType_value JobView_name = src.JobView_name JobView_value = src.JobView_value KindType_name = src.KindType_name KindType_value = src.KindType_value ListJobsRequest_Filter_name = src.ListJobsRequest_Filter_name ListJobsRequest_Filter_value = src.ListJobsRequest_Filter_value ParameterType_name = src.ParameterType_name ParameterType_value = src.ParameterType_value SDKInfo_Language_name = src.SDKInfo_Language_name SDKInfo_Language_value = src.SDKInfo_Language_value SdkVersion_SdkSupportStatus_name = src.SdkVersion_SdkSupportStatus_name SdkVersion_SdkSupportStatus_value = src.SdkVersion_SdkSupportStatus_value ShuffleMode_name = src.ShuffleMode_name ShuffleMode_value = src.ShuffleMode_value SnapshotState_name = src.SnapshotState_name SnapshotState_value = src.SnapshotState_value TeardownPolicy_name = src.TeardownPolicy_name TeardownPolicy_value = src.TeardownPolicy_value WorkerIPAddressConfiguration_name = src.WorkerIPAddressConfiguration_name WorkerIPAddressConfiguration_value = src.WorkerIPAddressConfiguration_value )
func RegisterFlexTemplatesServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv FlexTemplatesServiceServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterJobsV1Beta3Server(s *grpc.Server, srv JobsV1Beta3Server)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterMessagesV1Beta3Server(s *grpc.Server, srv MessagesV1Beta3Server)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterMetricsV1Beta3Server(s *grpc.Server, srv MetricsV1Beta3Server)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterSnapshotsV1Beta3Server(s *grpc.Server, srv SnapshotsV1Beta3Server)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterTemplatesServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv TemplatesServiceServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
Specifies the algorithm used to determine the number of worker processes to run at any given point in time, based on the amount of data left to process, the number of workers, and how quickly existing workers are processing data.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AutoscalingAlgorithm = src.AutoscalingAlgorithm
A structured message reporting an autoscaling decision made by the Dataflow service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AutoscalingEvent = src.AutoscalingEvent
Indicates the type of autoscaling event.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AutoscalingEvent_AutoscalingEventType = src.AutoscalingEvent_AutoscalingEventType
Settings for WorkerPool autoscaling.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AutoscalingSettings = src.AutoscalingSettings
Metadata for a BigQuery connector used by the job.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BigQueryIODetails = src.BigQueryIODetails
Metadata for a Cloud Bigtable connector used by the job.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BigTableIODetails = src.BigTableIODetails
Request to check is active jobs exists for a project
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CheckActiveJobsRequest = src.CheckActiveJobsRequest
Response for CheckActiveJobsRequest.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CheckActiveJobsResponse = src.CheckActiveJobsResponse
All configuration data for a particular Computation.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ComputationTopology = src.ComputationTopology
Container Spec.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ContainerSpec = src.ContainerSpec
A request to create a Cloud Dataflow job from a template.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CreateJobFromTemplateRequest = src.CreateJobFromTemplateRequest
type CreateJobFromTemplateRequest_GcsPath = src.CreateJobFromTemplateRequest_GcsPath
Request to create a Cloud Dataflow job.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CreateJobRequest = src.CreateJobRequest
Identifies the location of a custom souce.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CustomSourceLocation = src.CustomSourceLocation
Data disk assignment for a given VM instance.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DataDiskAssignment = src.DataDiskAssignment
Metadata for a Datastore connector used by the job.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DatastoreIODetails = src.DatastoreIODetails
Describes any options that have an effect on the debugging of pipelines.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DebugOptions = src.DebugOptions
The default set of packages to be staged on a pool of workers.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DefaultPackageSet = src.DefaultPackageSet
Request to delete a snapshot.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteSnapshotRequest = src.DeleteSnapshotRequest
Response from deleting a snapshot.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteSnapshotResponse = src.DeleteSnapshotResponse
Describes the data disk used by a workflow job.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Disk = src.Disk
Data provided with a pipeline or transform to provide descriptive info.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DisplayData = src.DisplayData
type DisplayData_BoolValue = src.DisplayData_BoolValue
type DisplayData_DurationValue = src.DisplayData_DurationValue
type DisplayData_FloatValue = src.DisplayData_FloatValue
type DisplayData_Int64Value = src.DisplayData_Int64Value
type DisplayData_JavaClassValue = src.DisplayData_JavaClassValue
type DisplayData_StrValue = src.DisplayData_StrValue
type DisplayData_TimestampValue = src.DisplayData_TimestampValue
Params which should be passed when launching a dynamic template.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DynamicTemplateLaunchParams = src.DynamicTemplateLaunchParams
Describes the environment in which a Dataflow Job runs.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Environment = src.Environment
