
Package proto

import "go.starlark.net/lib/proto"

Overview ▾

Package proto defines a module of utilities for constructing and accessing protocol messages within Starlark programs.


This package defines several types of Starlark value:

Message                 -- a protocol message
RepeatedField           -- a repeated field of a message, like a list

FileDescriptor          -- information about a .proto file
FieldDescriptor         -- information about a message field (or extension field)
MessageDescriptor       -- information about the type of a message
EnumDescriptor          -- information about an enumerated type
EnumValueDescriptor     -- a value of an enumerated type

A Message value is a wrapper around a protocol message instance. Starlark programs may access and update Messages using dot notation:

x = msg.field
msg.field = x + 1
msg.field += 1

Assignments to message fields perform dynamic checks on the type and range of the value to ensure that the message is at all times valid.

The value of a repeated field of a message is represented by the list-like data type, RepeatedField. Its elements may be accessed, iterated, and updated in the usual ways. As with assignments to message fields, an assignment to an element of a RepeatedField performs a dynamic check to ensure that the RepeatedField holds only elements of the correct type.

type(msg.uint32s)       # "proto.repeated<uint32>"
msg.uint32s[0] = 1
msg.uint32s[0] = -1     # error: invalid uint32: -1

Any iterable may be assigned to a repeated field of a message. If the iterable is itself a value of type RepeatedField, the message field holds a reference to it.

msg2.uint32s = msg.uint32s      # both messages share one RepeatedField
msg.uint32s[0] = 123
print(msg2.uint32s[0])          # "123"

The RepeatedFields' element types must match. It is not enough for the values to be merely valid:

msg.uint32s = [1, 2, 3]         # makes a copy
msg.uint64s = msg.uint32s       # error: repeated field has wrong type
msg.uint64s = list(msg.uint32s) # ok; makes a copy

For all other iterables, a new RepeatedField is constructed from the elements of the iterable.

msg.uints32s = [1, 2, 3]
print(type(msg.uints32s))       # "proto.repeated<uint32>"

To construct a Message from encoded binary or text data, call Unmarshal or UnmarshalText. These two functions are exposed to Starlark programs as proto.unmarshal{,_text}.

To construct a Message from an existing Go proto.Message instance, you must first encode the Go message to binary, then decode it using Unmarshal. This ensures that messages visible to Starlark are encapsulated and cannot be mutated once their Starlark wrapper values are frozen.

TODO(adonovan): document descriptors, enums, message instantiation.

See proto_test.go for an example of how to use the 'proto' module in an application that embeds Starlark.

Index ▾

func SetPool(thread *starlark.Thread, pool DescriptorPool)
type DescriptorPool
    func Pool(thread *starlark.Thread) DescriptorPool
type EnumDescriptor
    func (e EnumDescriptor) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error)
    func (e EnumDescriptor) AttrNames() []string
    func (e EnumDescriptor) CallInternal(_ *starlark.Thread, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error)
    func (e EnumDescriptor) Freeze()
    func (e EnumDescriptor) Hash() (h uint32, err error)
    func (e EnumDescriptor) Name() string
    func (e EnumDescriptor) String() string
    func (e EnumDescriptor) Truth() starlark.Bool
    func (e EnumDescriptor) Type() string
type EnumValueDescriptor
    func (e EnumValueDescriptor) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error)
    func (e EnumValueDescriptor) AttrNames() []string
    func (x EnumValueDescriptor) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ starlark.Value, depth int) (bool, error)
    func (e EnumValueDescriptor) Freeze()
    func (e EnumValueDescriptor) Hash() (h uint32, err error)
    func (e EnumValueDescriptor) String() string
    func (e EnumValueDescriptor) Truth() starlark.Bool
    func (e EnumValueDescriptor) Type() string
type FieldDescriptor
    func (d FieldDescriptor) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error)
    func (d FieldDescriptor) AttrNames() []string
    func (d FieldDescriptor) Freeze()
    func (d FieldDescriptor) Hash() (h uint32, err error)
    func (d FieldDescriptor) String() string
    func (d FieldDescriptor) Truth() starlark.Bool
    func (d FieldDescriptor) Type() string
type FileDescriptor
    func (f FileDescriptor) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error)
    func (f FileDescriptor) AttrNames() []string
    func (f FileDescriptor) Freeze()
    func (f FileDescriptor) Hash() (h uint32, err error)
    func (f FileDescriptor) String() string
    func (f FileDescriptor) Truth() starlark.Bool
    func (f FileDescriptor) Type() string
type Message
    func Unmarshal(desc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, data []byte) (*Message, error)
    func UnmarshalText(desc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, data []byte) (*Message, error)
    func (m *Message) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error)
    func (m *Message) AttrNames() []string
    func (m *Message) Freeze()
    func (m *Message) Hash() (h uint32, err error)
    func (m *Message) Message() protoreflect.ProtoMessage
    func (m *Message) SetField(name string, v starlark.Value) error
    func (m *Message) String() string
    func (m *Message) Truth() starlark.Bool
    func (m *Message) Type() string
type MessageDescriptor
    func (d MessageDescriptor) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error)
    func (d MessageDescriptor) AttrNames() []string
    func (d MessageDescriptor) CallInternal(thread *starlark.Thread, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error)
    func (d MessageDescriptor) Freeze()
    func (d MessageDescriptor) Hash() (h uint32, err error)
    func (d MessageDescriptor) Name() string
    func (d MessageDescriptor) String() string
    func (d MessageDescriptor) Truth() starlark.Bool
    func (d MessageDescriptor) Type() string
type RepeatedField
    func (rf *RepeatedField) Freeze()
    func (rf *RepeatedField) Hash() (uint32, error)
    func (rf *RepeatedField) Index(i int) starlark.Value
    func (rf *RepeatedField) Iterate() starlark.Iterator
    func (rf *RepeatedField) Len() int
    func (rf *RepeatedField) SetIndex(i int, v starlark.Value) error
    func (rf *RepeatedField) String() string
    func (rf *RepeatedField) Truth() starlark.Bool
    func (rf *RepeatedField) Type() string

