
Package ast

import "github.com/vektah/gqlparser/ast"

Overview ▾

Index ▾

func Dump(i interface{}) string
type Argument
type ArgumentDefinition
type ArgumentDefinitionList
    func (l ArgumentDefinitionList) ForName(name string) *ArgumentDefinition
type ArgumentList
    func (l ArgumentList) ForName(name string) *Argument
type ChildValue
type ChildValueList
    func (v ChildValueList) ForName(name string) *Value
type Definition
    func (d *Definition) IsAbstractType() bool
    func (d *Definition) IsCompositeType() bool
    func (d *Definition) IsInputType() bool
    func (d *Definition) IsLeafType() bool
    func (d *Definition) OneOf(types ...string) bool
type DefinitionKind
type DefinitionList
    func (l DefinitionList) ForName(name string) *Definition
type Directive
    func (d *Directive) ArgumentMap(vars map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{}
type DirectiveDefinition
type DirectiveDefinitionList
    func (l DirectiveDefinitionList) ForName(name string) *DirectiveDefinition
type DirectiveList
    func (l DirectiveList) ForName(name string) *Directive
    func (l DirectiveList) ForNames(name string) []*Directive
type DirectiveLocation
type Dumpable
type EnumValueDefinition
type EnumValueList
    func (l EnumValueList) ForName(name string) *EnumValueDefinition
type Field
    func (f *Field) ArgumentMap(vars map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{}
    func (s *Field) GetPosition() *Position
type FieldDefinition
type FieldList
    func (l FieldList) ForName(name string) *FieldDefinition
type FragmentDefinition
type FragmentDefinitionList
    func (l FragmentDefinitionList) ForName(name string) *FragmentDefinition
type FragmentSpread
    func (s *FragmentSpread) GetPosition() *Position
type InlineFragment
    func (s *InlineFragment) GetPosition() *Position
type Operation
type OperationDefinition
type OperationList
    func (l OperationList) ForName(name string) *OperationDefinition
type OperationTypeDefinition
type OperationTypeDefinitionList
    func (l OperationTypeDefinitionList) ForType(name string) *OperationTypeDefinition
type Position
type QueryDocument
type Schema
    func (s *Schema) AddImplements(name string, iface *Definition)
    func (s *Schema) AddPossibleType(name string, def *Definition)
    func (s *Schema) GetImplements(def *Definition) []*Definition
    func (s *Schema) GetPossibleTypes(def *Definition) []*Definition
type SchemaDefinition
type SchemaDefinitionList
type SchemaDocument
    func (d *SchemaDocument) Merge(other *SchemaDocument)
type Selection
type SelectionSet
type Source
type Type
    func ListType(elem *Type, pos *Position) *Type
    func NamedType(named string, pos *Position) *Type
    func NonNullListType(elem *Type, pos *Position) *Type
    func NonNullNamedType(named string, pos *Position) *Type
    func (v *Type) Dump() string
    func (t *Type) IsCompatible(other *Type) bool
    func (t *Type) Name() string
    func (t *Type) String() string
type Value
    func (v *Value) Dump() string
    func (v *Value) String() string
    func (v *Value) Value(vars map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error)
type ValueKind
type VariableDefinition
type VariableDefinitionList
    func (l VariableDefinitionList) ForName(name string) *VariableDefinition

Package files

argmap.go collections.go definition.go directive.go document.go dumper.go fragment.go operation.go selection.go source.go type.go value.go

func Dump

func Dump(i interface{}) string

Dump turns ast into a stable string format for assertions in tests

type Argument

type Argument struct {
    Name     string
    Value    *Value
    Position *Position `dump:"-"`

type ArgumentDefinition

type ArgumentDefinition struct {
    Description  string
    Name         string
    DefaultValue *Value
    Type         *Type
    Directives   DirectiveList
    Position     *Position `dump:"-"`

type ArgumentDefinitionList

type ArgumentDefinitionList []*ArgumentDefinition

func (ArgumentDefinitionList) ForName

func (l ArgumentDefinitionList) ForName(name string) *ArgumentDefinition

type ArgumentList

type ArgumentList []*Argument

func (ArgumentList) ForName

func (l ArgumentList) ForName(name string) *Argument

type ChildValue

type ChildValue struct {
    Name     string
    Value    *Value
    Position *Position `dump:"-"`

type ChildValueList

type ChildValueList []*ChildValue

func (ChildValueList) ForName

func (v ChildValueList) ForName(name string) *Value

type Definition

ObjectDefinition is the core type definition object, it includes all of the definable types but does *not* cover schema or directives.

