func Detach(ctx context.Context) context.Context
Detach returns a context without an associated span. This allows the creation of spans that are not children of the current span.
func Error(ctx context.Context, message string, err error, labels ...label.Label)
Error takes a message and a label list and combines them into a single event before delivering them to the exporter. It captures the error in the delivered event.
func IsDetach(ev core.Event) bool
IsDetach returns true if the event was built by the Detach function. It is intended to be used in exporters to identify the semantics of the event when deciding what to do with it.
func IsEnd(ev core.Event) bool
IsEnd returns true if the event was built by the End function. It is intended to be used in exporters to identify the semantics of the event when deciding what to do with it.
func IsError(ev core.Event) bool
IsError returns true if the event was built by the Error function. It is intended to be used in exporters to identify the semantics of the event when deciding what to do with it.
func IsLabel(ev core.Event) bool
IsLabel returns true if the event was built by the Label function. It is intended to be used in exporters to identify the semantics of the event when deciding what to do with it.
func IsLog(ev core.Event) bool
IsLog returns true if the event was built by the Log function. It is intended to be used in exporters to identify the semantics of the event when deciding what to do with it.
func IsMetric(ev core.Event) bool
IsMetric returns true if the event was built by the Metric function. It is intended to be used in exporters to identify the semantics of the event when deciding what to do with it.
func IsStart(ev core.Event) bool
IsStart returns true if the event was built by the Start function. It is intended to be used in exporters to identify the semantics of the event when deciding what to do with it.
func Label(ctx context.Context, labels ...label.Label) context.Context
Label sends a label event to the exporter with the supplied labels.
func Log(ctx context.Context, message string, labels ...label.Label)
Log takes a message and a label list and combines them into a single event before delivering them to the exporter.
func Metric(ctx context.Context, labels ...label.Label)
Metric sends a label event to the exporter with the supplied labels.
func SetExporter(e Exporter)
SetExporter sets the global exporter function that handles all events. The exporter is called synchronously from the event call site, so it should return quickly so as not to hold up user code.
func Start(ctx context.Context, name string, labels ...label.Label) (context.Context, func())
Start sends a span start event with the supplied label list to the exporter. It also returns a function that will end the span, which should normally be deferred.
Exporter is a function that handles events. It may return a modified context and event.
type Exporter func(context.Context, core.Event, label.Map) context.Context
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