Deprecated: Please use consts in:
const ( CustomClass_ACTIVE = src.CustomClass_ACTIVE CustomClass_DELETED = src.CustomClass_DELETED CustomClass_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = src.CustomClass_STATE_UNSPECIFIED ExplicitDecodingConfig_ALAW = src.ExplicitDecodingConfig_ALAW ExplicitDecodingConfig_AUDIO_ENCODING_UNSPECIFIED = src.ExplicitDecodingConfig_AUDIO_ENCODING_UNSPECIFIED ExplicitDecodingConfig_LINEAR16 = src.ExplicitDecodingConfig_LINEAR16 ExplicitDecodingConfig_MULAW = src.ExplicitDecodingConfig_MULAW PhraseSet_ACTIVE = src.PhraseSet_ACTIVE PhraseSet_DELETED = src.PhraseSet_DELETED PhraseSet_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = src.PhraseSet_STATE_UNSPECIFIED RecognitionFeatures_MULTI_CHANNEL_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = src.RecognitionFeatures_MULTI_CHANNEL_MODE_UNSPECIFIED RecognitionFeatures_SEPARATE_RECOGNITION_PER_CHANNEL = src.RecognitionFeatures_SEPARATE_RECOGNITION_PER_CHANNEL Recognizer_ACTIVE = src.Recognizer_ACTIVE Recognizer_DELETED = src.Recognizer_DELETED Recognizer_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = src.Recognizer_STATE_UNSPECIFIED StreamingRecognizeResponse_END_OF_SINGLE_UTTERANCE = src.StreamingRecognizeResponse_END_OF_SINGLE_UTTERANCE StreamingRecognizeResponse_SPEECH_ACTIVITY_BEGIN = src.StreamingRecognizeResponse_SPEECH_ACTIVITY_BEGIN StreamingRecognizeResponse_SPEECH_ACTIVITY_END = src.StreamingRecognizeResponse_SPEECH_ACTIVITY_END StreamingRecognizeResponse_SPEECH_EVENT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.StreamingRecognizeResponse_SPEECH_EVENT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED )
Deprecated: Please use vars in:
var ( CustomClass_State_name = src.CustomClass_State_name CustomClass_State_value = src.CustomClass_State_value ExplicitDecodingConfig_AudioEncoding_name = src.ExplicitDecodingConfig_AudioEncoding_name ExplicitDecodingConfig_AudioEncoding_value = src.ExplicitDecodingConfig_AudioEncoding_value File_google_cloud_speech_v2_cloud_speech_proto = src.File_google_cloud_speech_v2_cloud_speech_proto PhraseSet_State_name = src.PhraseSet_State_name PhraseSet_State_value = src.PhraseSet_State_value RecognitionFeatures_MultiChannelMode_name = src.RecognitionFeatures_MultiChannelMode_name RecognitionFeatures_MultiChannelMode_value = src.RecognitionFeatures_MultiChannelMode_value Recognizer_State_name = src.Recognizer_State_name Recognizer_State_value = src.Recognizer_State_value StreamingRecognizeResponse_SpeechEventType_name = src.StreamingRecognizeResponse_SpeechEventType_name StreamingRecognizeResponse_SpeechEventType_value = src.StreamingRecognizeResponse_SpeechEventType_value )
func RegisterSpeechServer(s *grpc.Server, srv SpeechServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
Automatically detected decoding parameters. Supported for the following encodings: * WAV_LINEAR16: 16-bit signed little-endian PCM samples in a WAV container. * WAV_MULAW: 8-bit companded mulaw samples in a WAV container. * WAV_ALAW: 8-bit companded alaw samples in a WAV container. * RFC4867_5_AMR: AMR frames with an rfc4867.5 header. * RFC4867_5_AMRWB: AMR-WB frames with an rfc4867.5 header. * FLAC: FLAC frames in the "native FLAC" container format. * MP3: MPEG audio frames with optional (ignored) ID3 metadata. * OGG_OPUS: Opus audio frames in an Ogg container. * WEBM_OPUS: Opus audio frames in a WebM container.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AutoDetectDecodingConfig = src.AutoDetectDecodingConfig
Metadata about a single file in a batch for BatchRecognize.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BatchRecognizeFileMetadata = src.BatchRecognizeFileMetadata
type BatchRecognizeFileMetadata_Uri = src.BatchRecognizeFileMetadata_Uri
Final results for a single file.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BatchRecognizeFileResult = src.BatchRecognizeFileResult
Operation metadata for [BatchRecognize][].
