Attribute keys that can be added to a span.
const ( ReadBytesKey = attribute.Key("http.read_bytes") // if anything was read from the request body, the total number of bytes read ReadErrorKey = attribute.Key("http.read_error") // If an error occurred while reading a request, the string of the error (io.EOF is not recorded) WroteBytesKey = attribute.Key("http.wrote_bytes") // if anything was written to the response writer, the total number of bytes written WriteErrorKey = attribute.Key("http.write_error") // if an error occurred while writing a reply, the string of the error (io.EOF is not recorded) )
Different types of events that can be recorded, see WithMessageEvents.
const ( ReadEvents event = iota WriteEvents )
ScopeName is the instrumentation scope name.
const ScopeName = ""
DefaultClient is the default Client and is used by Get, Head, Post and PostForm. Please be careful of intitialization order - for example, if you change the global propagator, the DefaultClient might still be using the old one.
var DefaultClient = &http.Client{Transport: NewTransport(http.DefaultTransport)}
func Get(ctx context.Context, targetURL string) (resp *http.Response, err error)
Get is a convenient replacement for http.Get that adds a span around the request.
func Head(ctx context.Context, targetURL string) (resp *http.Response, err error)
Head is a convenient replacement for http.Head that adds a span around the request.
func NewHandler(handler http.Handler, operation string, opts ...Option) http.Handler
NewHandler wraps the passed handler in a span named after the operation and enriches it with metrics.
▹ Example
func NewMiddleware(operation string, opts ...Option) func(http.Handler) http.Handler
NewMiddleware returns a tracing and metrics instrumentation middleware. The handler returned by the middleware wraps a handler in a span named after the operation and enriches it with metrics.
func Post(ctx context.Context, targetURL, contentType string, body io.Reader) (resp *http.Response, err error)
Post is a convenient replacement for http.Post that adds a span around the request.
func PostForm(ctx context.Context, targetURL string, data url.Values) (resp *http.Response, err error)
PostForm is a convenient replacement for http.PostForm that adds a span around the request.
func SemVersion() string
SemVersion is the semantic version to be supplied to tracer/meter creation.
Deprecated: Use Version instead.
func Version() string
Version is the current release version of the otelhttp instrumentation.
func WithRouteTag(route string, h http.Handler) http.Handler
WithRouteTag annotates spans and metrics with the provided route name with HTTP route attribute.
Filter is a predicate used to determine whether a given http.request should be traced. A Filter must return true if the request should be traced.
type Filter func(*http.Request) bool
Labeler is used to allow instrumented HTTP handlers to add custom attributes to the metrics recorded by the net/http instrumentation.
type Labeler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func LabelerFromContext(ctx context.Context) (*Labeler, bool)
LabelerFromContext retrieves a Labeler instance from the provided context if one is available. If no Labeler was found in the provided context a new, empty Labeler is returned and the second return value is false. In this case it is safe to use the Labeler but any attributes added to it will not be used.
func (l *Labeler) Add(ls ...attribute.KeyValue)
Add attributes to a Labeler.
func (l *Labeler) Get() []attribute.KeyValue
Get returns a copy of the attributes added to the Labeler.
Option interface used for setting optional config properties.
type Option interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
func WithClientTrace(f func(context.Context) *httptrace.ClientTrace) Option
WithClientTrace takes a function that returns client trace instance that will be applied to the requests sent through the otelhttp Transport.
func WithFilter(f Filter) Option
WithFilter adds a filter to the list of filters used by the handler. If any filter indicates to exclude a request then the request will not be traced. All filters must allow a request to be traced for a Span to be created. If no filters are provided then all requests are traced. Filters will be invoked for each processed request, it is advised to make them simple and fast.
func WithMessageEvents(events ...event) Option
WithMessageEvents configures the Handler to record the specified events (span.AddEvent) on spans. By default only summary attributes are added at the end of the request.
Valid events are:
func WithMeterProvider(provider metric.MeterProvider) Option
WithMeterProvider specifies a meter provider to use for creating a meter. If none is specified, the global provider is used.
func WithPropagators(ps propagation.TextMapPropagator) Option
WithPropagators configures specific propagators. If this option isn't specified, then the global TextMapPropagator is used.
func WithPublicEndpoint() Option
WithPublicEndpoint configures the Handler to link the span with an incoming span context. If this option is not provided, then the association is a child association instead of a link.
func WithPublicEndpointFn(fn func(*http.Request) bool) Option
WithPublicEndpointFn runs with every request, and allows conditionnally configuring the Handler to link the span with an incoming span context. If this option is not provided or returns false, then the association is a child association instead of a link. Note: WithPublicEndpoint takes precedence over WithPublicEndpointFn.
func WithServerName(server string) Option
WithServerName returns an Option that sets the name of the (virtual) server handling requests.
func WithSpanNameFormatter(f func(operation string, r *http.Request) string) Option
WithSpanNameFormatter takes a function that will be called on every request and the returned string will become the Span Name.
func WithSpanOptions(opts ...trace.SpanStartOption) Option
WithSpanOptions configures an additional set of trace.SpanOptions, which are applied to each new span.
func WithTracerProvider(provider trace.TracerProvider) Option
WithTracerProvider specifies a tracer provider to use for creating a tracer. If none is specified, the global provider is used.
Transport implements the http.RoundTripper interface and wraps outbound HTTP(S) requests with a span and enriches it with metrics.
type Transport struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTransport(base http.RoundTripper, opts ...Option) *Transport
NewTransport wraps the provided http.RoundTripper with one that starts a span, injects the span context into the outbound request headers, and enriches it with metrics.
If the provided http.RoundTripper is nil, http.DefaultTransport will be used as the base http.RoundTripper.
▹ Example
func (t *Transport) RoundTrip(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
RoundTrip creates a Span and propagates its context via the provided request's headers before handing the request to the configured base RoundTripper. The created span will end when the response body is closed or when a read from the body returns io.EOF.