Deprecated: Please use consts in:
const ( AccessConfig_DIRECT_IPV6 = src.AccessConfig_DIRECT_IPV6 AccessConfig_FIXED_STANDARD = src.AccessConfig_FIXED_STANDARD AccessConfig_ONE_TO_ONE_NAT = src.AccessConfig_ONE_TO_ONE_NAT AccessConfig_PREMIUM = src.AccessConfig_PREMIUM AccessConfig_STANDARD = src.AccessConfig_STANDARD AccessConfig_STANDARD_OVERRIDES_FIXED_STANDARD = src.AccessConfig_STANDARD_OVERRIDES_FIXED_STANDARD AccessConfig_UNDEFINED_NETWORK_TIER = src.AccessConfig_UNDEFINED_NETWORK_TIER AccessConfig_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.AccessConfig_UNDEFINED_TYPE Address_DNS_RESOLVER = src.Address_DNS_RESOLVER Address_EXTERNAL = src.Address_EXTERNAL Address_FIXED_STANDARD = src.Address_FIXED_STANDARD Address_GCE_ENDPOINT = src.Address_GCE_ENDPOINT Address_INTERNAL = src.Address_INTERNAL Address_IN_USE = src.Address_IN_USE Address_IPSEC_INTERCONNECT = src.Address_IPSEC_INTERCONNECT Address_IPV4 = src.Address_IPV4 Address_IPV6 = src.Address_IPV6 Address_NAT_AUTO = src.Address_NAT_AUTO Address_NETLB = src.Address_NETLB Address_PREMIUM = src.Address_PREMIUM Address_PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT = src.Address_PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT Address_RESERVED = src.Address_RESERVED Address_RESERVING = src.Address_RESERVING Address_SERVERLESS = src.Address_SERVERLESS Address_SHARED_LOADBALANCER_VIP = src.Address_SHARED_LOADBALANCER_VIP Address_STANDARD = src.Address_STANDARD Address_STANDARD_OVERRIDES_FIXED_STANDARD = src.Address_STANDARD_OVERRIDES_FIXED_STANDARD Address_UNDEFINED_ADDRESS_TYPE = src.Address_UNDEFINED_ADDRESS_TYPE Address_UNDEFINED_IPV6_ENDPOINT_TYPE = src.Address_UNDEFINED_IPV6_ENDPOINT_TYPE Address_UNDEFINED_IP_VERSION = src.Address_UNDEFINED_IP_VERSION Address_UNDEFINED_NETWORK_TIER = src.Address_UNDEFINED_NETWORK_TIER Address_UNDEFINED_PURPOSE = src.Address_UNDEFINED_PURPOSE Address_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.Address_UNDEFINED_STATUS Address_UNSPECIFIED_TYPE = src.Address_UNSPECIFIED_TYPE Address_UNSPECIFIED_VERSION = src.Address_UNSPECIFIED_VERSION Address_VM = src.Address_VM Address_VPC_PEERING = src.Address_VPC_PEERING AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDisk_NVME = src.AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDisk_NVME AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDisk_SCSI = src.AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDisk_SCSI AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDisk_UNDEFINED_INTERFACE = src.AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDisk_UNDEFINED_INTERFACE AttachedDiskInitializeParams_ARCHITECTURE_UNSPECIFIED = src.AttachedDiskInitializeParams_ARCHITECTURE_UNSPECIFIED AttachedDiskInitializeParams_ARM64 = src.AttachedDiskInitializeParams_ARM64 AttachedDiskInitializeParams_RECREATE_DISK = src.AttachedDiskInitializeParams_RECREATE_DISK AttachedDiskInitializeParams_RECREATE_DISK_IF_SOURCE_CHANGED = src.AttachedDiskInitializeParams_RECREATE_DISK_IF_SOURCE_CHANGED AttachedDiskInitializeParams_UNDEFINED_ARCHITECTURE = src.AttachedDiskInitializeParams_UNDEFINED_ARCHITECTURE AttachedDiskInitializeParams_UNDEFINED_ON_UPDATE_ACTION = src.AttachedDiskInitializeParams_UNDEFINED_ON_UPDATE_ACTION AttachedDiskInitializeParams_USE_EXISTING_DISK = src.AttachedDiskInitializeParams_USE_EXISTING_DISK AttachedDiskInitializeParams_X86_64 = src.AttachedDiskInitializeParams_X86_64 AttachedDisk_ARCHITECTURE_UNSPECIFIED = src.AttachedDisk_ARCHITECTURE_UNSPECIFIED AttachedDisk_ARM64 = src.AttachedDisk_ARM64 AttachedDisk_NVME = src.AttachedDisk_NVME AttachedDisk_PERSISTENT = src.AttachedDisk_PERSISTENT AttachedDisk_READ_ONLY = src.AttachedDisk_READ_ONLY AttachedDisk_READ_WRITE = src.AttachedDisk_READ_WRITE AttachedDisk_SCRATCH = src.AttachedDisk_SCRATCH AttachedDisk_SCSI = src.AttachedDisk_SCSI AttachedDisk_UNDEFINED_ARCHITECTURE = src.AttachedDisk_UNDEFINED_ARCHITECTURE AttachedDisk_UNDEFINED_INTERFACE = src.AttachedDisk_UNDEFINED_INTERFACE AttachedDisk_UNDEFINED_MODE = src.AttachedDisk_UNDEFINED_MODE AttachedDisk_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.AttachedDisk_UNDEFINED_TYPE AttachedDisk_X86_64 = src.AttachedDisk_X86_64 AuditLogConfig_ADMIN_READ = src.AuditLogConfig_ADMIN_READ AuditLogConfig_DATA_READ = src.AuditLogConfig_DATA_READ AuditLogConfig_DATA_WRITE = src.AuditLogConfig_DATA_WRITE AuditLogConfig_LOG_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.AuditLogConfig_LOG_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED AuditLogConfig_UNDEFINED_LOG_TYPE = src.AuditLogConfig_UNDEFINED_LOG_TYPE AuthorizationLoggingOptions_ADMIN_READ = src.AuthorizationLoggingOptions_ADMIN_READ AuthorizationLoggingOptions_ADMIN_WRITE = src.AuthorizationLoggingOptions_ADMIN_WRITE AuthorizationLoggingOptions_DATA_READ = src.AuthorizationLoggingOptions_DATA_READ AuthorizationLoggingOptions_DATA_WRITE = src.AuthorizationLoggingOptions_DATA_WRITE AuthorizationLoggingOptions_PERMISSION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.AuthorizationLoggingOptions_PERMISSION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED AuthorizationLoggingOptions_UNDEFINED_PERMISSION_TYPE = src.AuthorizationLoggingOptions_UNDEFINED_PERMISSION_TYPE AutoscalerStatusDetails_ALL_INSTANCES_UNHEALTHY = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_ALL_INSTANCES_UNHEALTHY AutoscalerStatusDetails_BACKEND_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_BACKEND_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST AutoscalerStatusDetails_CAPPED_AT_MAX_NUM_REPLICAS = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_CAPPED_AT_MAX_NUM_REPLICAS AutoscalerStatusDetails_CUSTOM_METRIC_DATA_POINTS_TOO_SPARSE = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_CUSTOM_METRIC_DATA_POINTS_TOO_SPARSE AutoscalerStatusDetails_CUSTOM_METRIC_INVALID = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_CUSTOM_METRIC_INVALID AutoscalerStatusDetails_MIN_EQUALS_MAX = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_MIN_EQUALS_MAX AutoscalerStatusDetails_MISSING_CUSTOM_METRIC_DATA_POINTS = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_MISSING_CUSTOM_METRIC_DATA_POINTS AutoscalerStatusDetails_MISSING_LOAD_BALANCING_DATA_POINTS = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_MISSING_LOAD_BALANCING_DATA_POINTS AutoscalerStatusDetails_MODE_OFF = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_MODE_OFF AutoscalerStatusDetails_MODE_ONLY_SCALE_OUT = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_MODE_ONLY_SCALE_OUT AutoscalerStatusDetails_MODE_ONLY_UP = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_MODE_ONLY_UP AutoscalerStatusDetails_MORE_THAN_ONE_BACKEND_SERVICE = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_MORE_THAN_ONE_BACKEND_SERVICE AutoscalerStatusDetails_NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA_AVAILABLE = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA_AVAILABLE AutoscalerStatusDetails_REGION_RESOURCE_STOCKOUT = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_REGION_RESOURCE_STOCKOUT AutoscalerStatusDetails_SCALING_TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_SCALING_TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST AutoscalerStatusDetails_SCHEDULED_INSTANCES_GREATER_THAN_AUTOSCALER_MAX = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_SCHEDULED_INSTANCES_GREATER_THAN_AUTOSCALER_MAX AutoscalerStatusDetails_SCHEDULED_INSTANCES_LESS_THAN_AUTOSCALER_MIN = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_SCHEDULED_INSTANCES_LESS_THAN_AUTOSCALER_MIN AutoscalerStatusDetails_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_UNDEFINED_TYPE AutoscalerStatusDetails_UNKNOWN = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_UNKNOWN AutoscalerStatusDetails_UNSUPPORTED_MAX_RATE_LOAD_BALANCING_CONFIGURATION = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_UNSUPPORTED_MAX_RATE_LOAD_BALANCING_CONFIGURATION AutoscalerStatusDetails_ZONE_RESOURCE_STOCKOUT = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_ZONE_RESOURCE_STOCKOUT Autoscaler_ACTIVE = src.Autoscaler_ACTIVE Autoscaler_DELETING = src.Autoscaler_DELETING Autoscaler_ERROR = src.Autoscaler_ERROR Autoscaler_PENDING = src.Autoscaler_PENDING Autoscaler_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.Autoscaler_UNDEFINED_STATUS AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization_NONE = src.AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization_NONE AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization_OPTIMIZE_AVAILABILITY = src.AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization_OPTIMIZE_AVAILABILITY AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization_UNDEFINED_PREDICTIVE_METHOD = src.AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization_UNDEFINED_PREDICTIVE_METHOD AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization_DELTA_PER_MINUTE = src.AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization_DELTA_PER_MINUTE AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization_DELTA_PER_SECOND = src.AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization_DELTA_PER_SECOND AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization_GAUGE = src.AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization_GAUGE AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization_UNDEFINED_UTILIZATION_TARGET_TYPE = src.AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization_UNDEFINED_UTILIZATION_TARGET_TYPE AutoscalingPolicy_OFF = src.AutoscalingPolicy_OFF AutoscalingPolicy_ON = src.AutoscalingPolicy_ON AutoscalingPolicy_ONLY_SCALE_OUT = src.AutoscalingPolicy_ONLY_SCALE_OUT AutoscalingPolicy_ONLY_UP = src.AutoscalingPolicy_ONLY_UP AutoscalingPolicy_UNDEFINED_MODE = src.AutoscalingPolicy_UNDEFINED_MODE BackendBucketCdnPolicy_CACHE_ALL_STATIC = src.BackendBucketCdnPolicy_CACHE_ALL_STATIC BackendBucketCdnPolicy_FORCE_CACHE_ALL = src.BackendBucketCdnPolicy_FORCE_CACHE_ALL BackendBucketCdnPolicy_INVALID_CACHE_MODE = src.BackendBucketCdnPolicy_INVALID_CACHE_MODE BackendBucketCdnPolicy_UNDEFINED_CACHE_MODE = src.BackendBucketCdnPolicy_UNDEFINED_CACHE_MODE BackendBucketCdnPolicy_USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS = src.BackendBucketCdnPolicy_USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS BackendBucket_AUTOMATIC = src.BackendBucket_AUTOMATIC BackendBucket_DISABLED = src.BackendBucket_DISABLED BackendBucket_UNDEFINED_COMPRESSION_MODE = src.BackendBucket_UNDEFINED_COMPRESSION_MODE BackendServiceCdnPolicy_CACHE_ALL_STATIC = src.BackendServiceCdnPolicy_CACHE_ALL_STATIC BackendServiceCdnPolicy_FORCE_CACHE_ALL = src.BackendServiceCdnPolicy_FORCE_CACHE_ALL BackendServiceCdnPolicy_INVALID_CACHE_MODE = src.BackendServiceCdnPolicy_INVALID_CACHE_MODE BackendServiceCdnPolicy_UNDEFINED_CACHE_MODE = src.BackendServiceCdnPolicy_UNDEFINED_CACHE_MODE BackendServiceCdnPolicy_USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS = src.BackendServiceCdnPolicy_USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_ALWAYS_PERSIST = src.BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_ALWAYS_PERSIST BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_DEFAULT_FOR_PROTOCOL = src.BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_DEFAULT_FOR_PROTOCOL BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_INVALID_TRACKING_MODE = src.BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_INVALID_TRACKING_MODE BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_NEVER_PERSIST = src.BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_NEVER_PERSIST BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_PER_CONNECTION = src.BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_PER_CONNECTION BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_PER_SESSION = src.BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_PER_SESSION BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_UNDEFINED_CONNECTION_PERSISTENCE_ON_UNHEALTHY_BACKENDS = src.BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_UNDEFINED_CONNECTION_PERSISTENCE_ON_UNHEALTHY_BACKENDS BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_UNDEFINED_TRACKING_MODE = src.BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_UNDEFINED_TRACKING_MODE BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_INVALID_LB_POLICY = src.BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_INVALID_LB_POLICY BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_LEAST_REQUEST = src.BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_LEAST_REQUEST BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_MAGLEV = src.BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_MAGLEV BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_ORIGINAL_DESTINATION = src.BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_ORIGINAL_DESTINATION BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_RANDOM = src.BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_RANDOM BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_RING_HASH = src.BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_RING_HASH BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_ROUND_ROBIN = src.BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_ROUND_ROBIN BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_UNDEFINED_NAME = src.BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_UNDEFINED_NAME BackendService_AUTOMATIC = src.BackendService_AUTOMATIC BackendService_CLIENT_IP = src.BackendService_CLIENT_IP BackendService_CLIENT_IP_NO_DESTINATION = src.BackendService_CLIENT_IP_NO_DESTINATION BackendService_CLIENT_IP_PORT_PROTO = src.BackendService_CLIENT_IP_PORT_PROTO BackendService_CLIENT_IP_PROTO = src.BackendService_CLIENT_IP_PROTO BackendService_DISABLED = src.BackendService_DISABLED BackendService_EXTERNAL = src.BackendService_EXTERNAL BackendService_EXTERNAL_MANAGED = src.BackendService_EXTERNAL_MANAGED BackendService_GENERATED_COOKIE = src.BackendService_GENERATED_COOKIE BackendService_GRPC = src.BackendService_GRPC BackendService_HEADER_FIELD = src.BackendService_HEADER_FIELD BackendService_HTTP = src.BackendService_HTTP BackendService_HTTP2 = src.BackendService_HTTP2 BackendService_HTTPS = src.BackendService_HTTPS BackendService_HTTP_COOKIE = src.BackendService_HTTP_COOKIE BackendService_INTERNAL = src.BackendService_INTERNAL BackendService_INTERNAL_MANAGED = src.BackendService_INTERNAL_MANAGED BackendService_INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED = src.BackendService_INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED BackendService_INVALID_LB_POLICY = src.BackendService_INVALID_LB_POLICY BackendService_INVALID_LOAD_BALANCING_SCHEME = src.BackendService_INVALID_LOAD_BALANCING_SCHEME BackendService_LEAST_REQUEST = src.BackendService_LEAST_REQUEST BackendService_MAGLEV = src.BackendService_MAGLEV BackendService_NONE = src.BackendService_NONE BackendService_ORIGINAL_DESTINATION = src.BackendService_ORIGINAL_DESTINATION BackendService_RANDOM = src.BackendService_RANDOM BackendService_RING_HASH = src.BackendService_RING_HASH BackendService_ROUND_ROBIN = src.BackendService_ROUND_ROBIN BackendService_SSL = src.BackendService_SSL BackendService_TCP = src.BackendService_TCP BackendService_UDP = src.BackendService_UDP BackendService_UNDEFINED_COMPRESSION_MODE = src.BackendService_UNDEFINED_COMPRESSION_MODE BackendService_UNDEFINED_LOAD_BALANCING_SCHEME = src.BackendService_UNDEFINED_LOAD_BALANCING_SCHEME BackendService_UNDEFINED_LOCALITY_LB_POLICY = src.BackendService_UNDEFINED_LOCALITY_LB_POLICY BackendService_UNDEFINED_PROTOCOL = src.BackendService_UNDEFINED_PROTOCOL BackendService_UNDEFINED_SESSION_AFFINITY = src.BackendService_UNDEFINED_SESSION_AFFINITY BackendService_UNSPECIFIED = src.BackendService_UNSPECIFIED Backend_CONNECTION = src.Backend_CONNECTION Backend_RATE = src.Backend_RATE Backend_UNDEFINED_BALANCING_MODE = src.Backend_UNDEFINED_BALANCING_MODE Backend_UTILIZATION = src.Backend_UTILIZATION BfdPacket_ADMINISTRATIVELY_DOWN = src.BfdPacket_ADMINISTRATIVELY_DOWN BfdPacket_ADMIN_DOWN = src.BfdPacket_ADMIN_DOWN BfdPacket_CONCATENATED_PATH_DOWN = src.BfdPacket_CONCATENATED_PATH_DOWN BfdPacket_CONTROL_DETECTION_TIME_EXPIRED = src.BfdPacket_CONTROL_DETECTION_TIME_EXPIRED BfdPacket_DIAGNOSTIC_UNSPECIFIED = src.BfdPacket_DIAGNOSTIC_UNSPECIFIED BfdPacket_DOWN = src.BfdPacket_DOWN BfdPacket_ECHO_FUNCTION_FAILED = src.BfdPacket_ECHO_FUNCTION_FAILED BfdPacket_FORWARDING_PLANE_RESET = src.BfdPacket_FORWARDING_PLANE_RESET BfdPacket_INIT = src.BfdPacket_INIT BfdPacket_NEIGHBOR_SIGNALED_SESSION_DOWN = src.BfdPacket_NEIGHBOR_SIGNALED_SESSION_DOWN BfdPacket_NO_DIAGNOSTIC = src.BfdPacket_NO_DIAGNOSTIC BfdPacket_PATH_DOWN = src.BfdPacket_PATH_DOWN BfdPacket_REVERSE_CONCATENATED_PATH_DOWN = src.BfdPacket_REVERSE_CONCATENATED_PATH_DOWN BfdPacket_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = src.BfdPacket_STATE_UNSPECIFIED BfdPacket_UNDEFINED_DIAGNOSTIC = src.BfdPacket_UNDEFINED_DIAGNOSTIC BfdPacket_UNDEFINED_STATE = src.BfdPacket_UNDEFINED_STATE BfdPacket_UP = src.BfdPacket_UP BfdStatus_ACTIVE = src.BfdStatus_ACTIVE BfdStatus_ADMINISTRATIVELY_DOWN = src.BfdStatus_ADMINISTRATIVELY_DOWN BfdStatus_ADMIN_DOWN = src.BfdStatus_ADMIN_DOWN BfdStatus_CONCATENATED_PATH_DOWN = src.BfdStatus_CONCATENATED_PATH_DOWN BfdStatus_CONTROL_DETECTION_TIME_EXPIRED = src.BfdStatus_CONTROL_DETECTION_TIME_EXPIRED BfdStatus_DIAGNOSTIC_UNSPECIFIED = src.BfdStatus_DIAGNOSTIC_UNSPECIFIED BfdStatus_DISABLED = src.BfdStatus_DISABLED BfdStatus_DOWN = src.BfdStatus_DOWN BfdStatus_ECHO_FUNCTION_FAILED = src.BfdStatus_ECHO_FUNCTION_FAILED BfdStatus_FORWARDING_PLANE_RESET = src.BfdStatus_FORWARDING_PLANE_RESET BfdStatus_INIT = src.BfdStatus_INIT BfdStatus_NEIGHBOR_SIGNALED_SESSION_DOWN = src.BfdStatus_NEIGHBOR_SIGNALED_SESSION_DOWN BfdStatus_NO_DIAGNOSTIC = src.BfdStatus_NO_DIAGNOSTIC BfdStatus_PASSIVE = src.BfdStatus_PASSIVE BfdStatus_PATH_DOWN = src.BfdStatus_PATH_DOWN BfdStatus_REVERSE_CONCATENATED_PATH_DOWN = src.BfdStatus_REVERSE_CONCATENATED_PATH_DOWN BfdStatus_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = src.BfdStatus_STATE_UNSPECIFIED BfdStatus_UNDEFINED_BFD_SESSION_INITIALIZATION_MODE = src.BfdStatus_UNDEFINED_BFD_SESSION_INITIALIZATION_MODE BfdStatus_UNDEFINED_LOCAL_DIAGNOSTIC = src.BfdStatus_UNDEFINED_LOCAL_DIAGNOSTIC BfdStatus_UNDEFINED_LOCAL_STATE = src.BfdStatus_UNDEFINED_LOCAL_STATE BfdStatus_UP = src.BfdStatus_UP Commitment_ACCELERATOR_OPTIMIZED = src.Commitment_ACCELERATOR_OPTIMIZED Commitment_ACTIVE = src.Commitment_ACTIVE Commitment_CANCELLED = src.Commitment_CANCELLED Commitment_CATEGORY_UNSPECIFIED = src.Commitment_CATEGORY_UNSPECIFIED Commitment_COMPUTE_OPTIMIZED = src.Commitment_COMPUTE_OPTIMIZED Commitment_COMPUTE_OPTIMIZED_C2D = src.Commitment_COMPUTE_OPTIMIZED_C2D Commitment_CREATING = src.Commitment_CREATING Commitment_EXPIRED = src.Commitment_EXPIRED Commitment_GENERAL_PURPOSE = src.Commitment_GENERAL_PURPOSE Commitment_GENERAL_PURPOSE_E2 = src.Commitment_GENERAL_PURPOSE_E2 Commitment_GENERAL_PURPOSE_N2 = src.Commitment_GENERAL_PURPOSE_N2 Commitment_GENERAL_PURPOSE_N2D = src.Commitment_GENERAL_PURPOSE_N2D Commitment_GENERAL_PURPOSE_T2D = src.Commitment_GENERAL_PURPOSE_T2D Commitment_INVALID = src.Commitment_INVALID Commitment_LICENSE = src.Commitment_LICENSE Commitment_MACHINE = src.Commitment_MACHINE Commitment_MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = src.Commitment_MEMORY_OPTIMIZED Commitment_MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_M3 = src.Commitment_MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_M3 Commitment_NOT_YET_ACTIVE = src.Commitment_NOT_YET_ACTIVE Commitment_THIRTY_SIX_MONTH = src.Commitment_THIRTY_SIX_MONTH Commitment_TWELVE_MONTH = src.Commitment_TWELVE_MONTH Commitment_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.Commitment_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Commitment_UNDEFINED_CATEGORY = src.Commitment_UNDEFINED_CATEGORY Commitment_UNDEFINED_PLAN = src.Commitment_UNDEFINED_PLAN Commitment_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.Commitment_UNDEFINED_STATUS Commitment_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.Commitment_UNDEFINED_TYPE Condition_APPROVER = src.Condition_APPROVER Condition_ATTRIBUTION = src.Condition_ATTRIBUTION Condition_AUTHORITY = src.Condition_AUTHORITY Condition_CREDENTIALS_TYPE = src.Condition_CREDENTIALS_TYPE Condition_CREDS_ASSERTION = src.Condition_CREDS_ASSERTION Condition_DISCHARGED = src.Condition_DISCHARGED Condition_EQUALS = src.Condition_EQUALS Condition_IN = src.Condition_IN Condition_IP = src.Condition_IP Condition_JUSTIFICATION_TYPE = src.Condition_JUSTIFICATION_TYPE Condition_NAME = src.Condition_NAME Condition_NOT_EQUALS = src.Condition_NOT_EQUALS Condition_NOT_IN = src.Condition_NOT_IN Condition_NO_OP = src.Condition_NO_OP Condition_REGION = src.Condition_REGION Condition_SECURITY_REALM = src.Condition_SECURITY_REALM Condition_SERVICE = src.Condition_SERVICE Condition_UNDEFINED_IAM = src.Condition_UNDEFINED_IAM Condition_UNDEFINED_OP = src.Condition_UNDEFINED_OP Condition_UNDEFINED_SYS = src.Condition_UNDEFINED_SYS DeprecationStatus_ACTIVE = src.DeprecationStatus_ACTIVE DeprecationStatus_DELETED = src.DeprecationStatus_DELETED DeprecationStatus_DEPRECATED = src.DeprecationStatus_DEPRECATED DeprecationStatus_OBSOLETE = src.DeprecationStatus_OBSOLETE DeprecationStatus_UNDEFINED_STATE = src.DeprecationStatus_UNDEFINED_STATE DiskInstantiationConfig_ATTACH_READ_ONLY = src.DiskInstantiationConfig_ATTACH_READ_ONLY DiskInstantiationConfig_BLANK = src.DiskInstantiationConfig_BLANK DiskInstantiationConfig_CUSTOM_IMAGE = src.DiskInstantiationConfig_CUSTOM_IMAGE DiskInstantiationConfig_DEFAULT = src.DiskInstantiationConfig_DEFAULT DiskInstantiationConfig_DO_NOT_INCLUDE = src.DiskInstantiationConfig_DO_NOT_INCLUDE DiskInstantiationConfig_SOURCE_IMAGE = src.DiskInstantiationConfig_SOURCE_IMAGE DiskInstantiationConfig_SOURCE_IMAGE_FAMILY = src.DiskInstantiationConfig_SOURCE_IMAGE_FAMILY DiskInstantiationConfig_UNDEFINED_INSTANTIATE_FROM = src.DiskInstantiationConfig_UNDEFINED_INSTANTIATE_FROM Disk_ARCHITECTURE_UNSPECIFIED = src.Disk_ARCHITECTURE_UNSPECIFIED Disk_ARM64 = src.Disk_ARM64 Disk_CREATING = src.Disk_CREATING Disk_DELETING = src.Disk_DELETING Disk_FAILED = src.Disk_FAILED Disk_READY = src.Disk_READY Disk_RESTORING = src.Disk_RESTORING Disk_UNDEFINED_ARCHITECTURE = src.Disk_UNDEFINED_ARCHITECTURE Disk_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.Disk_UNDEFINED_STATUS Disk_X86_64 = src.Disk_X86_64 DistributionPolicy_ANY = src.DistributionPolicy_ANY DistributionPolicy_BALANCED = src.DistributionPolicy_BALANCED DistributionPolicy_EVEN = src.DistributionPolicy_EVEN DistributionPolicy_UNDEFINED_TARGET_SHAPE = src.DistributionPolicy_UNDEFINED_TARGET_SHAPE ExchangedPeeringRoute_DYNAMIC_PEERING_ROUTE = src.ExchangedPeeringRoute_DYNAMIC_PEERING_ROUTE ExchangedPeeringRoute_STATIC_PEERING_ROUTE = src.ExchangedPeeringRoute_STATIC_PEERING_ROUTE ExchangedPeeringRoute_SUBNET_PEERING_ROUTE = src.ExchangedPeeringRoute_SUBNET_PEERING_ROUTE ExchangedPeeringRoute_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.ExchangedPeeringRoute_UNDEFINED_TYPE ExternalVpnGateway_FOUR_IPS_REDUNDANCY = src.ExternalVpnGateway_FOUR_IPS_REDUNDANCY ExternalVpnGateway_SINGLE_IP_INTERNALLY_REDUNDANT = src.ExternalVpnGateway_SINGLE_IP_INTERNALLY_REDUNDANT ExternalVpnGateway_TWO_IPS_REDUNDANCY = src.ExternalVpnGateway_TWO_IPS_REDUNDANCY ExternalVpnGateway_UNDEFINED_REDUNDANCY_TYPE = src.ExternalVpnGateway_UNDEFINED_REDUNDANCY_TYPE FileContentBuffer_BIN = src.FileContentBuffer_BIN FileContentBuffer_UNDEFINED = src.FileContentBuffer_UNDEFINED FileContentBuffer_UNDEFINED_FILE_TYPE = src.FileContentBuffer_UNDEFINED_FILE_TYPE FileContentBuffer_X509 = src.FileContentBuffer_X509 FirewallLogConfig_EXCLUDE_ALL_METADATA = src.FirewallLogConfig_EXCLUDE_ALL_METADATA FirewallLogConfig_INCLUDE_ALL_METADATA = src.FirewallLogConfig_INCLUDE_ALL_METADATA FirewallLogConfig_UNDEFINED_METADATA = src.FirewallLogConfig_UNDEFINED_METADATA FirewallPolicyRuleSecureTag_EFFECTIVE = src.FirewallPolicyRuleSecureTag_EFFECTIVE FirewallPolicyRuleSecureTag_INEFFECTIVE = src.FirewallPolicyRuleSecureTag_INEFFECTIVE FirewallPolicyRuleSecureTag_UNDEFINED_STATE = src.FirewallPolicyRuleSecureTag_UNDEFINED_STATE FirewallPolicyRule_EGRESS = src.FirewallPolicyRule_EGRESS FirewallPolicyRule_INGRESS = src.FirewallPolicyRule_INGRESS FirewallPolicyRule_UNDEFINED_DIRECTION = src.FirewallPolicyRule_UNDEFINED_DIRECTION Firewall_EGRESS = src.Firewall_EGRESS Firewall_INGRESS = src.Firewall_INGRESS Firewall_UNDEFINED_DIRECTION = src.Firewall_UNDEFINED_DIRECTION ForwardingRule_ACCEPTED = src.ForwardingRule_ACCEPTED ForwardingRule_AH = src.ForwardingRule_AH ForwardingRule_CLOSED = src.ForwardingRule_CLOSED ForwardingRule_ESP = src.ForwardingRule_ESP ForwardingRule_EXTERNAL = src.ForwardingRule_EXTERNAL ForwardingRule_EXTERNAL_MANAGED = src.ForwardingRule_EXTERNAL_MANAGED ForwardingRule_FIXED_STANDARD = src.ForwardingRule_FIXED_STANDARD ForwardingRule_ICMP = src.ForwardingRule_ICMP ForwardingRule_INTERNAL = src.ForwardingRule_INTERNAL ForwardingRule_INTERNAL_MANAGED = src.ForwardingRule_INTERNAL_MANAGED ForwardingRule_INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED = src.ForwardingRule_INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED ForwardingRule_INVALID = src.ForwardingRule_INVALID ForwardingRule_IPV4 = src.ForwardingRule_IPV4 ForwardingRule_IPV6 = src.ForwardingRule_IPV6 ForwardingRule_L3_DEFAULT = src.ForwardingRule_L3_DEFAULT ForwardingRule_NEEDS_ATTENTION = src.ForwardingRule_NEEDS_ATTENTION ForwardingRule_PENDING = src.ForwardingRule_PENDING ForwardingRule_PREMIUM = src.ForwardingRule_PREMIUM ForwardingRule_REJECTED = src.ForwardingRule_REJECTED ForwardingRule_SCTP = src.ForwardingRule_SCTP ForwardingRule_STANDARD = src.ForwardingRule_STANDARD ForwardingRule_STANDARD_OVERRIDES_FIXED_STANDARD = src.ForwardingRule_STANDARD_OVERRIDES_FIXED_STANDARD ForwardingRule_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = src.ForwardingRule_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED ForwardingRule_TCP = src.ForwardingRule_TCP ForwardingRule_UDP = src.ForwardingRule_UDP ForwardingRule_UNDEFINED_IP_VERSION = src.ForwardingRule_UNDEFINED_IP_VERSION ForwardingRule_UNDEFINED_I_P_PROTOCOL_ENUM = src.ForwardingRule_UNDEFINED_I_P_PROTOCOL_ENUM ForwardingRule_UNDEFINED_LOAD_BALANCING_SCHEME = src.ForwardingRule_UNDEFINED_LOAD_BALANCING_SCHEME ForwardingRule_UNDEFINED_NETWORK_TIER = src.ForwardingRule_UNDEFINED_NETWORK_TIER ForwardingRule_UNDEFINED_PSC_CONNECTION_STATUS = src.ForwardingRule_UNDEFINED_PSC_CONNECTION_STATUS ForwardingRule_UNSPECIFIED_VERSION = src.ForwardingRule_UNSPECIFIED_VERSION GRPCHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PORT_SPECIFICATION = src.GRPCHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PORT_SPECIFICATION GRPCHealthCheck_USE_FIXED_PORT = src.GRPCHealthCheck_USE_FIXED_PORT GRPCHealthCheck_USE_NAMED_PORT = src.GRPCHealthCheck_USE_NAMED_PORT GRPCHealthCheck_USE_SERVING_PORT = src.GRPCHealthCheck_USE_SERVING_PORT GuestOsFeature_FEATURE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.GuestOsFeature_FEATURE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED GuestOsFeature_GVNIC = src.GuestOsFeature_GVNIC GuestOsFeature_MULTI_IP_SUBNET = src.GuestOsFeature_MULTI_IP_SUBNET GuestOsFeature_SECURE_BOOT = src.GuestOsFeature_SECURE_BOOT GuestOsFeature_SEV_CAPABLE = src.GuestOsFeature_SEV_CAPABLE GuestOsFeature_UEFI_COMPATIBLE = src.GuestOsFeature_UEFI_COMPATIBLE GuestOsFeature_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.GuestOsFeature_UNDEFINED_TYPE GuestOsFeature_VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE = src.GuestOsFeature_VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE GuestOsFeature_WINDOWS = src.GuestOsFeature_WINDOWS HTTP2HealthCheck_NONE = src.HTTP2HealthCheck_NONE HTTP2HealthCheck_PROXY_V1 = src.HTTP2HealthCheck_PROXY_V1 HTTP2HealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PORT_SPECIFICATION = src.HTTP2HealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PORT_SPECIFICATION HTTP2HealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER = src.HTTP2HealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER HTTP2HealthCheck_USE_FIXED_PORT = src.HTTP2HealthCheck_USE_FIXED_PORT HTTP2HealthCheck_USE_NAMED_PORT = src.HTTP2HealthCheck_USE_NAMED_PORT HTTP2HealthCheck_USE_SERVING_PORT = src.HTTP2HealthCheck_USE_SERVING_PORT HTTPHealthCheck_NONE = src.HTTPHealthCheck_NONE HTTPHealthCheck_PROXY_V1 = src.HTTPHealthCheck_PROXY_V1 HTTPHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PORT_SPECIFICATION = src.HTTPHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PORT_SPECIFICATION HTTPHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER = src.HTTPHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER HTTPHealthCheck_USE_FIXED_PORT = src.HTTPHealthCheck_USE_FIXED_PORT HTTPHealthCheck_USE_NAMED_PORT = src.HTTPHealthCheck_USE_NAMED_PORT HTTPHealthCheck_USE_SERVING_PORT = src.HTTPHealthCheck_USE_SERVING_PORT HTTPSHealthCheck_NONE = src.HTTPSHealthCheck_NONE HTTPSHealthCheck_PROXY_V1 = src.HTTPSHealthCheck_PROXY_V1 HTTPSHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PORT_SPECIFICATION = src.HTTPSHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PORT_SPECIFICATION HTTPSHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER = src.HTTPSHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER HTTPSHealthCheck_USE_FIXED_PORT = src.HTTPSHealthCheck_USE_FIXED_PORT HTTPSHealthCheck_USE_NAMED_PORT = src.HTTPSHealthCheck_USE_NAMED_PORT HTTPSHealthCheck_USE_SERVING_PORT = src.HTTPSHealthCheck_USE_SERVING_PORT HealthCheckService_AND = src.HealthCheckService_AND HealthCheckService_NO_AGGREGATION = src.HealthCheckService_NO_AGGREGATION HealthCheckService_UNDEFINED_HEALTH_STATUS_AGGREGATION_POLICY = src.HealthCheckService_UNDEFINED_HEALTH_STATUS_AGGREGATION_POLICY HealthCheck_GRPC = src.HealthCheck_GRPC HealthCheck_HTTP = src.HealthCheck_HTTP HealthCheck_HTTP2 = src.HealthCheck_HTTP2 HealthCheck_HTTPS = src.HealthCheck_HTTPS HealthCheck_INVALID = src.HealthCheck_INVALID HealthCheck_SSL = src.HealthCheck_SSL HealthCheck_TCP = src.HealthCheck_TCP HealthCheck_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.HealthCheck_UNDEFINED_TYPE HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint_DRAINING = src.HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint_DRAINING HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint_HEALTHY = src.HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint_HEALTHY HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint_UNDEFINED_HEALTH_STATE = src.HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint_UNDEFINED_HEALTH_STATE HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint_UNHEALTHY = src.HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint_UNHEALTHY HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint_UNKNOWN = src.HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint_UNKNOWN HealthStatus_HEALTHY = src.HealthStatus_HEALTHY HealthStatus_INVALID_WEIGHT = src.HealthStatus_INVALID_WEIGHT HealthStatus_MISSING_WEIGHT = src.HealthStatus_MISSING_WEIGHT HealthStatus_UNAVAILABLE_WEIGHT = src.HealthStatus_UNAVAILABLE_WEIGHT HealthStatus_UNDEFINED_HEALTH_STATE = src.HealthStatus_UNDEFINED_HEALTH_STATE HealthStatus_UNDEFINED_WEIGHT_ERROR = src.HealthStatus_UNDEFINED_WEIGHT_ERROR HealthStatus_UNHEALTHY = src.HealthStatus_UNHEALTHY HealthStatus_WEIGHT_NONE = src.HealthStatus_WEIGHT_NONE HttpRedirectAction_FOUND = src.HttpRedirectAction_FOUND HttpRedirectAction_MOVED_PERMANENTLY_DEFAULT = src.HttpRedirectAction_MOVED_PERMANENTLY_DEFAULT HttpRedirectAction_PERMANENT_REDIRECT = src.HttpRedirectAction_PERMANENT_REDIRECT HttpRedirectAction_SEE_OTHER = src.HttpRedirectAction_SEE_OTHER HttpRedirectAction_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = src.HttpRedirectAction_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT HttpRedirectAction_UNDEFINED_REDIRECT_RESPONSE_CODE = src.HttpRedirectAction_UNDEFINED_REDIRECT_RESPONSE_CODE Image_ARCHITECTURE_UNSPECIFIED = src.Image_ARCHITECTURE_UNSPECIFIED Image_ARM64 = src.Image_ARM64 Image_DELETING = src.Image_DELETING Image_FAILED = src.Image_FAILED Image_PENDING = src.Image_PENDING Image_RAW = src.Image_RAW Image_READY = src.Image_READY Image_UNDEFINED_ARCHITECTURE = src.Image_UNDEFINED_ARCHITECTURE Image_UNDEFINED_SOURCE_TYPE = src.Image_UNDEFINED_SOURCE_TYPE Image_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.Image_UNDEFINED_STATUS Image_X86_64 = src.Image_X86_64 InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_OPPORTUNISTIC = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_OPPORTUNISTIC InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_RECREATE = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_RECREATE InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_SUBSTITUTE = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_SUBSTITUTE InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_UNDEFINED_INSTANCE_REDISTRIBUTION_TYPE = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_UNDEFINED_INSTANCE_REDISTRIBUTION_TYPE InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_UNDEFINED_MINIMAL_ACTION = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_UNDEFINED_MINIMAL_ACTION InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_UNDEFINED_MOST_DISRUPTIVE_ALLOWED_ACTION = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_UNDEFINED_MOST_DISRUPTIVE_ALLOWED_ACTION InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_UNDEFINED_REPLACEMENT_METHOD = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_UNDEFINED_REPLACEMENT_METHOD InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_UNDEFINED_TYPE InstanceGroupManager_PAGELESS = src.InstanceGroupManager_PAGELESS InstanceGroupManager_PAGINATED = src.InstanceGroupManager_PAGINATED InstanceGroupManager_UNDEFINED_LIST_MANAGED_INSTANCES_RESULTS = src.InstanceGroupManager_UNDEFINED_LIST_MANAGED_INSTANCES_RESULTS InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_UNDEFINED_MINIMAL_ACTION = src.InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_UNDEFINED_MINIMAL_ACTION InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_UNDEFINED_MOST_DISRUPTIVE_ALLOWED_ACTION = src.InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_UNDEFINED_MOST_DISRUPTIVE_ALLOWED_ACTION InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_ALL = src.InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_ALL InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_RUNNING = src.InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_RUNNING InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_UNDEFINED_INSTANCE_STATE = src.InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_UNDEFINED_INSTANCE_STATE InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_ABANDONING = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_ABANDONING InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_CREATING = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_CREATING InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_CREATING_WITHOUT_RETRIES = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_CREATING_WITHOUT_RETRIES InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_DELETING = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_DELETING InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_NONE = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_NONE InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_RECREATING = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_RECREATING InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_REFRESHING = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_REFRESHING InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_RESTARTING = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_RESTARTING InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_RESUMING = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_RESUMING InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_STARTING = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_STARTING InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_STOPPING = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_STOPPING InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_SUSPENDING = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_SUSPENDING InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_UNDEFINED_ACTION = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_UNDEFINED_ACTION InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_VERIFYING = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_VERIFYING InstanceProperties_ENABLE_BIDIRECTIONAL_ACCESS_TO_GOOGLE = src.InstanceProperties_ENABLE_BIDIRECTIONAL_ACCESS_TO_GOOGLE InstanceProperties_ENABLE_OUTBOUND_VM_ACCESS_TO_GOOGLE = src.InstanceProperties_ENABLE_OUTBOUND_VM_ACCESS_TO_GOOGLE InstanceProperties_INHERIT_FROM_SUBNETWORK = src.InstanceProperties_INHERIT_FROM_SUBNETWORK InstanceProperties_KEY_REVOCATION_ACTION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.InstanceProperties_KEY_REVOCATION_ACTION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED InstanceProperties_NONE = src.InstanceProperties_NONE InstanceProperties_STOP = src.InstanceProperties_STOP InstanceProperties_UNDEFINED_KEY_REVOCATION_ACTION_TYPE = src.InstanceProperties_UNDEFINED_KEY_REVOCATION_ACTION_TYPE InstanceProperties_UNDEFINED_PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS = src.InstanceProperties_UNDEFINED_PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS InstanceWithNamedPorts_DEPROVISIONING = src.InstanceWithNamedPorts_DEPROVISIONING InstanceWithNamedPorts_PROVISIONING = src.InstanceWithNamedPorts_PROVISIONING InstanceWithNamedPorts_REPAIRING = src.InstanceWithNamedPorts_REPAIRING InstanceWithNamedPorts_RUNNING = src.InstanceWithNamedPorts_RUNNING InstanceWithNamedPorts_STAGING = src.InstanceWithNamedPorts_STAGING InstanceWithNamedPorts_STOPPED = src.InstanceWithNamedPorts_STOPPED InstanceWithNamedPorts_STOPPING = src.InstanceWithNamedPorts_STOPPING InstanceWithNamedPorts_SUSPENDED = src.InstanceWithNamedPorts_SUSPENDED InstanceWithNamedPorts_SUSPENDING = src.InstanceWithNamedPorts_SUSPENDING InstanceWithNamedPorts_TERMINATED = src.InstanceWithNamedPorts_TERMINATED InstanceWithNamedPorts_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.InstanceWithNamedPorts_UNDEFINED_STATUS Instance_DEPROVISIONING = src.Instance_DEPROVISIONING Instance_ENABLE_BIDIRECTIONAL_ACCESS_TO_GOOGLE = src.Instance_ENABLE_BIDIRECTIONAL_ACCESS_TO_GOOGLE Instance_ENABLE_OUTBOUND_VM_ACCESS_TO_GOOGLE = src.Instance_ENABLE_OUTBOUND_VM_ACCESS_TO_GOOGLE Instance_INHERIT_FROM_SUBNETWORK = src.Instance_INHERIT_FROM_SUBNETWORK Instance_KEY_REVOCATION_ACTION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.Instance_KEY_REVOCATION_ACTION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Instance_NONE = src.Instance_NONE Instance_PROVISIONING = src.Instance_PROVISIONING Instance_REPAIRING = src.Instance_REPAIRING Instance_RUNNING = src.Instance_RUNNING Instance_STAGING = src.Instance_STAGING Instance_STOP = src.Instance_STOP Instance_STOPPED = src.Instance_STOPPED Instance_STOPPING = src.Instance_STOPPING Instance_SUSPENDED = src.Instance_SUSPENDED Instance_SUSPENDING = src.Instance_SUSPENDING Instance_TERMINATED = src.Instance_TERMINATED Instance_UNDEFINED_KEY_REVOCATION_ACTION_TYPE = src.Instance_UNDEFINED_KEY_REVOCATION_ACTION_TYPE Instance_UNDEFINED_PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS = src.Instance_UNDEFINED_PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS Instance_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.Instance_UNDEFINED_STATUS InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_HIERARCHY = src.InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_HIERARCHY InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_NETWORK = src.InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_NETWORK InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_NETWORK_REGIONAL = src.InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_NETWORK_REGIONAL InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_UNDEFINED_TYPE InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_UNSPECIFIED = src.InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_UNSPECIFIED InterconnectAttachment_ACTIVE = src.InterconnectAttachment_ACTIVE InterconnectAttachment_AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN_1 = src.InterconnectAttachment_AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN_1 InterconnectAttachment_AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN_2 = src.InterconnectAttachment_AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN_2 InterconnectAttachment_AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN_ANY = src.InterconnectAttachment_AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN_ANY InterconnectAttachment_BPS_100M = src.InterconnectAttachment_BPS_100M InterconnectAttachment_BPS_10G = src.InterconnectAttachment_BPS_10G InterconnectAttachment_BPS_1G = src.InterconnectAttachment_BPS_1G InterconnectAttachment_BPS_200M = src.InterconnectAttachment_BPS_200M InterconnectAttachment_BPS_20G = src.InterconnectAttachment_BPS_20G InterconnectAttachment_BPS_2G = src.InterconnectAttachment_BPS_2G InterconnectAttachment_BPS_300M = src.InterconnectAttachment_BPS_300M InterconnectAttachment_BPS_400M = src.InterconnectAttachment_BPS_400M InterconnectAttachment_BPS_500M = src.InterconnectAttachment_BPS_500M InterconnectAttachment_BPS_50G = src.InterconnectAttachment_BPS_50G InterconnectAttachment_BPS_50M = src.InterconnectAttachment_BPS_50M InterconnectAttachment_BPS_5G = src.InterconnectAttachment_BPS_5G InterconnectAttachment_DEDICATED = src.InterconnectAttachment_DEDICATED InterconnectAttachment_DEFUNCT = src.InterconnectAttachment_DEFUNCT InterconnectAttachment_IPSEC = src.InterconnectAttachment_IPSEC InterconnectAttachment_IPV4_IPV6 = src.InterconnectAttachment_IPV4_IPV6 InterconnectAttachment_IPV4_ONLY = src.InterconnectAttachment_IPV4_ONLY InterconnectAttachment_NONE = src.InterconnectAttachment_NONE InterconnectAttachment_OS_ACTIVE = src.InterconnectAttachment_OS_ACTIVE InterconnectAttachment_OS_UNPROVISIONED = src.InterconnectAttachment_OS_UNPROVISIONED InterconnectAttachment_PARTNER = src.InterconnectAttachment_PARTNER InterconnectAttachment_PARTNER_PROVIDER = src.InterconnectAttachment_PARTNER_PROVIDER InterconnectAttachment_PARTNER_REQUEST_RECEIVED = src.InterconnectAttachment_PARTNER_REQUEST_RECEIVED InterconnectAttachment_PENDING_CUSTOMER = src.InterconnectAttachment_PENDING_CUSTOMER InterconnectAttachment_PENDING_PARTNER = src.InterconnectAttachment_PENDING_PARTNER InterconnectAttachment_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = src.InterconnectAttachment_STATE_UNSPECIFIED InterconnectAttachment_UNDEFINED_BANDWIDTH = src.InterconnectAttachment_UNDEFINED_BANDWIDTH InterconnectAttachment_UNDEFINED_EDGE_AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN = src.InterconnectAttachment_UNDEFINED_EDGE_AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN InterconnectAttachment_UNDEFINED_ENCRYPTION = src.InterconnectAttachment_UNDEFINED_ENCRYPTION InterconnectAttachment_UNDEFINED_OPERATIONAL_STATUS = src.InterconnectAttachment_UNDEFINED_OPERATIONAL_STATUS InterconnectAttachment_UNDEFINED_STACK_TYPE = src.InterconnectAttachment_UNDEFINED_STACK_TYPE InterconnectAttachment_UNDEFINED_STATE = src.InterconnectAttachment_UNDEFINED_STATE InterconnectAttachment_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.InterconnectAttachment_UNDEFINED_TYPE InterconnectAttachment_UNPROVISIONED = src.InterconnectAttachment_UNPROVISIONED InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkLACPStatus_ACTIVE = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkLACPStatus_ACTIVE InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkLACPStatus_DETACHED = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkLACPStatus_DETACHED InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkLACPStatus_UNDEFINED_STATE = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkLACPStatus_UNDEFINED_STATE InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_HIGH_ALARM = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_HIGH_ALARM InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_HIGH_WARNING = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_HIGH_WARNING InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_LOW_ALARM = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_LOW_ALARM InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_LOW_WARNING = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_LOW_WARNING InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_OK = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_OK InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_UNDEFINED_STATE = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_UNDEFINED_STATE InterconnectLocationRegionInfo_GLOBAL = src.InterconnectLocationRegionInfo_GLOBAL InterconnectLocationRegionInfo_LOCAL_REGION = src.InterconnectLocationRegionInfo_LOCAL_REGION InterconnectLocationRegionInfo_LP_GLOBAL = src.InterconnectLocationRegionInfo_LP_GLOBAL InterconnectLocationRegionInfo_LP_LOCAL_REGION = src.InterconnectLocationRegionInfo_LP_LOCAL_REGION InterconnectLocationRegionInfo_UNDEFINED_LOCATION_PRESENCE = src.InterconnectLocationRegionInfo_UNDEFINED_LOCATION_PRESENCE InterconnectLocation_AFRICA = src.InterconnectLocation_AFRICA InterconnectLocation_ASIA_PAC = src.InterconnectLocation_ASIA_PAC InterconnectLocation_AVAILABLE = src.InterconnectLocation_AVAILABLE InterconnectLocation_CLOSED = src.InterconnectLocation_CLOSED InterconnectLocation_C_AFRICA = src.InterconnectLocation_C_AFRICA InterconnectLocation_C_ASIA_PAC = src.InterconnectLocation_C_ASIA_PAC InterconnectLocation_C_EUROPE = src.InterconnectLocation_C_EUROPE InterconnectLocation_C_NORTH_AMERICA = src.InterconnectLocation_C_NORTH_AMERICA InterconnectLocation_C_SOUTH_AMERICA = src.InterconnectLocation_C_SOUTH_AMERICA InterconnectLocation_EUROPE = src.InterconnectLocation_EUROPE InterconnectLocation_NORTH_AMERICA = src.InterconnectLocation_NORTH_AMERICA InterconnectLocation_SOUTH_AMERICA = src.InterconnectLocation_SOUTH_AMERICA InterconnectLocation_UNDEFINED_CONTINENT = src.InterconnectLocation_UNDEFINED_CONTINENT InterconnectLocation_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.InterconnectLocation_UNDEFINED_STATUS InterconnectOutageNotification_ACTIVE = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_ACTIVE InterconnectOutageNotification_CANCELLED = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_CANCELLED InterconnectOutageNotification_COMPLETED = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_COMPLETED InterconnectOutageNotification_GOOGLE = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_GOOGLE InterconnectOutageNotification_IT_OUTAGE = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_IT_OUTAGE InterconnectOutageNotification_IT_PARTIAL_OUTAGE = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_IT_PARTIAL_OUTAGE InterconnectOutageNotification_NSRC_GOOGLE = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_NSRC_GOOGLE InterconnectOutageNotification_NS_ACTIVE = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_NS_ACTIVE InterconnectOutageNotification_NS_CANCELED = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_NS_CANCELED InterconnectOutageNotification_OUTAGE = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_OUTAGE InterconnectOutageNotification_PARTIAL_OUTAGE = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_PARTIAL_OUTAGE InterconnectOutageNotification_UNDEFINED_ISSUE_TYPE = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_UNDEFINED_ISSUE_TYPE InterconnectOutageNotification_UNDEFINED_SOURCE = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_UNDEFINED_SOURCE InterconnectOutageNotification_UNDEFINED_STATE = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_UNDEFINED_STATE Interconnect_ACTIVE = src.Interconnect_ACTIVE Interconnect_DEDICATED = src.Interconnect_DEDICATED Interconnect_IT_PRIVATE = src.Interconnect_IT_PRIVATE Interconnect_LINK_TYPE_ETHERNET_100G_LR = src.Interconnect_LINK_TYPE_ETHERNET_100G_LR Interconnect_LINK_TYPE_ETHERNET_10G_LR = src.Interconnect_LINK_TYPE_ETHERNET_10G_LR Interconnect_OS_ACTIVE = src.Interconnect_OS_ACTIVE Interconnect_OS_UNPROVISIONED = src.Interconnect_OS_UNPROVISIONED Interconnect_PARTNER = src.Interconnect_PARTNER Interconnect_UNDEFINED_INTERCONNECT_TYPE = src.Interconnect_UNDEFINED_INTERCONNECT_TYPE Interconnect_UNDEFINED_LINK_TYPE = src.Interconnect_UNDEFINED_LINK_TYPE Interconnect_UNDEFINED_OPERATIONAL_STATUS = src.Interconnect_UNDEFINED_OPERATIONAL_STATUS Interconnect_UNDEFINED_STATE = src.Interconnect_UNDEFINED_STATE Interconnect_UNPROVISIONED = src.Interconnect_UNPROVISIONED LicenseCode_DISABLED = src.LicenseCode_DISABLED LicenseCode_ENABLED = src.LicenseCode_ENABLED LicenseCode_RESTRICTED = src.LicenseCode_RESTRICTED LicenseCode_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = src.LicenseCode_STATE_UNSPECIFIED LicenseCode_TERMINATED = src.LicenseCode_TERMINATED LicenseCode_UNDEFINED_STATE = src.LicenseCode_UNDEFINED_STATE ListPeeringRoutesNetworksRequest_INCOMING = src.ListPeeringRoutesNetworksRequest_INCOMING ListPeeringRoutesNetworksRequest_OUTGOING = src.ListPeeringRoutesNetworksRequest_OUTGOING ListPeeringRoutesNetworksRequest_UNDEFINED_DIRECTION = src.ListPeeringRoutesNetworksRequest_UNDEFINED_DIRECTION LocationPolicyLocation_ALLOW = src.LocationPolicyLocation_ALLOW LocationPolicyLocation_DENY = src.LocationPolicyLocation_DENY LocationPolicyLocation_PREFERENCE_UNSPECIFIED = src.LocationPolicyLocation_PREFERENCE_UNSPECIFIED LocationPolicyLocation_UNDEFINED_PREFERENCE = src.LocationPolicyLocation_UNDEFINED_PREFERENCE LocationPolicy_ANY = src.LocationPolicy_ANY LocationPolicy_ANY_SINGLE_ZONE = src.LocationPolicy_ANY_SINGLE_ZONE LocationPolicy_BALANCED = src.LocationPolicy_BALANCED LocationPolicy_UNDEFINED_TARGET_SHAPE = src.LocationPolicy_UNDEFINED_TARGET_SHAPE LogConfigCloudAuditOptions_ADMIN_ACTIVITY = src.LogConfigCloudAuditOptions_ADMIN_ACTIVITY LogConfigCloudAuditOptions_DATA_ACCESS = src.LogConfigCloudAuditOptions_DATA_ACCESS LogConfigCloudAuditOptions_UNDEFINED_LOG_NAME = src.LogConfigCloudAuditOptions_UNDEFINED_LOG_NAME LogConfigCloudAuditOptions_UNSPECIFIED_LOG_NAME = src.LogConfigCloudAuditOptions_UNSPECIFIED_LOG_NAME LogConfigDataAccessOptions_LOG_FAIL_CLOSED = src.LogConfigDataAccessOptions_LOG_FAIL_CLOSED LogConfigDataAccessOptions_LOG_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = src.LogConfigDataAccessOptions_LOG_MODE_UNSPECIFIED LogConfigDataAccessOptions_UNDEFINED_LOG_MODE = src.LogConfigDataAccessOptions_UNDEFINED_LOG_MODE MachineImage_CREATING = src.MachineImage_CREATING MachineImage_DELETING = src.MachineImage_DELETING MachineImage_INVALID = src.MachineImage_INVALID MachineImage_READY = src.MachineImage_READY MachineImage_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.MachineImage_UNDEFINED_STATUS MachineImage_UPLOADING = src.MachineImage_UPLOADING ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_DRAINING = src.ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_DRAINING ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_HEALTHY = src.ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_HEALTHY ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_TIMEOUT = src.ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_TIMEOUT ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_UNDEFINED_DETAILED_HEALTH_STATE = src.ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_UNDEFINED_DETAILED_HEALTH_STATE ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_UNHEALTHY = src.ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_UNHEALTHY ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_UNKNOWN = src.ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_UNKNOWN ManagedInstance_ABANDONING = src.ManagedInstance_ABANDONING ManagedInstance_CREATING = src.ManagedInstance_CREATING ManagedInstance_CREATING_WITHOUT_RETRIES = src.ManagedInstance_CREATING_WITHOUT_RETRIES ManagedInstance_DELETING = src.ManagedInstance_DELETING ManagedInstance_DEPROVISIONING = src.ManagedInstance_DEPROVISIONING ManagedInstance_NONE = src.ManagedInstance_NONE ManagedInstance_PROVISIONING = src.ManagedInstance_PROVISIONING ManagedInstance_RECREATING = src.ManagedInstance_RECREATING ManagedInstance_REFRESHING = src.ManagedInstance_REFRESHING ManagedInstance_REPAIRING = src.ManagedInstance_REPAIRING ManagedInstance_RESTARTING = src.ManagedInstance_RESTARTING ManagedInstance_RESUMING = src.ManagedInstance_RESUMING ManagedInstance_RUNNING = src.ManagedInstance_RUNNING ManagedInstance_STAGING = src.ManagedInstance_STAGING ManagedInstance_STARTING = src.ManagedInstance_STARTING ManagedInstance_STOPPED = src.ManagedInstance_STOPPED ManagedInstance_STOPPING = src.ManagedInstance_STOPPING ManagedInstance_SUSPENDED = src.ManagedInstance_SUSPENDED ManagedInstance_SUSPENDING = src.ManagedInstance_SUSPENDING ManagedInstance_TERMINATED = src.ManagedInstance_TERMINATED ManagedInstance_UNDEFINED_CURRENT_ACTION = src.ManagedInstance_UNDEFINED_CURRENT_ACTION ManagedInstance_UNDEFINED_INSTANCE_STATUS = src.ManagedInstance_UNDEFINED_INSTANCE_STATUS ManagedInstance_VERIFYING = src.ManagedInstance_VERIFYING MetadataFilter_MATCH_ALL = src.MetadataFilter_MATCH_ALL MetadataFilter_MATCH_ANY = src.MetadataFilter_MATCH_ANY MetadataFilter_NOT_SET = src.MetadataFilter_NOT_SET MetadataFilter_UNDEFINED_FILTER_MATCH_CRITERIA = src.MetadataFilter_UNDEFINED_FILTER_MATCH_CRITERIA NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_ACCEPTED = src.NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_ACCEPTED NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_CLOSED = src.NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_CLOSED NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_NEEDS_ATTENTION = src.NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_NEEDS_ATTENTION NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_PENDING = src.NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_PENDING NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_REJECTED = src.NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_REJECTED NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = src.NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_UNDEFINED_PSC_CONNECTION_STATUS = src.NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_UNDEFINED_PSC_CONNECTION_STATUS NetworkEndpointGroup_GCE_VM_IP = src.NetworkEndpointGroup_GCE_VM_IP NetworkEndpointGroup_GCE_VM_IP_PORT = src.NetworkEndpointGroup_GCE_VM_IP_PORT NetworkEndpointGroup_INTERNET_FQDN_PORT = src.NetworkEndpointGroup_INTERNET_FQDN_PORT NetworkEndpointGroup_INTERNET_IP_PORT = src.NetworkEndpointGroup_INTERNET_IP_PORT NetworkEndpointGroup_NON_GCP_PRIVATE_IP_PORT = src.NetworkEndpointGroup_NON_GCP_PRIVATE_IP_PORT NetworkEndpointGroup_PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT = src.NetworkEndpointGroup_PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT NetworkEndpointGroup_SERVERLESS = src.NetworkEndpointGroup_SERVERLESS NetworkEndpointGroup_UNDEFINED_NETWORK_ENDPOINT_TYPE = src.NetworkEndpointGroup_UNDEFINED_NETWORK_ENDPOINT_TYPE NetworkEndpointGroupsListEndpointsRequest_SHOW = src.NetworkEndpointGroupsListEndpointsRequest_SHOW NetworkEndpointGroupsListEndpointsRequest_SKIP = src.NetworkEndpointGroupsListEndpointsRequest_SKIP NetworkEndpointGroupsListEndpointsRequest_UNDEFINED_HEALTH_STATUS = src.NetworkEndpointGroupsListEndpointsRequest_UNDEFINED_HEALTH_STATUS NetworkInterface_EXTERNAL = src.NetworkInterface_EXTERNAL NetworkInterface_GVNIC = src.NetworkInterface_GVNIC NetworkInterface_INTERNAL = src.NetworkInterface_INTERNAL NetworkInterface_IPV4_IPV6 = src.NetworkInterface_IPV4_IPV6 NetworkInterface_IPV4_ONLY = src.NetworkInterface_IPV4_ONLY NetworkInterface_UNDEFINED_IPV6_ACCESS_TYPE = src.NetworkInterface_UNDEFINED_IPV6_ACCESS_TYPE NetworkInterface_UNDEFINED_NIC_TYPE = src.NetworkInterface_UNDEFINED_NIC_TYPE NetworkInterface_UNDEFINED_STACK_TYPE = src.NetworkInterface_UNDEFINED_STACK_TYPE NetworkInterface_UNSPECIFIED_IPV6_ACCESS_TYPE = src.NetworkInterface_UNSPECIFIED_IPV6_ACCESS_TYPE NetworkInterface_UNSPECIFIED_NIC_TYPE = src.NetworkInterface_UNSPECIFIED_NIC_TYPE NetworkInterface_UNSPECIFIED_STACK_TYPE = src.NetworkInterface_UNSPECIFIED_STACK_TYPE NetworkInterface_VIRTIO_NET = src.NetworkInterface_VIRTIO_NET NetworkPeering_ACTIVE = src.NetworkPeering_ACTIVE NetworkPeering_INACTIVE = src.NetworkPeering_INACTIVE NetworkPeering_IPV4_IPV6 = src.NetworkPeering_IPV4_IPV6 NetworkPeering_IPV4_ONLY = src.NetworkPeering_IPV4_ONLY NetworkPeering_UNDEFINED_STACK_TYPE = src.NetworkPeering_UNDEFINED_STACK_TYPE NetworkPeering_UNDEFINED_STATE = src.NetworkPeering_UNDEFINED_STATE NetworkPerformanceConfig_DEFAULT = src.NetworkPerformanceConfig_DEFAULT NetworkPerformanceConfig_TIER_1 = src.NetworkPerformanceConfig_TIER_1 NetworkPerformanceConfig_UNDEFINED_TOTAL_EGRESS_BANDWIDTH_TIER = src.NetworkPerformanceConfig_UNDEFINED_TOTAL_EGRESS_BANDWIDTH_TIER NetworkRoutingConfig_GLOBAL = src.NetworkRoutingConfig_GLOBAL NetworkRoutingConfig_REGIONAL = src.NetworkRoutingConfig_REGIONAL NetworkRoutingConfig_UNDEFINED_ROUTING_MODE = src.NetworkRoutingConfig_UNDEFINED_ROUTING_MODE Network_AFTER_CLASSIC_FIREWALL = src.Network_AFTER_CLASSIC_FIREWALL Network_BEFORE_CLASSIC_FIREWALL = src.Network_BEFORE_CLASSIC_FIREWALL Network_UNDEFINED_NETWORK_FIREWALL_POLICY_ENFORCEMENT_ORDER = src.Network_UNDEFINED_NETWORK_FIREWALL_POLICY_ENFORCEMENT_ORDER NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_HIERARCHY = src.NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_HIERARCHY NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_NETWORK = src.NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_NETWORK NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_UNDEFINED_TYPE NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_UNSPECIFIED = src.NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_UNSPECIFIED NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = src.NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy_MODE_UNSPECIFIED NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy_OFF = src.NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy_OFF NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy_ON = src.NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy_ON NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy_ONLY_SCALE_OUT = src.NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy_ONLY_SCALE_OUT NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy_UNDEFINED_MODE = src.NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy_UNDEFINED_MODE NodeGroupNode_CPU_OVERCOMMIT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.NodeGroupNode_CPU_OVERCOMMIT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED NodeGroupNode_CREATING = src.NodeGroupNode_CREATING NodeGroupNode_DELETING = src.NodeGroupNode_DELETING NodeGroupNode_ENABLED = src.NodeGroupNode_ENABLED NodeGroupNode_INVALID = src.NodeGroupNode_INVALID NodeGroupNode_NONE = src.NodeGroupNode_NONE NodeGroupNode_READY = src.NodeGroupNode_READY NodeGroupNode_REPAIRING = src.NodeGroupNode_REPAIRING NodeGroupNode_UNDEFINED_CPU_OVERCOMMIT_TYPE = src.NodeGroupNode_UNDEFINED_CPU_OVERCOMMIT_TYPE NodeGroupNode_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.NodeGroupNode_UNDEFINED_STATUS NodeGroup_CREATING = src.NodeGroup_CREATING NodeGroup_DEFAULT = src.NodeGroup_DEFAULT NodeGroup_DELETING = src.NodeGroup_DELETING NodeGroup_INVALID = src.NodeGroup_INVALID NodeGroup_MAINTENANCE_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED = src.NodeGroup_MAINTENANCE_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED NodeGroup_MIGRATE_WITHIN_NODE_GROUP = src.NodeGroup_MIGRATE_WITHIN_NODE_GROUP NodeGroup_READY = src.NodeGroup_READY NodeGroup_RESTART_IN_PLACE = src.NodeGroup_RESTART_IN_PLACE NodeGroup_UNDEFINED_MAINTENANCE_POLICY = src.NodeGroup_UNDEFINED_MAINTENANCE_POLICY NodeGroup_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.NodeGroup_UNDEFINED_STATUS NodeTemplate_CPU_OVERCOMMIT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.NodeTemplate_CPU_OVERCOMMIT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED NodeTemplate_CREATING = src.NodeTemplate_CREATING NodeTemplate_DELETING = src.NodeTemplate_DELETING NodeTemplate_ENABLED = src.NodeTemplate_ENABLED NodeTemplate_INVALID = src.NodeTemplate_INVALID NodeTemplate_NONE = src.NodeTemplate_NONE NodeTemplate_READY = src.NodeTemplate_READY NodeTemplate_UNDEFINED_CPU_OVERCOMMIT_TYPE = src.NodeTemplate_UNDEFINED_CPU_OVERCOMMIT_TYPE NodeTemplate_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.NodeTemplate_UNDEFINED_STATUS Operation_DONE = src.Operation_DONE Operation_PENDING = src.Operation_PENDING Operation_RUNNING = src.Operation_RUNNING Operation_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.Operation_UNDEFINED_STATUS PacketIntervals_DURATION_UNSPECIFIED = src.PacketIntervals_DURATION_UNSPECIFIED PacketIntervals_HOUR = src.PacketIntervals_HOUR PacketIntervals_LOOPBACK = src.PacketIntervals_LOOPBACK PacketIntervals_MAX = src.PacketIntervals_MAX PacketIntervals_MINUTE = src.PacketIntervals_MINUTE PacketIntervals_RECEIVE = src.PacketIntervals_RECEIVE PacketIntervals_TRANSMIT = src.PacketIntervals_TRANSMIT PacketIntervals_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.PacketIntervals_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED PacketIntervals_UNDEFINED_DURATION = src.PacketIntervals_UNDEFINED_DURATION PacketIntervals_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.PacketIntervals_UNDEFINED_TYPE PacketMirroringFilter_BOTH = src.PacketMirroringFilter_BOTH PacketMirroringFilter_EGRESS = src.PacketMirroringFilter_EGRESS PacketMirroringFilter_INGRESS = src.PacketMirroringFilter_INGRESS PacketMirroringFilter_UNDEFINED_DIRECTION = src.PacketMirroringFilter_UNDEFINED_DIRECTION PacketMirroring_FALSE = src.PacketMirroring_FALSE PacketMirroring_TRUE = src.PacketMirroring_TRUE PacketMirroring_UNDEFINED_ENABLE = src.PacketMirroring_UNDEFINED_ENABLE PerInstanceConfig_APPLYING = src.PerInstanceConfig_APPLYING PerInstanceConfig_DELETING = src.PerInstanceConfig_DELETING PerInstanceConfig_EFFECTIVE = src.PerInstanceConfig_EFFECTIVE PerInstanceConfig_NONE = src.PerInstanceConfig_NONE PerInstanceConfig_UNAPPLIED = src.PerInstanceConfig_UNAPPLIED PerInstanceConfig_UNAPPLIED_DELETION = src.PerInstanceConfig_UNAPPLIED_DELETION PerInstanceConfig_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.PerInstanceConfig_UNDEFINED_STATUS PreservedStatePreservedDisk_NEVER = src.PreservedStatePreservedDisk_NEVER PreservedStatePreservedDisk_ON_PERMANENT_INSTANCE_DELETION = src.PreservedStatePreservedDisk_ON_PERMANENT_INSTANCE_DELETION PreservedStatePreservedDisk_READ_ONLY = src.PreservedStatePreservedDisk_READ_ONLY PreservedStatePreservedDisk_READ_WRITE = src.PreservedStatePreservedDisk_READ_WRITE PreservedStatePreservedDisk_UNDEFINED_AUTO_DELETE = src.PreservedStatePreservedDisk_UNDEFINED_AUTO_DELETE PreservedStatePreservedDisk_UNDEFINED_MODE = src.PreservedStatePreservedDisk_UNDEFINED_MODE Project_FIXED_STANDARD = src.Project_FIXED_STANDARD Project_HOST = src.Project_HOST Project_PREMIUM = src.Project_PREMIUM Project_STANDARD = src.Project_STANDARD Project_STANDARD_OVERRIDES_FIXED_STANDARD = src.Project_STANDARD_OVERRIDES_FIXED_STANDARD Project_UNDEFINED_DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIER = src.Project_UNDEFINED_DEFAULT_NETWORK_TIER Project_UNDEFINED_XPN_PROJECT_STATUS = src.Project_UNDEFINED_XPN_PROJECT_STATUS Project_UNSPECIFIED_XPN_PROJECT_STATUS = src.Project_UNSPECIFIED_XPN_PROJECT_STATUS ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest_FIXED_STANDARD = src.ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest_FIXED_STANDARD ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest_PREMIUM = src.ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest_PREMIUM ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest_STANDARD = src.ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest_STANDARD ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest_STANDARD_OVERRIDES_FIXED_STANDARD = src.ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest_STANDARD_OVERRIDES_FIXED_STANDARD ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest_UNDEFINED_NETWORK_TIER = src.ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest_UNDEFINED_NETWORK_TIER PublicAdvertisedPrefix_INITIAL = src.PublicAdvertisedPrefix_INITIAL PublicAdvertisedPrefix_PREFIX_CONFIGURATION_COMPLETE = src.PublicAdvertisedPrefix_PREFIX_CONFIGURATION_COMPLETE PublicAdvertisedPrefix_PREFIX_CONFIGURATION_IN_PROGRESS = src.PublicAdvertisedPrefix_PREFIX_CONFIGURATION_IN_PROGRESS PublicAdvertisedPrefix_PREFIX_REMOVAL_IN_PROGRESS = src.PublicAdvertisedPrefix_PREFIX_REMOVAL_IN_PROGRESS PublicAdvertisedPrefix_PTR_CONFIGURED = src.PublicAdvertisedPrefix_PTR_CONFIGURED PublicAdvertisedPrefix_REVERSE_DNS_LOOKUP_FAILED = src.PublicAdvertisedPrefix_REVERSE_DNS_LOOKUP_FAILED PublicAdvertisedPrefix_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.PublicAdvertisedPrefix_UNDEFINED_STATUS PublicAdvertisedPrefix_VALIDATED = src.PublicAdvertisedPrefix_VALIDATED PublicDelegatedPrefixPublicDelegatedSubPrefix_ACTIVE = src.PublicDelegatedPrefixPublicDelegatedSubPrefix_ACTIVE PublicDelegatedPrefixPublicDelegatedSubPrefix_INACTIVE = src.PublicDelegatedPrefixPublicDelegatedSubPrefix_INACTIVE PublicDelegatedPrefixPublicDelegatedSubPrefix_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.PublicDelegatedPrefixPublicDelegatedSubPrefix_UNDEFINED_STATUS PublicDelegatedPrefix_ANNOUNCED = src.PublicDelegatedPrefix_ANNOUNCED PublicDelegatedPrefix_DELETING = src.PublicDelegatedPrefix_DELETING PublicDelegatedPrefix_INITIALIZING = src.PublicDelegatedPrefix_INITIALIZING PublicDelegatedPrefix_READY_TO_ANNOUNCE = src.PublicDelegatedPrefix_READY_TO_ANNOUNCE PublicDelegatedPrefix_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.PublicDelegatedPrefix_UNDEFINED_STATUS Quota_A2_CPUS = src.Quota_A2_CPUS Quota_AFFINITY_GROUPS = src.Quota_AFFINITY_GROUPS Quota_AUTOSCALERS = src.Quota_AUTOSCALERS Quota_BACKEND_BUCKETS = src.Quota_BACKEND_BUCKETS Quota_BACKEND_SERVICES = src.Quota_BACKEND_SERVICES Quota_C2D_CPUS = src.Quota_C2D_CPUS Quota_C2_CPUS = src.Quota_C2_CPUS Quota_C3_CPUS = src.Quota_C3_CPUS Quota_COMMITMENTS = src.Quota_COMMITMENTS Quota_COMMITTED_A2_CPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_A2_CPUS Quota_COMMITTED_C2D_CPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_C2D_CPUS Quota_COMMITTED_C2_CPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_C2_CPUS Quota_COMMITTED_C3_CPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_C3_CPUS Quota_COMMITTED_CPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_CPUS Quota_COMMITTED_E2_CPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_E2_CPUS Quota_COMMITTED_LICENSES = src.Quota_COMMITTED_LICENSES Quota_COMMITTED_LOCAL_SSD_TOTAL_GB = src.Quota_COMMITTED_LOCAL_SSD_TOTAL_GB Quota_COMMITTED_M3_CPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_M3_CPUS Quota_COMMITTED_MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_CPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_CPUS Quota_COMMITTED_N2A_CPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_N2A_CPUS Quota_COMMITTED_N2D_CPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_N2D_CPUS Quota_COMMITTED_N2_CPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_N2_CPUS Quota_COMMITTED_NVIDIA_A100_80GB_GPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_NVIDIA_A100_80GB_GPUS Quota_COMMITTED_NVIDIA_A100_GPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_NVIDIA_A100_GPUS Quota_COMMITTED_NVIDIA_K80_GPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_NVIDIA_K80_GPUS Quota_COMMITTED_NVIDIA_P100_GPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_NVIDIA_P100_GPUS Quota_COMMITTED_NVIDIA_P4_GPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_NVIDIA_P4_GPUS Quota_COMMITTED_NVIDIA_T4_GPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_NVIDIA_T4_GPUS Quota_COMMITTED_NVIDIA_V100_GPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_NVIDIA_V100_GPUS Quota_COMMITTED_T2A_CPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_T2A_CPUS Quota_COMMITTED_T2D_CPUS = src.Quota_COMMITTED_T2D_CPUS Quota_CPUS = src.Quota_CPUS Quota_CPUS_ALL_REGIONS = src.Quota_CPUS_ALL_REGIONS Quota_DISKS_TOTAL_GB = src.Quota_DISKS_TOTAL_GB Quota_E2_CPUS = src.Quota_E2_CPUS Quota_EXTERNAL_MANAGED_FORWARDING_RULES = src.Quota_EXTERNAL_MANAGED_FORWARDING_RULES Quota_EXTERNAL_NETWORK_LB_FORWARDING_RULES = src.Quota_EXTERNAL_NETWORK_LB_FORWARDING_RULES Quota_EXTERNAL_PROTOCOL_FORWARDING_RULES = src.Quota_EXTERNAL_PROTOCOL_FORWARDING_RULES Quota_EXTERNAL_VPN_GATEWAYS = src.Quota_EXTERNAL_VPN_GATEWAYS Quota_FIREWALLS = src.Quota_FIREWALLS Quota_FORWARDING_RULES = src.Quota_FORWARDING_RULES Quota_GLOBAL_EXTERNAL_MANAGED_FORWARDING_RULES = src.Quota_GLOBAL_EXTERNAL_MANAGED_FORWARDING_RULES Quota_GLOBAL_INTERNAL_ADDRESSES = src.Quota_GLOBAL_INTERNAL_ADDRESSES Quota_GPUS_ALL_REGIONS = src.Quota_GPUS_ALL_REGIONS Quota_HEALTH_CHECKS = src.Quota_HEALTH_CHECKS Quota_IMAGES = src.Quota_IMAGES Quota_INSTANCES = src.Quota_INSTANCES Quota_INSTANCE_GROUPS = src.Quota_INSTANCE_GROUPS Quota_INSTANCE_GROUP_MANAGERS = src.Quota_INSTANCE_GROUP_MANAGERS Quota_INSTANCE_TEMPLATES = src.Quota_INSTANCE_TEMPLATES Quota_INTERCONNECTS = src.Quota_INTERCONNECTS Quota_INTERCONNECT_ATTACHMENTS_PER_REGION = src.Quota_INTERCONNECT_ATTACHMENTS_PER_REGION Quota_INTERCONNECT_ATTACHMENTS_TOTAL_MBPS = src.Quota_INTERCONNECT_ATTACHMENTS_TOTAL_MBPS Quota_INTERCONNECT_TOTAL_GBPS = src.Quota_INTERCONNECT_TOTAL_GBPS Quota_INTERNAL_ADDRESSES = src.Quota_INTERNAL_ADDRESSES Quota_INTERNAL_TRAFFIC_DIRECTOR_FORWARDING_RULES = src.Quota_INTERNAL_TRAFFIC_DIRECTOR_FORWARDING_RULES Quota_IN_PLACE_SNAPSHOTS = src.Quota_IN_PLACE_SNAPSHOTS Quota_IN_USE_ADDRESSES = src.Quota_IN_USE_ADDRESSES Quota_IN_USE_BACKUP_SCHEDULES = src.Quota_IN_USE_BACKUP_SCHEDULES Quota_IN_USE_SNAPSHOT_SCHEDULES = src.Quota_IN_USE_SNAPSHOT_SCHEDULES Quota_LOCAL_SSD_TOTAL_GB = src.Quota_LOCAL_SSD_TOTAL_GB Quota_M1_CPUS = src.Quota_M1_CPUS Quota_M2_CPUS = src.Quota_M2_CPUS Quota_M3_CPUS = src.Quota_M3_CPUS Quota_MACHINE_IMAGES = src.Quota_MACHINE_IMAGES Quota_N2A_CPUS = src.Quota_N2A_CPUS Quota_N2D_CPUS = src.Quota_N2D_CPUS Quota_N2_CPUS = src.Quota_N2_CPUS Quota_NETWORKS = src.Quota_NETWORKS Quota_NETWORK_ENDPOINT_GROUPS = src.Quota_NETWORK_ENDPOINT_GROUPS Quota_NETWORK_FIREWALL_POLICIES = src.Quota_NETWORK_FIREWALL_POLICIES Quota_NODE_GROUPS = src.Quota_NODE_GROUPS Quota_NODE_TEMPLATES = src.Quota_NODE_TEMPLATES Quota_NVIDIA_A100_80GB_GPUS = src.Quota_NVIDIA_A100_80GB_GPUS Quota_NVIDIA_A100_GPUS = src.Quota_NVIDIA_A100_GPUS Quota_NVIDIA_K80_GPUS = src.Quota_NVIDIA_K80_GPUS Quota_NVIDIA_P100_GPUS = src.Quota_NVIDIA_P100_GPUS Quota_NVIDIA_P100_VWS_GPUS = src.Quota_NVIDIA_P100_VWS_GPUS Quota_NVIDIA_P4_GPUS = src.Quota_NVIDIA_P4_GPUS Quota_NVIDIA_P4_VWS_GPUS = src.Quota_NVIDIA_P4_VWS_GPUS Quota_NVIDIA_T4_GPUS = src.Quota_NVIDIA_T4_GPUS Quota_NVIDIA_T4_VWS_GPUS = src.Quota_NVIDIA_T4_VWS_GPUS Quota_NVIDIA_V100_GPUS = src.Quota_NVIDIA_V100_GPUS Quota_PACKET_MIRRORINGS = src.Quota_PACKET_MIRRORINGS Quota_PD_EXTREME_TOTAL_PROVISIONED_IOPS = src.Quota_PD_EXTREME_TOTAL_PROVISIONED_IOPS Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_CPUS = src.Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_CPUS Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_LOCAL_SSD_GB = src.Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_LOCAL_SSD_GB Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_A100_80GB_GPUS = src.Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_A100_80GB_GPUS Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_A100_GPUS = src.Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_A100_GPUS Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_K80_GPUS = src.Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_K80_GPUS Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_P100_GPUS = src.Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_P100_GPUS Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_P100_VWS_GPUS = src.Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_P100_VWS_GPUS Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_P4_GPUS = src.Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_P4_GPUS Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_P4_VWS_GPUS = src.Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_P4_VWS_GPUS Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_T4_GPUS = src.Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_T4_GPUS Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_T4_VWS_GPUS = src.Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_T4_VWS_GPUS Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_V100_GPUS = src.Quota_PREEMPTIBLE_NVIDIA_V100_GPUS Quota_PSC_ILB_CONSUMER_FORWARDING_RULES_PER_PRODUCER_NETWORK = src.Quota_PSC_ILB_CONSUMER_FORWARDING_RULES_PER_PRODUCER_NETWORK Quota_PSC_INTERNAL_LB_FORWARDING_RULES = src.Quota_PSC_INTERNAL_LB_FORWARDING_RULES Quota_PUBLIC_ADVERTISED_PREFIXES = src.Quota_PUBLIC_ADVERTISED_PREFIXES Quota_PUBLIC_DELEGATED_PREFIXES = src.Quota_PUBLIC_DELEGATED_PREFIXES Quota_REGIONAL_AUTOSCALERS = src.Quota_REGIONAL_AUTOSCALERS Quota_REGIONAL_INSTANCE_GROUP_MANAGERS = src.Quota_REGIONAL_INSTANCE_GROUP_MANAGERS Quota_RESERVATIONS = src.Quota_RESERVATIONS Quota_RESOURCE_POLICIES = src.Quota_RESOURCE_POLICIES Quota_ROUTERS = src.Quota_ROUTERS Quota_ROUTES = src.Quota_ROUTES Quota_SECURITY_POLICIES = src.Quota_SECURITY_POLICIES Quota_SECURITY_POLICIES_PER_REGION = src.Quota_SECURITY_POLICIES_PER_REGION Quota_SECURITY_POLICY_CEVAL_RULES = src.Quota_SECURITY_POLICY_CEVAL_RULES Quota_SECURITY_POLICY_RULES = src.Quota_SECURITY_POLICY_RULES Quota_SECURITY_POLICY_RULES_PER_REGION = src.Quota_SECURITY_POLICY_RULES_PER_REGION Quota_SERVICE_ATTACHMENTS = src.Quota_SERVICE_ATTACHMENTS Quota_SNAPSHOTS = src.Quota_SNAPSHOTS Quota_SSD_TOTAL_GB = src.Quota_SSD_TOTAL_GB Quota_SSL_CERTIFICATES = src.Quota_SSL_CERTIFICATES Quota_STATIC_ADDRESSES = src.Quota_STATIC_ADDRESSES Quota_STATIC_BYOIP_ADDRESSES = src.Quota_STATIC_BYOIP_ADDRESSES Quota_STATIC_EXTERNAL_IPV6_ADDRESS_RANGES = src.Quota_STATIC_EXTERNAL_IPV6_ADDRESS_RANGES Quota_SUBNETWORKS = src.Quota_SUBNETWORKS Quota_T2A_CPUS = src.Quota_T2A_CPUS Quota_T2D_CPUS = src.Quota_T2D_CPUS Quota_TARGET_HTTPS_PROXIES = src.Quota_TARGET_HTTPS_PROXIES Quota_TARGET_HTTP_PROXIES = src.Quota_TARGET_HTTP_PROXIES Quota_TARGET_INSTANCES = src.Quota_TARGET_INSTANCES Quota_TARGET_POOLS = src.Quota_TARGET_POOLS Quota_TARGET_SSL_PROXIES = src.Quota_TARGET_SSL_PROXIES Quota_TARGET_TCP_PROXIES = src.Quota_TARGET_TCP_PROXIES Quota_TARGET_VPN_GATEWAYS = src.Quota_TARGET_VPN_GATEWAYS Quota_UNDEFINED_METRIC = src.Quota_UNDEFINED_METRIC Quota_URL_MAPS = src.Quota_URL_MAPS Quota_VPN_GATEWAYS = src.Quota_VPN_GATEWAYS Quota_VPN_TUNNELS = src.Quota_VPN_TUNNELS Quota_XPN_SERVICE_PROJECTS = src.Quota_XPN_SERVICE_PROJECTS RawDisk_TAR = src.RawDisk_TAR RawDisk_UNDEFINED_CONTAINER_TYPE = src.RawDisk_UNDEFINED_CONTAINER_TYPE RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_UNDEFINED_MINIMAL_ACTION = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_UNDEFINED_MINIMAL_ACTION RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_UNDEFINED_MOST_DISRUPTIVE_ALLOWED_ACTION = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_UNDEFINED_MOST_DISRUPTIVE_ALLOWED_ACTION RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_ALL = src.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_ALL RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_RUNNING = src.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_RUNNING RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_UNDEFINED_INSTANCE_STATE = src.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_UNDEFINED_INSTANCE_STATE RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_HIERARCHY = src.RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_HIERARCHY RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_NETWORK = src.RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_NETWORK RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_NETWORK_REGIONAL = src.RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_NETWORK_REGIONAL RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_UNDEFINED_TYPE RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_UNSPECIFIED = src.RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_UNSPECIFIED Region_DOWN = src.Region_DOWN Region_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.Region_UNDEFINED_STATUS Region_UP = src.Region_UP ReservationAffinity_ANY_RESERVATION = src.ReservationAffinity_ANY_RESERVATION ReservationAffinity_NO_RESERVATION = src.ReservationAffinity_NO_RESERVATION ReservationAffinity_SPECIFIC_RESERVATION = src.ReservationAffinity_SPECIFIC_RESERVATION ReservationAffinity_UNDEFINED_CONSUME_RESERVATION_TYPE = src.ReservationAffinity_UNDEFINED_CONSUME_RESERVATION_TYPE ReservationAffinity_UNSPECIFIED = src.ReservationAffinity_UNSPECIFIED Reservation_CREATING = src.Reservation_CREATING Reservation_DELETING = src.Reservation_DELETING Reservation_INVALID = src.Reservation_INVALID Reservation_READY = src.Reservation_READY Reservation_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.Reservation_UNDEFINED_STATUS Reservation_UPDATING = src.Reservation_UPDATING ResourceCommitment_ACCELERATOR = src.ResourceCommitment_ACCELERATOR ResourceCommitment_LOCAL_SSD = src.ResourceCommitment_LOCAL_SSD ResourceCommitment_MEMORY = src.ResourceCommitment_MEMORY ResourceCommitment_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.ResourceCommitment_UNDEFINED_TYPE ResourceCommitment_UNSPECIFIED = src.ResourceCommitment_UNSPECIFIED ResourceCommitment_VCPU = src.ResourceCommitment_VCPU ResourcePolicyGroupPlacementPolicy_COLLOCATED = src.ResourcePolicyGroupPlacementPolicy_COLLOCATED ResourcePolicyGroupPlacementPolicy_UNDEFINED_COLLOCATION = src.ResourcePolicyGroupPlacementPolicy_UNDEFINED_COLLOCATION ResourcePolicyGroupPlacementPolicy_UNSPECIFIED_COLLOCATION = src.ResourcePolicyGroupPlacementPolicy_UNSPECIFIED_COLLOCATION ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy_APPLY_RETENTION_POLICY = src.ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy_APPLY_RETENTION_POLICY ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy_KEEP_AUTO_SNAPSHOTS = src.ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy_KEEP_AUTO_SNAPSHOTS ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy_UNDEFINED_ON_SOURCE_DISK_DELETE = src.ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy_UNDEFINED_ON_SOURCE_DISK_DELETE ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy_UNSPECIFIED_ON_SOURCE_DISK_DELETE = src.ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy_UNSPECIFIED_ON_SOURCE_DISK_DELETE ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_FRIDAY = src.ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_FRIDAY ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_INVALID = src.ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_INVALID ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_MONDAY = src.ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_MONDAY ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_SATURDAY = src.ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_SATURDAY ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_SUNDAY = src.ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_SUNDAY ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_THURSDAY = src.ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_THURSDAY ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_TUESDAY = src.ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_TUESDAY ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_UNDEFINED_DAY = src.ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_UNDEFINED_DAY ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_WEDNESDAY = src.ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_WEDNESDAY ResourcePolicy_CREATING = src.ResourcePolicy_CREATING ResourcePolicy_DELETING = src.ResourcePolicy_DELETING ResourcePolicy_EXPIRED = src.ResourcePolicy_EXPIRED ResourcePolicy_INVALID = src.ResourcePolicy_INVALID ResourcePolicy_READY = src.ResourcePolicy_READY ResourcePolicy_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.ResourcePolicy_UNDEFINED_STATUS RouteAsPath_AS_CONFED_SEQUENCE = src.RouteAsPath_AS_CONFED_SEQUENCE RouteAsPath_AS_CONFED_SET = src.RouteAsPath_AS_CONFED_SET RouteAsPath_AS_SEQUENCE = src.RouteAsPath_AS_SEQUENCE RouteAsPath_AS_SET = src.RouteAsPath_AS_SET RouteAsPath_UNDEFINED_PATH_SEGMENT_TYPE = src.RouteAsPath_UNDEFINED_PATH_SEGMENT_TYPE Route_ACTIVE = src.Route_ACTIVE Route_BGP = src.Route_BGP Route_DROPPED = src.Route_DROPPED Route_INACTIVE = src.Route_INACTIVE Route_PENDING = src.Route_PENDING Route_STATIC = src.Route_STATIC Route_SUBNET = src.Route_SUBNET Route_TRANSIT = src.Route_TRANSIT Route_UNDEFINED_ROUTE_STATUS = src.Route_UNDEFINED_ROUTE_STATUS Route_UNDEFINED_ROUTE_TYPE = src.Route_UNDEFINED_ROUTE_TYPE RouterBgpPeerBfd_ACTIVE = src.RouterBgpPeerBfd_ACTIVE RouterBgpPeerBfd_DISABLED = src.RouterBgpPeerBfd_DISABLED RouterBgpPeerBfd_PASSIVE = src.RouterBgpPeerBfd_PASSIVE RouterBgpPeerBfd_UNDEFINED_SESSION_INITIALIZATION_MODE = src.RouterBgpPeerBfd_UNDEFINED_SESSION_INITIALIZATION_MODE RouterBgpPeer_ALL_SUBNETS = src.RouterBgpPeer_ALL_SUBNETS RouterBgpPeer_CUSTOM = src.RouterBgpPeer_CUSTOM RouterBgpPeer_DEFAULT = src.RouterBgpPeer_DEFAULT RouterBgpPeer_FALSE = src.RouterBgpPeer_FALSE RouterBgpPeer_MANAGED_BY_ATTACHMENT = src.RouterBgpPeer_MANAGED_BY_ATTACHMENT RouterBgpPeer_MANAGED_BY_USER = src.RouterBgpPeer_MANAGED_BY_USER RouterBgpPeer_TRUE = src.RouterBgpPeer_TRUE RouterBgpPeer_UNDEFINED_ADVERTISED_GROUPS = src.RouterBgpPeer_UNDEFINED_ADVERTISED_GROUPS RouterBgpPeer_UNDEFINED_ADVERTISE_MODE = src.RouterBgpPeer_UNDEFINED_ADVERTISE_MODE RouterBgpPeer_UNDEFINED_ENABLE = src.RouterBgpPeer_UNDEFINED_ENABLE RouterBgpPeer_UNDEFINED_MANAGEMENT_TYPE = src.RouterBgpPeer_UNDEFINED_MANAGEMENT_TYPE RouterBgp_ALL_SUBNETS = src.RouterBgp_ALL_SUBNETS RouterBgp_CUSTOM = src.RouterBgp_CUSTOM RouterBgp_DEFAULT = src.RouterBgp_DEFAULT RouterBgp_UNDEFINED_ADVERTISED_GROUPS = src.RouterBgp_UNDEFINED_ADVERTISED_GROUPS RouterBgp_UNDEFINED_ADVERTISE_MODE = src.RouterBgp_UNDEFINED_ADVERTISE_MODE RouterInterface_MANAGED_BY_ATTACHMENT = src.RouterInterface_MANAGED_BY_ATTACHMENT RouterInterface_MANAGED_BY_USER = src.RouterInterface_MANAGED_BY_USER RouterInterface_UNDEFINED_MANAGEMENT_TYPE = src.RouterInterface_UNDEFINED_MANAGEMENT_TYPE RouterNatLogConfig_ALL = src.RouterNatLogConfig_ALL RouterNatLogConfig_ERRORS_ONLY = src.RouterNatLogConfig_ERRORS_ONLY RouterNatLogConfig_TRANSLATIONS_ONLY = src.RouterNatLogConfig_TRANSLATIONS_ONLY RouterNatLogConfig_UNDEFINED_FILTER = src.RouterNatLogConfig_UNDEFINED_FILTER RouterNatSubnetworkToNat_ALL_IP_RANGES = src.RouterNatSubnetworkToNat_ALL_IP_RANGES RouterNatSubnetworkToNat_LIST_OF_SECONDARY_IP_RANGES = src.RouterNatSubnetworkToNat_LIST_OF_SECONDARY_IP_RANGES RouterNatSubnetworkToNat_PRIMARY_IP_RANGE = src.RouterNatSubnetworkToNat_PRIMARY_IP_RANGE RouterNatSubnetworkToNat_UNDEFINED_SOURCE_IP_RANGES_TO_NAT = src.RouterNatSubnetworkToNat_UNDEFINED_SOURCE_IP_RANGES_TO_NAT RouterNat_ALL_SUBNETWORKS_ALL_IP_RANGES = src.RouterNat_ALL_SUBNETWORKS_ALL_IP_RANGES RouterNat_ALL_SUBNETWORKS_ALL_PRIMARY_IP_RANGES = src.RouterNat_ALL_SUBNETWORKS_ALL_PRIMARY_IP_RANGES RouterNat_AUTO_ONLY = src.RouterNat_AUTO_ONLY RouterNat_ENDPOINT_TYPE_SWG = src.RouterNat_ENDPOINT_TYPE_SWG RouterNat_ENDPOINT_TYPE_VM = src.RouterNat_ENDPOINT_TYPE_VM RouterNat_LIST_OF_SUBNETWORKS = src.RouterNat_LIST_OF_SUBNETWORKS RouterNat_MANUAL_ONLY = src.RouterNat_MANUAL_ONLY RouterNat_UNDEFINED_ENDPOINT_TYPES = src.RouterNat_UNDEFINED_ENDPOINT_TYPES RouterNat_UNDEFINED_NAT_IP_ALLOCATE_OPTION = src.RouterNat_UNDEFINED_NAT_IP_ALLOCATE_OPTION RouterNat_UNDEFINED_SOURCE_SUBNETWORK_IP_RANGES_TO_NAT = src.RouterNat_UNDEFINED_SOURCE_SUBNETWORK_IP_RANGES_TO_NAT RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_DOWN = src.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_DOWN RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_MD5_AUTH_INTERNAL_PROBLEM = src.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_MD5_AUTH_INTERNAL_PROBLEM RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_STATUS_REASON_UNSPECIFIED = src.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_STATUS_REASON_UNSPECIFIED RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_UNDEFINED_STATUS RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_UNDEFINED_STATUS_REASON = src.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_UNDEFINED_STATUS_REASON RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_UNKNOWN = src.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_UNKNOWN RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_UP = src.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_UP Rule_ALLOW = src.Rule_ALLOW Rule_ALLOW_WITH_LOG = src.Rule_ALLOW_WITH_LOG Rule_DENY = src.Rule_DENY Rule_DENY_WITH_LOG = src.Rule_DENY_WITH_LOG Rule_LOG = src.Rule_LOG Rule_NO_ACTION = src.Rule_NO_ACTION Rule_UNDEFINED_ACTION = src.Rule_UNDEFINED_ACTION SSLHealthCheck_NONE = src.SSLHealthCheck_NONE SSLHealthCheck_PROXY_V1 = src.SSLHealthCheck_PROXY_V1 SSLHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PORT_SPECIFICATION = src.SSLHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PORT_SPECIFICATION SSLHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER = src.SSLHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER SSLHealthCheck_USE_FIXED_PORT = src.SSLHealthCheck_USE_FIXED_PORT SSLHealthCheck_USE_NAMED_PORT = src.SSLHealthCheck_USE_NAMED_PORT SSLHealthCheck_USE_SERVING_PORT = src.SSLHealthCheck_USE_SERVING_PORT SavedAttachedDisk_NVME = src.SavedAttachedDisk_NVME SavedAttachedDisk_PERSISTENT = src.SavedAttachedDisk_PERSISTENT SavedAttachedDisk_READ_ONLY = src.SavedAttachedDisk_READ_ONLY SavedAttachedDisk_READ_WRITE = src.SavedAttachedDisk_READ_WRITE SavedAttachedDisk_SCRATCH = src.SavedAttachedDisk_SCRATCH SavedAttachedDisk_SCSI = src.SavedAttachedDisk_SCSI SavedAttachedDisk_UNDEFINED_INTERFACE = src.SavedAttachedDisk_UNDEFINED_INTERFACE SavedAttachedDisk_UNDEFINED_MODE = src.SavedAttachedDisk_UNDEFINED_MODE SavedAttachedDisk_UNDEFINED_STORAGE_BYTES_STATUS = src.SavedAttachedDisk_UNDEFINED_STORAGE_BYTES_STATUS SavedAttachedDisk_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.SavedAttachedDisk_UNDEFINED_TYPE SavedAttachedDisk_UPDATING = src.SavedAttachedDisk_UPDATING SavedAttachedDisk_UP_TO_DATE = src.SavedAttachedDisk_UP_TO_DATE SavedDisk_ARCHITECTURE_UNSPECIFIED = src.SavedDisk_ARCHITECTURE_UNSPECIFIED SavedDisk_ARM64 = src.SavedDisk_ARM64 SavedDisk_UNDEFINED_ARCHITECTURE = src.SavedDisk_UNDEFINED_ARCHITECTURE SavedDisk_UNDEFINED_STORAGE_BYTES_STATUS = src.SavedDisk_UNDEFINED_STORAGE_BYTES_STATUS SavedDisk_UPDATING = src.SavedDisk_UPDATING SavedDisk_UP_TO_DATE = src.SavedDisk_UP_TO_DATE SavedDisk_X86_64 = src.SavedDisk_X86_64 ScalingScheduleStatus_ACTIVE = src.ScalingScheduleStatus_ACTIVE ScalingScheduleStatus_DISABLED = src.ScalingScheduleStatus_DISABLED ScalingScheduleStatus_OBSOLETE = src.ScalingScheduleStatus_OBSOLETE ScalingScheduleStatus_READY = src.ScalingScheduleStatus_READY ScalingScheduleStatus_UNDEFINED_STATE = src.ScalingScheduleStatus_UNDEFINED_STATE SchedulingNodeAffinity_IN = src.SchedulingNodeAffinity_IN SchedulingNodeAffinity_NOT_IN = src.SchedulingNodeAffinity_NOT_IN SchedulingNodeAffinity_OPERATOR_UNSPECIFIED = src.SchedulingNodeAffinity_OPERATOR_UNSPECIFIED SchedulingNodeAffinity_UNDEFINED_OPERATOR = src.SchedulingNodeAffinity_UNDEFINED_OPERATOR Scheduling_DELETE = src.Scheduling_DELETE Scheduling_INSTANCE_TERMINATION_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED = src.Scheduling_INSTANCE_TERMINATION_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED Scheduling_MIGRATE = src.Scheduling_MIGRATE Scheduling_SPOT = src.Scheduling_SPOT Scheduling_STANDARD = src.Scheduling_STANDARD Scheduling_STOP = src.Scheduling_STOP Scheduling_TERMINATE = src.Scheduling_TERMINATE Scheduling_UNDEFINED_INSTANCE_TERMINATION_ACTION = src.Scheduling_UNDEFINED_INSTANCE_TERMINATION_ACTION Scheduling_UNDEFINED_ON_HOST_MAINTENANCE = src.Scheduling_UNDEFINED_ON_HOST_MAINTENANCE Scheduling_UNDEFINED_PROVISIONING_MODEL = src.Scheduling_UNDEFINED_PROVISIONING_MODEL SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfig_PREMIUM = src.SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfig_PREMIUM SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfig_STANDARD = src.SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfig_STANDARD SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfig_UNDEFINED_RULE_VISIBILITY = src.SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfig_UNDEFINED_RULE_VISIBILITY SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_DISABLED = src.SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_DISABLED SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_NORMAL = src.SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_NORMAL SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_STANDARD = src.SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_STANDARD SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_UNDEFINED_JSON_PARSING = src.SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_UNDEFINED_JSON_PARSING SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_UNDEFINED_LOG_LEVEL = src.SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_UNDEFINED_LOG_LEVEL SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_VERBOSE = src.SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_VERBOSE SecurityPolicyDdosProtectionConfig_ADVANCED = src.SecurityPolicyDdosProtectionConfig_ADVANCED SecurityPolicyDdosProtectionConfig_STANDARD = src.SecurityPolicyDdosProtectionConfig_STANDARD SecurityPolicyDdosProtectionConfig_UNDEFINED_DDOS_PROTECTION = src.SecurityPolicyDdosProtectionConfig_UNDEFINED_DDOS_PROTECTION SecurityPolicyRuleMatcher_SRC_IPS_V1 = src.SecurityPolicyRuleMatcher_SRC_IPS_V1 SecurityPolicyRuleMatcher_UNDEFINED_VERSIONED_EXPR = src.SecurityPolicyRuleMatcher_UNDEFINED_VERSIONED_EXPR SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_ALL = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_ALL SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_HTTP_COOKIE = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_HTTP_COOKIE SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_HTTP_HEADER = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_HTTP_HEADER SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_HTTP_PATH = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_HTTP_PATH SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_IP = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_IP SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_REGION_CODE = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_REGION_CODE SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_SNI = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_SNI SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_UNDEFINED_ENFORCE_ON_KEY = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_UNDEFINED_ENFORCE_ON_KEY SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_XFF_IP = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_XFF_IP SecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOptions_EXTERNAL_302 = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOptions_EXTERNAL_302 SecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOptions_GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOptions_GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA SecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOptions_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOptions_UNDEFINED_TYPE SecurityPolicy_CLOUD_ARMOR = src.SecurityPolicy_CLOUD_ARMOR SecurityPolicy_CLOUD_ARMOR_EDGE = src.SecurityPolicy_CLOUD_ARMOR_EDGE SecurityPolicy_CLOUD_ARMOR_NETWORK = src.SecurityPolicy_CLOUD_ARMOR_NETWORK SecurityPolicy_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.SecurityPolicy_UNDEFINED_TYPE ServerBinding_RESTART_NODE_ON_ANY_SERVER = src.ServerBinding_RESTART_NODE_ON_ANY_SERVER ServerBinding_RESTART_NODE_ON_MINIMAL_SERVERS = src.ServerBinding_RESTART_NODE_ON_MINIMAL_SERVERS ServerBinding_SERVER_BINDING_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.ServerBinding_SERVER_BINDING_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED ServerBinding_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.ServerBinding_UNDEFINED_TYPE ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_ACCEPTED = src.ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_ACCEPTED ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_CLOSED = src.ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_CLOSED ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_NEEDS_ATTENTION = src.ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_NEEDS_ATTENTION ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_PENDING = src.ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_PENDING ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_REJECTED = src.ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_REJECTED ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = src.ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_UNDEFINED_STATUS ServiceAttachment_ACCEPT_AUTOMATIC = src.ServiceAttachment_ACCEPT_AUTOMATIC ServiceAttachment_ACCEPT_MANUAL = src.ServiceAttachment_ACCEPT_MANUAL ServiceAttachment_CONNECTION_PREFERENCE_UNSPECIFIED = src.ServiceAttachment_CONNECTION_PREFERENCE_UNSPECIFIED ServiceAttachment_UNDEFINED_CONNECTION_PREFERENCE = src.ServiceAttachment_UNDEFINED_CONNECTION_PREFERENCE = src.ShareSettings_LOCAL = src.ShareSettings_ORGANIZATION = src.ShareSettings_SHARE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.ShareSettings_SPECIFIC_PROJECTS = src.ShareSettings_UNDEFINED_SHARE_TYPE Snapshot_ARCHITECTURE_UNSPECIFIED = src.Snapshot_ARCHITECTURE_UNSPECIFIED Snapshot_ARCHIVE = src.Snapshot_ARCHIVE Snapshot_ARM64 = src.Snapshot_ARM64 Snapshot_CREATING = src.Snapshot_CREATING Snapshot_DELETING = src.Snapshot_DELETING Snapshot_FAILED = src.Snapshot_FAILED Snapshot_READY = src.Snapshot_READY Snapshot_STANDARD = src.Snapshot_STANDARD Snapshot_UNDEFINED_ARCHITECTURE = src.Snapshot_UNDEFINED_ARCHITECTURE Snapshot_UNDEFINED_SNAPSHOT_TYPE = src.Snapshot_UNDEFINED_SNAPSHOT_TYPE Snapshot_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.Snapshot_UNDEFINED_STATUS Snapshot_UNDEFINED_STORAGE_BYTES_STATUS = src.Snapshot_UNDEFINED_STORAGE_BYTES_STATUS Snapshot_UPDATING = src.Snapshot_UPDATING Snapshot_UPLOADING = src.Snapshot_UPLOADING Snapshot_UP_TO_DATE = src.Snapshot_UP_TO_DATE Snapshot_X86_64 = src.Snapshot_X86_64 SourceInstanceProperties_KEY_REVOCATION_ACTION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.SourceInstanceProperties_KEY_REVOCATION_ACTION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED SourceInstanceProperties_NONE = src.SourceInstanceProperties_NONE SourceInstanceProperties_STOP = src.SourceInstanceProperties_STOP SourceInstanceProperties_UNDEFINED_KEY_REVOCATION_ACTION_TYPE = src.SourceInstanceProperties_UNDEFINED_KEY_REVOCATION_ACTION_TYPE SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_ACTIVE = src.SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_ACTIVE SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_MANAGED_CERTIFICATE_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = src.SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_MANAGED_CERTIFICATE_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_PROVISIONING = src.SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_PROVISIONING SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_PROVISIONING_FAILED = src.SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_PROVISIONING_FAILED SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_PROVISIONING_FAILED_PERMANENTLY = src.SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_PROVISIONING_FAILED_PERMANENTLY SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_RENEWAL_FAILED = src.SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_RENEWAL_FAILED SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_UNDEFINED_STATUS SslCertificate_MANAGED = src.SslCertificate_MANAGED SslCertificate_SELF_MANAGED = src.SslCertificate_SELF_MANAGED SslCertificate_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.SslCertificate_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED SslCertificate_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.SslCertificate_UNDEFINED_TYPE SslPolicy_COMPATIBLE = src.SslPolicy_COMPATIBLE SslPolicy_CUSTOM = src.SslPolicy_CUSTOM SslPolicy_MODERN = src.SslPolicy_MODERN SslPolicy_RESTRICTED = src.SslPolicy_RESTRICTED SslPolicy_TLS_1_0 = src.SslPolicy_TLS_1_0 SslPolicy_TLS_1_1 = src.SslPolicy_TLS_1_1 SslPolicy_TLS_1_2 = src.SslPolicy_TLS_1_2 SslPolicy_UNDEFINED_MIN_TLS_VERSION = src.SslPolicy_UNDEFINED_MIN_TLS_VERSION SslPolicy_UNDEFINED_PROFILE = src.SslPolicy_UNDEFINED_PROFILE StatefulPolicyPreservedStateDiskDevice_NEVER = src.StatefulPolicyPreservedStateDiskDevice_NEVER StatefulPolicyPreservedStateDiskDevice_ON_PERMANENT_INSTANCE_DELETION = src.StatefulPolicyPreservedStateDiskDevice_ON_PERMANENT_INSTANCE_DELETION StatefulPolicyPreservedStateDiskDevice_UNDEFINED_AUTO_DELETE = src.StatefulPolicyPreservedStateDiskDevice_UNDEFINED_AUTO_DELETE SubnetworkLogConfig_CUSTOM_METADATA = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_CUSTOM_METADATA SubnetworkLogConfig_EXCLUDE_ALL_METADATA = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_EXCLUDE_ALL_METADATA SubnetworkLogConfig_INCLUDE_ALL_METADATA = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_INCLUDE_ALL_METADATA SubnetworkLogConfig_INTERVAL_10_MIN = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_INTERVAL_10_MIN SubnetworkLogConfig_INTERVAL_15_MIN = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_INTERVAL_15_MIN SubnetworkLogConfig_INTERVAL_1_MIN = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_INTERVAL_1_MIN SubnetworkLogConfig_INTERVAL_30_SEC = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_INTERVAL_30_SEC SubnetworkLogConfig_INTERVAL_5_MIN = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_INTERVAL_5_MIN SubnetworkLogConfig_INTERVAL_5_SEC = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_INTERVAL_5_SEC SubnetworkLogConfig_UNDEFINED_AGGREGATION_INTERVAL = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_UNDEFINED_AGGREGATION_INTERVAL SubnetworkLogConfig_UNDEFINED_METADATA = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_UNDEFINED_METADATA Subnetwork_ACTIVE = src.Subnetwork_ACTIVE Subnetwork_BACKUP = src.Subnetwork_BACKUP Subnetwork_DISABLE_GOOGLE_ACCESS = src.Subnetwork_DISABLE_GOOGLE_ACCESS Subnetwork_DRAINING = src.Subnetwork_DRAINING Subnetwork_ENABLE_BIDIRECTIONAL_ACCESS_TO_GOOGLE = src.Subnetwork_ENABLE_BIDIRECTIONAL_ACCESS_TO_GOOGLE Subnetwork_ENABLE_OUTBOUND_VM_ACCESS_TO_GOOGLE = src.Subnetwork_ENABLE_OUTBOUND_VM_ACCESS_TO_GOOGLE Subnetwork_EXTERNAL = src.Subnetwork_EXTERNAL Subnetwork_INTERNAL = src.Subnetwork_INTERNAL Subnetwork_INTERNAL_HTTPS_LOAD_BALANCER = src.Subnetwork_INTERNAL_HTTPS_LOAD_BALANCER Subnetwork_IPV4_IPV6 = src.Subnetwork_IPV4_IPV6 Subnetwork_IPV4_ONLY = src.Subnetwork_IPV4_ONLY Subnetwork_PRIVATE = src.Subnetwork_PRIVATE Subnetwork_PRIVATE_RFC_1918 = src.Subnetwork_PRIVATE_RFC_1918 Subnetwork_PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT = src.Subnetwork_PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT Subnetwork_READY = src.Subnetwork_READY Subnetwork_REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY = src.Subnetwork_REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY Subnetwork_UNDEFINED_IPV6_ACCESS_TYPE = src.Subnetwork_UNDEFINED_IPV6_ACCESS_TYPE Subnetwork_UNDEFINED_PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS = src.Subnetwork_UNDEFINED_PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS Subnetwork_UNDEFINED_PURPOSE = src.Subnetwork_UNDEFINED_PURPOSE Subnetwork_UNDEFINED_ROLE = src.Subnetwork_UNDEFINED_ROLE Subnetwork_UNDEFINED_STACK_TYPE = src.Subnetwork_UNDEFINED_STACK_TYPE Subnetwork_UNDEFINED_STATE = src.Subnetwork_UNDEFINED_STATE Subnetwork_UNSPECIFIED_IPV6_ACCESS_TYPE = src.Subnetwork_UNSPECIFIED_IPV6_ACCESS_TYPE Subnetwork_UNSPECIFIED_STACK_TYPE = src.Subnetwork_UNSPECIFIED_STACK_TYPE Subsetting_CONSISTENT_HASH_SUBSETTING = src.Subsetting_CONSISTENT_HASH_SUBSETTING Subsetting_NONE = src.Subsetting_NONE Subsetting_UNDEFINED_POLICY = src.Subsetting_UNDEFINED_POLICY TCPHealthCheck_NONE = src.TCPHealthCheck_NONE TCPHealthCheck_PROXY_V1 = src.TCPHealthCheck_PROXY_V1 TCPHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PORT_SPECIFICATION = src.TCPHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PORT_SPECIFICATION TCPHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER = src.TCPHealthCheck_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER TCPHealthCheck_USE_FIXED_PORT = src.TCPHealthCheck_USE_FIXED_PORT TCPHealthCheck_USE_NAMED_PORT = src.TCPHealthCheck_USE_NAMED_PORT TCPHealthCheck_USE_SERVING_PORT = src.TCPHealthCheck_USE_SERVING_PORT TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest_DISABLE = src.TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest_DISABLE TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest_ENABLE = src.TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest_ENABLE TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest_NONE = src.TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest_NONE TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest_UNDEFINED_QUIC_OVERRIDE = src.TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest_UNDEFINED_QUIC_OVERRIDE TargetHttpsProxy_DISABLE = src.TargetHttpsProxy_DISABLE TargetHttpsProxy_ENABLE = src.TargetHttpsProxy_ENABLE TargetHttpsProxy_NONE = src.TargetHttpsProxy_NONE TargetHttpsProxy_UNDEFINED_QUIC_OVERRIDE = src.TargetHttpsProxy_UNDEFINED_QUIC_OVERRIDE TargetInstance_NO_NAT = src.TargetInstance_NO_NAT TargetInstance_UNDEFINED_NAT_POLICY = src.TargetInstance_UNDEFINED_NAT_POLICY TargetPool_CLIENT_IP = src.TargetPool_CLIENT_IP TargetPool_CLIENT_IP_NO_DESTINATION = src.TargetPool_CLIENT_IP_NO_DESTINATION TargetPool_CLIENT_IP_PORT_PROTO = src.TargetPool_CLIENT_IP_PORT_PROTO TargetPool_CLIENT_IP_PROTO = src.TargetPool_CLIENT_IP_PROTO TargetPool_GENERATED_COOKIE = src.TargetPool_GENERATED_COOKIE TargetPool_HEADER_FIELD = src.TargetPool_HEADER_FIELD TargetPool_HTTP_COOKIE = src.TargetPool_HTTP_COOKIE TargetPool_NONE = src.TargetPool_NONE TargetPool_UNDEFINED_SESSION_AFFINITY = src.TargetPool_UNDEFINED_SESSION_AFFINITY TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_NONE = src.TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_NONE TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_PROXY_V1 = src.TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_PROXY_V1 TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER = src.TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER TargetSslProxy_NONE = src.TargetSslProxy_NONE TargetSslProxy_PROXY_V1 = src.TargetSslProxy_PROXY_V1 TargetSslProxy_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER = src.TargetSslProxy_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_NONE = src.TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_NONE TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_PROXY_V1 = src.TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_PROXY_V1 TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER = src.TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER TargetTcpProxy_NONE = src.TargetTcpProxy_NONE TargetTcpProxy_PROXY_V1 = src.TargetTcpProxy_PROXY_V1 TargetTcpProxy_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER = src.TargetTcpProxy_UNDEFINED_PROXY_HEADER TargetVpnGateway_CREATING = src.TargetVpnGateway_CREATING TargetVpnGateway_DELETING = src.TargetVpnGateway_DELETING TargetVpnGateway_FAILED = src.TargetVpnGateway_FAILED TargetVpnGateway_READY = src.TargetVpnGateway_READY TargetVpnGateway_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.TargetVpnGateway_UNDEFINED_STATUS UpdateInstanceRequest_UNDEFINED_MINIMAL_ACTION = src.UpdateInstanceRequest_UNDEFINED_MINIMAL_ACTION UpdateInstanceRequest_UNDEFINED_MOST_DISRUPTIVE_ALLOWED_ACTION = src.UpdateInstanceRequest_UNDEFINED_MOST_DISRUPTIVE_ALLOWED_ACTION UrlMapsValidateRequest_EXTERNAL = src.UrlMapsValidateRequest_EXTERNAL UrlMapsValidateRequest_EXTERNAL_MANAGED = src.UrlMapsValidateRequest_EXTERNAL_MANAGED UrlMapsValidateRequest_LOAD_BALANCING_SCHEME_UNSPECIFIED = src.UrlMapsValidateRequest_LOAD_BALANCING_SCHEME_UNSPECIFIED UrlMapsValidateRequest_UNDEFINED_LOAD_BALANCING_SCHEMES = src.UrlMapsValidateRequest_UNDEFINED_LOAD_BALANCING_SCHEMES UsableSubnetwork_ACTIVE = src.UsableSubnetwork_ACTIVE UsableSubnetwork_BACKUP = src.UsableSubnetwork_BACKUP UsableSubnetwork_EXTERNAL = src.UsableSubnetwork_EXTERNAL UsableSubnetwork_INTERNAL = src.UsableSubnetwork_INTERNAL UsableSubnetwork_INTERNAL_HTTPS_LOAD_BALANCER = src.UsableSubnetwork_INTERNAL_HTTPS_LOAD_BALANCER UsableSubnetwork_IPV4_IPV6 = src.UsableSubnetwork_IPV4_IPV6 UsableSubnetwork_IPV4_ONLY = src.UsableSubnetwork_IPV4_ONLY UsableSubnetwork_PRIVATE = src.UsableSubnetwork_PRIVATE UsableSubnetwork_PRIVATE_RFC_1918 = src.UsableSubnetwork_PRIVATE_RFC_1918 UsableSubnetwork_PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT = src.UsableSubnetwork_PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT UsableSubnetwork_REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY = src.UsableSubnetwork_REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY UsableSubnetwork_UNDEFINED_IPV6_ACCESS_TYPE = src.UsableSubnetwork_UNDEFINED_IPV6_ACCESS_TYPE UsableSubnetwork_UNDEFINED_PURPOSE = src.UsableSubnetwork_UNDEFINED_PURPOSE UsableSubnetwork_UNDEFINED_ROLE = src.UsableSubnetwork_UNDEFINED_ROLE UsableSubnetwork_UNDEFINED_STACK_TYPE = src.UsableSubnetwork_UNDEFINED_STACK_TYPE VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_CONNECTION_REDUNDANCY_MET = src.VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_CONNECTION_REDUNDANCY_MET VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_CONNECTION_REDUNDANCY_NOT_MET = src.VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_CONNECTION_REDUNDANCY_NOT_MET VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_INCOMPLETE_TUNNELS_COVERAGE = src.VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_INCOMPLETE_TUNNELS_COVERAGE VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_UNDEFINED_STATE = src.VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_UNDEFINED_STATE VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_UNDEFINED_UNSATISFIED_REASON = src.VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_UNDEFINED_UNSATISFIED_REASON VpnGateway_IPV4_IPV6 = src.VpnGateway_IPV4_IPV6 VpnGateway_IPV4_ONLY = src.VpnGateway_IPV4_ONLY VpnGateway_UNDEFINED_STACK_TYPE = src.VpnGateway_UNDEFINED_STACK_TYPE VpnTunnel_ALLOCATING_RESOURCES = src.VpnTunnel_ALLOCATING_RESOURCES VpnTunnel_AUTHORIZATION_ERROR = src.VpnTunnel_AUTHORIZATION_ERROR VpnTunnel_DEPROVISIONING = src.VpnTunnel_DEPROVISIONING VpnTunnel_ESTABLISHED = src.VpnTunnel_ESTABLISHED VpnTunnel_FAILED = src.VpnTunnel_FAILED VpnTunnel_FIRST_HANDSHAKE = src.VpnTunnel_FIRST_HANDSHAKE VpnTunnel_NEGOTIATION_FAILURE = src.VpnTunnel_NEGOTIATION_FAILURE VpnTunnel_NETWORK_ERROR = src.VpnTunnel_NETWORK_ERROR VpnTunnel_NO_INCOMING_PACKETS = src.VpnTunnel_NO_INCOMING_PACKETS VpnTunnel_PROVISIONING = src.VpnTunnel_PROVISIONING VpnTunnel_REJECTED = src.VpnTunnel_REJECTED VpnTunnel_STOPPED = src.VpnTunnel_STOPPED VpnTunnel_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.VpnTunnel_UNDEFINED_STATUS VpnTunnel_WAITING_FOR_FULL_CONFIG = src.VpnTunnel_WAITING_FOR_FULL_CONFIG Warning_CLEANUP_FAILED = src.Warning_CLEANUP_FAILED Warning_DEPRECATED_RESOURCE_USED = src.Warning_DEPRECATED_RESOURCE_USED Warning_DEPRECATED_TYPE_USED = src.Warning_DEPRECATED_TYPE_USED Warning_DISK_SIZE_LARGER_THAN_IMAGE_SIZE = src.Warning_DISK_SIZE_LARGER_THAN_IMAGE_SIZE Warning_EXPERIMENTAL_TYPE_USED = src.Warning_EXPERIMENTAL_TYPE_USED Warning_EXTERNAL_API_WARNING = src.Warning_EXTERNAL_API_WARNING Warning_FIELD_VALUE_OVERRIDEN = src.Warning_FIELD_VALUE_OVERRIDEN Warning_INJECTED_KERNELS_DEPRECATED = src.Warning_INJECTED_KERNELS_DEPRECATED Warning_INVALID_HEALTH_CHECK_FOR_DYNAMIC_WIEGHTED_LB = src.Warning_INVALID_HEALTH_CHECK_FOR_DYNAMIC_WIEGHTED_LB Warning_LARGE_DEPLOYMENT_WARNING = src.Warning_LARGE_DEPLOYMENT_WARNING Warning_MISSING_TYPE_DEPENDENCY = src.Warning_MISSING_TYPE_DEPENDENCY Warning_NEXT_HOP_ADDRESS_NOT_ASSIGNED = src.Warning_NEXT_HOP_ADDRESS_NOT_ASSIGNED Warning_NEXT_HOP_CANNOT_IP_FORWARD = src.Warning_NEXT_HOP_CANNOT_IP_FORWARD Warning_NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_HAS_NO_IPV6_INTERFACE = src.Warning_NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_HAS_NO_IPV6_INTERFACE Warning_NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = src.Warning_NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND Warning_NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_NOT_ON_NETWORK = src.Warning_NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_NOT_ON_NETWORK Warning_NEXT_HOP_NOT_RUNNING = src.Warning_NEXT_HOP_NOT_RUNNING Warning_NOT_CRITICAL_ERROR = src.Warning_NOT_CRITICAL_ERROR Warning_NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE = src.Warning_NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE Warning_PARTIAL_SUCCESS = src.Warning_PARTIAL_SUCCESS Warning_REQUIRED_TOS_AGREEMENT = src.Warning_REQUIRED_TOS_AGREEMENT Warning_RESOURCE_IN_USE_BY_OTHER_RESOURCE_WARNING = src.Warning_RESOURCE_IN_USE_BY_OTHER_RESOURCE_WARNING Warning_RESOURCE_NOT_DELETED = src.Warning_RESOURCE_NOT_DELETED Warning_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_IGNORED = src.Warning_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_IGNORED Warning_SINGLE_INSTANCE_PROPERTY_TEMPLATE = src.Warning_SINGLE_INSTANCE_PROPERTY_TEMPLATE Warning_UNDECLARED_PROPERTIES = src.Warning_UNDECLARED_PROPERTIES Warning_UNDEFINED_CODE = src.Warning_UNDEFINED_CODE Warning_UNREACHABLE = src.Warning_UNREACHABLE Warnings_CLEANUP_FAILED = src.Warnings_CLEANUP_FAILED Warnings_DEPRECATED_RESOURCE_USED = src.Warnings_DEPRECATED_RESOURCE_USED Warnings_DEPRECATED_TYPE_USED = src.Warnings_DEPRECATED_TYPE_USED Warnings_DISK_SIZE_LARGER_THAN_IMAGE_SIZE = src.Warnings_DISK_SIZE_LARGER_THAN_IMAGE_SIZE Warnings_EXPERIMENTAL_TYPE_USED = src.Warnings_EXPERIMENTAL_TYPE_USED Warnings_EXTERNAL_API_WARNING = src.Warnings_EXTERNAL_API_WARNING Warnings_FIELD_VALUE_OVERRIDEN = src.Warnings_FIELD_VALUE_OVERRIDEN Warnings_INJECTED_KERNELS_DEPRECATED = src.Warnings_INJECTED_KERNELS_DEPRECATED Warnings_INVALID_HEALTH_CHECK_FOR_DYNAMIC_WIEGHTED_LB = src.Warnings_INVALID_HEALTH_CHECK_FOR_DYNAMIC_WIEGHTED_LB Warnings_LARGE_DEPLOYMENT_WARNING = src.Warnings_LARGE_DEPLOYMENT_WARNING Warnings_MISSING_TYPE_DEPENDENCY = src.Warnings_MISSING_TYPE_DEPENDENCY Warnings_NEXT_HOP_ADDRESS_NOT_ASSIGNED = src.Warnings_NEXT_HOP_ADDRESS_NOT_ASSIGNED Warnings_NEXT_HOP_CANNOT_IP_FORWARD = src.Warnings_NEXT_HOP_CANNOT_IP_FORWARD Warnings_NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_HAS_NO_IPV6_INTERFACE = src.Warnings_NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_HAS_NO_IPV6_INTERFACE Warnings_NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = src.Warnings_NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND Warnings_NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_NOT_ON_NETWORK = src.Warnings_NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_NOT_ON_NETWORK Warnings_NEXT_HOP_NOT_RUNNING = src.Warnings_NEXT_HOP_NOT_RUNNING Warnings_NOT_CRITICAL_ERROR = src.Warnings_NOT_CRITICAL_ERROR Warnings_NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE = src.Warnings_NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE Warnings_PARTIAL_SUCCESS = src.Warnings_PARTIAL_SUCCESS Warnings_REQUIRED_TOS_AGREEMENT = src.Warnings_REQUIRED_TOS_AGREEMENT Warnings_RESOURCE_IN_USE_BY_OTHER_RESOURCE_WARNING = src.Warnings_RESOURCE_IN_USE_BY_OTHER_RESOURCE_WARNING Warnings_RESOURCE_NOT_DELETED = src.Warnings_RESOURCE_NOT_DELETED Warnings_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_IGNORED = src.Warnings_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_IGNORED Warnings_SINGLE_INSTANCE_PROPERTY_TEMPLATE = src.Warnings_SINGLE_INSTANCE_PROPERTY_TEMPLATE Warnings_UNDECLARED_PROPERTIES = src.Warnings_UNDECLARED_PROPERTIES Warnings_UNDEFINED_CODE = src.Warnings_UNDEFINED_CODE Warnings_UNREACHABLE = src.Warnings_UNREACHABLE XpnResourceId_PROJECT = src.XpnResourceId_PROJECT XpnResourceId_UNDEFINED_TYPE = src.XpnResourceId_UNDEFINED_TYPE XpnResourceId_XPN_RESOURCE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = src.XpnResourceId_XPN_RESOURCE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Zone_DOWN = src.Zone_DOWN Zone_UNDEFINED_STATUS = src.Zone_UNDEFINED_STATUS Zone_UP = src.Zone_UP )