@vektah: Javascript implementation has different types for all of these, but they are more similar than different and don't define any behaviour. I think this style of "some hot" struct works better, at least for go.

Type extensions are also represented by this same struct.

type Definition struct {
    Kind        DefinitionKind
    Description string
    Name        string
    Directives  DirectiveList
    Interfaces  []string      // object and input object
    Fields      FieldList     // object and input object
    Types       []string      // union
    EnumValues  EnumValueList // enum

    Position *Position `dump:"-"`
    BuiltIn  bool      `dump:"-"`

func (*Definition) IsAbstractType

func (d *Definition) IsAbstractType() bool

func (*Definition) IsCompositeType

func (d *Definition) IsCompositeType() bool

func (*Definition) IsInputType

func (d *Definition) IsInputType() bool

func (*Definition) IsLeafType

func (d *Definition) IsLeafType() bool

func (*Definition) OneOf

func (d *Definition) OneOf(types ...string) bool

type DefinitionKind

type DefinitionKind string
const (
    Scalar      DefinitionKind = "SCALAR"
    Object      DefinitionKind = "OBJECT"
    Interface   DefinitionKind = "INTERFACE"
    Union       DefinitionKind = "UNION"
    Enum        DefinitionKind = "ENUM"
    InputObject DefinitionKind = "INPUT_OBJECT"

type DefinitionList

type DefinitionList []*Definition

func (DefinitionList) ForName

func (l DefinitionList) ForName(name string) *Definition

type Directive

type Directive struct {
    Name      string
    Arguments ArgumentList
    Position  *Position `dump:"-"`

    // Requires validation
    ParentDefinition *Definition
    Definition       *DirectiveDefinition
    Location         DirectiveLocation

func (*Directive) ArgumentMap

func (d *Directive) ArgumentMap(vars map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{}

type DirectiveDefinition

type DirectiveDefinition struct {
    Description string
    Name        string
    Arguments   ArgumentDefinitionList
    Locations   []DirectiveLocation
    Position    *Position `dump:"-"`

type DirectiveDefinitionList

type DirectiveDefinitionList []*DirectiveDefinition

func (DirectiveDefinitionList) ForName

func (l DirectiveDefinitionList) ForName(name string) *DirectiveDefinition

type DirectiveList

type DirectiveList []*Directive

func (DirectiveList) ForName

func (l DirectiveList) ForName(name string) *Directive

func (DirectiveList) ForNames

func (l DirectiveList) ForNames(name string) []*Directive

type DirectiveLocation

type DirectiveLocation string
const (
    // Executable
    LocationQuery              DirectiveLocation = `QUERY`
    LocationMutation           DirectiveLocation = `MUTATION`
    LocationSubscription       DirectiveLocation = `SUBSCRIPTION`
    LocationField              DirectiveLocation = `FIELD`
    LocationFragmentDefinition DirectiveLocation = `FRAGMENT_DEFINITION`
    LocationFragmentSpread     DirectiveLocation = `FRAGMENT_SPREAD`
    LocationInlineFragment     DirectiveLocation = `INLINE_FRAGMENT`

    // Type System
    LocationSchema               DirectiveLocation = `SCHEMA`
    LocationScalar               DirectiveLocation = `SCALAR`
    LocationObject               DirectiveLocation = `OBJECT`
    LocationFieldDefinition      DirectiveLocation = `FIELD_DEFINITION`
    LocationArgumentDefinition   DirectiveLocation = `ARGUMENT_DEFINITION`
    LocationInterface            DirectiveLocation = `INTERFACE`
    LocationUnion                DirectiveLocation = `UNION`
    LocationEnum                 DirectiveLocation = `ENUM`
    LocationEnumValue            DirectiveLocation = `ENUM_VALUE`
    LocationInputObject          DirectiveLocation = `INPUT_OBJECT`
    LocationInputFieldDefinition DirectiveLocation = `INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION`

type Dumpable

type Dumpable interface {
    Dump() string

type EnumValueDefinition

type EnumValueDefinition struct {
    Description string
    Name        string
    Directives  DirectiveList
    Position    *Position `dump:"-"`

type EnumValueList

type EnumValueList []*EnumValueDefinition

func (EnumValueList) ForName

func (l EnumValueList) ForName(name string) *EnumValueDefinition

type Field

type Field struct {
    Alias        string
    Name         string
    Arguments    ArgumentList
    Directives   DirectiveList
    SelectionSet SelectionSet
    Position     *Position `dump:"-"`

