Package mgocompat
import ""
- Overview
- Index
Package mgocompat provides Registry, a BSON registry compatible with globalsign/mgo's BSON,
with some remaining differences. It also provides RegistryRespectNilValues for compatibility
with mgo's BSON with RespectNilValues set to true. A registry can be configured on a
mongo.Client with the SetRegistry option. See the bsoncodec docs for more details on registries.
Registry supports Getter and Setter equivalents by registering hooks. Note that if a value
matches the hook for bsoncodec.Marshaler, bsoncodec.ValueMarshaler, or bsoncodec.Proxy, that
hook will take priority over the Getter hook. The same is true for the hooks for
bsoncodec.Unmarshaler and bsoncodec.ValueUnmarshaler and the Setter hook.
The functional differences between Registry and globalsign/mgo's BSON library are:
1) Registry errors instead of silently skipping mismatched types when decoding.
2) Registry does not have special handling for marshaling array ops ("$in", "$nin", "$all").
The driver uses different types than mgo's bson. The differences are:
The driver's bson.RawValue is equivalent to mgo's bson.Raw, but uses Value instead of Data and uses Type,
which is a bsontype.Type object that wraps a byte, instead of bson.Raw's Kind, a byte.
The driver uses primitive.ObjectID, which is a [12]byte instead of mgo's
bson.ObjectId, a string. Due to this, the zero value marshals and unmarshals differently
for Extended JSON, with the driver marshaling as {"ID":"000000000000000000000000"} and
mgo as {"Id":""}. The driver can unmarshal {"ID":""} to a primitive.ObjectID.
The driver's primitive.Symbol is equivalent to mgo's bson.Symbol.
The driver uses primitive.Timestamp instead of mgo's bson.MongoTimestamp. While
MongoTimestamp is an int64, primitive.Timestamp stores the time and counter as two separate
uint32 values, T and I respectively.
The driver uses primitive.MinKey and primitive.MaxKey, which are struct{}, instead
of mgo's bson.MinKey and bson.MaxKey, which are int64.
The driver's primitive.Undefined is equivalent to mgo's bson.Undefined.
The driver's primitive.Binary is equivalent to mgo's bson.Binary, with variables named Subtype
and Data instead of Kind and Data.
The driver's primitive.Regex is equivalent to mgo's bson.RegEx.
The driver's primitive.JavaScript is equivalent to mgo's bson.JavaScript with no
scope and primitive.CodeWithScope is equivalent to mgo's bson.JavaScript with scope.
The driver's primitive.DBPointer is equivalent to mgo's bson.DBPointer, with variables
named DB and Pointer instead of Namespace and Id.
When implementing the Setter interface, mgocompat.ErrSetZero is equivalent to mgo's
var (
ErrSetZero = errors.New("set to zero")
Registry is the mgo compatible bsoncodec.Registry. It contains the default and
primitive codecs with mgo compatible options.
var Registry = NewRegistryBuilder().Build()
RegistryRespectNilValues is the bsoncodec.Registry compatible with mgo withSetRespectNilValues set to true.
var RegistryRespectNilValues = NewRespectNilValuesRegistryBuilder().Build()
func GetterEncodeValue(ec bsoncodec.EncodeContext, vw bsonrw.ValueWriter, val reflect.Value) error
GetterEncodeValue is the ValueEncoderFunc for Getter types.
func NewRegistryBuilder() *bsoncodec.RegistryBuilder
NewRegistryBuilder creates a new bsoncodec.RegistryBuilder configured with the default encoders and
decoders from the bsoncodec.DefaultValueEncoders and bsoncodec.DefaultValueDecoders types and the
PrimitiveCodecs type in this package.
func NewRespectNilValuesRegistryBuilder() *bsoncodec.RegistryBuilder
NewRespectNilValuesRegistryBuilder creates a new bsoncodec.RegistryBuilder configured to behave like mgo/bson
with RespectNilValues set to true.
func SetterDecodeValue(_ bsoncodec.DecodeContext, vr bsonrw.ValueReader, val reflect.Value) error
SetterDecodeValue is the ValueDecoderFunc for Setter types.
Getter interface: a value implementing the bson.Getter interface will have its GetBSON
method called when the given value has to be marshalled, and the result
of this method will be marshaled in place of the actual object.
If GetBSON returns return a non-nil error, the marshalling procedure
will stop and error out with the provided value.
type Getter interface {
GetBSON() (interface{}, error)
Setter interface: a value implementing the bson.Setter interface will receive the BSON
value via the SetBSON method during unmarshaling, and the object
itself will not be changed as usual.
If setting the value works, the method should return nil or alternatively
mgocompat.ErrSetZero to set the respective field to its zero value (nil for
pointer types). If SetBSON returns a non-nil error, the unmarshalling
procedure will stop and error out with the provided value.
This interface is generally useful in pointer receivers, since the method
will want to change the receiver. A type field that implements the Setter
interface doesn't have to be a pointer, though.
For example:
type MyString string
func (s *MyString) SetBSON(raw bson.RawValue) error {
return raw.Unmarshal(s)
type Setter interface {
SetBSON(raw bson.RawValue) error