Deprecated: Please use vars in:
var ( AccessConfig_NetworkTier_name = src.AccessConfig_NetworkTier_name AccessConfig_NetworkTier_value = src.AccessConfig_NetworkTier_value AccessConfig_Type_name = src.AccessConfig_Type_name AccessConfig_Type_value = src.AccessConfig_Type_value Address_AddressType_name = src.Address_AddressType_name Address_AddressType_value = src.Address_AddressType_value Address_IpVersion_name = src.Address_IpVersion_name Address_IpVersion_value = src.Address_IpVersion_value Address_Ipv6EndpointType_name = src.Address_Ipv6EndpointType_name Address_Ipv6EndpointType_value = src.Address_Ipv6EndpointType_value Address_NetworkTier_name = src.Address_NetworkTier_name Address_NetworkTier_value = src.Address_NetworkTier_value Address_Purpose_name = src.Address_Purpose_name Address_Purpose_value = src.Address_Purpose_value Address_Status_name = src.Address_Status_name Address_Status_value = src.Address_Status_value AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDisk_Interface_name = src.AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDisk_Interface_name AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDisk_Interface_value = src.AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDisk_Interface_value AttachedDiskInitializeParams_Architecture_name = src.AttachedDiskInitializeParams_Architecture_name AttachedDiskInitializeParams_Architecture_value = src.AttachedDiskInitializeParams_Architecture_value AttachedDiskInitializeParams_OnUpdateAction_name = src.AttachedDiskInitializeParams_OnUpdateAction_name AttachedDiskInitializeParams_OnUpdateAction_value = src.AttachedDiskInitializeParams_OnUpdateAction_value AttachedDisk_Architecture_name = src.AttachedDisk_Architecture_name AttachedDisk_Architecture_value = src.AttachedDisk_Architecture_value AttachedDisk_Interface_name = src.AttachedDisk_Interface_name AttachedDisk_Interface_value = src.AttachedDisk_Interface_value AttachedDisk_Mode_name = src.AttachedDisk_Mode_name AttachedDisk_Mode_value = src.AttachedDisk_Mode_value AttachedDisk_Type_name = src.AttachedDisk_Type_name AttachedDisk_Type_value = src.AttachedDisk_Type_value AuditLogConfig_LogType_name = src.AuditLogConfig_LogType_name AuditLogConfig_LogType_value = src.AuditLogConfig_LogType_value AuthorizationLoggingOptions_PermissionType_name = src.AuthorizationLoggingOptions_PermissionType_name AuthorizationLoggingOptions_PermissionType_value = src.AuthorizationLoggingOptions_PermissionType_value AutoscalerStatusDetails_Type_name = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_Type_name AutoscalerStatusDetails_Type_value = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_Type_value Autoscaler_Status_name = src.Autoscaler_Status_name Autoscaler_Status_value = src.Autoscaler_Status_value AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization_PredictiveMethod_name = src.AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization_PredictiveMethod_name AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization_PredictiveMethod_value = src.AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization_PredictiveMethod_value AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization_UtilizationTargetType_name = src.AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization_UtilizationTargetType_name AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization_UtilizationTargetType_value = src.AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization_UtilizationTargetType_value AutoscalingPolicy_Mode_name = src.AutoscalingPolicy_Mode_name AutoscalingPolicy_Mode_value = src.AutoscalingPolicy_Mode_value BackendBucketCdnPolicy_CacheMode_name = src.BackendBucketCdnPolicy_CacheMode_name BackendBucketCdnPolicy_CacheMode_value = src.BackendBucketCdnPolicy_CacheMode_value BackendBucket_CompressionMode_name = src.BackendBucket_CompressionMode_name BackendBucket_CompressionMode_value = src.BackendBucket_CompressionMode_value BackendServiceCdnPolicy_CacheMode_name = src.BackendServiceCdnPolicy_CacheMode_name BackendServiceCdnPolicy_CacheMode_value = src.BackendServiceCdnPolicy_CacheMode_value BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_ConnectionPersistenceOnUnhealthyBackends_name = src.BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_ConnectionPersistenceOnUnhealthyBackends_name BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_ConnectionPersistenceOnUnhealthyBackends_value = src.BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_ConnectionPersistenceOnUnhealthyBackends_value BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_TrackingMode_name = src.BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_TrackingMode_name BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_TrackingMode_value = src.BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_TrackingMode_value BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_Name_name = src.BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_Name_name BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_Name_value = src.BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_Name_value BackendService_CompressionMode_name = src.BackendService_CompressionMode_name BackendService_CompressionMode_value = src.BackendService_CompressionMode_value BackendService_LoadBalancingScheme_name = src.BackendService_LoadBalancingScheme_name BackendService_LoadBalancingScheme_value = src.BackendService_LoadBalancingScheme_value BackendService_LocalityLbPolicy_name = src.BackendService_LocalityLbPolicy_name BackendService_LocalityLbPolicy_value = src.BackendService_LocalityLbPolicy_value BackendService_Protocol_name = src.BackendService_Protocol_name BackendService_Protocol_value = src.BackendService_Protocol_value BackendService_SessionAffinity_name = src.BackendService_SessionAffinity_name BackendService_SessionAffinity_value = src.BackendService_SessionAffinity_value Backend_BalancingMode_name = src.Backend_BalancingMode_name Backend_BalancingMode_value = src.Backend_BalancingMode_value BfdPacket_Diagnostic_name = src.BfdPacket_Diagnostic_name BfdPacket_Diagnostic_value = src.BfdPacket_Diagnostic_value BfdPacket_State_name = src.BfdPacket_State_name BfdPacket_State_value = src.BfdPacket_State_value BfdStatus_BfdSessionInitializationMode_name = src.BfdStatus_BfdSessionInitializationMode_name BfdStatus_BfdSessionInitializationMode_value = src.BfdStatus_BfdSessionInitializationMode_value BfdStatus_LocalDiagnostic_name = src.BfdStatus_LocalDiagnostic_name BfdStatus_LocalDiagnostic_value = src.BfdStatus_LocalDiagnostic_value BfdStatus_LocalState_name = src.BfdStatus_LocalState_name BfdStatus_LocalState_value = src.BfdStatus_LocalState_value Commitment_Category_name = src.Commitment_Category_name Commitment_Category_value = src.Commitment_Category_value Commitment_Plan_name = src.Commitment_Plan_name Commitment_Plan_value = src.Commitment_Plan_value Commitment_Status_name = src.Commitment_Status_name Commitment_Status_value = src.Commitment_Status_value Commitment_Type_name = src.Commitment_Type_name Commitment_Type_value = src.Commitment_Type_value Condition_Iam_name = src.Condition_Iam_name Condition_Iam_value = src.Condition_Iam_value Condition_Op_name = src.Condition_Op_name Condition_Op_value = src.Condition_Op_value Condition_Sys_name = src.Condition_Sys_name Condition_Sys_value = src.Condition_Sys_value DeprecationStatus_State_name = src.DeprecationStatus_State_name DeprecationStatus_State_value = src.DeprecationStatus_State_value DiskInstantiationConfig_InstantiateFrom_name = src.DiskInstantiationConfig_InstantiateFrom_name DiskInstantiationConfig_InstantiateFrom_value = src.DiskInstantiationConfig_InstantiateFrom_value Disk_Architecture_name = src.Disk_Architecture_name Disk_Architecture_value = src.Disk_Architecture_value Disk_Status_name = src.Disk_Status_name Disk_Status_value = src.Disk_Status_value DistributionPolicy_TargetShape_name = src.DistributionPolicy_TargetShape_name DistributionPolicy_TargetShape_value = src.DistributionPolicy_TargetShape_value ExchangedPeeringRoute_Type_name = src.ExchangedPeeringRoute_Type_name ExchangedPeeringRoute_Type_value = src.ExchangedPeeringRoute_Type_value ExternalVpnGateway_RedundancyType_name = src.ExternalVpnGateway_RedundancyType_name ExternalVpnGateway_RedundancyType_value = src.ExternalVpnGateway_RedundancyType_value FileContentBuffer_FileType_name = src.FileContentBuffer_FileType_name FileContentBuffer_FileType_value = src.FileContentBuffer_FileType_value File_google_cloud_compute_v1_compute_proto = src.File_google_cloud_compute_v1_compute_proto FirewallLogConfig_Metadata_name = src.FirewallLogConfig_Metadata_name FirewallLogConfig_Metadata_value = src.FirewallLogConfig_Metadata_value FirewallPolicyRuleSecureTag_State_name = src.FirewallPolicyRuleSecureTag_State_name FirewallPolicyRuleSecureTag_State_value = src.FirewallPolicyRuleSecureTag_State_value FirewallPolicyRule_Direction_name = src.FirewallPolicyRule_Direction_name FirewallPolicyRule_Direction_value = src.FirewallPolicyRule_Direction_value Firewall_Direction_name = src.Firewall_Direction_name Firewall_Direction_value = src.Firewall_Direction_value ForwardingRule_IPProtocolEnum_name = src.ForwardingRule_IPProtocolEnum_name ForwardingRule_IPProtocolEnum_value = src.ForwardingRule_IPProtocolEnum_value ForwardingRule_IpVersion_name = src.ForwardingRule_IpVersion_name ForwardingRule_IpVersion_value = src.ForwardingRule_IpVersion_value ForwardingRule_LoadBalancingScheme_name = src.ForwardingRule_LoadBalancingScheme_name ForwardingRule_LoadBalancingScheme_value = src.ForwardingRule_LoadBalancingScheme_value ForwardingRule_NetworkTier_name = src.ForwardingRule_NetworkTier_name ForwardingRule_NetworkTier_value = src.ForwardingRule_NetworkTier_value ForwardingRule_PscConnectionStatus_name = src.ForwardingRule_PscConnectionStatus_name ForwardingRule_PscConnectionStatus_value = src.ForwardingRule_PscConnectionStatus_value GRPCHealthCheck_PortSpecification_name = src.GRPCHealthCheck_PortSpecification_name GRPCHealthCheck_PortSpecification_value = src.GRPCHealthCheck_PortSpecification_value GuestOsFeature_Type_name = src.GuestOsFeature_Type_name GuestOsFeature_Type_value = src.GuestOsFeature_Type_value HTTP2HealthCheck_PortSpecification_name = src.HTTP2HealthCheck_PortSpecification_name HTTP2HealthCheck_PortSpecification_value = src.HTTP2HealthCheck_PortSpecification_value HTTP2HealthCheck_ProxyHeader_name = src.HTTP2HealthCheck_ProxyHeader_name HTTP2HealthCheck_ProxyHeader_value = src.HTTP2HealthCheck_ProxyHeader_value HTTPHealthCheck_PortSpecification_name = src.HTTPHealthCheck_PortSpecification_name HTTPHealthCheck_PortSpecification_value = src.HTTPHealthCheck_PortSpecification_value HTTPHealthCheck_ProxyHeader_name = src.HTTPHealthCheck_ProxyHeader_name HTTPHealthCheck_ProxyHeader_value = src.HTTPHealthCheck_ProxyHeader_value HTTPSHealthCheck_PortSpecification_name = src.HTTPSHealthCheck_PortSpecification_name HTTPSHealthCheck_PortSpecification_value = src.HTTPSHealthCheck_PortSpecification_value HTTPSHealthCheck_ProxyHeader_name = src.HTTPSHealthCheck_ProxyHeader_name HTTPSHealthCheck_ProxyHeader_value = src.HTTPSHealthCheck_ProxyHeader_value HealthCheckService_HealthStatusAggregationPolicy_name = src.HealthCheckService_HealthStatusAggregationPolicy_name HealthCheckService_HealthStatusAggregationPolicy_value = src.HealthCheckService_HealthStatusAggregationPolicy_value HealthCheck_Type_name = src.HealthCheck_Type_name HealthCheck_Type_value = src.HealthCheck_Type_value HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint_HealthState_name = src.HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint_HealthState_name HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint_HealthState_value = src.HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint_HealthState_value HealthStatus_HealthState_name = src.HealthStatus_HealthState_name HealthStatus_HealthState_value = src.HealthStatus_HealthState_value HealthStatus_WeightError_name = src.HealthStatus_WeightError_name HealthStatus_WeightError_value = src.HealthStatus_WeightError_value HttpRedirectAction_RedirectResponseCode_name = src.HttpRedirectAction_RedirectResponseCode_name HttpRedirectAction_RedirectResponseCode_value = src.HttpRedirectAction_RedirectResponseCode_value Image_Architecture_name = src.Image_Architecture_name Image_Architecture_value = src.Image_Architecture_value Image_SourceType_name = src.Image_SourceType_name Image_SourceType_value = src.Image_SourceType_value Image_Status_name = src.Image_Status_name Image_Status_value = src.Image_Status_value InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_InstanceRedistributionType_name = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_InstanceRedistributionType_name InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_InstanceRedistributionType_value = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_InstanceRedistributionType_value InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_MinimalAction_name = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_MinimalAction_name InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_MinimalAction_value = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_MinimalAction_value InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction_name = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction_name InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction_value = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction_value InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_ReplacementMethod_name = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_ReplacementMethod_name InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_ReplacementMethod_value = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_ReplacementMethod_value InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_Type_name = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_Type_name InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_Type_value = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_Type_value InstanceGroupManager_ListManagedInstancesResults_name = src.InstanceGroupManager_ListManagedInstancesResults_name InstanceGroupManager_ListManagedInstancesResults_value = src.InstanceGroupManager_ListManagedInstancesResults_value InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MinimalAction_name = src.InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MinimalAction_name InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MinimalAction_value = src.InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MinimalAction_value InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction_name = src.InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction_name InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction_value = src.InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction_value InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_InstanceState_name = src.InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_InstanceState_name InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_InstanceState_value = src.InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_InstanceState_value InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_Action_name = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_Action_name InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_Action_value = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_Action_value InstanceProperties_KeyRevocationActionType_name = src.InstanceProperties_KeyRevocationActionType_name InstanceProperties_KeyRevocationActionType_value = src.InstanceProperties_KeyRevocationActionType_value InstanceProperties_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess_name = src.InstanceProperties_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess_name InstanceProperties_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess_value = src.InstanceProperties_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess_value InstanceWithNamedPorts_Status_name = src.InstanceWithNamedPorts_Status_name InstanceWithNamedPorts_Status_value = src.InstanceWithNamedPorts_Status_value Instance_KeyRevocationActionType_name = src.Instance_KeyRevocationActionType_name Instance_KeyRevocationActionType_value = src.Instance_KeyRevocationActionType_value Instance_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess_name = src.Instance_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess_name Instance_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess_value = src.Instance_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess_value Instance_Status_name = src.Instance_Status_name Instance_Status_value = src.Instance_Status_value InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type_name = src.InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type_name InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type_value = src.InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type_value InterconnectAttachment_Bandwidth_name = src.InterconnectAttachment_Bandwidth_name InterconnectAttachment_Bandwidth_value = src.InterconnectAttachment_Bandwidth_value InterconnectAttachment_EdgeAvailabilityDomain_name = src.InterconnectAttachment_EdgeAvailabilityDomain_name InterconnectAttachment_EdgeAvailabilityDomain_value = src.InterconnectAttachment_EdgeAvailabilityDomain_value InterconnectAttachment_Encryption_name = src.InterconnectAttachment_Encryption_name InterconnectAttachment_Encryption_value = src.InterconnectAttachment_Encryption_value InterconnectAttachment_OperationalStatus_name = src.InterconnectAttachment_OperationalStatus_name InterconnectAttachment_OperationalStatus_value = src.InterconnectAttachment_OperationalStatus_value InterconnectAttachment_StackType_name = src.InterconnectAttachment_StackType_name InterconnectAttachment_StackType_value = src.InterconnectAttachment_StackType_value InterconnectAttachment_State_name = src.InterconnectAttachment_State_name InterconnectAttachment_State_value = src.InterconnectAttachment_State_value InterconnectAttachment_Type_name = src.InterconnectAttachment_Type_name InterconnectAttachment_Type_value = src.InterconnectAttachment_Type_value InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkLACPStatus_State_name = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkLACPStatus_State_name InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkLACPStatus_State_value = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkLACPStatus_State_value InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_State_name = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_State_name InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_State_value = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_State_value InterconnectLocationRegionInfo_LocationPresence_name = src.InterconnectLocationRegionInfo_LocationPresence_name InterconnectLocationRegionInfo_LocationPresence_value = src.InterconnectLocationRegionInfo_LocationPresence_value InterconnectLocation_Continent_name = src.InterconnectLocation_Continent_name InterconnectLocation_Continent_value = src.InterconnectLocation_Continent_value InterconnectLocation_Status_name = src.InterconnectLocation_Status_name InterconnectLocation_Status_value = src.InterconnectLocation_Status_value InterconnectOutageNotification_IssueType_name = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_IssueType_name InterconnectOutageNotification_IssueType_value = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_IssueType_value InterconnectOutageNotification_Source_name = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_Source_name InterconnectOutageNotification_Source_value = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_Source_value InterconnectOutageNotification_State_name = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_State_name InterconnectOutageNotification_State_value = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_State_value Interconnect_InterconnectType_name = src.Interconnect_InterconnectType_name Interconnect_InterconnectType_value = src.Interconnect_InterconnectType_value Interconnect_LinkType_name = src.Interconnect_LinkType_name Interconnect_LinkType_value = src.Interconnect_LinkType_value Interconnect_OperationalStatus_name = src.Interconnect_OperationalStatus_name Interconnect_OperationalStatus_value = src.Interconnect_OperationalStatus_value Interconnect_State_name = src.Interconnect_State_name Interconnect_State_value = src.Interconnect_State_value LicenseCode_State_name = src.LicenseCode_State_name LicenseCode_State_value = src.LicenseCode_State_value ListPeeringRoutesNetworksRequest_Direction_name = src.ListPeeringRoutesNetworksRequest_Direction_name ListPeeringRoutesNetworksRequest_Direction_value = src.ListPeeringRoutesNetworksRequest_Direction_value LocationPolicyLocation_Preference_name = src.LocationPolicyLocation_Preference_name LocationPolicyLocation_Preference_value = src.LocationPolicyLocation_Preference_value LocationPolicy_TargetShape_name = src.LocationPolicy_TargetShape_name LocationPolicy_TargetShape_value = src.LocationPolicy_TargetShape_value LogConfigCloudAuditOptions_LogName_name = src.LogConfigCloudAuditOptions_LogName_name LogConfigCloudAuditOptions_LogName_value = src.LogConfigCloudAuditOptions_LogName_value LogConfigDataAccessOptions_LogMode_name = src.LogConfigDataAccessOptions_LogMode_name LogConfigDataAccessOptions_LogMode_value = src.LogConfigDataAccessOptions_LogMode_value MachineImage_Status_name = src.MachineImage_Status_name MachineImage_Status_value = src.MachineImage_Status_value ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_DetailedHealthState_name = src.ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_DetailedHealthState_name ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_DetailedHealthState_value = src.ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_DetailedHealthState_value ManagedInstance_CurrentAction_name = src.ManagedInstance_CurrentAction_name ManagedInstance_CurrentAction_value = src.ManagedInstance_CurrentAction_value ManagedInstance_InstanceStatus_name = src.ManagedInstance_InstanceStatus_name ManagedInstance_InstanceStatus_value = src.ManagedInstance_InstanceStatus_value MetadataFilter_FilterMatchCriteria_name = src.MetadataFilter_FilterMatchCriteria_name MetadataFilter_FilterMatchCriteria_value = src.MetadataFilter_FilterMatchCriteria_value NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_PscConnectionStatus_name = src.NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_PscConnectionStatus_name NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_PscConnectionStatus_value = src.NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_PscConnectionStatus_value NetworkEndpointGroup_NetworkEndpointType_name = src.NetworkEndpointGroup_NetworkEndpointType_name NetworkEndpointGroup_NetworkEndpointType_value = src.NetworkEndpointGroup_NetworkEndpointType_value NetworkEndpointGroupsListEndpointsRequest_HealthStatus_name = src.NetworkEndpointGroupsListEndpointsRequest_HealthStatus_name NetworkEndpointGroupsListEndpointsRequest_HealthStatus_value = src.NetworkEndpointGroupsListEndpointsRequest_HealthStatus_value NetworkInterface_Ipv6AccessType_name = src.NetworkInterface_Ipv6AccessType_name NetworkInterface_Ipv6AccessType_value = src.NetworkInterface_Ipv6AccessType_value NetworkInterface_NicType_name = src.NetworkInterface_NicType_name NetworkInterface_NicType_value = src.NetworkInterface_NicType_value NetworkInterface_StackType_name = src.NetworkInterface_StackType_name NetworkInterface_StackType_value = src.NetworkInterface_StackType_value NetworkPeering_StackType_name = src.NetworkPeering_StackType_name NetworkPeering_StackType_value = src.NetworkPeering_StackType_value NetworkPeering_State_name = src.NetworkPeering_State_name NetworkPeering_State_value = src.NetworkPeering_State_value NetworkPerformanceConfig_TotalEgressBandwidthTier_name = src.NetworkPerformanceConfig_TotalEgressBandwidthTier_name NetworkPerformanceConfig_TotalEgressBandwidthTier_value = src.NetworkPerformanceConfig_TotalEgressBandwidthTier_value NetworkRoutingConfig_RoutingMode_name = src.NetworkRoutingConfig_RoutingMode_name NetworkRoutingConfig_RoutingMode_value = src.NetworkRoutingConfig_RoutingMode_value Network_NetworkFirewallPolicyEnforcementOrder_name = src.Network_NetworkFirewallPolicyEnforcementOrder_name Network_NetworkFirewallPolicyEnforcementOrder_value = src.Network_NetworkFirewallPolicyEnforcementOrder_value NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type_name = src.NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type_name NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type_value = src.NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type_value NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy_Mode_name = src.NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy_Mode_name NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy_Mode_value = src.NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy_Mode_value NodeGroupNode_CpuOvercommitType_name = src.NodeGroupNode_CpuOvercommitType_name NodeGroupNode_CpuOvercommitType_value = src.NodeGroupNode_CpuOvercommitType_value NodeGroupNode_Status_name = src.NodeGroupNode_Status_name NodeGroupNode_Status_value = src.NodeGroupNode_Status_value NodeGroup_MaintenancePolicy_name = src.NodeGroup_MaintenancePolicy_name NodeGroup_MaintenancePolicy_value = src.NodeGroup_MaintenancePolicy_value NodeGroup_Status_name = src.NodeGroup_Status_name NodeGroup_Status_value = src.NodeGroup_Status_value NodeTemplate_CpuOvercommitType_name = src.NodeTemplate_CpuOvercommitType_name NodeTemplate_CpuOvercommitType_value = src.NodeTemplate_CpuOvercommitType_value NodeTemplate_Status_name = src.NodeTemplate_Status_name NodeTemplate_Status_value = src.NodeTemplate_Status_value Operation_Status_name = src.Operation_Status_name Operation_Status_value = src.Operation_Status_value PacketIntervals_Duration_name = src.PacketIntervals_Duration_name PacketIntervals_Duration_value = src.PacketIntervals_Duration_value PacketIntervals_Type_name = src.PacketIntervals_Type_name PacketIntervals_Type_value = src.PacketIntervals_Type_value PacketMirroringFilter_Direction_name = src.PacketMirroringFilter_Direction_name PacketMirroringFilter_Direction_value = src.PacketMirroringFilter_Direction_value PacketMirroring_Enable_name = src.PacketMirroring_Enable_name PacketMirroring_Enable_value = src.PacketMirroring_Enable_value PerInstanceConfig_Status_name = src.PerInstanceConfig_Status_name PerInstanceConfig_Status_value = src.PerInstanceConfig_Status_value PreservedStatePreservedDisk_AutoDelete_name = src.PreservedStatePreservedDisk_AutoDelete_name PreservedStatePreservedDisk_AutoDelete_value = src.PreservedStatePreservedDisk_AutoDelete_value PreservedStatePreservedDisk_Mode_name = src.PreservedStatePreservedDisk_Mode_name PreservedStatePreservedDisk_Mode_value = src.PreservedStatePreservedDisk_Mode_value Project_DefaultNetworkTier_name = src.Project_DefaultNetworkTier_name Project_DefaultNetworkTier_value = src.Project_DefaultNetworkTier_value Project_XpnProjectStatus_name = src.Project_XpnProjectStatus_name Project_XpnProjectStatus_value = src.Project_XpnProjectStatus_value ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest_NetworkTier_name = src.ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest_NetworkTier_name ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest_NetworkTier_value = src.ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest_NetworkTier_value PublicAdvertisedPrefix_Status_name = src.PublicAdvertisedPrefix_Status_name PublicAdvertisedPrefix_Status_value = src.PublicAdvertisedPrefix_Status_value PublicDelegatedPrefixPublicDelegatedSubPrefix_Status_name = src.PublicDelegatedPrefixPublicDelegatedSubPrefix_Status_name PublicDelegatedPrefixPublicDelegatedSubPrefix_Status_value = src.PublicDelegatedPrefixPublicDelegatedSubPrefix_Status_value PublicDelegatedPrefix_Status_name = src.PublicDelegatedPrefix_Status_name PublicDelegatedPrefix_Status_value = src.PublicDelegatedPrefix_Status_value Quota_Metric_name = src.Quota_Metric_name Quota_Metric_value = src.Quota_Metric_value RawDisk_ContainerType_name = src.RawDisk_ContainerType_name RawDisk_ContainerType_value = src.RawDisk_ContainerType_value RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MinimalAction_name = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MinimalAction_name RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MinimalAction_value = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MinimalAction_value RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction_name = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction_name RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction_value = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction_value RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_InstanceState_name = src.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_InstanceState_name RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_InstanceState_value = src.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_InstanceState_value RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type_name = src.RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type_name RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type_value = src.RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type_value Region_Status_name = src.Region_Status_name Region_Status_value = src.Region_Status_value ReservationAffinity_ConsumeReservationType_name = src.ReservationAffinity_ConsumeReservationType_name ReservationAffinity_ConsumeReservationType_value = src.ReservationAffinity_ConsumeReservationType_value Reservation_Status_name = src.Reservation_Status_name Reservation_Status_value = src.Reservation_Status_value ResourceCommitment_Type_name = src.ResourceCommitment_Type_name ResourceCommitment_Type_value = src.ResourceCommitment_Type_value ResourcePolicyGroupPlacementPolicy_Collocation_name = src.ResourcePolicyGroupPlacementPolicy_Collocation_name ResourcePolicyGroupPlacementPolicy_Collocation_value = src.ResourcePolicyGroupPlacementPolicy_Collocation_value ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy_OnSourceDiskDelete_name = src.ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy_OnSourceDiskDelete_name ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy_OnSourceDiskDelete_value = src.ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy_OnSourceDiskDelete_value ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_Day_name = src.ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_Day_name ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_Day_value = src.ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_Day_value ResourcePolicy_Status_name = src.ResourcePolicy_Status_name ResourcePolicy_Status_value = src.ResourcePolicy_Status_value RouteAsPath_PathSegmentType_name = src.RouteAsPath_PathSegmentType_name RouteAsPath_PathSegmentType_value = src.RouteAsPath_PathSegmentType_value Route_RouteStatus_name = src.Route_RouteStatus_name Route_RouteStatus_value = src.Route_RouteStatus_value Route_RouteType_name = src.Route_RouteType_name Route_RouteType_value = src.Route_RouteType_value RouterBgpPeerBfd_SessionInitializationMode_name = src.RouterBgpPeerBfd_SessionInitializationMode_name RouterBgpPeerBfd_SessionInitializationMode_value = src.RouterBgpPeerBfd_SessionInitializationMode_value RouterBgpPeer_AdvertiseMode_name = src.RouterBgpPeer_AdvertiseMode_name RouterBgpPeer_AdvertiseMode_value = src.RouterBgpPeer_AdvertiseMode_value RouterBgpPeer_AdvertisedGroups_name = src.RouterBgpPeer_AdvertisedGroups_name RouterBgpPeer_AdvertisedGroups_value = src.RouterBgpPeer_AdvertisedGroups_value RouterBgpPeer_Enable_name = src.RouterBgpPeer_Enable_name RouterBgpPeer_Enable_value = src.RouterBgpPeer_Enable_value RouterBgpPeer_ManagementType_name = src.RouterBgpPeer_ManagementType_name RouterBgpPeer_ManagementType_value = src.RouterBgpPeer_ManagementType_value RouterBgp_AdvertiseMode_name = src.RouterBgp_AdvertiseMode_name RouterBgp_AdvertiseMode_value = src.RouterBgp_AdvertiseMode_value RouterBgp_AdvertisedGroups_name = src.RouterBgp_AdvertisedGroups_name RouterBgp_AdvertisedGroups_value = src.RouterBgp_AdvertisedGroups_value RouterInterface_ManagementType_name = src.RouterInterface_ManagementType_name RouterInterface_ManagementType_value = src.RouterInterface_ManagementType_value RouterNatLogConfig_Filter_name = src.RouterNatLogConfig_Filter_name RouterNatLogConfig_Filter_value = src.RouterNatLogConfig_Filter_value RouterNatSubnetworkToNat_SourceIpRangesToNat_name = src.RouterNatSubnetworkToNat_SourceIpRangesToNat_name RouterNatSubnetworkToNat_SourceIpRangesToNat_value = src.RouterNatSubnetworkToNat_SourceIpRangesToNat_value RouterNat_EndpointTypes_name = src.RouterNat_EndpointTypes_name RouterNat_EndpointTypes_value = src.RouterNat_EndpointTypes_value RouterNat_NatIpAllocateOption_name = src.RouterNat_NatIpAllocateOption_name RouterNat_NatIpAllocateOption_value = src.RouterNat_NatIpAllocateOption_value RouterNat_SourceSubnetworkIpRangesToNat_name = src.RouterNat_SourceSubnetworkIpRangesToNat_name RouterNat_SourceSubnetworkIpRangesToNat_value = src.RouterNat_SourceSubnetworkIpRangesToNat_value RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_StatusReason_name = src.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_StatusReason_name RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_StatusReason_value = src.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_StatusReason_value RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_Status_name = src.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_Status_name RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_Status_value = src.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_Status_value Rule_Action_name = src.Rule_Action_name Rule_Action_value = src.Rule_Action_value SSLHealthCheck_PortSpecification_name = src.SSLHealthCheck_PortSpecification_name SSLHealthCheck_PortSpecification_value = src.SSLHealthCheck_PortSpecification_value SSLHealthCheck_ProxyHeader_name = src.SSLHealthCheck_ProxyHeader_name SSLHealthCheck_ProxyHeader_value = src.SSLHealthCheck_ProxyHeader_value SavedAttachedDisk_Interface_name = src.SavedAttachedDisk_Interface_name SavedAttachedDisk_Interface_value = src.SavedAttachedDisk_Interface_value SavedAttachedDisk_Mode_name = src.SavedAttachedDisk_Mode_name SavedAttachedDisk_Mode_value = src.SavedAttachedDisk_Mode_value SavedAttachedDisk_StorageBytesStatus_name = src.SavedAttachedDisk_StorageBytesStatus_name SavedAttachedDisk_StorageBytesStatus_value = src.SavedAttachedDisk_StorageBytesStatus_value SavedAttachedDisk_Type_name = src.SavedAttachedDisk_Type_name SavedAttachedDisk_Type_value = src.SavedAttachedDisk_Type_value SavedDisk_Architecture_name = src.SavedDisk_Architecture_name SavedDisk_Architecture_value = src.SavedDisk_Architecture_value SavedDisk_StorageBytesStatus_name = src.SavedDisk_StorageBytesStatus_name SavedDisk_StorageBytesStatus_value = src.SavedDisk_StorageBytesStatus_value ScalingScheduleStatus_State_name = src.ScalingScheduleStatus_State_name ScalingScheduleStatus_State_value = src.ScalingScheduleStatus_State_value SchedulingNodeAffinity_Operator_name = src.SchedulingNodeAffinity_Operator_name SchedulingNodeAffinity_Operator_value = src.SchedulingNodeAffinity_Operator_value Scheduling_InstanceTerminationAction_name = src.Scheduling_InstanceTerminationAction_name Scheduling_InstanceTerminationAction_value = src.Scheduling_InstanceTerminationAction_value Scheduling_OnHostMaintenance_name = src.Scheduling_OnHostMaintenance_name Scheduling_OnHostMaintenance_value = src.Scheduling_OnHostMaintenance_value Scheduling_ProvisioningModel_name = src.Scheduling_ProvisioningModel_name Scheduling_ProvisioningModel_value = src.Scheduling_ProvisioningModel_value SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfig_RuleVisibility_name = src.SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfig_RuleVisibility_name SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfig_RuleVisibility_value = src.SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfig_RuleVisibility_value SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_JsonParsing_name = src.SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_JsonParsing_name SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_JsonParsing_value = src.SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_JsonParsing_value SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_LogLevel_name = src.SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_LogLevel_name SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_LogLevel_value = src.SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_LogLevel_value SecurityPolicyDdosProtectionConfig_DdosProtection_name = src.SecurityPolicyDdosProtectionConfig_DdosProtection_name SecurityPolicyDdosProtectionConfig_DdosProtection_value = src.SecurityPolicyDdosProtectionConfig_DdosProtection_value SecurityPolicyRuleMatcher_VersionedExpr_name = src.SecurityPolicyRuleMatcher_VersionedExpr_name SecurityPolicyRuleMatcher_VersionedExpr_value = src.SecurityPolicyRuleMatcher_VersionedExpr_value SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_EnforceOnKey_name = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_EnforceOnKey_name SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_EnforceOnKey_value = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_EnforceOnKey_value SecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOptions_Type_name = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOptions_Type_name SecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOptions_Type_value = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOptions_Type_value SecurityPolicy_Type_name = src.SecurityPolicy_Type_name SecurityPolicy_Type_value = src.SecurityPolicy_Type_value ServerBinding_Type_name = src.ServerBinding_Type_name ServerBinding_Type_value = src.ServerBinding_Type_value ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_Status_name = src.ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_Status_name ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_Status_value = src.ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_Status_value ServiceAttachment_ConnectionPreference_name = src.ServiceAttachment_ConnectionPreference_name ServiceAttachment_ConnectionPreference_value = src.ServiceAttachment_ConnectionPreference_value = src.ShareSettings_ShareType_name = src.ShareSettings_ShareType_value Snapshot_Architecture_name = src.Snapshot_Architecture_name Snapshot_Architecture_value = src.Snapshot_Architecture_value Snapshot_SnapshotType_name = src.Snapshot_SnapshotType_name Snapshot_SnapshotType_value = src.Snapshot_SnapshotType_value Snapshot_Status_name = src.Snapshot_Status_name Snapshot_Status_value = src.Snapshot_Status_value Snapshot_StorageBytesStatus_name = src.Snapshot_StorageBytesStatus_name Snapshot_StorageBytesStatus_value = src.Snapshot_StorageBytesStatus_value SourceInstanceProperties_KeyRevocationActionType_name = src.SourceInstanceProperties_KeyRevocationActionType_name SourceInstanceProperties_KeyRevocationActionType_value = src.SourceInstanceProperties_KeyRevocationActionType_value SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_Status_name = src.SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_Status_name SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_Status_value = src.SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_Status_value SslCertificate_Type_name = src.SslCertificate_Type_name SslCertificate_Type_value = src.SslCertificate_Type_value SslPolicy_MinTlsVersion_name = src.SslPolicy_MinTlsVersion_name SslPolicy_MinTlsVersion_value = src.SslPolicy_MinTlsVersion_value SslPolicy_Profile_name = src.SslPolicy_Profile_name SslPolicy_Profile_value = src.SslPolicy_Profile_value StatefulPolicyPreservedStateDiskDevice_AutoDelete_name = src.StatefulPolicyPreservedStateDiskDevice_AutoDelete_name StatefulPolicyPreservedStateDiskDevice_AutoDelete_value = src.StatefulPolicyPreservedStateDiskDevice_AutoDelete_value SubnetworkLogConfig_AggregationInterval_name = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_AggregationInterval_name SubnetworkLogConfig_AggregationInterval_value = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_AggregationInterval_value SubnetworkLogConfig_Metadata_name = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_Metadata_name SubnetworkLogConfig_Metadata_value = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_Metadata_value Subnetwork_Ipv6AccessType_name = src.Subnetwork_Ipv6AccessType_name Subnetwork_Ipv6AccessType_value = src.Subnetwork_Ipv6AccessType_value Subnetwork_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess_name = src.Subnetwork_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess_name Subnetwork_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess_value = src.Subnetwork_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess_value Subnetwork_Purpose_name = src.Subnetwork_Purpose_name Subnetwork_Purpose_value = src.Subnetwork_Purpose_value Subnetwork_Role_name = src.Subnetwork_Role_name Subnetwork_Role_value = src.Subnetwork_Role_value Subnetwork_StackType_name = src.Subnetwork_StackType_name Subnetwork_StackType_value = src.Subnetwork_StackType_value Subnetwork_State_name = src.Subnetwork_State_name Subnetwork_State_value = src.Subnetwork_State_value Subsetting_Policy_name = src.Subsetting_Policy_name Subsetting_Policy_value = src.Subsetting_Policy_value TCPHealthCheck_PortSpecification_name = src.TCPHealthCheck_PortSpecification_name TCPHealthCheck_PortSpecification_value = src.TCPHealthCheck_PortSpecification_value TCPHealthCheck_ProxyHeader_name = src.TCPHealthCheck_ProxyHeader_name TCPHealthCheck_ProxyHeader_value = src.TCPHealthCheck_ProxyHeader_value TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest_QuicOverride_name = src.TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest_QuicOverride_name TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest_QuicOverride_value = src.TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest_QuicOverride_value TargetHttpsProxy_QuicOverride_name = src.TargetHttpsProxy_QuicOverride_name TargetHttpsProxy_QuicOverride_value = src.TargetHttpsProxy_QuicOverride_value TargetInstance_NatPolicy_name = src.TargetInstance_NatPolicy_name TargetInstance_NatPolicy_value = src.TargetInstance_NatPolicy_value TargetPool_SessionAffinity_name = src.TargetPool_SessionAffinity_name TargetPool_SessionAffinity_value = src.TargetPool_SessionAffinity_value TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_ProxyHeader_name = src.TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_ProxyHeader_name TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_ProxyHeader_value = src.TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_ProxyHeader_value TargetSslProxy_ProxyHeader_name = src.TargetSslProxy_ProxyHeader_name TargetSslProxy_ProxyHeader_value = src.TargetSslProxy_ProxyHeader_value TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_ProxyHeader_name = src.TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_ProxyHeader_name TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_ProxyHeader_value = src.TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_ProxyHeader_value TargetTcpProxy_ProxyHeader_name = src.TargetTcpProxy_ProxyHeader_name TargetTcpProxy_ProxyHeader_value = src.TargetTcpProxy_ProxyHeader_value TargetVpnGateway_Status_name = src.TargetVpnGateway_Status_name TargetVpnGateway_Status_value = src.TargetVpnGateway_Status_value UpdateInstanceRequest_MinimalAction_name = src.UpdateInstanceRequest_MinimalAction_name UpdateInstanceRequest_MinimalAction_value = src.UpdateInstanceRequest_MinimalAction_value UpdateInstanceRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction_name = src.UpdateInstanceRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction_name UpdateInstanceRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction_value = src.UpdateInstanceRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction_value UrlMapsValidateRequest_LoadBalancingSchemes_name = src.UrlMapsValidateRequest_LoadBalancingSchemes_name UrlMapsValidateRequest_LoadBalancingSchemes_value = src.UrlMapsValidateRequest_LoadBalancingSchemes_value UsableSubnetwork_Ipv6AccessType_name = src.UsableSubnetwork_Ipv6AccessType_name UsableSubnetwork_Ipv6AccessType_value = src.UsableSubnetwork_Ipv6AccessType_value UsableSubnetwork_Purpose_name = src.UsableSubnetwork_Purpose_name UsableSubnetwork_Purpose_value = src.UsableSubnetwork_Purpose_value UsableSubnetwork_Role_name = src.UsableSubnetwork_Role_name UsableSubnetwork_Role_value = src.UsableSubnetwork_Role_value UsableSubnetwork_StackType_name = src.UsableSubnetwork_StackType_name UsableSubnetwork_StackType_value = src.UsableSubnetwork_StackType_value VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_State_name = src.VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_State_name VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_State_value = src.VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_State_value VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_UnsatisfiedReason_name = src.VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_UnsatisfiedReason_name VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_UnsatisfiedReason_value = src.VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_UnsatisfiedReason_value VpnGateway_StackType_name = src.VpnGateway_StackType_name VpnGateway_StackType_value = src.VpnGateway_StackType_value VpnTunnel_Status_name = src.VpnTunnel_Status_name VpnTunnel_Status_value = src.VpnTunnel_Status_value Warning_Code_name = src.Warning_Code_name Warning_Code_value = src.Warning_Code_value Warnings_Code_name = src.Warnings_Code_name Warnings_Code_value = src.Warnings_Code_value XpnResourceId_Type_name = src.XpnResourceId_Type_name XpnResourceId_Type_value = src.XpnResourceId_Type_value Zone_Status_name = src.Zone_Status_name Zone_Status_value = src.Zone_Status_value )
func RegisterAcceleratorTypesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv AcceleratorTypesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterAddressesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv AddressesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterAutoscalersServer(s *grpc.Server, srv AutoscalersServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterBackendBucketsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv BackendBucketsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterBackendServicesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv BackendServicesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterDiskTypesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv DiskTypesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterDisksServer(s *grpc.Server, srv DisksServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterExternalVpnGatewaysServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ExternalVpnGatewaysServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterFirewallPoliciesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv FirewallPoliciesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterFirewallsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv FirewallsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterForwardingRulesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ForwardingRulesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterGlobalAddressesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv GlobalAddressesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterGlobalForwardingRulesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv GlobalForwardingRulesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterGlobalOperationsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv GlobalOperationsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterGlobalOrganizationOperationsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv GlobalOrganizationOperationsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterGlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterHealthChecksServer(s *grpc.Server, srv HealthChecksServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterImageFamilyViewsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ImageFamilyViewsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterImagesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ImagesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterInstanceGroupManagersServer(s *grpc.Server, srv InstanceGroupManagersServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterInstanceGroupsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv InstanceGroupsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterInstanceTemplatesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv InstanceTemplatesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterInstancesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv InstancesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterInterconnectAttachmentsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv InterconnectAttachmentsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterInterconnectLocationsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv InterconnectLocationsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterInterconnectsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv InterconnectsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterLicenseCodesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv LicenseCodesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterLicensesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv LicensesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterMachineImagesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv MachineImagesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterMachineTypesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv MachineTypesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterNetworkEdgeSecurityServicesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv NetworkEdgeSecurityServicesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterNetworkEndpointGroupsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv NetworkEndpointGroupsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterNetworkFirewallPoliciesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv NetworkFirewallPoliciesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterNetworksServer(s *grpc.Server, srv NetworksServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterNodeGroupsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv NodeGroupsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterNodeTemplatesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv NodeTemplatesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterNodeTypesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv NodeTypesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterPacketMirroringsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv PacketMirroringsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterProjectsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ProjectsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterPublicAdvertisedPrefixesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv PublicAdvertisedPrefixesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterPublicDelegatedPrefixesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv PublicDelegatedPrefixesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionAutoscalersServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionAutoscalersServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionBackendServicesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionBackendServicesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionCommitmentsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionCommitmentsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionDiskTypesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionDiskTypesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionDisksServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionDisksServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionHealthCheckServicesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionHealthCheckServicesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionHealthChecksServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionHealthChecksServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionInstanceGroupManagersServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionInstanceGroupManagersServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionInstanceGroupsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionInstanceGroupsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionInstancesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionInstancesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionNetworkEndpointGroupsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionNetworkEndpointGroupsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionNotificationEndpointsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionNotificationEndpointsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionOperationsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionOperationsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionSecurityPoliciesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionSecurityPoliciesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionSslCertificatesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionSslCertificatesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionSslPoliciesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionSslPoliciesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionTargetHttpProxiesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionTargetHttpProxiesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionTargetHttpsProxiesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionTargetHttpsProxiesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionTargetTcpProxiesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionTargetTcpProxiesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionUrlMapsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionUrlMapsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRegionsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RegionsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterReservationsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ReservationsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterResourcePoliciesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ResourcePoliciesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRoutersServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RoutersServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterRoutesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv RoutesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterSecurityPoliciesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv SecurityPoliciesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterServiceAttachmentsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ServiceAttachmentsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterSnapshotsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv SnapshotsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterSslCertificatesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv SslCertificatesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterSslPoliciesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv SslPoliciesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterSubnetworksServer(s *grpc.Server, srv SubnetworksServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterTargetGrpcProxiesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv TargetGrpcProxiesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterTargetHttpProxiesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv TargetHttpProxiesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterTargetHttpsProxiesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv TargetHttpsProxiesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterTargetInstancesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv TargetInstancesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterTargetPoolsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv TargetPoolsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterTargetSslProxiesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv TargetSslProxiesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterTargetTcpProxiesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv TargetTcpProxiesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterTargetVpnGatewaysServer(s *grpc.Server, srv TargetVpnGatewaysServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterUrlMapsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv UrlMapsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterVpnGatewaysServer(s *grpc.Server, srv VpnGatewaysServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterVpnTunnelsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv VpnTunnelsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterZoneOperationsServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ZoneOperationsServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterZonesServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ZonesServer)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
