
Package api

import "google.golang.org/api"

Overview ▾

Package api is the root of the packages used to access Google Cloud Services. See https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/api for a full list of sub-packages.

Within api there exist numerous clients which connect to Google APIs, and various utility packages.

Client Options

All clients in sub-packages are configurable via client options. These options are described here: https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/api/option.

Authentication and Authorization

All the clients in sub-packages support authentication via Google Application Default Credentials (see https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production), or by providing a JSON key file for a Service Account. See the authentication examples in https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/api/transport for more details.

Versioning and Stability

Due to the auto-generated nature of this collection of libraries, complete APIs or specific versions can appear or go away without notice. As a result, you should always locally vendor any API(s) that your code relies upon.

Google APIs follow semver as specified by https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/versioning. The code generator and the code it produces - the libraries in the google.golang.org/api/... subpackages - are beta.

Note that versioning and stability is strictly not communicated through Go modules. Go modules are used only for dependency management.


Many parameters are specified using ints. However, underlying APIs might operate on a finer granularity, expecting int64, int32, uint64, or uint32, all of whom have different maximum values. Subsequently, specifying an int parameter in one of these clients may result in an error from the API because the value is too large.

To see the exact type of int that the API expects, you can inspect the API's discovery doc. A global catalogue pointing to the discovery doc of APIs can be found at https://www.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis.


This field can be found on all Request/Response structs in the generated clients. All of these types have the JSON `omitempty` field tag present on their fields. This means if a type is set to its default value it will not be marshalled. Sometimes you may actually want to send a default value, for instance sending an int of `0`. In this case you can override the `omitempty` feature by adding the field name to the `ForceSendFields` slice. See docs on any struct for more details. This may be used to include empty fields in Patch requests.


This field can be found on all Request/Response structs in the generated clients. It can be be used to send JSON null values for the listed fields. By default, fields with empty values are omitted from API requests because of the presence of the `omitempty` field tag on all fields. However, any field with an empty value appearing in NullFields will be sent to the server as null. It is an error if a field in this list has a non-empty value. This may be used to include null fields in Patch requests.

Inspecting errors

An error returned by a client's Do method may be cast to a *googleapi.Error or unwrapped to an *apierror.APIError.

The https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/api/googleapi#Error type is useful for getting the HTTP status code:

if _, err := svc.FooCall().Do(); err != nil {
	if gErr, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok {
		fmt.Println("Status code: %v", gErr.Code)

The https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/googleapis/gax-go/v2/apierror#APIError type is useful for inspecting structured details of the underlying API response, such as the reason for the error and the error domain, which is typically the registered service name of the tool or product that generated the error:

if _, err := svc.FooCall().Do(); err != nil {
	var aErr *apierror.APIError
	if ok := errors.As(err, &aErr); ok {
		fmt.Println("Reason: %s", aErr.Reason())
		fmt.Println("Domain: %s", aErr.Domain())

Polling Operations

If an API call returns an Operation, that means it could take some time to complete the work initiated by the API call. Applications that are interested in the end result of the operation they initiated should wait until the Operation.Done field indicates it is finished. To do this, use the service's Operation client, and a loop, like so:

  import (
		gax "github.com/googleapis/gax-go/v2"

  // existing application code...

  // API call that returns an Operation.
	 op, err := myApiClient.CalculateFoo().Do()
	 if err != nil {
		// handle err

	 operationsService = myapi.NewOperationsService(myApiClient)
  pollingBackoff := gax.Backoff{
	    Initial:    time.Second,
	    Max:        time.Minute, // Max time between polling attempts.
	    Multiplier: 2,
	 for {
		if op.Done {
		// not done, sleep with backoff, then poll again
		if err := gax.Sleep(ctx, pollingBackoff.Pause()); err != nil {
			// handle error
		op, err := operationsService.Get(op.Name).Do()
		if err != nil {
			// handle error

