BlockquoteAttributeFilter defines attribute names which blockquote elements can have.
var BlockquoteAttributeFilter = GlobalAttributeFilter.Extend( []byte("cite"), )
CodeAttributeFilter defines attribute names which code elements can have.
var CodeAttributeFilter = GlobalAttributeFilter
DefaultWriter is a default instance of the Writer.
var DefaultWriter = NewWriter()
EmphasisAttributeFilter defines attribute names which emphasis elements can have.
var EmphasisAttributeFilter = GlobalAttributeFilter
GlobalAttributeFilter defines attribute names which any elements can have.
var GlobalAttributeFilter = util.NewBytesFilter( []byte("accesskey"), []byte("autocapitalize"), []byte("autofocus"), []byte("class"), []byte("contenteditable"), []byte("dir"), []byte("draggable"), []byte("enterkeyhint"), []byte("hidden"), []byte("id"), []byte("inert"), []byte("inputmode"), []byte("is"), []byte("itemid"), []byte("itemprop"), []byte("itemref"), []byte("itemscope"), []byte("itemtype"), []byte("lang"), []byte("part"), []byte("role"), []byte("slot"), []byte("spellcheck"), []byte("style"), []byte("tabindex"), []byte("title"), []byte("translate"), )
HeadingAttributeFilter defines attribute names which heading elements can have.
var HeadingAttributeFilter = GlobalAttributeFilter
ImageAttributeFilter defines attribute names which image elements can have.
var ImageAttributeFilter = GlobalAttributeFilter.Extend( []byte("align"), []byte("border"), []byte("crossorigin"), []byte("decoding"), []byte("height"), []byte("importance"), []byte("intrinsicsize"), []byte("ismap"), []byte("loading"), []byte("referrerpolicy"), []byte("sizes"), []byte("srcset"), []byte("usemap"), []byte("width"), )
LinkAttributeFilter defines attribute names which link elements can have.
var LinkAttributeFilter = GlobalAttributeFilter.Extend( []byte("download"), []byte("hreflang"), []byte("media"), []byte("ping"), []byte("referrerpolicy"), []byte("rel"), []byte("shape"), []byte("target"), )
ListAttributeFilter defines attribute names which list elements can have.
var ListAttributeFilter = GlobalAttributeFilter.Extend( []byte("start"), []byte("reversed"), []byte("type"), )
ListItemAttributeFilter defines attribute names which list item elements can have.
var ListItemAttributeFilter = GlobalAttributeFilter.Extend( []byte("value"), )
ParagraphAttributeFilter defines attribute names which paragraph elements can have.
var ParagraphAttributeFilter = GlobalAttributeFilter
ThematicAttributeFilter defines attribute names which hr elements can have.
var ThematicAttributeFilter = GlobalAttributeFilter.Extend( []byte("align"), []byte("color"), []byte("noshade"), []byte("size"), []byte("width"), )
func IsDangerousURL(url []byte) bool
IsDangerousURL returns true if the given url seems a potentially dangerous url, otherwise false.
func NewRenderer(opts ...Option) renderer.NodeRenderer
NewRenderer returns a new Renderer with given options.
func RenderAttributes(w util.BufWriter, node ast.Node, filter util.BytesFilter)
RenderAttributes renders given node's attributes. You can specify attribute names to render by the filter. If filter is nil, RenderAttributes renders all attributes.
func WithEastAsianLineBreaks(e EastAsianLineBreaks) interface { renderer.Option Option }
WithEastAsianLineBreaks is a functional option that indicates whether softline breaks between east asian wide characters should be ignored.
func WithHardWraps() interface { renderer.Option Option }
WithHardWraps is a functional option that indicates whether softline breaks should be rendered as '<br>'.
func WithUnsafe() interface { renderer.Option Option }
WithUnsafe is a functional option that renders dangerous contents (raw htmls and potentially dangerous links) as it is.
func WithWriter(writer Writer) interface { renderer.Option Option }
WithWriter is a functional option that allow you to set the given writer to the renderer.
func WithXHTML() interface { Option renderer.Option }
WithXHTML is a functional option indicates that nodes should be rendered in xhtml instead of HTML5.
A Config struct has configurations for the HTML based renderers.
type Config struct { Writer Writer HardWraps bool EastAsianLineBreaks EastAsianLineBreaks XHTML bool Unsafe bool }
func NewConfig() Config
NewConfig returns a new Config with defaults.
func (c *Config) SetOption(name renderer.OptionName, value interface{})
SetOption implements renderer.NodeRenderer.SetOption.
A EastAsianLineBreaks is a style of east asian line breaks.
type EastAsianLineBreaks int
const ( //EastAsianLineBreaksNone renders line breaks as it is. EastAsianLineBreaksNone EastAsianLineBreaks = iota // EastAsianLineBreaksSimple follows east_asian_line_breaks in Pandoc. EastAsianLineBreaksSimple // EastAsianLineBreaksCSS3Draft follows CSS text level3 "Segment Break Transformation Rules" with some enhancements. EastAsianLineBreaksCSS3Draft )
An Option interface sets options for HTML based renderers.
type Option interface { SetHTMLOption(*Config) }
A Renderer struct is an implementation of renderer.NodeRenderer that renders nodes as (X)HTML.
type Renderer struct { Config }
func (r *Renderer) RegisterFuncs(reg renderer.NodeRendererFuncRegisterer)
RegisterFuncs implements NodeRenderer.RegisterFuncs .
A Writer interface writes textual contents to a writer.
type Writer interface { // Write writes the given source to writer with resolving references and unescaping // backslash escaped characters. Write(writer util.BufWriter, source []byte) // RawWrite writes the given source to writer without resolving references and // unescaping backslash escaped characters. RawWrite(writer util.BufWriter, source []byte) // SecureWrite writes the given source to writer with replacing insecure characters. SecureWrite(writer util.BufWriter, source []byte) }
func NewWriter(opts ...WriterOption) Writer
NewWriter returns a new Writer.
A WriterConfig struct has configurations for the HTML based writers.
type WriterConfig struct { // EscapedSpace is an option that indicates that a '\' escaped half-space(0x20) should not be rendered. EscapedSpace bool }
A WriterOption interface sets options for HTML based writers.
type WriterOption func(*WriterConfig)
func WithEscapedSpace() WriterOption
WithEscapedSpace is a WriterOption indicates that a '\' escaped half-space(0x20) should not be rendered.