Sigquit is the signal to send to kill a hanging subprocess. Send SIGQUIT to get a stack trace.
var Sigquit = syscall.SIGQUIT
func Command(t testing.TB, name string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd
Command is like exec.Command, but applies the same changes as testenv.CommandContext (with a default Context).
func CommandContext(t testing.TB, ctx context.Context, name string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd
CommandContext is like exec.CommandContext, but:
func Deadline(t testing.TB) (time.Time, bool)
Deadline returns the deadline of t, if known, using the Deadline method added in Go 1.15.
func ExitIfSmallMachine()
ExitIfSmallMachine emits a helpful diagnostic and calls os.Exit(0) if the current machine is a builder known to have scarce resources.
It should be called from within a TestMain function.
func GOROOT(t testing.TB) string
GOROOT reports the path to the directory containing the root of the Go project source tree. This is normally equivalent to runtime.GOROOT, but works even if the test binary was built with -trimpath.
If GOROOT cannot be found, GOROOT skips t if t is non-nil, or panics otherwise.
func Go1Point() int
Go1Point returns the x in Go 1.x.
func HasExec() bool
HasExec reports whether the current system can start new processes using os.StartProcess or (more commonly) exec.Command.
func HasTool(tool string) error
HasTool reports an error if the required tool is not available in PATH.
For certain tools, it checks that the tool executable is correct.
func NeedsExec(t testing.TB)
NeedsExec checks that the current system can start new processes using os.StartProcess or (more commonly) exec.Command. If not, NeedsExec calls t.Skip with an explanation.
func NeedsGo1Point(t testing.TB, x int)
NeedsGo1Point skips t if the Go version used to run the test is older than 1.x.
func NeedsGoBuild(t testing.TB)
NeedsGoBuild skips t if the current system can't build programs with “go build” and then run them with os.StartProcess or exec.Command. Android doesn't have the userspace go build needs to run, and js/wasm doesn't support running subprocesses.
func NeedsGoExperiment(t testing.TB, flag string)
NeedsGoExperiment skips t if the current process environment does not have a GOEXPERIMENT flag set.
func NeedsGoPackages(t testing.TB)
NeedsGoPackages skips t if the go/packages driver (or 'go' tool) implied by the current process environment is not present in the path.
func NeedsGoPackagesEnv(t testing.TB, env []string)
NeedsGoPackagesEnv skips t if the go/packages driver (or 'go' tool) implied by env is not present in the path.
func NeedsLocalXTools(t testing.TB)
NeedsLocalXTools skips t if the module is replaced and its replacement directory does not exist (or does not contain the module).
func NeedsLocalhostNet(t testing.TB)
NeedsLocalhostNet skips t if networking does not work for ports opened with "localhost".
func NeedsTool(t testing.TB, tool string)
NeedsTool skips t if the named tool is not present in the path. As a special case, "cgo" means "go" is present and can compile cgo programs.
func SkipAfterGo1Point(t testing.TB, x int)
SkipAfterGo1Point skips t if the Go version used to run the test is newer than 1.x.
func WriteImportcfg(t testing.TB, dstPath string, additionalPackageFiles map[string]string)
WriteImportcfg writes an importcfg file used by the compiler or linker to dstPath containing entries for the packages in std and cmd in addition to the package to package file mappings in additionalPackageFiles.