	 if op.Error != nil {
		// handle operation err

	 // Do something with the response

Index ▾

Package files



Name Synopsis
v1 Package abusiveexperiencereport provides access to the Abusive Experience Report API.
v1 Package acceleratedmobilepageurl provides access to the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) URL API.
v1 Package accessapproval provides access to the Access Approval API.
v1beta1 Package accessapproval provides access to the Access Approval API.
v1 Package accesscontextmanager provides access to the Access Context Manager API.
v1beta Package accesscontextmanager provides access to the Access Context Manager API.
v1 Package acmedns provides access to the ACME DNS API.
v1 Package addressvalidation provides access to the Address Validation API.
v1.2 Package adexchangebuyer provides access to the Ad Exchange Buyer API.
v1.3 Package adexchangebuyer provides access to the Ad Exchange Buyer API.
v1.4 Package adexchangebuyer provides access to the Ad Exchange Buyer API.
v2beta1 Package adexchangebuyer2 provides access to the Ad Exchange Buyer API II.
v1 Package adexchangeseller provides access to the Ad Exchange Seller API.
v1.1 Package adexchangeseller provides access to the Ad Exchange Seller API.
v2.0 Package adexchangeseller provides access to the Ad Exchange Seller API.
v1 Package adexperiencereport provides access to the Ad Experience Report API.
v1 Package admin provides access to the Admin SDK API.
v1 Package admin provides access to the Admin SDK API.
v1 Package admin provides access to the Admin SDK API.
v1 Package admob provides access to the AdMob API.
v1beta Package admob provides access to the AdMob API.
v1.3 Package adsense provides access to the AdSense Management API.
v1.4 Package adsense provides access to the AdSense Management API.
v2 Package adsense provides access to the AdSense Management API.
v4.1 Package adsensehost provides access to the AdSense Host API.
v1 Package advisorynotifications provides access to the Advisory Notifications API.
v1 Package aiplatform provides access to the Vertex AI API.
v1beta1 Package aiplatform provides access to the Vertex AI API.
v1beta1 Package alertcenter provides access to the Google Workspace Alert Center API.
v1 Package alloydb provides access to the AlloyDB API.
v1alpha Package alloydb provides access to the AlloyDB API.
v1beta Package alloydb provides access to the AlloyDB API.
v2.4 Package analytics provides access to the Google Analytics API.
v3 Package analytics provides access to the Google Analytics API.
v1alpha Package analyticsadmin provides access to the Google Analytics Admin API.
v1beta Package analyticsadmin provides access to the Google Analytics Admin API.
v1alpha Package analyticsdata provides access to the Google Analytics Data API.
v1beta Package analyticsdata provides access to the Google Analytics Data API.
v1 Package analyticshub provides access to the Analytics Hub API.
v1beta1 Package analyticshub provides access to the Analytics Hub API.
v4 Package analyticsreporting provides access to the Analytics Reporting API.
v1 Package androiddeviceprovisioning provides access to the Android Device Provisioning Partner API.
v1 Package androidenterprise provides access to the Google Play EMM API.
v1 Package androidmanagement provides access to the Android Management API.
v1 Package androidpublisher provides access to the Google Play Developer API.
v1.1 Package androidpublisher provides access to the Google Play Developer API.
v2 Package androidpublisher provides access to the Google Play Developer API.
v3 Package androidpublisher provides access to the Google Play Android Developer API.
v1 Package apigateway provides access to the API Gateway API.
v1alpha1 Package apigateway provides access to the API Gateway API.
v1alpha2 Package apigateway provides access to the API Gateway API.
v1beta Package apigateway provides access to the API Gateway API.
v1 Package apigee provides access to the Apigee API.
v1 Package apigeeregistry provides access to the Apigee Registry API.
v2 Package apikeys provides access to the API Keys API.
v1 Package appengine provides access to the App Engine Admin API.
v1alpha Package appengine provides access to the App Engine Admin API.
v1beta Package appengine provides access to the App Engine Admin API.
v1beta4 Package appengine provides access to the App Engine Admin API.
v1beta5 Package appengine provides access to the App Engine Admin API.
v1 Package apphub provides access to the App Hub API.
v1alpha Package apphub provides access to the App Hub API.
v1 Package appsactivity provides access to the Drive Activity API.
v1 Package appstate provides access to the Google App State API.
v1alpha1 Package area120tables provides access to the Area120 Tables API.
v1 Package artifactregistry provides access to the Artifact Registry API.
v1beta1 Package artifactregistry provides access to the Artifact Registry API.
v1beta2 Package artifactregistry provides access to the Artifact Registry API.
v1 Package assuredworkloads provides access to the Assured Workloads API.
v1beta1 Package assuredworkloads provides access to the Assured Workloads API.
v1 Package authorizedbuyersmarketplace provides access to the Authorized Buyers Marketplace API.
v1 Package backupdr provides access to the Backup and DR Service API.
v1 Package baremetalsolution provides access to the Bare Metal Solution API.
v1alpha1 Package baremetalsolution provides access to the Bare Metal Solution API.
v2 Package baremetalsolution provides access to the Bare Metal Solution API.
v1 Package batch provides access to the Batch API.
v1 Package beyondcorp provides access to the BeyondCorp API.
v1alpha Package beyondcorp provides access to the BeyondCorp API.
v1 Package biglake provides access to the BigLake API.
v2 Package bigquery provides access to the BigQuery API.
v1 Package bigqueryconnection provides access to the BigQuery Connection API.
v1beta1 Package bigqueryconnection provides access to the BigQuery Connection API.
