Deprecated: Please use consts in:
const ( AttributeConfigLevel_ATTRIBUTE_CONFIG_LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED = src.AttributeConfigLevel_ATTRIBUTE_CONFIG_LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED AttributeConfigLevel_CATALOG_LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_CONFIG = src.AttributeConfigLevel_CATALOG_LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_CONFIG AttributeConfigLevel_PRODUCT_LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_CONFIG = src.AttributeConfigLevel_PRODUCT_LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE_CONFIG CatalogAttribute_DYNAMIC_FACETABLE_DISABLED = src.CatalogAttribute_DYNAMIC_FACETABLE_DISABLED CatalogAttribute_DYNAMIC_FACETABLE_ENABLED = src.CatalogAttribute_DYNAMIC_FACETABLE_ENABLED CatalogAttribute_DYNAMIC_FACETABLE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED = src.CatalogAttribute_DYNAMIC_FACETABLE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED CatalogAttribute_INDEXABLE_DISABLED = src.CatalogAttribute_INDEXABLE_DISABLED CatalogAttribute_INDEXABLE_ENABLED = src.CatalogAttribute_INDEXABLE_ENABLED CatalogAttribute_INDEXABLE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED = src.CatalogAttribute_INDEXABLE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED CatalogAttribute_NUMERICAL = src.CatalogAttribute_NUMERICAL CatalogAttribute_SEARCHABLE_DISABLED = src.CatalogAttribute_SEARCHABLE_DISABLED CatalogAttribute_SEARCHABLE_ENABLED = src.CatalogAttribute_SEARCHABLE_ENABLED CatalogAttribute_SEARCHABLE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED = src.CatalogAttribute_SEARCHABLE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED CatalogAttribute_TEXTUAL = src.CatalogAttribute_TEXTUAL CatalogAttribute_UNKNOWN = src.CatalogAttribute_UNKNOWN ImportProductsRequest_FULL = src.ImportProductsRequest_FULL ImportProductsRequest_INCREMENTAL = src.ImportProductsRequest_INCREMENTAL ImportProductsRequest_RECONCILIATION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = src.ImportProductsRequest_RECONCILIATION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED Model_ACTIVE = src.Model_ACTIVE Model_ALL_TUNING_DISABLED = src.Model_ALL_TUNING_DISABLED Model_DATA_ERROR = src.Model_DATA_ERROR Model_DATA_OK = src.Model_DATA_OK Model_DATA_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = src.Model_DATA_STATE_UNSPECIFIED Model_INACTIVE = src.Model_INACTIVE Model_PAUSED = src.Model_PAUSED Model_PERIODIC_TUNING_DISABLED = src.Model_PERIODIC_TUNING_DISABLED Model_PERIODIC_TUNING_ENABLED = src.Model_PERIODIC_TUNING_ENABLED Model_PERIODIC_TUNING_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = src.Model_PERIODIC_TUNING_STATE_UNSPECIFIED Model_PageOptimizationConfig_NO_RESTRICTION = src.Model_PageOptimizationConfig_NO_RESTRICTION Model_PageOptimizationConfig_RESTRICTION_UNSPECIFIED = src.Model_PageOptimizationConfig_RESTRICTION_UNSPECIFIED Model_PageOptimizationConfig_UNIQUE_MODEL_RESTRICTION = src.Model_PageOptimizationConfig_UNIQUE_MODEL_RESTRICTION Model_PageOptimizationConfig_UNIQUE_MODEL_TYPE_RESTRICTION = src.Model_PageOptimizationConfig_UNIQUE_MODEL_TYPE_RESTRICTION Model_PageOptimizationConfig_UNIQUE_SERVING_CONFIG_RESTRICTION = src.Model_PageOptimizationConfig_UNIQUE_SERVING_CONFIG_RESTRICTION Model_SERVING_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = src.Model_SERVING_STATE_UNSPECIFIED Model_TRAINING = src.Model_TRAINING Model_TRAINING_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = src.Model_TRAINING_STATE_UNSPECIFIED Model_TUNED = src.Model_TUNED Product_AVAILABILITY_UNSPECIFIED = src.Product_AVAILABILITY_UNSPECIFIED Product_BACKORDER = src.Product_BACKORDER Product_COLLECTION = src.Product_COLLECTION Product_IN_STOCK = src.Product_IN_STOCK Product_OUT_OF_STOCK = src.Product_OUT_OF_STOCK Product_PREORDER = src.Product_PREORDER Product_PRIMARY = src.Product_PRIMARY Product_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.Product_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Product_VARIANT = src.Product_VARIANT RecommendationsFilteringOption_RECOMMENDATIONS_FILTERING_DISABLED = src.RecommendationsFilteringOption_RECOMMENDATIONS_FILTERING_DISABLED RecommendationsFilteringOption_RECOMMENDATIONS_FILTERING_ENABLED = src.RecommendationsFilteringOption_RECOMMENDATIONS_FILTERING_ENABLED RecommendationsFilteringOption_RECOMMENDATIONS_FILTERING_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED = src.RecommendationsFilteringOption_RECOMMENDATIONS_FILTERING_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED RejoinUserEventsRequest_JOINED_EVENTS = src.RejoinUserEventsRequest_JOINED_EVENTS RejoinUserEventsRequest_UNJOINED_EVENTS = src.RejoinUserEventsRequest_UNJOINED_EVENTS RejoinUserEventsRequest_USER_EVENT_REJOIN_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.RejoinUserEventsRequest_USER_EVENT_REJOIN_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED SearchRequest_DynamicFacetSpec_DISABLED = src.SearchRequest_DynamicFacetSpec_DISABLED SearchRequest_DynamicFacetSpec_ENABLED = src.SearchRequest_DynamicFacetSpec_ENABLED SearchRequest_DynamicFacetSpec_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = src.SearchRequest_DynamicFacetSpec_MODE_UNSPECIFIED SearchRequest_FACETED_SEARCH_ONLY = src.SearchRequest_FACETED_SEARCH_ONLY SearchRequest_HIGH = src.SearchRequest_HIGH SearchRequest_LOW = src.SearchRequest_LOW SearchRequest_LOWEST = src.SearchRequest_LOWEST SearchRequest_MEDIUM = src.SearchRequest_MEDIUM SearchRequest_PRODUCT_SEARCH_ONLY = src.SearchRequest_PRODUCT_SEARCH_ONLY SearchRequest_PersonalizationSpec_AUTO = src.SearchRequest_PersonalizationSpec_AUTO SearchRequest_PersonalizationSpec_DISABLED = src.SearchRequest_PersonalizationSpec_DISABLED SearchRequest_PersonalizationSpec_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = src.SearchRequest_PersonalizationSpec_MODE_UNSPECIFIED SearchRequest_QueryExpansionSpec_AUTO = src.SearchRequest_QueryExpansionSpec_AUTO SearchRequest_QueryExpansionSpec_CONDITION_UNSPECIFIED = src.SearchRequest_QueryExpansionSpec_CONDITION_UNSPECIFIED SearchRequest_QueryExpansionSpec_DISABLED = src.SearchRequest_QueryExpansionSpec_DISABLED SearchRequest_RELEVANCE_THRESHOLD_UNSPECIFIED = src.SearchRequest_RELEVANCE_THRESHOLD_UNSPECIFIED SearchRequest_SEARCH_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = src.SearchRequest_SEARCH_MODE_UNSPECIFIED