
Command gofont


Name Synopsis
gobold Package gobold provides the "Go Bold" TrueType font from the Go font family.
gobolditalic Package gobolditalic provides the "Go Bold Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
goitalic Package goitalic provides the "Go Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
gomedium Package gomedium provides the "Go Medium" TrueType font from the Go font family.
gomediumitalic Package gomediumitalic provides the "Go Medium Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
gomono Package gomono provides the "Go Mono" TrueType font from the Go font family.
gomonobold Package gomonobold provides the "Go Mono Bold" TrueType font from the Go font family.
gomonobolditalic Package gomonobolditalic provides the "Go Mono Bold Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
gomonoitalic Package gomonoitalic provides the "Go Mono Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
goregular Package goregular provides the "Go Regular" TrueType font from the Go font family.
gosmallcaps Package gosmallcaps provides the "Go Smallcaps" TrueType font from the Go font family.
gosmallcapsitalic Package gosmallcapsitalic provides the "Go Smallcaps Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.