v1 Package bigquerydatapolicy provides access to the BigQuery Data Policy API.
v1 Package bigquerydatatransfer provides access to the BigQuery Data Transfer API.
v1 Package bigqueryreservation provides access to the BigQuery Reservation API.
v1alpha2 Package bigqueryreservation provides access to the BigQuery Reservation API.
v1beta1 Package bigqueryreservation provides access to the BigQuery Reservation API.
v1 Package bigtableadmin provides access to the Cloud Bigtable Admin API.
v2 Package bigtableadmin provides access to the Cloud Bigtable Admin API.
v1 Package billingbudgets provides access to the Cloud Billing Budget API.
v1beta1 Package billingbudgets provides access to the Cloud Billing Budget API.
v1 Package binaryauthorization provides access to the Binary Authorization API.
v1beta1 Package binaryauthorization provides access to the Binary Authorization API.
v1 Package blockchainnodeengine provides access to the Blockchain Node Engine API.
v2 Package blogger provides access to the Blogger API.
v3 Package blogger provides access to the Blogger API.
v1 Package books provides access to the Books API.
v1 Package businessprofileperformance provides access to the Business Profile Performance API.
v3 Package calendar provides access to the Calendar API.
v1 Package certificatemanager provides access to the Certificate Manager API.
v1 Package chat provides access to the Google Chat API.
v1alpha Package checks provides access to the Checks API.
v1 Package chromemanagement provides access to the Chrome Management API.
v1 Package chromepolicy provides access to the Chrome Policy API.
v1 Package chromeuxreport provides access to the Chrome UX Report API.
v2 Package civicinfo provides access to the Google Civic Information API.
v1 Package classroom provides access to the Google Classroom API.
v1 Package cloudasset provides access to the Cloud Asset API.
v1beta1 Package cloudasset provides access to the Cloud Asset API.
v1p1beta1 Package cloudasset provides access to the Cloud Asset API.
v1p4beta1 Package cloudasset provides access to the Cloud Asset API.
v1p5beta1 Package cloudasset provides access to the Cloud Asset API.
v1p7beta1 Package cloudasset provides access to the Cloud Asset API.
v1 Package cloudbilling provides access to the Cloud Billing API.
v1beta Package cloudbilling provides access to the Cloud Billing API.
v1 Package cloudbuild provides access to the Cloud Build API.
v1alpha1 Package cloudbuild provides access to the Cloud Build API.
v1alpha2 Package cloudbuild provides access to the Cloud Build API.
v1beta1 Package cloudbuild provides access to the Cloud Build API.
v2 Package cloudbuild provides access to the Cloud Build API.
v1 Package cloudchannel provides access to the Cloud Channel API.
v1 Package cloudcommerceprocurement provides access to the Cloud Commerce Partner Procurement API.
v1 Package cloudcontrolspartner provides access to the Cloud Controls Partner API.
v1beta Package cloudcontrolspartner provides access to the Cloud Controls Partner API.
v2 Package clouddebugger provides access to the Cloud Debugger API (Deprecated).
v1 Package clouddeploy provides access to the Cloud Deploy API.
v1beta1 Package clouderrorreporting provides access to the Error Reporting API.
v1 Package cloudfunctions provides access to the Cloud Functions API.
v1beta2 Package cloudfunctions provides access to the Cloud Functions API.
v2 Package cloudfunctions provides access to the Cloud Functions API.
v2alpha Package cloudfunctions provides access to the Cloud Functions API.
v2beta Package cloudfunctions provides access to the Cloud Functions API.
v1 Package cloudidentity provides access to the Cloud Identity API.
v1beta1 Package cloudidentity provides access to the Cloud Identity API.
v1 Package cloudiot provides access to the Cloud IoT API.
v1 Package cloudkms provides access to the Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) API.
v1beta1 Package cloudprivatecatalog provides access to the Cloud Private Catalog API.
v1beta1 Package cloudprivatecatalogproducer provides access to the Cloud Private Catalog Producer API.
v2 Package cloudprofiler provides access to the Cloud Profiler API.
v1 Package cloudresourcemanager provides access to the Cloud Resource Manager API.
v1beta1 Package cloudresourcemanager provides access to the Cloud Resource Manager API.
v2 Package cloudresourcemanager provides access to the Cloud Resource Manager API.
v2beta1 Package cloudresourcemanager provides access to the Cloud Resource Manager API.
v3 Package cloudresourcemanager provides access to the Cloud Resource Manager API.
v1 Package cloudscheduler provides access to the Cloud Scheduler API.
v1beta1 Package cloudscheduler provides access to the Cloud Scheduler API.
v1 Package cloudsearch provides access to the Cloud Search API.
v1 Package cloudshell provides access to the Cloud Shell API.
v1alpha1 Package cloudshell provides access to the Cloud Shell API.
v2 Package cloudsupport provides access to the Google Cloud Support API.
v2beta Package cloudsupport provides access to the Google Cloud Support API.
v2 Package cloudtasks provides access to the Cloud Tasks API.
v2beta2 Package cloudtasks provides access to the Cloud Tasks API.
v2beta3 Package cloudtasks provides access to the Cloud Tasks API.
v1 Package cloudtrace provides access to the Cloud Trace API.
v2 Package cloudtrace provides access to the Cloud Trace API.
v2beta1 Package cloudtrace provides access to the Cloud Trace API.
v1alpha1 Package commentanalyzer provides access to the Perspective Comment Analyzer API.
v1 Package composer provides access to the Cloud Composer API.
v1beta1 Package composer provides access to the Cloud Composer API.
v0.alpha Package compute provides access to the Compute Engine API.
v0.beta Package compute provides access to the Compute Engine API.
v1 Package compute provides access to the Compute Engine API.
v1 Package config provides access to the Infrastructure Manager API.
v1 Package connectors provides access to the Connectors API.
v2 Package connectors provides access to the Connectors API.
