RevisionSeparator is the separator character used to separate resource IDs from revision IDs.
const RevisionSeparator = '@'
Wildcard is the resource name wildcard character "-".
const Wildcard = "-"
func Ancestor(name, pattern string) (string, bool)
Ancestor extracts an ancestor from the provided name, using a pattern for the ancestor.
func ContainsWildcard(name string) bool
ContainsWildcard reports whether the specified resource name contains any wildcard segments.
func HasParent(name, parent string) bool
HasParent tests whether name has the specified parent. Wildcard segments (-) are considered. Resource names without revisions are considered parents of the same resource name with a revision.
func Join(elems ...string) string
Join combines resource names, separating them by slashes.
func Match(pattern, name string) bool
Match reports whether the specified resource name matches the specified resource name pattern.
func RangeParents(name string, fn func(parent string) bool)
RangeParents iterates over all parents of the provided resource name. The iteration order is from root ancestor down to the closest parent. Collection segments are included in the iteration, to not require knowing the pattern. For full resource names, the service is omitted.
func Sprint(pattern string, variables ...string) string
Sprint formats resource name variables according to a pattern and returns the resulting string.
func Sscan(name, pattern string, variables ...*string) (err error)
Sscan scans a resource name, storing successive segments into successive variables as determined by the provided pattern.
func Validate(name string) error
Validate that a resource name conforms to the restrictions outlined in AIP-122. See:
func ValidatePattern(pattern string) error
ValidatePattern that a resource name pattern conforms to the restrictions outlined in AIP-122. See:
Literal is the literal part of a resource name segment.
Literal = RESOURCE_ID | RevisionLiteral ; RevisionLiteral = RESOURCE_ID "@" REVISION_ID ;
type Literal string
func (l Literal) HasRevision() bool
HasRevision returns true if the literal has a valid revision.
func (l Literal) ResourceID() string
ResourceID returns the literal's resource ID.
func (l Literal) RevisionID() string
RevisionID returns the literal's revision ID.
Scanner scans a resource name.
type Scanner struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (s *Scanner) End() int
End returns the end index (exclusive) of the current segment.
func (s *Scanner) Full() bool
Full returns true if the scanner has detected a full resource name.
func (s *Scanner) Init(name string)
Init initializes the scanner.
func (s *Scanner) Scan() bool
Scan to the next segment.
func (s *Scanner) Segment() Segment
Segment returns the current segment.
func (s *Scanner) ServiceName() string
ServiceName returns the service name, when the scanner has detected a full resource name.
func (s *Scanner) Start() int
Start returns the start index (inclusive) of the current segment.
Segment is a segment of a resource name or a resource name pattern.
Segment = Literal | Variable ; Variable = "{" Literal "}" ;
type Segment string
func (s Segment) IsVariable() bool
IsVariable reports whether the segment is a variable segment.
func (s Segment) IsWildcard() bool
IsWildcard reports whether the segment is a wildcard.
func (s Segment) Literal() Literal
Literal returns the literal value of the segment. For variables, the literal value is the name of the variable.