Package files



var Module = &starlarkstruct.Module{
    Name: "proto",
    Members: starlark.StringDict{
        "file":           starlark.NewBuiltin("proto.file", file),
        "has":            starlark.NewBuiltin("proto.has", has),
        "marshal":        starlark.NewBuiltin("proto.marshal", marshal),
        "marshal_text":   starlark.NewBuiltin("proto.marshal_text", marshal),
        "set_field":      starlark.NewBuiltin("proto.set_field", setFieldStarlark),
        "get_field":      starlark.NewBuiltin("proto.get_field", getFieldStarlark),
        "unmarshal":      starlark.NewBuiltin("proto.unmarshal", unmarshal),
        "unmarshal_text": starlark.NewBuiltin("proto.unmarshal_text", unmarshal_text),

func SetPool

func SetPool(thread *starlark.Thread, pool DescriptorPool)

SetPool associates with the specified Starlark thread the descriptor pool used to find descriptors for .proto files and to instantiate messages from descriptors. Clients must call SetPool for a Starlark thread to use this package.

For example:

SetPool(thread, protoregistry.GlobalFiles)

type DescriptorPool

A DescriptorPool loads FileDescriptors by path name or package name, possibly on demand.

It is a superinterface of protodesc.Resolver, so any Resolver implementation is a valid pool. For example. protoregistry.GlobalFiles, which loads FileDescriptors from the compressed binary information in all the *.pb.go files linked into the process; and protodesc.NewFiles, which holds a set of FileDescriptorSet messages. See star2proto for example usage.

type DescriptorPool interface {
    FindFileByPath(string) (protoreflect.FileDescriptor, error)

func Pool

func Pool(thread *starlark.Thread) DescriptorPool

Pool returns the descriptor pool previously associated with this thread.

type EnumDescriptor

An EnumDescriptor is an immutable Starlark value that describes an protocol enum type.

An EnumDescriptor contains a reference to a protoreflect.EnumDescriptor. Two EnumDescriptor values compare equal if and only if they refer to the same protoreflect.EnumDescriptor.

An EnumDescriptor may be called like a function. It converts its sole argument, which must be an int, string, or EnumValueDescriptor, to an EnumValueDescriptor.

