
Package ignore

import "golang.org/x/tools/internal/apidiff/testdata"

Overview ▾

This file is split into two packages, old and new. It is syntactically valid Go so that gofmt can process it.

If a comment begins with: Then:

old                        write subsequent lines to the "old" package
new                        write subsequent lines to the "new" package
both                       write subsequent lines to both packages
c                          expect a compatible error with the following text
i                          expect an incompatible error with the following text


// type changes old

const (
    C1     = 1
    C2 int = 2
    C3     = 3
    C4 u1  = 4


const (
    // i C1: changed from untyped int to untyped string
    C1 = "1"
    // i C2: changed from int to untyped int
    C2 = -1
    // i C3: changed from untyped int to int
    C3 int = 3
    // i V8: changed from var to const
    V8 int = 1
    C4 u2  = 4 // OK: u1 corresponds to u2

value change old

const (
    Cr1 = 1
    Cr2 = "2"
    Cr3 = 3.5
    Cr4 = complex(0, 4.1)


const (
    // i Cr1: value changed from 1 to -1
    Cr1 = -1
    // i Cr2: value changed from "2" to "3"
    Cr2 = "3"
    // i Cr3: value changed from 3.5 to 3.8
    Cr3 = 3.8
    // i Cr4: value changed from (0 + 4.1i) to (4.1 + 0i)
    Cr4 = complex(4.1, 0)


const C5 = 3

new i C5: value changed from 3 to 4

const C5 = 4


// simple type changes old

var (
    V1 string
    V3 A
    V7 <-chan int


var (
    // i V1: changed from string to []string
    V1 []string
    V3 A // OK: same
    // i V7: changed from <-chan int to chan int
    V7 chan int

// interface type changes old

var (
    V9  interface{ M() }
    V10 interface{ M() }
    V11 interface{ M() }


var (
    // i V9: changed from interface{M()} to interface{}
    V9 interface{}
    // i V10: changed from interface{M()} to interface{M(); M2()}
    V10 interface {
    // i V11: changed from interface{M()} to interface{M(int)}
    V11 interface{ M(int) }

// struct type changes old

var (
    VS1 struct{ A, B int }
    VS2 struct{ A, B int }
    VS3 struct{ A, B int }
    VS4 struct {
        A int
        // contains filtered or unexported fields


var (
    // i VS1: changed from struct{A int; B int} to struct{B int; A int}
    VS1 struct{ B, A int }
    // i VS2: changed from struct{A int; B int} to struct{A int}
    VS2 struct{ A int }
    // i VS3: changed from struct{A int; B int} to struct{A int; B int; C int}
    VS3 struct{ A, B, C int }
    VS4 struct {
        A int
        // contains filtered or unexported fields

new c F8: changed from func to var

var F8 func(bool)


var F9 func(int)

// ...unless it is exposed. both

var V2 u
var V5 u1


var V5 u2 // OK: V5 has changed type, but old u1 corresponds to new u2
var V8 int
var VK4 k4 // expose k4

new i VT1: changed from T1 to int This fails because old T1 corresponds to both int and new T1.

var VT1 int
var VT2 t2

new OK: t2 corresponds to int. It's fine that old t2 doesn't exist in new.

var VT2 int


var VT3 t3

new i t3.M: removed Here the change from t3 to int is incompatible because old t3 has an exported method.

var VT3 int


var VT4 int

i VT4: changed from int to t4 This is incompatible because of code like

VT4 + int(1)

which works in old but fails in new. The difference from the above cases is that in those, we were merging two types into one; here, we are splitting int into t4 and int.

var VT4 t4
var Vj3 j3 // expose j3
var Vj4 j4 // expose j4


var Z w


var Z w

func F1

func F1(a int, b string) map[u1]A


func F10

func F10(S1)

both OK, even though new S1 is incompatible with old S1 (see below)

func F2

func F2(int) bool

i F2: changed from func(int) to func(int) bool

func F3

func F3(int, int)

i F3: changed from func(int) to func(int, int)

func F4

func F4(bool) int

i F4: changed from func(int) int to func(bool) int

func F5

func F5(int) string

i F5: changed from func(int) int to func(int) string

func F6

func F6(...int)

i F6: changed from func(int) to func(...int)

func F7

func F7(a interface{ x() })

i F7: changed from func(interface{}) to func(interface{x()})

func F8

func F8(bool)


func F9

func F9(int)

new i F9: changed from var to func

type A

// Same type in both: OK. both

type A int

type A1

type A1 [1]int

type A2

i A2: changed from [2]int to [2]bool

type A2 [2]bool

type A3

i A3: changed from [3]int to [4]int

type A3 [C5]int

type AA

// Adding a new type, whether alias or not, is a compatible change. new c AA: added

type AA = A

type B

new i B: changed from int to string

type B string

type B1

c B1: added

type B1 bool

type BadMerge1


type BadMerge1 = u3

type BadMerge2

i u4.M: removed What's really happening here is that old u4 corresponds to new u3, and new u3's method set is not a superset of old u4's.

