func NewSetWithFiltered(kvs []KeyValue, filter Filter) (Set, []KeyValue)
NewSetWithFiltered returns a new Set. See the documentation for NewSetWithSortableFiltered for more details.
This call includes a Filter to include/exclude attribute keys from the return value. Excluded keys are returned as a slice of attribute values.
func NewSetWithSortableFiltered(kvs []KeyValue, tmp *Sortable, filter Filter) (Set, []KeyValue)
NewSetWithSortableFiltered returns a new Set.
Duplicate keys are eliminated by taking the last value. This re-orders the input slice so that unique last-values are contiguous at the end of the slice.
This ensures the following:
- Last-value-wins semantics - Caller sees the reordering, but doesn't lose values - Repeated call preserve last-value wins.
Note that methods are defined on Set, although this returns Set. Callers can avoid memory allocations by:
- allocating a Sortable for use as a temporary in this method - allocating a Set for storing the return value of this constructor.
The result maintains a cache of encoded attributes, by attribute.EncoderID. This value should not be copied after its first use.
The second []KeyValue return value is a list of attributes that were excluded by the Filter (if non-nil).
Distinct wraps a variable-size array of KeyValue, constructed with keys in sorted order. This can be used as a map key or for equality checking between Sets.
type Distinct struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (d Distinct) Valid() bool
Valid returns true if this value refers to a valid Set.
Encoder is a mechanism for serializing an attribute set into a specific string representation that supports caching, to avoid repeated serialization. An example could be an exporter encoding the attribute set into a wire representation.
type Encoder interface { // Encode returns the serialized encoding of the attribute set using // its Iterator. This result may be cached by a attribute.Set. Encode(iterator Iterator) string // ID returns a value that is unique for each class of attribute // encoder. Attribute encoders allocate these using `NewEncoderID`. ID() EncoderID }
func DefaultEncoder() Encoder
DefaultEncoder returns an attribute encoder that encodes attributes in such a way that each escaped attribute's key is followed by an equal sign and then by an escaped attribute's value. All key-value pairs are separated by a comma.
Escaping is done by prepending a backslash before either a backslash, equal sign or a comma.
EncoderID is used to identify distinct Encoder implementations, for caching encoded results.
type EncoderID struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewEncoderID() EncoderID
NewEncoderID returns a unique attribute encoder ID. It should be called once per each type of attribute encoder. Preferably in init() or in var definition.
func (id EncoderID) Valid() bool
Valid returns true if this encoder ID was allocated by `NewEncoderID`. Invalid encoder IDs will not be cached.
Filter supports removing certain attributes from attribute sets. When the filter returns true, the attribute will be kept in the filtered attribute set. When the filter returns false, the attribute is excluded from the filtered attribute set, and the attribute instead appears in the removed list of excluded attributes.
type Filter func(KeyValue) bool
func NewAllowKeysFilter(keys ...Key) Filter
NewAllowKeysFilter returns a Filter that only allows attributes with one of the provided keys.
If keys is empty a deny-all filter is returned.
func NewDenyKeysFilter(keys ...Key) Filter
NewDenyKeysFilter returns a Filter that only allows attributes that do not have one of the provided keys.
If keys is empty an allow-all filter is returned.
Iterator allows iterating over the set of attributes in order, sorted by key.
type Iterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (i *Iterator) Attribute() KeyValue
Attribute returns the current KeyValue of the Iterator. It must be called only after Next returns true.
func (i *Iterator) IndexedAttribute() (int, KeyValue)
IndexedAttribute returns current index and attribute. Must be called only after Next returns true.
func (i *Iterator) IndexedLabel() (int, KeyValue)
IndexedLabel returns current index and attribute. Must be called only after Next returns true.
Deprecated: Use IndexedAttribute instead.
func (i *Iterator) Label() KeyValue
Label returns current KeyValue. Must be called only after Next returns true.
Deprecated: Use Attribute instead.
func (i *Iterator) Len() int
Len returns a number of attributes in the iterated set.
func (i *Iterator) Next() bool
Next moves the iterator to the next position. Returns false if there are no more attributes.
func (i *Iterator) ToSlice() []KeyValue
ToSlice is a convenience function that creates a slice of attributes from the passed iterator. The iterator is set up to start from the beginning before creating the slice.
Key represents the key part in key-value pairs. It's a string. The allowed character set in the key depends on the use of the key.
type Key string
func (k Key) Bool(v bool) KeyValue
Bool creates a KeyValue instance with a BOOL Value.
If creating both a key and value at the same time, use the provided convenience function instead -- Bool(name, value).
func (k Key) BoolSlice(v []bool) KeyValue
BoolSlice creates a KeyValue instance with a BOOLSLICE Value.
