
Package operation

import "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/mongo/driver/operation"

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type AbortTransaction
    func NewAbortTransaction() *AbortTransaction
    func (at *AbortTransaction) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *AbortTransaction
    func (at *AbortTransaction) Collection(collection string) *AbortTransaction
    func (at *AbortTransaction) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *AbortTransaction
    func (at *AbortTransaction) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *AbortTransaction
    func (at *AbortTransaction) Database(database string) *AbortTransaction
    func (at *AbortTransaction) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *AbortTransaction
    func (at *AbortTransaction) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (at *AbortTransaction) RecoveryToken(recoveryToken bsoncore.Document) *AbortTransaction
    func (at *AbortTransaction) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *AbortTransaction
    func (at *AbortTransaction) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *AbortTransaction
    func (at *AbortTransaction) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *AbortTransaction
    func (at *AbortTransaction) Session(session *session.Client) *AbortTransaction
    func (at *AbortTransaction) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *AbortTransaction
type Aggregate
    func NewAggregate(pipeline bsoncore.Document) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) AllowDiskUse(allowDiskUse bool) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) BatchSize(batchSize int32) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) BypassDocumentValidation(bypassDocumentValidation bool) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) Collation(collation bsoncore.Document) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) Collection(collection string) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) Comment(comment string) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) CustomOptions(co map[string]bsoncore.Value) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) Database(database string) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (a *Aggregate) HasOutputStage(hos bool) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) Hint(hint bsoncore.Value) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) Let(let bsoncore.Document) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) OmitCSOTMaxTimeMS(omit bool) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) Pipeline(pipeline bsoncore.Document) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) ReadConcern(readConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) ReadPreference(readPreference *readpref.ReadPref) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) Result(opts driver.CursorOptions) (*driver.BatchCursor, error)
    func (a *Aggregate) ResultCursorResponse() driver.CursorResponse
    func (a *Aggregate) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) Session(session *session.Client) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *Aggregate
    func (a *Aggregate) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *Aggregate
type Command
    func NewCommand(command bsoncore.Document) *Command
    func NewCursorCommand(command bsoncore.Document, cursorOpts driver.CursorOptions) *Command
    func (c *Command) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Command
    func (c *Command) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Command
    func (c *Command) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Command
    func (c *Command) Database(database string) *Command
    func (c *Command) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Command
    func (c *Command) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (c *Command) Logger(logger *logger.Logger) *Command
    func (c *Command) ReadPreference(readPreference *readpref.ReadPref) *Command
    func (c *Command) Result() bsoncore.Document
    func (c *Command) ResultCursor() (*driver.BatchCursor, error)
    func (c *Command) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Command
    func (c *Command) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Command
    func (c *Command) Session(session *session.Client) *Command
    func (c *Command) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *Command
type CommitTransaction
    func NewCommitTransaction() *CommitTransaction
    func (ct *CommitTransaction) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *CommitTransaction
    func (ct *CommitTransaction) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *CommitTransaction
    func (ct *CommitTransaction) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *CommitTransaction
    func (ct *CommitTransaction) Database(database string) *CommitTransaction
    func (ct *CommitTransaction) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *CommitTransaction
    func (ct *CommitTransaction) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (ct *CommitTransaction) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *CommitTransaction
    func (ct *CommitTransaction) RecoveryToken(recoveryToken bsoncore.Document) *CommitTransaction
    func (ct *CommitTransaction) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *CommitTransaction
    func (ct *CommitTransaction) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *CommitTransaction
    func (ct *CommitTransaction) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *CommitTransaction
    func (ct *CommitTransaction) Session(session *session.Client) *CommitTransaction
    func (ct *CommitTransaction) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *CommitTransaction
type Count
    func NewCount() *Count
    func (c *Count) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Count
    func (c *Count) Collection(collection string) *Count
    func (c *Count) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Count
    func (c *Count) Comment(comment bsoncore.Value) *Count
    func (c *Count) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Count
    func (c *Count) Database(database string) *Count
    func (c *Count) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Count
    func (c *Count) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (c *Count) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *Count
    func (c *Count) Query(query bsoncore.Document) *Count
    func (c *Count) ReadConcern(readConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern) *Count
    func (c *Count) ReadPreference(readPreference *readpref.ReadPref) *Count
    func (c *Count) Result() CountResult
    func (c *Count) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *Count
    func (c *Count) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Count
    func (c *Count) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Count
    func (c *Count) Session(session *session.Client) *Count
    func (c *Count) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *Count
type CountResult
type Create
    func NewCreate(collectionName string) *Create
    func (c *Create) Capped(capped bool) *Create
    func (c *Create) ChangeStreamPreAndPostImages(csppi bsoncore.Document) *Create
    func (c *Create) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Create
    func (c *Create) ClusteredIndex(ci bsoncore.Document) *Create
    func (c *Create) Collation(collation bsoncore.Document) *Create
    func (c *Create) CollectionName(collectionName string) *Create
    func (c *Create) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Create
    func (c *Create) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Create
    func (c *Create) Database(database string) *Create
    func (c *Create) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Create
    func (c *Create) EncryptedFields(ef bsoncore.Document) *Create
    func (c *Create) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (c *Create) ExpireAfterSeconds(eas int64) *Create
    func (c *Create) IndexOptionDefaults(indexOptionDefaults bsoncore.Document) *Create
    func (c *Create) Max(max int64) *Create
    func (c *Create) Pipeline(pipeline bsoncore.Document) *Create
    func (c *Create) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Create
    func (c *Create) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Create
    func (c *Create) Session(session *session.Client) *Create
    func (c *Create) Size(size int64) *Create
    func (c *Create) StorageEngine(storageEngine bsoncore.Document) *Create
    func (c *Create) TimeSeries(timeSeries bsoncore.Document) *Create
    func (c *Create) ValidationAction(validationAction string) *Create
    func (c *Create) ValidationLevel(validationLevel string) *Create
    func (c *Create) Validator(validator bsoncore.Document) *Create
    func (c *Create) ViewOn(viewOn string) *Create
    func (c *Create) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *Create
type CreateIndexes
    func NewCreateIndexes(indexes bsoncore.Document) *CreateIndexes
    func (ci *CreateIndexes) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *CreateIndexes
    func (ci *CreateIndexes) Collection(collection string) *CreateIndexes
    func (ci *CreateIndexes) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *CreateIndexes
    func (ci *CreateIndexes) CommitQuorum(commitQuorum bsoncore.Value) *CreateIndexes
    func (ci *CreateIndexes) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *CreateIndexes
    func (ci *CreateIndexes) Database(database string) *CreateIndexes
    func (ci *CreateIndexes) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *CreateIndexes
    func (ci *CreateIndexes) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (ci *CreateIndexes) Indexes(indexes bsoncore.Document) *CreateIndexes
    func (ci *CreateIndexes) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *CreateIndexes
    func (ci *CreateIndexes) Result() CreateIndexesResult
    func (ci *CreateIndexes) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *CreateIndexes
    func (ci *CreateIndexes) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *CreateIndexes
    func (ci *CreateIndexes) Session(session *session.Client) *CreateIndexes
    func (ci *CreateIndexes) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *CreateIndexes
    func (ci *CreateIndexes) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *CreateIndexes
type CreateIndexesResult
type CreateSearchIndexResult
type CreateSearchIndexes
    func NewCreateSearchIndexes(indexes bsoncore.Document) *CreateSearchIndexes
    func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *CreateSearchIndexes
    func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Collection(collection string) *CreateSearchIndexes
    func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *CreateSearchIndexes
    func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *CreateSearchIndexes
    func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Database(database string) *CreateSearchIndexes
    func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *CreateSearchIndexes
    func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Indexes(indexes bsoncore.Document) *CreateSearchIndexes
    func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Result() CreateSearchIndexesResult
    func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *CreateSearchIndexes
    func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *CreateSearchIndexes
    func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Session(session *session.Client) *CreateSearchIndexes
    func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *CreateSearchIndexes
    func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *CreateSearchIndexes
type CreateSearchIndexesResult
type Delete
    func NewDelete(deletes ...bsoncore.Document) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) Collection(collection string) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) Comment(comment bsoncore.Value) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) Database(database string) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) Deletes(deletes ...bsoncore.Document) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (d *Delete) Hint(hint bool) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) Let(let bsoncore.Document) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) Logger(logger *logger.Logger) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) Ordered(ordered bool) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) Result() DeleteResult
    func (d *Delete) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) Session(session *session.Client) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *Delete
    func (d *Delete) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *Delete
type DeleteResult
type Distinct
    func NewDistinct(key string, query bsoncore.Document) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) Collation(collation bsoncore.Document) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) Collection(collection string) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) Comment(comment bsoncore.Value) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) Database(database string) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (d *Distinct) Key(key string) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) Query(query bsoncore.Document) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) ReadConcern(readConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) ReadPreference(readPreference *readpref.ReadPref) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) Result() DistinctResult
    func (d *Distinct) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) Session(session *session.Client) *Distinct
    func (d *Distinct) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *Distinct
type DistinctResult
type DropCollection
    func NewDropCollection() *DropCollection
    func (dc *DropCollection) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *DropCollection
    func (dc *DropCollection) Collection(collection string) *DropCollection
    func (dc *DropCollection) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *DropCollection
    func (dc *DropCollection) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *DropCollection
    func (dc *DropCollection) Database(database string) *DropCollection
    func (dc *DropCollection) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *DropCollection
    func (dc *DropCollection) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (dc *DropCollection) Result() DropCollectionResult
    func (dc *DropCollection) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *DropCollection
    func (dc *DropCollection) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *DropCollection
    func (dc *DropCollection) Session(session *session.Client) *DropCollection
    func (dc *DropCollection) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *DropCollection
    func (dc *DropCollection) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *DropCollection
type DropCollectionResult
type DropDatabase
    func NewDropDatabase() *DropDatabase
    func (dd *DropDatabase) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *DropDatabase
    func (dd *DropDatabase) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *DropDatabase
    func (dd *DropDatabase) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *DropDatabase
    func (dd *DropDatabase) Database(database string) *DropDatabase
    func (dd *DropDatabase) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *DropDatabase
    func (dd *DropDatabase) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (dd *DropDatabase) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *DropDatabase
    func (dd *DropDatabase) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *DropDatabase
    func (dd *DropDatabase) Session(session *session.Client) *DropDatabase
    func (dd *DropDatabase) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *DropDatabase
type DropIndexes
    func NewDropIndexes(index string) *DropIndexes
    func (di *DropIndexes) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *DropIndexes
    func (di *DropIndexes) Collection(collection string) *DropIndexes
    func (di *DropIndexes) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *DropIndexes
    func (di *DropIndexes) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *DropIndexes
    func (di *DropIndexes) Database(database string) *DropIndexes
    func (di *DropIndexes) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *DropIndexes