Messages A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.AbandonInstances. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AbandonInstancesInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.AbandonInstancesInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.AbandonInstances. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AbandonInstancesRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.AbandonInstancesRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A specification of the type and number of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AcceleratorConfig = src.AcceleratorConfig
Represents an Accelerator Type resource. Google Cloud Platform provides graphics processing units (accelerators) that you can add to VM instances to improve or accelerate performance when working with intensive workloads. For more information, read GPUs on Compute Engine.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AcceleratorType = src.AcceleratorType
type AcceleratorTypeAggregatedList = src.AcceleratorTypeAggregatedList
Contains a list of accelerator types.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AcceleratorTypeList = src.AcceleratorTypeList
AcceleratorTypesClient is the client API for AcceleratorTypes service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AcceleratorTypesClient = src.AcceleratorTypesClient
func NewAcceleratorTypesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) AcceleratorTypesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type AcceleratorTypesScopedList = src.AcceleratorTypesScopedList
AcceleratorTypesServer is the server API for AcceleratorTypes service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AcceleratorTypesServer = src.AcceleratorTypesServer
type Accelerators = src.Accelerators
An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface. Only one access config per instance is supported.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AccessConfig = src.AccessConfig
This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this access configuration and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. If an AccessConfig is specified without a valid external IP address, an ephemeral IP will be created with this networkTier. If an AccessConfig with a valid external IP address is specified, it must match that of the networkTier associated with the Address resource owning that IP.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AccessConfig_NetworkTier = src.AccessConfig_NetworkTier
The type of configuration. The default and only option is ONE_TO_ONE_NAT.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AccessConfig_Type = src.AccessConfig_Type
A request message for Instances.AddAccessConfig. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddAccessConfigInstanceRequest = src.AddAccessConfigInstanceRequest
A request message for FirewallPolicies.AddAssociation. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddAssociationFirewallPolicyRequest = src.AddAssociationFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for NetworkFirewallPolicies.AddAssociation. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddAssociationNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.AddAssociationNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.AddAssociation. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddAssociationRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.AddAssociationRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for TargetPools.AddHealthCheck. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddHealthCheckTargetPoolRequest = src.AddHealthCheckTargetPoolRequest
A request message for TargetPools.AddInstance. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddInstanceTargetPoolRequest = src.AddInstanceTargetPoolRequest
A request message for InstanceGroups.AddInstances. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddInstancesInstanceGroupRequest = src.AddInstancesInstanceGroupRequest
A request message for NodeGroups.AddNodes. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddNodesNodeGroupRequest = src.AddNodesNodeGroupRequest
A request message for Networks.AddPeering. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddPeeringNetworkRequest = src.AddPeeringNetworkRequest
A request message for Disks.AddResourcePolicies. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddResourcePoliciesDiskRequest = src.AddResourcePoliciesDiskRequest
A request message for Instances.AddResourcePolicies. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddResourcePoliciesInstanceRequest = src.AddResourcePoliciesInstanceRequest
A request message for RegionDisks.AddResourcePolicies. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddResourcePoliciesRegionDiskRequest = src.AddResourcePoliciesRegionDiskRequest
A request message for FirewallPolicies.AddRule. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddRuleFirewallPolicyRequest = src.AddRuleFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for NetworkFirewallPolicies.AddRule. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddRuleNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.AddRuleNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.AddRule. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddRuleRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.AddRuleRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for SecurityPolicies.AddRule. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddRuleSecurityPolicyRequest = src.AddRuleSecurityPolicyRequest
A request message for BackendBuckets.AddSignedUrlKey. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddSignedUrlKeyBackendBucketRequest = src.AddSignedUrlKeyBackendBucketRequest
A request message for BackendServices.AddSignedUrlKey. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddSignedUrlKeyBackendServiceRequest = src.AddSignedUrlKeyBackendServiceRequest
Represents an IP Address resource. Google Compute Engine has two IP Address resources: * [Global (external and internal)]( * [Regional (external and internal)]( For more information, see Reserving a static external IP address.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Address = src.Address
type AddressAggregatedList = src.AddressAggregatedList
Contains a list of addresses.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddressList = src.AddressList
The type of address to reserve, either INTERNAL or EXTERNAL. If unspecified, defaults to EXTERNAL.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Address_AddressType = src.Address_AddressType
The IP version that will be used by this address. Valid options are IPV4 or IPV6. This can only be specified for a global address.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Address_IpVersion = src.Address_IpVersion
The endpoint type of this address, which should be VM or NETLB. This is used for deciding which type of endpoint this address can be used after the external IPv6 address reservation.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Address_Ipv6EndpointType = src.Address_Ipv6EndpointType
This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this address and can only take the following values: PREMIUM or STANDARD. Internal IP addresses are always Premium Tier; global external IP addresses are always Premium Tier; regional external IP addresses can be either Standard or Premium Tier. If this field is not specified, it is assumed to be PREMIUM.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Address_NetworkTier = src.Address_NetworkTier
The purpose of this resource, which can be one of the following values: - GCE_ENDPOINT for addresses that are used by VM instances, alias IP ranges, load balancers, and similar resources. - DNS_RESOLVER for a DNS resolver address in a subnetwork for a Cloud DNS inbound forwarder IP addresses (regional internal IP address in a subnet of a VPC network) - VPC_PEERING for global internal IP addresses used for private services access allocated ranges. - NAT_AUTO for the regional external IP addresses used by Cloud NAT when allocating addresses using automatic NAT IP address allocation. - IPSEC_INTERCONNECT for addresses created from a private IP range that are reserved for a VLAN attachment in an *HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect* configuration. These addresses are regional resources. - `SHARED_LOADBALANCER_VIP` for an internal IP address that is assigned to multiple internal forwarding rules. - `PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT` for a private network address that is used to configure Private Service Connect. Only global internal addresses can use this purpose.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Address_Purpose = src.Address_Purpose
[Output Only] The status of the address, which can be one of RESERVING, RESERVED, or IN_USE. An address that is RESERVING is currently in the process of being reserved. A RESERVED address is currently reserved and available to use. An IN_USE address is currently being used by another resource and is not available.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Address_Status = src.Address_Status
AddressesClient is the client API for Addresses service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddressesClient = src.AddressesClient
func NewAddressesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) AddressesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type AddressesScopedList = src.AddressesScopedList
AddressesServer is the server API for Addresses service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AddressesServer = src.AddressesServer
Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features. Options that would traditionally be configured in a BIOS belong here. Features that require operating system support may have corresponding entries in the GuestOsFeatures of an Image (e.g., whether or not the OS in the Image supports nested virtualization being enabled or disabled).
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AdvancedMachineFeatures = src.AdvancedMachineFeatures
A request message for AcceleratorTypes.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListAcceleratorTypesRequest = src.AggregatedListAcceleratorTypesRequest
A request message for Addresses.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListAddressesRequest = src.AggregatedListAddressesRequest
A request message for Autoscalers.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListAutoscalersRequest = src.AggregatedListAutoscalersRequest
A request message for BackendServices.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListBackendServicesRequest = src.AggregatedListBackendServicesRequest
A request message for DiskTypes.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListDiskTypesRequest = src.AggregatedListDiskTypesRequest
A request message for Disks.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListDisksRequest = src.AggregatedListDisksRequest
A request message for ForwardingRules.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListForwardingRulesRequest = src.AggregatedListForwardingRulesRequest
A request message for GlobalOperations.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListGlobalOperationsRequest = src.AggregatedListGlobalOperationsRequest
A request message for HealthChecks.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListHealthChecksRequest = src.AggregatedListHealthChecksRequest
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListInstanceGroupManagersRequest = src.AggregatedListInstanceGroupManagersRequest
A request message for InstanceGroups.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListInstanceGroupsRequest = src.AggregatedListInstanceGroupsRequest
A request message for Instances.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListInstancesRequest = src.AggregatedListInstancesRequest
A request message for InterconnectAttachments.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListInterconnectAttachmentsRequest = src.AggregatedListInterconnectAttachmentsRequest
A request message for MachineTypes.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListMachineTypesRequest = src.AggregatedListMachineTypesRequest
A request message for NetworkEdgeSecurityServices.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListNetworkEdgeSecurityServicesRequest = src.AggregatedListNetworkEdgeSecurityServicesRequest
A request message for NetworkEndpointGroups.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListNetworkEndpointGroupsRequest = src.AggregatedListNetworkEndpointGroupsRequest
A request message for NodeGroups.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListNodeGroupsRequest = src.AggregatedListNodeGroupsRequest
A request message for NodeTemplates.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListNodeTemplatesRequest = src.AggregatedListNodeTemplatesRequest
A request message for NodeTypes.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListNodeTypesRequest = src.AggregatedListNodeTypesRequest
A request message for PacketMirrorings.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListPacketMirroringsRequest = src.AggregatedListPacketMirroringsRequest
A request message for PublicDelegatedPrefixes.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListPublicDelegatedPrefixesRequest = src.AggregatedListPublicDelegatedPrefixesRequest
A request message for RegionCommitments.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListRegionCommitmentsRequest = src.AggregatedListRegionCommitmentsRequest
A request message for Reservations.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListReservationsRequest = src.AggregatedListReservationsRequest
A request message for ResourcePolicies.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListResourcePoliciesRequest = src.AggregatedListResourcePoliciesRequest
A request message for Routers.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListRoutersRequest = src.AggregatedListRoutersRequest
A request message for SecurityPolicies.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListSecurityPoliciesRequest = src.AggregatedListSecurityPoliciesRequest
A request message for ServiceAttachments.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListServiceAttachmentsRequest = src.AggregatedListServiceAttachmentsRequest
A request message for SslCertificates.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListSslCertificatesRequest = src.AggregatedListSslCertificatesRequest
A request message for SslPolicies.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListSslPoliciesRequest = src.AggregatedListSslPoliciesRequest
A request message for Subnetworks.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListSubnetworksRequest = src.AggregatedListSubnetworksRequest
A request message for TargetHttpProxies.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListTargetHttpProxiesRequest = src.AggregatedListTargetHttpProxiesRequest
A request message for TargetHttpsProxies.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListTargetHttpsProxiesRequest = src.AggregatedListTargetHttpsProxiesRequest
A request message for TargetInstances.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListTargetInstancesRequest = src.AggregatedListTargetInstancesRequest
A request message for TargetPools.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListTargetPoolsRequest = src.AggregatedListTargetPoolsRequest
A request message for TargetTcpProxies.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListTargetTcpProxiesRequest = src.AggregatedListTargetTcpProxiesRequest
A request message for TargetVpnGateways.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListTargetVpnGatewaysRequest = src.AggregatedListTargetVpnGatewaysRequest
A request message for UrlMaps.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListUrlMapsRequest = src.AggregatedListUrlMapsRequest
A request message for VpnGateways.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListVpnGatewaysRequest = src.AggregatedListVpnGatewaysRequest
A request message for VpnTunnels.AggregatedList. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AggregatedListVpnTunnelsRequest = src.AggregatedListVpnTunnelsRequest
An alias IP range attached to an instance's network interface.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AliasIpRange = src.AliasIpRange
type AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDisk = src.AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDisk
Specifies the disk interface to use for attaching this disk, which is either SCSI or NVME. The default is SCSI. For performance characteristics of SCSI over NVMe, see Local SSD performance.
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type AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDisk_Interface = src.AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDisk_Interface
Properties of the SKU instances being reserved. Next ID: 9
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type AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationReservedInstanceProperties = src.AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationReservedInstanceProperties
This reservation type allows to pre allocate specific instance configuration. Next ID: 6
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AllocationSpecificSKUReservation = src.AllocationSpecificSKUReservation
type Allowed = src.Allowed
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.ApplyUpdatesToInstances. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ApplyUpdatesToInstancesInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.ApplyUpdatesToInstancesInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.ApplyUpdatesToInstances. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ApplyUpdatesToInstancesRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.ApplyUpdatesToInstancesRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for Instances.AttachDisk. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AttachDiskInstanceRequest = src.AttachDiskInstanceRequest
A request message for GlobalNetworkEndpointGroups.AttachNetworkEndpoints. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AttachNetworkEndpointsGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupRequest = src.AttachNetworkEndpointsGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupRequest
A request message for NetworkEndpointGroups.AttachNetworkEndpoints. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AttachNetworkEndpointsNetworkEndpointGroupRequest = src.AttachNetworkEndpointsNetworkEndpointGroupRequest
An instance-attached disk resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AttachedDisk = src.AttachedDisk
[Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance. Use initialization parameters to create boot disks or local SSDs attached to the new instance. This field is persisted and returned for instanceTemplate and not returned in the context of instance. This property is mutually exclusive with the source property; you can only define one or the other, but not both.
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type AttachedDiskInitializeParams = src.AttachedDiskInitializeParams
The architecture of the attached disk. Valid values are arm64 or x86_64.
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type AttachedDiskInitializeParams_Architecture = src.AttachedDiskInitializeParams_Architecture
Specifies which action to take on instance update with this disk. Default is to use the existing disk.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AttachedDiskInitializeParams_OnUpdateAction = src.AttachedDiskInitializeParams_OnUpdateAction
[Output Only] The architecture of the attached disk. Valid values are ARM64 or X86_64.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AttachedDisk_Architecture = src.AttachedDisk_Architecture
Specifies the disk interface to use for attaching this disk, which is either SCSI or NVME. For most machine types, the default is SCSI. Local SSDs can use either NVME or SCSI. In certain configurations, persistent disks can use NVMe. For more information, see About persistent disks.
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type AttachedDisk_Interface = src.AttachedDisk_Interface
The mode in which to attach this disk, either READ_WRITE or READ_ONLY. If not specified, the default is to attach the disk in READ_WRITE mode.
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type AttachedDisk_Mode = src.AttachedDisk_Mode
Specifies the type of the disk, either SCRATCH or PERSISTENT. If not specified, the default is PERSISTENT.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AttachedDisk_Type = src.AttachedDisk_Type
Specifies the audit configuration for a service. The configuration determines which permission types are logged, and what identities, if any, are exempted from logging. An AuditConfig must have one or more AuditLogConfigs. If there are AuditConfigs for both `allServices` and a specific service, the union of the two AuditConfigs is used for that service: the log_types specified in each AuditConfig are enabled, and the exempted_members in each AuditLogConfig are exempted. Example Policy with multiple AuditConfigs: { "audit_configs": [ { "service": "allServices", "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": [ "" ] }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" }, { "log_type": "ADMIN_READ" } ] }, { "service": "", "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ" }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE", "exempted_members": [ "" ] } ] } ] } For sampleservice, this policy enables DATA_READ, DATA_WRITE and ADMIN_READ logging. It also exempts from DATA_READ logging, and from DATA_WRITE logging.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AuditConfig = src.AuditConfig
Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions. Example: { "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": [ "" ] }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" } ] } This enables 'DATA_READ' and 'DATA_WRITE' logging, while exempting from DATA_READ logging.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AuditLogConfig = src.AuditLogConfig
The log type that this config enables.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AuditLogConfig_LogType = src.AuditLogConfig_LogType
This is deprecated and has no effect. Do not use.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AuthorizationLoggingOptions = src.AuthorizationLoggingOptions
This is deprecated and has no effect. Do not use.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AuthorizationLoggingOptions_PermissionType = src.AuthorizationLoggingOptions_PermissionType
Represents an Autoscaler resource. Google Compute Engine has two Autoscaler resources: * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/autoscalers) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/regionAutoscalers) Use autoscalers to automatically add or delete instances from a managed instance group according to your defined autoscaling policy. For more information, read Autoscaling Groups of Instances. For zonal managed instance groups resource, use the autoscaler resource. For regional managed instance groups, use the regionAutoscalers resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Autoscaler = src.Autoscaler
type AutoscalerAggregatedList = src.AutoscalerAggregatedList
Contains a list of Autoscaler resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AutoscalerList = src.AutoscalerList
type AutoscalerStatusDetails = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails
The type of error, warning, or notice returned. Current set of possible values: - ALL_INSTANCES_UNHEALTHY (WARNING): All instances in the instance group are unhealthy (not in RUNNING state). - BACKEND_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST (ERROR): There is no backend service attached to the instance group. - CAPPED_AT_MAX_NUM_REPLICAS (WARNING): Autoscaler recommends a size greater than maxNumReplicas. - CUSTOM_METRIC_DATA_POINTS_TOO_SPARSE (WARNING): The custom metric samples are not exported often enough to be a credible base for autoscaling. - CUSTOM_METRIC_INVALID (ERROR): The custom metric that was specified does not exist or does not have the necessary labels. - MIN_EQUALS_MAX (WARNING): The minNumReplicas is equal to maxNumReplicas. This means the autoscaler cannot add or remove instances from the instance group. - MISSING_CUSTOM_METRIC_DATA_POINTS (WARNING): The autoscaler did not receive any data from the custom metric configured for autoscaling. - MISSING_LOAD_BALANCING_DATA_POINTS (WARNING): The autoscaler is configured to scale based on a load balancing signal but the instance group has not received any requests from the load balancer. - MODE_OFF (WARNING): Autoscaling is turned off. The number of instances in the group won't change automatically. The autoscaling configuration is preserved. - MODE_ONLY_UP (WARNING): Autoscaling is in the "Autoscale only out" mode. The autoscaler can add instances but not remove any. - MORE_THAN_ONE_BACKEND_SERVICE (ERROR): The instance group cannot be autoscaled because it has more than one backend service attached to it. - NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA_AVAILABLE (ERROR): There is insufficient quota for the necessary resources, such as CPU or number of instances. - REGION_RESOURCE_STOCKOUT (ERROR): Shown only for regional autoscalers: there is a resource stockout in the chosen region. - SCALING_TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST (ERROR): The target to be scaled does not exist. - UNSUPPORTED_MAX_RATE_LOAD_BALANCING_CONFIGURATION (ERROR): Autoscaling does not work with an HTTP/S load balancer that has been configured for maxRate. - ZONE_RESOURCE_STOCKOUT (ERROR): For zonal autoscalers: there is a resource stockout in the chosen zone. For regional autoscalers: in at least one of the zones you're using there is a resource stockout. New values might be added in the future. Some of the values might not be available in all API versions.
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type AutoscalerStatusDetails_Type = src.AutoscalerStatusDetails_Type
[Output Only] The status of the autoscaler configuration. Current set of possible values: - PENDING: Autoscaler backend hasn't read new/updated configuration. - DELETING: Configuration is being deleted. - ACTIVE: Configuration is acknowledged to be effective. Some warnings might be present in the statusDetails field. - ERROR: Configuration has errors. Actionable for users. Details are present in the statusDetails field. New values might be added in the future.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Autoscaler_Status = src.Autoscaler_Status
AutoscalersClient is the client API for Autoscalers service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AutoscalersClient = src.AutoscalersClient
func NewAutoscalersClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) AutoscalersClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type AutoscalersScopedList = src.AutoscalersScopedList
AutoscalersServer is the server API for Autoscalers service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AutoscalersServer = src.AutoscalersServer
Cloud Autoscaler policy.
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type AutoscalingPolicy = src.AutoscalingPolicy
CPU utilization policy.
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type AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization = src.AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization
Indicates whether predictive autoscaling based on CPU metric is enabled. Valid values are: * NONE (default). No predictive method is used. The autoscaler scales the group to meet current demand based on real-time metrics. * OPTIMIZE_AVAILABILITY. Predictive autoscaling improves availability by monitoring daily and weekly load patterns and scaling out ahead of anticipated demand.
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type AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization_PredictiveMethod = src.AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization_PredictiveMethod
Custom utilization metric policy.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization = src.AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization
Defines how target utilization value is expressed for a Stackdriver Monitoring metric. Either GAUGE, DELTA_PER_SECOND, or DELTA_PER_MINUTE.
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type AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization_UtilizationTargetType = src.AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization_UtilizationTargetType
Configuration parameters of autoscaling based on load balancing.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AutoscalingPolicyLoadBalancingUtilization = src.AutoscalingPolicyLoadBalancingUtilization
Configuration that allows for slower scale in so that even if Autoscaler recommends an abrupt scale in of a MIG, it will be throttled as specified by the parameters below.
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type AutoscalingPolicyScaleInControl = src.AutoscalingPolicyScaleInControl
Scaling based on user-defined schedule. The message describes a single scaling schedule. A scaling schedule changes the minimum number of VM instances an autoscaler can recommend, which can trigger scaling out.
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type AutoscalingPolicyScalingSchedule = src.AutoscalingPolicyScalingSchedule
Defines operating mode for this policy.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type AutoscalingPolicy_Mode = src.AutoscalingPolicy_Mode
Message containing information of one individual backend.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Backend = src.Backend
Represents a Cloud Storage Bucket resource. This Cloud Storage bucket resource is referenced by a URL map of a load balancer. For more information, read Backend Buckets.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendBucket = src.BackendBucket
Message containing Cloud CDN configuration for a backend bucket.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendBucketCdnPolicy = src.BackendBucketCdnPolicy
Bypass the cache when the specified request headers are present, e.g. Pragma or Authorization headers. Values are case insensitive. The presence of such a header overrides the cache_mode setting.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendBucketCdnPolicyBypassCacheOnRequestHeader = src.BackendBucketCdnPolicyBypassCacheOnRequestHeader
Message containing what to include in the cache key for a request for Cloud CDN.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendBucketCdnPolicyCacheKeyPolicy = src.BackendBucketCdnPolicyCacheKeyPolicy
Specify CDN TTLs for response error codes.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendBucketCdnPolicyNegativeCachingPolicy = src.BackendBucketCdnPolicyNegativeCachingPolicy
Specifies the cache setting for all responses from this backend. The possible values are: USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS Requires the origin to set valid caching headers to cache content. Responses without these headers will not be cached at Google's edge, and will require a full trip to the origin on every request, potentially impacting performance and increasing load on the origin server. FORCE_CACHE_ALL Cache all content, ignoring any "private", "no-store" or "no-cache" directives in Cache-Control response headers. Warning: this may result in Cloud CDN caching private, per-user (user identifiable) content. CACHE_ALL_STATIC Automatically cache static content, including common image formats, media (video and audio), and web assets (JavaScript and CSS). Requests and responses that are marked as uncacheable, as well as dynamic content (including HTML), will not be cached.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendBucketCdnPolicy_CacheMode = src.BackendBucketCdnPolicy_CacheMode
Contains a list of BackendBucket resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendBucketList = src.BackendBucketList
Compress text responses using Brotli or gzip compression, based on the client's Accept-Encoding header.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendBucket_CompressionMode = src.BackendBucket_CompressionMode
BackendBucketsClient is the client API for BackendBuckets service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendBucketsClient = src.BackendBucketsClient
func NewBackendBucketsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) BackendBucketsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
BackendBucketsServer is the server API for BackendBuckets service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendBucketsServer = src.BackendBucketsServer
Represents a Backend Service resource. A backend service defines how Google Cloud load balancers distribute traffic. The backend service configuration contains a set of values, such as the protocol used to connect to backends, various distribution and session settings, health checks, and timeouts. These settings provide fine-grained control over how your load balancer behaves. Most of the settings have default values that allow for easy configuration if you need to get started quickly. Backend services in Google Compute Engine can be either regionally or globally scoped. * [Global]( * [Regional]( For more information, see Backend Services.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendService = src.BackendService
Contains a list of BackendServicesScopedList.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendServiceAggregatedList = src.BackendServiceAggregatedList
Message containing Cloud CDN configuration for a backend service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendServiceCdnPolicy = src.BackendServiceCdnPolicy
Bypass the cache when the specified request headers are present, e.g. Pragma or Authorization headers. Values are case insensitive. The presence of such a header overrides the cache_mode setting.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendServiceCdnPolicyBypassCacheOnRequestHeader = src.BackendServiceCdnPolicyBypassCacheOnRequestHeader
Specify CDN TTLs for response error codes.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendServiceCdnPolicyNegativeCachingPolicy = src.BackendServiceCdnPolicyNegativeCachingPolicy
Specifies the cache setting for all responses from this backend. The possible values are: USE_ORIGIN_HEADERS Requires the origin to set valid caching headers to cache content. Responses without these headers will not be cached at Google's edge, and will require a full trip to the origin on every request, potentially impacting performance and increasing load on the origin server. FORCE_CACHE_ALL Cache all content, ignoring any "private", "no-store" or "no-cache" directives in Cache-Control response headers. Warning: this may result in Cloud CDN caching private, per-user (user identifiable) content. CACHE_ALL_STATIC Automatically cache static content, including common image formats, media (video and audio), and web assets (JavaScript and CSS). Requests and responses that are marked as uncacheable, as well as dynamic content (including HTML), will not be cached.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendServiceCdnPolicy_CacheMode = src.BackendServiceCdnPolicy_CacheMode
Connection Tracking configuration for this BackendService.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy = src.BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy
Specifies connection persistence when backends are unhealthy. The default value is DEFAULT_FOR_PROTOCOL. If set to DEFAULT_FOR_PROTOCOL, the existing connections persist on unhealthy backends only for connection-oriented protocols (TCP and SCTP) and only if the Tracking Mode is PER_CONNECTION (default tracking mode) or the Session Affinity is configured for 5-tuple. They do not persist for UDP. If set to NEVER_PERSIST, after a backend becomes unhealthy, the existing connections on the unhealthy backend are never persisted on the unhealthy backend. They are always diverted to newly selected healthy backends (unless all backends are unhealthy). If set to ALWAYS_PERSIST, existing connections always persist on unhealthy backends regardless of protocol and session affinity. It is generally not recommended to use this mode overriding the default. For more details, see [Connection Persistence for Network Load Balancing]( and [Connection Persistence for Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](
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type BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_ConnectionPersistenceOnUnhealthyBackends = src.BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_ConnectionPersistenceOnUnhealthyBackends
Specifies the key used for connection tracking. There are two options: - PER_CONNECTION: This is the default mode. The Connection Tracking is performed as per the Connection Key (default Hash Method) for the specific protocol. - PER_SESSION: The Connection Tracking is performed as per the configured Session Affinity. It matches the configured Session Affinity. For more details, see [Tracking Mode for Network Load Balancing]( and [Tracking Mode for Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing](
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type BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_TrackingMode = src.BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy_TrackingMode
For load balancers that have configurable failover: [Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancing]( and [external TCP/UDP Load Balancing]( On failover or failback, this field indicates whether connection draining will be honored. Google Cloud has a fixed connection draining timeout of 10 minutes. A setting of true terminates existing TCP connections to the active pool during failover and failback, immediately draining traffic. A setting of false allows existing TCP connections to persist, even on VMs no longer in the active pool, for up to the duration of the connection draining timeout (10 minutes).
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type BackendServiceFailoverPolicy = src.BackendServiceFailoverPolicy
type BackendServiceGroupHealth = src.BackendServiceGroupHealth
Identity-Aware Proxy
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type BackendServiceIAP = src.BackendServiceIAP
Contains a list of BackendService resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendServiceList = src.BackendServiceList
Container for either a built-in LB policy supported by gRPC or Envoy or a custom one implemented by the end user.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfig = src.BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfig
The configuration for a custom policy implemented by the user and deployed with the client.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigCustomPolicy = src.BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigCustomPolicy
The configuration for a built-in load balancing policy.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy = src.BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy
The name of a locality load balancer policy to be used. The value should be one of the predefined ones as supported by localityLbPolicy, although at the moment only ROUND_ROBIN is supported. This field should only be populated when the customPolicy field is not used. Note that specifying the same policy more than once for a backend is not a valid configuration and will be rejected.
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type BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_Name = src.BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy_Name
The available logging options for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendServiceLogConfig = src.BackendServiceLogConfig
type BackendServiceReference = src.BackendServiceReference
Compress text responses using Brotli or gzip compression, based on the client's Accept-Encoding header.
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type BackendService_CompressionMode = src.BackendService_CompressionMode
Specifies the load balancer type. A backend service created for one type of load balancer cannot be used with another. For more information, refer to Choosing a load balancer.
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type BackendService_LoadBalancingScheme = src.BackendService_LoadBalancingScheme
The load balancing algorithm used within the scope of the locality. The possible values are: - ROUND_ROBIN: This is a simple policy in which each healthy backend is selected in round robin order. This is the default. - LEAST_REQUEST: An O(1) algorithm which selects two random healthy hosts and picks the host which has fewer active requests. - RING_HASH: The ring/modulo hash load balancer implements consistent hashing to backends. The algorithm has the property that the addition/removal of a host from a set of N hosts only affects 1/N of the requests. - RANDOM: The load balancer selects a random healthy host. - ORIGINAL_DESTINATION: Backend host is selected based on the client connection metadata, i.e., connections are opened to the same address as the destination address of the incoming connection before the connection was redirected to the load balancer. - MAGLEV: used as a drop in replacement for the ring hash load balancer. Maglev is not as stable as ring hash but has faster table lookup build times and host selection times. For more information about Maglev, see This field is applicable to either: - A regional backend service with the service_protocol set to HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTP2, and load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_MANAGED. - A global backend service with the load_balancing_scheme set to INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. If sessionAffinity is not NONE, and this field is not set to MAGLEV or RING_HASH, session affinity settings will not take effect. Only ROUND_ROBIN and RING_HASH are supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true.
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type BackendService_LocalityLbPolicy = src.BackendService_LocalityLbPolicy
The protocol this BackendService uses to communicate with backends. Possible values are HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP2, TCP, SSL, UDP or GRPC. depending on the chosen load balancer or Traffic Director configuration. Refer to the documentation for the load balancers or for Traffic Director for more information. Must be set to GRPC when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy.
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type BackendService_Protocol = src.BackendService_Protocol
Type of session affinity to use. The default is NONE. Only NONE and HEADER_FIELD are supported when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy that has validateForProxyless field set to true. For more details, see: [Session Affinity](
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendService_SessionAffinity = src.BackendService_SessionAffinity
BackendServicesClient is the client API for BackendServices service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendServicesClient = src.BackendServicesClient
func NewBackendServicesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) BackendServicesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type BackendServicesScopedList = src.BackendServicesScopedList
BackendServicesServer is the server API for BackendServices service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BackendServicesServer = src.BackendServicesServer
Specifies how to determine whether the backend of a load balancer can handle additional traffic or is fully loaded. For usage guidelines, see Connection balancing mode. Backends must use compatible balancing modes. For more information, see Supported balancing modes and target capacity settings and Restrictions and guidance for instance groups. Note: Currently, if you use the API to configure incompatible balancing modes, the configuration might be accepted even though it has no impact and is ignored. Specifically, Backend.maxUtilization is ignored when Backend.balancingMode is RATE. In the future, this incompatible combination will be rejected.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Backend_BalancingMode = src.Backend_BalancingMode
type BfdPacket = src.BfdPacket
The diagnostic code specifies the local system's reason for the last change in session state. This allows remote systems to determine the reason that the previous session failed, for example. These diagnostic codes are specified in section 4.1 of RFC5880
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BfdPacket_Diagnostic = src.BfdPacket_Diagnostic
The current BFD session state as seen by the transmitting system. These states are specified in section 4.1 of RFC5880
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type BfdPacket_State = src.BfdPacket_State
Next free: 15
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type BfdStatus = src.BfdStatus
type BfdStatusPacketCounts = src.BfdStatusPacketCounts
The BFD session initialization mode for this BGP peer. If set to ACTIVE, the Cloud Router will initiate the BFD session for this BGP peer. If set to PASSIVE, the Cloud Router will wait for the peer router to initiate the BFD session for this BGP peer. If set to DISABLED, BFD is disabled for this BGP peer.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BfdStatus_BfdSessionInitializationMode = src.BfdStatus_BfdSessionInitializationMode
The diagnostic code specifies the local system's reason for the last change in session state. This allows remote systems to determine the reason that the previous session failed, for example. These diagnostic codes are specified in section 4.1 of RFC5880
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BfdStatus_LocalDiagnostic = src.BfdStatus_LocalDiagnostic
The current BFD session state as seen by the transmitting system. These states are specified in section 4.1 of RFC5880
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type BfdStatus_LocalState = src.BfdStatus_LocalState
Associates `members`, or principals, with a `role`.
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type Binding = src.Binding
A request message for Instances.BulkInsert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BulkInsertInstanceRequest = src.BulkInsertInstanceRequest
A transient resource used in compute.instances.bulkInsert and compute.regionInstances.bulkInsert . This resource is not persisted anywhere, it is used only for processing the requests.
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type BulkInsertInstanceResource = src.BulkInsertInstanceResource
Per-instance properties to be set on individual instances. To be extended in the future.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BulkInsertInstanceResourcePerInstanceProperties = src.BulkInsertInstanceResourcePerInstanceProperties
A request message for RegionInstances.BulkInsert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type BulkInsertRegionInstanceRequest = src.BulkInsertRegionInstanceRequest
type CacheInvalidationRule = src.CacheInvalidationRule
Message containing what to include in the cache key for a request for Cloud CDN.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CacheKeyPolicy = src.CacheKeyPolicy
Settings controlling the volume of requests, connections and retries to this backend service.
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type CircuitBreakers = src.CircuitBreakers
A request message for FirewallPolicies.CloneRules. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CloneRulesFirewallPolicyRequest = src.CloneRulesFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for NetworkFirewallPolicies.CloneRules. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CloneRulesNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.CloneRulesNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.CloneRules. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CloneRulesRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.CloneRulesRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
Represents a regional Commitment resource. Creating a commitment resource means that you are purchasing a committed use contract with an explicit start and end time. You can create commitments based on vCPUs and memory usage and receive discounted rates. For full details, read Signing Up for Committed Use Discounts.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Commitment = src.Commitment
type CommitmentAggregatedList = src.CommitmentAggregatedList
Contains a list of Commitment resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CommitmentList = src.CommitmentList
The category of the commitment. Category MACHINE specifies commitments composed of machine resources such as VCPU or MEMORY, listed in resources. Category LICENSE specifies commitments composed of software licenses, listed in licenseResources. Note that only MACHINE commitments should have a Type specified.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Commitment_Category = src.Commitment_Category
The plan for this commitment, which determines duration and discount rate. The currently supported plans are TWELVE_MONTH (1 year), and THIRTY_SIX_MONTH (3 years).
