const ( // DefaultQuotaBytes is the number of bytes the backend Size may // consume before exceeding the space quota. DefaultQuotaBytes = int64(2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) // 2GB // MaxQuotaBytes is the maximum number of bytes suggested for a backend // quota. A larger quota may lead to degraded performance. MaxQuotaBytes = int64(8 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) // 8GB )
const ( DefaultSnapshotCount = 100000 // DefaultSnapshotCatchUpEntries is the number of entries for a slow follower // to catch-up after compacting the raft storage entries. // We expect the follower has a millisecond level latency with the leader. // The max throughput is around 10K. Keep a 5K entries is enough for helping // follower to catch up. DefaultSnapshotCatchUpEntries uint64 = 5000 StoreClusterPrefix = "/0" StoreKeysPrefix = "/1" // HealthInterval is the minimum time the cluster should be healthy // before accepting add member requests. HealthInterval = 5 * time.Second DowngradeEnabledPath = "/downgrade/enabled" )
const PeerHashKVPath = "/members/hashkv"
var ( ErrUnknownMethod = errors.New("etcdserver: unknown method") ErrStopped = errors.New("etcdserver: server stopped") ErrCanceled = errors.New("etcdserver: request cancelled") ErrTimeout = errors.New("etcdserver: request timed out") ErrTimeoutDueToLeaderFail = errors.New("etcdserver: request timed out, possibly due to previous leader failure") ErrTimeoutDueToConnectionLost = errors.New("etcdserver: request timed out, possibly due to connection lost") ErrTimeoutLeaderTransfer = errors.New("etcdserver: request timed out, leader transfer took too long") ErrTimeoutWaitAppliedIndex = errors.New("etcdserver: request timed out, waiting for the applied index took too long") ErrLeaderChanged = errors.New("etcdserver: leader changed") ErrNotEnoughStartedMembers = errors.New("etcdserver: re-configuration failed due to not enough started members") ErrLearnerNotReady = errors.New("etcdserver: can only promote a learner member which is in sync with leader") ErrNoLeader = errors.New("etcdserver: no leader") ErrNotLeader = errors.New("etcdserver: not leader") ErrRequestTooLarge = errors.New("etcdserver: request is too large") ErrNoSpace = errors.New("etcdserver: no space") ErrTooManyRequests = errors.New("etcdserver: too many requests") ErrUnhealthy = errors.New("etcdserver: unhealthy cluster") ErrKeyNotFound = errors.New("etcdserver: key not found") ErrCorrupt = errors.New("etcdserver: corrupt cluster") ErrBadLeaderTransferee = errors.New("etcdserver: bad leader transferee") = errors.New("etcdserver: cluster version not found during downgrade") ErrWrongDowngradeVersionFormat = errors.New("etcdserver: wrong downgrade target version format") ErrInvalidDowngradeTargetVersion = errors.New("etcdserver: invalid downgrade target version") ErrDowngradeInProcess = errors.New("etcdserver: cluster has a downgrade job in progress") ErrNoInflightDowngrade = errors.New("etcdserver: no inflight downgrade job") )
var ( DefaultQuotaSize = humanize.Bytes(uint64(DefaultQuotaBytes)) )
func GetClusterFromRemotePeers(lg *zap.Logger, urls []string, rt http.RoundTripper) (*membership.RaftCluster, error)
GetClusterFromRemotePeers takes a set of URLs representing etcd peers, and attempts to construct a Cluster by accessing the members endpoint on one of these URLs. The first URL to provide a response is used. If no URLs provide a response, or a Cluster cannot be successfully created from a received response, an error is returned. Each request has a 10-second timeout. Because the upper limit of TTL is 5s, 10 second is enough for building connection and finishing request.
func HashByRev(ctx context.Context, cid types.ID, cc *http.Client, url string, rev int64) (*pb.HashKVResponse, error)
HashByRev fetch hash of kv store at the given rev via http call to the given url
func NewRaftLogger(lcfg *zap.Config) (raft.Logger, error)
NewRaftLogger builds "raft.Logger" from "*zap.Config".
func NewRaftLoggerFromZapCore(cr zapcore.Core, syncer zapcore.WriteSyncer) raft.Logger
NewRaftLoggerFromZapCore creates "raft.Logger" from "zap.Core" and "zapcore.WriteSyncer".
func NewRaftLoggerZap(lg *zap.Logger) raft.Logger
NewRaftLoggerZap converts "*zap.Logger" to "raft.Logger".
