
Command v3

Package main is a simple wrapper of the real etcd entrypoint package (located at go.etcd.io/etcd/etcdmain) to ensure that etcd is still "go getable"; e.g. `go get go.etcd.io/etcd` works as expected and builds a binary in $GOBIN/etcd

This package should NOT be extended or modified in any way; to modify the etcd binary, work in the `go.etcd.io/etcd/etcdmain` package.


Name Synopsis
auth Package auth provides client role authentication for accessing keys in etcd.
embed Package embed provides bindings for embedding an etcd server in a program.
etcdmain Package etcdmain contains the main entry point for the etcd binary.
etcdserver Package etcdserver defines how etcd servers interact and store their states.
api Package api manages the capabilities and features that are exposed to clients by the etcd cluster.
etcdhttp Package etcdhttp implements HTTP transportation layer for etcdserver.
membership Package membership describes individual etcd members and clusters of members.
rafthttp Package rafthttp implements HTTP transportation layer for etcd/raft pkg.
snap Package snap handles Raft nodes' states with snapshots.
v2auth Package v2auth implements etcd authentication.
v2discovery Package v2discovery provides an implementation of the cluster discovery that is used by etcd with v2 client.
v2error Package v2error describes errors in etcd project.
v2http Package v2http provides etcd client and server implementations.
httptypes Package httptypes defines how etcd's HTTP API entities are serialized to and deserialized from JSON.
v2stats Package v2stats defines a standard interface for etcd cluster statistics.
v2store Package v2store defines etcd's in-memory key/value store in v2 API.
v2v3 Package v2v3 provides a ServerV2 implementation backed by clientv3.Client.
v3alarm Package v3alarm manages health status alarms in etcd.
v3client Package v3client provides clientv3 interfaces from an etcdserver.
v3compactor Package v3compactor implements automated policies for compacting etcd's mvcc storage.
v3election Package v3election provides a v3 election service from an etcdserver.
gw Package v3electionpb is a reverse proxy.
v3lock Package v3lock provides a v3 locking service from an etcdserver.
gw Package v3lockpb is a reverse proxy.
v3rpc Package v3rpc implements etcd v3 RPC system based on gRPC.
cindex Package cindex provides an interface and implementation for getting/saving consistentIndex.
lease Package lease provides an interface and implementation for time-limited leases over arbitrary resources.
leasehttp Package leasehttp serves lease renewals made through HTTP requests.
mockstorage Package mockstorage provides mock implementations for etcdserver's storage interface.
mockstore Package mockstore provides mock structures for the etcd store package.
mockwait Package mockwait provides mock implementations for pkg/wait.
mvcc Package mvcc defines etcd's stable MVCC storage.
backend Package backend defines a standard interface for etcd's backend MVCC storage.
grpcproxy Package grpcproxy is an OSI level 7 proxy for etcd v3 API requests.
adapter Package adapter provides gRPC adapters between client and server gRPC interfaces without needing to go through a gRPC connection.
cache Package cache exports functionality for efficiently caching and mapping `RangeRequest`s to corresponding `RangeResponse`s.
httpproxy Package httpproxy implements etcd httpproxy.
tcpproxy Package tcpproxy is an OSI level 4 proxy for routing etcd clients to etcd servers.
wal Package wal provides an implementation of a write ahead log that is used by etcd.