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Commitment_Plan = src.Commitment_Plan
[Output Only] Status of the commitment with regards to eventual expiration (each commitment has an end date defined). One of the following values: NOT_YET_ACTIVE, ACTIVE, EXPIRED.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Commitment_Status = src.Commitment_Status
The type of commitment, which affects the discount rate and the eligible resources. Type MEMORY_OPTIMIZED specifies a commitment that will only apply to memory optimized machines. Type ACCELERATOR_OPTIMIZED specifies a commitment that will only apply to accelerator optimized machines.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Commitment_Type = src.Commitment_Type
type CommitmentsScopedList = src.CommitmentsScopedList
This is deprecated and has no effect. Do not use.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Condition = src.Condition
This is deprecated and has no effect. Do not use. Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons: NO_ATTR
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Condition_Iam = src.Condition_Iam
This is deprecated and has no effect. Do not use.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Condition_Op = src.Condition_Op
This is deprecated and has no effect. Do not use. Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons: NO_ATTR
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Condition_Sys = src.Condition_Sys
A set of Confidential Instance options.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ConfidentialInstanceConfig = src.ConfidentialInstanceConfig
Message containing connection draining configuration.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ConnectionDraining = src.ConnectionDraining
This message defines settings for a consistent hash style load balancer.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ConsistentHashLoadBalancerSettings = src.ConsistentHashLoadBalancerSettings
The information about the HTTP Cookie on which the hash function is based for load balancing policies that use a consistent hash.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ConsistentHashLoadBalancerSettingsHttpCookie = src.ConsistentHashLoadBalancerSettingsHttpCookie
The specification for allowing client-side cross-origin requests. For more information about the W3C recommendation for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), see Fetch API Living Standard.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CorsPolicy = src.CorsPolicy
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.CreateInstances. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CreateInstancesInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.CreateInstancesInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.CreateInstances. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CreateInstancesRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.CreateInstancesRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for Disks.CreateSnapshot. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CreateSnapshotDiskRequest = src.CreateSnapshotDiskRequest
A request message for RegionDisks.CreateSnapshot. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type CreateSnapshotRegionDiskRequest = src.CreateSnapshotRegionDiskRequest
type CustomerEncryptionKey = src.CustomerEncryptionKey
type CustomerEncryptionKeyProtectedDisk = src.CustomerEncryptionKeyProtectedDisk
type Data = src.Data
A request message for Instances.DeleteAccessConfig. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteAccessConfigInstanceRequest = src.DeleteAccessConfigInstanceRequest
A request message for Addresses.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteAddressRequest = src.DeleteAddressRequest
A request message for Autoscalers.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteAutoscalerRequest = src.DeleteAutoscalerRequest
A request message for BackendBuckets.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteBackendBucketRequest = src.DeleteBackendBucketRequest
A request message for BackendServices.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteBackendServiceRequest = src.DeleteBackendServiceRequest
A request message for Disks.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteDiskRequest = src.DeleteDiskRequest
A request message for ExternalVpnGateways.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteExternalVpnGatewayRequest = src.DeleteExternalVpnGatewayRequest
A request message for FirewallPolicies.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest = src.DeleteFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Firewalls.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteFirewallRequest = src.DeleteFirewallRequest
A request message for ForwardingRules.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteForwardingRuleRequest = src.DeleteForwardingRuleRequest
A request message for GlobalAddresses.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteGlobalAddressRequest = src.DeleteGlobalAddressRequest
A request message for GlobalForwardingRules.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteGlobalForwardingRuleRequest = src.DeleteGlobalForwardingRuleRequest
A request message for GlobalNetworkEndpointGroups.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupRequest = src.DeleteGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupRequest
A request message for GlobalOperations.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteGlobalOperationRequest = src.DeleteGlobalOperationRequest
A response message for GlobalOperations.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteGlobalOperationResponse = src.DeleteGlobalOperationResponse
A request message for GlobalOrganizationOperations.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteGlobalOrganizationOperationRequest = src.DeleteGlobalOrganizationOperationRequest
A response message for GlobalOrganizationOperations.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteGlobalOrganizationOperationResponse = src.DeleteGlobalOrganizationOperationResponse
A request message for GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixes.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteGlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixeRequest = src.DeleteGlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixeRequest
A request message for HealthChecks.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteHealthCheckRequest = src.DeleteHealthCheckRequest
A request message for Images.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteImageRequest = src.DeleteImageRequest
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.DeleteInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for InstanceGroups.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteInstanceGroupRequest = src.DeleteInstanceGroupRequest
A request message for Instances.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteInstanceRequest = src.DeleteInstanceRequest
A request message for InstanceTemplates.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteInstanceTemplateRequest = src.DeleteInstanceTemplateRequest
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.DeleteInstances. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteInstancesInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.DeleteInstancesInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.DeleteInstances. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteInstancesRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.DeleteInstancesRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for InterconnectAttachments.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteInterconnectAttachmentRequest = src.DeleteInterconnectAttachmentRequest
A request message for Interconnects.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteInterconnectRequest = src.DeleteInterconnectRequest
A request message for Licenses.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteLicenseRequest = src.DeleteLicenseRequest
A request message for MachineImages.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteMachineImageRequest = src.DeleteMachineImageRequest
A request message for NetworkEdgeSecurityServices.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteNetworkEdgeSecurityServiceRequest = src.DeleteNetworkEdgeSecurityServiceRequest
A request message for NetworkEndpointGroups.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteNetworkEndpointGroupRequest = src.DeleteNetworkEndpointGroupRequest
A request message for NetworkFirewallPolicies.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.DeleteNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Networks.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteNetworkRequest = src.DeleteNetworkRequest
A request message for NodeGroups.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteNodeGroupRequest = src.DeleteNodeGroupRequest
A request message for NodeTemplates.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteNodeTemplateRequest = src.DeleteNodeTemplateRequest
A request message for NodeGroups.DeleteNodes. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteNodesNodeGroupRequest = src.DeleteNodesNodeGroupRequest
A request message for PacketMirrorings.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeletePacketMirroringRequest = src.DeletePacketMirroringRequest
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.DeletePerInstanceConfigs. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeletePerInstanceConfigsInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.DeletePerInstanceConfigsInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.DeletePerInstanceConfigs. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeletePerInstanceConfigsRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.DeletePerInstanceConfigsRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for PublicAdvertisedPrefixes.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeletePublicAdvertisedPrefixeRequest = src.DeletePublicAdvertisedPrefixeRequest
A request message for PublicDelegatedPrefixes.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeletePublicDelegatedPrefixeRequest = src.DeletePublicDelegatedPrefixeRequest
A request message for RegionAutoscalers.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionAutoscalerRequest = src.DeleteRegionAutoscalerRequest
A request message for RegionBackendServices.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionBackendServiceRequest = src.DeleteRegionBackendServiceRequest
A request message for RegionDisks.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionDiskRequest = src.DeleteRegionDiskRequest
A request message for RegionHealthChecks.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionHealthCheckRequest = src.DeleteRegionHealthCheckRequest
A request message for RegionHealthCheckServices.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionHealthCheckServiceRequest = src.DeleteRegionHealthCheckServiceRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.DeleteRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkEndpointGroups.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionNetworkEndpointGroupRequest = src.DeleteRegionNetworkEndpointGroupRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.DeleteRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionNotificationEndpoints.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionNotificationEndpointRequest = src.DeleteRegionNotificationEndpointRequest
A request message for RegionOperations.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionOperationRequest = src.DeleteRegionOperationRequest
A response message for RegionOperations.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionOperationResponse = src.DeleteRegionOperationResponse
A request message for RegionSecurityPolicies.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionSecurityPolicyRequest = src.DeleteRegionSecurityPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionSslCertificates.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionSslCertificateRequest = src.DeleteRegionSslCertificateRequest
A request message for RegionSslPolicies.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionSslPolicyRequest = src.DeleteRegionSslPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionTargetHttpProxies.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionTargetHttpProxyRequest = src.DeleteRegionTargetHttpProxyRequest
A request message for RegionTargetHttpsProxies.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionTargetHttpsProxyRequest = src.DeleteRegionTargetHttpsProxyRequest
A request message for RegionTargetTcpProxies.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionTargetTcpProxyRequest = src.DeleteRegionTargetTcpProxyRequest
A request message for RegionUrlMaps.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRegionUrlMapRequest = src.DeleteRegionUrlMapRequest
A request message for Reservations.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteReservationRequest = src.DeleteReservationRequest
A request message for ResourcePolicies.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteResourcePolicyRequest = src.DeleteResourcePolicyRequest
A request message for Routes.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRouteRequest = src.DeleteRouteRequest
A request message for Routers.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteRouterRequest = src.DeleteRouterRequest
A request message for SecurityPolicies.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteSecurityPolicyRequest = src.DeleteSecurityPolicyRequest
A request message for ServiceAttachments.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteServiceAttachmentRequest = src.DeleteServiceAttachmentRequest
A request message for BackendBuckets.DeleteSignedUrlKey. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteSignedUrlKeyBackendBucketRequest = src.DeleteSignedUrlKeyBackendBucketRequest
A request message for BackendServices.DeleteSignedUrlKey. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteSignedUrlKeyBackendServiceRequest = src.DeleteSignedUrlKeyBackendServiceRequest
A request message for Snapshots.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteSnapshotRequest = src.DeleteSnapshotRequest
A request message for SslCertificates.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteSslCertificateRequest = src.DeleteSslCertificateRequest
A request message for SslPolicies.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteSslPolicyRequest = src.DeleteSslPolicyRequest
A request message for Subnetworks.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteSubnetworkRequest = src.DeleteSubnetworkRequest
A request message for TargetGrpcProxies.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteTargetGrpcProxyRequest = src.DeleteTargetGrpcProxyRequest
A request message for TargetHttpProxies.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteTargetHttpProxyRequest = src.DeleteTargetHttpProxyRequest
A request message for TargetHttpsProxies.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteTargetHttpsProxyRequest = src.DeleteTargetHttpsProxyRequest
A request message for TargetInstances.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteTargetInstanceRequest = src.DeleteTargetInstanceRequest
A request message for TargetPools.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteTargetPoolRequest = src.DeleteTargetPoolRequest
A request message for TargetSslProxies.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteTargetSslProxyRequest = src.DeleteTargetSslProxyRequest
A request message for TargetTcpProxies.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteTargetTcpProxyRequest = src.DeleteTargetTcpProxyRequest
A request message for TargetVpnGateways.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteTargetVpnGatewayRequest = src.DeleteTargetVpnGatewayRequest
A request message for UrlMaps.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteUrlMapRequest = src.DeleteUrlMapRequest
A request message for VpnGateways.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteVpnGatewayRequest = src.DeleteVpnGatewayRequest
A request message for VpnTunnels.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteVpnTunnelRequest = src.DeleteVpnTunnelRequest
A request message for ZoneOperations.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteZoneOperationRequest = src.DeleteZoneOperationRequest
A response message for ZoneOperations.Delete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteZoneOperationResponse = src.DeleteZoneOperationResponse
type Denied = src.Denied
A request message for Images.Deprecate. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeprecateImageRequest = src.DeprecateImageRequest
Deprecation status for a public resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeprecationStatus = src.DeprecationStatus
The deprecation state of this resource. This can be ACTIVE, DEPRECATED, OBSOLETE, or DELETED. Operations which communicate the end of life date for an image, can use ACTIVE. Operations which create a new resource using a DEPRECATED resource will return successfully, but with a warning indicating the deprecated resource and recommending its replacement. Operations which use OBSOLETE or DELETED resources will be rejected and result in an error.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeprecationStatus_State = src.DeprecationStatus_State
A request message for Instances.DetachDisk. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DetachDiskInstanceRequest = src.DetachDiskInstanceRequest
A request message for GlobalNetworkEndpointGroups.DetachNetworkEndpoints. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DetachNetworkEndpointsGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupRequest = src.DetachNetworkEndpointsGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupRequest
A request message for NetworkEndpointGroups.DetachNetworkEndpoints. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DetachNetworkEndpointsNetworkEndpointGroupRequest = src.DetachNetworkEndpointsNetworkEndpointGroupRequest
A request message for Projects.DisableXpnHost. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DisableXpnHostProjectRequest = src.DisableXpnHostProjectRequest
A request message for Projects.DisableXpnResource. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DisableXpnResourceProjectRequest = src.DisableXpnResourceProjectRequest
Represents a Persistent Disk resource. Google Compute Engine has two Disk resources: * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/disks) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/regionDisks) Persistent disks are required for running your VM instances. Create both boot and non-boot (data) persistent disks. For more information, read Persistent Disks. For more storage options, read Storage options. The disks resource represents a zonal persistent disk. For more information, read Zonal persistent disks. The regionDisks resource represents a regional persistent disk. For more information, read Regional resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Disk = src.Disk
type DiskAggregatedList = src.DiskAggregatedList
A specification of the desired way to instantiate a disk in the instance template when its created from a source instance.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DiskInstantiationConfig = src.DiskInstantiationConfig
Specifies whether to include the disk and what image to use. Possible values are: - source-image: to use the same image that was used to create the source instance's corresponding disk. Applicable to the boot disk and additional read-write disks. - source-image-family: to use the same image family that was used to create the source instance's corresponding disk. Applicable to the boot disk and additional read-write disks. - custom-image: to use a user-provided image url for disk creation. Applicable to the boot disk and additional read-write disks. - attach-read-only: to attach a read-only disk. Applicable to read-only disks. - do-not-include: to exclude a disk from the template. Applicable to additional read-write disks, local SSDs, and read-only disks.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DiskInstantiationConfig_InstantiateFrom = src.DiskInstantiationConfig_InstantiateFrom
A list of Disk resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DiskList = src.DiskList
type DiskMoveRequest = src.DiskMoveRequest
Additional disk params.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DiskParams = src.DiskParams
Represents a Disk Type resource. Google Compute Engine has two Disk Type resources: * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/regionDiskTypes) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/diskTypes) You can choose from a variety of disk types based on your needs. For more information, read Storage options. The diskTypes resource represents disk types for a zonal persistent disk. For more information, read Zonal persistent disks. The regionDiskTypes resource represents disk types for a regional persistent disk. For more information, read Regional persistent disks.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DiskType = src.DiskType
type DiskTypeAggregatedList = src.DiskTypeAggregatedList
Contains a list of disk types.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DiskTypeList = src.DiskTypeList
DiskTypesClient is the client API for DiskTypes service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DiskTypesClient = src.DiskTypesClient
func NewDiskTypesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) DiskTypesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type DiskTypesScopedList = src.DiskTypesScopedList
DiskTypesServer is the server API for DiskTypes service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DiskTypesServer = src.DiskTypesServer
The architecture of the disk. Valid values are ARM64 or X86_64.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Disk_Architecture = src.Disk_Architecture
[Output Only] The status of disk creation. - CREATING: Disk is provisioning. - RESTORING: Source data is being copied into the disk. - FAILED: Disk creation failed. - READY: Disk is ready for use. - DELETING: Disk is deleting.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Disk_Status = src.Disk_Status
type DisksAddResourcePoliciesRequest = src.DisksAddResourcePoliciesRequest
DisksClient is the client API for Disks service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DisksClient = src.DisksClient
func NewDisksClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) DisksClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type DisksRemoveResourcePoliciesRequest = src.DisksRemoveResourcePoliciesRequest
type DisksResizeRequest = src.DisksResizeRequest
type DisksScopedList = src.DisksScopedList
DisksServer is the server API for Disks service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DisksServer = src.DisksServer
A set of Display Device options
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DisplayDevice = src.DisplayDevice
type DistributionPolicy = src.DistributionPolicy
type DistributionPolicyZoneConfiguration = src.DistributionPolicyZoneConfiguration
The distribution shape to which the group converges either proactively or on resize events (depending on the value set in updatePolicy.instanceRedistributionType).
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DistributionPolicy_TargetShape = src.DistributionPolicy_TargetShape
A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day" or "month". Range is approximately 10,000 years.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Duration = src.Duration
A request message for Projects.EnableXpnHost. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type EnableXpnHostProjectRequest = src.EnableXpnHostProjectRequest
A request message for Projects.EnableXpnResource. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type EnableXpnResourceProjectRequest = src.EnableXpnResourceProjectRequest
[Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Error = src.Error
type ErrorDetails = src.ErrorDetails
Describes the cause of the error with structured details. Example of an error when contacting the "" API when it is not enabled: { "reason": "API_DISABLED" "domain": "" "metadata": { "resource": "projects/123", "service": "" } } This response indicates that the API is not enabled. Example of an error that is returned when attempting to create a Spanner instance in a region that is out of stock: { "reason": "STOCKOUT" "domain": "", "metadata": { "availableRegions": "us-central1,us-east2" } }
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ErrorInfo = src.ErrorInfo
type Errors = src.Errors
type ExchangedPeeringRoute = src.ExchangedPeeringRoute
The type of the peering route.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExchangedPeeringRoute_Type = src.ExchangedPeeringRoute_Type
type ExchangedPeeringRoutesList = src.ExchangedPeeringRoutesList
A request message for Subnetworks.ExpandIpCidrRange. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExpandIpCidrRangeSubnetworkRequest = src.ExpandIpCidrRangeSubnetworkRequest
Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner ==" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Expr = src.Expr
Represents an external VPN gateway. External VPN gateway is the on-premises VPN gateway(s) or another cloud provider's VPN gateway that connects to your Google Cloud VPN gateway. To create a highly available VPN from Google Cloud Platform to your VPN gateway or another cloud provider's VPN gateway, you must create a external VPN gateway resource with information about the other gateway. For more information about using external VPN gateways, see Creating an HA VPN gateway and tunnel pair to a peer VPN.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExternalVpnGateway = src.ExternalVpnGateway
The interface for the external VPN gateway.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExternalVpnGatewayInterface = src.ExternalVpnGatewayInterface
Response to the list request, and contains a list of externalVpnGateways.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExternalVpnGatewayList = src.ExternalVpnGatewayList
Indicates the user-supplied redundancy type of this external VPN gateway.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExternalVpnGateway_RedundancyType = src.ExternalVpnGateway_RedundancyType
ExternalVpnGatewaysClient is the client API for ExternalVpnGateways service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExternalVpnGatewaysClient = src.ExternalVpnGatewaysClient
func NewExternalVpnGatewaysClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ExternalVpnGatewaysClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
ExternalVpnGatewaysServer is the server API for ExternalVpnGateways service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ExternalVpnGatewaysServer = src.ExternalVpnGatewaysServer
type FileContentBuffer = src.FileContentBuffer
The file type of source file.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FileContentBuffer_FileType = src.FileContentBuffer_FileType
Represents a Firewall Rule resource. Firewall rules allow or deny ingress traffic to, and egress traffic from your instances. For more information, read Firewall rules.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Firewall = src.Firewall
Contains a list of firewalls.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FirewallList = src.FirewallList
The available logging options for a firewall rule.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FirewallLogConfig = src.FirewallLogConfig
This field can only be specified for a particular firewall rule if logging is enabled for that rule. This field denotes whether to include or exclude metadata for firewall logs.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FirewallLogConfig_Metadata = src.FirewallLogConfig_Metadata
FirewallPoliciesClient is the client API for FirewallPolicies service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FirewallPoliciesClient = src.FirewallPoliciesClient
func NewFirewallPoliciesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) FirewallPoliciesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type FirewallPoliciesListAssociationsResponse = src.FirewallPoliciesListAssociationsResponse
FirewallPoliciesServer is the server API for FirewallPolicies service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FirewallPoliciesServer = src.FirewallPoliciesServer
Represents a Firewall Policy resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FirewallPolicy = src.FirewallPolicy
type FirewallPolicyAssociation = src.FirewallPolicyAssociation
type FirewallPolicyList = src.FirewallPolicyList
Represents a rule that describes one or more match conditions along with the action to be taken when traffic matches this condition (allow or deny).
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FirewallPolicyRule = src.FirewallPolicyRule
Represents a match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated against. Exactly one field must be specified.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FirewallPolicyRuleMatcher = src.FirewallPolicyRuleMatcher
type FirewallPolicyRuleMatcherLayer4Config = src.FirewallPolicyRuleMatcherLayer4Config
type FirewallPolicyRuleSecureTag = src.FirewallPolicyRuleSecureTag
[Output Only] State of the secure tag, either `EFFECTIVE` or `INEFFECTIVE`. A secure tag is `INEFFECTIVE` when it is deleted or its network is deleted.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FirewallPolicyRuleSecureTag_State = src.FirewallPolicyRuleSecureTag_State
The direction in which this rule applies.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FirewallPolicyRule_Direction = src.FirewallPolicyRule_Direction
Direction of traffic to which this firewall applies, either `INGRESS` or `EGRESS`. The default is `INGRESS`. For `EGRESS` traffic, you cannot specify the sourceTags fields.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Firewall_Direction = src.Firewall_Direction
FirewallsClient is the client API for Firewalls service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FirewallsClient = src.FirewallsClient
func NewFirewallsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) FirewallsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
FirewallsServer is the server API for Firewalls service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FirewallsServer = src.FirewallsServer
Encapsulates numeric value that can be either absolute or relative.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FixedOrPercent = src.FixedOrPercent
Represents a Forwarding Rule resource. Forwarding rule resources in Google Cloud can be either regional or global in scope: * [Global]( * [Regional]( A forwarding rule and its corresponding IP address represent the frontend configuration of a Google Cloud Platform load balancer. Forwarding rules can also reference target instances and Cloud VPN Classic gateways (targetVpnGateway). For more information, read Forwarding rule concepts and Using protocol forwarding.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ForwardingRule = src.ForwardingRule
type ForwardingRuleAggregatedList = src.ForwardingRuleAggregatedList
Contains a list of ForwardingRule resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ForwardingRuleList = src.ForwardingRuleList
type ForwardingRuleReference = src.ForwardingRuleReference
Describes the auto-registration of the Forwarding Rule to Service Directory. The region and project of the Service Directory resource generated from this registration will be the same as this Forwarding Rule.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistration = src.ForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistration
The IP protocol to which this rule applies. For protocol forwarding, valid options are TCP, UDP, ESP, AH, SCTP, ICMP and L3_DEFAULT. The valid IP protocols are different for different load balancing products as described in [Load balancing features](
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ForwardingRule_IPProtocolEnum = src.ForwardingRule_IPProtocolEnum
The IP Version that will be used by this forwarding rule. Valid options are IPV4 or IPV6.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ForwardingRule_IpVersion = src.ForwardingRule_IpVersion
Specifies the forwarding rule type. For more information about forwarding rules, refer to Forwarding rule concepts.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ForwardingRule_LoadBalancingScheme = src.ForwardingRule_LoadBalancingScheme
This signifies the networking tier used for configuring this load balancer and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. For regional ForwardingRule, the valid values are PREMIUM and STANDARD. For GlobalForwardingRule, the valid value is PREMIUM. If this field is not specified, it is assumed to be PREMIUM. If IPAddress is specified, this value must be equal to the networkTier of the Address.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ForwardingRule_NetworkTier = src.ForwardingRule_NetworkTier
type ForwardingRule_PscConnectionStatus = src.ForwardingRule_PscConnectionStatus
ForwardingRulesClient is the client API for ForwardingRules service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ForwardingRulesClient = src.ForwardingRulesClient
func NewForwardingRulesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ForwardingRulesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type ForwardingRulesScopedList = src.ForwardingRulesScopedList
ForwardingRulesServer is the server API for ForwardingRules service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ForwardingRulesServer = src.ForwardingRulesServer
type GRPCHealthCheck = src.GRPCHealthCheck
Specifies how a port is selected for health checking. Can be one of the following values: USE_FIXED_PORT: Specifies a port number explicitly using the port field in the health check. Supported by backend services for pass-through load balancers and backend services for proxy load balancers. Not supported by target pools. The health check supports all backends supported by the backend service provided the backend can be health checked. For example, GCE_VM_IP network endpoint groups, GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint groups, and instance group backends. USE_NAMED_PORT: Not supported. USE_SERVING_PORT: Provides an indirect method of specifying the health check port by referring to the backend service. Only supported by backend services for proxy load balancers. Not supported by target pools. Not supported by backend services for pass-through load balancers. Supports all backends that can be health checked; for example, GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint groups and instance group backends. For GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint group backends, the health check uses the port number specified for each endpoint in the network endpoint group. For instance group backends, the health check uses the port number determined by looking up the backend service's named port in the instance group's list of named ports.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GRPCHealthCheck_PortSpecification = src.GRPCHealthCheck_PortSpecification
A request message for AcceleratorTypes.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetAcceleratorTypeRequest = src.GetAcceleratorTypeRequest
A request message for Addresses.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetAddressRequest = src.GetAddressRequest
A request message for FirewallPolicies.GetAssociation. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetAssociationFirewallPolicyRequest = src.GetAssociationFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for NetworkFirewallPolicies.GetAssociation. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetAssociationNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.GetAssociationNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.GetAssociation. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetAssociationRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.GetAssociationRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Autoscalers.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetAutoscalerRequest = src.GetAutoscalerRequest
A request message for BackendBuckets.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetBackendBucketRequest = src.GetBackendBucketRequest
A request message for BackendServices.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetBackendServiceRequest = src.GetBackendServiceRequest
A request message for Interconnects.GetDiagnostics. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetDiagnosticsInterconnectRequest = src.GetDiagnosticsInterconnectRequest
A request message for Disks.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetDiskRequest = src.GetDiskRequest
A request message for DiskTypes.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetDiskTypeRequest = src.GetDiskTypeRequest
A request message for Instances.GetEffectiveFirewalls. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetEffectiveFirewallsInstanceRequest = src.GetEffectiveFirewallsInstanceRequest
A request message for Networks.GetEffectiveFirewalls. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetEffectiveFirewallsNetworkRequest = src.GetEffectiveFirewallsNetworkRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.GetEffectiveFirewalls. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetEffectiveFirewallsRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.GetEffectiveFirewallsRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for ExternalVpnGateways.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetExternalVpnGatewayRequest = src.GetExternalVpnGatewayRequest
A request message for FirewallPolicies.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetFirewallPolicyRequest = src.GetFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Firewalls.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetFirewallRequest = src.GetFirewallRequest
A request message for ForwardingRules.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetForwardingRuleRequest = src.GetForwardingRuleRequest
A request message for Images.GetFromFamily. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetFromFamilyImageRequest = src.GetFromFamilyImageRequest
A request message for GlobalAddresses.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetGlobalAddressRequest = src.GetGlobalAddressRequest
A request message for GlobalForwardingRules.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetGlobalForwardingRuleRequest = src.GetGlobalForwardingRuleRequest
A request message for GlobalNetworkEndpointGroups.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupRequest = src.GetGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupRequest
A request message for GlobalOperations.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetGlobalOperationRequest = src.GetGlobalOperationRequest
A request message for GlobalOrganizationOperations.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetGlobalOrganizationOperationRequest = src.GetGlobalOrganizationOperationRequest
A request message for GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixes.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetGlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixeRequest = src.GetGlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixeRequest
A request message for Instances.GetGuestAttributes. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetGuestAttributesInstanceRequest = src.GetGuestAttributesInstanceRequest
A request message for BackendServices.GetHealth. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetHealthBackendServiceRequest = src.GetHealthBackendServiceRequest
A request message for HealthChecks.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetHealthCheckRequest = src.GetHealthCheckRequest
A request message for RegionBackendServices.GetHealth. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetHealthRegionBackendServiceRequest = src.GetHealthRegionBackendServiceRequest
A request message for TargetPools.GetHealth. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetHealthTargetPoolRequest = src.GetHealthTargetPoolRequest
A request message for BackendServices.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyBackendServiceRequest = src.GetIamPolicyBackendServiceRequest
A request message for Disks.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyDiskRequest = src.GetIamPolicyDiskRequest
A request message for FirewallPolicies.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyFirewallPolicyRequest = src.GetIamPolicyFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Images.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyImageRequest = src.GetIamPolicyImageRequest
A request message for Instances.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyInstanceRequest = src.GetIamPolicyInstanceRequest
A request message for InstanceTemplates.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyInstanceTemplateRequest = src.GetIamPolicyInstanceTemplateRequest
A request message for Licenses.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyLicenseRequest = src.GetIamPolicyLicenseRequest
A request message for MachineImages.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyMachineImageRequest = src.GetIamPolicyMachineImageRequest
A request message for NetworkFirewallPolicies.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.GetIamPolicyNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for NodeGroups.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyNodeGroupRequest = src.GetIamPolicyNodeGroupRequest
A request message for NodeTemplates.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyNodeTemplateRequest = src.GetIamPolicyNodeTemplateRequest
A request message for RegionBackendServices.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyRegionBackendServiceRequest = src.GetIamPolicyRegionBackendServiceRequest
A request message for RegionDisks.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyRegionDiskRequest = src.GetIamPolicyRegionDiskRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.GetIamPolicyRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Reservations.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyReservationRequest = src.GetIamPolicyReservationRequest
A request message for ResourcePolicies.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyResourcePolicyRequest = src.GetIamPolicyResourcePolicyRequest
A request message for ServiceAttachments.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicyServiceAttachmentRequest = src.GetIamPolicyServiceAttachmentRequest
A request message for Snapshots.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicySnapshotRequest = src.GetIamPolicySnapshotRequest
A request message for Subnetworks.GetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetIamPolicySubnetworkRequest = src.GetIamPolicySubnetworkRequest
A request message for ImageFamilyViews.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetImageFamilyViewRequest = src.GetImageFamilyViewRequest
A request message for Images.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetImageRequest = src.GetImageRequest
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.GetInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for InstanceGroups.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetInstanceGroupRequest = src.GetInstanceGroupRequest
A request message for Instances.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetInstanceRequest = src.GetInstanceRequest
A request message for InstanceTemplates.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetInstanceTemplateRequest = src.GetInstanceTemplateRequest
A request message for InterconnectAttachments.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetInterconnectAttachmentRequest = src.GetInterconnectAttachmentRequest
A request message for InterconnectLocations.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetInterconnectLocationRequest = src.GetInterconnectLocationRequest
A request message for Interconnects.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetInterconnectRequest = src.GetInterconnectRequest
A request message for LicenseCodes.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetLicenseCodeRequest = src.GetLicenseCodeRequest
A request message for Licenses.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetLicenseRequest = src.GetLicenseRequest
A request message for MachineImages.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetMachineImageRequest = src.GetMachineImageRequest
A request message for MachineTypes.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetMachineTypeRequest = src.GetMachineTypeRequest
A request message for Routers.GetNatMappingInfo. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetNatMappingInfoRoutersRequest = src.GetNatMappingInfoRoutersRequest
A request message for NetworkEdgeSecurityServices.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetNetworkEdgeSecurityServiceRequest = src.GetNetworkEdgeSecurityServiceRequest
A request message for NetworkEndpointGroups.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetNetworkEndpointGroupRequest = src.GetNetworkEndpointGroupRequest
A request message for NetworkFirewallPolicies.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.GetNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Networks.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetNetworkRequest = src.GetNetworkRequest
A request message for NodeGroups.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetNodeGroupRequest = src.GetNodeGroupRequest
A request message for NodeTemplates.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetNodeTemplateRequest = src.GetNodeTemplateRequest
A request message for NodeTypes.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetNodeTypeRequest = src.GetNodeTypeRequest
A request message for PacketMirrorings.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetPacketMirroringRequest = src.GetPacketMirroringRequest
A request message for Projects.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetProjectRequest = src.GetProjectRequest
A request message for PublicAdvertisedPrefixes.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetPublicAdvertisedPrefixeRequest = src.GetPublicAdvertisedPrefixeRequest
A request message for PublicDelegatedPrefixes.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetPublicDelegatedPrefixeRequest = src.GetPublicDelegatedPrefixeRequest
A request message for RegionAutoscalers.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionAutoscalerRequest = src.GetRegionAutoscalerRequest
A request message for RegionBackendServices.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionBackendServiceRequest = src.GetRegionBackendServiceRequest
A request message for RegionCommitments.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionCommitmentRequest = src.GetRegionCommitmentRequest
A request message for RegionDisks.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionDiskRequest = src.GetRegionDiskRequest
A request message for RegionDiskTypes.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionDiskTypeRequest = src.GetRegionDiskTypeRequest
A request message for RegionHealthChecks.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionHealthCheckRequest = src.GetRegionHealthCheckRequest
A request message for RegionHealthCheckServices.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionHealthCheckServiceRequest = src.GetRegionHealthCheckServiceRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.GetRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroups.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionInstanceGroupRequest = src.GetRegionInstanceGroupRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkEndpointGroups.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionNetworkEndpointGroupRequest = src.GetRegionNetworkEndpointGroupRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.GetRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionNotificationEndpoints.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionNotificationEndpointRequest = src.GetRegionNotificationEndpointRequest
A request message for RegionOperations.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionOperationRequest = src.GetRegionOperationRequest
A request message for Regions.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionRequest = src.GetRegionRequest
A request message for RegionSecurityPolicies.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionSecurityPolicyRequest = src.GetRegionSecurityPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionSslCertificates.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionSslCertificateRequest = src.GetRegionSslCertificateRequest
A request message for RegionSslPolicies.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionSslPolicyRequest = src.GetRegionSslPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionTargetHttpProxies.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionTargetHttpProxyRequest = src.GetRegionTargetHttpProxyRequest
A request message for RegionTargetHttpsProxies.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionTargetHttpsProxyRequest = src.GetRegionTargetHttpsProxyRequest
A request message for RegionTargetTcpProxies.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionTargetTcpProxyRequest = src.GetRegionTargetTcpProxyRequest
A request message for RegionUrlMaps.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRegionUrlMapRequest = src.GetRegionUrlMapRequest
A request message for Reservations.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetReservationRequest = src.GetReservationRequest
A request message for ResourcePolicies.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetResourcePolicyRequest = src.GetResourcePolicyRequest
A request message for Routes.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRouteRequest = src.GetRouteRequest
A request message for Routers.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRouterRequest = src.GetRouterRequest
A request message for Routers.GetRouterStatus. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRouterStatusRouterRequest = src.GetRouterStatusRouterRequest
A request message for FirewallPolicies.GetRule. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRuleFirewallPolicyRequest = src.GetRuleFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for NetworkFirewallPolicies.GetRule. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRuleNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.GetRuleNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.GetRule. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRuleRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.GetRuleRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for SecurityPolicies.GetRule. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetRuleSecurityPolicyRequest = src.GetRuleSecurityPolicyRequest
A request message for Instances.GetScreenshot. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetScreenshotInstanceRequest = src.GetScreenshotInstanceRequest
A request message for SecurityPolicies.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetSecurityPolicyRequest = src.GetSecurityPolicyRequest
A request message for Instances.GetSerialPortOutput. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetSerialPortOutputInstanceRequest = src.GetSerialPortOutputInstanceRequest
A request message for ServiceAttachments.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetServiceAttachmentRequest = src.GetServiceAttachmentRequest
A request message for Instances.GetShieldedInstanceIdentity. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetShieldedInstanceIdentityInstanceRequest = src.GetShieldedInstanceIdentityInstanceRequest
A request message for Snapshots.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetSnapshotRequest = src.GetSnapshotRequest
A request message for SslCertificates.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetSslCertificateRequest = src.GetSslCertificateRequest
A request message for SslPolicies.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetSslPolicyRequest = src.GetSslPolicyRequest
A request message for VpnGateways.GetStatus. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetStatusVpnGatewayRequest = src.GetStatusVpnGatewayRequest
A request message for Subnetworks.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetSubnetworkRequest = src.GetSubnetworkRequest
A request message for TargetGrpcProxies.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetTargetGrpcProxyRequest = src.GetTargetGrpcProxyRequest
A request message for TargetHttpProxies.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetTargetHttpProxyRequest = src.GetTargetHttpProxyRequest
A request message for TargetHttpsProxies.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetTargetHttpsProxyRequest = src.GetTargetHttpsProxyRequest
A request message for TargetInstances.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetTargetInstanceRequest = src.GetTargetInstanceRequest
A request message for TargetPools.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetTargetPoolRequest = src.GetTargetPoolRequest
A request message for TargetSslProxies.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetTargetSslProxyRequest = src.GetTargetSslProxyRequest
A request message for TargetTcpProxies.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetTargetTcpProxyRequest = src.GetTargetTcpProxyRequest
A request message for TargetVpnGateways.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetTargetVpnGatewayRequest = src.GetTargetVpnGatewayRequest
A request message for UrlMaps.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetUrlMapRequest = src.GetUrlMapRequest
A request message for VpnGateways.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetVpnGatewayRequest = src.GetVpnGatewayRequest
A request message for VpnTunnels.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetVpnTunnelRequest = src.GetVpnTunnelRequest
A request message for Projects.GetXpnHost. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetXpnHostProjectRequest = src.GetXpnHostProjectRequest
A request message for Projects.GetXpnResources. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetXpnResourcesProjectsRequest = src.GetXpnResourcesProjectsRequest
A request message for ZoneOperations.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetZoneOperationRequest = src.GetZoneOperationRequest
A request message for Zones.Get. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetZoneRequest = src.GetZoneRequest
GlobalAddressesClient is the client API for GlobalAddresses service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GlobalAddressesClient = src.GlobalAddressesClient
func NewGlobalAddressesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) GlobalAddressesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
GlobalAddressesServer is the server API for GlobalAddresses service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GlobalAddressesServer = src.GlobalAddressesServer
GlobalForwardingRulesClient is the client API for GlobalForwardingRules service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GlobalForwardingRulesClient = src.GlobalForwardingRulesClient
func NewGlobalForwardingRulesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) GlobalForwardingRulesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
GlobalForwardingRulesServer is the server API for GlobalForwardingRules service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GlobalForwardingRulesServer = src.GlobalForwardingRulesServer
type GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsAttachEndpointsRequest = src.GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsAttachEndpointsRequest
GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsClient is the client API for GlobalNetworkEndpointGroups service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsClient = src.GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsClient
func NewGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsDetachEndpointsRequest = src.GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsDetachEndpointsRequest
GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsServer is the server API for GlobalNetworkEndpointGroups service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsServer = src.GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsServer
GlobalOperationsClient is the client API for GlobalOperations service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GlobalOperationsClient = src.GlobalOperationsClient
func NewGlobalOperationsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) GlobalOperationsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
GlobalOperationsServer is the server API for GlobalOperations service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GlobalOperationsServer = src.GlobalOperationsServer
GlobalOrganizationOperationsClient is the client API for GlobalOrganizationOperations service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GlobalOrganizationOperationsClient = src.GlobalOrganizationOperationsClient
func NewGlobalOrganizationOperationsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) GlobalOrganizationOperationsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
GlobalOrganizationOperationsServer is the server API for GlobalOrganizationOperations service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GlobalOrganizationOperationsServer = src.GlobalOrganizationOperationsServer
type GlobalOrganizationSetPolicyRequest = src.GlobalOrganizationSetPolicyRequest
GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesClient is the client API for GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixes service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesClient = src.GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesClient
func NewGlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesServer is the server API for GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixes service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesServer = src.GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesServer
type GlobalSetLabelsRequest = src.GlobalSetLabelsRequest
type GlobalSetPolicyRequest = src.GlobalSetPolicyRequest
A guest attributes entry.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GuestAttributes = src.GuestAttributes
A guest attributes namespace/key/value entry.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GuestAttributesEntry = src.GuestAttributesEntry
Array of guest attribute namespace/key/value tuples.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GuestAttributesValue = src.GuestAttributesValue
Guest OS features.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GuestOsFeature = src.GuestOsFeature
The ID of a supported feature. To add multiple values, use commas to separate values. Set to one or more of the following values: - VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE - WINDOWS - MULTI_IP_SUBNET - UEFI_COMPATIBLE - GVNIC - SEV_CAPABLE - SUSPEND_RESUME_COMPATIBLE - SEV_SNP_CAPABLE For more information, see Enabling guest operating system features.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GuestOsFeature_Type = src.GuestOsFeature_Type
type HTTP2HealthCheck = src.HTTP2HealthCheck
Specifies how a port is selected for health checking. Can be one of the following values: USE_FIXED_PORT: Specifies a port number explicitly using the port field in the health check. Supported by backend services for pass-through load balancers and backend services for proxy load balancers. Not supported by target pools. The health check supports all backends supported by the backend service provided the backend can be health checked. For example, GCE_VM_IP network endpoint groups, GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint groups, and instance group backends. USE_NAMED_PORT: Not supported. USE_SERVING_PORT: Provides an indirect method of specifying the health check port by referring to the backend service. Only supported by backend services for proxy load balancers. Not supported by target pools. Not supported by backend services for pass-through load balancers. Supports all backends that can be health checked; for example, GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint groups and instance group backends. For GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint group backends, the health check uses the port number specified for each endpoint in the network endpoint group. For instance group backends, the health check uses the port number determined by looking up the backend service's named port in the instance group's list of named ports.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HTTP2HealthCheck_PortSpecification = src.HTTP2HealthCheck_PortSpecification
Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HTTP2HealthCheck_ProxyHeader = src.HTTP2HealthCheck_ProxyHeader
type HTTPHealthCheck = src.HTTPHealthCheck
Specifies how a port is selected for health checking. Can be one of the following values: USE_FIXED_PORT: Specifies a port number explicitly using the port field in the health check. Supported by backend services for pass-through load balancers and backend services for proxy load balancers. Also supported in legacy HTTP health checks for target pools. The health check supports all backends supported by the backend service provided the backend can be health checked. For example, GCE_VM_IP network endpoint groups, GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint groups, and instance group backends. USE_NAMED_PORT: Not supported. USE_SERVING_PORT: Provides an indirect method of specifying the health check port by referring to the backend service. Only supported by backend services for proxy load balancers. Not supported by target pools. Not supported by backend services for pass-through load balancers. Supports all backends that can be health checked; for example, GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint groups and instance group backends. For GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint group backends, the health check uses the port number specified for each endpoint in the network endpoint group. For instance group backends, the health check uses the port number determined by looking up the backend service's named port in the instance group's list of named ports.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HTTPHealthCheck_PortSpecification = src.HTTPHealthCheck_PortSpecification
Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HTTPHealthCheck_ProxyHeader = src.HTTPHealthCheck_ProxyHeader
type HTTPSHealthCheck = src.HTTPSHealthCheck
Specifies how a port is selected for health checking. Can be one of the following values: USE_FIXED_PORT: Specifies a port number explicitly using the port field in the health check. Supported by backend services for pass-through load balancers and backend services for proxy load balancers. Not supported by target pools. The health check supports all backends supported by the backend service provided the backend can be health checked. For example, GCE_VM_IP network endpoint groups, GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint groups, and instance group backends. USE_NAMED_PORT: Not supported. USE_SERVING_PORT: Provides an indirect method of specifying the health check port by referring to the backend service. Only supported by backend services for proxy load balancers. Not supported by target pools. Not supported by backend services for pass-through load balancers. Supports all backends that can be health checked; for example, GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint groups and instance group backends. For GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint group backends, the health check uses the port number specified for each endpoint in the network endpoint group. For instance group backends, the health check uses the port number determined by looking up the backend service's named port in the instance group's list of named ports.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HTTPSHealthCheck_PortSpecification = src.HTTPSHealthCheck_PortSpecification
Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HTTPSHealthCheck_ProxyHeader = src.HTTPSHealthCheck_ProxyHeader
Represents a Health Check resource. Google Compute Engine has two Health Check resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/healthChecks) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/regionHealthChecks) Internal HTTP(S) load balancers must use regional health checks (`compute.v1.regionHealthChecks`). Traffic Director must use global health checks (`compute.v1.HealthChecks`). Internal TCP/UDP load balancers can use either regional or global health checks (`compute.v1.regionHealthChecks` or `compute.v1.HealthChecks`). External HTTP(S), TCP proxy, and SSL proxy load balancers as well as managed instance group auto-healing must use global health checks (`compute.v1.HealthChecks`). Backend service-based network load balancers must use regional health checks (`compute.v1.regionHealthChecks`). Target pool-based network load balancers must use legacy HTTP health checks (`compute.v1.httpHealthChecks`). For more information, see Health checks overview.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HealthCheck = src.HealthCheck
Contains a list of HealthCheck resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HealthCheckList = src.HealthCheckList
Configuration of logging on a health check. If logging is enabled, logs will be exported to Stackdriver.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HealthCheckLogConfig = src.HealthCheckLogConfig
A full or valid partial URL to a health check. For example, the following are valid URLs: - - projects/project-id/global/httpHealthChecks/health-check - global/httpHealthChecks/health-check
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HealthCheckReference = src.HealthCheckReference
Represents a Health-Check as a Service resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HealthCheckService = src.HealthCheckService
A full or valid partial URL to a health check service. For example, the following are valid URLs: - - projects/project-id/regions/us-west1/healthCheckServices/health-check-service - regions/us-west1/healthCheckServices/health-check-service
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HealthCheckServiceReference = src.HealthCheckServiceReference
Optional. Policy for how the results from multiple health checks for the same endpoint are aggregated. Defaults to NO_AGGREGATION if unspecified. - NO_AGGREGATION. An EndpointHealth message is returned for each pair in the health check service. - AND. If any health check of an endpoint reports UNHEALTHY, then UNHEALTHY is the HealthState of the endpoint. If all health checks report HEALTHY, the HealthState of the endpoint is HEALTHY. .
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HealthCheckService_HealthStatusAggregationPolicy = src.HealthCheckService_HealthStatusAggregationPolicy
type HealthCheckServicesList = src.HealthCheckServicesList
Specifies the type of the healthCheck, either TCP, SSL, HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP2 or GRPC. Exactly one of the protocol-specific health check fields must be specified, which must match type field.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HealthCheck_Type = src.HealthCheck_Type
type HealthChecksAggregatedList = src.HealthChecksAggregatedList
HealthChecksClient is the client API for HealthChecks service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HealthChecksClient = src.HealthChecksClient
func NewHealthChecksClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) HealthChecksClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type HealthChecksScopedList = src.HealthChecksScopedList
HealthChecksServer is the server API for HealthChecks service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HealthChecksServer = src.HealthChecksServer
type HealthStatus = src.HealthStatus
type HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint = src.HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint
Health state of the network endpoint determined based on the health checks configured.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint_HealthState = src.HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint_HealthState
Health state of the instance.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HealthStatus_HealthState = src.HealthStatus_HealthState
type HealthStatus_WeightError = src.HealthStatus_WeightError
Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action. For example, if a quota check failed with an error indicating the calling project hasn't enabled the accessed service, this can contain a URL pointing directly to the right place in the developer console to flip the bit.
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type Help = src.Help
Describes a URL link.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HelpLink = src.HelpLink
UrlMaps A host-matching rule for a URL. If matched, will use the named PathMatcher to select the BackendService.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HostRule = src.HostRule
Specification for how requests are aborted as part of fault injection.
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type HttpFaultAbort = src.HttpFaultAbort
Specifies the delay introduced by the load balancer before forwarding the request to the backend service as part of fault injection.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HttpFaultDelay = src.HttpFaultDelay
The specification for fault injection introduced into traffic to test the resiliency of clients to backend service failure. As part of fault injection, when clients send requests to a backend service, delays can be introduced by the load balancer on a percentage of requests before sending those request to the backend service. Similarly requests from clients can be aborted by the load balancer for a percentage of requests.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HttpFaultInjection = src.HttpFaultInjection
The request and response header transformations that take effect before the request is passed along to the selected backendService.
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type HttpHeaderAction = src.HttpHeaderAction
matchRule criteria for request header matches.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HttpHeaderMatch = src.HttpHeaderMatch
Specification determining how headers are added to requests or responses.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HttpHeaderOption = src.HttpHeaderOption
HttpRouteRuleMatch criteria for a request's query parameter.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HttpQueryParameterMatch = src.HttpQueryParameterMatch
Specifies settings for an HTTP redirect.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HttpRedirectAction = src.HttpRedirectAction
The HTTP Status code to use for this RedirectAction. Supported values are: - MOVED_PERMANENTLY_DEFAULT, which is the default value and corresponds to 301. - FOUND, which corresponds to 302. - SEE_OTHER which corresponds to 303. - TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, which corresponds to 307. In this case, the request method is retained. - PERMANENT_REDIRECT, which corresponds to 308. In this case, the request method is retained.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HttpRedirectAction_RedirectResponseCode = src.HttpRedirectAction_RedirectResponseCode
The retry policy associates with HttpRouteRule
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HttpRetryPolicy = src.HttpRetryPolicy
type HttpRouteAction = src.HttpRouteAction
The HttpRouteRule setting specifies how to match an HTTP request and the corresponding routing action that load balancing proxies perform.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HttpRouteRule = src.HttpRouteRule
HttpRouteRuleMatch specifies a set of criteria for matching requests to an HttpRouteRule. All specified criteria must be satisfied for a match to occur.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type HttpRouteRuleMatch = src.HttpRouteRuleMatch
Represents an Image resource. You can use images to create boot disks for your VM instances. For more information, read Images.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Image = src.Image
type ImageFamilyView = src.ImageFamilyView
ImageFamilyViewsClient is the client API for ImageFamilyViews service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ImageFamilyViewsClient = src.ImageFamilyViewsClient
func NewImageFamilyViewsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ImageFamilyViewsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
ImageFamilyViewsServer is the server API for ImageFamilyViews service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ImageFamilyViewsServer = src.ImageFamilyViewsServer
Contains a list of images.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ImageList = src.ImageList
The architecture of the image. Valid values are ARM64 or X86_64.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Image_Architecture = src.Image_Architecture
The type of the image used to create this disk. The default and only valid value is RAW.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Image_SourceType = src.Image_SourceType
[Output Only] The status of the image. An image can be used to create other resources, such as instances, only after the image has been successfully created and the status is set to READY. Possible values are FAILED, PENDING, or READY.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Image_Status = src.Image_Status
ImagesClient is the client API for Images service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ImagesClient = src.ImagesClient
func NewImagesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ImagesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
ImagesServer is the server API for Images service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ImagesServer = src.ImagesServer
Initial State for shielded instance, these are public keys which are safe to store in public
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InitialStateConfig = src.InitialStateConfig
A request message for Addresses.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertAddressRequest = src.InsertAddressRequest
A request message for Autoscalers.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertAutoscalerRequest = src.InsertAutoscalerRequest
A request message for BackendBuckets.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertBackendBucketRequest = src.InsertBackendBucketRequest
A request message for BackendServices.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertBackendServiceRequest = src.InsertBackendServiceRequest
A request message for Disks.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertDiskRequest = src.InsertDiskRequest
A request message for ExternalVpnGateways.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertExternalVpnGatewayRequest = src.InsertExternalVpnGatewayRequest
A request message for FirewallPolicies.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertFirewallPolicyRequest = src.InsertFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Firewalls.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertFirewallRequest = src.InsertFirewallRequest
A request message for ForwardingRules.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertForwardingRuleRequest = src.InsertForwardingRuleRequest
A request message for GlobalAddresses.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertGlobalAddressRequest = src.InsertGlobalAddressRequest
A request message for GlobalForwardingRules.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertGlobalForwardingRuleRequest = src.InsertGlobalForwardingRuleRequest
A request message for GlobalNetworkEndpointGroups.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupRequest = src.InsertGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupRequest
A request message for GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixes.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertGlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixeRequest = src.InsertGlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixeRequest
A request message for HealthChecks.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertHealthCheckRequest = src.InsertHealthCheckRequest
A request message for Images.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertImageRequest = src.InsertImageRequest
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.InsertInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for InstanceGroups.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertInstanceGroupRequest = src.InsertInstanceGroupRequest
A request message for Instances.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertInstanceRequest = src.InsertInstanceRequest
A request message for InstanceTemplates.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertInstanceTemplateRequest = src.InsertInstanceTemplateRequest
A request message for InterconnectAttachments.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertInterconnectAttachmentRequest = src.InsertInterconnectAttachmentRequest
A request message for Interconnects.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertInterconnectRequest = src.InsertInterconnectRequest
A request message for Licenses.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertLicenseRequest = src.InsertLicenseRequest
A request message for MachineImages.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertMachineImageRequest = src.InsertMachineImageRequest
A request message for NetworkEdgeSecurityServices.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertNetworkEdgeSecurityServiceRequest = src.InsertNetworkEdgeSecurityServiceRequest
A request message for NetworkEndpointGroups.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertNetworkEndpointGroupRequest = src.InsertNetworkEndpointGroupRequest
A request message for NetworkFirewallPolicies.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.InsertNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Networks.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertNetworkRequest = src.InsertNetworkRequest
A request message for NodeGroups.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertNodeGroupRequest = src.InsertNodeGroupRequest
A request message for NodeTemplates.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertNodeTemplateRequest = src.InsertNodeTemplateRequest
A request message for PacketMirrorings.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertPacketMirroringRequest = src.InsertPacketMirroringRequest
A request message for PublicAdvertisedPrefixes.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertPublicAdvertisedPrefixeRequest = src.InsertPublicAdvertisedPrefixeRequest
A request message for PublicDelegatedPrefixes.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertPublicDelegatedPrefixeRequest = src.InsertPublicDelegatedPrefixeRequest
A request message for RegionAutoscalers.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionAutoscalerRequest = src.InsertRegionAutoscalerRequest
A request message for RegionBackendServices.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionBackendServiceRequest = src.InsertRegionBackendServiceRequest
A request message for RegionCommitments.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionCommitmentRequest = src.InsertRegionCommitmentRequest
A request message for RegionDisks.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionDiskRequest = src.InsertRegionDiskRequest
A request message for RegionHealthChecks.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionHealthCheckRequest = src.InsertRegionHealthCheckRequest
A request message for RegionHealthCheckServices.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionHealthCheckServiceRequest = src.InsertRegionHealthCheckServiceRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.InsertRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkEndpointGroups.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionNetworkEndpointGroupRequest = src.InsertRegionNetworkEndpointGroupRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.InsertRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionNotificationEndpoints.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionNotificationEndpointRequest = src.InsertRegionNotificationEndpointRequest
A request message for RegionSecurityPolicies.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionSecurityPolicyRequest = src.InsertRegionSecurityPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionSslCertificates.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionSslCertificateRequest = src.InsertRegionSslCertificateRequest
A request message for RegionSslPolicies.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionSslPolicyRequest = src.InsertRegionSslPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionTargetHttpProxies.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionTargetHttpProxyRequest = src.InsertRegionTargetHttpProxyRequest
A request message for RegionTargetHttpsProxies.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionTargetHttpsProxyRequest = src.InsertRegionTargetHttpsProxyRequest
A request message for RegionTargetTcpProxies.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionTargetTcpProxyRequest = src.InsertRegionTargetTcpProxyRequest
A request message for RegionUrlMaps.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRegionUrlMapRequest = src.InsertRegionUrlMapRequest
A request message for Reservations.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertReservationRequest = src.InsertReservationRequest
A request message for ResourcePolicies.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertResourcePolicyRequest = src.InsertResourcePolicyRequest
A request message for Routes.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRouteRequest = src.InsertRouteRequest
A request message for Routers.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertRouterRequest = src.InsertRouterRequest
A request message for SecurityPolicies.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertSecurityPolicyRequest = src.InsertSecurityPolicyRequest
A request message for ServiceAttachments.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertServiceAttachmentRequest = src.InsertServiceAttachmentRequest
A request message for Snapshots.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertSnapshotRequest = src.InsertSnapshotRequest
A request message for SslCertificates.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertSslCertificateRequest = src.InsertSslCertificateRequest
A request message for SslPolicies.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertSslPolicyRequest = src.InsertSslPolicyRequest
A request message for Subnetworks.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertSubnetworkRequest = src.InsertSubnetworkRequest
A request message for TargetGrpcProxies.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertTargetGrpcProxyRequest = src.InsertTargetGrpcProxyRequest
A request message for TargetHttpProxies.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertTargetHttpProxyRequest = src.InsertTargetHttpProxyRequest
A request message for TargetHttpsProxies.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertTargetHttpsProxyRequest = src.InsertTargetHttpsProxyRequest
A request message for TargetInstances.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertTargetInstanceRequest = src.InsertTargetInstanceRequest
A request message for TargetPools.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertTargetPoolRequest = src.InsertTargetPoolRequest
A request message for TargetSslProxies.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertTargetSslProxyRequest = src.InsertTargetSslProxyRequest
A request message for TargetTcpProxies.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertTargetTcpProxyRequest = src.InsertTargetTcpProxyRequest
A request message for TargetVpnGateways.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertTargetVpnGatewayRequest = src.InsertTargetVpnGatewayRequest
A request message for UrlMaps.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertUrlMapRequest = src.InsertUrlMapRequest
A request message for VpnGateways.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertVpnGatewayRequest = src.InsertVpnGatewayRequest
A request message for VpnTunnels.Insert. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InsertVpnTunnelRequest = src.InsertVpnTunnelRequest
Represents an Instance resource. An instance is a virtual machine that is hosted on Google Cloud Platform. For more information, read Virtual Machine Instances.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Instance = src.Instance
type InstanceAggregatedList = src.InstanceAggregatedList
type InstanceConsumptionData = src.InstanceConsumptionData
type InstanceConsumptionInfo = src.InstanceConsumptionInfo
Represents an Instance Group resource. Instance Groups can be used to configure a target for load balancing. Instance groups can either be managed or unmanaged. To create managed instance groups, use the instanceGroupManager or regionInstanceGroupManager resource instead. Use zonal unmanaged instance groups if you need to apply load balancing to groups of heterogeneous instances or if you need to manage the instances yourself. You cannot create regional unmanaged instance groups. For more information, read Instance groups.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroup = src.InstanceGroup
type InstanceGroupAggregatedList = src.InstanceGroupAggregatedList
A list of InstanceGroup resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupList = src.InstanceGroupList
Represents a Managed Instance Group resource. An instance group is a collection of VM instances that you can manage as a single entity. For more information, read Instance groups. For zonal Managed Instance Group, use the instanceGroupManagers resource. For regional Managed Instance Group, use the regionInstanceGroupManagers resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManager = src.InstanceGroupManager
type InstanceGroupManagerActionsSummary = src.InstanceGroupManagerActionsSummary
type InstanceGroupManagerAggregatedList = src.InstanceGroupManagerAggregatedList
type InstanceGroupManagerAutoHealingPolicy = src.InstanceGroupManagerAutoHealingPolicy
[Output Only] A list of managed instance groups.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManagerList = src.InstanceGroupManagerList
type InstanceGroupManagerStatus = src.InstanceGroupManagerStatus
type InstanceGroupManagerStatusStateful = src.InstanceGroupManagerStatusStateful
type InstanceGroupManagerStatusStatefulPerInstanceConfigs = src.InstanceGroupManagerStatusStatefulPerInstanceConfigs
type InstanceGroupManagerStatusVersionTarget = src.InstanceGroupManagerStatusVersionTarget
type InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy
The instance redistribution policy for regional managed instance groups. Valid values are: - PROACTIVE (default): The group attempts to maintain an even distribution of VM instances across zones in the region. - NONE: For non-autoscaled groups, proactive redistribution is disabled. Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons: NONE PROACTIVE
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_InstanceRedistributionType = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_InstanceRedistributionType
Minimal action to be taken on an instance. Use this option to minimize disruption as much as possible or to apply a more disruptive action than is necessary. - To limit disruption as much as possible, set the minimal action to REFRESH. If your update requires a more disruptive action, Compute Engine performs the necessary action to execute the update. - To apply a more disruptive action than is strictly necessary, set the minimal action to RESTART or REPLACE. For example, Compute Engine does not need to restart a VM to change its metadata. But if your application reads instance metadata only when a VM is restarted, you can set the minimal action to RESTART in order to pick up metadata changes. Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons: NONE REFRESH REPLACE RESTART
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_MinimalAction = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_MinimalAction
Most disruptive action that is allowed to be taken on an instance. You can specify either NONE to forbid any actions, REFRESH to allow actions that do not need instance restart, RESTART to allow actions that can be applied without instance replacing or REPLACE to allow all possible actions. If the Updater determines that the minimal update action needed is more disruptive than most disruptive allowed action you specify it will not perform the update at all. Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons: NONE REFRESH REPLACE RESTART
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction
What action should be used to replace instances. See minimal_action.REPLACE
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_ReplacementMethod = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_ReplacementMethod
The type of update process. You can specify either PROACTIVE so that the instance group manager proactively executes actions in order to bring instances to their target versions or OPPORTUNISTIC so that no action is proactively executed but the update will be performed as part of other actions (for example, resizes or recreateInstances calls). Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons: PROACTIVE
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_Type = src.InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy_Type
type InstanceGroupManagerVersion = src.InstanceGroupManagerVersion
Pagination behavior of the listManagedInstances API method for this managed instance group.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManager_ListManagedInstancesResults = src.InstanceGroupManager_ListManagedInstancesResults
type InstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest = src.InstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest = src.InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest
The minimal action that you want to perform on each instance during the update: - REPLACE: At minimum, delete the instance and create it again. - RESTART: Stop the instance and start it again. - REFRESH: Do not stop the instance. - NONE: Do not disrupt the instance at all. By default, the minimum action is NONE. If your update requires a more disruptive action than you set with this flag, the necessary action is performed to execute the update. Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons: NONE REFRESH REPLACE RESTART
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MinimalAction = src.InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MinimalAction
The most disruptive action that you want to perform on each instance during the update: - REPLACE: Delete the instance and create it again. - RESTART: Stop the instance and start it again. - REFRESH: Do not stop the instance. - NONE: Do not disrupt the instance at all. By default, the most disruptive allowed action is REPLACE. If your update requires a more disruptive action than you set with this flag, the update request will fail. Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons: NONE REFRESH REPLACE RESTART
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction = src.InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction
InstanceGroupManagersClient is the client API for InstanceGroupManagers service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManagersClient = src.InstanceGroupManagersClient
func NewInstanceGroupManagersClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) InstanceGroupManagersClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManagersCreateInstancesRequest = src.InstanceGroupManagersCreateInstancesRequest
type InstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest = src.InstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManagersDeletePerInstanceConfigsReq = src.InstanceGroupManagersDeletePerInstanceConfigsReq
type InstanceGroupManagersListErrorsResponse = src.InstanceGroupManagersListErrorsResponse
type InstanceGroupManagersListManagedInstancesResponse = src.InstanceGroupManagersListManagedInstancesResponse
type InstanceGroupManagersListPerInstanceConfigsResp = src.InstanceGroupManagersListPerInstanceConfigsResp
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManagersPatchPerInstanceConfigsReq = src.InstanceGroupManagersPatchPerInstanceConfigsReq
type InstanceGroupManagersRecreateInstancesRequest = src.InstanceGroupManagersRecreateInstancesRequest
type InstanceGroupManagersScopedList = src.InstanceGroupManagersScopedList
InstanceGroupManagersServer is the server API for InstanceGroupManagers service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManagersServer = src.InstanceGroupManagersServer
type InstanceGroupManagersSetInstanceTemplateRequest = src.InstanceGroupManagersSetInstanceTemplateRequest
type InstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest = src.InstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupManagersUpdatePerInstanceConfigsReq = src.InstanceGroupManagersUpdatePerInstanceConfigsReq
type InstanceGroupsAddInstancesRequest = src.InstanceGroupsAddInstancesRequest
InstanceGroupsClient is the client API for InstanceGroups service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupsClient = src.InstanceGroupsClient
func NewInstanceGroupsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) InstanceGroupsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type InstanceGroupsListInstances = src.InstanceGroupsListInstances
type InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest = src.InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest
A filter for the state of the instances in the instance group. Valid options are ALL or RUNNING. If you do not specify this parameter the list includes all instances regardless of their state.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_InstanceState = src.InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_InstanceState
type InstanceGroupsRemoveInstancesRequest = src.InstanceGroupsRemoveInstancesRequest
type InstanceGroupsScopedList = src.InstanceGroupsScopedList
InstanceGroupsServer is the server API for InstanceGroups service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceGroupsServer = src.InstanceGroupsServer
type InstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest = src.InstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest
Contains a list of instances.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceList = src.InstanceList
Contains a list of instance referrers.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceListReferrers = src.InstanceListReferrers
type InstanceManagedByIgmError = src.InstanceManagedByIgmError
type InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails
[Output Only] Action that managed instance group was executing on the instance when the error occurred. Possible values:
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_Action = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails_Action
type InstanceManagedByIgmErrorManagedInstanceError = src.InstanceManagedByIgmErrorManagedInstanceError
type InstanceMoveRequest = src.InstanceMoveRequest
Additional instance params.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceParams = src.InstanceParams
type InstanceProperties = src.InstanceProperties
KeyRevocationActionType of the instance. Supported options are "STOP" and "NONE". The default value is "NONE" if it is not specified.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceProperties_KeyRevocationActionType = src.InstanceProperties_KeyRevocationActionType
The private IPv6 google access type for VMs. If not specified, use INHERIT_FROM_SUBNETWORK as default. Note that for MachineImage, this is not supported yet.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceProperties_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess = src.InstanceProperties_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess
type InstanceReference = src.InstanceReference
Represents an Instance Template resource. You can use instance templates to create VM instances and managed instance groups. For more information, read Instance Templates.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceTemplate = src.InstanceTemplate
A list of instance templates.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceTemplateList = src.InstanceTemplateList
InstanceTemplatesClient is the client API for InstanceTemplates service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceTemplatesClient = src.InstanceTemplatesClient
func NewInstanceTemplatesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) InstanceTemplatesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
InstanceTemplatesServer is the server API for InstanceTemplates service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstanceTemplatesServer = src.InstanceTemplatesServer
type InstanceWithNamedPorts = src.InstanceWithNamedPorts
[Output Only] The status of the instance.
