
Package difftest

import "golang.org/x/tools/internal/diff/difftest"

Overview ▾

Package difftest supplies a set of tests that will operate on any implementation of a diff algorithm as exposed by "golang.org/x/tools/internal/diff"


const (
    FileA         = "from"
    FileB         = "to"
    UnifiedPrefix = "--- " + FileA + "\n+++ " + FileB + "\n"


var TestCases = []struct {
    Name, In, Out, Unified string
    Edits, LineEdits       []diff.Edit // expectation (LineEdits=nil => already line-aligned)
    NoDiff                 bool
    Name: "empty",
    In:   "",
    Out:  "",
}, {
    Name: "no_diff",
    In:   "gargantuan\n",
    Out:  "gargantuan\n",
}, {
    Name: "replace_all",
    In:   "fruit\n",
    Out:  "cheese\n",
    Unified: UnifiedPrefix + `
@@ -1 +1 @@
    Edits:     []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 5, New: "cheese"}},
    LineEdits: []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 6, New: "cheese\n"}},
}, {
    Name: "insert_rune",
    In:   "gord\n",
    Out:  "gourd\n",
    Unified: UnifiedPrefix + `
@@ -1 +1 @@
    Edits:     []diff.Edit{{Start: 2, End: 2, New: "u"}},
    LineEdits: []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 5, New: "gourd\n"}},
}, {
    Name: "delete_rune",
    In:   "groat\n",
    Out:  "goat\n",
    Unified: UnifiedPrefix + `
@@ -1 +1 @@
    Edits:     []diff.Edit{{Start: 1, End: 2, New: ""}},
    LineEdits: []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 6, New: "goat\n"}},
}, {
    Name: "replace_rune",
    In:   "loud\n",
    Out:  "lord\n",
    Unified: UnifiedPrefix + `
@@ -1 +1 @@
    Edits:     []diff.Edit{{Start: 2, End: 3, New: "r"}},
    LineEdits: []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 5, New: "lord\n"}},
}, {
    Name: "replace_partials",
    In:   "blanket\n",
    Out:  "bunker\n",
    Unified: UnifiedPrefix + `
@@ -1 +1 @@
    Edits: []diff.Edit{
        {Start: 1, End: 3, New: "u"},
        {Start: 6, End: 7, New: "r"},
    LineEdits: []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 8, New: "bunker\n"}},
}, {
    Name: "insert_line",
    In:   "1: one\n3: three\n",
    Out:  "1: one\n2: two\n3: three\n",
    Unified: UnifiedPrefix + `
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
 1: one
+2: two
 3: three
    Edits: []diff.Edit{{Start: 7, End: 7, New: "2: two\n"}},
}, {
    Name: "replace_no_newline",
    In:   "A",
    Out:  "B",
    Unified: UnifiedPrefix + `
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
    Edits: []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 1, New: "B"}},
}, {
    Name: "delete_empty",
    In:   "meow",
    Out:  "",
    Unified: UnifiedPrefix + `
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
    Edits:     []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 4, New: ""}},
    LineEdits: []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 4, New: ""}},
}, {
    Name: "append_empty",
    In:   "",
    Out:  "AB\nC",
    Unified: UnifiedPrefix + `
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
    Edits:     []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 0, New: "AB\nC"}},
    LineEdits: []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 0, New: "AB\nC"}},

        Name: "add_end",
        In:   "A",
        Out:  "AB",
        Unified: UnifiedPrefix + `
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
        Edits:     []diff.Edit{{Start: 1, End: 1, New: "B"}},
        LineEdits: []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 1, New: "AB"}},
    }, {
        Name: "add_empty",
        In:   "",
        Out:  "AB\nC",
        Unified: UnifiedPrefix + `
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
        Edits:     []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 0, New: "AB\nC"}},
        LineEdits: []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 0, New: "AB\nC"}},
    }, {
        Name: "add_newline",
        In:   "A",
        Out:  "A\n",
        Unified: UnifiedPrefix + `
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
        Edits:     []diff.Edit{{Start: 1, End: 1, New: "\n"}},
        LineEdits: []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 1, New: "A\n"}},
    }, {
        Name: "delete_front",
        In:   "A\nB\nC\nA\nB\nB\nA\n",
        Out:  "C\nB\nA\nB\nA\nC\n",
        Unified: UnifiedPrefix + `
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
        NoDiff: true,
        Edits: []diff.Edit{
            {Start: 0, End: 4, New: ""},
            {Start: 6, End: 6, New: "B\n"},
            {Start: 10, End: 12, New: ""},
            {Start: 14, End: 14, New: "C\n"},
        LineEdits: []diff.Edit{
            {Start: 0, End: 4, New: ""},
            {Start: 6, End: 6, New: "B\n"},
            {Start: 10, End: 12, New: ""},
            {Start: 14, End: 14, New: "C\n"},
    }, {
        Name: "replace_last_line",
        In:   "A\nB\n",
        Out:  "A\nC\n\n",
        Unified: UnifiedPrefix + `
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
        Edits:     []diff.Edit{{Start: 2, End: 3, New: "C\n"}},
        LineEdits: []diff.Edit{{Start: 2, End: 4, New: "C\n\n"}},
        Name: "multiple_replace",
        In:   "A\nB\nC\nD\nE\nF\nG\n",
        Out:  "A\nH\nI\nJ\nE\nF\nK\n",
        Unified: UnifiedPrefix + `
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
        Edits: []diff.Edit{
            {Start: 2, End: 8, New: "H\nI\nJ\n"},
            {Start: 12, End: 14, New: "K\n"},
        NoDiff: true,
        Name:  "extra_newline",
        In:    "\nA\n",
        Out:   "A\n",
        Edits: []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 1, New: ""}},
        Unified: UnifiedPrefix + `@@ -1,2 +1 @@
    }, {
        Name:      "unified_lines",
        In:        "aaa\nccc\n",
        Out:       "aaa\nbbb\nccc\n",
        Edits:     []diff.Edit{{Start: 3, End: 3, New: "\nbbb"}},
        LineEdits: []diff.Edit{{Start: 0, End: 4, New: "aaa\nbbb\n"}},
        Unified:   UnifiedPrefix + "@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@\n aaa\n+bbb\n ccc\n",
    }, {
        Name: "60379",
        In: `package a

type S struct {
s fmt.Stringer
        Out: `package a

type S struct {
    s fmt.Stringer
        Edits:     []diff.Edit{{Start: 27, End: 27, New: "\t"}},
        LineEdits: []diff.Edit{{Start: 27, End: 42, New: "\ts fmt.Stringer\n"}},
        Unified:   UnifiedPrefix + "@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@\n package a\n \n type S struct {\n-s fmt.Stringer\n+\ts fmt.Stringer\n }\n",

func DiffTest

func DiffTest(t *testing.T, compute func(before, after string) []diff.Edit)