v2 Package consumersurveys provides access to the Consumer Surveys API.
v1alpha1 Package contactcenteraiplatform provides access to the Contact Center AI Platform API.
v1 Package contactcenterinsights provides access to the Contact Center AI Insights API.
v1 Package container provides access to the Kubernetes Engine API.
v1beta1 Package container provides access to the Kubernetes Engine API.
v1 Package containeranalysis provides access to the Container Analysis API.
v1alpha1 Package containeranalysis provides access to the Container Analysis API.
v1beta1 Package containeranalysis provides access to the Container Analysis API.
v2 Package content provides access to the Content API for Shopping.
v2.1 Package content provides access to the Content API for Shopping.
v2sandbox Package content provides access to the Content API for Shopping.
v1 Package contentwarehouse provides access to the Document AI Warehouse API.
v1 Package corp_autopush_learningstate provides access to the .
v1 Package corp_spatialanalytics provides access to the .
v1 Package customsearch provides access to the Custom Search API.
v1 Package datacatalog provides access to the Google Cloud Data Catalog API.
v1beta1 Package datacatalog provides access to the Google Cloud Data Catalog API.
v1b3 Package dataflow provides access to the Dataflow API.
v1beta1 Package dataform provides access to the Dataform API.
v1 Package datafusion provides access to the Cloud Data Fusion API.
v1beta1 Package datafusion provides access to the Cloud Data Fusion API.
v1beta1 Package datalabeling provides access to the Data Labeling API.
v1 Package datalineage provides access to the Data Lineage API.
v1 Package datamigration provides access to the Database Migration API.
v1beta1 Package datamigration provides access to the Database Migration API.
v1 Package datapipelines provides access to the Data pipelines API.
v1 Package dataplex provides access to the Cloud Dataplex API.
v1 Package dataportability provides access to the Data Portability API.
v1beta Package dataportability provides access to the Data Portability API.
v1 Package dataproc provides access to the Cloud Dataproc API.
v1beta2 Package dataproc provides access to the Cloud Dataproc API.
v1 Package datastore provides access to the Cloud Datastore API.
v1beta1 Package datastore provides access to the Cloud Datastore API.
v1beta3 Package datastore provides access to the Cloud Datastore API.
v1 Package datastream provides access to the Datastream API.
v1alpha1 Package datastream provides access to the Datastream API.
v0.alpha Package deploymentmanager provides access to the Cloud Deployment Manager V2 API.
v2 Package deploymentmanager provides access to the Cloud Deployment Manager V2 API.
v2beta Package deploymentmanager provides access to the Cloud Deployment Manager V2 API.
v2.7 Package dfareporting provides access to the DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking API.
v3.0 Package dfareporting provides access to the DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking API.
v3.1 Package dfareporting provides access to the DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking API.
v3.2 Package dfareporting provides access to the DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking API.
v3.3 Package dfareporting provides access to the Campaign Manager 360 API.
v3.4 Package dfareporting provides access to the Campaign Manager 360 API.
v3.5 Package dfareporting provides access to the Campaign Manager 360 API.
v4 Package dfareporting provides access to the Campaign Manager 360 API.
v2 Package dialogflow provides access to the Dialogflow API.
v2beta1 Package dialogflow provides access to the Dialogflow API.
v3 Package dialogflow provides access to the Dialogflow API.
v3alpha1 Package dialogflow provides access to the Dialogflow API.
v3beta1 Package dialogflow provides access to the Dialogflow API.
v1 Package digitalassetlinks provides access to the Digital Asset Links API.
v1 Package discovery provides access to the API Discovery Service.
v1 Package discoveryengine provides access to the Discovery Engine API.
v1alpha Package discoveryengine provides access to the Discovery Engine API.
v1beta Package discoveryengine provides access to the Discovery Engine API.
v1 Package displayvideo provides access to the Display & Video 360 API.
v1beta Package displayvideo provides access to the Display & Video 360 API.
v1beta2 Package displayvideo provides access to the Display & Video 360 API.
v1dev Package displayvideo provides access to the Display & Video 360 API.
v2 Package displayvideo provides access to the Display & Video 360 API.
v3 Package displayvideo provides access to the Display & Video 360 API.
v4 Package displayvideo provides access to the Display & Video 360 API.
v2 Package dlp provides access to the Sensitive Data Protection (DLP).
v1 Package dns provides access to the Cloud DNS API.
v1beta2 Package dns provides access to the Cloud DNS API.
v2 Package dns provides access to the Cloud DNS API.
v2beta1 Package dns provides access to the Cloud DNS API.
v1 Package docs provides access to the Google Docs API.
v1 Package documentai provides access to the Cloud Document AI API.
v1beta2 Package documentai provides access to the Cloud Document AI API.
v1beta3 Package documentai provides access to the Cloud Document AI API.
v1 Package domains provides access to the Cloud Domains API.
v1alpha2 Package domains provides access to the Cloud Domains API.
v1beta1 Package domains provides access to the Cloud Domains API.
v1 Package domainsrdap provides access to the Domains RDAP API.
v1 Package doubleclickbidmanager provides access to the DoubleClick Bid Manager API.
v1.1 Package doubleclickbidmanager provides access to the DoubleClick Bid Manager API.
v2 Package doubleclickbidmanager provides access to the DoubleClick Bid Manager API.
v2 Package doubleclicksearch provides access to the Search Ads 360 API.
v2 Package drive provides access to the Google Drive API.