A message describing the state of a particular execution stage.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExecutionStageState = src.ExecutionStageState
Description of the composing transforms, names/ids, and input/outputs of a stage of execution. Some composing transforms and sources may have been generated by the Dataflow service during execution planning.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExecutionStageSummary = src.ExecutionStageSummary
Description of an interstitial value between transforms in an execution stage.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExecutionStageSummary_ComponentSource = src.ExecutionStageSummary_ComponentSource
Description of a transform executed as part of an execution stage.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExecutionStageSummary_ComponentTransform = src.ExecutionStageSummary_ComponentTransform
Description of an input or output of an execution stage.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExecutionStageSummary_StageSource = src.ExecutionStageSummary_StageSource
The state of some component of job execution.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExecutionState = src.ExecutionState
Indicates which [regional endpoint] ( failed to respond to a request for data.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FailedLocation = src.FailedLocation
Metadata for a File connector used by the job.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FileIODetails = src.FileIODetails
Specifies the resource to optimize for in Flexible Resource Scheduling.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FlexResourceSchedulingGoal = src.FlexResourceSchedulingGoal
The environment values to be set at runtime for flex template.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FlexTemplateRuntimeEnvironment = src.FlexTemplateRuntimeEnvironment
FlexTemplatesServiceClient is the client API for FlexTemplatesService service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FlexTemplatesServiceClient = src.FlexTemplatesServiceClient
func NewFlexTemplatesServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) FlexTemplatesServiceClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
FlexTemplatesServiceServer is the server API for FlexTemplatesService service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FlexTemplatesServiceServer = src.FlexTemplatesServiceServer
Request to get job execution details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetJobExecutionDetailsRequest = src.GetJobExecutionDetailsRequest
Request to get job metrics.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetJobMetricsRequest = src.GetJobMetricsRequest
Request to get the state of a Cloud Dataflow job.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetJobRequest = src.GetJobRequest
Request to get information about a snapshot
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetSnapshotRequest = src.GetSnapshotRequest
Request to get information about a particular execution stage of a job. Currently only tracked for Batch jobs.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetStageExecutionDetailsRequest = src.GetStageExecutionDetailsRequest
A request to retrieve a Cloud Dataflow job template.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetTemplateRequest = src.GetTemplateRequest
type GetTemplateRequest_GcsPath = src.GetTemplateRequest_GcsPath
The various views of a template that may be retrieved.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetTemplateRequest_TemplateView = src.GetTemplateRequest_TemplateView
The response to a GetTemplate request.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetTemplateResponse = src.GetTemplateResponse
Template Type.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetTemplateResponse_TemplateType = src.GetTemplateResponse_TemplateType
Used in the error_details field of a google.rpc.Status message, this indicates problems with the template parameter.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InvalidTemplateParameters = src.InvalidTemplateParameters
A specific template-parameter violation.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InvalidTemplateParameters_ParameterViolation = src.InvalidTemplateParameters_ParameterViolation
Defines a job to be run by the Cloud Dataflow service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Job = src.Job
Information about the execution of a job.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type JobExecutionDetails = src.JobExecutionDetails
Additional information about how a Cloud Dataflow job will be executed that isn't contained in the submitted job.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type JobExecutionInfo = src.JobExecutionInfo
Contains information about how a particular [google.dataflow.v1beta3.Step][google.dataflow.v1beta3.Step] will be executed.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type JobExecutionStageInfo = src.JobExecutionStageInfo
A particular message pertaining to a Dataflow job.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type JobMessage = src.JobMessage
Indicates the importance of the message.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type JobMessageImportance = src.JobMessageImportance
Metadata available primarily for filtering jobs. Will be included in the ListJob response and Job SUMMARY view.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type JobMetadata = src.JobMetadata
JobMetrics contains a collection of metrics describing the detailed progress of a Dataflow job. Metrics correspond to user-defined and system-defined metrics in the job. This resource captures only the most recent values of each metric; time-series data can be queried for them (under the same metric names) from Cloud Monitoring.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type JobMetrics = src.JobMetrics
Describes the overall state of a [google.dataflow.v1beta3.Job][google.dataflow.v1beta3.Job].