The fields of an EnumDescriptor value are the values of the enumeration, each of type EnumValueDescriptor.

type EnumDescriptor struct {
    Desc protoreflect.EnumDescriptor

func (EnumDescriptor) Attr

func (e EnumDescriptor) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error)

func (EnumDescriptor) AttrNames

func (e EnumDescriptor) AttrNames() []string

func (EnumDescriptor) CallInternal

func (e EnumDescriptor) CallInternal(_ *starlark.Thread, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error)

The Call method implements the starlark.Callable interface. A call to an enum descriptor converts its argument to a value of that enum type.

func (EnumDescriptor) Freeze

func (e EnumDescriptor) Freeze()

func (EnumDescriptor) Hash

func (e EnumDescriptor) Hash() (h uint32, err error)

func (EnumDescriptor) Name

func (e EnumDescriptor) Name() string

func (EnumDescriptor) String

func (e EnumDescriptor) String() string

func (EnumDescriptor) Truth

func (e EnumDescriptor) Truth() starlark.Bool

func (EnumDescriptor) Type

func (e EnumDescriptor) Type() string

type EnumValueDescriptor

An EnumValueDescriptor is an immutable Starlark value that represents one value of an enumeration.

An EnumValueDescriptor contains a reference to a protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor. Two EnumValueDescriptor values compare equal if and only if they refer to the same protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor.

An EnumValueDescriptor has the following fields:

index   -- int, index of this value within the enum sequence
name    -- string, name of this enum value
number  -- int, numeric value of this enum value
type    -- EnumDescriptor, the enum type to which this value belongs
type EnumValueDescriptor struct {
    Desc protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor

func (EnumValueDescriptor) Attr

func (e EnumValueDescriptor) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error)

func (EnumValueDescriptor) AttrNames

func (e EnumValueDescriptor) AttrNames() []string

func (EnumValueDescriptor) CompareSameType

func (x EnumValueDescriptor) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ starlark.Value, depth int) (bool, error)

func (EnumValueDescriptor) Freeze

func (e EnumValueDescriptor) Freeze()

func (EnumValueDescriptor) Hash

func (e EnumValueDescriptor) Hash() (h uint32, err error)

func (EnumValueDescriptor) String

func (e EnumValueDescriptor) String() string

func (EnumValueDescriptor) Truth

func (e EnumValueDescriptor) Truth() starlark.Bool

func (EnumValueDescriptor) Type

func (e EnumValueDescriptor) Type() string

type FieldDescriptor

A FieldDescriptor is an immutable Starlark value that describes a field (possibly an extension field) of protocol message.

A FieldDescriptor value contains a reference to a protoreflect.FieldDescriptor. Two FieldDescriptor values compare equal if and only if they refer to the same protoreflect.FieldDescriptor.

The primary use for FieldDescriptors is to access extension fields of a message.

A FieldDescriptor value has not attributes. TODO(adonovan): expose metadata fields (e.g. name, type).

type FieldDescriptor struct {
    Desc protoreflect.FieldDescriptor

func (FieldDescriptor) Attr

func (d FieldDescriptor) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error)

func (FieldDescriptor) AttrNames

func (d FieldDescriptor) AttrNames() []string

func (FieldDescriptor) Freeze

func (d FieldDescriptor) Freeze()

func (FieldDescriptor) Hash

func (d FieldDescriptor) Hash() (h uint32, err error)

func (FieldDescriptor) String

func (d FieldDescriptor) String() string

func (FieldDescriptor) Truth

func (d FieldDescriptor) Truth() starlark.Bool

func (FieldDescriptor) Type

func (d FieldDescriptor) Type() string

type FileDescriptor

A FileDescriptor is an immutable Starlark value that describes a .proto file. It is a reference to a protoreflect.FileDescriptor. Two FileDescriptor values compare equal if and only if they refer to the same protoreflect.FileDescriptor.

Its fields are the names of the message types (MessageDescriptor) and enum types (EnumDescriptor).

type FileDescriptor struct {
    Desc protoreflect.FileDescriptor // TODO(adonovan): hide field, expose method?

func (FileDescriptor) Attr

func (f FileDescriptor) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error)

func (FileDescriptor) AttrNames

func (f FileDescriptor) AttrNames() []string

func (FileDescriptor) Freeze

func (f FileDescriptor) Freeze()

func (FileDescriptor) Hash

func (f FileDescriptor) Hash() (h uint32, err error)

func (FileDescriptor) String

func (f FileDescriptor) String() string

func (FileDescriptor) Truth

func (f FileDescriptor) Truth() starlark.Bool

func (FileDescriptor) Type

func (f FileDescriptor) Type() string

type Message

A Message is a Starlark value that wraps a protocol message.

Two Messages are equivalent if and only if they are identical.

