func InstrumentationScope(il instrumentation.Scope) *commonpb.InstrumentationScope
func Iterator(iter attribute.Iterator) []*commonpb.KeyValue
Iterator transforms an attribute iterator into OTLP key-values.
func KeyValue(kv attribute.KeyValue) *commonpb.KeyValue
KeyValue transforms an attribute KeyValue into an OTLP key-value.
func KeyValues(attrs []attribute.KeyValue) []*commonpb.KeyValue
KeyValues transforms a slice of attribute KeyValues into OTLP key-values.
func Resource(r *resource.Resource) *resourcepb.Resource
Resource transforms a Resource into an OTLP Resource.
func ResourceAttributes(res *resource.Resource) []*commonpb.KeyValue
ResourceAttributes transforms a Resource OTLP key-values.
func Spans(sdl []tracesdk.ReadOnlySpan) []*tracepb.ResourceSpans
Spans transforms a slice of OpenTelemetry spans into a slice of OTLP ResourceSpans.
func Value(v attribute.Value) *commonpb.AnyValue
Value transforms an attribute Value into an OTLP AnyValue.