
Directory /src/go.starlark.net

Name Synopsis
starlark The starlark command interprets a Starlark file.
docs The update command creates/updates the <html><head> elements of each subpackage beneath docs so that "go get" requests redirect to GitHub and other HTTP requests redirect to godoc.corp.
json Package json defines utilities for converting Starlark values to/from JSON strings.
math Package math provides basic constants and mathematical functions.
proto Package proto defines a module of utilities for constructing and accessing protocol messages within Starlark programs.
star2proto The star2proto command executes a Starlark file and prints a protocol message, which it expects to find in a module-level variable named 'result'.
time Package time provides time-related constants and functions.
repl Package repl provides a read/eval/print loop for Starlark.
resolve Package resolve defines a name-resolution pass for Starlark abstract syntax trees.
starlark Package starlark provides a Starlark interpreter.
starlarkjson Package starlarkjson is an alias for go.starlark.net/lib/json to provide backwards compatibility
starlarkstruct Package starlarkstruct defines the Starlark types 'struct' and 'module', both optional language extensions.
starlarktest Package starlarktest defines utilities for testing Starlark programs.
syntax Package syntax provides a Starlark parser and abstract syntax tree.