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type InstanceWithNamedPorts_Status = src.InstanceWithNamedPorts_Status
KeyRevocationActionType of the instance. Supported options are "STOP" and "NONE". The default value is "NONE" if it is not specified.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Instance_KeyRevocationActionType = src.Instance_KeyRevocationActionType
The private IPv6 google access type for the VM. If not specified, use INHERIT_FROM_SUBNETWORK as default.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Instance_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess = src.Instance_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess
[Output Only] The status of the instance. One of the following values: PROVISIONING, STAGING, RUNNING, STOPPING, SUSPENDING, SUSPENDED, REPAIRING, and TERMINATED. For more information about the status of the instance, see Instance life cycle.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Instance_Status = src.Instance_Status
type InstancesAddResourcePoliciesRequest = src.InstancesAddResourcePoliciesRequest
InstancesClient is the client API for Instances service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstancesClient = src.InstancesClient
func NewInstancesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) InstancesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponse = src.InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponse
type InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy = src.InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy
[Output Only] The type of the firewall policy. Can be one of HIERARCHY, NETWORK, NETWORK_REGIONAL.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type = src.InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type
type InstancesRemoveResourcePoliciesRequest = src.InstancesRemoveResourcePoliciesRequest
type InstancesScopedList = src.InstancesScopedList
InstancesServer is the server API for Instances service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InstancesServer = src.InstancesServer
type InstancesSetLabelsRequest = src.InstancesSetLabelsRequest
type InstancesSetMachineResourcesRequest = src.InstancesSetMachineResourcesRequest
type InstancesSetMachineTypeRequest = src.InstancesSetMachineTypeRequest
type InstancesSetMinCpuPlatformRequest = src.InstancesSetMinCpuPlatformRequest
type InstancesSetServiceAccountRequest = src.InstancesSetServiceAccountRequest
type InstancesStartWithEncryptionKeyRequest = src.InstancesStartWithEncryptionKeyRequest
HttpRouteRuleMatch criteria for field values that must stay within the specified integer range.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Int64RangeMatch = src.Int64RangeMatch
Represents an Interconnect resource. An Interconnect resource is a dedicated connection between the GCP network and your on-premises network. For more information, read the Dedicated Interconnect Overview.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Interconnect = src.Interconnect
Represents an Interconnect Attachment (VLAN) resource. You can use Interconnect attachments (VLANS) to connect your Virtual Private Cloud networks to your on-premises networks through an Interconnect. For more information, read Creating VLAN Attachments.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectAttachment = src.InterconnectAttachment
type InterconnectAttachmentAggregatedList = src.InterconnectAttachmentAggregatedList
Response to the list request, and contains a list of interconnect attachments.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectAttachmentList = src.InterconnectAttachmentList
Informational metadata about Partner attachments from Partners to display to customers. These fields are propagated from PARTNER_PROVIDER attachments to their corresponding PARTNER attachments.
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type InterconnectAttachmentPartnerMetadata = src.InterconnectAttachmentPartnerMetadata
Information for an interconnect attachment when this belongs to an interconnect of type DEDICATED.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectAttachmentPrivateInfo = src.InterconnectAttachmentPrivateInfo
Provisioned bandwidth capacity for the interconnect attachment. For attachments of type DEDICATED, the user can set the bandwidth. For attachments of type PARTNER, the Google Partner that is operating the interconnect must set the bandwidth. Output only for PARTNER type, mutable for PARTNER_PROVIDER and DEDICATED, and can take one of the following values: - BPS_50M: 50 Mbit/s - BPS_100M: 100 Mbit/s - BPS_200M: 200 Mbit/s - BPS_300M: 300 Mbit/s - BPS_400M: 400 Mbit/s - BPS_500M: 500 Mbit/s - BPS_1G: 1 Gbit/s - BPS_2G: 2 Gbit/s - BPS_5G: 5 Gbit/s - BPS_10G: 10 Gbit/s - BPS_20G: 20 Gbit/s - BPS_50G: 50 Gbit/s
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectAttachment_Bandwidth = src.InterconnectAttachment_Bandwidth
Desired availability domain for the attachment. Only available for type PARTNER, at creation time, and can take one of the following values: - AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN_ANY - AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN_1 - AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN_2 For improved reliability, customers should configure a pair of attachments, one per availability domain. The selected availability domain will be provided to the Partner via the pairing key, so that the provisioned circuit will lie in the specified domain. If not specified, the value will default to AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN_ANY.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectAttachment_EdgeAvailabilityDomain = src.InterconnectAttachment_EdgeAvailabilityDomain
Indicates the user-supplied encryption option of this VLAN attachment (interconnectAttachment). Can only be specified at attachment creation for PARTNER or DEDICATED attachments. Possible values are: - NONE - This is the default value, which means that the VLAN attachment carries unencrypted traffic. VMs are able to send traffic to, or receive traffic from, such a VLAN attachment. - IPSEC - The VLAN attachment carries only encrypted traffic that is encrypted by an IPsec device, such as an HA VPN gateway or third-party IPsec VPN. VMs cannot directly send traffic to, or receive traffic from, such a VLAN attachment. To use *HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect*, the VLAN attachment must be created with this option.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectAttachment_Encryption = src.InterconnectAttachment_Encryption
[Output Only] The current status of whether or not this interconnect attachment is functional, which can take one of the following values: - OS_ACTIVE: The attachment has been turned up and is ready to use. - OS_UNPROVISIONED: The attachment is not ready to use yet, because turnup is not complete.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectAttachment_OperationalStatus = src.InterconnectAttachment_OperationalStatus
The stack type for this interconnect attachment to identify whether the IPv6 feature is enabled or not. If not specified, IPV4_ONLY will be used. This field can be both set at interconnect attachments creation and update interconnect attachment operations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectAttachment_StackType = src.InterconnectAttachment_StackType
[Output Only] The current state of this attachment's functionality. Enum values ACTIVE and UNPROVISIONED are shared by DEDICATED/PRIVATE, PARTNER, and PARTNER_PROVIDER interconnect attachments, while enum values PENDING_PARTNER, PARTNER_REQUEST_RECEIVED, and PENDING_CUSTOMER are used for only PARTNER and PARTNER_PROVIDER interconnect attachments. This state can take one of the following values: - ACTIVE: The attachment has been turned up and is ready to use. - UNPROVISIONED: The attachment is not ready to use yet, because turnup is not complete. - PENDING_PARTNER: A newly-created PARTNER attachment that has not yet been configured on the Partner side. - PARTNER_REQUEST_RECEIVED: A PARTNER attachment is in the process of provisioning after a PARTNER_PROVIDER attachment was created that references it. - PENDING_CUSTOMER: A PARTNER or PARTNER_PROVIDER attachment that is waiting for a customer to activate it. - DEFUNCT: The attachment was deleted externally and is no longer functional. This could be because the associated Interconnect was removed, or because the other side of a Partner attachment was deleted.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectAttachment_State = src.InterconnectAttachment_State
The type of interconnect attachment this is, which can take one of the following values: - DEDICATED: an attachment to a Dedicated Interconnect. - PARTNER: an attachment to a Partner Interconnect, created by the customer. - PARTNER_PROVIDER: an attachment to a Partner Interconnect, created by the partner.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectAttachment_Type = src.InterconnectAttachment_Type
InterconnectAttachmentsClient is the client API for InterconnectAttachments service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectAttachmentsClient = src.InterconnectAttachmentsClient
func NewInterconnectAttachmentsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) InterconnectAttachmentsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type InterconnectAttachmentsScopedList = src.InterconnectAttachmentsScopedList
InterconnectAttachmentsServer is the server API for InterconnectAttachments service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectAttachmentsServer = src.InterconnectAttachmentsServer
Describes a single physical circuit between the Customer and Google. CircuitInfo objects are created by Google, so all fields are output only.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectCircuitInfo = src.InterconnectCircuitInfo
Diagnostics information about interconnect, contains detailed and current technical information about Google's side of the connection.
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type InterconnectDiagnostics = src.InterconnectDiagnostics
Describing the ARP neighbor entries seen on this link
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectDiagnosticsARPEntry = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsARPEntry
type InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkLACPStatus = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkLACPStatus
The state of a LACP link, which can take one of the following values: - ACTIVE: The link is configured and active within the bundle. - DETACHED: The link is not configured within the bundle. This means that the rest of the object should be empty.
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type InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkLACPStatus_State = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkLACPStatus_State
type InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower
The status of the current value when compared to the warning and alarm levels for the receiving or transmitting transceiver. Possible states include: - OK: The value has not crossed a warning threshold. - LOW_WARNING: The value has crossed below the low warning threshold. - HIGH_WARNING: The value has crossed above the high warning threshold. - LOW_ALARM: The value has crossed below the low alarm threshold. - HIGH_ALARM: The value has crossed above the high alarm threshold.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_State = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower_State
type InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkStatus = src.InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkStatus
Response to the list request, and contains a list of interconnects.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectList = src.InterconnectList
Represents an Interconnect Attachment (VLAN) Location resource. You can use this resource to find location details about an Interconnect attachment (VLAN). For more information about interconnect attachments, read Creating VLAN Attachments.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectLocation = src.InterconnectLocation
Response to the list request, and contains a list of interconnect locations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectLocationList = src.InterconnectLocationList
Information about any potential InterconnectAttachments between an Interconnect at a specific InterconnectLocation, and a specific Cloud Region.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectLocationRegionInfo = src.InterconnectLocationRegionInfo
Identifies the network presence of this location.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectLocationRegionInfo_LocationPresence = src.InterconnectLocationRegionInfo_LocationPresence
[Output Only] Continent for this location, which can take one of the following values: - AFRICA - ASIA_PAC - EUROPE - NORTH_AMERICA - SOUTH_AMERICA
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectLocation_Continent = src.InterconnectLocation_Continent
[Output Only] The status of this InterconnectLocation, which can take one of the following values: - CLOSED: The InterconnectLocation is closed and is unavailable for provisioning new Interconnects. - AVAILABLE: The InterconnectLocation is available for provisioning new Interconnects.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectLocation_Status = src.InterconnectLocation_Status
InterconnectLocationsClient is the client API for InterconnectLocations service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectLocationsClient = src.InterconnectLocationsClient
func NewInterconnectLocationsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) InterconnectLocationsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
InterconnectLocationsServer is the server API for InterconnectLocations service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectLocationsServer = src.InterconnectLocationsServer
Description of a planned outage on this Interconnect.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectOutageNotification = src.InterconnectOutageNotification
Form this outage is expected to take, which can take one of the following values: - OUTAGE: The Interconnect may be completely out of service for some or all of the specified window. - PARTIAL_OUTAGE: Some circuits comprising the Interconnect as a whole should remain up, but with reduced bandwidth. Note that the versions of this enum prefixed with "IT_" have been deprecated in favor of the unprefixed values.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectOutageNotification_IssueType = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_IssueType
The party that generated this notification, which can take the following value: - GOOGLE: this notification as generated by Google. Note that the value of NSRC_GOOGLE has been deprecated in favor of GOOGLE.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectOutageNotification_Source = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_Source
State of this notification, which can take one of the following values: - ACTIVE: This outage notification is active. The event could be in the past, present, or future. See start_time and end_time for scheduling. - CANCELLED: The outage associated with this notification was cancelled before the outage was due to start. - COMPLETED: The outage associated with this notification is complete. Note that the versions of this enum prefixed with "NS_" have been deprecated in favor of the unprefixed values.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectOutageNotification_State = src.InterconnectOutageNotification_State
Type of interconnect, which can take one of the following values: - PARTNER: A partner-managed interconnection shared between customers though a partner. - DEDICATED: A dedicated physical interconnection with the customer. Note that a value IT_PRIVATE has been deprecated in favor of DEDICATED.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Interconnect_InterconnectType = src.Interconnect_InterconnectType
Type of link requested, which can take one of the following values: - LINK_TYPE_ETHERNET_10G_LR: A 10G Ethernet with LR optics - LINK_TYPE_ETHERNET_100G_LR: A 100G Ethernet with LR optics. Note that this field indicates the speed of each of the links in the bundle, not the speed of the entire bundle.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Interconnect_LinkType = src.Interconnect_LinkType
[Output Only] The current status of this Interconnect's functionality, which can take one of the following values: - OS_ACTIVE: A valid Interconnect, which is turned up and is ready to use. Attachments may be provisioned on this Interconnect. - OS_UNPROVISIONED: An Interconnect that has not completed turnup. No attachments may be provisioned on this Interconnect. - OS_UNDER_MAINTENANCE: An Interconnect that is undergoing internal maintenance. No attachments may be provisioned or updated on this Interconnect.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Interconnect_OperationalStatus = src.Interconnect_OperationalStatus
[Output Only] The current state of Interconnect functionality, which can take one of the following values: - ACTIVE: The Interconnect is valid, turned up and ready to use. Attachments may be provisioned on this Interconnect. - UNPROVISIONED: The Interconnect has not completed turnup. No attachments may be provisioned on this Interconnect. - UNDER_MAINTENANCE: The Interconnect is undergoing internal maintenance. No attachments may be provisioned or updated on this Interconnect.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Interconnect_State = src.Interconnect_State
InterconnectsClient is the client API for Interconnects service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectsClient = src.InterconnectsClient
func NewInterconnectsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) InterconnectsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
Response for the InterconnectsGetDiagnosticsRequest.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectsGetDiagnosticsResponse = src.InterconnectsGetDiagnosticsResponse
InterconnectsServer is the server API for Interconnects service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InterconnectsServer = src.InterconnectsServer
A request message for UrlMaps.InvalidateCache. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type InvalidateCacheUrlMapRequest = src.InvalidateCacheUrlMapRequest
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Items = src.Items
Represents a License resource. A License represents billing and aggregate usage data for public and marketplace images. *Caution* This resource is intended for use only by third-party partners who are creating Cloud Marketplace images.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type License = src.License
Represents a License Code resource. A License Code is a unique identifier used to represent a license resource. *Caution* This resource is intended for use only by third-party partners who are creating Cloud Marketplace images.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LicenseCode = src.LicenseCode
type LicenseCodeLicenseAlias = src.LicenseCodeLicenseAlias
[Output Only] Current state of this License Code.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LicenseCode_State = src.LicenseCode_State
LicenseCodesClient is the client API for LicenseCodes service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LicenseCodesClient = src.LicenseCodesClient
func NewLicenseCodesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) LicenseCodesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
LicenseCodesServer is the server API for LicenseCodes service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LicenseCodesServer = src.LicenseCodesServer
Commitment for a particular license resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LicenseResourceCommitment = src.LicenseResourceCommitment
type LicenseResourceRequirements = src.LicenseResourceRequirements
LicensesClient is the client API for Licenses service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LicensesClient = src.LicensesClient
func NewLicensesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) LicensesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type LicensesListResponse = src.LicensesListResponse
LicensesServer is the server API for Licenses service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LicensesServer = src.LicensesServer
A request message for AcceleratorTypes.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListAcceleratorTypesRequest = src.ListAcceleratorTypesRequest
A request message for Addresses.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListAddressesRequest = src.ListAddressesRequest
A request message for FirewallPolicies.ListAssociations. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListAssociationsFirewallPolicyRequest = src.ListAssociationsFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Autoscalers.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListAutoscalersRequest = src.ListAutoscalersRequest
A request message for RegionSslPolicies.ListAvailableFeatures. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListAvailableFeaturesRegionSslPoliciesRequest = src.ListAvailableFeaturesRegionSslPoliciesRequest
A request message for SslPolicies.ListAvailableFeatures. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListAvailableFeaturesSslPoliciesRequest = src.ListAvailableFeaturesSslPoliciesRequest
A request message for BackendBuckets.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListBackendBucketsRequest = src.ListBackendBucketsRequest
A request message for BackendServices.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListBackendServicesRequest = src.ListBackendServicesRequest
A request message for DiskTypes.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListDiskTypesRequest = src.ListDiskTypesRequest
A request message for Disks.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListDisksRequest = src.ListDisksRequest
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.ListErrors. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListErrorsInstanceGroupManagersRequest = src.ListErrorsInstanceGroupManagersRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.ListErrors. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListErrorsRegionInstanceGroupManagersRequest = src.ListErrorsRegionInstanceGroupManagersRequest
A request message for ExternalVpnGateways.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListExternalVpnGatewaysRequest = src.ListExternalVpnGatewaysRequest
A request message for FirewallPolicies.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListFirewallPoliciesRequest = src.ListFirewallPoliciesRequest
A request message for Firewalls.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListFirewallsRequest = src.ListFirewallsRequest
A request message for ForwardingRules.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListForwardingRulesRequest = src.ListForwardingRulesRequest
A request message for GlobalAddresses.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListGlobalAddressesRequest = src.ListGlobalAddressesRequest
A request message for GlobalForwardingRules.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListGlobalForwardingRulesRequest = src.ListGlobalForwardingRulesRequest
A request message for GlobalNetworkEndpointGroups.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsRequest = src.ListGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsRequest
A request message for GlobalOperations.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListGlobalOperationsRequest = src.ListGlobalOperationsRequest
A request message for GlobalOrganizationOperations.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListGlobalOrganizationOperationsRequest = src.ListGlobalOrganizationOperationsRequest
A request message for GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixes.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListGlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesRequest = src.ListGlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesRequest
A request message for HealthChecks.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListHealthChecksRequest = src.ListHealthChecksRequest
A request message for Images.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListImagesRequest = src.ListImagesRequest
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListInstanceGroupManagersRequest = src.ListInstanceGroupManagersRequest
A request message for InstanceGroups.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListInstanceGroupsRequest = src.ListInstanceGroupsRequest
A request message for InstanceTemplates.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListInstanceTemplatesRequest = src.ListInstanceTemplatesRequest
A request message for InstanceGroups.ListInstances. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListInstancesInstanceGroupsRequest = src.ListInstancesInstanceGroupsRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroups.ListInstances. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListInstancesRegionInstanceGroupsRequest = src.ListInstancesRegionInstanceGroupsRequest
A request message for Instances.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListInstancesRequest = src.ListInstancesRequest
A request message for InterconnectAttachments.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListInterconnectAttachmentsRequest = src.ListInterconnectAttachmentsRequest
A request message for InterconnectLocations.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListInterconnectLocationsRequest = src.ListInterconnectLocationsRequest
A request message for Interconnects.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListInterconnectsRequest = src.ListInterconnectsRequest
A request message for Licenses.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListLicensesRequest = src.ListLicensesRequest
A request message for MachineImages.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListMachineImagesRequest = src.ListMachineImagesRequest
A request message for MachineTypes.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListMachineTypesRequest = src.ListMachineTypesRequest
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.ListManagedInstances. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListManagedInstancesInstanceGroupManagersRequest = src.ListManagedInstancesInstanceGroupManagersRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.ListManagedInstances. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListManagedInstancesRegionInstanceGroupManagersRequest = src.ListManagedInstancesRegionInstanceGroupManagersRequest
A request message for NetworkEndpointGroups.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListNetworkEndpointGroupsRequest = src.ListNetworkEndpointGroupsRequest
A request message for GlobalNetworkEndpointGroups.ListNetworkEndpoints. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListNetworkEndpointsGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsRequest = src.ListNetworkEndpointsGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsRequest
A request message for NetworkEndpointGroups.ListNetworkEndpoints. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListNetworkEndpointsNetworkEndpointGroupsRequest = src.ListNetworkEndpointsNetworkEndpointGroupsRequest
A request message for NetworkFirewallPolicies.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListNetworkFirewallPoliciesRequest = src.ListNetworkFirewallPoliciesRequest
A request message for Networks.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListNetworksRequest = src.ListNetworksRequest
A request message for NodeGroups.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListNodeGroupsRequest = src.ListNodeGroupsRequest
A request message for NodeTemplates.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListNodeTemplatesRequest = src.ListNodeTemplatesRequest
A request message for NodeTypes.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListNodeTypesRequest = src.ListNodeTypesRequest
A request message for NodeGroups.ListNodes. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListNodesNodeGroupsRequest = src.ListNodesNodeGroupsRequest
A request message for PacketMirrorings.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListPacketMirroringsRequest = src.ListPacketMirroringsRequest
A request message for Networks.ListPeeringRoutes. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListPeeringRoutesNetworksRequest = src.ListPeeringRoutesNetworksRequest
The direction of the exchanged routes.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListPeeringRoutesNetworksRequest_Direction = src.ListPeeringRoutesNetworksRequest_Direction
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.ListPerInstanceConfigs. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListPerInstanceConfigsInstanceGroupManagersRequest = src.ListPerInstanceConfigsInstanceGroupManagersRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.ListPerInstanceConfigs. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListPerInstanceConfigsRegionInstanceGroupManagersRequest = src.ListPerInstanceConfigsRegionInstanceGroupManagersRequest
A request message for SecurityPolicies.ListPreconfiguredExpressionSets. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListPreconfiguredExpressionSetsSecurityPoliciesRequest = src.ListPreconfiguredExpressionSetsSecurityPoliciesRequest
A request message for PublicAdvertisedPrefixes.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListPublicAdvertisedPrefixesRequest = src.ListPublicAdvertisedPrefixesRequest
A request message for PublicDelegatedPrefixes.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListPublicDelegatedPrefixesRequest = src.ListPublicDelegatedPrefixesRequest
A request message for Instances.ListReferrers. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListReferrersInstancesRequest = src.ListReferrersInstancesRequest
A request message for RegionAutoscalers.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionAutoscalersRequest = src.ListRegionAutoscalersRequest
A request message for RegionBackendServices.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionBackendServicesRequest = src.ListRegionBackendServicesRequest
A request message for RegionCommitments.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionCommitmentsRequest = src.ListRegionCommitmentsRequest
A request message for RegionDiskTypes.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionDiskTypesRequest = src.ListRegionDiskTypesRequest
A request message for RegionDisks.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionDisksRequest = src.ListRegionDisksRequest
A request message for RegionHealthCheckServices.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionHealthCheckServicesRequest = src.ListRegionHealthCheckServicesRequest
A request message for RegionHealthChecks.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionHealthChecksRequest = src.ListRegionHealthChecksRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionInstanceGroupManagersRequest = src.ListRegionInstanceGroupManagersRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroups.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionInstanceGroupsRequest = src.ListRegionInstanceGroupsRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkEndpointGroups.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionNetworkEndpointGroupsRequest = src.ListRegionNetworkEndpointGroupsRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesRequest = src.ListRegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesRequest
A request message for RegionNotificationEndpoints.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionNotificationEndpointsRequest = src.ListRegionNotificationEndpointsRequest
A request message for RegionOperations.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionOperationsRequest = src.ListRegionOperationsRequest
A request message for RegionSecurityPolicies.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionSecurityPoliciesRequest = src.ListRegionSecurityPoliciesRequest
A request message for RegionSslCertificates.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionSslCertificatesRequest = src.ListRegionSslCertificatesRequest
A request message for RegionSslPolicies.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionSslPoliciesRequest = src.ListRegionSslPoliciesRequest
A request message for RegionTargetHttpProxies.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionTargetHttpProxiesRequest = src.ListRegionTargetHttpProxiesRequest
A request message for RegionTargetHttpsProxies.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionTargetHttpsProxiesRequest = src.ListRegionTargetHttpsProxiesRequest
A request message for RegionTargetTcpProxies.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionTargetTcpProxiesRequest = src.ListRegionTargetTcpProxiesRequest
A request message for RegionUrlMaps.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionUrlMapsRequest = src.ListRegionUrlMapsRequest
A request message for Regions.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRegionsRequest = src.ListRegionsRequest
A request message for Reservations.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListReservationsRequest = src.ListReservationsRequest
A request message for ResourcePolicies.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListResourcePoliciesRequest = src.ListResourcePoliciesRequest
A request message for Routers.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRoutersRequest = src.ListRoutersRequest
A request message for Routes.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListRoutesRequest = src.ListRoutesRequest
A request message for SecurityPolicies.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListSecurityPoliciesRequest = src.ListSecurityPoliciesRequest
A request message for ServiceAttachments.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListServiceAttachmentsRequest = src.ListServiceAttachmentsRequest
A request message for Snapshots.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListSnapshotsRequest = src.ListSnapshotsRequest
A request message for SslCertificates.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListSslCertificatesRequest = src.ListSslCertificatesRequest
A request message for SslPolicies.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListSslPoliciesRequest = src.ListSslPoliciesRequest
A request message for Subnetworks.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListSubnetworksRequest = src.ListSubnetworksRequest
A request message for TargetGrpcProxies.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListTargetGrpcProxiesRequest = src.ListTargetGrpcProxiesRequest
A request message for TargetHttpProxies.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListTargetHttpProxiesRequest = src.ListTargetHttpProxiesRequest
A request message for TargetHttpsProxies.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListTargetHttpsProxiesRequest = src.ListTargetHttpsProxiesRequest
A request message for TargetInstances.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListTargetInstancesRequest = src.ListTargetInstancesRequest
A request message for TargetPools.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListTargetPoolsRequest = src.ListTargetPoolsRequest
A request message for TargetSslProxies.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListTargetSslProxiesRequest = src.ListTargetSslProxiesRequest
A request message for TargetTcpProxies.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListTargetTcpProxiesRequest = src.ListTargetTcpProxiesRequest
A request message for TargetVpnGateways.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListTargetVpnGatewaysRequest = src.ListTargetVpnGatewaysRequest
A request message for UrlMaps.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListUrlMapsRequest = src.ListUrlMapsRequest
A request message for Subnetworks.ListUsable. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListUsableSubnetworksRequest = src.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest
A request message for VpnGateways.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListVpnGatewaysRequest = src.ListVpnGatewaysRequest
A request message for VpnTunnels.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListVpnTunnelsRequest = src.ListVpnTunnelsRequest
A request message for Projects.ListXpnHosts. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListXpnHostsProjectsRequest = src.ListXpnHostsProjectsRequest
A request message for ZoneOperations.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListZoneOperationsRequest = src.ListZoneOperationsRequest
A request message for Zones.List. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListZonesRequest = src.ListZonesRequest
type LocalDisk = src.LocalDisk
Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LocalizedMessage = src.LocalizedMessage
Configuration for location policy among multiple possible locations (e.g. preferences for zone selection among zones in a single region).
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LocationPolicy = src.LocationPolicy
type LocationPolicyLocation = src.LocationPolicyLocation
Per-zone constraints on location policy for this zone.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LocationPolicyLocationConstraints = src.LocationPolicyLocationConstraints
Preference for a given location. Set to either ALLOW or DENY.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LocationPolicyLocation_Preference = src.LocationPolicyLocation_Preference
Strategy for distributing VMs across zones in a region.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LocationPolicy_TargetShape = src.LocationPolicy_TargetShape
This is deprecated and has no effect. Do not use.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LogConfig = src.LogConfig
This is deprecated and has no effect. Do not use.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LogConfigCloudAuditOptions = src.LogConfigCloudAuditOptions
This is deprecated and has no effect. Do not use.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LogConfigCloudAuditOptions_LogName = src.LogConfigCloudAuditOptions_LogName
This is deprecated and has no effect. Do not use.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LogConfigCounterOptions = src.LogConfigCounterOptions
This is deprecated and has no effect. Do not use.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LogConfigCounterOptionsCustomField = src.LogConfigCounterOptionsCustomField
This is deprecated and has no effect. Do not use.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LogConfigDataAccessOptions = src.LogConfigDataAccessOptions
This is deprecated and has no effect. Do not use.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type LogConfigDataAccessOptions_LogMode = src.LogConfigDataAccessOptions_LogMode
Represents a machine image resource. A machine image is a Compute Engine resource that stores all the configuration, metadata, permissions, and data from one or more disks required to create a Virtual machine (VM) instance. For more information, see Machine images.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MachineImage = src.MachineImage
A list of machine images.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MachineImageList = src.MachineImageList
[Output Only] The status of the machine image. One of the following values: INVALID, CREATING, READY, DELETING, and UPLOADING.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MachineImage_Status = src.MachineImage_Status
MachineImagesClient is the client API for MachineImages service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MachineImagesClient = src.MachineImagesClient
func NewMachineImagesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) MachineImagesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
MachineImagesServer is the server API for MachineImages service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MachineImagesServer = src.MachineImagesServer
Represents a Machine Type resource. You can use specific machine types for your VM instances based on performance and pricing requirements. For more information, read Machine Types.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MachineType = src.MachineType
type MachineTypeAggregatedList = src.MachineTypeAggregatedList
Contains a list of machine types.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MachineTypeList = src.MachineTypeList
MachineTypesClient is the client API for MachineTypes service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MachineTypesClient = src.MachineTypesClient
func NewMachineTypesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) MachineTypesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type MachineTypesScopedList = src.MachineTypesScopedList
MachineTypesServer is the server API for MachineTypes service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MachineTypesServer = src.MachineTypesServer
A Managed Instance resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ManagedInstance = src.ManagedInstance
type ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth = src.ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth
[Output Only] The current detailed instance health state.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_DetailedHealthState = src.ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth_DetailedHealthState
type ManagedInstanceLastAttempt = src.ManagedInstanceLastAttempt
type ManagedInstanceVersion = src.ManagedInstanceVersion
[Output Only] The current action that the managed instance group has scheduled for the instance. Possible values: - NONE The instance is running, and the managed instance group does not have any scheduled actions for this instance. - CREATING The managed instance group is creating this instance. If the group fails to create this instance, it will try again until it is successful. - CREATING_WITHOUT_RETRIES The managed instance group is attempting to create this instance only once. If the group fails to create this instance, it does not try again and the group's targetSize value is decreased instead. - RECREATING The managed instance group is recreating this instance. - DELETING The managed instance group is permanently deleting this instance. - ABANDONING The managed instance group is abandoning this instance. The instance will be removed from the instance group and from any target pools that are associated with this group. - RESTARTING The managed instance group is restarting the instance. - REFRESHING The managed instance group is applying configuration changes to the instance without stopping it. For example, the group can update the target pool list for an instance without stopping that instance. - VERIFYING The managed instance group has created the instance and it is in the process of being verified. Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons: STOPPING SUSPENDING
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ManagedInstance_CurrentAction = src.ManagedInstance_CurrentAction
[Output Only] The status of the instance. This field is empty when the instance does not exist. Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons: STOPPING SUSPENDING
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ManagedInstance_InstanceStatus = src.ManagedInstance_InstanceStatus
A metadata key/value entry.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Metadata = src.Metadata
Opaque filter criteria used by load balancers to restrict routing configuration to a limited set of load balancing proxies. Proxies and sidecars involved in load balancing would typically present metadata to the load balancers that need to match criteria specified here. If a match takes place, the relevant configuration is made available to those proxies. For each metadataFilter in this list, if its filterMatchCriteria is set to MATCH_ANY, at least one of the filterLabels must match the corresponding label provided in the metadata. If its filterMatchCriteria is set to MATCH_ALL, then all of its filterLabels must match with corresponding labels provided in the metadata. An example for using metadataFilters would be: if load balancing involves Envoys, they receive routing configuration when values in metadataFilters match values supplied in of their XDS requests to loadbalancers.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MetadataFilter = src.MetadataFilter
MetadataFilter label name value pairs that are expected to match corresponding labels presented as metadata to the load balancer.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MetadataFilterLabelMatch = src.MetadataFilterLabelMatch
Specifies how individual filter label matches within the list of filterLabels and contributes toward the overall metadataFilter match. Supported values are: - MATCH_ANY: at least one of the filterLabels must have a matching label in the provided metadata. - MATCH_ALL: all filterLabels must have matching labels in the provided metadata.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MetadataFilter_FilterMatchCriteria = src.MetadataFilter_FilterMatchCriteria
A request message for Projects.MoveDisk. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MoveDiskProjectRequest = src.MoveDiskProjectRequest
A request message for FirewallPolicies.Move. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MoveFirewallPolicyRequest = src.MoveFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Projects.MoveInstance. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type MoveInstanceProjectRequest = src.MoveInstanceProjectRequest
The named port. For example: <"http", 80>.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NamedPort = src.NamedPort
Represents a VPC Network resource. Networks connect resources to each other and to the internet. For more information, read Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Network.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Network = src.Network
Represents a Google Cloud Armor network edge security service resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkEdgeSecurityService = src.NetworkEdgeSecurityService
type NetworkEdgeSecurityServiceAggregatedList = src.NetworkEdgeSecurityServiceAggregatedList
NetworkEdgeSecurityServicesClient is the client API for NetworkEdgeSecurityServices service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkEdgeSecurityServicesClient = src.NetworkEdgeSecurityServicesClient
func NewNetworkEdgeSecurityServicesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) NetworkEdgeSecurityServicesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type NetworkEdgeSecurityServicesScopedList = src.NetworkEdgeSecurityServicesScopedList
NetworkEdgeSecurityServicesServer is the server API for NetworkEdgeSecurityServices service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkEdgeSecurityServicesServer = src.NetworkEdgeSecurityServicesServer
The network endpoint.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkEndpoint = src.NetworkEndpoint
Represents a collection of network endpoints. A network endpoint group (NEG) defines how a set of endpoints should be reached, whether they are reachable, and where they are located. For more information about using NEGs, see Setting up external HTTP(S) Load Balancing with internet NEGs, Setting up zonal NEGs, or Setting up external HTTP(S) Load Balancing with serverless NEGs.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkEndpointGroup = src.NetworkEndpointGroup
type NetworkEndpointGroupAggregatedList = src.NetworkEndpointGroupAggregatedList
Configuration for an App Engine network endpoint group (NEG). The service is optional, may be provided explicitly or in the URL mask. The version is optional and can only be provided explicitly or in the URL mask when service is present. Note: App Engine service must be in the same project and located in the same region as the Serverless NEG.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkEndpointGroupAppEngine = src.NetworkEndpointGroupAppEngine
Configuration for a Cloud Function network endpoint group (NEG). The function must be provided explicitly or in the URL mask. Note: Cloud Function must be in the same project and located in the same region as the Serverless NEG.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkEndpointGroupCloudFunction = src.NetworkEndpointGroupCloudFunction
Configuration for a Cloud Run network endpoint group (NEG). The service must be provided explicitly or in the URL mask. The tag is optional, may be provided explicitly or in the URL mask. Note: Cloud Run service must be in the same project and located in the same region as the Serverless NEG.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkEndpointGroupCloudRun = src.NetworkEndpointGroupCloudRun
type NetworkEndpointGroupList = src.NetworkEndpointGroupList
All data that is specifically relevant to only network endpoint groups of type PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkEndpointGroupPscData = src.NetworkEndpointGroupPscData
[Output Only] The connection status of the PSC Forwarding Rule.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_PscConnectionStatus = src.NetworkEndpointGroupPscData_PscConnectionStatus
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkEndpointGroup_NetworkEndpointType = src.NetworkEndpointGroup_NetworkEndpointType
type NetworkEndpointGroupsAttachEndpointsRequest = src.NetworkEndpointGroupsAttachEndpointsRequest
NetworkEndpointGroupsClient is the client API for NetworkEndpointGroups service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkEndpointGroupsClient = src.NetworkEndpointGroupsClient
func NewNetworkEndpointGroupsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) NetworkEndpointGroupsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type NetworkEndpointGroupsDetachEndpointsRequest = src.NetworkEndpointGroupsDetachEndpointsRequest
type NetworkEndpointGroupsListEndpointsRequest = src.NetworkEndpointGroupsListEndpointsRequest
Optional query parameter for showing the health status of each network endpoint. Valid options are SKIP or SHOW. If you don't specify this parameter, the health status of network endpoints will not be provided.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkEndpointGroupsListEndpointsRequest_HealthStatus = src.NetworkEndpointGroupsListEndpointsRequest_HealthStatus
type NetworkEndpointGroupsListNetworkEndpoints = src.NetworkEndpointGroupsListNetworkEndpoints
type NetworkEndpointGroupsScopedList = src.NetworkEndpointGroupsScopedList
NetworkEndpointGroupsServer is the server API for NetworkEndpointGroups service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkEndpointGroupsServer = src.NetworkEndpointGroupsServer
type NetworkEndpointWithHealthStatus = src.NetworkEndpointWithHealthStatus
NetworkFirewallPoliciesClient is the client API for NetworkFirewallPolicies service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkFirewallPoliciesClient = src.NetworkFirewallPoliciesClient
func NewNetworkFirewallPoliciesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) NetworkFirewallPoliciesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
NetworkFirewallPoliciesServer is the server API for NetworkFirewallPolicies service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkFirewallPoliciesServer = src.NetworkFirewallPoliciesServer
A network interface resource attached to an instance.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkInterface = src.NetworkInterface
[Output Only] One of EXTERNAL, INTERNAL to indicate whether the IP can be accessed from the Internet. This field is always inherited from its subnetwork. Valid only if stackType is IPV4_IPV6.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkInterface_Ipv6AccessType = src.NetworkInterface_Ipv6AccessType
The type of vNIC to be used on this interface. This may be gVNIC or VirtioNet.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkInterface_NicType = src.NetworkInterface_NicType
The stack type for this network interface to identify whether the IPv6 feature is enabled or not. If not specified, IPV4_ONLY will be used. This field can be both set at instance creation and update network interface operations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkInterface_StackType = src.NetworkInterface_StackType
Contains a list of networks.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkList = src.NetworkList
A network peering attached to a network resource. The message includes the peering name, peer network, peering state, and a flag indicating whether Google Compute Engine should automatically create routes for the peering.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkPeering = src.NetworkPeering
Which IP version(s) of traffic and routes are allowed to be imported or exported between peer networks. The default value is IPV4_ONLY.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkPeering_StackType = src.NetworkPeering_StackType
[Output Only] State for the peering, either `ACTIVE` or `INACTIVE`. The peering is `ACTIVE` when there's a matching configuration in the peer network.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkPeering_State = src.NetworkPeering_State
type NetworkPerformanceConfig = src.NetworkPerformanceConfig
type NetworkPerformanceConfig_TotalEgressBandwidthTier = src.NetworkPerformanceConfig_TotalEgressBandwidthTier
A routing configuration attached to a network resource. The message includes the list of routers associated with the network, and a flag indicating the type of routing behavior to enforce network-wide.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkRoutingConfig = src.NetworkRoutingConfig
The network-wide routing mode to use. If set to REGIONAL, this network's Cloud Routers will only advertise routes with subnets of this network in the same region as the router. If set to GLOBAL, this network's Cloud Routers will advertise routes with all subnets of this network, across regions.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworkRoutingConfig_RoutingMode = src.NetworkRoutingConfig_RoutingMode
The network firewall policy enforcement order. Can be either AFTER_CLASSIC_FIREWALL or BEFORE_CLASSIC_FIREWALL. Defaults to AFTER_CLASSIC_FIREWALL if the field is not specified.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Network_NetworkFirewallPolicyEnforcementOrder = src.Network_NetworkFirewallPolicyEnforcementOrder
type NetworksAddPeeringRequest = src.NetworksAddPeeringRequest
NetworksClient is the client API for Networks service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworksClient = src.NetworksClient
func NewNetworksClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) NetworksClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponse = src.NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponse
type NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy = src.NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy
[Output Only] The type of the firewall policy.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type = src.NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type
type NetworksRemovePeeringRequest = src.NetworksRemovePeeringRequest
NetworksServer is the server API for Networks service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NetworksServer = src.NetworksServer
type NetworksUpdatePeeringRequest = src.NetworksUpdatePeeringRequest
Represents a sole-tenant Node Group resource. A sole-tenant node is a physical server that is dedicated to hosting VM instances only for your specific project. Use sole-tenant nodes to keep your instances physically separated from instances in other projects, or to group your instances together on the same host hardware. For more information, read Sole-tenant nodes.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeGroup = src.NodeGroup
type NodeGroupAggregatedList = src.NodeGroupAggregatedList
type NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy = src.NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy
The autoscaling mode. Set to one of: ON, OFF, or ONLY_SCALE_OUT. For more information, see Autoscaler modes.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy_Mode = src.NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy_Mode
Contains a list of nodeGroups.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeGroupList = src.NodeGroupList
Time window specified for daily maintenance operations. GCE's internal maintenance will be performed within this window.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeGroupMaintenanceWindow = src.NodeGroupMaintenanceWindow
type NodeGroupNode = src.NodeGroupNode
CPU overcommit.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeGroupNode_CpuOvercommitType = src.NodeGroupNode_CpuOvercommitType
type NodeGroupNode_Status = src.NodeGroupNode_Status
Specifies how to handle instances when a node in the group undergoes maintenance. Set to one of: DEFAULT, RESTART_IN_PLACE, or MIGRATE_WITHIN_NODE_GROUP. The default value is DEFAULT. For more information, see Maintenance policies.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeGroup_MaintenancePolicy = src.NodeGroup_MaintenancePolicy
type NodeGroup_Status = src.NodeGroup_Status
type NodeGroupsAddNodesRequest = src.NodeGroupsAddNodesRequest
NodeGroupsClient is the client API for NodeGroups service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeGroupsClient = src.NodeGroupsClient
func NewNodeGroupsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) NodeGroupsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type NodeGroupsDeleteNodesRequest = src.NodeGroupsDeleteNodesRequest
type NodeGroupsListNodes = src.NodeGroupsListNodes
type NodeGroupsScopedList = src.NodeGroupsScopedList
NodeGroupsServer is the server API for NodeGroups service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeGroupsServer = src.NodeGroupsServer
type NodeGroupsSetNodeTemplateRequest = src.NodeGroupsSetNodeTemplateRequest
Represent a sole-tenant Node Template resource. You can use a template to define properties for nodes in a node group. For more information, read Creating node groups and instances.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeTemplate = src.NodeTemplate
type NodeTemplateAggregatedList = src.NodeTemplateAggregatedList
Contains a list of node templates.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeTemplateList = src.NodeTemplateList
type NodeTemplateNodeTypeFlexibility = src.NodeTemplateNodeTypeFlexibility
CPU overcommit.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeTemplate_CpuOvercommitType = src.NodeTemplate_CpuOvercommitType
[Output Only] The status of the node template. One of the following values: CREATING, READY, and DELETING.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeTemplate_Status = src.NodeTemplate_Status
NodeTemplatesClient is the client API for NodeTemplates service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeTemplatesClient = src.NodeTemplatesClient
func NewNodeTemplatesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) NodeTemplatesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type NodeTemplatesScopedList = src.NodeTemplatesScopedList
NodeTemplatesServer is the server API for NodeTemplates service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeTemplatesServer = src.NodeTemplatesServer
Represent a sole-tenant Node Type resource. Each node within a node group must have a node type. A node type specifies the total amount of cores and memory for that node. Currently, the only available node type is n1-node-96-624 node type that has 96 vCPUs and 624 GB of memory, available in multiple zones. For more information read Node types.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeType = src.NodeType
type NodeTypeAggregatedList = src.NodeTypeAggregatedList
Contains a list of node types.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeTypeList = src.NodeTypeList
NodeTypesClient is the client API for NodeTypes service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeTypesClient = src.NodeTypesClient
func NewNodeTypesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) NodeTypesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type NodeTypesScopedList = src.NodeTypesScopedList
NodeTypesServer is the server API for NodeTypes service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NodeTypesServer = src.NodeTypesServer
Represents a notification endpoint. A notification endpoint resource defines an endpoint to receive notifications when there are status changes detected by the associated health check service. For more information, see Health checks overview.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NotificationEndpoint = src.NotificationEndpoint
Represents a gRPC setting that describes one gRPC notification endpoint and the retry duration attempting to send notification to this endpoint.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type NotificationEndpointGrpcSettings = src.NotificationEndpointGrpcSettings
type NotificationEndpointList = src.NotificationEndpointList
Represents an Operation resource. Google Compute Engine has three Operation resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/globalOperations) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/regionOperations) * [Zonal](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/zoneOperations) You can use an operation resource to manage asynchronous API requests. For more information, read Handling API responses. Operations can be global, regional or zonal. - For global operations, use the `globalOperations` resource. - For regional operations, use the `regionOperations` resource. - For zonal operations, use the `zonalOperations` resource. For more information, read Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Operation = src.Operation
type OperationAggregatedList = src.OperationAggregatedList
Contains a list of Operation resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type OperationList = src.OperationList
[Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the following: `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `DONE`.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Operation_Status = src.Operation_Status
type OperationsScopedList = src.OperationsScopedList
Settings controlling the eviction of unhealthy hosts from the load balancing pool for the backend service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type OutlierDetection = src.OutlierDetection
Next free: 7
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PacketIntervals = src.PacketIntervals
From how long ago in the past these intervals were observed.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PacketIntervals_Duration = src.PacketIntervals_Duration
The type of packets for which inter-packet intervals were computed.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PacketIntervals_Type = src.PacketIntervals_Type
Represents a Packet Mirroring resource. Packet Mirroring clones the traffic of specified instances in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network and forwards it to a collector destination, such as an instance group of an internal TCP/UDP load balancer, for analysis or examination. For more information about setting up Packet Mirroring, see Using Packet Mirroring.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PacketMirroring = src.PacketMirroring
Contains a list of packetMirrorings.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PacketMirroringAggregatedList = src.PacketMirroringAggregatedList
type PacketMirroringFilter = src.PacketMirroringFilter
Direction of traffic to mirror, either INGRESS, EGRESS, or BOTH. The default is BOTH.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PacketMirroringFilter_Direction = src.PacketMirroringFilter_Direction
type PacketMirroringForwardingRuleInfo = src.PacketMirroringForwardingRuleInfo