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type JobState = src.JobState
Specifies the processing model used by a [google.dataflow.v1beta3.Job], which determines the way the Job is managed by the Cloud Dataflow service (how workers are scheduled, how inputs are sharded, etc).
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type JobType = src.JobType
Selector for how much information is returned in Job responses.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type JobView = src.JobView
JobsV1Beta3Client is the client API for JobsV1Beta3 service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type JobsV1Beta3Client = src.JobsV1Beta3Client
func NewJobsV1Beta3Client(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) JobsV1Beta3Client
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
JobsV1Beta3Server is the server API for JobsV1Beta3 service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type JobsV1Beta3Server = src.JobsV1Beta3Server
Data disk assignment information for a specific key-range of a sharded computation. Currently we only support UTF-8 character splits to simplify encoding into JSON.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type KeyRangeDataDiskAssignment = src.KeyRangeDataDiskAssignment
Location information for a specific key-range of a sharded computation. Currently we only support UTF-8 character splits to simplify encoding into JSON.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type KeyRangeLocation = src.KeyRangeLocation
Type of transform or stage operation.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type KindType = src.KindType
Launch FlexTemplate Parameter.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LaunchFlexTemplateParameter = src.LaunchFlexTemplateParameter
type LaunchFlexTemplateParameter_ContainerSpec = src.LaunchFlexTemplateParameter_ContainerSpec
type LaunchFlexTemplateParameter_ContainerSpecGcsPath = src.LaunchFlexTemplateParameter_ContainerSpecGcsPath
A request to launch a Cloud Dataflow job from a FlexTemplate.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LaunchFlexTemplateRequest = src.LaunchFlexTemplateRequest
Response to the request to launch a job from Flex Template.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LaunchFlexTemplateResponse = src.LaunchFlexTemplateResponse
Parameters to provide to the template being launched.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LaunchTemplateParameters = src.LaunchTemplateParameters
A request to launch a template.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LaunchTemplateRequest = src.LaunchTemplateRequest
type LaunchTemplateRequest_DynamicTemplate = src.LaunchTemplateRequest_DynamicTemplate
type LaunchTemplateRequest_GcsPath = src.LaunchTemplateRequest_GcsPath
Response to the request to launch a template.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LaunchTemplateResponse = src.LaunchTemplateResponse
Request to list job messages. Up to max_results messages will be returned in the time range specified starting with the oldest messages first. If no time range is specified the results with start with the oldest message.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListJobMessagesRequest = src.ListJobMessagesRequest
Response to a request to list job messages.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListJobMessagesResponse = src.ListJobMessagesResponse
Request to list Cloud Dataflow jobs.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListJobsRequest = src.ListJobsRequest
This field filters out and returns jobs in the specified job state. The order of data returned is determined by the filter used, and is subject to change.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListJobsRequest_Filter = src.ListJobsRequest_Filter
Response to a request to list Cloud Dataflow jobs in a project. This might be a partial response, depending on the page size in the ListJobsRequest. However, if the project does not have any jobs, an instance of ListJobsResponse is not returned and the requests's response body is empty {}.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListJobsResponse = src.ListJobsResponse
Request to list snapshots.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListSnapshotsRequest = src.ListSnapshotsRequest
List of snapshots.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListSnapshotsResponse = src.ListSnapshotsResponse
MessagesV1Beta3Client is the client API for MessagesV1Beta3 service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MessagesV1Beta3Client = src.MessagesV1Beta3Client
func NewMessagesV1Beta3Client(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) MessagesV1Beta3Client
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
MessagesV1Beta3Server is the server API for MessagesV1Beta3 service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MessagesV1Beta3Server = src.MessagesV1Beta3Server
Identifies a metric, by describing the source which generated the metric.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MetricStructuredName = src.MetricStructuredName