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BatchRecognizeMetadata = src.BatchRecognizeMetadata
Request message for the [BatchRecognize][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BatchRecognizeRequest = src.BatchRecognizeRequest
Response message for [BatchRecognize][] that is packaged into a longrunning [Operation][google.longrunning.Operation].
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BatchRecognizeResponse = src.BatchRecognizeResponse
Metadata about transcription for a single file (for example, progress percent).
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BatchRecognizeTranscriptionMetadata = src.BatchRecognizeTranscriptionMetadata
Message representing the config for the Speech-to-Text API. This includes an optional [KMS key]( with which incoming data will be encrypted.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Config = src.Config
Request message for the [CreateCustomClass][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CreateCustomClassRequest = src.CreateCustomClassRequest
Request message for the [CreatePhraseSet][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CreatePhraseSetRequest = src.CreatePhraseSetRequest
Request message for the [CreateRecognizer][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CreateRecognizerRequest = src.CreateRecognizerRequest
CustomClass for biasing in speech recognition. Used to define a set of words or phrases that represents a common concept or theme likely to appear in your audio, for example a list of passenger ship names.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CustomClass = src.CustomClass
An item of the class.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CustomClass_ClassItem = src.CustomClass_ClassItem
Set of states that define the lifecycle of a CustomClass.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CustomClass_State = src.CustomClass_State
Request message for the [DeleteCustomClass][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteCustomClassRequest = src.DeleteCustomClassRequest
Request message for the [DeletePhraseSet][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeletePhraseSetRequest = src.DeletePhraseSetRequest
Request message for the [DeleteRecognizer][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRecognizerRequest = src.DeleteRecognizerRequest
Explicitly specified decoding parameters.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExplicitDecodingConfig = src.ExplicitDecodingConfig
Supported audio data encodings.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExplicitDecodingConfig_AudioEncoding = src.ExplicitDecodingConfig_AudioEncoding
Request message for the [GetConfig][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetConfigRequest = src.GetConfigRequest
Request message for the [GetCustomClass][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetCustomClassRequest = src.GetCustomClassRequest
Request message for the [GetPhraseSet][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetPhraseSetRequest = src.GetPhraseSetRequest
Request message for the [GetRecognizer][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRecognizerRequest = src.GetRecognizerRequest
Request message for the [ListCustomClasses][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListCustomClassesRequest = src.ListCustomClassesRequest
Response message for the [ListCustomClasses][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListCustomClassesResponse = src.ListCustomClassesResponse
Request message for the [ListPhraseSets][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListPhraseSetsRequest = src.ListPhraseSetsRequest
Response message for the [ListPhraseSets][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListPhraseSetsResponse = src.ListPhraseSetsResponse
Request message for the [ListRecognizers][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRecognizersRequest = src.ListRecognizersRequest
Response message for the [ListRecognizers][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRecognizersResponse = src.ListRecognizersResponse
Represents the metadata of a long-running operation.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type OperationMetadata = src.OperationMetadata
type OperationMetadata_BatchRecognizeMetadata = src.OperationMetadata_BatchRecognizeMetadata
type OperationMetadata_BatchRecognizeRequest = src.OperationMetadata_BatchRecognizeRequest
type OperationMetadata_CreateCustomClassRequest = src.OperationMetadata_CreateCustomClassRequest
type OperationMetadata_CreatePhraseSetRequest = src.OperationMetadata_CreatePhraseSetRequest
type OperationMetadata_CreateRecognizerRequest = src.OperationMetadata_CreateRecognizerRequest
type OperationMetadata_DeleteCustomClassRequest = src.OperationMetadata_DeleteCustomClassRequest