AccessController controls etcd server HTTP request access.
type AccessController struct { CORS map[string]struct{} HostWhitelist map[string]struct{} // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAccessController() *AccessController
NewAccessController returns a new "AccessController" with default "*" values.
func (ac *AccessController) IsHostWhitelisted(host string) bool
IsHostWhitelisted returns true if the host is whitelisted. If whitelist is empty, allow all.
func (ac *AccessController) OriginAllowed(origin string) bool
OriginAllowed determines whether the server will allow a given CORS origin. If CORS is empty, allow all.
ApplierV2 is the interface for processing V2 raft messages
type ApplierV2 interface { Delete(r *RequestV2) Response Post(r *RequestV2) Response Put(r *RequestV2, shouldApplyV3 membership.ShouldApplyV3) Response QGet(r *RequestV2) Response Sync(r *RequestV2) Response }
func NewApplierV2(lg *zap.Logger, s v2store.Store, c *membership.RaftCluster) ApplierV2
type Authenticator interface { AuthEnable(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthEnableRequest) (*pb.AuthEnableResponse, error) AuthDisable(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthDisableRequest) (*pb.AuthDisableResponse, error) AuthStatus(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthStatusRequest) (*pb.AuthStatusResponse, error) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthenticateRequest) (*pb.AuthenticateResponse, error) UserAdd(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthUserAddRequest) (*pb.AuthUserAddResponse, error) UserDelete(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthUserDeleteRequest) (*pb.AuthUserDeleteResponse, error) UserChangePassword(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthUserChangePasswordRequest) (*pb.AuthUserChangePasswordResponse, error) UserGrantRole(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthUserGrantRoleRequest) (*pb.AuthUserGrantRoleResponse, error) UserGet(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthUserGetRequest) (*pb.AuthUserGetResponse, error) UserRevokeRole(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthUserRevokeRoleRequest) (*pb.AuthUserRevokeRoleResponse, error) RoleAdd(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthRoleAddRequest) (*pb.AuthRoleAddResponse, error) RoleGrantPermission(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthRoleGrantPermissionRequest) (*pb.AuthRoleGrantPermissionResponse, error) RoleGet(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthRoleGetRequest) (*pb.AuthRoleGetResponse, error) RoleRevokePermission(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthRoleRevokePermissionRequest) (*pb.AuthRoleRevokePermissionResponse, error) RoleDelete(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthRoleDeleteRequest) (*pb.AuthRoleDeleteResponse, error) UserList(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthUserListRequest) (*pb.AuthUserListResponse, error) RoleList(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthRoleListRequest) (*pb.AuthRoleListResponse, error) }
type CorruptionChecker interface { InitialCheck() error PeriodicCheck() error CompactHashCheck() }
type DiscoveryError struct { Op string Err error }
func (e DiscoveryError) Error() string
EtcdServer is the production implementation of the Server interface
type EtcdServer struct { Cfg config.ServerConfig SyncTicker *time.Ticker *AccessController // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewServer(cfg config.ServerConfig) (srv *EtcdServer, err error)
NewServer creates a new EtcdServer from the supplied configuration. The configuration is considered static for the lifetime of the EtcdServer.
func (s *EtcdServer) AddMember(ctx context.Context, memb membership.Member) ([]*membership.Member, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) Alarm(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AlarmRequest) (*pb.AlarmResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) Alarms() []*pb.AlarmMember
func (s *EtcdServer) AppliedIndex() uint64
func (s *EtcdServer) ApplyWait() <-chan struct{}
func (s *EtcdServer) AuthDisable(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthDisableRequest) (*pb.AuthDisableResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) AuthEnable(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthEnableRequest) (*pb.AuthEnableResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) AuthInfoFromCtx(ctx context.Context) (*auth.AuthInfo, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) AuthStatus(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthStatusRequest) (*pb.AuthStatusResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) AuthStore() auth.AuthStore
func (s *EtcdServer) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthenticateRequest) (*pb.AuthenticateResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) Backend() backend.Backend
func (s *EtcdServer) Cleanup()
Cleanup removes allocated objects by EtcdServer.NewServer in situation that EtcdServer::Start was not called (that takes care of cleanup).