    func (di *DropIndexes) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (di *DropIndexes) Index(index string) *DropIndexes
    func (di *DropIndexes) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *DropIndexes
    func (di *DropIndexes) Result() DropIndexesResult
    func (di *DropIndexes) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *DropIndexes
    func (di *DropIndexes) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *DropIndexes
    func (di *DropIndexes) Session(session *session.Client) *DropIndexes
    func (di *DropIndexes) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *DropIndexes
    func (di *DropIndexes) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *DropIndexes
type DropIndexesResult
type DropSearchIndex
    func NewDropSearchIndex(index string) *DropSearchIndex
    func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *DropSearchIndex
    func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Collection(collection string) *DropSearchIndex
    func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *DropSearchIndex
    func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *DropSearchIndex
    func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Database(database string) *DropSearchIndex
    func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *DropSearchIndex
    func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Index(index string) *DropSearchIndex
    func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Result() DropSearchIndexResult
    func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *DropSearchIndex
    func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *DropSearchIndex
    func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Session(session *session.Client) *DropSearchIndex
    func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *DropSearchIndex
    func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *DropSearchIndex
type DropSearchIndexResult
type EndSessions
    func NewEndSessions(sessionIDs bsoncore.Document) *EndSessions
    func (es *EndSessions) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *EndSessions
    func (es *EndSessions) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *EndSessions
    func (es *EndSessions) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *EndSessions
    func (es *EndSessions) Database(database string) *EndSessions
    func (es *EndSessions) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *EndSessions
    func (es *EndSessions) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (es *EndSessions) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *EndSessions
    func (es *EndSessions) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *EndSessions
    func (es *EndSessions) Session(session *session.Client) *EndSessions
    func (es *EndSessions) SessionIDs(sessionIDs bsoncore.Document) *EndSessions
type Find
    func NewFind(filter bsoncore.Document) *Find
    func (f *Find) AllowDiskUse(allowDiskUse bool) *Find
    func (f *Find) AllowPartialResults(allowPartialResults bool) *Find
    func (f *Find) AwaitData(awaitData bool) *Find
    func (f *Find) BatchSize(batchSize int32) *Find
    func (f *Find) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Find
    func (f *Find) Collation(collation bsoncore.Document) *Find
    func (f *Find) Collection(collection string) *Find
    func (f *Find) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Find
    func (f *Find) Comment(comment string) *Find
    func (f *Find) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Find
    func (f *Find) Database(database string) *Find
    func (f *Find) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Find
    func (f *Find) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (f *Find) Filter(filter bsoncore.Document) *Find
    func (f *Find) Hint(hint bsoncore.Value) *Find
    func (f *Find) Let(let bsoncore.Document) *Find
    func (f *Find) Limit(limit int64) *Find
    func (f *Find) Logger(logger *logger.Logger) *Find
    func (f *Find) Max(max bsoncore.Document) *Find
    func (f *Find) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *Find
    func (f *Find) Min(min bsoncore.Document) *Find
    func (f *Find) NoCursorTimeout(noCursorTimeout bool) *Find
    func (f *Find) OmitCSOTMaxTimeMS(omit bool) *Find
    func (f *Find) OplogReplay(oplogReplay bool) *Find
    func (f *Find) Projection(projection bsoncore.Document) *Find
    func (f *Find) ReadConcern(readConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern) *Find
    func (f *Find) ReadPreference(readPreference *readpref.ReadPref) *Find
    func (f *Find) Result(opts driver.CursorOptions) (*driver.BatchCursor, error)
    func (f *Find) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *Find
    func (f *Find) ReturnKey(returnKey bool) *Find
    func (f *Find) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Find
    func (f *Find) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Find
    func (f *Find) Session(session *session.Client) *Find
    func (f *Find) ShowRecordID(showRecordID bool) *Find
    func (f *Find) SingleBatch(singleBatch bool) *Find
    func (f *Find) Skip(skip int64) *Find
    func (f *Find) Snapshot(snapshot bool) *Find
    func (f *Find) Sort(sort bsoncore.Document) *Find
    func (f *Find) Tailable(tailable bool) *Find
    func (f *Find) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *Find
type FindAndModify
    func NewFindAndModify(query bsoncore.Document) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) ArrayFilters(arrayFilters bsoncore.Array) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) BypassDocumentValidation(bypassDocumentValidation bool) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Collation(collation bsoncore.Document) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Collection(collection string) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Comment(comment bsoncore.Value) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Database(database string) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Fields(fields bsoncore.Document) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Hint(hint bsoncore.Value) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Let(let bsoncore.Document) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) NewDocument(newDocument bool) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Query(query bsoncore.Document) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Remove(remove bool) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Result() FindAndModifyResult
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Session(session *session.Client) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Sort(sort bsoncore.Document) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Update(update bsoncore.Value) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) Upsert(upsert bool) *FindAndModify
    func (fam *FindAndModify) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *FindAndModify
type FindAndModifyResult
type Hello
    func NewHello() *Hello
    func (h *Hello) AppName(appname string) *Hello
    func (h *Hello) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Hello
    func (h *Hello) Compressors(compressors []string) *Hello
    func (h *Hello) Deployment(d driver.Deployment) *Hello
    func (h *Hello) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (h *Hello) FinishHandshake(context.Context, driver.Connection) error
    func (h *Hello) GetHandshakeInformation(ctx context.Context, _ address.Address, c driver.Connection) (driver.HandshakeInformation, error)
    func (h *Hello) LoadBalanced(lb bool) *Hello
    func (h *Hello) MaxAwaitTimeMS(awaitTime int64) *Hello
    func (h *Hello) Result(addr address.Address) description.Server
    func (h *Hello) SASLSupportedMechs(username string) *Hello
    func (h *Hello) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Hello
    func (h *Hello) SpeculativeAuthenticate(doc bsoncore.Document) *Hello
    func (h *Hello) StreamResponse(ctx context.Context, conn driver.StreamerConnection) error
    func (h *Hello) TopologyVersion(tv *description.TopologyVersion) *Hello
type Insert
    func NewInsert(documents ...bsoncore.Document) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) BypassDocumentValidation(bypassDocumentValidation bool) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) Collection(collection string) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) Comment(comment bsoncore.Value) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) Database(database string) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) Documents(documents ...bsoncore.Document) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (i *Insert) Logger(logger *logger.Logger) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) Ordered(ordered bool) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) Result() InsertResult
    func (i *Insert) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) Session(session *session.Client) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *Insert
    func (i *Insert) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *Insert
type InsertResult
type LastErrorObject
type ListCollections
    func NewListCollections(filter bsoncore.Document) *ListCollections
    func (lc *ListCollections) AuthorizedCollections(authorizedCollections bool) *ListCollections
    func (lc *ListCollections) BatchSize(batchSize int32) *ListCollections
    func (lc *ListCollections) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *ListCollections
    func (lc *ListCollections) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *ListCollections
    func (lc *ListCollections) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *ListCollections
    func (lc *ListCollections) Database(database string) *ListCollections
    func (lc *ListCollections) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *ListCollections
    func (lc *ListCollections) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (lc *ListCollections) Filter(filter bsoncore.Document) *ListCollections
    func (lc *ListCollections) NameOnly(nameOnly bool) *ListCollections
    func (lc *ListCollections) ReadPreference(readPreference *readpref.ReadPref) *ListCollections
    func (lc *ListCollections) Result(opts driver.CursorOptions) (*driver.BatchCursor, error)
    func (lc *ListCollections) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *ListCollections
    func (lc *ListCollections) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *ListCollections
    func (lc *ListCollections) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *ListCollections
    func (lc *ListCollections) Session(session *session.Client) *ListCollections
    func (lc *ListCollections) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *ListCollections
type ListDatabases
    func NewListDatabases(filter bsoncore.Document) *ListDatabases
    func (ld *ListDatabases) AuthorizedDatabases(authorizedDatabases bool) *ListDatabases
    func (ld *ListDatabases) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *ListDatabases
    func (ld *ListDatabases) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *ListDatabases
    func (ld *ListDatabases) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *ListDatabases
    func (ld *ListDatabases) Database(database string) *ListDatabases
    func (ld *ListDatabases) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *ListDatabases
    func (ld *ListDatabases) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (ld *ListDatabases) Filter(filter bsoncore.Document) *ListDatabases
    func (ld *ListDatabases) NameOnly(nameOnly bool) *ListDatabases
    func (ld *ListDatabases) ReadPreference(readPreference *readpref.ReadPref) *ListDatabases
    func (ld *ListDatabases) Result() ListDatabasesResult
    func (ld *ListDatabases) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *ListDatabases
    func (ld *ListDatabases) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *ListDatabases
    func (ld *ListDatabases) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *ListDatabases
    func (ld *ListDatabases) Session(session *session.Client) *ListDatabases
    func (ld *ListDatabases) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *ListDatabases
type ListDatabasesResult
type ListIndexes
    func NewListIndexes() *ListIndexes
    func (li *ListIndexes) BatchSize(batchSize int32) *ListIndexes
    func (li *ListIndexes) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *ListIndexes
    func (li *ListIndexes) Collection(collection string) *ListIndexes
    func (li *ListIndexes) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *ListIndexes
    func (li *ListIndexes) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *ListIndexes
    func (li *ListIndexes) Database(database string) *ListIndexes
    func (li *ListIndexes) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *ListIndexes
    func (li *ListIndexes) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (li *ListIndexes) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *ListIndexes
    func (li *ListIndexes) Result(opts driver.CursorOptions) (*driver.BatchCursor, error)
    func (li *ListIndexes) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *ListIndexes
    func (li *ListIndexes) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *ListIndexes
    func (li *ListIndexes) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *ListIndexes
    func (li *ListIndexes) Session(session *session.Client) *ListIndexes
    func (li *ListIndexes) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *ListIndexes
type Update
    func NewUpdate(updates ...bsoncore.Document) *Update
    func (u *Update) ArrayFilters(arrayFilters bool) *Update
    func (u *Update) BypassDocumentValidation(bypassDocumentValidation bool) *Update
    func (u *Update) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Update
    func (u *Update) Collection(collection string) *Update
    func (u *Update) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Update
    func (u *Update) Comment(comment bsoncore.Value) *Update
    func (u *Update) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Update
    func (u *Update) Database(database string) *Update
    func (u *Update) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Update
    func (u *Update) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (u *Update) Hint(hint bool) *Update
    func (u *Update) Let(let bsoncore.Document) *Update
    func (u *Update) Logger(logger *logger.Logger) *Update
    func (u *Update) Ordered(ordered bool) *Update
    func (u *Update) Result() UpdateResult
    func (u *Update) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *Update
    func (u *Update) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Update
    func (u *Update) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Update
    func (u *Update) Session(session *session.Client) *Update
    func (u *Update) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *Update
    func (u *Update) Updates(updates ...bsoncore.Document) *Update
    func (u *Update) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *Update
type UpdateResult
type UpdateSearchIndex
    func NewUpdateSearchIndex(index string, definition bsoncore.Document) *UpdateSearchIndex
    func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *UpdateSearchIndex
    func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Collection(collection string) *UpdateSearchIndex
    func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *UpdateSearchIndex
    func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *UpdateSearchIndex
    func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Database(database string) *UpdateSearchIndex
    func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Definition(definition bsoncore.Document) *UpdateSearchIndex
    func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *UpdateSearchIndex
    func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Execute(ctx context.Context) error
    func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Index(name string) *UpdateSearchIndex
    func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Result() UpdateSearchIndexResult
    func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *UpdateSearchIndex
    func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *UpdateSearchIndex
    func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Session(session *session.Client) *UpdateSearchIndex
    func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *UpdateSearchIndex
    func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *UpdateSearchIndex
type UpdateSearchIndexResult
type Upsert