v3 Package drive provides access to the Google Drive API.
v2 Package driveactivity provides access to the Drive Activity API.
v2 Package drivelabels provides access to the Drive Labels API.
v2beta Package drivelabels provides access to the Drive Labels API.
v1 Package essentialcontacts provides access to the Essential Contacts API.
v1 Package eventarc provides access to the Eventarc API.
v1beta1 Package eventarc provides access to the Eventarc API.
v1alpha1 Package factchecktools provides access to the Fact Check Tools API.
v1 Package fcm provides access to the Firebase Cloud Messaging API.
v1beta1 Package fcmdata provides access to the Firebase Cloud Messaging Data API.
v1 Package file provides access to the Cloud Filestore API.
v1beta1 Package file provides access to the Cloud Filestore API.
v1beta1 Package firebase provides access to the Firebase Management API.
v1 Package firebaseappcheck provides access to the Firebase App Check API.
v1beta Package firebaseappcheck provides access to the Firebase App Check API.
v1 Package firebaseappdistribution provides access to the Firebase App Distribution API.
v1alpha Package firebaseappdistribution provides access to the Firebase App Distribution API.
v1beta Package firebasedatabase provides access to the Firebase Realtime Database API.
v1 Package firebasedynamiclinks provides access to the Firebase Dynamic Links API.
v1 Package firebasehosting provides access to the Firebase Hosting API.
v1beta1 Package firebasehosting provides access to the Firebase Hosting API.
v1 Package firebaseml provides access to the Firebase ML API.
v1beta2 Package firebaseml provides access to the Firebase ML API.
v2beta Package firebaseml provides access to the Firebase ML API.
v1 Package firebaseremoteconfig provides access to the Firebase Remote Config API.
v1 Package firebaserules provides access to the Firebase Rules API.
v1beta Package firebasestorage provides access to the Cloud Storage for Firebase API.
v1 Package firestore provides access to the Cloud Firestore API.
v1beta1 Package firestore provides access to the Cloud Firestore API.
v1beta2 Package firestore provides access to the Cloud Firestore API.
v1 Package fitness provides access to the Fitness API.
v1 Package forms provides access to the Google Forms API.
v1 Package fusiontables provides access to the Fusion Tables API.
v2 Package fusiontables provides access to the Fusion Tables API.
v1 Package games provides access to the Google Play Game Services.
v1configuration Package gamesconfiguration provides access to the Google Play Game Services Publishing API.
v1 Package gameservices provides access to the Game Services API.
v1beta Package gameservices provides access to the Game Services API.
v1management Package gamesmanagement provides access to the Google Play Game Management.
v1 Package genomics provides access to the Genomics API.
v1alpha2 Package genomics provides access to the Genomics API.
v2alpha1 Package genomics provides access to the Genomics API.
v1 Package gkebackup provides access to the Backup for GKE API.
v1 Package gkehub provides access to the GKE Hub API.
v1alpha Package gkehub provides access to the GKE Hub API.
v1alpha2 Package gkehub provides access to the GKE Hub API.
v1beta Package gkehub provides access to the GKE Hub API.
v1beta1 Package gkehub provides access to the GKE Hub API.
v2alpha Package gkehub provides access to the GKE Hub API.
v1 Package gkeonprem provides access to the Anthos On-Prem API.
v1 Package gmail provides access to the Gmail API.
v1 Package gmailpostmastertools provides access to the Gmail Postmaster Tools API.
v1beta1 Package gmailpostmastertools provides access to the Gmail Postmaster Tools API.
googleapi Package googleapi contains the common code shared by all Google API libraries.
transport Package transport contains HTTP transports used to make authenticated API requests.
v1 Package groupsmigration provides access to the Groups Migration API.
v1 Package groupssettings provides access to the Groups Settings API.
v1 Package healthcare provides access to the Cloud Healthcare API.
v1alpha Package healthcare provides access to the Cloud Healthcare API.
v1alpha2 Package healthcare provides access to the Cloud Healthcare API.
v1beta1 Package healthcare provides access to the Cloud Healthcare API.
v1 Package homegraph provides access to the HomeGraph API.
v1 Package iam provides access to the Identity and Access Management (IAM) API.
v2 Package iam provides access to the Identity and Access Management (IAM) API.
v2beta Package iam provides access to the Identity and Access Management (IAM) API.
v1 Package iamcredentials provides access to the IAM Service Account Credentials API.
v1 Package iap provides access to the Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy API.
v1beta1 Package iap provides access to the Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy API.
v1alpha Package ideahub provides access to the Idea Hub API.
v1beta Package ideahub provides access to the Idea Hub API.
v1 Package identitytoolkit provides access to the Identity Toolkit API.
v2 Package identitytoolkit provides access to the Identity Toolkit API.
v3 Package identitytoolkit provides access to the Google Identity Toolkit API.
v1 Package ids provides access to the Cloud IDS API.
idtoken Package idtoken provides utilities for creating authenticated transports with ID Tokens for Google HTTP APIs.
impersonate Package impersonate is used to impersonate Google Credentials.
v3 Package indexing provides access to the Web Search Indexing API.
v1 Package integrations provides access to the Application Integration API.
v1alpha Package integrations provides access to the Application Integration API.
iterator Package iterator provides support for standard Google API iterators.
testing Package testing provides support functions for testing iterators conforming to the standard pattern.
v2 Package jobs provides access to the Cloud Talent Solution API.
v3 Package jobs provides access to the Cloud Talent Solution API.