Contains a list of PacketMirroring resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PacketMirroringList = src.PacketMirroringList
type PacketMirroringMirroredResourceInfo = src.PacketMirroringMirroredResourceInfo
type PacketMirroringMirroredResourceInfoInstanceInfo = src.PacketMirroringMirroredResourceInfoInstanceInfo
type PacketMirroringMirroredResourceInfoSubnetInfo = src.PacketMirroringMirroredResourceInfoSubnetInfo
type PacketMirroringNetworkInfo = src.PacketMirroringNetworkInfo
Indicates whether or not this packet mirroring takes effect. If set to FALSE, this packet mirroring policy will not be enforced on the network. The default is TRUE.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PacketMirroring_Enable = src.PacketMirroring_Enable
PacketMirroringsClient is the client API for PacketMirrorings service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PacketMirroringsClient = src.PacketMirroringsClient
func NewPacketMirroringsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) PacketMirroringsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type PacketMirroringsScopedList = src.PacketMirroringsScopedList
PacketMirroringsServer is the server API for PacketMirrorings service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PacketMirroringsServer = src.PacketMirroringsServer
A request message for Autoscalers.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchAutoscalerRequest = src.PatchAutoscalerRequest
A request message for BackendBuckets.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchBackendBucketRequest = src.PatchBackendBucketRequest
A request message for BackendServices.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchBackendServiceRequest = src.PatchBackendServiceRequest
A request message for FirewallPolicies.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchFirewallPolicyRequest = src.PatchFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Firewalls.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchFirewallRequest = src.PatchFirewallRequest
A request message for ForwardingRules.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchForwardingRuleRequest = src.PatchForwardingRuleRequest
A request message for GlobalForwardingRules.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchGlobalForwardingRuleRequest = src.PatchGlobalForwardingRuleRequest
A request message for GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixes.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchGlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixeRequest = src.PatchGlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixeRequest
A request message for HealthChecks.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchHealthCheckRequest = src.PatchHealthCheckRequest
A request message for Images.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchImageRequest = src.PatchImageRequest
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.PatchInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for InterconnectAttachments.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchInterconnectAttachmentRequest = src.PatchInterconnectAttachmentRequest
A request message for Interconnects.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchInterconnectRequest = src.PatchInterconnectRequest
A request message for NetworkEdgeSecurityServices.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchNetworkEdgeSecurityServiceRequest = src.PatchNetworkEdgeSecurityServiceRequest
A request message for NetworkFirewallPolicies.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.PatchNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Networks.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchNetworkRequest = src.PatchNetworkRequest
A request message for NodeGroups.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchNodeGroupRequest = src.PatchNodeGroupRequest
A request message for PacketMirrorings.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchPacketMirroringRequest = src.PatchPacketMirroringRequest
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.PatchPerInstanceConfigs. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchPerInstanceConfigsInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.PatchPerInstanceConfigsInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.PatchPerInstanceConfigs. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchPerInstanceConfigsRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.PatchPerInstanceConfigsRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for PublicAdvertisedPrefixes.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchPublicAdvertisedPrefixeRequest = src.PatchPublicAdvertisedPrefixeRequest
A request message for PublicDelegatedPrefixes.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchPublicDelegatedPrefixeRequest = src.PatchPublicDelegatedPrefixeRequest
A request message for RegionAutoscalers.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchRegionAutoscalerRequest = src.PatchRegionAutoscalerRequest
A request message for RegionBackendServices.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchRegionBackendServiceRequest = src.PatchRegionBackendServiceRequest
A request message for RegionHealthChecks.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchRegionHealthCheckRequest = src.PatchRegionHealthCheckRequest
A request message for RegionHealthCheckServices.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchRegionHealthCheckServiceRequest = src.PatchRegionHealthCheckServiceRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.PatchRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.PatchRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionSecurityPolicies.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchRegionSecurityPolicyRequest = src.PatchRegionSecurityPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionSslPolicies.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchRegionSslPolicyRequest = src.PatchRegionSslPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionTargetHttpsProxies.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchRegionTargetHttpsProxyRequest = src.PatchRegionTargetHttpsProxyRequest
A request message for RegionUrlMaps.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchRegionUrlMapRequest = src.PatchRegionUrlMapRequest
A request message for Routers.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchRouterRequest = src.PatchRouterRequest
A request message for FirewallPolicies.PatchRule. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchRuleFirewallPolicyRequest = src.PatchRuleFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for NetworkFirewallPolicies.PatchRule. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchRuleNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.PatchRuleNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.PatchRule. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchRuleRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.PatchRuleRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for SecurityPolicies.PatchRule. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchRuleSecurityPolicyRequest = src.PatchRuleSecurityPolicyRequest
A request message for SecurityPolicies.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchSecurityPolicyRequest = src.PatchSecurityPolicyRequest
A request message for ServiceAttachments.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchServiceAttachmentRequest = src.PatchServiceAttachmentRequest
A request message for SslPolicies.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchSslPolicyRequest = src.PatchSslPolicyRequest
A request message for Subnetworks.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchSubnetworkRequest = src.PatchSubnetworkRequest
A request message for TargetGrpcProxies.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchTargetGrpcProxyRequest = src.PatchTargetGrpcProxyRequest
A request message for TargetHttpProxies.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchTargetHttpProxyRequest = src.PatchTargetHttpProxyRequest
A request message for TargetHttpsProxies.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchTargetHttpsProxyRequest = src.PatchTargetHttpsProxyRequest
A request message for UrlMaps.Patch. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PatchUrlMapRequest = src.PatchUrlMapRequest
A matcher for the path portion of the URL. The BackendService from the longest-matched rule will serve the URL. If no rule was matched, the default service is used.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PathMatcher = src.PathMatcher
A path-matching rule for a URL. If matched, will use the specified BackendService to handle the traffic arriving at this URL.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PathRule = src.PathRule
type PerInstanceConfig = src.PerInstanceConfig
The status of applying this per-instance configuration on the corresponding managed instance.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PerInstanceConfig_Status = src.PerInstanceConfig_Status
An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy, which specifies access controls for Google Cloud resources. A `Policy` is a collection of `bindings`. A `binding` binds one or more `members`, or principals, to a single `role`. Principals can be user accounts, service accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). A `role` is a named list of permissions; each `role` can be an IAM predefined role or a user-created custom role. For some types of Google Cloud resources, a `binding` can also specify a `condition`, which is a logical expression that allows access to a resource only if the expression evaluates to `true`. A condition can add constraints based on attributes of the request, the resource, or both. To learn which resources support conditions in their IAM policies, see the [IAM documentation]( **JSON example:** { "bindings": [ { "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", "members": [ "", "", "", "" ] }, { "role": "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", "members": [ "" ], "condition": { "title": "expirable access", "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", "expression": "request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", } } ], "etag": "BwWWja0YfJA=", "version": 3 } **YAML example:** bindings: - members: - - - - role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin - members: - role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer condition: title: expirable access description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 expression: request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') etag: BwWWja0YfJA= version: 3 For a description of IAM and its features, see the [IAM documentation](
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Policy = src.Policy
type PreconfiguredWafSet = src.PreconfiguredWafSet
Preserved state for a given instance.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PreservedState = src.PreservedState
type PreservedStatePreservedDisk = src.PreservedStatePreservedDisk
These stateful disks will never be deleted during autohealing, update, instance recreate operations. This flag is used to configure if the disk should be deleted after it is no longer used by the group, e.g. when the given instance or the whole MIG is deleted. Note: disks attached in READ_ONLY mode cannot be auto-deleted.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PreservedStatePreservedDisk_AutoDelete = src.PreservedStatePreservedDisk_AutoDelete
The mode in which to attach this disk, either READ_WRITE or READ_ONLY. If not specified, the default is to attach the disk in READ_WRITE mode.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PreservedStatePreservedDisk_Mode = src.PreservedStatePreservedDisk_Mode
A request message for Routers.Preview. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PreviewRouterRequest = src.PreviewRouterRequest
Represents a Project resource. A project is used to organize resources in a Google Cloud Platform environment. For more information, read about the Resource Hierarchy.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Project = src.Project
This signifies the default network tier used for configuring resources of the project and can only take the following values: PREMIUM, STANDARD. Initially the default network tier is PREMIUM.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Project_DefaultNetworkTier = src.Project_DefaultNetworkTier
[Output Only] The role this project has in a shared VPC configuration. Currently, only projects with the host role, which is specified by the value HOST, are differentiated.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Project_XpnProjectStatus = src.Project_XpnProjectStatus
ProjectsClient is the client API for Projects service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ProjectsClient = src.ProjectsClient
func NewProjectsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ProjectsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type ProjectsDisableXpnResourceRequest = src.ProjectsDisableXpnResourceRequest
type ProjectsEnableXpnResourceRequest = src.ProjectsEnableXpnResourceRequest
type ProjectsGetXpnResources = src.ProjectsGetXpnResources
type ProjectsListXpnHostsRequest = src.ProjectsListXpnHostsRequest
ProjectsServer is the server API for Projects service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ProjectsServer = src.ProjectsServer
type ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest = src.ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest
Default network tier to be set.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest_NetworkTier = src.ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest_NetworkTier
A public advertised prefix represents an aggregated IP prefix or netblock which customers bring to cloud. The IP prefix is a single unit of route advertisement and is announced globally to the internet.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PublicAdvertisedPrefix = src.PublicAdvertisedPrefix
type PublicAdvertisedPrefixList = src.PublicAdvertisedPrefixList
Represents a CIDR range which can be used to assign addresses.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PublicAdvertisedPrefixPublicDelegatedPrefix = src.PublicAdvertisedPrefixPublicDelegatedPrefix
The status of the public advertised prefix. Possible values include: - `INITIAL`: RPKI validation is complete. - `PTR_CONFIGURED`: User has configured the PTR. - `VALIDATED`: Reverse DNS lookup is successful. - `REVERSE_DNS_LOOKUP_FAILED`: Reverse DNS lookup failed. - `PREFIX_CONFIGURATION_IN_PROGRESS`: The prefix is being configured. - `PREFIX_CONFIGURATION_COMPLETE`: The prefix is fully configured. - `PREFIX_REMOVAL_IN_PROGRESS`: The prefix is being removed.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PublicAdvertisedPrefix_Status = src.PublicAdvertisedPrefix_Status
PublicAdvertisedPrefixesClient is the client API for PublicAdvertisedPrefixes service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PublicAdvertisedPrefixesClient = src.PublicAdvertisedPrefixesClient
func NewPublicAdvertisedPrefixesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) PublicAdvertisedPrefixesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
PublicAdvertisedPrefixesServer is the server API for PublicAdvertisedPrefixes service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PublicAdvertisedPrefixesServer = src.PublicAdvertisedPrefixesServer
A PublicDelegatedPrefix resource represents an IP block within a PublicAdvertisedPrefix that is configured within a single cloud scope (global or region). IPs in the block can be allocated to resources within that scope. Public delegated prefixes may be further broken up into smaller IP blocks in the same scope as the parent block.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PublicDelegatedPrefix = src.PublicDelegatedPrefix
type PublicDelegatedPrefixAggregatedList = src.PublicDelegatedPrefixAggregatedList
type PublicDelegatedPrefixList = src.PublicDelegatedPrefixList
Represents a sub PublicDelegatedPrefix.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PublicDelegatedPrefixPublicDelegatedSubPrefix = src.PublicDelegatedPrefixPublicDelegatedSubPrefix
[Output Only] The status of the sub public delegated prefix.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PublicDelegatedPrefixPublicDelegatedSubPrefix_Status = src.PublicDelegatedPrefixPublicDelegatedSubPrefix_Status
[Output Only] The status of the public delegated prefix, which can be one of following values: - `INITIALIZING` The public delegated prefix is being initialized and addresses cannot be created yet. - `READY_TO_ANNOUNCE` The public delegated prefix is a live migration prefix and is active. - `ANNOUNCED` The public delegated prefix is active. - `DELETING` The public delegated prefix is being deprovsioned.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PublicDelegatedPrefix_Status = src.PublicDelegatedPrefix_Status
PublicDelegatedPrefixesClient is the client API for PublicDelegatedPrefixes service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PublicDelegatedPrefixesClient = src.PublicDelegatedPrefixesClient
func NewPublicDelegatedPrefixesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) PublicDelegatedPrefixesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type PublicDelegatedPrefixesScopedList = src.PublicDelegatedPrefixesScopedList
PublicDelegatedPrefixesServer is the server API for PublicDelegatedPrefixes service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type PublicDelegatedPrefixesServer = src.PublicDelegatedPrefixesServer
A quotas entry.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Quota = src.Quota
Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type QuotaExceededInfo = src.QuotaExceededInfo
[Output Only] Name of the quota metric.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Quota_Metric = src.Quota_Metric
The parameters of the raw disk image.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RawDisk = src.RawDisk
The format used to encode and transmit the block device, which should be TAR. This is just a container and transmission format and not a runtime format. Provided by the client when the disk image is created.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RawDisk_ContainerType = src.RawDisk_ContainerType
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.RecreateInstances. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RecreateInstancesInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.RecreateInstancesInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.RecreateInstances. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RecreateInstancesRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.RecreateInstancesRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest
Represents a reference to a resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Reference = src.Reference
Represents a Region resource. A region is a geographical area where a resource is located. For more information, read Regions and Zones.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Region = src.Region
Contains a list of autoscalers.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionAutoscalerList = src.RegionAutoscalerList
RegionAutoscalersClient is the client API for RegionAutoscalers service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionAutoscalersClient = src.RegionAutoscalersClient
func NewRegionAutoscalersClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionAutoscalersClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionAutoscalersServer is the server API for RegionAutoscalers service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionAutoscalersServer = src.RegionAutoscalersServer
RegionBackendServicesClient is the client API for RegionBackendServices service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionBackendServicesClient = src.RegionBackendServicesClient
func NewRegionBackendServicesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionBackendServicesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionBackendServicesServer is the server API for RegionBackendServices service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionBackendServicesServer = src.RegionBackendServicesServer
RegionCommitmentsClient is the client API for RegionCommitments service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionCommitmentsClient = src.RegionCommitmentsClient
func NewRegionCommitmentsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionCommitmentsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionCommitmentsServer is the server API for RegionCommitments service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionCommitmentsServer = src.RegionCommitmentsServer
type RegionDiskTypeList = src.RegionDiskTypeList
RegionDiskTypesClient is the client API for RegionDiskTypes service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionDiskTypesClient = src.RegionDiskTypesClient
func NewRegionDiskTypesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionDiskTypesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionDiskTypesServer is the server API for RegionDiskTypes service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionDiskTypesServer = src.RegionDiskTypesServer
type RegionDisksAddResourcePoliciesRequest = src.RegionDisksAddResourcePoliciesRequest
RegionDisksClient is the client API for RegionDisks service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionDisksClient = src.RegionDisksClient
func NewRegionDisksClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionDisksClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type RegionDisksRemoveResourcePoliciesRequest = src.RegionDisksRemoveResourcePoliciesRequest
type RegionDisksResizeRequest = src.RegionDisksResizeRequest
RegionDisksServer is the server API for RegionDisks service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionDisksServer = src.RegionDisksServer
RegionHealthCheckServicesClient is the client API for RegionHealthCheckServices service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionHealthCheckServicesClient = src.RegionHealthCheckServicesClient
func NewRegionHealthCheckServicesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionHealthCheckServicesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionHealthCheckServicesServer is the server API for RegionHealthCheckServices service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionHealthCheckServicesServer = src.RegionHealthCheckServicesServer
RegionHealthChecksClient is the client API for RegionHealthChecks service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionHealthChecksClient = src.RegionHealthChecksClient
func NewRegionHealthChecksClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionHealthChecksClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionHealthChecksServer is the server API for RegionHealthChecks service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionHealthChecksServer = src.RegionHealthChecksServer
Contains a list of InstanceGroup resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionInstanceGroupList = src.RegionInstanceGroupList
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionInstanceGroupManagerDeleteInstanceConfigReq = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagerDeleteInstanceConfigReq
Contains a list of managed instance groups.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionInstanceGroupManagerList = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagerList
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionInstanceGroupManagerPatchInstanceConfigReq = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagerPatchInstanceConfigReq
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionInstanceGroupManagerUpdateInstanceConfigReq = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagerUpdateInstanceConfigReq
type RegionInstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest
The minimal action that you want to perform on each instance during the update: - REPLACE: At minimum, delete the instance and create it again. - RESTART: Stop the instance and start it again. - REFRESH: Do not stop the instance. - NONE: Do not disrupt the instance at all. By default, the minimum action is NONE. If your update requires a more disruptive action than you set with this flag, the necessary action is performed to execute the update. Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons: NONE REFRESH REPLACE RESTART
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MinimalAction = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MinimalAction
The most disruptive action that you want to perform on each instance during the update: - REPLACE: Delete the instance and create it again. - RESTART: Stop the instance and start it again. - REFRESH: Do not stop the instance. - NONE: Do not disrupt the instance at all. By default, the most disruptive allowed action is REPLACE. If your update requires a more disruptive action than you set with this flag, the update request will fail. Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons: NONE REFRESH REPLACE RESTART
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction
RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient is the client API for RegionInstanceGroupManagers service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient
func NewRegionInstanceGroupManagersClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionInstanceGroupManagersClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionInstanceGroupManagersCreateInstancesRequest = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersCreateInstancesRequest
type RegionInstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest
type RegionInstanceGroupManagersListErrorsResponse = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersListErrorsResponse
type RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstanceConfigsResp = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstanceConfigsResp
type RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstancesResponse = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstancesResponse
type RegionInstanceGroupManagersRecreateRequest = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersRecreateRequest
RegionInstanceGroupManagersServer is the server API for RegionInstanceGroupManagers service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionInstanceGroupManagersServer = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersServer
type RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest
type RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTemplateRequest = src.RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTemplateRequest
RegionInstanceGroupsClient is the client API for RegionInstanceGroups service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionInstanceGroupsClient = src.RegionInstanceGroupsClient
func NewRegionInstanceGroupsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionInstanceGroupsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type RegionInstanceGroupsListInstances = src.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstances
type RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest = src.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest
Instances in which state should be returned. Valid options are: 'ALL', 'RUNNING'. By default, it lists all instances.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_InstanceState = src.RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest_InstanceState
RegionInstanceGroupsServer is the server API for RegionInstanceGroups service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionInstanceGroupsServer = src.RegionInstanceGroupsServer
type RegionInstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest = src.RegionInstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest
RegionInstancesClient is the client API for RegionInstances service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionInstancesClient = src.RegionInstancesClient
func NewRegionInstancesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionInstancesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionInstancesServer is the server API for RegionInstances service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionInstancesServer = src.RegionInstancesServer
Contains a list of region resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionList = src.RegionList
RegionNetworkEndpointGroupsClient is the client API for RegionNetworkEndpointGroups service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionNetworkEndpointGroupsClient = src.RegionNetworkEndpointGroupsClient
func NewRegionNetworkEndpointGroupsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionNetworkEndpointGroupsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionNetworkEndpointGroupsServer is the server API for RegionNetworkEndpointGroups service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionNetworkEndpointGroupsServer = src.RegionNetworkEndpointGroupsServer
RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesClient is the client API for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesClient = src.RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesClient
func NewRegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponse = src.RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponse
type RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy = src.RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy
[Output Only] The type of the firewall policy. Can be one of HIERARCHY, NETWORK, NETWORK_REGIONAL.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type = src.RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy_Type
RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesServer is the server API for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesServer = src.RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesServer
RegionNotificationEndpointsClient is the client API for RegionNotificationEndpoints service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionNotificationEndpointsClient = src.RegionNotificationEndpointsClient
func NewRegionNotificationEndpointsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionNotificationEndpointsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionNotificationEndpointsServer is the server API for RegionNotificationEndpoints service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionNotificationEndpointsServer = src.RegionNotificationEndpointsServer
RegionOperationsClient is the client API for RegionOperations service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionOperationsClient = src.RegionOperationsClient
func NewRegionOperationsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionOperationsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionOperationsServer is the server API for RegionOperations service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionOperationsServer = src.RegionOperationsServer
RegionSecurityPoliciesClient is the client API for RegionSecurityPolicies service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionSecurityPoliciesClient = src.RegionSecurityPoliciesClient
func NewRegionSecurityPoliciesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionSecurityPoliciesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionSecurityPoliciesServer is the server API for RegionSecurityPolicies service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionSecurityPoliciesServer = src.RegionSecurityPoliciesServer
type RegionSetLabelsRequest = src.RegionSetLabelsRequest
type RegionSetPolicyRequest = src.RegionSetPolicyRequest
RegionSslCertificatesClient is the client API for RegionSslCertificates service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionSslCertificatesClient = src.RegionSslCertificatesClient
func NewRegionSslCertificatesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionSslCertificatesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionSslCertificatesServer is the server API for RegionSslCertificates service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionSslCertificatesServer = src.RegionSslCertificatesServer
RegionSslPoliciesClient is the client API for RegionSslPolicies service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionSslPoliciesClient = src.RegionSslPoliciesClient
func NewRegionSslPoliciesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionSslPoliciesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionSslPoliciesServer is the server API for RegionSslPolicies service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionSslPoliciesServer = src.RegionSslPoliciesServer
RegionTargetHttpProxiesClient is the client API for RegionTargetHttpProxies service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionTargetHttpProxiesClient = src.RegionTargetHttpProxiesClient
func NewRegionTargetHttpProxiesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionTargetHttpProxiesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionTargetHttpProxiesServer is the server API for RegionTargetHttpProxies service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionTargetHttpProxiesServer = src.RegionTargetHttpProxiesServer
RegionTargetHttpsProxiesClient is the client API for RegionTargetHttpsProxies service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionTargetHttpsProxiesClient = src.RegionTargetHttpsProxiesClient
func NewRegionTargetHttpsProxiesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionTargetHttpsProxiesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionTargetHttpsProxiesServer is the server API for RegionTargetHttpsProxies service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionTargetHttpsProxiesServer = src.RegionTargetHttpsProxiesServer
type RegionTargetHttpsProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest = src.RegionTargetHttpsProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest
RegionTargetTcpProxiesClient is the client API for RegionTargetTcpProxies service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionTargetTcpProxiesClient = src.RegionTargetTcpProxiesClient
func NewRegionTargetTcpProxiesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionTargetTcpProxiesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionTargetTcpProxiesServer is the server API for RegionTargetTcpProxies service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionTargetTcpProxiesServer = src.RegionTargetTcpProxiesServer
RegionUrlMapsClient is the client API for RegionUrlMaps service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionUrlMapsClient = src.RegionUrlMapsClient
func NewRegionUrlMapsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionUrlMapsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionUrlMapsServer is the server API for RegionUrlMaps service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionUrlMapsServer = src.RegionUrlMapsServer
type RegionUrlMapsValidateRequest = src.RegionUrlMapsValidateRequest
[Output Only] Status of the region, either UP or DOWN.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Region_Status = src.Region_Status
RegionsClient is the client API for Regions service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionsClient = src.RegionsClient
func NewRegionsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RegionsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RegionsServer is the server API for Regions service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegionsServer = src.RegionsServer
A request message for FirewallPolicies.RemoveAssociation. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveAssociationFirewallPolicyRequest = src.RemoveAssociationFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for NetworkFirewallPolicies.RemoveAssociation. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveAssociationNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.RemoveAssociationNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.RemoveAssociation. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveAssociationRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.RemoveAssociationRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for TargetPools.RemoveHealthCheck. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveHealthCheckTargetPoolRequest = src.RemoveHealthCheckTargetPoolRequest
A request message for TargetPools.RemoveInstance. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveInstanceTargetPoolRequest = src.RemoveInstanceTargetPoolRequest
A request message for InstanceGroups.RemoveInstances. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveInstancesInstanceGroupRequest = src.RemoveInstancesInstanceGroupRequest
A request message for Networks.RemovePeering. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemovePeeringNetworkRequest = src.RemovePeeringNetworkRequest
A request message for Disks.RemoveResourcePolicies. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveResourcePoliciesDiskRequest = src.RemoveResourcePoliciesDiskRequest
A request message for Instances.RemoveResourcePolicies. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveResourcePoliciesInstanceRequest = src.RemoveResourcePoliciesInstanceRequest
A request message for RegionDisks.RemoveResourcePolicies. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveResourcePoliciesRegionDiskRequest = src.RemoveResourcePoliciesRegionDiskRequest
A request message for FirewallPolicies.RemoveRule. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveRuleFirewallPolicyRequest = src.RemoveRuleFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for NetworkFirewallPolicies.RemoveRule. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveRuleNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.RemoveRuleNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.RemoveRule. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveRuleRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.RemoveRuleRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for SecurityPolicies.RemoveRule. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RemoveRuleSecurityPolicyRequest = src.RemoveRuleSecurityPolicyRequest
A policy that specifies how requests intended for the route's backends are shadowed to a separate mirrored backend service. The load balancer doesn't wait for responses from the shadow service. Before sending traffic to the shadow service, the host or authority header is suffixed with -shadow.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RequestMirrorPolicy = src.RequestMirrorPolicy
Represents a reservation resource. A reservation ensures that capacity is held in a specific zone even if the reserved VMs are not running. For more information, read Reserving zonal resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Reservation = src.Reservation
Specifies the reservations that this instance can consume from.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ReservationAffinity = src.ReservationAffinity
Specifies the type of reservation from which this instance can consume resources: ANY_RESERVATION (default), SPECIFIC_RESERVATION, or NO_RESERVATION. See Consuming reserved instances for examples.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ReservationAffinity_ConsumeReservationType = src.ReservationAffinity_ConsumeReservationType
Contains a list of reservations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ReservationAggregatedList = src.ReservationAggregatedList
type ReservationList = src.ReservationList
[Output Only] The status of the reservation.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Reservation_Status = src.Reservation_Status
ReservationsClient is the client API for Reservations service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ReservationsClient = src.ReservationsClient
func NewReservationsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ReservationsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type ReservationsResizeRequest = src.ReservationsResizeRequest
type ReservationsScopedList = src.ReservationsScopedList
ReservationsServer is the server API for Reservations service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ReservationsServer = src.ReservationsServer
A request message for Instances.Reset. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResetInstanceRequest = src.ResetInstanceRequest
A request message for Disks.Resize. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResizeDiskRequest = src.ResizeDiskRequest
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.Resize. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResizeInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.ResizeInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionDisks.Resize. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResizeRegionDiskRequest = src.ResizeRegionDiskRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.Resize. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResizeRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.ResizeRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for Reservations.Resize. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResizeReservationRequest = src.ResizeReservationRequest
Commitment for a particular resource (a Commitment is composed of one or more of these).
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourceCommitment = src.ResourceCommitment
Type of resource for which this commitment applies. Possible values are VCPU and MEMORY
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourceCommitment_Type = src.ResourceCommitment_Type
type ResourceGroupReference = src.ResourceGroupReference
ResourcePoliciesClient is the client API for ResourcePolicies service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePoliciesClient = src.ResourcePoliciesClient
func NewResourcePoliciesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ResourcePoliciesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type ResourcePoliciesScopedList = src.ResourcePoliciesScopedList
ResourcePoliciesServer is the server API for ResourcePolicies service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePoliciesServer = src.ResourcePoliciesServer
Represents a Resource Policy resource. You can use resource policies to schedule actions for some Compute Engine resources. For example, you can use them to schedule persistent disk snapshots.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicy = src.ResourcePolicy
Contains a list of resourcePolicies.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicyAggregatedList = src.ResourcePolicyAggregatedList
Time window specified for daily operations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicyDailyCycle = src.ResourcePolicyDailyCycle
A GroupPlacementPolicy specifies resource placement configuration. It specifies the failure bucket separation as well as network locality
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicyGroupPlacementPolicy = src.ResourcePolicyGroupPlacementPolicy
Specifies network collocation
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicyGroupPlacementPolicy_Collocation = src.ResourcePolicyGroupPlacementPolicy_Collocation
Time window specified for hourly operations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicyHourlyCycle = src.ResourcePolicyHourlyCycle
An InstanceSchedulePolicy specifies when and how frequent certain operations are performed on the instance.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicyInstanceSchedulePolicy = src.ResourcePolicyInstanceSchedulePolicy
Schedule for an instance operation.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicyInstanceSchedulePolicySchedule = src.ResourcePolicyInstanceSchedulePolicySchedule
type ResourcePolicyList = src.ResourcePolicyList
Contains output only fields. Use this sub-message for all output fields set on ResourcePolicy. The internal structure of this "status" field should mimic the structure of ResourcePolicy proto specification.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicyResourceStatus = src.ResourcePolicyResourceStatus
type ResourcePolicyResourceStatusInstanceSchedulePolicyStatus = src.ResourcePolicyResourceStatusInstanceSchedulePolicyStatus
A snapshot schedule policy specifies when and how frequently snapshots are to be created for the target disk. Also specifies how many and how long these scheduled snapshots should be retained.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicy = src.ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicy
Policy for retention of scheduled snapshots.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy = src.ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy
Specifies the behavior to apply to scheduled snapshots when the source disk is deleted.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy_OnSourceDiskDelete = src.ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy_OnSourceDiskDelete
A schedule for disks where the schedueled operations are performed.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicySchedule = src.ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicySchedule
Specified snapshot properties for scheduled snapshots created by this policy.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicySnapshotProperties = src.ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicySnapshotProperties
Time window specified for weekly operations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycle = src.ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycle
type ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek = src.ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek
Defines a schedule that runs on specific days of the week. Specify one or more days. The following options are available: MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_Day = src.ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek_Day
[Output Only] The status of resource policy creation.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourcePolicy_Status = src.ResourcePolicy_Status
Contains output only fields. Use this sub-message for actual values set on Instance attributes as compared to the value requested by the user (intent) in their instance CRUD calls.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResourceStatus = src.ResourceStatus
A request message for Instances.Resume. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ResumeInstanceRequest = src.ResumeInstanceRequest
Represents a Route resource. A route defines a path from VM instances in the VPC network to a specific destination. This destination can be inside or outside the VPC network. For more information, read the Routes overview.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Route = src.Route
type RouteAsPath = src.RouteAsPath
[Output Only] The type of the AS Path, which can be one of the following values: - 'AS_SET': unordered set of autonomous systems that the route in has traversed - 'AS_SEQUENCE': ordered set of autonomous systems that the route has traversed - 'AS_CONFED_SEQUENCE': ordered set of Member Autonomous Systems in the local confederation that the route has traversed - 'AS_CONFED_SET': unordered set of Member Autonomous Systems in the local confederation that the route has traversed
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouteAsPath_PathSegmentType = src.RouteAsPath_PathSegmentType
Contains a list of Route resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouteList = src.RouteList
[Output only] The status of the route.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Route_RouteStatus = src.Route_RouteStatus
[Output Only] The type of this route, which can be one of the following values: - 'TRANSIT' for a transit route that this router learned from another Cloud Router and will readvertise to one of its BGP peers - 'SUBNET' for a route from a subnet of the VPC - 'BGP' for a route learned from a BGP peer of this router - 'STATIC' for a static route
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Route_RouteType = src.Route_RouteType
Represents a Cloud Router resource. For more information about Cloud Router, read the Cloud Router overview.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Router = src.Router
Description-tagged IP ranges for the router to advertise.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterAdvertisedIpRange = src.RouterAdvertisedIpRange
Contains a list of routers.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterAggregatedList = src.RouterAggregatedList
type RouterBgp = src.RouterBgp
type RouterBgpPeer = src.RouterBgpPeer
type RouterBgpPeerBfd = src.RouterBgpPeerBfd
The BFD session initialization mode for this BGP peer. If set to ACTIVE, the Cloud Router will initiate the BFD session for this BGP peer. If set to PASSIVE, the Cloud Router will wait for the peer router to initiate the BFD session for this BGP peer. If set to DISABLED, BFD is disabled for this BGP peer. The default is DISABLED.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterBgpPeerBfd_SessionInitializationMode = src.RouterBgpPeerBfd_SessionInitializationMode
User-specified flag to indicate which mode to use for advertisement.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterBgpPeer_AdvertiseMode = src.RouterBgpPeer_AdvertiseMode
type RouterBgpPeer_AdvertisedGroups = src.RouterBgpPeer_AdvertisedGroups
The status of the BGP peer connection. If set to FALSE, any active session with the peer is terminated and all associated routing information is removed. If set to TRUE, the peer connection can be established with routing information. The default is TRUE.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterBgpPeer_Enable = src.RouterBgpPeer_Enable
[Output Only] The resource that configures and manages this BGP peer. - MANAGED_BY_USER is the default value and can be managed by you or other users - MANAGED_BY_ATTACHMENT is a BGP peer that is configured and managed by Cloud Interconnect, specifically by an InterconnectAttachment of type PARTNER. Google automatically creates, updates, and deletes this type of BGP peer when the PARTNER InterconnectAttachment is created, updated, or deleted.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterBgpPeer_ManagementType = src.RouterBgpPeer_ManagementType
User-specified flag to indicate which mode to use for advertisement. The options are DEFAULT or CUSTOM.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterBgp_AdvertiseMode = src.RouterBgp_AdvertiseMode
type RouterBgp_AdvertisedGroups = src.RouterBgp_AdvertisedGroups
type RouterInterface = src.RouterInterface
[Output Only] The resource that configures and manages this interface. - MANAGED_BY_USER is the default value and can be managed directly by users. - MANAGED_BY_ATTACHMENT is an interface that is configured and managed by Cloud Interconnect, specifically, by an InterconnectAttachment of type PARTNER. Google automatically creates, updates, and deletes this type of interface when the PARTNER InterconnectAttachment is created, updated, or deleted.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterInterface_ManagementType = src.RouterInterface_ManagementType
Contains a list of Router resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterList = src.RouterList
type RouterMd5AuthenticationKey = src.RouterMd5AuthenticationKey
Represents a Nat resource. It enables the VMs within the specified subnetworks to access Internet without external IP addresses. It specifies a list of subnetworks (and the ranges within) that want to use NAT. Customers can also provide the external IPs that would be used for NAT. GCP would auto-allocate ephemeral IPs if no external IPs are provided.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterNat = src.RouterNat
Configuration of logging on a NAT.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterNatLogConfig = src.RouterNatLogConfig
Specify the desired filtering of logs on this NAT. If unspecified, logs are exported for all connections handled by this NAT. This option can take one of the following values: - ERRORS_ONLY: Export logs only for connection failures. - TRANSLATIONS_ONLY: Export logs only for successful connections. - ALL: Export logs for all connections, successful and unsuccessful.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterNatLogConfig_Filter = src.RouterNatLogConfig_Filter
type RouterNatRule = src.RouterNatRule
type RouterNatRuleAction = src.RouterNatRuleAction
Defines the IP ranges that want to use NAT for a subnetwork.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterNatSubnetworkToNat = src.RouterNatSubnetworkToNat
type RouterNatSubnetworkToNat_SourceIpRangesToNat = src.RouterNatSubnetworkToNat_SourceIpRangesToNat
type RouterNat_EndpointTypes = src.RouterNat_EndpointTypes
Specify the NatIpAllocateOption, which can take one of the following values: - MANUAL_ONLY: Uses only Nat IP addresses provided by customers. When there are not enough specified Nat IPs, the Nat service fails for new VMs. - AUTO_ONLY: Nat IPs are allocated by Google Cloud Platform; customers can't specify any Nat IPs. When choosing AUTO_ONLY, then nat_ip should be empty.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterNat_NatIpAllocateOption = src.RouterNat_NatIpAllocateOption
Specify the Nat option, which can take one of the following values: - ALL_SUBNETWORKS_ALL_IP_RANGES: All of the IP ranges in every Subnetwork are allowed to Nat. - ALL_SUBNETWORKS_ALL_PRIMARY_IP_RANGES: All of the primary IP ranges in every Subnetwork are allowed to Nat. - LIST_OF_SUBNETWORKS: A list of Subnetworks are allowed to Nat (specified in the field subnetwork below) The default is SUBNETWORK_IP_RANGE_TO_NAT_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED. Note that if this field contains ALL_SUBNETWORKS_ALL_IP_RANGES or ALL_SUBNETWORKS_ALL_PRIMARY_IP_RANGES, then there should not be any other Router.Nat section in any Router for this network in this region.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterNat_SourceSubnetworkIpRangesToNat = src.RouterNat_SourceSubnetworkIpRangesToNat
type RouterStatus = src.RouterStatus
type RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus = src.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus
Status of the BGP peer: {UP, DOWN}
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_Status = src.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_Status
Indicates why particular status was returned.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_StatusReason = src.RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus_StatusReason
Status of a NAT contained in this router.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterStatusNatStatus = src.RouterStatusNatStatus
Status of a NAT Rule contained in this NAT.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RouterStatusNatStatusNatRuleStatus = src.RouterStatusNatStatusNatRuleStatus
type RouterStatusResponse = src.RouterStatusResponse
RoutersClient is the client API for Routers service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RoutersClient = src.RoutersClient
func NewRoutersClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RoutersClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type RoutersPreviewResponse = src.RoutersPreviewResponse
type RoutersScopedList = src.RoutersScopedList
RoutersServer is the server API for Routers service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RoutersServer = src.RoutersServer
RoutesClient is the client API for Routes service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RoutesClient = src.RoutesClient
func NewRoutesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RoutesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
RoutesServer is the server API for Routes service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RoutesServer = src.RoutesServer
This is deprecated and has no effect. Do not use.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Rule = src.Rule
This is deprecated and has no effect. Do not use.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Rule_Action = src.Rule_Action
type SSLHealthCheck = src.SSLHealthCheck
Specifies how a port is selected for health checking. Can be one of the following values: USE_FIXED_PORT: Specifies a port number explicitly using the port field in the health check. Supported by backend services for pass-through load balancers and backend services for proxy load balancers. Not supported by target pools. The health check supports all backends supported by the backend service provided the backend can be health checked. For example, GCE_VM_IP network endpoint groups, GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint groups, and instance group backends. USE_NAMED_PORT: Not supported. USE_SERVING_PORT: Provides an indirect method of specifying the health check port by referring to the backend service. Only supported by backend services for proxy load balancers. Not supported by target pools. Not supported by backend services for pass-through load balancers. Supports all backends that can be health checked; for example, GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint groups and instance group backends. For GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint group backends, the health check uses the port number specified for each endpoint in the network endpoint group. For instance group backends, the health check uses the port number determined by looking up the backend service's named port in the instance group's list of named ports.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SSLHealthCheck_PortSpecification = src.SSLHealthCheck_PortSpecification
Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SSLHealthCheck_ProxyHeader = src.SSLHealthCheck_ProxyHeader
DEPRECATED: Please use compute#savedDisk instead. An instance-attached disk resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SavedAttachedDisk = src.SavedAttachedDisk
Specifies the disk interface to use for attaching this disk, which is either SCSI or NVME.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SavedAttachedDisk_Interface = src.SavedAttachedDisk_Interface
The mode in which this disk is attached to the source instance, either READ_WRITE or READ_ONLY.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SavedAttachedDisk_Mode = src.SavedAttachedDisk_Mode
[Output Only] An indicator whether storageBytes is in a stable state or it is being adjusted as a result of shared storage reallocation. This status can either be UPDATING, meaning the size of the snapshot is being updated, or UP_TO_DATE, meaning the size of the snapshot is up-to-date.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SavedAttachedDisk_StorageBytesStatus = src.SavedAttachedDisk_StorageBytesStatus
Specifies the type of the attached disk, either SCRATCH or PERSISTENT.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SavedAttachedDisk_Type = src.SavedAttachedDisk_Type
An instance-attached disk resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SavedDisk = src.SavedDisk
[Output Only] The architecture of the attached disk.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SavedDisk_Architecture = src.SavedDisk_Architecture
[Output Only] An indicator whether storageBytes is in a stable state or it is being adjusted as a result of shared storage reallocation. This status can either be UPDATING, meaning the size of the snapshot is being updated, or UP_TO_DATE, meaning the size of the snapshot is up-to-date.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SavedDisk_StorageBytesStatus = src.SavedDisk_StorageBytesStatus
type ScalingScheduleStatus = src.ScalingScheduleStatus
[Output Only] The current state of a scaling schedule.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ScalingScheduleStatus_State = src.ScalingScheduleStatus_State
Sets the scheduling options for an Instance.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Scheduling = src.Scheduling
Node Affinity: the configuration of desired nodes onto which this Instance could be scheduled.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SchedulingNodeAffinity = src.SchedulingNodeAffinity
Defines the operation of node selection. Valid operators are IN for affinity and NOT_IN for anti-affinity.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SchedulingNodeAffinity_Operator = src.SchedulingNodeAffinity_Operator
Specifies the termination action for the instance.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Scheduling_InstanceTerminationAction = src.Scheduling_InstanceTerminationAction
Defines the maintenance behavior for this instance. For standard instances, the default behavior is MIGRATE. For preemptible instances, the default and only possible behavior is TERMINATE. For more information, see Set VM host maintenance policy.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Scheduling_OnHostMaintenance = src.Scheduling_OnHostMaintenance
Specifies the provisioning model of the instance.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Scheduling_ProvisioningModel = src.Scheduling_ProvisioningModel
type ScratchDisks = src.ScratchDisks
An instance's screenshot.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Screenshot = src.Screenshot
type SecurityPoliciesAggregatedList = src.SecurityPoliciesAggregatedList
SecurityPoliciesClient is the client API for SecurityPolicies service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SecurityPoliciesClient = src.SecurityPoliciesClient
func NewSecurityPoliciesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) SecurityPoliciesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type SecurityPoliciesListPreconfiguredExpressionSetsResponse = src.SecurityPoliciesListPreconfiguredExpressionSetsResponse
type SecurityPoliciesScopedList = src.SecurityPoliciesScopedList
SecurityPoliciesServer is the server API for SecurityPolicies service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SecurityPoliciesServer = src.SecurityPoliciesServer
type SecurityPoliciesWafConfig = src.SecurityPoliciesWafConfig
Represents a Google Cloud Armor security policy resource. Only external backend services that use load balancers can reference a security policy. For more information, see Google Cloud Armor security policy overview.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SecurityPolicy = src.SecurityPolicy
Configuration options for Cloud Armor Adaptive Protection (CAAP).
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfig = src.SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfig
Configuration options for L7 DDoS detection.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfig = src.SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfig
Rule visibility can be one of the following: STANDARD - opaque rules. (default) PREMIUM - transparent rules.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfig_RuleVisibility = src.SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfig_RuleVisibility
type SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig = src.SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig
type SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfigJsonCustomConfig = src.SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfigJsonCustomConfig
type SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_JsonParsing = src.SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_JsonParsing
type SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_LogLevel = src.SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig_LogLevel
type SecurityPolicyDdosProtectionConfig = src.SecurityPolicyDdosProtectionConfig
type SecurityPolicyDdosProtectionConfig_DdosProtection = src.SecurityPolicyDdosProtectionConfig_DdosProtection
type SecurityPolicyList = src.SecurityPolicyList
type SecurityPolicyRecaptchaOptionsConfig = src.SecurityPolicyRecaptchaOptionsConfig
type SecurityPolicyReference = src.SecurityPolicyReference
Represents a rule that describes one or more match conditions along with the action to be taken when traffic matches this condition (allow or deny).