func (s *EtcdServer) ClientCertAuthEnabled() bool
func (s *EtcdServer) Cluster() api.Cluster
func (s *EtcdServer) ClusterVersion() *semver.Version
func (s *EtcdServer) CommittedIndex() uint64
func (s *EtcdServer) Compact(ctx context.Context, r *pb.CompactionRequest) (*pb.CompactionResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) Config() config.ServerConfig
func (s *EtcdServer) CorruptionChecker() CorruptionChecker
func (s *EtcdServer) CutPeer(id types.ID)
CutPeer drops messages to the specified peer.
func (s *EtcdServer) DeleteRange(ctx context.Context, r *pb.DeleteRangeRequest) (*pb.DeleteRangeResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) Do(ctx context.Context, r pb.Request) (Response, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) Downgrade(ctx context.Context, r *pb.DowngradeRequest) (*pb.DowngradeResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) DowngradeEnabledHandler() http.Handler
func (s *EtcdServer) DowngradeInfo() *membership.DowngradeInfo
func (s *EtcdServer) FirstCommitInTermNotify() <-chan struct{}
FirstCommitInTermNotify returns channel that will be unlocked on first entry committed in new term, which is necessary for new leader to answer read-only requests (leader is not able to respond any read-only requests as long as linearizable semantic is required)
func (s *EtcdServer) GoAttach(f func())
GoAttach creates a goroutine on a given function and tracks it using the etcdserver waitgroup. The passed function should interrupt on s.StoppingNotify().
func (s *EtcdServer) HardStop()
HardStop stops the server without coordination with other members in the cluster.
func (s *EtcdServer) HashKVHandler() http.Handler
func (s *EtcdServer) ID() types.ID
func (s *EtcdServer) IsIDRemoved(id uint64) bool
func (s *EtcdServer) IsLearner() bool
IsLearner returns if the local member is raft learner
func (s *EtcdServer) IsMemberExist(id types.ID) bool
IsMemberExist returns if the member with the given id exists in cluster.
func (s *EtcdServer) KV() mvcc.WatchableKV
func (s *EtcdServer) Lead() uint64
func (s *EtcdServer) Leader() types.ID
func (s *EtcdServer) LeaderChangedNotify() <-chan struct{}
func (s *EtcdServer) LeaderStats() []byte
func (s *EtcdServer) LeaseGrant(ctx context.Context, r *pb.LeaseGrantRequest) (*pb.LeaseGrantResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) LeaseHandler() http.Handler
func (s *EtcdServer) LeaseLeases(ctx context.Context, r *pb.LeaseLeasesRequest) (*pb.LeaseLeasesResponse, error)
LeaseLeases is really ListLeases !???
func (s *EtcdServer) LeaseRenew(ctx context.Context, id lease.LeaseID) (int64, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) LeaseRevoke(ctx context.Context, r *pb.LeaseRevokeRequest) (*pb.LeaseRevokeResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) LeaseTimeToLive(ctx context.Context, r *pb.LeaseTimeToLiveRequest) (*pb.LeaseTimeToLiveResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) LinearizableReadNotify(ctx context.Context) error
func (s *EtcdServer) Logger() *zap.Logger
func (s *EtcdServer) MendPeer(id types.ID)
MendPeer recovers the message dropping behavior of the given peer.
func (s *EtcdServer) MoveLeader(ctx context.Context, lead, transferee uint64) error
MoveLeader transfers the leader to the given transferee.
func (s *EtcdServer) PauseSending()
func (s *EtcdServer) Process(ctx context.Context, m raftpb.Message) error
Process takes a raft message and applies it to the server's raft state machine, respecting any timeout of the given context.