type OperationMetadata_DeletePhraseSetRequest = src.OperationMetadata_DeletePhraseSetRequest
type OperationMetadata_DeleteRecognizerRequest = src.OperationMetadata_DeleteRecognizerRequest
type OperationMetadata_UndeleteCustomClassRequest = src.OperationMetadata_UndeleteCustomClassRequest
type OperationMetadata_UndeletePhraseSetRequest = src.OperationMetadata_UndeletePhraseSetRequest
type OperationMetadata_UndeleteRecognizerRequest = src.OperationMetadata_UndeleteRecognizerRequest
type OperationMetadata_UpdateConfigRequest = src.OperationMetadata_UpdateConfigRequest
type OperationMetadata_UpdateCustomClassRequest = src.OperationMetadata_UpdateCustomClassRequest
type OperationMetadata_UpdatePhraseSetRequest = src.OperationMetadata_UpdatePhraseSetRequest
type OperationMetadata_UpdateRecognizerRequest = src.OperationMetadata_UpdateRecognizerRequest
PhraseSet for biasing in speech recognition. A PhraseSet is used to provide "hints" to the speech recognizer to favor specific words and phrases in the results.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PhraseSet = src.PhraseSet
A Phrase contains words and phrase "hints" so that the speech recognition is more likely to recognize them. This can be used to improve the accuracy for specific words and phrases, for example, if specific commands are typically spoken by the user. This can also be used to add additional words to the vocabulary of the recognizer. List items can also include CustomClass references containing groups of words that represent common concepts that occur in natural language.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PhraseSet_Phrase = src.PhraseSet_Phrase
Set of states that define the lifecycle of a PhraseSet.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PhraseSet_State = src.PhraseSet_State
Provides information to the Recognizer that specifies how to process the recognition request.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RecognitionConfig = src.RecognitionConfig
type RecognitionConfig_AutoDecodingConfig = src.RecognitionConfig_AutoDecodingConfig
type RecognitionConfig_ExplicitDecodingConfig = src.RecognitionConfig_ExplicitDecodingConfig
Available recognition features.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RecognitionFeatures = src.RecognitionFeatures
Options for how to recognize multi-channel audio.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RecognitionFeatures_MultiChannelMode = src.RecognitionFeatures_MultiChannelMode
Metadata about the recognition request and response.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RecognitionResponseMetadata = src.RecognitionResponseMetadata
Request message for the [Recognize][] method. Either `content` or `uri` must be supplied. Supplying both or neither returns [INVALID_ARGUMENT][google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT]. See [content limits](
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RecognizeRequest = src.RecognizeRequest
type RecognizeRequest_Content = src.RecognizeRequest_Content
type RecognizeRequest_Uri = src.RecognizeRequest_Uri
Response message for the [Recognize][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RecognizeResponse = src.RecognizeResponse
A Recognizer message. Stores recognition configuration and metadata.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Recognizer = src.Recognizer
Set of states that define the lifecycle of a Recognizer.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Recognizer_State = src.Recognizer_State
Configuration to enable speaker diarization.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SpeakerDiarizationConfig = src.SpeakerDiarizationConfig
Provides "hints" to the speech recognizer to favor specific words and phrases in the results. Phrase sets can be specified as an inline resource, or a reference to an existing phrase set resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SpeechAdaptation = src.SpeechAdaptation
A biasing phrase set, which can be either a string referencing the name of an existing phrase set resource, or an inline definition of a phrase set.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SpeechAdaptation_AdaptationPhraseSet = src.SpeechAdaptation_AdaptationPhraseSet
type SpeechAdaptation_AdaptationPhraseSet_InlinePhraseSet = src.SpeechAdaptation_AdaptationPhraseSet_InlinePhraseSet
type SpeechAdaptation_AdaptationPhraseSet_PhraseSet = src.SpeechAdaptation_AdaptationPhraseSet_PhraseSet
SpeechClient is the client API for Speech service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SpeechClient = src.SpeechClient
func NewSpeechClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) SpeechClient
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Alternative hypotheses (a.k.a. n-best list).