If creating both a key and value at the same time, use the provided convenience function instead -- BoolSlice(name, value).
func (k Key) Defined() bool
Defined returns true for non-empty keys.
func (k Key) Float64(v float64) KeyValue
Float64 creates a KeyValue instance with a FLOAT64 Value.
If creating both a key and value at the same time, use the provided convenience function instead -- Float64(name, value).
func (k Key) Float64Slice(v []float64) KeyValue
Float64Slice creates a KeyValue instance with a FLOAT64SLICE Value.
If creating both a key and value at the same time, use the provided convenience function instead -- Float64(name, value).
func (k Key) Int(v int) KeyValue
Int creates a KeyValue instance with an INT64 Value.
If creating both a key and value at the same time, use the provided convenience function instead -- Int(name, value).
func (k Key) Int64(v int64) KeyValue
Int64 creates a KeyValue instance with an INT64 Value.
If creating both a key and value at the same time, use the provided convenience function instead -- Int64(name, value).
func (k Key) Int64Slice(v []int64) KeyValue
Int64Slice creates a KeyValue instance with an INT64SLICE Value.
If creating both a key and value at the same time, use the provided convenience function instead -- Int64Slice(name, value).
func (k Key) IntSlice(v []int) KeyValue
IntSlice creates a KeyValue instance with an INT64SLICE Value.
If creating both a key and value at the same time, use the provided convenience function instead -- IntSlice(name, value).
func (k Key) String(v string) KeyValue
String creates a KeyValue instance with a STRING Value.
If creating both a key and value at the same time, use the provided convenience function instead -- String(name, value).
func (k Key) StringSlice(v []string) KeyValue
StringSlice creates a KeyValue instance with a STRINGSLICE Value.
If creating both a key and value at the same time, use the provided convenience function instead -- StringSlice(name, value).
KeyValue holds a key and value pair.
type KeyValue struct { Key Key Value Value }
func Bool(k string, v bool) KeyValue
Bool creates a KeyValue with a BOOL Value type.
func BoolSlice(k string, v []bool) KeyValue
BoolSlice creates a KeyValue with a BOOLSLICE Value type.
func Float64(k string, v float64) KeyValue
Float64 creates a KeyValue with a FLOAT64 Value type.
func Float64Slice(k string, v []float64) KeyValue
Float64Slice creates a KeyValue with a FLOAT64SLICE Value type.
func Int(k string, v int) KeyValue
Int creates a KeyValue with an INT64 Value type.
func Int64(k string, v int64) KeyValue
Int64 creates a KeyValue with an INT64 Value type.
func Int64Slice(k string, v []int64) KeyValue
Int64Slice creates a KeyValue with an INT64SLICE Value type.
func IntSlice(k string, v []int) KeyValue
IntSlice creates a KeyValue with an INT64SLICE Value type.
func String(k, v string) KeyValue
String creates a KeyValue with a STRING Value type.
func StringSlice(k string, v []string) KeyValue
StringSlice creates a KeyValue with a STRINGSLICE Value type.
func Stringer(k string, v fmt.Stringer) KeyValue
Stringer creates a new key-value pair with a passed name and a string value generated by the passed Stringer interface.
func (kv KeyValue) Valid() bool
Valid returns if kv is a valid OpenTelemetry attribute.
MergeIterator supports iterating over two sets of attributes while eliminating duplicate values from the combined set. The first iterator value takes precedence.
type MergeIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMergeIterator(s1, s2 *Set) MergeIterator
NewMergeIterator returns a MergeIterator for merging two attribute sets. Duplicates are resolved by taking the value from the first set.
func (m *MergeIterator) Attribute() KeyValue
Attribute returns the current value after Next() returns true.
func (m *MergeIterator) Label() KeyValue
Label returns the current value after Next() returns true.
Deprecated: Use Attribute instead.
func (m *MergeIterator) Next() bool
Next returns true if there is another attribute available.
Set is the representation for a distinct attribute set. It manages an immutable set of attributes, with an internal cache for storing attribute encodings.
This type supports the Equivalent method of comparison using values of type Distinct.
type Set struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func EmptySet() *Set
EmptySet returns a reference to a Set with no elements.
This is a convenience provided for optimized calling utility.
func NewSet(kvs ...KeyValue) Set
NewSet returns a new Set. See the documentation for NewSetWithSortableFiltered for more details.
Except for empty sets, this method adds an additional allocation compared with calls that include a Sortable.
func NewSetWithSortable(kvs []KeyValue, tmp *Sortable) Set
NewSetWithSortable returns a new Set. See the documentation for NewSetWithSortableFiltered for more details.