func (s *EtcdServer) PromoteMember(ctx context.Context, id uint64) ([]*membership.Member, error)
PromoteMember promotes a learner node to a voting node.
func (s *EtcdServer) Put(ctx context.Context, r *pb.PutRequest) (*pb.PutResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) RaftHandler() http.Handler
func (s *EtcdServer) Range(ctx context.Context, r *pb.RangeRequest) (*pb.RangeResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) ReadyNotify() <-chan struct{}
ReadyNotify returns a channel that will be closed when the server is ready to serve client requests
func (s *EtcdServer) RemoveMember(ctx context.Context, id uint64) ([]*membership.Member, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) ReportSnapshot(id uint64, status raft.SnapshotStatus)
ReportSnapshot reports snapshot sent status to the raft state machine, and clears the used snapshot from the snapshot store.
func (s *EtcdServer) ReportUnreachable(id uint64)
func (s *EtcdServer) ResumeSending()
func (s *EtcdServer) RoleAdd(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthRoleAddRequest) (*pb.AuthRoleAddResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) RoleDelete(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthRoleDeleteRequest) (*pb.AuthRoleDeleteResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) RoleGet(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthRoleGetRequest) (*pb.AuthRoleGetResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) RoleGrantPermission(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthRoleGrantPermissionRequest) (*pb.AuthRoleGrantPermissionResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) RoleList(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthRoleListRequest) (*pb.AuthRoleListResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) RoleRevokePermission(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthRoleRevokePermissionRequest) (*pb.AuthRoleRevokePermissionResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) SelfStats() []byte
func (s *EtcdServer) Start()
Start performs any initialization of the Server necessary for it to begin serving requests. It must be called before Do or Process. Start must be non-blocking; any long-running server functionality should be implemented in goroutines.
func (s *EtcdServer) Stop()
Stop stops the server gracefully, and shuts down the running goroutine. Stop should be called after a Start(s), otherwise it will block forever. When stopping leader, Stop transfers its leadership to one of its peers before stopping the server. Stop terminates the Server and performs any necessary finalization. Do and Process cannot be called after Stop has been invoked.
func (s *EtcdServer) StopNotify() <-chan struct{}
StopNotify returns a channel that receives a empty struct when the server is stopped.
func (s *EtcdServer) StoppingNotify() <-chan struct{}
StoppingNotify returns a channel that receives a empty struct when the server is being stopped.
func (s *EtcdServer) StoreStats() []byte
func (s *EtcdServer) Term() uint64
func (s *EtcdServer) TransferLeadership() error
TransferLeadership transfers the leader to the chosen transferee.
func (s *EtcdServer) Txn(ctx context.Context, r *pb.TxnRequest) (*pb.TxnResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) UpdateMember(ctx context.Context, memb membership.Member) ([]*membership.Member, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) UserAdd(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthUserAddRequest) (*pb.AuthUserAddResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) UserChangePassword(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthUserChangePasswordRequest) (*pb.AuthUserChangePasswordResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) UserDelete(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthUserDeleteRequest) (*pb.AuthUserDeleteResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) UserGet(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthUserGetRequest) (*pb.AuthUserGetResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) UserGrantRole(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthUserGrantRoleRequest) (*pb.AuthUserGrantRoleResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) UserList(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthUserListRequest) (*pb.AuthUserListResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) UserRevokeRole(ctx context.Context, r *pb.AuthUserRevokeRoleRequest) (*pb.AuthUserRevokeRoleResponse, error)
func (s *EtcdServer) Watchable() mvcc.WatchableKV
Watchable returns a watchable interface attached to the etcdserver.