SearchRequest_SpellCorrectionSpec_AUTO = src.SearchRequest_SpellCorrectionSpec_AUTO SearchRequest_SpellCorrectionSpec_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = src.SearchRequest_SpellCorrectionSpec_MODE_UNSPECIFIED SearchRequest_SpellCorrectionSpec_SUGGESTION_ONLY = src.SearchRequest_SpellCorrectionSpec_SUGGESTION_ONLY SearchSolutionUseCase_SEARCH_SOLUTION_USE_CASE_BROWSE = src.SearchSolutionUseCase_SEARCH_SOLUTION_USE_CASE_BROWSE SearchSolutionUseCase_SEARCH_SOLUTION_USE_CASE_SEARCH = src.SearchSolutionUseCase_SEARCH_SOLUTION_USE_CASE_SEARCH SearchSolutionUseCase_SEARCH_SOLUTION_USE_CASE_UNSPECIFIED = src.SearchSolutionUseCase_SEARCH_SOLUTION_USE_CASE_UNSPECIFIED SolutionType_SOLUTION_TYPE_RECOMMENDATION = src.SolutionType_SOLUTION_TYPE_RECOMMENDATION SolutionType_SOLUTION_TYPE_SEARCH = src.SolutionType_SOLUTION_TYPE_SEARCH SolutionType_SOLUTION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.SolutionType_SOLUTION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED )
Deprecated: Please use vars in:
var ( AttributeConfigLevel_name = src.AttributeConfigLevel_name AttributeConfigLevel_value = src.AttributeConfigLevel_value CatalogAttribute_AttributeType_name = src.CatalogAttribute_AttributeType_name CatalogAttribute_AttributeType_value = src.CatalogAttribute_AttributeType_value CatalogAttribute_DynamicFacetableOption_name = src.CatalogAttribute_DynamicFacetableOption_name CatalogAttribute_DynamicFacetableOption_value = src.CatalogAttribute_DynamicFacetableOption_value CatalogAttribute_IndexableOption_name = src.CatalogAttribute_IndexableOption_name CatalogAttribute_IndexableOption_value = src.CatalogAttribute_IndexableOption_value CatalogAttribute_SearchableOption_name = src.CatalogAttribute_SearchableOption_name CatalogAttribute_SearchableOption_value = src.CatalogAttribute_SearchableOption_value File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_catalog_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_catalog_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_catalog_service_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_catalog_service_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_common_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_common_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_completion_service_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_completion_service_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_control_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_control_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_control_service_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_control_service_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_export_config_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_export_config_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_import_config_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_import_config_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_model_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_model_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_model_service_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_model_service_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_prediction_service_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_prediction_service_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_product_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_product_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_product_service_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_product_service_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_promotion_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_promotion_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_purge_config_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_purge_config_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_search_service_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_search_service_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_serving_config_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_serving_config_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_serving_config_service_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_serving_config_service_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_user_event_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_user_event_proto File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_user_event_service_proto = src.File_google_cloud_retail_v2alpha_user_event_service_proto ImportProductsRequest_ReconciliationMode_name = src.ImportProductsRequest_ReconciliationMode_name ImportProductsRequest_ReconciliationMode_value = src.ImportProductsRequest_ReconciliationMode_value Model_DataState_name = src.Model_DataState_name Model_DataState_value = src.Model_DataState_value Model_PageOptimizationConfig_Restriction_name = src.Model_PageOptimizationConfig_Restriction_name Model_PageOptimizationConfig_Restriction_value = src.Model_PageOptimizationConfig_Restriction_value Model_PeriodicTuningState_name = src.Model_PeriodicTuningState_name Model_PeriodicTuningState_value = src.Model_PeriodicTuningState_value Model_ServingState_name = src.Model_ServingState_name Model_ServingState_value = src.Model_ServingState_value Model_TrainingState_name = src.Model_TrainingState_name Model_TrainingState_value = src.Model_TrainingState_value Product_Availability_name = src.Product_Availability_name Product_Availability_value = src.Product_Availability_value Product_Type_name = src.Product_Type_name Product_Type_value = src.Product_Type_value RecommendationsFilteringOption_name = src.RecommendationsFilteringOption_name RecommendationsFilteringOption_value = src.RecommendationsFilteringOption_value RejoinUserEventsRequest_UserEventRejoinScope_name = src.RejoinUserEventsRequest_UserEventRejoinScope_name RejoinUserEventsRequest_UserEventRejoinScope_value = src.RejoinUserEventsRequest_UserEventRejoinScope_value SearchRequest_DynamicFacetSpec_Mode_name = src.SearchRequest_DynamicFacetSpec_Mode_name SearchRequest_DynamicFacetSpec_Mode_value = src.SearchRequest_DynamicFacetSpec_Mode_value SearchRequest_PersonalizationSpec_Mode_name = src.SearchRequest_PersonalizationSpec_Mode_name SearchRequest_PersonalizationSpec_Mode_value = src.SearchRequest_PersonalizationSpec_Mode_value SearchRequest_QueryExpansionSpec_Condition_name = src.SearchRequest_QueryExpansionSpec_Condition_name SearchRequest_QueryExpansionSpec_Condition_value = src.SearchRequest_QueryExpansionSpec_Condition_value SearchRequest_RelevanceThreshold_name = src.SearchRequest_RelevanceThreshold_name SearchRequest_RelevanceThreshold_value = src.SearchRequest_RelevanceThreshold_value SearchRequest_SearchMode_name = src.SearchRequest_SearchMode_name SearchRequest_SearchMode_value = src.SearchRequest_SearchMode_value SearchRequest_SpellCorrectionSpec_Mode_name = src.SearchRequest_SpellCorrectionSpec_Mode_name SearchRequest_SpellCorrectionSpec_Mode_value = src.SearchRequest_SpellCorrectionSpec_Mode_value SearchSolutionUseCase_name = src.SearchSolutionUseCase_name SearchSolutionUseCase_value = src.SearchSolutionUseCase_value SolutionType_name = src.SolutionType_name SolutionType_value = src.SolutionType_value )
func RegisterCatalogServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv CatalogServiceServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterCompletionServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv CompletionServiceServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterControlServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ControlServiceServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterModelServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ModelServiceServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterPredictionServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv PredictionServiceServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterProductServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ProductServiceServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterSearchServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv SearchServiceServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterServingConfigServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ServingConfigServiceServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterUserEventServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv UserEventServiceServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
Request for [CatalogService.AddCatalogAttribute][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddCatalogAttributeRequest = src.AddCatalogAttributeRequest
Request for AddControl method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddControlRequest = src.AddControlRequest
Metadata related to the progress of the AddFulfillmentPlaces operation. Currently empty because there is no meaningful metadata populated from the [ProductService.AddFulfillmentPlaces][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata = src.AddFulfillmentPlacesMetadata
Request message for [ProductService.AddFulfillmentPlaces][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest = src.AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest
Response of the AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest. Currently empty because there is no meaningful response populated from the [ProductService.AddFulfillmentPlaces][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse = src.AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse
Metadata related to the progress of the AddLocalInventories operation. Currently empty because there is no meaningful metadata populated from the [ProductService.AddLocalInventories][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddLocalInventoriesMetadata = src.AddLocalInventoriesMetadata
Request message for [ProductService.AddLocalInventories][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddLocalInventoriesRequest = src.AddLocalInventoriesRequest
Response of the [ProductService.AddLocalInventories][] API. Currently empty because there is no meaningful response populated from the [ProductService.AddLocalInventories][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddLocalInventoriesResponse = src.AddLocalInventoriesResponse
At which level we offer configuration for attributes.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AttributeConfigLevel = src.AttributeConfigLevel
Catalog level attribute config.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AttributesConfig = src.AttributesConfig
An intended audience of the Product[] for whom it's sold.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Audience = src.Audience
A BigQuery output result.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BigQueryOutputResult = src.BigQueryOutputResult
BigQuery source import data from.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BigQuerySource = src.BigQuerySource
type BigQuerySource_PartitionDate = src.BigQuerySource_PartitionDate
The catalog configuration.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Catalog = src.Catalog
Catalog level attribute config for an attribute. For example, if customers want to enable/disable facet for a specific attribute.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CatalogAttribute = src.CatalogAttribute
The type of an attribute.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CatalogAttribute_AttributeType = src.CatalogAttribute_AttributeType
The status of the dynamic facetable option of a catalog attribute.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CatalogAttribute_DynamicFacetableOption = src.CatalogAttribute_DynamicFacetableOption
The status of the indexable option of a catalog attribute.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CatalogAttribute_IndexableOption = src.CatalogAttribute_IndexableOption
The status of the searchable option of a catalog attribute.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CatalogAttribute_SearchableOption = src.CatalogAttribute_SearchableOption
CatalogServiceClient is the client API for CatalogService service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CatalogServiceClient = src.CatalogServiceClient
func NewCatalogServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) CatalogServiceClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
CatalogServiceServer is the server API for CatalogService service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CatalogServiceServer = src.CatalogServiceServer
Request message for CollectUserEvent method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CollectUserEventRequest = src.CollectUserEventRequest
The color information of a Product[].