Package files

abort_transaction.go aggregate.go command.go commit_transaction.go count.go create.go create_indexes.go create_search_indexes.go delete.go distinct.go drop_collection.go drop_database.go drop_indexes.go drop_search_index.go end_sessions.go errors.go find.go find_and_modify.go hello.go insert.go listDatabases.go list_collections.go list_indexes.go update.go update_search_index.go

type AbortTransaction

AbortTransaction performs an abortTransaction operation.

type AbortTransaction struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAbortTransaction

func NewAbortTransaction() *AbortTransaction

NewAbortTransaction constructs and returns a new AbortTransaction.

func (*AbortTransaction) ClusterClock

func (at *AbortTransaction) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *AbortTransaction

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*AbortTransaction) Collection

func (at *AbortTransaction) Collection(collection string) *AbortTransaction

Collection sets the collection that this command will run against.

func (*AbortTransaction) CommandMonitor

func (at *AbortTransaction) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *AbortTransaction

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*AbortTransaction) Crypt

func (at *AbortTransaction) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *AbortTransaction

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*AbortTransaction) Database

func (at *AbortTransaction) Database(database string) *AbortTransaction

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*AbortTransaction) Deployment

func (at *AbortTransaction) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *AbortTransaction

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*AbortTransaction) Execute

func (at *AbortTransaction) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*AbortTransaction) RecoveryToken

func (at *AbortTransaction) RecoveryToken(recoveryToken bsoncore.Document) *AbortTransaction

RecoveryToken sets the recovery token to use when committing or aborting a sharded transaction.

func (*AbortTransaction) Retry

func (at *AbortTransaction) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *AbortTransaction

Retry enables retryable mode for this operation. Retries are handled automatically in driver.Operation.Execute based on how the operation is set.

func (*AbortTransaction) ServerAPI

func (at *AbortTransaction) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *AbortTransaction

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*AbortTransaction) ServerSelector

func (at *AbortTransaction) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *AbortTransaction

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*AbortTransaction) Session

func (at *AbortTransaction) Session(session *session.Client) *AbortTransaction

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*AbortTransaction) WriteConcern

func (at *AbortTransaction) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *AbortTransaction

WriteConcern sets the write concern for this operation.

type Aggregate

Aggregate represents an aggregate operation.

type Aggregate struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAggregate

func NewAggregate(pipeline bsoncore.Document) *Aggregate

NewAggregate constructs and returns a new Aggregate.

func (*Aggregate) AllowDiskUse

func (a *Aggregate) AllowDiskUse(allowDiskUse bool) *Aggregate

AllowDiskUse enables writing to temporary files. When true, aggregation stages can write to the dbPath/_tmp directory.

func (*Aggregate) BatchSize

func (a *Aggregate) BatchSize(batchSize int32) *Aggregate

BatchSize specifies the number of documents to return in every batch.

func (*Aggregate) BypassDocumentValidation

func (a *Aggregate) BypassDocumentValidation(bypassDocumentValidation bool) *Aggregate

BypassDocumentValidation allows the write to opt-out of document level validation. This only applies when the $out stage is specified.

func (*Aggregate) ClusterClock

func (a *Aggregate) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Aggregate

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*Aggregate) Collation

func (a *Aggregate) Collation(collation bsoncore.Document) *Aggregate

Collation specifies a collation. This option is only valid for server versions 3.4 and above.

func (*Aggregate) Collection

func (a *Aggregate) Collection(collection string) *Aggregate

Collection sets the collection that this command will run against.

func (*Aggregate) CommandMonitor

func (a *Aggregate) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Aggregate

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*Aggregate) Comment

func (a *Aggregate) Comment(comment string) *Aggregate

Comment specifies an arbitrary string to help trace the operation through the database profiler, currentOp, and logs.

func (*Aggregate) Crypt

func (a *Aggregate) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Aggregate

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*Aggregate) CustomOptions

func (a *Aggregate) CustomOptions(co map[string]bsoncore.Value) *Aggregate

CustomOptions specifies extra options to use in the aggregate command.

func (*Aggregate) Database

func (a *Aggregate) Database(database string) *Aggregate

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*Aggregate) Deployment

func (a *Aggregate) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Aggregate

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*Aggregate) Execute

func (a *Aggregate) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*Aggregate) HasOutputStage

func (a *Aggregate) HasOutputStage(hos bool) *Aggregate

HasOutputStage specifies whether the aggregate contains an output stage. Used in determining when to append read preference at the operation level.

func (*Aggregate) Hint

func (a *Aggregate) Hint(hint bsoncore.Value) *Aggregate

Hint specifies the index to use.

func (*Aggregate) Let

func (a *Aggregate) Let(let bsoncore.Document) *Aggregate

Let specifies the let document to use. This option is only valid for server versions 5.0 and above.

func (*Aggregate) MaxTime

func (a *Aggregate) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *Aggregate

MaxTime specifies the maximum amount of time to allow the query to run on the server.

func (*Aggregate) OmitCSOTMaxTimeMS

func (a *Aggregate) OmitCSOTMaxTimeMS(omit bool) *Aggregate

OmitCSOTMaxTimeMS omits the automatically-calculated "maxTimeMS" from the command when CSOT is enabled. It does not effect "maxTimeMS" set by Aggregate.MaxTime.

func (*Aggregate) Pipeline

func (a *Aggregate) Pipeline(pipeline bsoncore.Document) *Aggregate

Pipeline determines how data is transformed for an aggregation.

func (*Aggregate) ReadConcern

func (a *Aggregate) ReadConcern(readConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern) *Aggregate

ReadConcern specifies the read concern for this operation.

func (*Aggregate) ReadPreference

func (a *Aggregate) ReadPreference(readPreference *readpref.ReadPref) *Aggregate

ReadPreference set the read preference used with this operation.

func (*Aggregate) Result

func (a *Aggregate) Result(opts driver.CursorOptions) (*driver.BatchCursor, error)

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*Aggregate) ResultCursorResponse

func (a *Aggregate) ResultCursorResponse() driver.CursorResponse

ResultCursorResponse returns the underlying CursorResponse result of executing this operation.

func (*Aggregate) Retry

func (a *Aggregate) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *Aggregate

Retry enables retryable writes for this operation. Retries are not handled automatically, instead a boolean is returned from Execute and SelectAndExecute that indicates if the operation can be retried. Retrying is handled by calling RetryExecute.

func (*Aggregate) ServerAPI

func (a *Aggregate) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Aggregate

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*Aggregate) ServerSelector

func (a *Aggregate) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Aggregate

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*Aggregate) Session

func (a *Aggregate) Session(session *session.Client) *Aggregate

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*Aggregate) Timeout

func (a *Aggregate) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *Aggregate

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

func (*Aggregate) WriteConcern

func (a *Aggregate) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *Aggregate

WriteConcern sets the write concern for this operation.

type Command

Command is used to run a generic operation.

type Command struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCommand

func NewCommand(command bsoncore.Document) *Command

NewCommand constructs and returns a new Command. Once the operation is executed, the result may only be accessed via the Result() function.

func NewCursorCommand

func NewCursorCommand(command bsoncore.Document, cursorOpts driver.CursorOptions) *Command

NewCursorCommand constructs a new Command. Once the operation is executed, the server response will be used to construct a cursor, which can be accessed via the ResultCursor() function.

func (*Command) ClusterClock

func (c *Command) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Command

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*Command) CommandMonitor

func (c *Command) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Command

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*Command) Crypt

func (c *Command) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Command

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*Command) Database

func (c *Command) Database(database string) *Command

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*Command) Deployment

func (c *Command) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Command

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*Command) Execute

func (c *Command) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*Command) Logger

func (c *Command) Logger(logger *logger.Logger) *Command

Logger sets the logger for this operation.

func (*Command) ReadPreference

func (c *Command) ReadPreference(readPreference *readpref.ReadPref) *Command

ReadPreference set the read preference used with this operation.

func (*Command) Result

func (c *Command) Result() bsoncore.Document

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*Command) ResultCursor

func (c *Command) ResultCursor() (*driver.BatchCursor, error)

ResultCursor returns the BatchCursor that was constructed using the command response. If the operation was not configured to create a cursor (i.e. it was created using NewCommand rather than NewCursorCommand), this function will return nil and an error.

func (*Command) ServerAPI

func (c *Command) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Command

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*Command) ServerSelector

func (c *Command) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Command

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*Command) Session

func (c *Command) Session(session *session.Client) *Command

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*Command) Timeout

func (c *Command) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *Command

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

type CommitTransaction

CommitTransaction attempts to commit a transaction.

type CommitTransaction struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCommitTransaction

func NewCommitTransaction() *CommitTransaction

NewCommitTransaction constructs and returns a new CommitTransaction.