type Hasher interface { mvcc.HashStorage ReqTimeout() time.Duration MemberId() types.ID PeerHashByRev(int64) []*peerHashKVResp LinearizableReadNotify(context.Context) error TriggerCorruptAlarm(types.ID) }
type Lessor interface { // LeaseGrant sends LeaseGrant request to raft and apply it after committed. LeaseGrant(ctx context.Context, r *pb.LeaseGrantRequest) (*pb.LeaseGrantResponse, error) // LeaseRevoke sends LeaseRevoke request to raft and apply it after committed. LeaseRevoke(ctx context.Context, r *pb.LeaseRevokeRequest) (*pb.LeaseRevokeResponse, error) // LeaseRenew renews the lease with given ID. The renewed TTL is returned. Or an error // is returned. LeaseRenew(ctx context.Context, id lease.LeaseID) (int64, error) // LeaseTimeToLive retrieves lease information. LeaseTimeToLive(ctx context.Context, r *pb.LeaseTimeToLiveRequest) (*pb.LeaseTimeToLiveResponse, error) // LeaseLeases lists all leases. LeaseLeases(ctx context.Context, r *pb.LeaseLeasesRequest) (*pb.LeaseLeasesResponse, error) }
Quota represents an arbitrary quota against arbitrary requests. Each request costs some charge; if there is not enough remaining charge, then there are too few resources available within the quota to apply the request.
type Quota interface { // Available judges whether the given request fits within the quota. Available(req interface{}) bool // Cost computes the charge against the quota for a given request. Cost(req interface{}) int // Remaining is the amount of charge left for the quota. Remaining() int64 }
func NewBackendQuota(s *EtcdServer, name string) Quota
NewBackendQuota creates a quota layer with the given storage limit.
type RaftKV interface { Range(ctx context.Context, r *pb.RangeRequest) (*pb.RangeResponse, error) Put(ctx context.Context, r *pb.PutRequest) (*pb.PutResponse, error) DeleteRange(ctx context.Context, r *pb.DeleteRangeRequest) (*pb.DeleteRangeResponse, error) Txn(ctx context.Context, r *pb.TxnRequest) (*pb.TxnResponse, error) Compact(ctx context.Context, r *pb.CompactionRequest) (*pb.CompactionResponse, error) }
RaftStatusGetter represents etcd server and Raft progress.
type RaftStatusGetter interface { ID() types.ID Leader() types.ID CommittedIndex() uint64 AppliedIndex() uint64 Term() uint64 }
type RequestV2 pb.Request
func (r *RequestV2) Handle(ctx context.Context, v2api RequestV2Handler) (Response, error)
Handle interprets r and performs an operation on according to r.Method and other fields. If r.Method is "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", or a "GET" with Quorum == true, r will be sent through consensus before performing its respective operation. Do will block until an action is performed or there is an error.
func (r *RequestV2) String() string
func (r *RequestV2) TTLOptions() v2store.TTLOptionSet
type RequestV2Handler interface { Post(ctx context.Context, r *RequestV2) (Response, error) Put(ctx context.Context, r *RequestV2) (Response, error) Delete(ctx context.Context, r *RequestV2) (Response, error) QGet(ctx context.Context, r *RequestV2) (Response, error) Get(ctx context.Context, r *RequestV2) (Response, error) Head(ctx context.Context, r *RequestV2) (Response, error) }
func NewStoreRequestV2Handler(s v2store.Store, applier ApplierV2) RequestV2Handler
type Response struct { Term uint64 Index uint64 Event *v2store.Event Watcher v2store.Watcher Err error }
type Server interface { // AddMember attempts to add a member into the cluster. It will return // ErrIDRemoved if member ID is removed from the cluster, or return // ErrIDExists if member ID exists in the cluster. AddMember(ctx context.Context, memb membership.Member) ([]*membership.Member, error) // RemoveMember attempts to remove a member from the cluster. It will // return ErrIDRemoved if member ID is removed from the cluster, or return // ErrIDNotFound if member ID is not in the cluster. RemoveMember(ctx context.Context, id uint64) ([]*membership.Member, error) // UpdateMember attempts to update an existing member in the cluster. It will // return ErrIDNotFound if the member ID does not exist. UpdateMember(ctx context.Context, updateMemb membership.Member) ([]*membership.Member, error) // PromoteMember attempts to promote a non-voting node to a voting node. It will // return ErrIDNotFound if the member ID does not exist. // return