
Package connstring

import "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/mongo/driver/connstring"

Overview ▾


const (
    // ServerMonitoringModeAuto indicates that the client will behave like "poll"
    // mode when running on a FaaS (Function as a Service) platform, or like
    // "stream" mode otherwise. The client detects its execution environment by
    // following the rules for generating the "client.env" handshake metadata field
    // as specified in the MongoDB Handshake specification. This is the default
    // mode.
    ServerMonitoringModeAuto = "auto"

    // ServerMonitoringModePoll indicates that the client will periodically check
    // the server using a hello or legacy hello command and then sleep for
    // heartbeatFrequencyMS milliseconds before running another check.
    ServerMonitoringModePoll = "poll"

    // ServerMonitoringModeStream indicates that the client will use a streaming
    // protocol when the server supports it. The streaming protocol optimally
    // reduces the time it takes for a client to discover server state changes.
    ServerMonitoringModeStream = "stream"

Scheme constants

const (
    SchemeMongoDB    = "mongodb"
    SchemeMongoDBSRV = "mongodb+srv"


var (
    // ErrLoadBalancedWithMultipleHosts is returned when loadBalanced=true is
    // specified in a URI with multiple hosts.
    ErrLoadBalancedWithMultipleHosts = errors.New(
        "loadBalanced cannot be set to true if multiple hosts are specified")

    // ErrLoadBalancedWithReplicaSet is returned when loadBalanced=true is
    // specified in a URI with the replicaSet option.
    ErrLoadBalancedWithReplicaSet = errors.New(
        "loadBalanced cannot be set to true if a replica set name is specified")

    // ErrLoadBalancedWithDirectConnection is returned when loadBalanced=true is
    // specified in a URI with the directConnection option.
    ErrLoadBalancedWithDirectConnection = errors.New(
        "loadBalanced cannot be set to true if the direct connection option is specified")

    // ErrSRVMaxHostsWithReplicaSet is returned when srvMaxHosts > 0 is
    // specified in a URI with the replicaSet option.
    ErrSRVMaxHostsWithReplicaSet = errors.New(
        "srvMaxHosts cannot be a positive value if a replica set name is specified")

    // ErrSRVMaxHostsWithLoadBalanced is returned when srvMaxHosts > 0 is
    // specified in a URI with loadBalanced=true.
    ErrSRVMaxHostsWithLoadBalanced = errors.New(
        "srvMaxHosts cannot be a positive value if loadBalanced is set to true")

func IsValidServerMonitoringMode

func IsValidServerMonitoringMode(mode string) bool

IsValidServerMonitoringMode will return true if the given string matches a valid server monitoring mode.

type ConnString

ConnString represents a connection string to mongodb.

type ConnString struct {
    Original                           string
    AppName                            string
    AuthMechanism                      string
    AuthMechanismProperties            map[string]string
    AuthMechanismPropertiesSet         bool
    AuthSource                         string
    AuthSourceSet                      bool
    Compressors                        []string
    Connect                            ConnectMode
    ConnectSet                         bool
    DirectConnection                   bool
    DirectConnectionSet                bool
    ConnectTimeout                     time.Duration
    ConnectTimeoutSet                  bool
    Database                           string
    HeartbeatInterval                  time.Duration
    HeartbeatIntervalSet               bool
    Hosts                              []string
    J                                  bool
    JSet                               bool
    LoadBalanced                       bool
    LoadBalancedSet                    bool
    LocalThreshold                     time.Duration
    LocalThresholdSet                  bool
    MaxConnIdleTime                    time.Duration
    MaxConnIdleTimeSet                 bool
    MaxPoolSize                        uint64
    MaxPoolSizeSet                     bool
    MinPoolSize                        uint64
    MinPoolSizeSet                     bool
    MaxConnecting                      uint64
    MaxConnectingSet                   bool
    Password                           string
    PasswordSet                        bool
    RawHosts                           []string
    ReadConcernLevel                   string
    ReadPreference                     string
    ReadPreferenceTagSets              []map[string]string
    RetryWrites                        bool
    RetryWritesSet                     bool
    RetryReads                         bool
    RetryReadsSet                      bool
    MaxStaleness                       time.Duration
    MaxStalenessSet                    bool
    ReplicaSet                         string
    Scheme                             string
    ServerMonitoringMode               string
    ServerSelectionTimeout             time.Duration
    ServerSelectionTimeoutSet          bool
    SocketTimeout                      time.Duration
    SocketTimeoutSet                   bool
    SRVMaxHosts                        int
    SRVServiceName                     string
    SSL                                bool
    SSLSet                             bool
    SSLClientCertificateKeyFile        string
    SSLClientCertificateKeyFileSet     bool
    SSLClientCertificateKeyPassword    func() string
    SSLClientCertificateKeyPasswordSet bool
    SSLCertificateFile                 string
    SSLCertificateFileSet              bool
    SSLPrivateKeyFile                  string
    SSLPrivateKeyFileSet               bool
    SSLInsecure                        bool
    SSLInsecureSet                     bool
    SSLCaFile                          string
    SSLCaFileSet                       bool
    SSLDisableOCSPEndpointCheck        bool
    SSLDisableOCSPEndpointCheckSet     bool
    Timeout                            time.Duration
    TimeoutSet                         bool
    WString                            string
    WNumber                            int
    WNumberSet                         bool
    Username                           string
    UsernameSet                        bool
    ZlibLevel                          int
    ZlibLevelSet                       bool
    ZstdLevel                          int
    ZstdLevelSet                       bool

    WTimeout              time.Duration
    WTimeoutSet           bool
    WTimeoutSetFromOption bool

    Options        map[string][]string
    UnknownOptions map[string][]string

func Parse

func Parse(s string) (*ConnString, error)

Parse parses the provided URI into a ConnString object but does not check that all values are valid. Use `ConnString.Validate()` to run the validation checks separately.

func ParseAndValidate

func ParseAndValidate(s string) (*ConnString, error)

ParseAndValidate parses the provided URI into a ConnString object. It check that all values are valid.

func (*ConnString) HasAuthParameters

func (u *ConnString) HasAuthParameters() bool

HasAuthParameters returns true if this ConnString has any authentication parameters set and therefore represents a request for authentication.

func (*ConnString) String

func (u *ConnString) String() string

func (*ConnString) Validate

func (u *ConnString) Validate() error

Validate checks that the Auth and SSL parameters are valid values.

type ConnectMode

ConnectMode informs the driver on how to connect to the server.

type ConnectMode uint8

ConnectMode constants.

const (
    AutoConnect ConnectMode = iota

func (ConnectMode) String

func (c ConnectMode) String() string

String implements the fmt.Stringer interface.