func (*CommitTransaction) ClusterClock

func (ct *CommitTransaction) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *CommitTransaction

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*CommitTransaction) CommandMonitor

func (ct *CommitTransaction) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *CommitTransaction

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*CommitTransaction) Crypt

func (ct *CommitTransaction) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *CommitTransaction

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*CommitTransaction) Database

func (ct *CommitTransaction) Database(database string) *CommitTransaction

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*CommitTransaction) Deployment

func (ct *CommitTransaction) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *CommitTransaction

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*CommitTransaction) Execute

func (ct *CommitTransaction) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*CommitTransaction) MaxTime

func (ct *CommitTransaction) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *CommitTransaction

MaxTime specifies the maximum amount of time to allow the query to run on the server.

func (*CommitTransaction) RecoveryToken

func (ct *CommitTransaction) RecoveryToken(recoveryToken bsoncore.Document) *CommitTransaction

RecoveryToken sets the recovery token to use when committing or aborting a sharded transaction.

func (*CommitTransaction) Retry

func (ct *CommitTransaction) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *CommitTransaction

Retry enables retryable mode for this operation. Retries are handled automatically in driver.Operation.Execute based on how the operation is set.

func (*CommitTransaction) ServerAPI

func (ct *CommitTransaction) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *CommitTransaction

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*CommitTransaction) ServerSelector

func (ct *CommitTransaction) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *CommitTransaction

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*CommitTransaction) Session

func (ct *CommitTransaction) Session(session *session.Client) *CommitTransaction

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*CommitTransaction) WriteConcern

func (ct *CommitTransaction) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *CommitTransaction

WriteConcern sets the write concern for this operation.

type Count

Count represents a count operation.

type Count struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCount

func NewCount() *Count

NewCount constructs and returns a new Count.

func (*Count) ClusterClock

func (c *Count) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Count

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*Count) Collection

func (c *Count) Collection(collection string) *Count

Collection sets the collection that this command will run against.

func (*Count) CommandMonitor

func (c *Count) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Count

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*Count) Comment

func (c *Count) Comment(comment bsoncore.Value) *Count

Comment sets a value to help trace an operation.

func (*Count) Crypt

func (c *Count) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Count

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*Count) Database

func (c *Count) Database(database string) *Count

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*Count) Deployment

func (c *Count) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Count

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*Count) Execute

func (c *Count) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*Count) MaxTime

func (c *Count) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *Count

MaxTime specifies the maximum amount of time to allow the query to run on the server.

func (*Count) Query

func (c *Count) Query(query bsoncore.Document) *Count

Query determines what results are returned from find.

func (*Count) ReadConcern

func (c *Count) ReadConcern(readConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern) *Count

ReadConcern specifies the read concern for this operation.

func (*Count) ReadPreference

func (c *Count) ReadPreference(readPreference *readpref.ReadPref) *Count

ReadPreference set the read preference used with this operation.

func (*Count) Result

func (c *Count) Result() CountResult

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*Count) Retry

func (c *Count) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *Count

Retry enables retryable mode for this operation. Retries are handled automatically in driver.Operation.Execute based on how the operation is set.

func (*Count) ServerAPI

func (c *Count) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Count

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*Count) ServerSelector

func (c *Count) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Count

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*Count) Session

func (c *Count) Session(session *session.Client) *Count

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*Count) Timeout

func (c *Count) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *Count

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

type CountResult

CountResult represents a count result returned by the server.

type CountResult struct {
    // The number of documents found
    N int64

type Create

Create represents a create operation.

type Create struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCreate

func NewCreate(collectionName string) *Create

NewCreate constructs and returns a new Create.

func (*Create) Capped

func (c *Create) Capped(capped bool) *Create

Capped specifies if the collection is capped.

func (*Create) ChangeStreamPreAndPostImages

func (c *Create) ChangeStreamPreAndPostImages(csppi bsoncore.Document) *Create

ChangeStreamPreAndPostImages specifies how change streams opened against the collection can return pre- and post-images of updated documents. This option is only valid for server versions 6.0 and above.

func (*Create) ClusterClock

func (c *Create) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Create

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*Create) ClusteredIndex

func (c *Create) ClusteredIndex(ci bsoncore.Document) *Create

ClusteredIndex sets the ClusteredIndex option for this operation.

func (*Create) Collation

func (c *Create) Collation(collation bsoncore.Document) *Create

Collation specifies a collation. This option is only valid for server versions 3.4 and above.

func (*Create) CollectionName

func (c *Create) CollectionName(collectionName string) *Create

CollectionName specifies the name of the collection to create.

func (*Create) CommandMonitor

func (c *Create) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Create

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*Create) Crypt

func (c *Create) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Create

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*Create) Database

func (c *Create) Database(database string) *Create

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*Create) Deployment

func (c *Create) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Create

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*Create) EncryptedFields

func (c *Create) EncryptedFields(ef bsoncore.Document) *Create

EncryptedFields sets the EncryptedFields for this operation.

func (*Create) Execute

func (c *Create) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*Create) ExpireAfterSeconds

func (c *Create) ExpireAfterSeconds(eas int64) *Create

ExpireAfterSeconds sets the seconds to wait before deleting old time-series data.

func (*Create) IndexOptionDefaults

func (c *Create) IndexOptionDefaults(indexOptionDefaults bsoncore.Document) *Create

IndexOptionDefaults specifies a default configuration for indexes on the collection.

func (*Create) Max

func (c *Create) Max(max int64) *Create

Max specifies the maximum number of documents allowed in a capped collection.

func (*Create) Pipeline

func (c *Create) Pipeline(pipeline bsoncore.Document) *Create

Pipeline specifies the agggregtion pipeline to be run against the source to create the view.

func (*Create) ServerAPI

func (c *Create) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Create

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*Create) ServerSelector

func (c *Create) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Create

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*Create) Session

func (c *Create) Session(session *session.Client) *Create

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*Create) Size

func (c *Create) Size(size int64) *Create

Size specifies the maximum size in bytes for a capped collection.

func (*Create) StorageEngine

func (c *Create) StorageEngine(storageEngine bsoncore.Document) *Create

StorageEngine specifies the storage engine to use for the index.

func (*Create) TimeSeries

func (c *Create) TimeSeries(timeSeries bsoncore.Document) *Create

TimeSeries sets the time series options for this operation.

func (*Create) ValidationAction

func (c *Create) ValidationAction(validationAction string) *Create

ValidationAction specifies what should happen if a document being inserted does not pass validation.

func (*Create) ValidationLevel

func (c *Create) ValidationLevel(validationLevel string) *Create

ValidationLevel specifies how strictly the server applies validation rules to existing documents in the collection during update operations.

func (*Create) Validator

func (c *Create) Validator(validator bsoncore.Document) *Create

Validator specifies validation rules for the collection.

func (*Create) ViewOn

func (c *Create) ViewOn(viewOn string) *Create

ViewOn specifies the name of the source collection or view on which the view will be created.

func (*Create) WriteConcern

func (c *Create) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *Create

WriteConcern sets the write concern for this operation.

type CreateIndexes

CreateIndexes performs a createIndexes operation.

type CreateIndexes struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCreateIndexes

func NewCreateIndexes(indexes bsoncore.Document) *CreateIndexes

NewCreateIndexes constructs and returns a new CreateIndexes.

func (*CreateIndexes) ClusterClock

func (ci *CreateIndexes) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *CreateIndexes

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*CreateIndexes) Collection

func (ci *CreateIndexes) Collection(collection string) *CreateIndexes

Collection sets the collection that this command will run against.

func (*CreateIndexes) CommandMonitor

func (ci *CreateIndexes) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *CreateIndexes

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*CreateIndexes) CommitQuorum

func (ci *CreateIndexes) CommitQuorum(commitQuorum bsoncore.Value) *CreateIndexes

CommitQuorum specifies the number of data-bearing members of a replica set, including the primary, that must complete the index builds successfully before the primary marks the indexes as ready. This should either be a string or int32 value.

func (*CreateIndexes) Crypt

func (ci *CreateIndexes) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *CreateIndexes

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*CreateIndexes) Database

func (ci *CreateIndexes) Database(database string) *CreateIndexes

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*CreateIndexes) Deployment

func (ci *CreateIndexes) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *CreateIndexes

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*CreateIndexes) Execute

func (ci *CreateIndexes) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*CreateIndexes) Indexes

func (ci *CreateIndexes) Indexes(indexes bsoncore.Document) *CreateIndexes

Indexes specifies an array containing index specification documents for the indexes being created.

func (*CreateIndexes) MaxTime

func (ci *CreateIndexes) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *CreateIndexes

MaxTime specifies the maximum amount of time to allow the query to run on the server.

func (*CreateIndexes) Result

func (ci *CreateIndexes) Result() CreateIndexesResult

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*CreateIndexes) ServerAPI

func (ci *CreateIndexes) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *CreateIndexes

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*CreateIndexes) ServerSelector

func (ci *CreateIndexes) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *CreateIndexes

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*CreateIndexes) Session

func (ci *CreateIndexes) Session(session *session.Client) *CreateIndexes

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*CreateIndexes) Timeout

func (ci *CreateIndexes) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *CreateIndexes

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

func (*CreateIndexes) WriteConcern

func (ci *CreateIndexes) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *CreateIndexes

WriteConcern sets the write concern for this operation.

type CreateIndexesResult

CreateIndexesResult represents a createIndexes result returned by the server.

type CreateIndexesResult struct {
    // If the collection was created automatically.
    CreatedCollectionAutomatically bool
    // The number of indexes existing after this command.
    IndexesAfter int32
    // The number of indexes existing before this command.
    IndexesBefore int32

type CreateSearchIndexResult

CreateSearchIndexResult represents a single search index result in CreateSearchIndexesResult.

type CreateSearchIndexResult struct {
    Name string

type CreateSearchIndexes

CreateSearchIndexes performs a createSearchIndexes operation.

type CreateSearchIndexes struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCreateSearchIndexes

func NewCreateSearchIndexes(indexes bsoncore.Document) *CreateSearchIndexes

NewCreateSearchIndexes constructs and returns a new CreateSearchIndexes.

func (*CreateSearchIndexes) ClusterClock

func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *CreateSearchIndexes

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*CreateSearchIndexes) Collection

func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Collection(collection string) *CreateSearchIndexes

Collection sets the collection that this command will run against.