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ColorInfo = src.ColorInfo
Auto-complete parameters.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CompleteQueryRequest = src.CompleteQueryRequest
Response of the auto-complete query.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CompleteQueryResponse = src.CompleteQueryResponse
Resource that represents completion results.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CompleteQueryResponse_CompletionResult = src.CompleteQueryResponse_CompletionResult
Recent search of this user.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CompleteQueryResponse_RecentSearchResult = src.CompleteQueryResponse_RecentSearchResult
Catalog level autocomplete config for customers to customize autocomplete feature's settings.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CompletionConfig = src.CompletionConfig
The input config source for completion data.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CompletionDataInputConfig = src.CompletionDataInputConfig
type CompletionDataInputConfig_BigQuerySource = src.CompletionDataInputConfig_BigQuerySource
Detailed completion information including completion attribution token and clicked completion info.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CompletionDetail = src.CompletionDetail
CompletionServiceClient is the client API for CompletionService service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CompletionServiceClient = src.CompletionServiceClient
func NewCompletionServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) CompletionServiceClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
CompletionServiceServer is the server API for CompletionService service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CompletionServiceServer = src.CompletionServiceServer
Metadata that is used to define a condition that triggers an action. A valid condition must specify at least one of 'query_terms' or 'products_filter'. If multiple fields are specified, the condition is met if all the fields are satisfied e.g. if a set of query terms and product_filter are set, then only items matching the product_filter for requests with a query matching the query terms wil get boosted.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Condition = src.Condition
Query terms that we want to match on.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Condition_QueryTerm = src.Condition_QueryTerm
Used for time-dependent conditions. Example: Want to have rule applied for week long sale.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Condition_TimeRange = src.Condition_TimeRange
Configures dynamic serving time metadata that is used to pre and post process search/recommendation model results.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Control = src.Control
ControlServiceClient is the client API for ControlService service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ControlServiceClient = src.ControlServiceClient
func NewControlServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ControlServiceClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
ControlServiceServer is the server API for ControlService service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ControlServiceServer = src.ControlServiceServer
type Control_FacetSpec = src.Control_FacetSpec
type Control_Rule = src.Control_Rule
Request for CreateControl method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CreateControlRequest = src.CreateControlRequest
Metadata associated with a create operation.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CreateModelMetadata = src.CreateModelMetadata
Request for creating a model.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CreateModelRequest = src.CreateModelRequest
Request message for [ProductService.CreateProduct][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CreateProductRequest = src.CreateProductRequest
Request for CreateServingConfig method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CreateServingConfigRequest = src.CreateServingConfigRequest
A custom attribute that is not explicitly modeled in Product[].
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CustomAttribute = src.CustomAttribute
Request for DeleteControl method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteControlRequest = src.DeleteControlRequest
Request for deleting a model.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteModelRequest = src.DeleteModelRequest
Request message for [ProductService.DeleteProduct][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteProductRequest = src.DeleteProductRequest
Request for DeleteServingConfig method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteServingConfigRequest = src.DeleteServingConfigRequest
Configuration of destination for Export related errors.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExportErrorsConfig = src.ExportErrorsConfig
type ExportErrorsConfig_GcsPrefix = src.ExportErrorsConfig_GcsPrefix
Metadata related to the progress of the Export operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExportMetadata = src.ExportMetadata
Response of the ExportProductsRequest. If the long running operation is done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExportProductsResponse = src.ExportProductsResponse
Response of the ExportUserEventsRequest. If the long running operation was successful, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExportUserEventsResponse = src.ExportUserEventsResponse
Fulfillment information, such as the store IDs for in-store pickup or region IDs for different shipping methods.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FulfillmentInfo = src.FulfillmentInfo
Google Cloud Storage location for input content. format.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GcsSource = src.GcsSource
Request for [CatalogService.GetAttributesConfig][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetAttributesConfigRequest = src.GetAttributesConfigRequest
Request for [CatalogService.GetCompletionConfig][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetCompletionConfigRequest = src.GetCompletionConfigRequest
Request for GetControl method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetControlRequest = src.GetControlRequest
Request message to show which branch is currently the default branch.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetDefaultBranchRequest = src.GetDefaultBranchRequest
Response message of [CatalogService.GetDefaultBranch][].