v3p1beta1 Package jobs provides access to the Cloud Talent Solution API.
v4 Package jobs provides access to the Cloud Talent Solution API.
v1 Package keep provides access to the Google Keep API.
v1 Package kgsearch provides access to the Knowledge Graph Search API.
v1 Package kmsinventory provides access to the KMS Inventory API.
v1 Package language provides access to the Cloud Natural Language API.
v1beta1 Package language provides access to the Cloud Natural Language API.
v1beta2 Package language provides access to the Cloud Natural Language API.
v2 Package language provides access to the Cloud Natural Language API.
v1 Package libraryagent provides access to the Library Agent API.
v1 Package licensing provides access to the Enterprise License Manager API.
v2beta Package lifesciences provides access to the Cloud Life Sciences API.
v1 Package localservices provides access to the Local Services API.
v2 Package logging provides access to the Cloud Logging API.
v2beta1 Package logging provides access to the Stackdriver Logging API.
v1 Package looker provides access to the Looker (Google Cloud core) API.
v1 Package managedidentities provides access to the Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory API.
v1alpha1 Package managedidentities provides access to the Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory API.
v1beta1 Package managedidentities provides access to the Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory API.
v1 Package manufacturers provides access to the Manufacturer Center API.
v1alpha Package marketingplatformadmin provides access to the Google Marketing Platform Admin API.
v1 Package memcache provides access to the Cloud Memorystore for Memcached API.
v1beta2 Package memcache provides access to the Cloud Memorystore for Memcached API.
v1 Package metastore provides access to the Dataproc Metastore API.
v1alpha Package metastore provides access to the Dataproc Metastore API.
v1beta Package metastore provides access to the Dataproc Metastore API.
v1 Package migrationcenter provides access to the Migration Center API.
v1alpha1 Package migrationcenter provides access to the Migration Center API.
v1 Package mirror provides access to the Google Mirror API.
v1 Package ml provides access to the AI Platform Training & Prediction API.
v1 Package monitoring provides access to the Cloud Monitoring API.
v3 Package monitoring provides access to the Cloud Monitoring API.
v1 Package mybusinessaccountmanagement provides access to the My Business Account Management API.
v1 Package mybusinessbusinesscalls provides access to the My Business Business Calls API.
v1 Package mybusinessbusinessinformation provides access to the My Business Business Information API.
v1 Package mybusinesslodging provides access to the My Business Lodging API.
v1 Package mybusinessnotifications provides access to the My Business Notifications API.
v1 Package mybusinessplaceactions provides access to the My Business Place Actions API.
v1 Package mybusinessqanda provides access to the My Business Q&A API.
v1 Package mybusinessverifications provides access to the My Business Verifications API.
v1 Package networkconnectivity provides access to the Network Connectivity API.
v1alpha1 Package networkconnectivity provides access to the Network Connectivity API.
v1 Package networkmanagement provides access to the Network Management API.
v1beta1 Package networkmanagement provides access to the Network Management API.
v1 Package networksecurity provides access to the Network Security API.
v1beta1 Package networksecurity provides access to the Network Security API.
v1 Package networkservices provides access to the Network Services API.
v1beta1 Package networkservices provides access to the Network Services API.
v1 Package notebooks provides access to the Notebooks API.
v2 Package notebooks provides access to the Notebooks API.
v1 Package oauth2 provides access to the Google OAuth2 API.
v2 Package oauth2 provides access to the Google OAuth2 API.
v1 Package ondemandscanning provides access to the On-Demand Scanning API.
v1beta1 Package ondemandscanning provides access to the On-Demand Scanning API.
option Package option contains options for Google API clients.
internaloption Package internaloption contains options used internally by Google client code.
v2 Package orgpolicy provides access to the Organization Policy API.
v1 Package osconfig provides access to the OS Config API.
v1alpha Package osconfig provides access to the OS Config API.
v1beta Package osconfig provides access to the OS Config API.
v1 Package oslogin provides access to the Cloud OS Login API.
v1alpha Package oslogin provides access to the Cloud OS Login API.
v1beta Package oslogin provides access to the Cloud OS Login API.
v1 Package pagespeedonline provides access to the PageSpeed Insights API.
v2 Package pagespeedonline provides access to the PageSpeed Insights API.
v4 Package pagespeedonline provides access to the PageSpeed Insights API.
v5 Package pagespeedonline provides access to the PageSpeed Insights API.
v2 Package partners provides access to the Google Partners API.
v1 Package paymentsresellersubscription provides access to the Payments Reseller Subscription API.
v1 Package people provides access to the People API.
v1 Package places provides access to the Places API (New).
v3 Package playablelocations provides access to the Playable Locations API.
v1 Package playcustomapp provides access to the Google Play Custom App Publishing API.
v1alpha1 Package playdeveloperreporting provides access to the Google Play Developer Reporting API.
v1beta1 Package playdeveloperreporting provides access to the Google Play Developer Reporting API.
v1alpha1 Package playgrouping provides access to the Google Play Grouping API.
v1 Package playintegrity provides access to the Google Play Integrity API.
v1 Package playmoviespartner provides access to the Google Play Movies Partner API.
v1 Package plus provides access to the Google+ API.
v1 Package plusdomains provides access to the Google+ Domains API.