func (*CreateSearchIndexes) CommandMonitor

func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *CreateSearchIndexes

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*CreateSearchIndexes) Crypt

func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *CreateSearchIndexes

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*CreateSearchIndexes) Database

func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Database(database string) *CreateSearchIndexes

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*CreateSearchIndexes) Deployment

func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *CreateSearchIndexes

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*CreateSearchIndexes) Execute

func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*CreateSearchIndexes) Indexes

func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Indexes(indexes bsoncore.Document) *CreateSearchIndexes

Indexes specifies an array containing index specification documents for the indexes being created.

func (*CreateSearchIndexes) Result

func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Result() CreateSearchIndexesResult

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*CreateSearchIndexes) ServerAPI

func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *CreateSearchIndexes

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*CreateSearchIndexes) ServerSelector

func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *CreateSearchIndexes

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*CreateSearchIndexes) Session

func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Session(session *session.Client) *CreateSearchIndexes

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*CreateSearchIndexes) Timeout

func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *CreateSearchIndexes

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

func (*CreateSearchIndexes) WriteConcern

func (csi *CreateSearchIndexes) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *CreateSearchIndexes

WriteConcern sets the write concern for this operation.

type CreateSearchIndexesResult

CreateSearchIndexesResult represents a createSearchIndexes result returned by the server.

type CreateSearchIndexesResult struct {
    IndexesCreated []CreateSearchIndexResult

type Delete

Delete performs a delete operation

type Delete struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDelete

func NewDelete(deletes ...bsoncore.Document) *Delete

NewDelete constructs and returns a new Delete.

func (*Delete) ClusterClock

func (d *Delete) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Delete

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*Delete) Collection

func (d *Delete) Collection(collection string) *Delete

Collection sets the collection that this command will run against.

func (*Delete) CommandMonitor

func (d *Delete) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Delete

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*Delete) Comment

func (d *Delete) Comment(comment bsoncore.Value) *Delete

Comment sets a value to help trace an operation.

func (*Delete) Crypt

func (d *Delete) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Delete

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*Delete) Database

func (d *Delete) Database(database string) *Delete

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*Delete) Deletes

func (d *Delete) Deletes(deletes ...bsoncore.Document) *Delete

Deletes adds documents to this operation that will be used to determine what documents to delete when this operation is executed. These documents should have the form {q: <query>, limit: <integer limit>, collation: <document>}. The collation field is optional. If limit is 0, there will be no limit on the number of documents deleted.

func (*Delete) Deployment

func (d *Delete) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Delete

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*Delete) Execute

func (d *Delete) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*Delete) Hint

func (d *Delete) Hint(hint bool) *Delete

Hint is a flag to indicate that the update document contains a hint. Hint is only supported by servers >= 4.4. Older servers >= 3.4 will report an error for using the hint option. For servers < 3.4, the driver will return an error if the hint option is used.

func (*Delete) Let

func (d *Delete) Let(let bsoncore.Document) *Delete

Let specifies the let document to use. This option is only valid for server versions 5.0 and above.

func (*Delete) Logger

func (d *Delete) Logger(logger *logger.Logger) *Delete

Logger sets the logger for this operation.

func (*Delete) Ordered

func (d *Delete) Ordered(ordered bool) *Delete

Ordered sets ordered. If true, when a write fails, the operation will return the error, when false write failures do not stop execution of the operation.

func (*Delete) Result

func (d *Delete) Result() DeleteResult

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*Delete) Retry

func (d *Delete) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *Delete

Retry enables retryable mode for this operation. Retries are handled automatically in driver.Operation.Execute based on how the operation is set.

func (*Delete) ServerAPI

func (d *Delete) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Delete

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*Delete) ServerSelector

func (d *Delete) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Delete

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*Delete) Session

func (d *Delete) Session(session *session.Client) *Delete

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*Delete) Timeout

func (d *Delete) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *Delete

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

func (*Delete) WriteConcern

func (d *Delete) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *Delete

WriteConcern sets the write concern for this operation.

type DeleteResult

DeleteResult represents a delete result returned by the server.

type DeleteResult struct {
    // Number of documents successfully deleted.
    N int64

type Distinct

Distinct performs a distinct operation.

type Distinct struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDistinct

func NewDistinct(key string, query bsoncore.Document) *Distinct

NewDistinct constructs and returns a new Distinct.

func (*Distinct) ClusterClock

func (d *Distinct) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Distinct

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*Distinct) Collation

func (d *Distinct) Collation(collation bsoncore.Document) *Distinct

Collation specifies a collation to be used.

func (*Distinct) Collection

func (d *Distinct) Collection(collection string) *Distinct

Collection sets the collection that this command will run against.

func (*Distinct) CommandMonitor

func (d *Distinct) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Distinct

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*Distinct) Comment

func (d *Distinct) Comment(comment bsoncore.Value) *Distinct

Comment sets a value to help trace an operation.

func (*Distinct) Crypt

func (d *Distinct) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Distinct

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*Distinct) Database

func (d *Distinct) Database(database string) *Distinct

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*Distinct) Deployment

func (d *Distinct) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Distinct

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*Distinct) Execute

func (d *Distinct) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*Distinct) Key

func (d *Distinct) Key(key string) *Distinct

Key specifies which field to return distinct values for.

func (*Distinct) MaxTime

func (d *Distinct) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *Distinct

MaxTime specifies the maximum amount of time to allow the query to run on the server.

func (*Distinct) Query

func (d *Distinct) Query(query bsoncore.Document) *Distinct

Query specifies which documents to return distinct values from.

func (*Distinct) ReadConcern

func (d *Distinct) ReadConcern(readConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern) *Distinct

ReadConcern specifies the read concern for this operation.

func (*Distinct) ReadPreference

func (d *Distinct) ReadPreference(readPreference *readpref.ReadPref) *Distinct

ReadPreference set the read preference used with this operation.

func (*Distinct) Result

func (d *Distinct) Result() DistinctResult

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*Distinct) Retry

func (d *Distinct) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *Distinct

Retry enables retryable mode for this operation. Retries are handled automatically in driver.Operation.Execute based on how the operation is set.

func (*Distinct) ServerAPI

func (d *Distinct) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Distinct

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*Distinct) ServerSelector

func (d *Distinct) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Distinct

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*Distinct) Session

func (d *Distinct) Session(session *session.Client) *Distinct

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*Distinct) Timeout

func (d *Distinct) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *Distinct

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

type DistinctResult

DistinctResult represents a distinct result returned by the server.

type DistinctResult struct {
    // The distinct values for the field.
    Values bsoncore.Value

type DropCollection

DropCollection performs a drop operation.

type DropCollection struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDropCollection

func NewDropCollection() *DropCollection

NewDropCollection constructs and returns a new DropCollection.

func (*DropCollection) ClusterClock

func (dc *DropCollection) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *DropCollection

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*DropCollection) Collection

func (dc *DropCollection) Collection(collection string) *DropCollection

Collection sets the collection that this command will run against.

func (*DropCollection) CommandMonitor

func (dc *DropCollection) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *DropCollection

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*DropCollection) Crypt

func (dc *DropCollection) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *DropCollection

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*DropCollection) Database

func (dc *DropCollection) Database(database string) *DropCollection

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*DropCollection) Deployment

func (dc *DropCollection) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *DropCollection

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*DropCollection) Execute

func (dc *DropCollection) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*DropCollection) Result

func (dc *DropCollection) Result() DropCollectionResult

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*DropCollection) ServerAPI

func (dc *DropCollection) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *DropCollection

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*DropCollection) ServerSelector

func (dc *DropCollection) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *DropCollection

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*DropCollection) Session

func (dc *DropCollection) Session(session *session.Client) *DropCollection

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*DropCollection) Timeout

func (dc *DropCollection) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *DropCollection

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

func (*DropCollection) WriteConcern

func (dc *DropCollection) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *DropCollection

WriteConcern sets the write concern for this operation.

type DropCollectionResult

DropCollectionResult represents a dropCollection result returned by the server.

type DropCollectionResult struct {
    // The number of indexes in the dropped collection.
    NIndexesWas int32
    // The namespace of the dropped collection.
    Ns string

type DropDatabase

DropDatabase performs a dropDatabase operation

type DropDatabase struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDropDatabase

func NewDropDatabase() *DropDatabase

NewDropDatabase constructs and returns a new DropDatabase.

func (*DropDatabase) ClusterClock

func (dd *DropDatabase) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *DropDatabase

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*DropDatabase) CommandMonitor

func (dd *DropDatabase) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *DropDatabase

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*DropDatabase) Crypt

func (dd *DropDatabase) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *DropDatabase

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*DropDatabase) Database

func (dd *DropDatabase) Database(database string) *DropDatabase

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*DropDatabase) Deployment

func (dd *DropDatabase) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *DropDatabase

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*DropDatabase) Execute

func (dd *DropDatabase) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*DropDatabase) ServerAPI

func (dd *DropDatabase) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *DropDatabase

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*DropDatabase) ServerSelector

func (dd *DropDatabase) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *DropDatabase

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*DropDatabase) Session

func (dd *DropDatabase) Session(session *session.Client) *DropDatabase

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*DropDatabase) WriteConcern

func (dd *DropDatabase) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *DropDatabase

WriteConcern sets the write concern for this operation.

type DropIndexes

DropIndexes performs an dropIndexes operation.

type DropIndexes struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDropIndexes

func NewDropIndexes(index string) *DropIndexes

NewDropIndexes constructs and returns a new DropIndexes.

func (*DropIndexes) ClusterClock

func (di *DropIndexes) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *DropIndexes

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*DropIndexes) Collection

func (di *DropIndexes) Collection(collection string) *DropIndexes

Collection sets the collection that this command will run against.

func (*DropIndexes) CommandMonitor

func (di *DropIndexes) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *DropIndexes

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*DropIndexes) Crypt

func (di *DropIndexes) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *DropIndexes

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*DropIndexes) Database

func (di *DropIndexes) Database(database string) *DropIndexes

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*DropIndexes) Deployment

func (di *DropIndexes) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *DropIndexes

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*DropIndexes) Execute

func (di *DropIndexes) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*DropIndexes) Index

func (di *DropIndexes) Index(index string) *DropIndexes

Index specifies the name of the index to drop. If '*' is specified, all indexes will be dropped.

func (*DropIndexes) MaxTime

func (di *DropIndexes) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *DropIndexes

MaxTime specifies the maximum amount of time to allow the query to run on the server.

func (*DropIndexes) Result

func (di *DropIndexes) Result() DropIndexesResult

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*DropIndexes) ServerAPI

func (di *DropIndexes) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *DropIndexes