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetDefaultBranchResponse = src.GetDefaultBranchResponse
Request message for [ProductService.GetProduct][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetProductRequest = src.GetProductRequest
Request for GetServingConfig method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetServingConfigRequest = src.GetServingConfigRequest
Product[] image. Recommendations AI and Retail Search do not use product images to improve prediction and search results. However, product images can be returned in results, and are shown in prediction or search previews in the console.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Image = src.Image
Request message for ImportCompletionData methods.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ImportCompletionDataRequest = src.ImportCompletionDataRequest
Response of the ImportCompletionDataRequest[]. If the long running operation is done, this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation is successful.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ImportCompletionDataResponse = src.ImportCompletionDataResponse
Configuration of destination for Import related errors.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ImportErrorsConfig = src.ImportErrorsConfig
type ImportErrorsConfig_GcsPrefix = src.ImportErrorsConfig_GcsPrefix
Metadata related to the progress of the Import operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ImportMetadata = src.ImportMetadata
Request message for Import methods.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ImportProductsRequest = src.ImportProductsRequest
Indicates how imported products are reconciled with the existing products created or imported before.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ImportProductsRequest_ReconciliationMode = src.ImportProductsRequest_ReconciliationMode
Response of the ImportProductsRequest[]. If the long running operation is done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ImportProductsResponse = src.ImportProductsResponse
Request message for the ImportUserEvents request.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ImportUserEventsRequest = src.ImportUserEventsRequest
Response of the ImportUserEventsRequest. If the long running operation was successful, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ImportUserEventsResponse = src.ImportUserEventsResponse
A floating point interval.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Interval = src.Interval
type Interval_ExclusiveMaximum = src.Interval_ExclusiveMaximum
type Interval_ExclusiveMinimum = src.Interval_ExclusiveMinimum
type Interval_Maximum = src.Interval_Maximum
type Interval_Minimum = src.Interval_Minimum
Request for [CatalogService.ListCatalogs][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListCatalogsRequest = src.ListCatalogsRequest
Response for [CatalogService.ListCatalogs][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListCatalogsResponse = src.ListCatalogsResponse
Request for ListControls method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListControlsRequest = src.ListControlsRequest
Response for ListControls method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListControlsResponse = src.ListControlsResponse
Request for listing models associated with a resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListModelsRequest = src.ListModelsRequest
Response to a ListModelRequest.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListModelsResponse = src.ListModelsResponse
Request message for [ProductService.ListProducts][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListProductsRequest = src.ListProductsRequest
Response message for [ProductService.ListProducts][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListProductsResponse = src.ListProductsResponse
Request for ListServingConfigs method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListServingConfigsRequest = src.ListServingConfigsRequest
Response for ListServingConfigs method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListServingConfigsResponse = src.ListServingConfigsResponse
The inventory information at a place (e.g. a store) identified by a place ID.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LocalInventory = src.LocalInventory
Represents a link between a Merchant Center account and a branch. Once a link is established, products from the linked merchant center account will be streamed to the linked branch.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MerchantCenterLink = src.MerchantCenterLink
Configures Merchant Center linking. Links contained in the config will be used to sync data from a Merchant Center account to a Cloud Retail branch.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MerchantCenterLinkingConfig = src.MerchantCenterLinkingConfig
Metadata that describes the training and serving parameters of a Model[]. A Model[] can be associated with a ServingConfig[] and then queried through the Predict api.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Model = src.Model
ModelServiceClient is the client API for ModelService service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ModelServiceClient = src.ModelServiceClient
func NewModelServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ModelServiceClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
ModelServiceServer is the server API for ModelService service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ModelServiceServer = src.ModelServiceServer
Describes whether this model have sufficient training data to be continuously trained.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Model_DataState = src.Model_DataState
The PageOptimizationConfig for model training. This determines how many panels to optimize for, and which serving configurations to consider for each panel. The purpose of this model is to optimize which ServingConfig[] to show on which panels in way that optimizes the visitors shopping journey.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Model_PageOptimizationConfig = src.Model_PageOptimizationConfig
type Model_PageOptimizationConfig_ = src.Model_PageOptimizationConfig_
A candidate to consider for a given panel. Currently only ServingConfig[] are valid candidates.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Model_PageOptimizationConfig_Candidate = src.Model_PageOptimizationConfig_Candidate
type Model_PageOptimizationConfig_Candidate_ServingConfigId = src.Model_PageOptimizationConfig_Candidate_ServingConfigId
An individual panel with a list of [ServingConfigs][] to consider for it.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Model_PageOptimizationConfig_Panel = src.Model_PageOptimizationConfig_Panel
Restrictions of expected returned results.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Model_PageOptimizationConfig_Restriction = src.Model_PageOptimizationConfig_Restriction
Describes whether periodic tuning is enabled for this model or not. Periodic tuning is scheduled at most every three months. You can start a tuning process manually by using the ModelTune method, which starts a tuning process immediately and resets the quarterly schedule. Enabling or disabling periodic tuning does not affect any current tuning processes.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Model_PeriodicTuningState = src.Model_PeriodicTuningState
Represents an ordered combination of valid serving configs, which / may be used for PAGE_OPTIMIZATION recommendations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Model_ServingConfigList = src.Model_ServingConfigList
The serving state of the model.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Model_ServingState = src.Model_ServingState
The training state of the model.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Model_TrainingState = src.Model_TrainingState
Output result.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type OutputResult = src.OutputResult
Request for pausing training of a model.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PauseModelRequest = src.PauseModelRequest
Request message for Predict method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PredictRequest = src.PredictRequest
Response message for predict method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PredictResponse = src.PredictResponse
PredictionResult represents the recommendation prediction results.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PredictResponse_PredictionResult = src.PredictResponse_PredictionResult
PredictionServiceClient is the client API for PredictionService service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PredictionServiceClient = src.PredictionServiceClient
func NewPredictionServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) PredictionServiceClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
PredictionServiceServer is the server API for PredictionService service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PredictionServiceServer = src.PredictionServiceServer
The price information of a Product[].
