Deprecated: Please use consts in:
const ( CompressionType_COMPRESSION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.CompressionType_COMPRESSION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED CompressionType_RAW = src.CompressionType_RAW CompressionType_RICE = src.CompressionType_RICE ComputeThreatListDiffResponse_DIFF = src.ComputeThreatListDiffResponse_DIFF ComputeThreatListDiffResponse_RESET = src.ComputeThreatListDiffResponse_RESET ComputeThreatListDiffResponse_RESPONSE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.ComputeThreatListDiffResponse_RESPONSE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED ThreatType_MALWARE = src.ThreatType_MALWARE ThreatType_SOCIAL_ENGINEERING = src.ThreatType_SOCIAL_ENGINEERING ThreatType_SOCIAL_ENGINEERING_EXTENDED_COVERAGE = src.ThreatType_SOCIAL_ENGINEERING_EXTENDED_COVERAGE ThreatType_THREAT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.ThreatType_THREAT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED ThreatType_UNWANTED_SOFTWARE = src.ThreatType_UNWANTED_SOFTWARE )
Deprecated: Please use vars in:
var ( CompressionType_name = src.CompressionType_name CompressionType_value = src.CompressionType_value ComputeThreatListDiffResponse_ResponseType_name = src.ComputeThreatListDiffResponse_ResponseType_name ComputeThreatListDiffResponse_ResponseType_value = src.ComputeThreatListDiffResponse_ResponseType_value File_google_cloud_webrisk_v1_webrisk_proto = src.File_google_cloud_webrisk_v1_webrisk_proto ThreatType_name = src.ThreatType_name ThreatType_value = src.ThreatType_value )
func RegisterWebRiskServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv WebRiskServiceServer)
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The ways in which threat entry sets can be compressed.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CompressionType = src.CompressionType
Describes an API diff request.
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type ComputeThreatListDiffRequest = src.ComputeThreatListDiffRequest
The constraints for this diff.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ComputeThreatListDiffRequest_Constraints = src.ComputeThreatListDiffRequest_Constraints
type ComputeThreatListDiffResponse = src.ComputeThreatListDiffResponse
The expected state of a client's local database.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ComputeThreatListDiffResponse_Checksum = src.ComputeThreatListDiffResponse_Checksum
The type of response sent to the client.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ComputeThreatListDiffResponse_ResponseType = src.ComputeThreatListDiffResponse_ResponseType
Request to send a potentially phishy URI to WebRisk.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CreateSubmissionRequest = src.CreateSubmissionRequest
The uncompressed threat entries in hash format. Hashes can be anywhere from 4 to 32 bytes in size. A large majority are 4 bytes, but some hashes are lengthened if they collide with the hash of a popular URI. Used for sending ThreatEntryAdditons to clients that do not support compression, or when sending non-4-byte hashes to clients that do support compression.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RawHashes = src.RawHashes
A set of raw indices to remove from a local list.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RawIndices = src.RawIndices
The Rice-Golomb encoded data. Used for sending compressed 4-byte hashes or compressed removal indices.
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type RiceDeltaEncoding = src.RiceDeltaEncoding
Request to return full hashes matched by the provided hash prefixes.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchHashesRequest = src.SearchHashesRequest
type SearchHashesResponse = src.SearchHashesResponse
Contains threat information on a matching hash.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchHashesResponse_ThreatHash = src.SearchHashesResponse_ThreatHash
Request to check URI entries against threatLists.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchUrisRequest = src.SearchUrisRequest
type SearchUrisResponse = src.SearchUrisResponse
Contains threat information on a matching uri.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchUrisResponse_ThreatUri = src.SearchUrisResponse_ThreatUri
Wraps a URI that might be displaying malicious content.
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type Submission = src.Submission
Contains the set of entries to add to a local database. May contain a combination of compressed and raw data in a single response.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ThreatEntryAdditions = src.ThreatEntryAdditions
Contains the set of entries to remove from a local database.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ThreatEntryRemovals = src.ThreatEntryRemovals
The type of threat. This maps directly to the threat list a threat may belong to.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ThreatType = src.ThreatType
UnimplementedWebRiskServiceServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
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type UnimplementedWebRiskServiceServer = src.UnimplementedWebRiskServiceServer
WebRiskServiceClient is the client API for WebRiskService service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type WebRiskServiceClient = src.WebRiskServiceClient
func NewWebRiskServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) WebRiskServiceClient
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WebRiskServiceServer is the server API for WebRiskService service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type WebRiskServiceServer = src.WebRiskServiceServer