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*DropIndexes) ServerSelector

func (di *DropIndexes) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *DropIndexes

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*DropIndexes) Session

func (di *DropIndexes) Session(session *session.Client) *DropIndexes

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*DropIndexes) Timeout

func (di *DropIndexes) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *DropIndexes

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

func (*DropIndexes) WriteConcern

func (di *DropIndexes) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *DropIndexes

WriteConcern sets the write concern for this operation.

type DropIndexesResult

DropIndexesResult represents a dropIndexes result returned by the server.

type DropIndexesResult struct {
    // Number of indexes that existed before the drop was executed.
    NIndexesWas int32

type DropSearchIndex

DropSearchIndex performs an dropSearchIndex operation.

type DropSearchIndex struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDropSearchIndex

func NewDropSearchIndex(index string) *DropSearchIndex

NewDropSearchIndex constructs and returns a new DropSearchIndex.

func (*DropSearchIndex) ClusterClock

func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *DropSearchIndex

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*DropSearchIndex) Collection

func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Collection(collection string) *DropSearchIndex

Collection sets the collection that this command will run against.

func (*DropSearchIndex) CommandMonitor

func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *DropSearchIndex

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*DropSearchIndex) Crypt

func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *DropSearchIndex

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*DropSearchIndex) Database

func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Database(database string) *DropSearchIndex

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*DropSearchIndex) Deployment

func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *DropSearchIndex

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*DropSearchIndex) Execute

func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*DropSearchIndex) Index

func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Index(index string) *DropSearchIndex

Index specifies the name of the index to drop. If '*' is specified, all indexes will be dropped.

func (*DropSearchIndex) Result

func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Result() DropSearchIndexResult

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*DropSearchIndex) ServerAPI

func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *DropSearchIndex

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*DropSearchIndex) ServerSelector

func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *DropSearchIndex

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*DropSearchIndex) Session

func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Session(session *session.Client) *DropSearchIndex

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*DropSearchIndex) Timeout

func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *DropSearchIndex

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

func (*DropSearchIndex) WriteConcern

func (dsi *DropSearchIndex) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *DropSearchIndex

WriteConcern sets the write concern for this operation.

type DropSearchIndexResult

DropSearchIndexResult represents a dropSearchIndex result returned by the server.

type DropSearchIndexResult struct {
    Ok int32

type EndSessions

EndSessions performs an endSessions operation.

type EndSessions struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewEndSessions

func NewEndSessions(sessionIDs bsoncore.Document) *EndSessions

NewEndSessions constructs and returns a new EndSessions.

func (*EndSessions) ClusterClock

func (es *EndSessions) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *EndSessions

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*EndSessions) CommandMonitor

func (es *EndSessions) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *EndSessions

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*EndSessions) Crypt

func (es *EndSessions) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *EndSessions

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*EndSessions) Database

func (es *EndSessions) Database(database string) *EndSessions

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*EndSessions) Deployment

func (es *EndSessions) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *EndSessions

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*EndSessions) Execute

func (es *EndSessions) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*EndSessions) ServerAPI

func (es *EndSessions) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *EndSessions

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*EndSessions) ServerSelector

func (es *EndSessions) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *EndSessions

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*EndSessions) Session

func (es *EndSessions) Session(session *session.Client) *EndSessions

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*EndSessions) SessionIDs

func (es *EndSessions) SessionIDs(sessionIDs bsoncore.Document) *EndSessions

SessionIDs specifies the sessions to be expired.

type Find

Find performs a find operation.

type Find struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewFind

func NewFind(filter bsoncore.Document) *Find

NewFind constructs and returns a new Find.

func (*Find) AllowDiskUse

func (f *Find) AllowDiskUse(allowDiskUse bool) *Find

AllowDiskUse when true allows temporary data to be written to disk during the find command."

func (*Find) AllowPartialResults

func (f *Find) AllowPartialResults(allowPartialResults bool) *Find

AllowPartialResults when true allows partial results to be returned if some shards are down.

func (*Find) AwaitData

func (f *Find) AwaitData(awaitData bool) *Find

AwaitData when true makes a cursor block before returning when no data is available.

func (*Find) BatchSize

func (f *Find) BatchSize(batchSize int32) *Find

BatchSize specifies the number of documents to return in every batch.

func (*Find) ClusterClock

func (f *Find) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Find

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*Find) Collation

func (f *Find) Collation(collation bsoncore.Document) *Find

Collation specifies a collation to be used.

func (*Find) Collection

func (f *Find) Collection(collection string) *Find

Collection sets the collection that this command will run against.

func (*Find) CommandMonitor

func (f *Find) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Find

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*Find) Comment

func (f *Find) Comment(comment string) *Find

Comment sets a string to help trace an operation.

func (*Find) Crypt

func (f *Find) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Find

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*Find) Database

func (f *Find) Database(database string) *Find

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*Find) Deployment

func (f *Find) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Find

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*Find) Execute

func (f *Find) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*Find) Filter

func (f *Find) Filter(filter bsoncore.Document) *Find

Filter determines what results are returned from find.

func (*Find) Hint

func (f *Find) Hint(hint bsoncore.Value) *Find

Hint specifies the index to use.

func (*Find) Let

func (f *Find) Let(let bsoncore.Document) *Find

Let specifies the let document to use. This option is only valid for server versions 5.0 and above.

func (*Find) Limit

func (f *Find) Limit(limit int64) *Find

Limit sets a limit on the number of documents to return.

func (*Find) Logger

func (f *Find) Logger(logger *logger.Logger) *Find

Logger sets the logger for this operation.

func (*Find) Max

func (f *Find) Max(max bsoncore.Document) *Find

Max sets an exclusive upper bound for a specific index.

func (*Find) MaxTime

func (f *Find) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *Find

MaxTime specifies the maximum amount of time to allow the query to run on the server.

func (*Find) Min

func (f *Find) Min(min bsoncore.Document) *Find

Min sets an inclusive lower bound for a specific index.

func (*Find) NoCursorTimeout

func (f *Find) NoCursorTimeout(noCursorTimeout bool) *Find

NoCursorTimeout when true prevents cursor from timing out after an inactivity period.

func (*Find) OmitCSOTMaxTimeMS

func (f *Find) OmitCSOTMaxTimeMS(omit bool) *Find

OmitCSOTMaxTimeMS omits the automatically-calculated "maxTimeMS" from the command when CSOT is enabled. It does not effect "maxTimeMS" set by Find.MaxTime.

func (*Find) OplogReplay

func (f *Find) OplogReplay(oplogReplay bool) *Find

OplogReplay when true replays a replica set's oplog.

func (*Find) Projection

func (f *Find) Projection(projection bsoncore.Document) *Find

Projection limits the fields returned for all documents.

func (*Find) ReadConcern

func (f *Find) ReadConcern(readConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern) *Find

ReadConcern specifies the read concern for this operation.

func (*Find) ReadPreference

func (f *Find) ReadPreference(readPreference *readpref.ReadPref) *Find

ReadPreference set the read preference used with this operation.

func (*Find) Result

func (f *Find) Result(opts driver.CursorOptions) (*driver.BatchCursor, error)

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*Find) Retry

func (f *Find) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *Find

Retry enables retryable mode for this operation. Retries are handled automatically in driver.Operation.Execute based on how the operation is set.

func (*Find) ReturnKey

func (f *Find) ReturnKey(returnKey bool) *Find

ReturnKey when true returns index keys for all result documents.

func (*Find) ServerAPI

func (f *Find) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Find

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*Find) ServerSelector

func (f *Find) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Find

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*Find) Session

func (f *Find) Session(session *session.Client) *Find

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*Find) ShowRecordID

func (f *Find) ShowRecordID(showRecordID bool) *Find

ShowRecordID when true adds a $recordId field with the record identifier to returned documents.

func (*Find) SingleBatch

func (f *Find) SingleBatch(singleBatch bool) *Find

SingleBatch specifies whether the results should be returned in a single batch.

func (*Find) Skip

func (f *Find) Skip(skip int64) *Find

Skip specifies the number of documents to skip before returning.

func (*Find) Snapshot

func (f *Find) Snapshot(snapshot bool) *Find

Snapshot prevents the cursor from returning a document more than once because of an intervening write operation.

func (*Find) Sort

func (f *Find) Sort(sort bsoncore.Document) *Find

Sort specifies the order in which to return results.

func (*Find) Tailable

func (f *Find) Tailable(tailable bool) *Find

Tailable keeps a cursor open and resumable after the last data has been retrieved.

func (*Find) Timeout

func (f *Find) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *Find

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

type FindAndModify

FindAndModify performs a findAndModify operation.

type FindAndModify struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewFindAndModify

func NewFindAndModify(query bsoncore.Document) *FindAndModify

NewFindAndModify constructs and returns a new FindAndModify.

func (*FindAndModify) ArrayFilters

func (fam *FindAndModify) ArrayFilters(arrayFilters bsoncore.Array) *FindAndModify

ArrayFilters specifies an array of filter documents that determines which array elements to modify for an update operation on an array field.

func (*FindAndModify) BypassDocumentValidation

func (fam *FindAndModify) BypassDocumentValidation(bypassDocumentValidation bool) *FindAndModify

BypassDocumentValidation specifies if document validation can be skipped when executing the operation.

func (*FindAndModify) ClusterClock

func (fam *FindAndModify) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *FindAndModify

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*FindAndModify) Collation

func (fam *FindAndModify) Collation(collation bsoncore.Document) *FindAndModify

Collation specifies a collation to be used.

func (*FindAndModify) Collection

func (fam *FindAndModify) Collection(collection string) *FindAndModify

Collection sets the collection that this command will run against.

func (*FindAndModify) CommandMonitor

func (fam *FindAndModify) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *FindAndModify

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*FindAndModify) Comment

func (fam *FindAndModify) Comment(comment bsoncore.Value) *FindAndModify

Comment sets a value to help trace an operation.

func (*FindAndModify) Crypt

func (fam *FindAndModify) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *FindAndModify

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*FindAndModify) Database

func (fam *FindAndModify) Database(database string) *FindAndModify

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*FindAndModify) Deployment

func (fam *FindAndModify) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *FindAndModify

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*FindAndModify) Execute

func (fam *FindAndModify) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*FindAndModify) Fields

func (fam *FindAndModify) Fields(fields bsoncore.Document) *FindAndModify

Fields specifies a subset of fields to return.