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PriceInfo = src.PriceInfo
The price range of all [variant][] Product[] having the same [Product.primary_product_id][].
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PriceInfo_PriceRange = src.PriceInfo_PriceRange
Product captures all metadata information of items to be recommended or searched.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Product = src.Product
Detailed product information associated with a user event.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ProductDetail = src.ProductDetail
The inline source for the input config for ImportProducts method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ProductInlineSource = src.ProductInlineSource
The input config source for products.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ProductInputConfig = src.ProductInputConfig
type ProductInputConfig_BigQuerySource = src.ProductInputConfig_BigQuerySource
type ProductInputConfig_GcsSource = src.ProductInputConfig_GcsSource
type ProductInputConfig_ProductInlineSource = src.ProductInputConfig_ProductInlineSource
Configures what level the product should be uploaded with regards to how users will be send events and how predictions will be made.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ProductLevelConfig = src.ProductLevelConfig
ProductServiceClient is the client API for ProductService service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ProductServiceClient = src.ProductServiceClient
func NewProductServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ProductServiceClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
ProductServiceServer is the server API for ProductService service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ProductServiceServer = src.ProductServiceServer
Product availability. If this field is unspecified, the product is assumed to be in stock.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Product_Availability = src.Product_Availability
type Product_ExpireTime = src.Product_ExpireTime
type Product_Ttl = src.Product_Ttl
The type of this product.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Product_Type = src.Product_Type
Promotion information.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Promotion = src.Promotion
A transaction represents the entire purchase transaction.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PurchaseTransaction = src.PurchaseTransaction
Metadata related to the progress of the Purge operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PurgeMetadata = src.PurgeMetadata
Metadata related to the progress of the PurgeProducts operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PurgeProductsMetadata = src.PurgeProductsMetadata
Request message for PurgeProducts method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PurgeProductsRequest = src.PurgeProductsRequest
Response of the PurgeProductsRequest. If the long running operation is successfully done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PurgeProductsResponse = src.PurgeProductsResponse
Request message for PurgeUserEvents method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PurgeUserEventsRequest = src.PurgeUserEventsRequest
Response of the PurgeUserEventsRequest. If the long running operation is successfully done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PurgeUserEventsResponse = src.PurgeUserEventsResponse
The rating of a Product[].
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Rating = src.Rating
If filtering for recommendations is enabled.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RecommendationsFilteringOption = src.RecommendationsFilteringOption
Metadata for RejoinUserEvents method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RejoinUserEventsMetadata = src.RejoinUserEventsMetadata
Request message for RejoinUserEvents method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RejoinUserEventsRequest = src.RejoinUserEventsRequest
The scope of user events to be rejoined with the latest product catalog. If the rejoining aims at reducing number of unjoined events, set UserEventRejoinScope to UNJOINED_EVENTS. If the rejoining aims at correcting product catalog information in joined events, set UserEventRejoinScope to JOINED_EVENTS. If all events needs to be rejoined, set UserEventRejoinScope to USER_EVENT_REJOIN_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RejoinUserEventsRequest_UserEventRejoinScope = src.RejoinUserEventsRequest_UserEventRejoinScope
Response message for RejoinUserEvents method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RejoinUserEventsResponse = src.RejoinUserEventsResponse
Request for [CatalogService.RemoveCatalogAttribute][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveCatalogAttributeRequest = src.RemoveCatalogAttributeRequest
Request for RemoveControl method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveControlRequest = src.RemoveControlRequest
Metadata related to the progress of the RemoveFulfillmentPlaces operation. Currently empty because there is no meaningful metadata populated from the [ProductService.RemoveFulfillmentPlaces][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata = src.RemoveFulfillmentPlacesMetadata
Request message for [ProductService.RemoveFulfillmentPlaces][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest = src.RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest
Response of the RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest. Currently empty because there is no meaningful response populated from the [ProductService.RemoveFulfillmentPlaces][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse = src.RemoveFulfillmentPlacesResponse
Metadata related to the progress of the RemoveLocalInventories operation. Currently empty because there is no meaningful metadata populated from the [ProductService.RemoveLocalInventories][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveLocalInventoriesMetadata = src.RemoveLocalInventoriesMetadata
Request message for [ProductService.RemoveLocalInventories][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveLocalInventoriesRequest = src.RemoveLocalInventoriesRequest
Response of the [ProductService.RemoveLocalInventories][] API. Currently empty because there is no meaningful response populated from the [ProductService.RemoveLocalInventories][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveLocalInventoriesResponse = src.RemoveLocalInventoriesResponse
Request for [CatalogService.ReplaceCatalogAttribute][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ReplaceCatalogAttributeRequest = src.ReplaceCatalogAttributeRequest
Request for resuming training of a model.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResumeModelRequest = src.ResumeModelRequest
A rule is a condition-action pair * A condition defines when a rule is to be triggered. * An action specifies what occurs on that trigger. Currently only boost rules are supported. Currently only supported by the search endpoint.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Rule = src.Rule
A boost action to apply to results matching condition specified above.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Rule_BoostAction = src.Rule_BoostAction
type Rule_BoostAction_ = src.Rule_BoostAction_
Prevents `query_term` from being associated with specified terms during search. Example: Don't associate "gShoe" and "cheap".