Describes the state of a metric.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MetricUpdate = src.MetricUpdate
MetricsV1Beta3Client is the client API for MetricsV1Beta3 service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MetricsV1Beta3Client = src.MetricsV1Beta3Client
func NewMetricsV1Beta3Client(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) MetricsV1Beta3Client
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
MetricsV1Beta3Server is the server API for MetricsV1Beta3 service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MetricsV1Beta3Server = src.MetricsV1Beta3Server
Describes mounted data disk.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MountedDataDisk = src.MountedDataDisk
The packages that must be installed in order for a worker to run the steps of the Cloud Dataflow job that will be assigned to its worker pool. This is the mechanism by which the Cloud Dataflow SDK causes code to be loaded onto the workers. For example, the Cloud Dataflow Java SDK might use this to install jars containing the user's code and all of the various dependencies (libraries, data files, etc.) required in order for that code to run.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Package = src.Package
Metadata for a specific parameter.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ParameterMetadata = src.ParameterMetadata
ParameterType specifies what kind of input we need for this parameter.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ParameterType = src.ParameterType
A descriptive representation of submitted pipeline as well as the executed form. This data is provided by the Dataflow service for ease of visualizing the pipeline and interpreting Dataflow provided metrics.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PipelineDescription = src.PipelineDescription
Information about the progress of some component of job execution.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ProgressTimeseries = src.ProgressTimeseries
A point in the timeseries.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ProgressTimeseries_Point = src.ProgressTimeseries_Point
Metadata for a Pub/Sub connector used by the job.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PubSubIODetails = src.PubSubIODetails
Identifies a pubsub location to use for transferring data into or out of a streaming Dataflow job.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PubsubLocation = src.PubsubLocation
Represents a Pubsub snapshot.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PubsubSnapshotMetadata = src.PubsubSnapshotMetadata
The environment values to set at runtime.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RuntimeEnvironment = src.RuntimeEnvironment
RuntimeMetadata describing a runtime environment.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RuntimeMetadata = src.RuntimeMetadata
SDK Information.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SDKInfo = src.SDKInfo
SDK Language.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SDKInfo_Language = src.SDKInfo_Language
Defines a SDK harness container for executing Dataflow pipelines.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SdkHarnessContainerImage = src.SdkHarnessContainerImage
The version of the SDK used to run the job.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SdkVersion = src.SdkVersion
The support status of the SDK used to run the job.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SdkVersion_SdkSupportStatus = src.SdkVersion_SdkSupportStatus
Specifies the shuffle mode used by a [google.dataflow.v1beta3.Job], which determines the approach data is shuffled during processing. More details in:
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ShuffleMode = src.ShuffleMode
Represents a snapshot of a job.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Snapshot = src.Snapshot
Request to create a snapshot of a job.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SnapshotJobRequest = src.SnapshotJobRequest
Snapshot state.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SnapshotState = src.SnapshotState
SnapshotsV1Beta3Client is the client API for SnapshotsV1Beta3 service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SnapshotsV1Beta3Client = src.SnapshotsV1Beta3Client
func NewSnapshotsV1Beta3Client(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) SnapshotsV1Beta3Client
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
SnapshotsV1Beta3Server is the server API for SnapshotsV1Beta3 service.
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type SnapshotsV1Beta3Server = src.SnapshotsV1Beta3Server
Metadata for a Spanner connector used by the job.
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type SpannerIODetails = src.SpannerIODetails
Information about the workers and work items within a stage.
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type StageExecutionDetails = src.StageExecutionDetails
Information about a particular execution stage of a job.
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type StageSummary = src.StageSummary
State family configuration.