func (*FindAndModify) Hint

func (fam *FindAndModify) Hint(hint bsoncore.Value) *FindAndModify

Hint specifies the index to use.

func (*FindAndModify) Let

func (fam *FindAndModify) Let(let bsoncore.Document) *FindAndModify

Let specifies the let document to use. This option is only valid for server versions 5.0 and above.

func (*FindAndModify) MaxTime

func (fam *FindAndModify) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *FindAndModify

MaxTime specifies the maximum amount of time to allow the operation to run on the server.

func (*FindAndModify) NewDocument

func (fam *FindAndModify) NewDocument(newDocument bool) *FindAndModify

NewDocument specifies whether to return the modified document or the original. Defaults to false (return original).

func (*FindAndModify) Query

func (fam *FindAndModify) Query(query bsoncore.Document) *FindAndModify

Query specifies the selection criteria for the modification.

func (*FindAndModify) Remove

func (fam *FindAndModify) Remove(remove bool) *FindAndModify

Remove specifies that the matched document should be removed. Defaults to false.

func (*FindAndModify) Result

func (fam *FindAndModify) Result() FindAndModifyResult

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*FindAndModify) Retry

func (fam *FindAndModify) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *FindAndModify

Retry enables retryable writes for this operation. Retries are not handled automatically, instead a boolean is returned from Execute and SelectAndExecute that indicates if the operation can be retried. Retrying is handled by calling RetryExecute.

func (*FindAndModify) ServerAPI

func (fam *FindAndModify) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *FindAndModify

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*FindAndModify) ServerSelector

func (fam *FindAndModify) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *FindAndModify

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*FindAndModify) Session

func (fam *FindAndModify) Session(session *session.Client) *FindAndModify

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*FindAndModify) Sort

func (fam *FindAndModify) Sort(sort bsoncore.Document) *FindAndModify

Sort determines which document the operation modifies if the query matches multiple documents.The first document matched by the sort order will be modified.

func (*FindAndModify) Timeout

func (fam *FindAndModify) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *FindAndModify

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

func (*FindAndModify) Update

func (fam *FindAndModify) Update(update bsoncore.Value) *FindAndModify

Update specifies the update document to perform on the matched document.

func (*FindAndModify) Upsert

func (fam *FindAndModify) Upsert(upsert bool) *FindAndModify

Upsert specifies whether or not to create a new document if no documents match the query when doing an update. Defaults to false.

func (*FindAndModify) WriteConcern

func (fam *FindAndModify) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *FindAndModify

WriteConcern sets the write concern for this operation.

type FindAndModifyResult

FindAndModifyResult represents a findAndModify result returned by the server.

type FindAndModifyResult struct {
    // Either the old or modified document, depending on the value of the new parameter.
    Value bsoncore.Document
    // Contains information about updates and upserts.
    LastErrorObject LastErrorObject

type Hello

Hello is used to run the handshake operation.

type Hello struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewHello

func NewHello() *Hello

NewHello constructs a Hello.

func (*Hello) AppName

func (h *Hello) AppName(appname string) *Hello

AppName sets the application name in the client metadata sent in this operation.

func (*Hello) ClusterClock

func (h *Hello) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Hello

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*Hello) Compressors

func (h *Hello) Compressors(compressors []string) *Hello

Compressors sets the compressors that can be used.

func (*Hello) Deployment

func (h *Hello) Deployment(d driver.Deployment) *Hello

Deployment sets the Deployment for this operation.

func (*Hello) Execute

func (h *Hello) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operation.

func (*Hello) FinishHandshake

func (h *Hello) FinishHandshake(context.Context, driver.Connection) error

FinishHandshake implements the Handshaker interface. This is a no-op function because a non-authenticated connection does not do anything besides the initial Hello for a handshake.

func (*Hello) GetHandshakeInformation

func (h *Hello) GetHandshakeInformation(ctx context.Context, _ address.Address, c driver.Connection) (driver.HandshakeInformation, error)

GetHandshakeInformation performs the MongoDB handshake for the provided connection and returns the relevant information about the server. This function implements the driver.Handshaker interface.

func (*Hello) LoadBalanced

func (h *Hello) LoadBalanced(lb bool) *Hello

LoadBalanced specifies whether or not this operation is being sent over a connection to a load balanced cluster.

func (*Hello) MaxAwaitTimeMS

func (h *Hello) MaxAwaitTimeMS(awaitTime int64) *Hello

MaxAwaitTimeMS sets the maximum time for the server to wait for topology changes during a heartbeat.

func (*Hello) Result

func (h *Hello) Result(addr address.Address) description.Server

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*Hello) SASLSupportedMechs

func (h *Hello) SASLSupportedMechs(username string) *Hello

SASLSupportedMechs retrieves the supported SASL mechanism for the given user when this operation is run.

func (*Hello) ServerAPI

func (h *Hello) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Hello

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*Hello) SpeculativeAuthenticate

func (h *Hello) SpeculativeAuthenticate(doc bsoncore.Document) *Hello

SpeculativeAuthenticate sets the document to be used for speculative authentication.

func (*Hello) StreamResponse

func (h *Hello) StreamResponse(ctx context.Context, conn driver.StreamerConnection) error

StreamResponse gets the next streaming Hello response from the server.

func (*Hello) TopologyVersion

func (h *Hello) TopologyVersion(tv *description.TopologyVersion) *Hello

TopologyVersion sets the TopologyVersion to be used for heartbeats.

type Insert

Insert performs an insert operation.

type Insert struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewInsert

func NewInsert(documents ...bsoncore.Document) *Insert

NewInsert constructs and returns a new Insert.

func (*Insert) BypassDocumentValidation

func (i *Insert) BypassDocumentValidation(bypassDocumentValidation bool) *Insert

BypassDocumentValidation allows the operation to opt-out of document level validation. Valid for server versions >= 3.2. For servers < 3.2, this setting is ignored.

func (*Insert) ClusterClock

func (i *Insert) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Insert

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*Insert) Collection

func (i *Insert) Collection(collection string) *Insert

Collection sets the collection that this command will run against.

func (*Insert) CommandMonitor

func (i *Insert) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Insert

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*Insert) Comment

func (i *Insert) Comment(comment bsoncore.Value) *Insert

Comment sets a value to help trace an operation.

func (*Insert) Crypt

func (i *Insert) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Insert

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*Insert) Database

func (i *Insert) Database(database string) *Insert

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*Insert) Deployment

func (i *Insert) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Insert

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*Insert) Documents

func (i *Insert) Documents(documents ...bsoncore.Document) *Insert

Documents adds documents to this operation that will be inserted when this operation is executed.

func (*Insert) Execute

func (i *Insert) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*Insert) Logger

func (i *Insert) Logger(logger *logger.Logger) *Insert

Logger sets the logger for this operation.

func (*Insert) Ordered

func (i *Insert) Ordered(ordered bool) *Insert

Ordered sets ordered. If true, when a write fails, the operation will return the error, when false write failures do not stop execution of the operation.

func (*Insert) Result

func (i *Insert) Result() InsertResult

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*Insert) Retry

func (i *Insert) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *Insert

Retry enables retryable mode for this operation. Retries are handled automatically in driver.Operation.Execute based on how the operation is set.

func (*Insert) ServerAPI

func (i *Insert) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Insert

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*Insert) ServerSelector

func (i *Insert) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Insert

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*Insert) Session

func (i *Insert) Session(session *session.Client) *Insert

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*Insert) Timeout

func (i *Insert) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *Insert

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

func (*Insert) WriteConcern

func (i *Insert) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *Insert

WriteConcern sets the write concern for this operation.

type InsertResult

InsertResult represents an insert result returned by the server.

type InsertResult struct {
    // Number of documents successfully inserted.
    N int64

type LastErrorObject

LastErrorObject represents information about updates and upserts returned by the server.

type LastErrorObject struct {
    // True if an update modified an existing document
    UpdatedExisting bool
    // Object ID of the upserted document.
    Upserted interface{}

type ListCollections

ListCollections performs a listCollections operation.

type ListCollections struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewListCollections

func NewListCollections(filter bsoncore.Document) *ListCollections

NewListCollections constructs and returns a new ListCollections.

func (*ListCollections) AuthorizedCollections

func (lc *ListCollections) AuthorizedCollections(authorizedCollections bool) *ListCollections

AuthorizedCollections specifies whether to only return collections the user is authorized to use.

func (*ListCollections) BatchSize

func (lc *ListCollections) BatchSize(batchSize int32) *ListCollections

BatchSize specifies the number of documents to return in every batch.

func (*ListCollections) ClusterClock

func (lc *ListCollections) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *ListCollections

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*ListCollections) CommandMonitor

func (lc *ListCollections) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *ListCollections

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*ListCollections) Crypt

func (lc *ListCollections) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *ListCollections

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*ListCollections) Database

func (lc *ListCollections) Database(database string) *ListCollections

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*ListCollections) Deployment

func (lc *ListCollections) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *ListCollections

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*ListCollections) Execute

func (lc *ListCollections) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*ListCollections) Filter

func (lc *ListCollections) Filter(filter bsoncore.Document) *ListCollections

Filter determines what results are returned from listCollections.

func (*ListCollections) NameOnly

func (lc *ListCollections) NameOnly(nameOnly bool) *ListCollections

NameOnly specifies whether to only return collection names.

func (*ListCollections) ReadPreference

func (lc *ListCollections) ReadPreference(readPreference *readpref.ReadPref) *ListCollections

ReadPreference set the read preference used with this operation.

func (*ListCollections) Result

func (lc *ListCollections) Result(opts driver.CursorOptions) (*driver.BatchCursor, error)

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*ListCollections) Retry

func (lc *ListCollections) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *ListCollections

Retry enables retryable mode for this operation. Retries are handled automatically in driver.Operation.Execute based on how the operation is set.

func (*ListCollections) ServerAPI

func (lc *ListCollections) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *ListCollections

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*ListCollections) ServerSelector

func (lc *ListCollections) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *ListCollections

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*ListCollections) Session

func (lc *ListCollections) Session(session *session.Client) *ListCollections

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*ListCollections) Timeout

func (lc *ListCollections) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *ListCollections

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

type ListDatabases

ListDatabases performs a listDatabases operation.

type ListDatabases struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewListDatabases

func NewListDatabases(filter bsoncore.Document) *ListDatabases

NewListDatabases constructs and returns a new ListDatabases.