ErrLearnerNotReady if the member are not ready. // return ErrMemberNotLearner if the member is not a learner. PromoteMember(ctx context.Context, id uint64) ([]*membership.Member, error) // ClusterVersion is the cluster-wide minimum major.minor version. // Cluster version is set to the min version that an etcd member is // compatible with when first bootstrap. // // ClusterVersion is nil until the cluster is bootstrapped (has a quorum). // // During a rolling upgrades, the ClusterVersion will be updated // automatically after a sync. (5 second by default) // // The API/raft component can utilize ClusterVersion to determine if // it can accept a client request or a raft RPC. // NOTE: ClusterVersion might be nil when etcd 2.1 works with etcd 2.0 and // the leader is etcd 2.0. etcd 2.0 leader will not update clusterVersion since // this feature is introduced post 2.0. ClusterVersion() *semver.Version Cluster() api.Cluster Alarms() []*pb.AlarmMember // LeaderChangedNotify returns a channel for application level code to be notified // when etcd leader changes, this function is intend to be used only in application // which embed etcd. // Caution: // 1. the returned channel is being closed when the leadership changes. // 2. so the new channel needs to be obtained for each raft term. // 3. user can loose some consecutive channel changes using this API. LeaderChangedNotify() <-chan struct{} }
type ServerPeer interface { ServerV2 RaftHandler() http.Handler LeaseHandler() http.Handler }
type ServerPeerV2 interface { ServerPeer HashKVHandler() http.Handler DowngradeEnabledHandler() http.Handler }
type ServerV2 interface { Server Leader() types.ID // Do takes a V2 request and attempts to fulfill it, returning a Response. Do(ctx context.Context, r pb.Request) (Response, error) stats.Stats ClientCertAuthEnabled() bool }
type ServerV3 interface { Server RaftStatusGetter }
type Storage interface { // Save function saves ents and state to the underlying stable storage. // Save MUST block until st and ents are on stable storage. Save(st raftpb.HardState, ents []raftpb.Entry) error // SaveSnap function saves snapshot to the underlying stable storage. SaveSnap(snap raftpb.Snapshot) error // Close closes the Storage and performs finalization. Close() error // Release releases the locked wal files older than the provided snapshot. Release(snap raftpb.Snapshot) error // Sync WAL Sync() error }
func NewStorage(w *wal.WAL, s *snap.Snapshotter) Storage
Name | Synopsis |
.. | |
api | Package api manages the capabilities and features that are exposed to clients by the etcd cluster. |
etcdhttp | Package etcdhttp implements HTTP transportation layer for etcdserver. |
membership | Package membership describes individual etcd members and clusters of members. |
rafthttp | Package rafthttp implements HTTP transportation layer for etcd/raft pkg. |
snap | Package snap handles Raft nodes' states with snapshots. |
snappb | |
v2auth | Package v2auth implements etcd authentication. |
v2discovery | Package v2discovery provides an implementation of the cluster discovery that is used by etcd with v2 client. |
v2error | Package v2error describes errors in etcd project. |
v2http | Package v2http provides etcd client and server implementations. |
httptypes | Package httptypes defines how etcd's HTTP API entities are serialized to and deserialized from JSON. |
v2stats | Package v2stats defines a standard interface for etcd cluster statistics. |
v2store | Package v2store defines etcd's in-memory key/value store in v2 API. |
v2v3 | Package v2v3 provides a ServerV2 implementation backed by clientv3.Client. |
v3alarm | Package v3alarm manages health status alarms in etcd. |
v3client | Package v3client provides clientv3 interfaces from an etcdserver. |
v3compactor | Package v3compactor implements automated policies for compacting etcd's mvcc storage. |
v3election | Package v3election provides a v3 election service from an etcdserver. |
v3electionpb | |
gw | Package v3electionpb is a reverse proxy. |
v3lock | Package v3lock provides a v3 locking service from an etcdserver. |
v3lockpb | |
gw | Package v3lockpb is a reverse proxy. |
v3rpc | Package v3rpc implements etcd v3 RPC system based on gRPC. |
cindex | Package cindex provides an interface and implementation for getting/saving consistentIndex. |