v1 Package policyanalyzer provides access to the Policy Analyzer API.
v1beta1 Package policyanalyzer provides access to the Policy Analyzer API.
v1 Package policysimulator provides access to the Policy Simulator API.
v1alpha Package policysimulator provides access to the Policy Simulator API.
v1beta Package policysimulator provides access to the Policy Simulator API.
v1beta1 Package policysimulator provides access to the Policy Simulator API.
v1 Package policytroubleshooter provides access to the Policy Troubleshooter API.
v1beta Package policytroubleshooter provides access to the Policy Troubleshooter API.
v1 Package poly provides access to the Poly API.
v1 Package privateca provides access to the Certificate Authority API.
v1beta1 Package privateca provides access to the Certificate Authority API.
v1alpha1 Package prod_tt_sasportal provides access to the SAS Portal API (Testing).
v1beta1 Package proximitybeacon provides access to the Proximity Beacon API.
v1 Package publicca provides access to the Public Certificate Authority API.
v1alpha1 Package publicca provides access to the Public Certificate Authority API.
v1beta1 Package publicca provides access to the Public Certificate Authority API.
v1 Package pubsub provides access to the Cloud Pub/Sub API.
v1beta1a Package pubsub provides access to the Cloud Pub/Sub API.
v1beta2 Package pubsub provides access to the Cloud Pub/Sub API.
v1 Package pubsublite provides access to the Pub/Sub Lite API.
v1 Package qpxexpress provides access to the QPX Express API.
v1 Package rapidmigrationassessment provides access to the Rapid Migration Assessment API.
v1 Package readerrevenuesubscriptionlinking provides access to the Reader Revenue Subscription Linking API.
v1 Package realtimebidding provides access to the Real-time Bidding API.
v1alpha Package realtimebidding provides access to the Real-time Bidding API.
v1 Package recaptchaenterprise provides access to the reCAPTCHA Enterprise API.
v1beta1 Package recommendationengine provides access to the Recommendations AI (Beta).
v1 Package recommender provides access to the Recommender API.
v1beta1 Package recommender provides access to the Recommender API.
v1 Package redis provides access to the Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API.
v1beta1 Package redis provides access to the Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API.
v1 Package remotebuildexecution provides access to the Remote Build Execution API.
v1alpha Package remotebuildexecution provides access to the Remote Build Execution API.
v2 Package remotebuildexecution provides access to the Remote Build Execution API.
v1beta1 Package replicapool provides access to the Replica Pool API.
v1beta1 Package replicapoolupdater provides access to the Google Compute Engine Instance Group Updater API.
v1 Package reseller provides access to the Google Workspace Reseller API.
v1 Package resourcesettings provides access to the Resource Settings API.
v2 Package retail provides access to the Vertex AI Search for Retail API.
v2alpha Package retail provides access to the Vertex AI Search for Retail API.
v2beta Package retail provides access to the Vertex AI Search for Retail API.
v1 Package run provides access to the Cloud Run Admin API.
v1alpha1 Package run provides access to the Cloud Run Admin API.
v1beta1 Package run provides access to the Cloud Run Admin API.
v2 Package run provides access to the Cloud Run Admin API.
v1 Package runtimeconfig provides access to the Cloud Runtime Configuration API.
v1beta1 Package runtimeconfig provides access to the Cloud Runtime Configuration API.
v4 Package safebrowsing provides access to the Safe Browsing API.
v5 Package safebrowsing provides access to the Safe Browsing API.
v1alpha1 Package sasportal provides access to the SAS Portal API.
v1 Package script provides access to the Apps Script API.
v0 Package searchads360 provides access to the Search Ads 360 Reporting API.
v1 Package searchconsole provides access to the Google Search Console API.
v1 Package secretmanager provides access to the Secret Manager API.
v1beta1 Package secretmanager provides access to the Secret Manager API.
v1beta2 Package secretmanager provides access to the Secret Manager API.
v1 Package securitycenter provides access to the Security Command Center API.
v1beta1 Package securitycenter provides access to the Security Command Center API.
v1beta2 Package securitycenter provides access to the Security Command Center API.
v1p1alpha1 Package securitycenter provides access to the Security Command Center API.
v1p1beta1 Package securitycenter provides access to the Security Command Center API.
v1 Package servicebroker provides access to the Service Broker API.
v1alpha1 Package servicebroker provides access to the Service Broker API.
v1beta1 Package servicebroker provides access to the Service Broker API.
v1 Package serviceconsumermanagement provides access to the Service Consumer Management API.
v1beta1 Package serviceconsumermanagement provides access to the Service Consumer Management API.
v1 Package servicecontrol provides access to the Service Control API.
v2 Package servicecontrol provides access to the Service Control API.
v1 Package servicedirectory provides access to the Service Directory API.
v1beta1 Package servicedirectory provides access to the Service Directory API.
v1 Package servicemanagement provides access to the Service Management API.
v1 Package servicenetworking provides access to the Service Networking API.
v1beta Package servicenetworking provides access to the Service Networking API.
v1 Package serviceusage provides access to the Service Usage API.
v1beta1 Package serviceusage provides access to the Service Usage API.
v1 Package serviceuser provides access to the Service User API.
v4 Package sheets provides access to the Google Sheets API.
v1 Package siteverification provides access to the Google Site Verification API.
v1 Package slides provides access to the Google Slides API.
v1 Package smartdevicemanagement provides access to the Smart Device Management API.