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type StateFamilyConfig = src.StateFamilyConfig
Defines a particular step within a Cloud Dataflow job. A job consists of multiple steps, each of which performs some specific operation as part of the overall job. Data is typically passed from one step to another as part of the job. Here's an example of a sequence of steps which together implement a Map-Reduce job: - Read a collection of data from some source, parsing the collection's elements. - Validate the elements. - Apply a user-defined function to map each element to some value and extract an element-specific key value. - Group elements with the same key into a single element with that key, transforming a multiply-keyed collection into a uniquely-keyed collection. - Write the elements out to some data sink. Note that the Cloud Dataflow service may be used to run many different types of jobs, not just Map-Reduce.
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type Step = src.Step
Describes a stream of data, either as input to be processed or as output of a streaming Dataflow job.
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type StreamLocation = src.StreamLocation
type StreamLocation_CustomSourceLocation = src.StreamLocation_CustomSourceLocation
type StreamLocation_PubsubLocation = src.StreamLocation_PubsubLocation
type StreamLocation_SideInputLocation = src.StreamLocation_SideInputLocation
type StreamLocation_StreamingStageLocation = src.StreamLocation_StreamingStageLocation
Streaming appliance snapshot configuration.
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type StreamingApplianceSnapshotConfig = src.StreamingApplianceSnapshotConfig
Describes full or partial data disk assignment information of the computation ranges.
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type StreamingComputationRanges = src.StreamingComputationRanges
Identifies the location of a streaming side input.
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type StreamingSideInputLocation = src.StreamingSideInputLocation
Identifies the location of a streaming computation stage, for stage-to-stage communication.
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type StreamingStageLocation = src.StreamingStageLocation
A rich message format, including a human readable string, a key for identifying the message, and structured data associated with the message for programmatic consumption.
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type StructuredMessage = src.StructuredMessage
Structured data associated with this message.
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type StructuredMessage_Parameter = src.StructuredMessage_Parameter
Taskrunner configuration settings.
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type TaskRunnerSettings = src.TaskRunnerSettings
Specifies what happens to a resource when a Cloud Dataflow [google.dataflow.v1beta3.Job][google.dataflow.v1beta3.Job] has completed.
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type TeardownPolicy = src.TeardownPolicy
Metadata describing a template.
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type TemplateMetadata = src.TemplateMetadata
TemplatesServiceClient is the client API for TemplatesService service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
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type TemplatesServiceClient = src.TemplatesServiceClient
func NewTemplatesServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) TemplatesServiceClient
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TemplatesServiceServer is the server API for TemplatesService service.
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type TemplatesServiceServer = src.TemplatesServiceServer
Global topology of the streaming Dataflow job, including all computations and their sharded locations.
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type TopologyConfig = src.TopologyConfig
Description of the type, names/ids, and input/outputs for a transform.
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type TransformSummary = src.TransformSummary
UnimplementedFlexTemplatesServiceServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
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type UnimplementedFlexTemplatesServiceServer = src.UnimplementedFlexTemplatesServiceServer
UnimplementedJobsV1Beta3Server can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedJobsV1Beta3Server = src.UnimplementedJobsV1Beta3Server
UnimplementedMessagesV1Beta3Server can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedMessagesV1Beta3Server = src.UnimplementedMessagesV1Beta3Server
UnimplementedMetricsV1Beta3Server can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedMetricsV1Beta3Server = src.UnimplementedMetricsV1Beta3Server
UnimplementedSnapshotsV1Beta3Server can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedSnapshotsV1Beta3Server = src.UnimplementedSnapshotsV1Beta3Server
UnimplementedTemplatesServiceServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedTemplatesServiceServer = src.UnimplementedTemplatesServiceServer
Request to update a Cloud Dataflow job.
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type UpdateJobRequest = src.UpdateJobRequest
Information about an individual work item execution.
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type WorkItemDetails = src.WorkItemDetails
Information about a worker
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type WorkerDetails = src.WorkerDetails
Specifies how IP addresses should be allocated to the worker machines.
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type WorkerIPAddressConfiguration = src.WorkerIPAddressConfiguration
Describes one particular pool of Cloud Dataflow workers to be instantiated by the Cloud Dataflow service in order to perform the computations required by a job. Note that a workflow job may use multiple pools, in order to match the various computational requirements of the various stages of the job.
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type WorkerPool = src.WorkerPool
Provides data to pass through to the worker harness.
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type WorkerSettings = src.WorkerSettings