type BadMerge2 = u3

type Bc1

new c Bc1: changed from int32 to int

type Bc1 int

type Bc2

c Bc2: changed from uint to uint64

type Bc2 uint64

type Bc3

c Bc3: changed from float32 to float64

type Bc3 float64

type Bc4

c Bc4: changed from complex64 to complex128

type Bc4 complex128

type Bi1

new i Bi1: changed from int32 to int16

type Bi1 int16

type Bi2

i Bi2: changed from uint to uint32

type Bi2 uint32

type Bi3

i Bi3: changed from float64 to float32

type Bi3 float32

type Bi4

i Bi4: changed from complex128 to complex64

type Bi4 complex64

type Ch1

i Ch1, element type: changed from int to bool

type Ch1 chan bool

type Ch2

i Ch2: changed direction

type Ch2 chan<- int

type Ch3

i Ch3: changed direction

type Ch3 <-chan int

type Ch4

c Ch4: removed direction

type Ch4 chan int

type Embedm

type Embedm struct {
    // i Embedm.A: changed from int to bool
    A bool

func (*Embedm) FP

func (*Embedm) FP()

func (Embedm) FV

func (Embedm) FV(int)

i Embedm.FV: changed from func() to func(int)

type F


type F int

type GoodMerge1


type GoodMerge1 = u3

type GoodMerge2


type GoodMerge2 = u3

type H

new i H: changed from struct{} to interface{M()}

type H interface {

func (H) M

func (H) M()

type I1


type I1 interface {
    // M1()
    // i I1.M1: removed
    // i I1.M2: changed from func() to func(int)
    // contains filtered or unexported methods

type I2


type I2 interface {

    // c I2.M2: added
    // contains filtered or unexported methods

type I3

new OK: what matters is the method set; the name of the embedded interface isn't important.

type I3 interface {
    Read([]byte) (int, error)

type I4

new OK: in both, I4 is a distinct type from io.Writer, and the old and new I4s have the same method set.

type I4 interface {
    Write([]byte) (int, error)

type I5

new i I5: changed from io.Writer to I5 In old, I5 and io.Writer are the same type; in new, they are different. That can break something like:

var _ func(io.Writer) = func(pkg.I6) {}
type I5 io.Writer

type I6

new i I6: changed from I6 to io.Writer Similar to the above.

type I6 = io.Writer

type J1


type J1 = K1

type J2

new i K2: changed from K2 to K2

type J2 K2 // old K2 corresponds with new J2

type K1


type K1 int

type K2

// Old has one type, K2; new has J2 and K2. both

type K2 int

type L1


type L1 = J1

type M1


type M1 map[string]int

type M2

i M2: changed from map[string]int to map[int]int

type M2 map[int]int

type M3

i M3: changed from map[string]int to map[string]string

type M3 map[string]string

type P1

i P1: changed from *int to **bool

type P1 **bool

type P2


type P2 *u2 // OK: u1 corresponds to u2

type Rem


type Rem int

type RepeatEmbedm

type RepeatEmbedm struct {
    // i RepeatEmbedm.A: changed from int to bool

type S1


type S1 = s1

type S2

type S2 struct {
    A int
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

type S3

type S3 struct {

    // c S3.F: added
    A int
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

type S4


type S4 struct {
    // OK: removed unexported fields
    // D and F marked as added because they are now part of the immediate fields
    D bool
    // c S4.D: added
    E int // OK: same as in old
    F F
    // c S4.F: added
    A1  // OK: same
    *S4 // OK: same (recursive embedding)

type S5

// Difference between exported selectable fields and exported immediate fields. both

type S5 struct{ A int }

type S6

i S6.A: removed

type S6 struct {

type S7


type S7 struct {

    // c S7.E: added
    E string
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

type SM


type SM struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SM) EP2

func (*SM) EP2()

func (SM) EV2

func (SM) EV2()

func (*SM) P1

func (*SM) P1()

func (*SM) P2

func (*SM) P2()

func (*SM) P3

func (*SM) P3()

func (SM) P4

func (SM) P4()

c SM.P4: added P4 is not removed from (*SM) because value methods are in the pointer method set.

func (*SM) P5

func (*SM) P5()

c (*SM).P5: added

func (SM) V1

func (SM) V1()

func (SM) V2

func (SM) V2()

func (SM) V3

func (SM) V3(int)

i SM.V3: changed from func() to func(int)

func (*SM) V4

func (*SM) V4(int)

i SM.V4: removed i (*SM).V4: changed from func() to func(int)

func (SM) V5

func (SM) V5()

c SM.V5: added

type SMa

c SMa: added

type SMa = SM

func (*SMa) P3

func (*SMa) P3(int)

i (*SM).P3: changed from func() to func(int)

type Sl

i Sl: changed from []int to []string

type Sl []string

type Split1


type Split1 = u2 // OK, since old u1 corresponds to new u2

type Split2

This tries to make u1 correspond to u3 i Split2: changed from u1 to u3

type Split2 = u3

type T1


type T1 int


var VT1 T1

type WI1


type WI1 interface {
    // contains filtered or unexported methods

type WI2

type WI2 interface {
    // contains filtered or unexported methods

type WS1

type WS1 int

func (WS1) M1

func (WS1) M1()

type WS2

type WS2 int

func (WS2) M2

func (WS2) M2()