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SecurityPolicyRule = src.SecurityPolicyRule
type SecurityPolicyRuleHttpHeaderAction = src.SecurityPolicyRuleHttpHeaderAction
type SecurityPolicyRuleHttpHeaderActionHttpHeaderOption = src.SecurityPolicyRuleHttpHeaderActionHttpHeaderOption
Represents a match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated against. Exactly one field must be specified.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SecurityPolicyRuleMatcher = src.SecurityPolicyRuleMatcher
type SecurityPolicyRuleMatcherConfig = src.SecurityPolicyRuleMatcherConfig
Preconfigured versioned expression. If this field is specified, config must also be specified. Available preconfigured expressions along with their requirements are: SRC_IPS_V1 - must specify the corresponding src_ip_range field in config.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SecurityPolicyRuleMatcher_VersionedExpr = src.SecurityPolicyRuleMatcher_VersionedExpr
type SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions
type SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionsThreshold = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionsThreshold
Determines the key to enforce the rate_limit_threshold on. Possible values are: - ALL: A single rate limit threshold is applied to all the requests matching this rule. This is the default value if "enforceOnKey" is not configured. - IP: The source IP address of the request is the key. Each IP has this limit enforced separately. - HTTP_HEADER: The value of the HTTP header whose name is configured under "enforceOnKeyName". The key value is truncated to the first 128 bytes of the header value. If no such header is present in the request, the key type defaults to ALL. - XFF_IP: The first IP address (i.e. the originating client IP address) specified in the list of IPs under X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. If no such header is present or the value is not a valid IP, the key defaults to the source IP address of the request i.e. key type IP. - HTTP_COOKIE: The value of the HTTP cookie whose name is configured under "enforceOnKeyName". The key value is truncated to the first 128 bytes of the cookie value. If no such cookie is present in the request, the key type defaults to ALL. - HTTP_PATH: The URL path of the HTTP request. The key value is truncated to the first 128 bytes. - SNI: Server name indication in the TLS session of the HTTPS request. The key value is truncated to the first 128 bytes. The key type defaults to ALL on a HTTP session. - REGION_CODE: The country/region from which the request originates.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_EnforceOnKey = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions_EnforceOnKey
type SecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOptions = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOptions
Type of the redirect action.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOptions_Type = src.SecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOptions_Type
The type indicates the intended use of the security policy. - CLOUD_ARMOR: Cloud Armor backend security policies can be configured to filter incoming HTTP requests targeting backend services. They filter requests before they hit the origin servers. - CLOUD_ARMOR_EDGE: Cloud Armor edge security policies can be configured to filter incoming HTTP requests targeting backend services (including Cloud CDN-enabled) as well as backend buckets (Cloud Storage). They filter requests before the request is served from Google's cache. - CLOUD_ARMOR_INTERNAL_SERVICE: Cloud Armor internal service policies can be configured to filter HTTP requests targeting services managed by Traffic Director in a service mesh. They filter requests before the request is served from the application. This field can be set only at resource creation time.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SecurityPolicy_Type = src.SecurityPolicy_Type
The authentication and authorization settings for a BackendService.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SecuritySettings = src.SecuritySettings
A request message for Instances.SendDiagnosticInterrupt. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SendDiagnosticInterruptInstanceRequest = src.SendDiagnosticInterruptInstanceRequest
A response message for Instances.SendDiagnosticInterrupt. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SendDiagnosticInterruptInstanceResponse = src.SendDiagnosticInterruptInstanceResponse
An instance serial console output.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SerialPortOutput = src.SerialPortOutput
type ServerBinding = src.ServerBinding
type ServerBinding_Type = src.ServerBinding_Type
A service account.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ServiceAccount = src.ServiceAccount
Represents a ServiceAttachment resource. A service attachment represents a service that a producer has exposed. It encapsulates the load balancer which fronts the service runs and a list of NAT IP ranges that the producers uses to represent the consumers connecting to the service. next tag = 20
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ServiceAttachment = src.ServiceAttachment
Contains a list of ServiceAttachmentsScopedList.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ServiceAttachmentAggregatedList = src.ServiceAttachmentAggregatedList
[Output Only] A connection connected to this service attachment.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint = src.ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint
The status of a connected endpoint to this service attachment.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_Status = src.ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint_Status
type ServiceAttachmentConsumerProjectLimit = src.ServiceAttachmentConsumerProjectLimit
type ServiceAttachmentList = src.ServiceAttachmentList
The connection preference of service attachment. The value can be set to ACCEPT_AUTOMATIC. An ACCEPT_AUTOMATIC service attachment is one that always accepts the connection from consumer forwarding rules.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ServiceAttachment_ConnectionPreference = src.ServiceAttachment_ConnectionPreference
ServiceAttachmentsClient is the client API for ServiceAttachments service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ServiceAttachmentsClient = src.ServiceAttachmentsClient
func NewServiceAttachmentsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ServiceAttachmentsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type ServiceAttachmentsScopedList = src.ServiceAttachmentsScopedList
ServiceAttachmentsServer is the server API for ServiceAttachments service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ServiceAttachmentsServer = src.ServiceAttachmentsServer
A request message for TargetSslProxies.SetBackendService. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetBackendServiceTargetSslProxyRequest = src.SetBackendServiceTargetSslProxyRequest
A request message for TargetTcpProxies.SetBackendService. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetBackendServiceTargetTcpProxyRequest = src.SetBackendServiceTargetTcpProxyRequest
A request message for TargetPools.SetBackup. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetBackupTargetPoolRequest = src.SetBackupTargetPoolRequest
A request message for TargetHttpsProxies.SetCertificateMap. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetCertificateMapTargetHttpsProxyRequest = src.SetCertificateMapTargetHttpsProxyRequest
A request message for TargetSslProxies.SetCertificateMap. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetCertificateMapTargetSslProxyRequest = src.SetCertificateMapTargetSslProxyRequest
A request message for Projects.SetCommonInstanceMetadata. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetCommonInstanceMetadataProjectRequest = src.SetCommonInstanceMetadataProjectRequest
A request message for Projects.SetDefaultNetworkTier. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetDefaultNetworkTierProjectRequest = src.SetDefaultNetworkTierProjectRequest
A request message for Instances.SetDeletionProtection. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetDeletionProtectionInstanceRequest = src.SetDeletionProtectionInstanceRequest
A request message for Instances.SetDiskAutoDelete. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetDiskAutoDeleteInstanceRequest = src.SetDiskAutoDeleteInstanceRequest
A request message for BackendBuckets.SetEdgeSecurityPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetEdgeSecurityPolicyBackendBucketRequest = src.SetEdgeSecurityPolicyBackendBucketRequest
A request message for BackendServices.SetEdgeSecurityPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetEdgeSecurityPolicyBackendServiceRequest = src.SetEdgeSecurityPolicyBackendServiceRequest
A request message for BackendServices.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyBackendServiceRequest = src.SetIamPolicyBackendServiceRequest
A request message for Disks.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyDiskRequest = src.SetIamPolicyDiskRequest
A request message for FirewallPolicies.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyFirewallPolicyRequest = src.SetIamPolicyFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Images.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyImageRequest = src.SetIamPolicyImageRequest
A request message for Instances.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyInstanceRequest = src.SetIamPolicyInstanceRequest
A request message for InstanceTemplates.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyInstanceTemplateRequest = src.SetIamPolicyInstanceTemplateRequest
A request message for Licenses.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyLicenseRequest = src.SetIamPolicyLicenseRequest
A request message for MachineImages.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyMachineImageRequest = src.SetIamPolicyMachineImageRequest
A request message for NetworkFirewallPolicies.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.SetIamPolicyNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for NodeGroups.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyNodeGroupRequest = src.SetIamPolicyNodeGroupRequest
A request message for NodeTemplates.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyNodeTemplateRequest = src.SetIamPolicyNodeTemplateRequest
A request message for RegionBackendServices.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyRegionBackendServiceRequest = src.SetIamPolicyRegionBackendServiceRequest
A request message for RegionDisks.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyRegionDiskRequest = src.SetIamPolicyRegionDiskRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.SetIamPolicyRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Reservations.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyReservationRequest = src.SetIamPolicyReservationRequest
A request message for ResourcePolicies.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyResourcePolicyRequest = src.SetIamPolicyResourcePolicyRequest
A request message for ServiceAttachments.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicyServiceAttachmentRequest = src.SetIamPolicyServiceAttachmentRequest
A request message for Snapshots.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicySnapshotRequest = src.SetIamPolicySnapshotRequest
A request message for Subnetworks.SetIamPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetIamPolicySubnetworkRequest = src.SetIamPolicySubnetworkRequest
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.SetInstanceTemplate. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetInstanceTemplateInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.SetInstanceTemplateInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.SetInstanceTemplate. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetInstanceTemplateRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.SetInstanceTemplateRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for Addresses.SetLabels. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetLabelsAddressRequest = src.SetLabelsAddressRequest
A request message for Disks.SetLabels. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetLabelsDiskRequest = src.SetLabelsDiskRequest
A request message for ExternalVpnGateways.SetLabels. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetLabelsExternalVpnGatewayRequest = src.SetLabelsExternalVpnGatewayRequest
A request message for ForwardingRules.SetLabels. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetLabelsForwardingRuleRequest = src.SetLabelsForwardingRuleRequest
A request message for GlobalAddresses.SetLabels. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetLabelsGlobalAddressRequest = src.SetLabelsGlobalAddressRequest
A request message for GlobalForwardingRules.SetLabels. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetLabelsGlobalForwardingRuleRequest = src.SetLabelsGlobalForwardingRuleRequest
A request message for Images.SetLabels. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetLabelsImageRequest = src.SetLabelsImageRequest
A request message for Instances.SetLabels. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetLabelsInstanceRequest = src.SetLabelsInstanceRequest
A request message for InterconnectAttachments.SetLabels. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetLabelsInterconnectAttachmentRequest = src.SetLabelsInterconnectAttachmentRequest
A request message for Interconnects.SetLabels. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetLabelsInterconnectRequest = src.SetLabelsInterconnectRequest
A request message for RegionDisks.SetLabels. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetLabelsRegionDiskRequest = src.SetLabelsRegionDiskRequest
A request message for SecurityPolicies.SetLabels. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetLabelsSecurityPolicyRequest = src.SetLabelsSecurityPolicyRequest
A request message for Snapshots.SetLabels. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetLabelsSnapshotRequest = src.SetLabelsSnapshotRequest
A request message for TargetVpnGateways.SetLabels. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetLabelsTargetVpnGatewayRequest = src.SetLabelsTargetVpnGatewayRequest
A request message for VpnGateways.SetLabels. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetLabelsVpnGatewayRequest = src.SetLabelsVpnGatewayRequest
A request message for VpnTunnels.SetLabels. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetLabelsVpnTunnelRequest = src.SetLabelsVpnTunnelRequest
A request message for Instances.SetMachineResources. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetMachineResourcesInstanceRequest = src.SetMachineResourcesInstanceRequest
A request message for Instances.SetMachineType. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetMachineTypeInstanceRequest = src.SetMachineTypeInstanceRequest
A request message for Instances.SetMetadata. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetMetadataInstanceRequest = src.SetMetadataInstanceRequest
A request message for Instances.SetMinCpuPlatform. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetMinCpuPlatformInstanceRequest = src.SetMinCpuPlatformInstanceRequest
A request message for InstanceGroups.SetNamedPorts. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetNamedPortsInstanceGroupRequest = src.SetNamedPortsInstanceGroupRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroups.SetNamedPorts. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetNamedPortsRegionInstanceGroupRequest = src.SetNamedPortsRegionInstanceGroupRequest
A request message for NodeGroups.SetNodeTemplate. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetNodeTemplateNodeGroupRequest = src.SetNodeTemplateNodeGroupRequest
A request message for Subnetworks.SetPrivateIpGoogleAccess. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetPrivateIpGoogleAccessSubnetworkRequest = src.SetPrivateIpGoogleAccessSubnetworkRequest
A request message for TargetSslProxies.SetProxyHeader. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetProxyHeaderTargetSslProxyRequest = src.SetProxyHeaderTargetSslProxyRequest
A request message for TargetTcpProxies.SetProxyHeader. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetProxyHeaderTargetTcpProxyRequest = src.SetProxyHeaderTargetTcpProxyRequest
A request message for TargetHttpsProxies.SetQuicOverride. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetQuicOverrideTargetHttpsProxyRequest = src.SetQuicOverrideTargetHttpsProxyRequest
A request message for Instances.SetScheduling. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetSchedulingInstanceRequest = src.SetSchedulingInstanceRequest
A request message for BackendServices.SetSecurityPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetSecurityPolicyBackendServiceRequest = src.SetSecurityPolicyBackendServiceRequest
A request message for Instances.SetServiceAccount. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetServiceAccountInstanceRequest = src.SetServiceAccountInstanceRequest
A request message for Instances.SetShieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetShieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicyInstanceRequest = src.SetShieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicyInstanceRequest
A request message for RegionTargetHttpsProxies.SetSslCertificates. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetSslCertificatesRegionTargetHttpsProxyRequest = src.SetSslCertificatesRegionTargetHttpsProxyRequest
A request message for TargetHttpsProxies.SetSslCertificates. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetSslCertificatesTargetHttpsProxyRequest = src.SetSslCertificatesTargetHttpsProxyRequest
A request message for TargetSslProxies.SetSslCertificates. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetSslCertificatesTargetSslProxyRequest = src.SetSslCertificatesTargetSslProxyRequest
A request message for TargetHttpsProxies.SetSslPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetSslPolicyTargetHttpsProxyRequest = src.SetSslPolicyTargetHttpsProxyRequest
A request message for TargetSslProxies.SetSslPolicy. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetSslPolicyTargetSslProxyRequest = src.SetSslPolicyTargetSslProxyRequest
A request message for Instances.SetTags. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetTagsInstanceRequest = src.SetTagsInstanceRequest
A request message for ForwardingRules.SetTarget. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetTargetForwardingRuleRequest = src.SetTargetForwardingRuleRequest
A request message for GlobalForwardingRules.SetTarget. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetTargetGlobalForwardingRuleRequest = src.SetTargetGlobalForwardingRuleRequest
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.SetTargetPools. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetTargetPoolsInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.SetTargetPoolsInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.SetTargetPools. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetTargetPoolsRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.SetTargetPoolsRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionTargetHttpProxies.SetUrlMap. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetUrlMapRegionTargetHttpProxyRequest = src.SetUrlMapRegionTargetHttpProxyRequest
A request message for RegionTargetHttpsProxies.SetUrlMap. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetUrlMapRegionTargetHttpsProxyRequest = src.SetUrlMapRegionTargetHttpsProxyRequest
A request message for TargetHttpProxies.SetUrlMap. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetUrlMapTargetHttpProxyRequest = src.SetUrlMapTargetHttpProxyRequest
A request message for TargetHttpsProxies.SetUrlMap. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetUrlMapTargetHttpsProxyRequest = src.SetUrlMapTargetHttpsProxyRequest
A request message for Projects.SetUsageExportBucket. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetUsageExportBucketProjectRequest = src.SetUsageExportBucketProjectRequest
The share setting for reservations and sole tenancy node groups.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ShareSettings = src.ShareSettings
Config for each project in the share settings.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ShareSettingsProjectConfig = src.ShareSettingsProjectConfig
Type of sharing for this shared-reservation
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ShareSettings_ShareType = src.ShareSettings_ShareType
A set of Shielded Instance options.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ShieldedInstanceConfig = src.ShieldedInstanceConfig
A Shielded Instance Identity.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ShieldedInstanceIdentity = src.ShieldedInstanceIdentity
A Shielded Instance Identity Entry.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ShieldedInstanceIdentityEntry = src.ShieldedInstanceIdentityEntry
The policy describes the baseline against which Instance boot integrity is measured.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ShieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicy = src.ShieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicy
Represents a customer-supplied Signing Key used by Cloud CDN Signed URLs
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SignedUrlKey = src.SignedUrlKey
A request message for Instances.SimulateMaintenanceEvent. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SimulateMaintenanceEventInstanceRequest = src.SimulateMaintenanceEventInstanceRequest
Represents a Persistent Disk Snapshot resource. You can use snapshots to back up data on a regular interval. For more information, read Creating persistent disk snapshots.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Snapshot = src.Snapshot
Contains a list of Snapshot resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SnapshotList = src.SnapshotList
[Output Only] The architecture of the snapshot. Valid values are ARM64 or X86_64.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Snapshot_Architecture = src.Snapshot_Architecture
Indicates the type of the snapshot.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Snapshot_SnapshotType = src.Snapshot_SnapshotType
[Output Only] The status of the snapshot. This can be CREATING, DELETING, FAILED, READY, or UPLOADING.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Snapshot_Status = src.Snapshot_Status
[Output Only] An indicator whether storageBytes is in a stable state or it is being adjusted as a result of shared storage reallocation. This status can either be UPDATING, meaning the size of the snapshot is being updated, or UP_TO_DATE, meaning the size of the snapshot is up-to-date.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Snapshot_StorageBytesStatus = src.Snapshot_StorageBytesStatus
SnapshotsClient is the client API for Snapshots service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SnapshotsClient = src.SnapshotsClient
func NewSnapshotsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) SnapshotsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
SnapshotsServer is the server API for Snapshots service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SnapshotsServer = src.SnapshotsServer
type SourceDiskEncryptionKey = src.SourceDiskEncryptionKey
A specification of the parameters to use when creating the instance template from a source instance.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SourceInstanceParams = src.SourceInstanceParams
DEPRECATED: Please use compute#instanceProperties instead. New properties will not be added to this field.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SourceInstanceProperties = src.SourceInstanceProperties
KeyRevocationActionType of the instance. Supported options are "STOP" and "NONE". The default value is "NONE" if it is not specified.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SourceInstanceProperties_KeyRevocationActionType = src.SourceInstanceProperties_KeyRevocationActionType
Represents an SSL Certificate resource. Google Compute Engine has two SSL Certificate resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/sslCertificates) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/regionSslCertificates) The sslCertificates are used by: - external HTTPS load balancers - SSL proxy load balancers The regionSslCertificates are used by internal HTTPS load balancers. Optionally, certificate file contents that you upload can contain a set of up to five PEM-encoded certificates. The API call creates an object (sslCertificate) that holds this data. You can use SSL keys and certificates to secure connections to a load balancer. For more information, read Creating and using SSL certificates, SSL certificates quotas and limits, and Troubleshooting SSL certificates.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SslCertificate = src.SslCertificate
type SslCertificateAggregatedList = src.SslCertificateAggregatedList
Contains a list of SslCertificate resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SslCertificateList = src.SslCertificateList
Configuration and status of a managed SSL certificate.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate = src.SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate
[Output only] Status of the managed certificate resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_Status = src.SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate_Status
Configuration and status of a self-managed SSL certificate.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SslCertificateSelfManagedSslCertificate = src.SslCertificateSelfManagedSslCertificate
(Optional) Specifies the type of SSL certificate, either "SELF_MANAGED" or "MANAGED". If not specified, the certificate is self-managed and the fields certificate and private_key are used.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SslCertificate_Type = src.SslCertificate_Type
SslCertificatesClient is the client API for SslCertificates service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SslCertificatesClient = src.SslCertificatesClient
func NewSslCertificatesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) SslCertificatesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type SslCertificatesScopedList = src.SslCertificatesScopedList
SslCertificatesServer is the server API for SslCertificates service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SslCertificatesServer = src.SslCertificatesServer
type SslPoliciesAggregatedList = src.SslPoliciesAggregatedList
SslPoliciesClient is the client API for SslPolicies service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SslPoliciesClient = src.SslPoliciesClient
func NewSslPoliciesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) SslPoliciesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type SslPoliciesList = src.SslPoliciesList
type SslPoliciesListAvailableFeaturesResponse = src.SslPoliciesListAvailableFeaturesResponse
type SslPoliciesScopedList = src.SslPoliciesScopedList
SslPoliciesServer is the server API for SslPolicies service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SslPoliciesServer = src.SslPoliciesServer
Represents an SSL Policy resource. Use SSL policies to control the SSL features, such as versions and cipher suites, offered by an HTTPS or SSL Proxy load balancer. For more information, read SSL Policy Concepts.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SslPolicy = src.SslPolicy
type SslPolicyReference = src.SslPolicyReference
The minimum version of SSL protocol that can be used by the clients to establish a connection with the load balancer. This can be one of TLS_1_0, TLS_1_1, TLS_1_2.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SslPolicy_MinTlsVersion = src.SslPolicy_MinTlsVersion
Profile specifies the set of SSL features that can be used by the load balancer when negotiating SSL with clients. This can be one of COMPATIBLE, MODERN, RESTRICTED, or CUSTOM. If using CUSTOM, the set of SSL features to enable must be specified in the customFeatures field.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SslPolicy_Profile = src.SslPolicy_Profile
A request message for Instances.Start. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type StartInstanceRequest = src.StartInstanceRequest
A request message for Instances.StartWithEncryptionKey. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type StartWithEncryptionKeyInstanceRequest = src.StartWithEncryptionKeyInstanceRequest
type StatefulPolicy = src.StatefulPolicy
Configuration of preserved resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type StatefulPolicyPreservedState = src.StatefulPolicyPreservedState
type StatefulPolicyPreservedStateDiskDevice = src.StatefulPolicyPreservedStateDiskDevice
These stateful disks will never be deleted during autohealing, update or VM instance recreate operations. This flag is used to configure if the disk should be deleted after it is no longer used by the group, e.g. when the given instance or the whole group is deleted. Note: disks attached in READ_ONLY mode cannot be auto-deleted.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type StatefulPolicyPreservedStateDiskDevice_AutoDelete = src.StatefulPolicyPreservedStateDiskDevice_AutoDelete
A request message for Instances.Stop. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type StopInstanceRequest = src.StopInstanceRequest
Represents a Subnetwork resource. A subnetwork (also known as a subnet) is a logical partition of a Virtual Private Cloud network with one primary IP range and zero or more secondary IP ranges. For more information, read Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Network.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Subnetwork = src.Subnetwork
type SubnetworkAggregatedList = src.SubnetworkAggregatedList
Contains a list of Subnetwork resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SubnetworkList = src.SubnetworkList
The available logging options for this subnetwork.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SubnetworkLogConfig = src.SubnetworkLogConfig
Can only be specified if VPC flow logging for this subnetwork is enabled. Toggles the aggregation interval for collecting flow logs. Increasing the interval time will reduce the amount of generated flow logs for long lasting connections. Default is an interval of 5 seconds per connection.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SubnetworkLogConfig_AggregationInterval = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_AggregationInterval
Can only be specified if VPC flow logs for this subnetwork is enabled. Configures whether all, none or a subset of metadata fields should be added to the reported VPC flow logs. Default is EXCLUDE_ALL_METADATA.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SubnetworkLogConfig_Metadata = src.SubnetworkLogConfig_Metadata
Represents a secondary IP range of a subnetwork.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SubnetworkSecondaryRange = src.SubnetworkSecondaryRange
The access type of IPv6 address this subnet holds. It's immutable and can only be specified during creation or the first time the subnet is updated into IPV4_IPV6 dual stack.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Subnetwork_Ipv6AccessType = src.Subnetwork_Ipv6AccessType
This field is for internal use. This field can be both set at resource creation time and updated using patch.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Subnetwork_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess = src.Subnetwork_PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess
The purpose of the resource. This field can be either PRIVATE_RFC_1918 or INTERNAL_HTTPS_LOAD_BALANCER. A subnetwork with purpose set to INTERNAL_HTTPS_LOAD_BALANCER is a user-created subnetwork that is reserved for Internal HTTP(S) Load Balancing. If unspecified, the purpose defaults to PRIVATE_RFC_1918. The enableFlowLogs field isn't supported with the purpose field set to INTERNAL_HTTPS_LOAD_BALANCER.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Subnetwork_Purpose = src.Subnetwork_Purpose
The role of subnetwork. Currently, this field is only used when purpose = INTERNAL_HTTPS_LOAD_BALANCER. The value can be set to ACTIVE or BACKUP. An ACTIVE subnetwork is one that is currently being used for Internal HTTP(S) Load Balancing. A BACKUP subnetwork is one that is ready to be promoted to ACTIVE or is currently draining. This field can be updated with a patch request.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Subnetwork_Role = src.Subnetwork_Role
The stack type for the subnet. If set to IPV4_ONLY, new VMs in the subnet are assigned IPv4 addresses only. If set to IPV4_IPV6, new VMs in the subnet can be assigned both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. If not specified, IPV4_ONLY is used. This field can be both set at resource creation time and updated using patch.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Subnetwork_StackType = src.Subnetwork_StackType
[Output Only] The state of the subnetwork, which can be one of the following values: READY: Subnetwork is created and ready to use DRAINING: only applicable to subnetworks that have the purpose set to INTERNAL_HTTPS_LOAD_BALANCER and indicates that connections to the load balancer are being drained. A subnetwork that is draining cannot be used or modified until it reaches a status of READY
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Subnetwork_State = src.Subnetwork_State
SubnetworksClient is the client API for Subnetworks service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SubnetworksClient = src.SubnetworksClient
func NewSubnetworksClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) SubnetworksClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type SubnetworksExpandIpCidrRangeRequest = src.SubnetworksExpandIpCidrRangeRequest
type SubnetworksScopedList = src.SubnetworksScopedList
SubnetworksServer is the server API for Subnetworks service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SubnetworksServer = src.SubnetworksServer
type SubnetworksSetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest = src.SubnetworksSetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest
Subsetting configuration for this BackendService. Currently this is applicable only for Internal TCP/UDP load balancing, Internal HTTP(S) load balancing and Traffic Director.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Subsetting = src.Subsetting
type Subsetting_Policy = src.Subsetting_Policy
A request message for Instances.Suspend. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SuspendInstanceRequest = src.SuspendInstanceRequest
A request message for Networks.SwitchToCustomMode. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SwitchToCustomModeNetworkRequest = src.SwitchToCustomModeNetworkRequest
type TCPHealthCheck = src.TCPHealthCheck
Specifies how a port is selected for health checking. Can be one of the following values: USE_FIXED_PORT: Specifies a port number explicitly using the port field in the health check. Supported by backend services for pass-through load balancers and backend services for proxy load balancers. Not supported by target pools. The health check supports all backends supported by the backend service provided the backend can be health checked. For example, GCE_VM_IP network endpoint groups, GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint groups, and instance group backends. USE_NAMED_PORT: Not supported. USE_SERVING_PORT: Provides an indirect method of specifying the health check port by referring to the backend service. Only supported by backend services for proxy load balancers. Not supported by target pools. Not supported by backend services for pass-through load balancers. Supports all backends that can be health checked; for example, GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint groups and instance group backends. For GCE_VM_IP_PORT network endpoint group backends, the health check uses the port number specified for each endpoint in the network endpoint group. For instance group backends, the health check uses the port number determined by looking up the backend service's named port in the instance group's list of named ports.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TCPHealthCheck_PortSpecification = src.TCPHealthCheck_PortSpecification
Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TCPHealthCheck_ProxyHeader = src.TCPHealthCheck_ProxyHeader
A set of instance tags.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Tags = src.Tags
TargetGrpcProxiesClient is the client API for TargetGrpcProxies service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetGrpcProxiesClient = src.TargetGrpcProxiesClient
func NewTargetGrpcProxiesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) TargetGrpcProxiesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
TargetGrpcProxiesServer is the server API for TargetGrpcProxies service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetGrpcProxiesServer = src.TargetGrpcProxiesServer
Represents a Target gRPC Proxy resource. A target gRPC proxy is a component of load balancers intended for load balancing gRPC traffic. Only global forwarding rules with load balancing scheme INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED can reference a target gRPC proxy. The target gRPC Proxy references a URL map that specifies how traffic is routed to gRPC backend services.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetGrpcProxy = src.TargetGrpcProxy
type TargetGrpcProxyList = src.TargetGrpcProxyList
TargetHttpProxiesClient is the client API for TargetHttpProxies service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetHttpProxiesClient = src.TargetHttpProxiesClient
func NewTargetHttpProxiesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) TargetHttpProxiesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type TargetHttpProxiesScopedList = src.TargetHttpProxiesScopedList
TargetHttpProxiesServer is the server API for TargetHttpProxies service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetHttpProxiesServer = src.TargetHttpProxiesServer
Represents a Target HTTP Proxy resource. Google Compute Engine has two Target HTTP Proxy resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/targetHttpProxies) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/regionTargetHttpProxies) A target HTTP proxy is a component of GCP HTTP load balancers. * targetHttpProxies are used by external HTTP load balancers and Traffic Director. * regionTargetHttpProxies are used by internal HTTP load balancers. Forwarding rules reference a target HTTP proxy, and the target proxy then references a URL map. For more information, read Using Target Proxies and Forwarding rule concepts.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetHttpProxy = src.TargetHttpProxy
type TargetHttpProxyAggregatedList = src.TargetHttpProxyAggregatedList
A list of TargetHttpProxy resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetHttpProxyList = src.TargetHttpProxyList
TargetHttpsProxiesClient is the client API for TargetHttpsProxies service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetHttpsProxiesClient = src.TargetHttpsProxiesClient
func NewTargetHttpsProxiesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) TargetHttpsProxiesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type TargetHttpsProxiesScopedList = src.TargetHttpsProxiesScopedList
TargetHttpsProxiesServer is the server API for TargetHttpsProxies service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetHttpsProxiesServer = src.TargetHttpsProxiesServer
type TargetHttpsProxiesSetCertificateMapRequest = src.TargetHttpsProxiesSetCertificateMapRequest
type TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest = src.TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest
QUIC policy for the TargetHttpsProxy resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest_QuicOverride = src.TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest_QuicOverride
type TargetHttpsProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest = src.TargetHttpsProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest
Represents a Target HTTPS Proxy resource. Google Compute Engine has two Target HTTPS Proxy resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/targetHttpsProxies) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/regionTargetHttpsProxies) A target HTTPS proxy is a component of GCP HTTPS load balancers. * targetHttpsProxies are used by external HTTPS load balancers. * regionTargetHttpsProxies are used by internal HTTPS load balancers. Forwarding rules reference a target HTTPS proxy, and the target proxy then references a URL map. For more information, read Using Target Proxies and Forwarding rule concepts.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetHttpsProxy = src.TargetHttpsProxy
type TargetHttpsProxyAggregatedList = src.TargetHttpsProxyAggregatedList
Contains a list of TargetHttpsProxy resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetHttpsProxyList = src.TargetHttpsProxyList
Specifies the QUIC override policy for this TargetHttpsProxy resource. This setting determines whether the load balancer attempts to negotiate QUIC with clients. You can specify NONE, ENABLE, or DISABLE. - When quic-override is set to NONE, Google manages whether QUIC is used. - When quic-override is set to ENABLE, the load balancer uses QUIC when possible. - When quic-override is set to DISABLE, the load balancer doesn't use QUIC. - If the quic-override flag is not specified, NONE is implied.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetHttpsProxy_QuicOverride = src.TargetHttpsProxy_QuicOverride
Represents a Target Instance resource. You can use a target instance to handle traffic for one or more forwarding rules, which is ideal for forwarding protocol traffic that is managed by a single source. For example, ESP, AH, TCP, or UDP. For more information, read Target instances.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetInstance = src.TargetInstance
type TargetInstanceAggregatedList = src.TargetInstanceAggregatedList
Contains a list of TargetInstance resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetInstanceList = src.TargetInstanceList
Must have a value of NO_NAT. Protocol forwarding delivers packets while preserving the destination IP address of the forwarding rule referencing the target instance.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetInstance_NatPolicy = src.TargetInstance_NatPolicy
TargetInstancesClient is the client API for TargetInstances service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetInstancesClient = src.TargetInstancesClient
func NewTargetInstancesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) TargetInstancesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type TargetInstancesScopedList = src.TargetInstancesScopedList
TargetInstancesServer is the server API for TargetInstances service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetInstancesServer = src.TargetInstancesServer
Represents a Target Pool resource. Target pools are used for network TCP/UDP load balancing. A target pool references member instances, an associated legacy HttpHealthCheck resource, and, optionally, a backup target pool. For more information, read Using target pools.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetPool = src.TargetPool
type TargetPoolAggregatedList = src.TargetPoolAggregatedList
type TargetPoolInstanceHealth = src.TargetPoolInstanceHealth
Contains a list of TargetPool resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetPoolList = src.TargetPoolList
Session affinity option, must be one of the following values: NONE: Connections from the same client IP may go to any instance in the pool. CLIENT_IP: Connections from the same client IP will go to the same instance in the pool while that instance remains healthy. CLIENT_IP_PROTO: Connections from the same client IP with the same IP protocol will go to the same instance in the pool while that instance remains healthy.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetPool_SessionAffinity = src.TargetPool_SessionAffinity
type TargetPoolsAddHealthCheckRequest = src.TargetPoolsAddHealthCheckRequest
type TargetPoolsAddInstanceRequest = src.TargetPoolsAddInstanceRequest
TargetPoolsClient is the client API for TargetPools service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetPoolsClient = src.TargetPoolsClient
func NewTargetPoolsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) TargetPoolsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type TargetPoolsRemoveHealthCheckRequest = src.TargetPoolsRemoveHealthCheckRequest
type TargetPoolsRemoveInstanceRequest = src.TargetPoolsRemoveInstanceRequest
type TargetPoolsScopedList = src.TargetPoolsScopedList
TargetPoolsServer is the server API for TargetPools service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetPoolsServer = src.TargetPoolsServer
type TargetReference = src.TargetReference
TargetSslProxiesClient is the client API for TargetSslProxies service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetSslProxiesClient = src.TargetSslProxiesClient
func NewTargetSslProxiesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) TargetSslProxiesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
TargetSslProxiesServer is the server API for TargetSslProxies service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetSslProxiesServer = src.TargetSslProxiesServer
type TargetSslProxiesSetBackendServiceRequest = src.TargetSslProxiesSetBackendServiceRequest
type TargetSslProxiesSetCertificateMapRequest = src.TargetSslProxiesSetCertificateMapRequest
type TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest = src.TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest
The new type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend. NONE or PROXY_V1 are allowed.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_ProxyHeader = src.TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_ProxyHeader
type TargetSslProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest = src.TargetSslProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest
Represents a Target SSL Proxy resource. A target SSL proxy is a component of a SSL Proxy load balancer. Global forwarding rules reference a target SSL proxy, and the target proxy then references an external backend service. For more information, read Using Target Proxies.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetSslProxy = src.TargetSslProxy
Contains a list of TargetSslProxy resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetSslProxyList = src.TargetSslProxyList
Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetSslProxy_ProxyHeader = src.TargetSslProxy_ProxyHeader
TargetTcpProxiesClient is the client API for TargetTcpProxies service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetTcpProxiesClient = src.TargetTcpProxiesClient
func NewTargetTcpProxiesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) TargetTcpProxiesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type TargetTcpProxiesScopedList = src.TargetTcpProxiesScopedList
TargetTcpProxiesServer is the server API for TargetTcpProxies service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetTcpProxiesServer = src.TargetTcpProxiesServer
type TargetTcpProxiesSetBackendServiceRequest = src.TargetTcpProxiesSetBackendServiceRequest
type TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest = src.TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest
The new type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend. NONE or PROXY_V1 are allowed.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_ProxyHeader = src.TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest_ProxyHeader
Represents a Target TCP Proxy resource. A target TCP proxy is a component of a TCP Proxy load balancer. Global forwarding rules reference target TCP proxy, and the target proxy then references an external backend service. For more information, read TCP Proxy Load Balancing overview.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetTcpProxy = src.TargetTcpProxy
type TargetTcpProxyAggregatedList = src.TargetTcpProxyAggregatedList
Contains a list of TargetTcpProxy resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetTcpProxyList = src.TargetTcpProxyList
Specifies the type of proxy header to append before sending data to the backend, either NONE or PROXY_V1. The default is NONE.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetTcpProxy_ProxyHeader = src.TargetTcpProxy_ProxyHeader
Represents a Target VPN Gateway resource. The target VPN gateway resource represents a Classic Cloud VPN gateway. For more information, read the the Cloud VPN Overview.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetVpnGateway = src.TargetVpnGateway
type TargetVpnGatewayAggregatedList = src.TargetVpnGatewayAggregatedList
Contains a list of TargetVpnGateway resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetVpnGatewayList = src.TargetVpnGatewayList
[Output Only] The status of the VPN gateway, which can be one of the following: CREATING, READY, FAILED, or DELETING.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetVpnGateway_Status = src.TargetVpnGateway_Status
TargetVpnGatewaysClient is the client API for TargetVpnGateways service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetVpnGatewaysClient = src.TargetVpnGatewaysClient
func NewTargetVpnGatewaysClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) TargetVpnGatewaysClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type TargetVpnGatewaysScopedList = src.TargetVpnGatewaysScopedList
TargetVpnGatewaysServer is the server API for TargetVpnGateways service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TargetVpnGatewaysServer = src.TargetVpnGatewaysServer
type TestFailure = src.TestFailure
A request message for Disks.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsDiskRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsDiskRequest
A request message for ExternalVpnGateways.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsExternalVpnGatewayRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsExternalVpnGatewayRequest
A request message for FirewallPolicies.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsFirewallPolicyRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Images.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsImageRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsImageRequest
A request message for Instances.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsInstanceRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsInstanceRequest
A request message for InstanceTemplates.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsInstanceTemplateRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsInstanceTemplateRequest
A request message for LicenseCodes.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsLicenseCodeRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsLicenseCodeRequest
A request message for Licenses.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsLicenseRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsLicenseRequest
A request message for MachineImages.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsMachineImageRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsMachineImageRequest
A request message for NetworkEndpointGroups.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsNetworkEndpointGroupRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsNetworkEndpointGroupRequest
A request message for NetworkFirewallPolicies.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for NodeGroups.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsNodeGroupRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsNodeGroupRequest
A request message for NodeTemplates.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsNodeTemplateRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsNodeTemplateRequest
A request message for PacketMirrorings.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsPacketMirroringRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsPacketMirroringRequest
A request message for RegionDisks.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsRegionDiskRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsRegionDiskRequest
A request message for RegionNetworkFirewallPolicies.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsRegionNetworkFirewallPolicyRequest
A request message for Reservations.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsReservationRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsReservationRequest
A request message for ResourcePolicies.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsResourcePolicyRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsResourcePolicyRequest
A request message for ServiceAttachments.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsServiceAttachmentRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsServiceAttachmentRequest
A request message for Snapshots.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsSnapshotRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsSnapshotRequest
A request message for Subnetworks.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsSubnetworkRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsSubnetworkRequest
A request message for VpnGateways.TestIamPermissions. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type TestIamPermissionsVpnGatewayRequest = src.TestIamPermissionsVpnGatewayRequest
type TestPermissionsRequest = src.TestPermissionsRequest
type TestPermissionsResponse = src.TestPermissionsResponse
type Uint128 = src.Uint128
UnimplementedAcceleratorTypesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedAcceleratorTypesServer = src.UnimplementedAcceleratorTypesServer
UnimplementedAddressesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedAddressesServer = src.UnimplementedAddressesServer
UnimplementedAutoscalersServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedAutoscalersServer = src.UnimplementedAutoscalersServer
UnimplementedBackendBucketsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedBackendBucketsServer = src.UnimplementedBackendBucketsServer
UnimplementedBackendServicesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedBackendServicesServer = src.UnimplementedBackendServicesServer
UnimplementedDiskTypesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedDiskTypesServer = src.UnimplementedDiskTypesServer
UnimplementedDisksServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedDisksServer = src.UnimplementedDisksServer
UnimplementedExternalVpnGatewaysServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedExternalVpnGatewaysServer = src.UnimplementedExternalVpnGatewaysServer
UnimplementedFirewallPoliciesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedFirewallPoliciesServer = src.UnimplementedFirewallPoliciesServer
UnimplementedFirewallsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedFirewallsServer = src.UnimplementedFirewallsServer
UnimplementedForwardingRulesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedForwardingRulesServer = src.UnimplementedForwardingRulesServer
UnimplementedGlobalAddressesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedGlobalAddressesServer = src.UnimplementedGlobalAddressesServer
UnimplementedGlobalForwardingRulesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedGlobalForwardingRulesServer = src.UnimplementedGlobalForwardingRulesServer
UnimplementedGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsServer = src.UnimplementedGlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsServer
UnimplementedGlobalOperationsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedGlobalOperationsServer = src.UnimplementedGlobalOperationsServer
UnimplementedGlobalOrganizationOperationsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedGlobalOrganizationOperationsServer = src.UnimplementedGlobalOrganizationOperationsServer
UnimplementedGlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedGlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesServer = src.UnimplementedGlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesServer
UnimplementedHealthChecksServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedHealthChecksServer = src.UnimplementedHealthChecksServer
UnimplementedImageFamilyViewsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedImageFamilyViewsServer = src.UnimplementedImageFamilyViewsServer
UnimplementedImagesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedImagesServer = src.UnimplementedImagesServer
UnimplementedInstanceGroupManagersServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedInstanceGroupManagersServer = src.UnimplementedInstanceGroupManagersServer
UnimplementedInstanceGroupsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedInstanceGroupsServer = src.UnimplementedInstanceGroupsServer
UnimplementedInstanceTemplatesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedInstanceTemplatesServer = src.UnimplementedInstanceTemplatesServer
UnimplementedInstancesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedInstancesServer = src.UnimplementedInstancesServer
UnimplementedInterconnectAttachmentsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedInterconnectAttachmentsServer = src.UnimplementedInterconnectAttachmentsServer
UnimplementedInterconnectLocationsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedInterconnectLocationsServer = src.UnimplementedInterconnectLocationsServer
UnimplementedInterconnectsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedInterconnectsServer = src.UnimplementedInterconnectsServer
UnimplementedLicenseCodesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedLicenseCodesServer = src.UnimplementedLicenseCodesServer
UnimplementedLicensesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedLicensesServer = src.UnimplementedLicensesServer
UnimplementedMachineImagesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedMachineImagesServer = src.UnimplementedMachineImagesServer
UnimplementedMachineTypesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedMachineTypesServer = src.UnimplementedMachineTypesServer
UnimplementedNetworkEdgeSecurityServicesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedNetworkEdgeSecurityServicesServer = src.UnimplementedNetworkEdgeSecurityServicesServer
UnimplementedNetworkEndpointGroupsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedNetworkEndpointGroupsServer = src.UnimplementedNetworkEndpointGroupsServer
UnimplementedNetworkFirewallPoliciesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedNetworkFirewallPoliciesServer = src.UnimplementedNetworkFirewallPoliciesServer
UnimplementedNetworksServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedNetworksServer = src.UnimplementedNetworksServer
UnimplementedNodeGroupsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedNodeGroupsServer = src.UnimplementedNodeGroupsServer
UnimplementedNodeTemplatesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedNodeTemplatesServer = src.UnimplementedNodeTemplatesServer
UnimplementedNodeTypesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedNodeTypesServer = src.UnimplementedNodeTypesServer
UnimplementedPacketMirroringsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedPacketMirroringsServer = src.UnimplementedPacketMirroringsServer
UnimplementedProjectsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedProjectsServer = src.UnimplementedProjectsServer
UnimplementedPublicAdvertisedPrefixesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedPublicAdvertisedPrefixesServer = src.UnimplementedPublicAdvertisedPrefixesServer
UnimplementedPublicDelegatedPrefixesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedPublicDelegatedPrefixesServer = src.UnimplementedPublicDelegatedPrefixesServer
UnimplementedRegionAutoscalersServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionAutoscalersServer = src.UnimplementedRegionAutoscalersServer
UnimplementedRegionBackendServicesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionBackendServicesServer = src.UnimplementedRegionBackendServicesServer
UnimplementedRegionCommitmentsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionCommitmentsServer = src.UnimplementedRegionCommitmentsServer
UnimplementedRegionDiskTypesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionDiskTypesServer = src.UnimplementedRegionDiskTypesServer
UnimplementedRegionDisksServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionDisksServer = src.UnimplementedRegionDisksServer
UnimplementedRegionHealthCheckServicesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionHealthCheckServicesServer = src.UnimplementedRegionHealthCheckServicesServer
UnimplementedRegionHealthChecksServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionHealthChecksServer = src.UnimplementedRegionHealthChecksServer
UnimplementedRegionInstanceGroupManagersServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionInstanceGroupManagersServer = src.UnimplementedRegionInstanceGroupManagersServer
UnimplementedRegionInstanceGroupsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionInstanceGroupsServer = src.UnimplementedRegionInstanceGroupsServer
UnimplementedRegionInstancesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionInstancesServer = src.UnimplementedRegionInstancesServer
UnimplementedRegionNetworkEndpointGroupsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionNetworkEndpointGroupsServer = src.UnimplementedRegionNetworkEndpointGroupsServer
UnimplementedRegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesServer = src.UnimplementedRegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesServer
UnimplementedRegionNotificationEndpointsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionNotificationEndpointsServer = src.UnimplementedRegionNotificationEndpointsServer
UnimplementedRegionOperationsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionOperationsServer = src.UnimplementedRegionOperationsServer
UnimplementedRegionSecurityPoliciesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionSecurityPoliciesServer = src.UnimplementedRegionSecurityPoliciesServer
UnimplementedRegionSslCertificatesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionSslCertificatesServer = src.UnimplementedRegionSslCertificatesServer
UnimplementedRegionSslPoliciesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionSslPoliciesServer = src.UnimplementedRegionSslPoliciesServer
UnimplementedRegionTargetHttpProxiesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionTargetHttpProxiesServer = src.UnimplementedRegionTargetHttpProxiesServer
UnimplementedRegionTargetHttpsProxiesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionTargetHttpsProxiesServer = src.UnimplementedRegionTargetHttpsProxiesServer
UnimplementedRegionTargetTcpProxiesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionTargetTcpProxiesServer = src.UnimplementedRegionTargetTcpProxiesServer
UnimplementedRegionUrlMapsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionUrlMapsServer = src.UnimplementedRegionUrlMapsServer
UnimplementedRegionsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRegionsServer = src.UnimplementedRegionsServer
UnimplementedReservationsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedReservationsServer = src.UnimplementedReservationsServer
UnimplementedResourcePoliciesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedResourcePoliciesServer = src.UnimplementedResourcePoliciesServer
UnimplementedRoutersServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRoutersServer = src.UnimplementedRoutersServer
UnimplementedRoutesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedRoutesServer = src.UnimplementedRoutesServer
UnimplementedSecurityPoliciesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedSecurityPoliciesServer = src.UnimplementedSecurityPoliciesServer
UnimplementedServiceAttachmentsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedServiceAttachmentsServer = src.UnimplementedServiceAttachmentsServer
UnimplementedSnapshotsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedSnapshotsServer = src.UnimplementedSnapshotsServer
UnimplementedSslCertificatesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedSslCertificatesServer = src.UnimplementedSslCertificatesServer
UnimplementedSslPoliciesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedSslPoliciesServer = src.UnimplementedSslPoliciesServer
UnimplementedSubnetworksServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedSubnetworksServer = src.UnimplementedSubnetworksServer
UnimplementedTargetGrpcProxiesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedTargetGrpcProxiesServer = src.UnimplementedTargetGrpcProxiesServer
UnimplementedTargetHttpProxiesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedTargetHttpProxiesServer = src.UnimplementedTargetHttpProxiesServer
UnimplementedTargetHttpsProxiesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedTargetHttpsProxiesServer = src.UnimplementedTargetHttpsProxiesServer
UnimplementedTargetInstancesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedTargetInstancesServer = src.UnimplementedTargetInstancesServer
UnimplementedTargetPoolsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedTargetPoolsServer = src.UnimplementedTargetPoolsServer
UnimplementedTargetSslProxiesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedTargetSslProxiesServer = src.UnimplementedTargetSslProxiesServer
UnimplementedTargetTcpProxiesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedTargetTcpProxiesServer = src.UnimplementedTargetTcpProxiesServer
UnimplementedTargetVpnGatewaysServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedTargetVpnGatewaysServer = src.UnimplementedTargetVpnGatewaysServer
UnimplementedUrlMapsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedUrlMapsServer = src.UnimplementedUrlMapsServer
UnimplementedVpnGatewaysServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedVpnGatewaysServer = src.UnimplementedVpnGatewaysServer
UnimplementedVpnTunnelsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedVpnTunnelsServer = src.UnimplementedVpnTunnelsServer
UnimplementedZoneOperationsServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedZoneOperationsServer = src.UnimplementedZoneOperationsServer
UnimplementedZonesServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedZonesServer = src.UnimplementedZonesServer
A request message for Instances.UpdateAccessConfig. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateAccessConfigInstanceRequest = src.UpdateAccessConfigInstanceRequest
A request message for Autoscalers.Update. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateAutoscalerRequest = src.UpdateAutoscalerRequest
A request message for BackendBuckets.Update. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateBackendBucketRequest = src.UpdateBackendBucketRequest
A request message for BackendServices.Update. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateBackendServiceRequest = src.UpdateBackendServiceRequest
A request message for Instances.UpdateDisplayDevice. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateDisplayDeviceInstanceRequest = src.UpdateDisplayDeviceInstanceRequest
A request message for Firewalls.Update. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateFirewallRequest = src.UpdateFirewallRequest
A request message for HealthChecks.Update. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateHealthCheckRequest = src.UpdateHealthCheckRequest
A request message for Instances.Update. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateInstanceRequest = src.UpdateInstanceRequest
Specifies the action to take when updating an instance even if the updated properties do not require it. If not specified, then Compute Engine acts based on the minimum action that the updated properties require. Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons: INVALID NO_EFFECT REFRESH RESTART
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateInstanceRequest_MinimalAction = src.UpdateInstanceRequest_MinimalAction
Specifies the most disruptive action that can be taken on the instance as part of the update. Compute Engine returns an error if the instance properties require a more disruptive action as part of the instance update. Valid options from lowest to highest are NO_EFFECT, REFRESH, and RESTART. Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons: INVALID NO_EFFECT REFRESH RESTART
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateInstanceRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction = src.UpdateInstanceRequest_MostDisruptiveAllowedAction
A request message for Instances.UpdateNetworkInterface. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateNetworkInterfaceInstanceRequest = src.UpdateNetworkInterfaceInstanceRequest
A request message for Networks.UpdatePeering. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdatePeeringNetworkRequest = src.UpdatePeeringNetworkRequest
A request message for InstanceGroupManagers.UpdatePerInstanceConfigs. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdatePerInstanceConfigsInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.UpdatePerInstanceConfigsInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionInstanceGroupManagers.UpdatePerInstanceConfigs. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdatePerInstanceConfigsRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest = src.UpdatePerInstanceConfigsRegionInstanceGroupManagerRequest
A request message for RegionAutoscalers.Update. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateRegionAutoscalerRequest = src.UpdateRegionAutoscalerRequest
A request message for RegionBackendServices.Update. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateRegionBackendServiceRequest = src.UpdateRegionBackendServiceRequest
A request message for RegionCommitments.Update. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateRegionCommitmentRequest = src.UpdateRegionCommitmentRequest
A request message for RegionHealthChecks.Update. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateRegionHealthCheckRequest = src.UpdateRegionHealthCheckRequest
A request message for RegionUrlMaps.Update. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateRegionUrlMapRequest = src.UpdateRegionUrlMapRequest
A request message for Reservations.Update. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateReservationRequest = src.UpdateReservationRequest
A request message for Routers.Update. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateRouterRequest = src.UpdateRouterRequest
A request message for Instances.UpdateShieldedInstanceConfig. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateShieldedInstanceConfigInstanceRequest = src.UpdateShieldedInstanceConfigInstanceRequest
A request message for UrlMaps.Update. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateUrlMapRequest = src.UpdateUrlMapRequest
Represents a URL Map resource. Compute Engine has two URL Map resources: * [Global](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/urlMaps) * [Regional](/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/regionUrlMaps) A URL map resource is a component of certain types of cloud load balancers and Traffic Director: * urlMaps are used by external HTTP(S) load balancers and Traffic Director. * regionUrlMaps are used by internal HTTP(S) load balancers. For a list of supported URL map features by the load balancer type, see the Load balancing features: Routing and traffic management table. For a list of supported URL map features for Traffic Director, see the Traffic Director features: Routing and traffic management table. This resource defines mappings from hostnames and URL paths to either a backend service or a backend bucket. To use the global urlMaps resource, the backend service must have a loadBalancingScheme of either EXTERNAL or INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED. To use the regionUrlMaps resource, the backend service must have a loadBalancingScheme of INTERNAL_MANAGED. For more information, read URL Map Concepts.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UrlMap = src.UrlMap
Contains a list of UrlMap resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UrlMapList = src.UrlMapList
type UrlMapReference = src.UrlMapReference
Message for the expected URL mappings.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UrlMapTest = src.UrlMapTest
HTTP headers used in UrlMapTests.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UrlMapTestHeader = src.UrlMapTestHeader
Message representing the validation result for a UrlMap.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UrlMapValidationResult = src.UrlMapValidationResult
type UrlMapsAggregatedList = src.UrlMapsAggregatedList
UrlMapsClient is the client API for UrlMaps service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UrlMapsClient = src.UrlMapsClient
func NewUrlMapsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) UrlMapsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type UrlMapsScopedList = src.UrlMapsScopedList
UrlMapsServer is the server API for UrlMaps service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UrlMapsServer = src.UrlMapsServer
type UrlMapsValidateRequest = src.UrlMapsValidateRequest
type UrlMapsValidateRequest_LoadBalancingSchemes = src.UrlMapsValidateRequest_LoadBalancingSchemes
type UrlMapsValidateResponse = src.UrlMapsValidateResponse
The spec for modifying the path before sending the request to the matched backend service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UrlRewrite = src.UrlRewrite
Subnetwork which the current user has compute.subnetworks.use permission on.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UsableSubnetwork = src.UsableSubnetwork
Secondary IP range of a usable subnetwork.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange = src.UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange
The access type of IPv6 address this subnet holds. It's immutable and can only be specified during creation or the first time the subnet is updated into IPV4_IPV6 dual stack.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UsableSubnetwork_Ipv6AccessType = src.UsableSubnetwork_Ipv6AccessType
The purpose of the resource. This field can be either PRIVATE_RFC_1918 or INTERNAL_HTTPS_LOAD_BALANCER. A subnetwork with purpose set to INTERNAL_HTTPS_LOAD_BALANCER is a user-created subnetwork that is reserved for Internal HTTP(S) Load Balancing. If unspecified, the purpose defaults to PRIVATE_RFC_1918. The enableFlowLogs field isn't supported with the purpose field set to INTERNAL_HTTPS_LOAD_BALANCER.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UsableSubnetwork_Purpose = src.UsableSubnetwork_Purpose
The role of subnetwork. Currently, this field is only used when purpose = INTERNAL_HTTPS_LOAD_BALANCER. The value can be set to ACTIVE or BACKUP. An ACTIVE subnetwork is one that is currently being used for Internal HTTP(S) Load Balancing. A BACKUP subnetwork is one that is ready to be promoted to ACTIVE or is currently draining. This field can be updated with a patch request.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UsableSubnetwork_Role = src.UsableSubnetwork_Role
The stack type for the subnet. If set to IPV4_ONLY, new VMs in the subnet are assigned IPv4 addresses only. If set to IPV4_IPV6, new VMs in the subnet can be assigned both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. If not specified, IPV4_ONLY is used. This field can be both set at resource creation time and updated using patch.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UsableSubnetwork_StackType = src.UsableSubnetwork_StackType
type UsableSubnetworksAggregatedList = src.UsableSubnetworksAggregatedList
The location in Cloud Storage and naming method of the daily usage report. Contains bucket_name and report_name prefix.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UsageExportLocation = src.UsageExportLocation
A request message for RegionUrlMaps.Validate. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ValidateRegionUrlMapRequest = src.ValidateRegionUrlMapRequest
A request message for UrlMaps.Validate. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ValidateUrlMapRequest = src.ValidateUrlMapRequest
Contain information of Nat mapping for a VM endpoint (i.e., NIC).
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VmEndpointNatMappings = src.VmEndpointNatMappings
Contain information of Nat mapping for an interface of this endpoint.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VmEndpointNatMappingsInterfaceNatMappings = src.VmEndpointNatMappingsInterfaceNatMappings
Contains information of NAT Mappings provided by a NAT Rule.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VmEndpointNatMappingsInterfaceNatMappingsNatRuleMappings = src.VmEndpointNatMappingsInterfaceNatMappingsNatRuleMappings
Contains a list of VmEndpointNatMappings.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VmEndpointNatMappingsList = src.VmEndpointNatMappingsList
Represents a HA VPN gateway. HA VPN is a high-availability (HA) Cloud VPN solution that lets you securely connect your on-premises network to your Google Cloud Virtual Private Cloud network through an IPsec VPN connection in a single region. For more information about Cloud HA VPN solutions, see Cloud VPN topologies .
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VpnGateway = src.VpnGateway
type VpnGatewayAggregatedList = src.VpnGatewayAggregatedList
Contains a list of VpnGateway resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VpnGatewayList = src.VpnGatewayList
type VpnGatewayStatus = src.VpnGatewayStatus
Describes the high availability requirement state for the VPN connection between this Cloud VPN gateway and a peer gateway.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState = src.VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState
Indicates the high availability requirement state for the VPN connection. Valid values are CONNECTION_REDUNDANCY_MET, CONNECTION_REDUNDANCY_NOT_MET.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_State = src.VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_State
Indicates the reason why the VPN connection does not meet the high availability redundancy criteria/requirement. Valid values is INCOMPLETE_TUNNELS_COVERAGE.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_UnsatisfiedReason = src.VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState_UnsatisfiedReason
Contains some information about a VPN tunnel.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VpnGatewayStatusTunnel = src.VpnGatewayStatusTunnel
A VPN connection contains all VPN tunnels connected from this VpnGateway to the same peer gateway. The peer gateway could either be a external VPN gateway or GCP VPN gateway.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VpnGatewayStatusVpnConnection = src.VpnGatewayStatusVpnConnection
A VPN gateway interface.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VpnGatewayVpnGatewayInterface = src.VpnGatewayVpnGatewayInterface
The stack type for this VPN gateway to identify the IP protocols that are enabled. Possible values are: IPV4_ONLY, IPV4_IPV6. If not specified, IPV4_ONLY will be used.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VpnGateway_StackType = src.VpnGateway_StackType
VpnGatewaysClient is the client API for VpnGateways service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VpnGatewaysClient = src.VpnGatewaysClient
func NewVpnGatewaysClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) VpnGatewaysClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type VpnGatewaysGetStatusResponse = src.VpnGatewaysGetStatusResponse
type VpnGatewaysScopedList = src.VpnGatewaysScopedList
VpnGatewaysServer is the server API for VpnGateways service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VpnGatewaysServer = src.VpnGatewaysServer
Represents a Cloud VPN Tunnel resource. For more information about VPN, read the the Cloud VPN Overview.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VpnTunnel = src.VpnTunnel
type VpnTunnelAggregatedList = src.VpnTunnelAggregatedList
Contains a list of VpnTunnel resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VpnTunnelList = src.VpnTunnelList
[Output Only] The status of the VPN tunnel, which can be one of the following: - PROVISIONING: Resource is being allocated for the VPN tunnel. - WAITING_FOR_FULL_CONFIG: Waiting to receive all VPN-related configs from the user. Network, TargetVpnGateway, VpnTunnel, ForwardingRule, and Route resources are needed to setup the VPN tunnel. - FIRST_HANDSHAKE: Successful first handshake with the peer VPN. - ESTABLISHED: Secure session is successfully established with the peer VPN. - NETWORK_ERROR: Deprecated, replaced by NO_INCOMING_PACKETS - AUTHORIZATION_ERROR: Auth error (for example, bad shared secret). - NEGOTIATION_FAILURE: Handshake failed. - DEPROVISIONING: Resources are being deallocated for the VPN tunnel. - FAILED: Tunnel creation has failed and the tunnel is not ready to be used. - NO_INCOMING_PACKETS: No incoming packets from peer. - REJECTED: Tunnel configuration was rejected, can be result of being denied access. - ALLOCATING_RESOURCES: Cloud VPN is in the process of allocating all required resources. - STOPPED: Tunnel is stopped due to its Forwarding Rules being deleted for Classic VPN tunnels or the project is in frozen state. - PEER_IDENTITY_MISMATCH: Peer identity does not match peer IP, probably behind NAT. - TS_NARROWING_NOT_ALLOWED: Traffic selector narrowing not allowed for an HA-VPN tunnel.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VpnTunnel_Status = src.VpnTunnel_Status
VpnTunnelsClient is the client API for VpnTunnels service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VpnTunnelsClient = src.VpnTunnelsClient
func NewVpnTunnelsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) VpnTunnelsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
type VpnTunnelsScopedList = src.VpnTunnelsScopedList
VpnTunnelsServer is the server API for VpnTunnels service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type VpnTunnelsServer = src.VpnTunnelsServer
type WafExpressionSet = src.WafExpressionSet
type WafExpressionSetExpression = src.WafExpressionSetExpression
A request message for GlobalOperations.Wait. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type WaitGlobalOperationRequest = src.WaitGlobalOperationRequest
A request message for RegionOperations.Wait. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type WaitRegionOperationRequest = src.WaitRegionOperationRequest
A request message for ZoneOperations.Wait. See the method description for details.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type WaitZoneOperationRequest = src.WaitZoneOperationRequest
[Output Only] Informational warning message.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Warning = src.Warning
[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Warning_Code = src.Warning_Code
type Warnings = src.Warnings
[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the response.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Warnings_Code = src.Warnings_Code
In contrast to a single BackendService in HttpRouteAction to which all matching traffic is directed to, WeightedBackendService allows traffic to be split across multiple backend services. The volume of traffic for each backend service is proportional to the weight specified in each WeightedBackendService
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type WeightedBackendService = src.WeightedBackendService
type XpnHostList = src.XpnHostList
Service resource (a.k.a service project) ID.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type XpnResourceId = src.XpnResourceId
The type of the service resource.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type XpnResourceId_Type = src.XpnResourceId_Type
Represents a Zone resource. A zone is a deployment area. These deployment areas are subsets of a region. For example the zone us-east1-a is located in the us-east1 region. For more information, read Regions and Zones.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Zone = src.Zone
Contains a list of zone resources.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ZoneList = src.ZoneList
ZoneOperationsClient is the client API for ZoneOperations service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ZoneOperationsClient = src.ZoneOperationsClient
func NewZoneOperationsClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ZoneOperationsClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
ZoneOperationsServer is the server API for ZoneOperations service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ZoneOperationsServer = src.ZoneOperationsServer
type ZoneSetLabelsRequest = src.ZoneSetLabelsRequest
type ZoneSetPolicyRequest = src.ZoneSetPolicyRequest
[Output Only] Status of the zone, either UP or DOWN.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Zone_Status = src.Zone_Status
ZonesClient is the client API for Zones service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ZonesClient = src.ZonesClient
func NewZonesClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ZonesClient
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
ZonesServer is the server API for Zones service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ZonesServer = src.ZonesServer