func (*ListDatabases) AuthorizedDatabases

func (ld *ListDatabases) AuthorizedDatabases(authorizedDatabases bool) *ListDatabases

AuthorizedDatabases specifies whether to only return databases which the user is authorized to use."

func (*ListDatabases) ClusterClock

func (ld *ListDatabases) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *ListDatabases

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*ListDatabases) CommandMonitor

func (ld *ListDatabases) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *ListDatabases

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*ListDatabases) Crypt

func (ld *ListDatabases) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *ListDatabases

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*ListDatabases) Database

func (ld *ListDatabases) Database(database string) *ListDatabases

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*ListDatabases) Deployment

func (ld *ListDatabases) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *ListDatabases

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*ListDatabases) Execute

func (ld *ListDatabases) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*ListDatabases) Filter

func (ld *ListDatabases) Filter(filter bsoncore.Document) *ListDatabases

Filter determines what results are returned from listDatabases.

func (*ListDatabases) NameOnly

func (ld *ListDatabases) NameOnly(nameOnly bool) *ListDatabases

NameOnly specifies whether to only return database names.

func (*ListDatabases) ReadPreference

func (ld *ListDatabases) ReadPreference(readPreference *readpref.ReadPref) *ListDatabases

ReadPreference set the read preference used with this operation.

func (*ListDatabases) Result

func (ld *ListDatabases) Result() ListDatabasesResult

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*ListDatabases) Retry

func (ld *ListDatabases) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *ListDatabases

Retry enables retryable mode for this operation. Retries are handled automatically in driver.Operation.Execute based on how the operation is set.

func (*ListDatabases) ServerAPI

func (ld *ListDatabases) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *ListDatabases

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*ListDatabases) ServerSelector

func (ld *ListDatabases) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *ListDatabases

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*ListDatabases) Session

func (ld *ListDatabases) Session(session *session.Client) *ListDatabases

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*ListDatabases) Timeout

func (ld *ListDatabases) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *ListDatabases

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

type ListDatabasesResult

ListDatabasesResult represents a listDatabases result returned by the server.

type ListDatabasesResult struct {
    // An array of documents, one document for each database
    Databases []databaseRecord
    // The sum of the size of all the database files on disk in bytes.
    TotalSize int64

type ListIndexes

ListIndexes performs a listIndexes operation.

type ListIndexes struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewListIndexes

func NewListIndexes() *ListIndexes

NewListIndexes constructs and returns a new ListIndexes.

func (*ListIndexes) BatchSize

func (li *ListIndexes) BatchSize(batchSize int32) *ListIndexes

BatchSize specifies the number of documents to return in every batch.

func (*ListIndexes) ClusterClock

func (li *ListIndexes) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *ListIndexes

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*ListIndexes) Collection

func (li *ListIndexes) Collection(collection string) *ListIndexes

Collection sets the collection that this command will run against.

func (*ListIndexes) CommandMonitor

func (li *ListIndexes) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *ListIndexes

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*ListIndexes) Crypt

func (li *ListIndexes) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *ListIndexes

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*ListIndexes) Database

func (li *ListIndexes) Database(database string) *ListIndexes

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*ListIndexes) Deployment

func (li *ListIndexes) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *ListIndexes

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*ListIndexes) Execute

func (li *ListIndexes) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*ListIndexes) MaxTime

func (li *ListIndexes) MaxTime(maxTime *time.Duration) *ListIndexes

MaxTime specifies the maximum amount of time to allow the query to run on the server.

func (*ListIndexes) Result

func (li *ListIndexes) Result(opts driver.CursorOptions) (*driver.BatchCursor, error)

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*ListIndexes) Retry

func (li *ListIndexes) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *ListIndexes

Retry enables retryable mode for this operation. Retries are handled automatically in driver.Operation.Execute based on how the operation is set.

func (*ListIndexes) ServerAPI

func (li *ListIndexes) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *ListIndexes

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*ListIndexes) ServerSelector

func (li *ListIndexes) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *ListIndexes

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*ListIndexes) Session

func (li *ListIndexes) Session(session *session.Client) *ListIndexes

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*ListIndexes) Timeout

func (li *ListIndexes) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *ListIndexes

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

type Update

Update performs an update operation.

type Update struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewUpdate

func NewUpdate(updates ...bsoncore.Document) *Update

NewUpdate constructs and returns a new Update.

func (*Update) ArrayFilters

func (u *Update) ArrayFilters(arrayFilters bool) *Update

ArrayFilters is a flag to indicate that the update document contains an arrayFilters field. This option is only supported on server versions 3.6 and higher. For servers < 3.6, the driver will return an error.

func (*Update) BypassDocumentValidation

func (u *Update) BypassDocumentValidation(bypassDocumentValidation bool) *Update

BypassDocumentValidation allows the operation to opt-out of document level validation. Valid for server versions >= 3.2. For servers < 3.2, this setting is ignored.

func (*Update) ClusterClock

func (u *Update) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *Update

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*Update) Collection

func (u *Update) Collection(collection string) *Update

Collection sets the collection that this command will run against.

func (*Update) CommandMonitor

func (u *Update) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *Update

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*Update) Comment

func (u *Update) Comment(comment bsoncore.Value) *Update

Comment sets a value to help trace an operation.

func (*Update) Crypt

func (u *Update) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *Update

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*Update) Database

func (u *Update) Database(database string) *Update

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*Update) Deployment

func (u *Update) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *Update

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*Update) Execute

func (u *Update) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*Update) Hint

func (u *Update) Hint(hint bool) *Update

Hint is a flag to indicate that the update document contains a hint. Hint is only supported by servers >= 4.2. Older servers >= 3.4 will report an error for using the hint option. For servers < 3.4, the driver will return an error if the hint option is used.

func (*Update) Let

func (u *Update) Let(let bsoncore.Document) *Update

Let specifies the let document to use. This option is only valid for server versions 5.0 and above.

func (*Update) Logger

func (u *Update) Logger(logger *logger.Logger) *Update

Logger sets the logger for this operation.

func (*Update) Ordered

func (u *Update) Ordered(ordered bool) *Update

Ordered sets ordered. If true, when a write fails, the operation will return the error, when false write failures do not stop execution of the operation.

func (*Update) Result

func (u *Update) Result() UpdateResult

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*Update) Retry

func (u *Update) Retry(retry driver.RetryMode) *Update

Retry enables retryable writes for this operation. Retries are not handled automatically, instead a boolean is returned from Execute and SelectAndExecute that indicates if the operation can be retried. Retrying is handled by calling RetryExecute.

func (*Update) ServerAPI

func (u *Update) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *Update

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*Update) ServerSelector

func (u *Update) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *Update

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*Update) Session

func (u *Update) Session(session *session.Client) *Update

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*Update) Timeout

func (u *Update) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *Update

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

func (*Update) Updates

func (u *Update) Updates(updates ...bsoncore.Document) *Update

Updates specifies an array of update statements to perform when this operation is executed. Each update document must have the following structure: {q: <query>, u: <update>, multi: <boolean>, collation: Optional<Document>, arrayFitlers: Optional<Array>, hint: Optional<string/Document>}.

func (*Update) WriteConcern

func (u *Update) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *Update

WriteConcern sets the write concern for this operation.

type UpdateResult

UpdateResult contains information for the result of an Update operation.

type UpdateResult struct {
    // Number of documents matched.
    N int64
    // Number of documents modified.
    NModified int64
    // Information about upserted documents.
    Upserted []Upsert

type UpdateSearchIndex

UpdateSearchIndex performs a updateSearchIndex operation.

type UpdateSearchIndex struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewUpdateSearchIndex

func NewUpdateSearchIndex(index string, definition bsoncore.Document) *UpdateSearchIndex

NewUpdateSearchIndex constructs and returns a new UpdateSearchIndex.

func (*UpdateSearchIndex) ClusterClock

func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) ClusterClock(clock *session.ClusterClock) *UpdateSearchIndex

ClusterClock sets the cluster clock for this operation.

func (*UpdateSearchIndex) Collection

func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Collection(collection string) *UpdateSearchIndex

Collection sets the collection that this command will run against.

func (*UpdateSearchIndex) CommandMonitor

func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) CommandMonitor(monitor *event.CommandMonitor) *UpdateSearchIndex

CommandMonitor sets the monitor to use for APM events.

func (*UpdateSearchIndex) Crypt

func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Crypt(crypt driver.Crypt) *UpdateSearchIndex

Crypt sets the Crypt object to use for automatic encryption and decryption.

func (*UpdateSearchIndex) Database

func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Database(database string) *UpdateSearchIndex

Database sets the database to run this operation against.

func (*UpdateSearchIndex) Definition

func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Definition(definition bsoncore.Document) *UpdateSearchIndex

Definition specifies the definition for the document being created.

func (*UpdateSearchIndex) Deployment

func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Deployment(deployment driver.Deployment) *UpdateSearchIndex

Deployment sets the deployment to use for this operation.

func (*UpdateSearchIndex) Execute

func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Execute(ctx context.Context) error

Execute runs this operations and returns an error if the operation did not execute successfully.

func (*UpdateSearchIndex) Index

func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Index(name string) *UpdateSearchIndex

Index specifies the index of the document being updated.

func (*UpdateSearchIndex) Result

func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Result() UpdateSearchIndexResult

Result returns the result of executing this operation.

func (*UpdateSearchIndex) ServerAPI

func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) ServerAPI(serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions) *UpdateSearchIndex

ServerAPI sets the server API version for this operation.

func (*UpdateSearchIndex) ServerSelector

func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) ServerSelector(selector description.ServerSelector) *UpdateSearchIndex

ServerSelector sets the selector used to retrieve a server.

func (*UpdateSearchIndex) Session

func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Session(session *session.Client) *UpdateSearchIndex

Session sets the session for this operation.

func (*UpdateSearchIndex) Timeout

func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) Timeout(timeout *time.Duration) *UpdateSearchIndex

Timeout sets the timeout for this operation.

func (*UpdateSearchIndex) WriteConcern

func (usi *UpdateSearchIndex) WriteConcern(writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *UpdateSearchIndex

WriteConcern sets the write concern for this operation.

type UpdateSearchIndexResult

UpdateSearchIndexResult represents a single index in the updateSearchIndexResult result.

type UpdateSearchIndexResult struct {
    Ok int32

type Upsert

Upsert contains the information for an upsert in an Update operation.

type Upsert struct {
    Index int64
    ID    interface{} `bson:"_id"`