
Package unusedwrite

import "golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/unusedwrite"

Overview ▾

Package unusedwrite checks for unused writes to the elements of a struct or array object.

Analyzer unusedwrite

unusedwrite: checks for unused writes

The analyzer reports instances of writes to struct fields and arrays that are never read. Specifically, when a struct object or an array is copied, its elements are copied implicitly by the compiler, and any element write to this copy does nothing with the original object.

For example:

type T struct { x int }

func f(input []T) {
	for i, v := range input {  // v is a copy
		v.x = i  // unused write to field x

Another example is about non-pointer receiver:

type T struct { x int }

func (t T) f() {  // t is a copy
	t.x = i  // unused write to field x

Index ▾

Package files

doc.go unusedwrite.go


Analyzer reports instances of writes to struct fields and arrays that are never read.

var Analyzer = &analysis.Analyzer{
    Name:     "unusedwrite",
    Doc:      analysisutil.MustExtractDoc(doc, "unusedwrite"),
    URL:      "https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/unusedwrite",
    Requires: []*analysis.Analyzer{buildssa.Analyzer},
    Run:      run,