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SpeechRecognitionAlternative = src.SpeechRecognitionAlternative
A speech recognition result corresponding to a portion of the audio.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SpeechRecognitionResult = src.SpeechRecognitionResult
SpeechServer is the server API for Speech service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SpeechServer = src.SpeechServer
type Speech_StreamingRecognizeClient = src.Speech_StreamingRecognizeClient
type Speech_StreamingRecognizeServer = src.Speech_StreamingRecognizeServer
Provides configuration information for the StreamingRecognize request.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type StreamingRecognitionConfig = src.StreamingRecognitionConfig
Available recognition features specific to streaming recognition requests.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type StreamingRecognitionFeatures = src.StreamingRecognitionFeatures
Events that a timeout can be set on for voice activity.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type StreamingRecognitionFeatures_VoiceActivityTimeout = src.StreamingRecognitionFeatures_VoiceActivityTimeout
A streaming speech recognition result corresponding to a portion of the audio that is currently being processed.
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type StreamingRecognitionResult = src.StreamingRecognitionResult
Request message for the [StreamingRecognize][] method. Multiple StreamingRecognizeRequest[] messages are sent. The first message must contain a [recognizer][] and optionally a [streaming_config][] message and must not contain [audio][]. All subsequent messages must contain [audio][] and must not contain a [streaming_config][] message.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type StreamingRecognizeRequest = src.StreamingRecognizeRequest
type StreamingRecognizeRequest_Audio = src.StreamingRecognizeRequest_Audio
type StreamingRecognizeRequest_StreamingConfig = src.StreamingRecognizeRequest_StreamingConfig
`StreamingRecognizeResponse` is the only message returned to the client by `StreamingRecognize`. A series of zero or more `StreamingRecognizeResponse` messages are streamed back to the client. If there is no recognizable audio then no messages are streamed back to the client. Here are some examples of `StreamingRecognizeResponse`s that might be returned while processing audio: 1. results { alternatives { transcript: "tube" } stability: 0.01 } 2. results { alternatives { transcript: "to be a" } stability: 0.01 } 3. results { alternatives { transcript: "to be" } stability: 0.9 } results { alternatives { transcript: " or not to be" } stability: 0.01 } 4. results { alternatives { transcript: "to be or not to be" confidence: 0.92 } alternatives { transcript: "to bee or not to bee" } is_final: true } 5. results { alternatives { transcript: " that's" } stability: 0.01 } 6. results { alternatives { transcript: " that is" } stability: 0.9 } results { alternatives { transcript: " the question" } stability: 0.01 } 7. results { alternatives { transcript: " that is the question" confidence: 0.98 } alternatives { transcript: " that was the question" } is_final: true } Notes: - Only two of the above responses #4 and #7 contain final results; they are indicated by `is_final: true`. Concatenating these together generates the full transcript: "to be or not to be that is the question". - The others contain interim `results`. #3 and #6 contain two interim `results`: the first portion has a high stability and is less likely to change; the second portion has a low stability and is very likely to change. A UI designer might choose to show only high stability `results`. - The specific `stability` and `confidence` values shown above are only for illustrative purposes. Actual values may vary. - In each response, only one of these fields will be set: `error`, `speech_event_type`, or one or more (repeated) `results`.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type StreamingRecognizeResponse = src.StreamingRecognizeResponse
Indicates the type of speech event.
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type StreamingRecognizeResponse_SpeechEventType = src.StreamingRecognizeResponse_SpeechEventType
Request message for the [UndeleteCustomClass][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UndeleteCustomClassRequest = src.UndeleteCustomClassRequest
Request message for the [UndeletePhraseSet][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UndeletePhraseSetRequest = src.UndeletePhraseSetRequest
Request message for the [UndeleteRecognizer][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UndeleteRecognizerRequest = src.UndeleteRecognizerRequest
UnimplementedSpeechServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
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type UnimplementedSpeechServer = src.UnimplementedSpeechServer
Request message for the [UpdateConfig][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateConfigRequest = src.UpdateConfigRequest
Request message for the [UpdateCustomClass][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateCustomClassRequest = src.UpdateCustomClassRequest
Request message for the [UpdatePhraseSet][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdatePhraseSetRequest = src.UpdatePhraseSetRequest
Request message for the [UpdateRecognizer][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateRecognizerRequest = src.UpdateRecognizerRequest
Word-specific information for recognized words.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type WordInfo = src.WordInfo