When a Message value becomes frozen, a Starlark program may not modify the underlying protocol message, nor any Message or RepeatedField wrapper values derived from it.

type Message struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func Unmarshal

func Unmarshal(desc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, data []byte) (*Message, error)

Unmarshal parses the data as a binary protocol message of the specified type, and returns it as a new Starlark message value.

func UnmarshalText

func UnmarshalText(desc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, data []byte) (*Message, error)

UnmarshalText parses the data as a text protocol message of the specified type, and returns it as a new Starlark message value.

func (*Message) Attr

func (m *Message) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error)

Attr returns the value of this message's field of the specified name. Extension fields are not accessible this way as their names are not unique.

func (*Message) AttrNames

func (m *Message) AttrNames() []string

AttrNames returns the set of field names defined for this message. It satisfies the starlark.HasAttrs interface.

func (*Message) Freeze

func (m *Message) Freeze()

func (*Message) Hash

func (m *Message) Hash() (h uint32, err error)

func (*Message) Message

func (m *Message) Message() protoreflect.ProtoMessage

Message returns the wrapped message.

func (*Message) SetField

func (m *Message) SetField(name string, v starlark.Value) error

SetField updates a non-extension field of this message. It implements the HasSetField interface.

func (*Message) String

func (m *Message) String() string

func (*Message) Truth

func (m *Message) Truth() starlark.Bool

func (*Message) Type

func (m *Message) Type() string

type MessageDescriptor

A MessageDescriptor is an immutable Starlark value that describes a protocol message type.

A MessageDescriptor value contains a reference to a protoreflect.MessageDescriptor. Two MessageDescriptor values compare equal if and only if they refer to the same protoreflect.MessageDescriptor.

The fields of a MessageDescriptor value are the names of any message types (MessageDescriptor), fields or extension fields (FieldDescriptor), and enum types (EnumDescriptor) nested within the declaration of this message type.

type MessageDescriptor struct {
    Desc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor

func (MessageDescriptor) Attr

func (d MessageDescriptor) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error)

func (MessageDescriptor) AttrNames

func (d MessageDescriptor) AttrNames() []string

func (MessageDescriptor) CallInternal

func (d MessageDescriptor) CallInternal(thread *starlark.Thread, args starlark.Tuple, kwargs []starlark.Tuple) (starlark.Value, error)

The Call method implements the starlark.Callable interface. When a message descriptor is called, it returns a new instance of the protocol message it describes.

Message(msg)            -- return a shallow copy of an existing message
Message(k=v, ...)       -- return a new message with the specified fields
Message(dict(...))      -- return a new message with the specified fields

func (MessageDescriptor) Freeze

func (d MessageDescriptor) Freeze()

func (MessageDescriptor) Hash

func (d MessageDescriptor) Hash() (h uint32, err error)

func (MessageDescriptor) Name

func (d MessageDescriptor) Name() string

func (MessageDescriptor) String

func (d MessageDescriptor) String() string

func (MessageDescriptor) Truth

func (d MessageDescriptor) Truth() starlark.Bool

func (MessageDescriptor) Type

func (d MessageDescriptor) Type() string

type RepeatedField

A RepeatedField is a Starlark value that wraps a repeated field of a protocol message.

An assignment to an element of a repeated field incurs a dynamic check that the new value has (or can be converted to) the correct type using conversions similar to those done when calling a MessageDescriptor to construct a message.

TODO(adonovan): make RepeatedField implement starlark.Comparable. Should the comparison include type, or be defined on the elements alone?

type RepeatedField struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RepeatedField) Freeze

func (rf *RepeatedField) Freeze()

func (*RepeatedField) Hash

func (rf *RepeatedField) Hash() (uint32, error)

func (*RepeatedField) Index

func (rf *RepeatedField) Index(i int) starlark.Value

func (*RepeatedField) Iterate

func (rf *RepeatedField) Iterate() starlark.Iterator

func (*RepeatedField) Len

func (rf *RepeatedField) Len() int

func (*RepeatedField) SetIndex

func (rf *RepeatedField) SetIndex(i int, v starlark.Value) error

func (*RepeatedField) String

func (rf *RepeatedField) String() string

func (*RepeatedField) Truth

func (rf *RepeatedField) Truth() starlark.Bool

func (*RepeatedField) Type

func (rf *RepeatedField) Type() string


Name Synopsis
star2proto The star2proto command executes a Starlark file and prints a protocol message, which it expects to find in a module-level variable named 'result'.