This call includes a Sortable option as a memory optimization.
func (l *Set) Encoded(encoder Encoder) string
Encoded returns the encoded form of this set, according to encoder.
func (l *Set) Equals(o *Set) bool
Equals returns true if the argument set is equivalent to this set.
func (l *Set) Equivalent() Distinct
Equivalent returns a value that may be used as a map key. The Distinct type guarantees that the result will equal the equivalent. Distinct value of any attribute set with the same elements as this, where sets are made unique by choosing the last value in the input for any given key.
func (l *Set) Filter(re Filter) (Set, []KeyValue)
Filter returns a filtered copy of this Set. See the documentation for NewSetWithSortableFiltered for more details.
func (l *Set) Get(idx int) (KeyValue, bool)
Get returns the KeyValue at ordered position idx in this set.
func (l *Set) HasValue(k Key) bool
HasValue tests whether a key is defined in this set.
func (l *Set) Iter() Iterator
Iter returns an iterator for visiting the attributes in this set.
func (l *Set) Len() int
Len returns the number of attributes in this set.
func (l *Set) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON returns the JSON encoding of the Set.
func (l Set) MarshalLog() interface{}
MarshalLog is the marshaling function used by the logging system to represent this exporter.
func (l *Set) ToSlice() []KeyValue
ToSlice returns the set of attributes belonging to this set, sorted, where keys appear no more than once.
func (l *Set) Value(k Key) (Value, bool)
Value returns the value of a specified key in this set.
Sortable implements sort.Interface, used for sorting KeyValue. This is an exported type to support a memory optimization. A pointer to one of these is needed for the call to sort.Stable(), which the caller may provide in order to avoid an allocation. See NewSetWithSortable().
type Sortable []KeyValue
func (l *Sortable) Len() int
Len implements sort.Interface.
func (l *Sortable) Less(i, j int) bool
Less implements sort.Interface.
func (l *Sortable) Swap(i, j int)
Swap implements sort.Interface.
Type describes the type of the data Value holds.
type Type int // nolint: revive // redefines builtin Type.
const ( // INVALID is used for a Value with no value set. INVALID Type = iota // BOOL is a boolean Type Value. BOOL // INT64 is a 64-bit signed integral Type Value. INT64 // FLOAT64 is a 64-bit floating point Type Value. FLOAT64 // STRING is a string Type Value. STRING // BOOLSLICE is a slice of booleans Type Value. BOOLSLICE // INT64SLICE is a slice of 64-bit signed integral numbers Type Value. INT64SLICE // FLOAT64SLICE is a slice of 64-bit floating point numbers Type Value. FLOAT64SLICE // STRINGSLICE is a slice of strings Type Value. STRINGSLICE )
func (i Type) String() string
Value represents the value part in key-value pairs.
type Value struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func BoolSliceValue(v []bool) Value
BoolSliceValue creates a BOOLSLICE Value.
func BoolValue(v bool) Value
BoolValue creates a BOOL Value.
func Float64SliceValue(v []float64) Value
Float64SliceValue creates a FLOAT64SLICE Value.
func Float64Value(v float64) Value
Float64Value creates a FLOAT64 Value.
func Int64SliceValue(v []int64) Value
Int64SliceValue creates an INT64SLICE Value.
func Int64Value(v int64) Value
Int64Value creates an INT64 Value.
func IntSliceValue(v []int) Value
IntSliceValue creates an INTSLICE Value.
func IntValue(v int) Value
IntValue creates an INT64 Value.
func StringSliceValue(v []string) Value
StringSliceValue creates a STRINGSLICE Value.
func StringValue(v string) Value
StringValue creates a STRING Value.
func (v Value) AsBool() bool
AsBool returns the bool value. Make sure that the Value's type is BOOL.
func (v Value) AsBoolSlice() []bool
AsBoolSlice returns the []bool value. Make sure that the Value's type is BOOLSLICE.
func (v Value) AsFloat64() float64
AsFloat64 returns the float64 value. Make sure that the Value's type is FLOAT64.
func (v Value) AsFloat64Slice() []float64
AsFloat64Slice returns the []float64 value. Make sure that the Value's type is FLOAT64SLICE.
func (v Value) AsInt64() int64
AsInt64 returns the int64 value. Make sure that the Value's type is INT64.
func (v Value) AsInt64Slice() []int64
AsInt64Slice returns the []int64 value. Make sure that the Value's type is INT64SLICE.
func (v Value) AsInterface() interface{}
AsInterface returns Value's data as interface{}.
func (v Value) AsString() string
AsString returns the string value. Make sure that the Value's type is STRING.
func (v Value) AsStringSlice() []string
AsStringSlice returns the []string value. Make sure that the Value's type is STRINGSLICE.
func (v Value) Emit() string
Emit returns a string representation of Value's data.
func (v Value) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON returns the JSON encoding of the Value.
func (v Value) Type() Type
Type returns a type of the Value.