v1 Package solar provides access to the Solar API.
v1 Package sourcerepo provides access to the Cloud Source Repositories API.
v1 Package spanner provides access to the Cloud Spanner API.
v1explorer Package spectrum provides access to the Google Spectrum Database API.
v1 Package speech provides access to the Cloud Speech-to-Text API.
v1beta1 Package speech provides access to the Cloud Speech API.
v1p1beta1 Package speech provides access to the Cloud Speech-to-Text API.
v2beta Package speech provides access to the Cloud Speech-to-Text API.
v2beta1 Package speech provides access to the Cloud Speech-to-Text API.
v1beta4 Package sql provides access to the Cloud SQL Admin API.
v1 Package sqladmin provides access to the Cloud SQL Admin API.
v1beta4 Package sqladmin provides access to the Cloud SQL Admin API.
v1 Package storage provides access to the Cloud Storage JSON API.
v1beta1 Package storage provides access to the Cloud Storage JSON API.
v1beta2 Package storage provides access to the Cloud Storage JSON API.
v1 Package storagetransfer provides access to the Storage Transfer API.
v1 Package streetviewpublish provides access to the Street View Publish API.
v1 Package sts provides access to the Security Token Service API.
v1beta Package sts provides access to the Security Token Service API.
bundler Package bundler supports bundling (batching) of items.
v2 Package surveys provides access to the Surveys API.
v1 Package tagmanager provides access to the Tag Manager API.
v2 Package tagmanager provides access to the Tag Manager API.
v1 Package tasks provides access to the Google Tasks API.
v1 Package testing provides access to the Cloud Testing API.
v1 Package texttospeech provides access to the Cloud Text-to-Speech API.
v1beta1 Package texttospeech provides access to the Cloud Text-to-Speech API.
v1 Package toolresults provides access to the Cloud Tool Results API.
v1beta3 Package toolresults provides access to the Cloud Tool Results API.
v1 Package tpu provides access to the Cloud TPU API.
v1alpha1 Package tpu provides access to the Cloud TPU API.
v2 Package tpu provides access to the Cloud TPU API.
v2alpha1 Package tpu provides access to the Cloud TPU API.
v2 Package tracing provides access to the Google Tracing API.
v2 Package trafficdirector provides access to the Traffic Director API.
v3 Package trafficdirector provides access to the Traffic Director API.
v1 Package transcoder provides access to the Transcoder API.
v1beta1 Package transcoder provides access to the Transcoder API.
v2 Package translate provides access to the Google Cloud Translation API.
v3 Package translate provides access to the Cloud Translation API.
v3beta1 Package translate provides access to the Cloud Translation API.
transport Package transport provides utility methods for creating authenticated transports to Google's HTTP and gRPC APIs.
bytestream Package bytestream provides a client for any service that exposes a ByteStream API.
grpc Package grpc supports network connections to GRPC servers.
http Package http supports network connections to HTTP servers.
v1 Package travelimpactmodel provides access to the Travel Impact Model API.
v1 Package urlshortener provides access to the URL Shortener API.
v1 Package vault provides access to the Google Vault API.
v1 Package vectortile provides access to the Semantic Tile API.
v1 Package verifiedaccess provides access to the Chrome Verified Access API.
v2 Package verifiedaccess provides access to the Chrome Verified Access API.
v1 Package versionhistory provides access to the versionhistory.googleapis.com API.
v1 Package videointelligence provides access to the Cloud Video Intelligence API.
v1beta2 Package videointelligence provides access to the Cloud Video Intelligence API.
v1p1beta1 Package videointelligence provides access to the Cloud Video Intelligence API.
v1p2beta1 Package videointelligence provides access to the Cloud Video Intelligence API.
v1p3beta1 Package videointelligence provides access to the Cloud Video Intelligence API.
v1 Package vision provides access to the Cloud Vision API.
v1p1beta1 Package vision provides access to the Cloud Vision API.
v1p2beta1 Package vision provides access to the Cloud Vision API.
v1 Package vmmigration provides access to the VM Migration API.
v1alpha1 Package vmmigration provides access to the VM Migration API.
v1 Package vmwareengine provides access to the VMware Engine API.
v1 Package vpcaccess provides access to the Serverless VPC Access API.
v1beta1 Package vpcaccess provides access to the Serverless VPC Access API.
v1 Package walletobjects provides access to the Google Wallet API.
v1 Package webfonts provides access to the Web Fonts Developer API.
v3 Package webmasters provides access to the Search Console API.
v1 Package webrisk provides access to the Web Risk API.
v1 Package websecurityscanner provides access to the Web Security Scanner API.
v1alpha Package websecurityscanner provides access to the Web Security Scanner API.
v1beta Package websecurityscanner provides access to the Web Security Scanner API.
v1 Package workflowexecutions provides access to the Workflow Executions API.
v1beta Package workflowexecutions provides access to the Workflow Executions API.
v1 Package workflows provides access to the Workflows API.
v1beta Package workflows provides access to the Workflows API.
v1 Package workloadmanager provides access to the Workload Manager API.
v1 Package workspaceevents provides access to the Google Workspace Events API.
v1 Package workstations provides access to the Cloud Workstations API.
v1beta Package workstations provides access to the Cloud Workstations API.
v3 Package youtube provides access to the YouTube Data API v3.
v1 Package youtubeanalytics provides access to the YouTube Analytics API.
v1beta1 Package youtubeanalytics provides access to the YouTube Analytics API.
v2 Package youtubeanalytics provides access to the YouTube Analytics API.
v1 Package youtubereporting provides access to the YouTube Reporting API.