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Rule_DoNotAssociateAction = src.Rule_DoNotAssociateAction
type Rule_DoNotAssociateAction_ = src.Rule_DoNotAssociateAction_
* Rule Condition: - No [Condition.query_terms][] provided is a global match. - 1 or more [Condition.query_terms][] provided are combined with OR operator. * Action Input: The request query and filter that are applied to the retrieved products, in addition to any filters already provided with the SearchRequest. The AND operator is used to combine the query's existing filters with the filter rule(s). NOTE: May result in 0 results when filters conflict. * Action Result: Filters the returned objects to be ONLY those that passed the filter.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Rule_FilterAction = src.Rule_FilterAction
type Rule_FilterAction_ = src.Rule_FilterAction_
Prevents a term in the query from being used in search. Example: Don't search for "shoddy".
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Rule_IgnoreAction = src.Rule_IgnoreAction
type Rule_IgnoreAction_ = src.Rule_IgnoreAction_
Maps a set of terms to a set of synonyms. Set of synonyms will be treated as synonyms of each query term only. `query_terms` will not be treated as synonyms of each other. Example: "sneakers" will use a synonym of "shoes". "shoes" will not use a synonym of "sneakers".
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Rule_OnewaySynonymsAction = src.Rule_OnewaySynonymsAction
type Rule_OnewaySynonymsAction_ = src.Rule_OnewaySynonymsAction_
Redirects a shopper to a specific page. * Rule Condition: - Must specify [Condition.query_terms][]. * Action Input: Request Query * Action Result: Redirects shopper to provided uri.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Rule_RedirectAction = src.Rule_RedirectAction
type Rule_RedirectAction_ = src.Rule_RedirectAction_
Replaces a term in the query. Multiple replacement candidates can be specified. All `query_terms` will be replaced with the replacement term. Example: Replace "gShoe" with "google shoe".
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Rule_ReplacementAction = src.Rule_ReplacementAction
type Rule_ReplacementAction_ = src.Rule_ReplacementAction_
Creates a set of terms that will be treated as synonyms of each other. Example: synonyms of "sneakers" and "shoes". - "sneakers" will use a synonym of "shoes". - "shoes" will use a synonym of "sneakers".
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Rule_TwowaySynonymsAction = src.Rule_TwowaySynonymsAction
type Rule_TwowaySynonymsAction_ = src.Rule_TwowaySynonymsAction_
Request message for [SearchService.Search][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchRequest = src.SearchRequest
Boost specification to boost certain items.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchRequest_BoostSpec = src.SearchRequest_BoostSpec
Boost applies to products which match a condition.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchRequest_BoostSpec_ConditionBoostSpec = src.SearchRequest_BoostSpec_ConditionBoostSpec
The specifications of dynamically generated facets.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchRequest_DynamicFacetSpec = src.SearchRequest_DynamicFacetSpec
Enum to control DynamicFacet mode
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchRequest_DynamicFacetSpec_Mode = src.SearchRequest_DynamicFacetSpec_Mode
A facet specification to perform faceted search.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchRequest_FacetSpec = src.SearchRequest_FacetSpec
Specifies how a facet is computed.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchRequest_FacetSpec_FacetKey = src.SearchRequest_FacetSpec_FacetKey
The specification for personalization.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchRequest_PersonalizationSpec = src.SearchRequest_PersonalizationSpec
The personalization mode of each search request.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchRequest_PersonalizationSpec_Mode = src.SearchRequest_PersonalizationSpec_Mode
Specification to determine under which conditions query expansion should occur.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchRequest_QueryExpansionSpec = src.SearchRequest_QueryExpansionSpec
Enum describing under which condition query expansion should occur.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchRequest_QueryExpansionSpec_Condition = src.SearchRequest_QueryExpansionSpec_Condition
The relevance threshold of the search results. The higher relevance threshold is, the higher relevant results are shown and the less number of results are returned.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchRequest_RelevanceThreshold = src.SearchRequest_RelevanceThreshold
The search mode of each search request.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchRequest_SearchMode = src.SearchRequest_SearchMode
The specification for query spell correction.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchRequest_SpellCorrectionSpec = src.SearchRequest_SpellCorrectionSpec
Enum describing under which mode spell correction should occur.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchRequest_SpellCorrectionSpec_Mode = src.SearchRequest_SpellCorrectionSpec_Mode
Response message for [SearchService.Search][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchResponse = src.SearchResponse
A facet result.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchResponse_Facet = src.SearchResponse_Facet
A facet value which contains value names and their count.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchResponse_Facet_FacetValue = src.SearchResponse_Facet_FacetValue
type SearchResponse_Facet_FacetValue_Interval = src.SearchResponse_Facet_FacetValue_Interval
type SearchResponse_Facet_FacetValue_Value = src.SearchResponse_Facet_FacetValue_Value
Information describing query expansion including whether expansion has occurred.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchResponse_QueryExpansionInfo = src.SearchResponse_QueryExpansionInfo
Represents the search results.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchResponse_SearchResult = src.SearchResponse_SearchResult
SearchServiceClient is the client API for SearchService service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchServiceClient = src.SearchServiceClient
func NewSearchServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) SearchServiceClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
SearchServiceServer is the server API for SearchService service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchServiceServer = src.SearchServiceServer
The use case of Cloud Retail Search.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SearchSolutionUseCase = src.SearchSolutionUseCase
Configures metadata that is used to generate serving time results (e.g. search results or recommendation predictions). The ServingConfig is passed in the search and predict request and together with the Catalog.default_branch, generates results.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ServingConfig = src.ServingConfig
ServingConfigServiceClient is the client API for ServingConfigService service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ServingConfigServiceClient = src.ServingConfigServiceClient
func NewServingConfigServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ServingConfigServiceClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
ServingConfigServiceServer is the server API for ServingConfigService service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ServingConfigServiceServer = src.ServingConfigServiceServer
Request message to set a specified branch as new default_branch.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetDefaultBranchRequest = src.SetDefaultBranchRequest
Metadata related to the progress of the SetInventory operation. Currently empty because there is no meaningful metadata populated from the [ProductService.SetInventory][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetInventoryMetadata = src.SetInventoryMetadata
Request message for [ProductService.SetInventory][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetInventoryRequest = src.SetInventoryRequest
Response of the SetInventoryRequest. Currently empty because there is no meaningful response populated from the [ProductService.SetInventory][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetInventoryResponse = src.SetInventoryResponse
The type of solution.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SolutionType = src.SolutionType
Metadata associated with a tune operation.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TuneModelMetadata = src.TuneModelMetadata
Request to manually start a tuning process now (instead of waiting for the periodically scheduled tuning to happen).
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TuneModelRequest = src.TuneModelRequest
Response associated with a tune operation.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TuneModelResponse = src.TuneModelResponse
UnimplementedCatalogServiceServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedCatalogServiceServer = src.UnimplementedCatalogServiceServer
UnimplementedCompletionServiceServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedCompletionServiceServer = src.UnimplementedCompletionServiceServer
UnimplementedControlServiceServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedControlServiceServer = src.UnimplementedControlServiceServer
UnimplementedModelServiceServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedModelServiceServer = src.UnimplementedModelServiceServer
UnimplementedPredictionServiceServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedPredictionServiceServer = src.UnimplementedPredictionServiceServer
UnimplementedProductServiceServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedProductServiceServer = src.UnimplementedProductServiceServer
UnimplementedSearchServiceServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedSearchServiceServer = src.UnimplementedSearchServiceServer
UnimplementedServingConfigServiceServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedServingConfigServiceServer = src.UnimplementedServingConfigServiceServer
UnimplementedUserEventServiceServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedUserEventServiceServer = src.UnimplementedUserEventServiceServer
Request for [CatalogService.UpdateAttributesConfig][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateAttributesConfigRequest = src.UpdateAttributesConfigRequest
Request for [CatalogService.UpdateCatalog][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateCatalogRequest = src.UpdateCatalogRequest
Request for [CatalogService.UpdateCompletionConfig][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateCompletionConfigRequest = src.UpdateCompletionConfigRequest
Request for UpdateControl method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateControlRequest = src.UpdateControlRequest
Request for updating an existing model.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateModelRequest = src.UpdateModelRequest
Request message for [ProductService.UpdateProduct][] method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateProductRequest = src.UpdateProductRequest
Request for UpdateServingConfig method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateServingConfigRequest = src.UpdateServingConfigRequest
UserEvent captures all metadata information Retail API needs to know about how end users interact with customers' website.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UserEvent = src.UserEvent
A summary of import result. The UserEventImportSummary summarizes the import status for user events.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UserEventImportSummary = src.UserEventImportSummary
The inline source for the input config for ImportUserEvents method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UserEventInlineSource = src.UserEventInlineSource
The input config source for user events.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UserEventInputConfig = src.UserEventInputConfig
type UserEventInputConfig_BigQuerySource = src.UserEventInputConfig_BigQuerySource
type UserEventInputConfig_GcsSource = src.UserEventInputConfig_GcsSource
type UserEventInputConfig_UserEventInlineSource = src.UserEventInputConfig_UserEventInlineSource
UserEventServiceClient is the client API for UserEventService service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UserEventServiceClient = src.UserEventServiceClient
func NewUserEventServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) UserEventServiceClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
UserEventServiceServer is the server API for UserEventService service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UserEventServiceServer = src.UserEventServiceServer
Information of an end user.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UserInfo = src.UserInfo
Request message for WriteUserEvent method.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type WriteUserEventRequest = src.WriteUserEventRequest