    // Require validation
    Definition       *FieldDefinition
    ObjectDefinition *Definition

func (*Field) ArgumentMap

func (f *Field) ArgumentMap(vars map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{}

func (*Field) GetPosition

func (s *Field) GetPosition() *Position

type FieldDefinition

type FieldDefinition struct {
    Description  string
    Name         string
    Arguments    ArgumentDefinitionList // only for objects
    DefaultValue *Value                 // only for input objects
    Type         *Type
    Directives   DirectiveList
    Position     *Position `dump:"-"`

type FieldList

type FieldList []*FieldDefinition

func (FieldList) ForName

func (l FieldList) ForName(name string) *FieldDefinition

type FragmentDefinition

type FragmentDefinition struct {
    Name string
    // Note: fragment variable definitions are experimental and may be changed
    // or removed in the future.
    VariableDefinition VariableDefinitionList
    TypeCondition      string
    Directives         DirectiveList
    SelectionSet       SelectionSet

    // Require validation
    Definition *Definition

    Position *Position `dump:"-"`

type FragmentDefinitionList

type FragmentDefinitionList []*FragmentDefinition

func (FragmentDefinitionList) ForName

func (l FragmentDefinitionList) ForName(name string) *FragmentDefinition

type FragmentSpread

type FragmentSpread struct {
    Name       string
    Directives DirectiveList

    // Require validation
    ObjectDefinition *Definition
    Definition       *FragmentDefinition

    Position *Position `dump:"-"`

func (*FragmentSpread) GetPosition

func (s *FragmentSpread) GetPosition() *Position

type InlineFragment

type InlineFragment struct {
    TypeCondition string
    Directives    DirectiveList
    SelectionSet  SelectionSet

    // Require validation
    ObjectDefinition *Definition

    Position *Position `dump:"-"`

func (*InlineFragment) GetPosition

func (s *InlineFragment) GetPosition() *Position

type Operation

type Operation string
const (
    Query        Operation = "query"
    Mutation     Operation = "mutation"
    Subscription Operation = "subscription"

type OperationDefinition

type OperationDefinition struct {
    Operation           Operation
    Name                string
    VariableDefinitions VariableDefinitionList
    Directives          DirectiveList
    SelectionSet        SelectionSet
    Position            *Position `dump:"-"`

type OperationList

type OperationList []*OperationDefinition

func (OperationList) ForName

func (l OperationList) ForName(name string) *OperationDefinition

type OperationTypeDefinition

type OperationTypeDefinition struct {
    Operation Operation
    Type      string
    Position  *Position `dump:"-"`

type OperationTypeDefinitionList

type OperationTypeDefinitionList []*OperationTypeDefinition

func (OperationTypeDefinitionList) ForType

func (l OperationTypeDefinitionList) ForType(name string) *OperationTypeDefinition

type Position

type Position struct {
    Start  int     // The starting position, in runes, of this token in the input.
    End    int     // The end position, in runes, of this token in the input.
    Line   int     // The line number at the start of this item.
    Column int     // The column number at the start of this item.
    Src    *Source // The source document this token belongs to

type QueryDocument

type QueryDocument struct {
    Operations OperationList
    Fragments  FragmentDefinitionList
    Position   *Position `dump:"-"`

type Schema

type Schema struct {
    Query        *Definition
    Mutation     *Definition
    Subscription *Definition

    Types      map[string]*Definition
    Directives map[string]*DirectiveDefinition

    PossibleTypes map[string][]*Definition
    Implements    map[string][]*Definition

func (*Schema) AddImplements

func (s *Schema) AddImplements(name string, iface *Definition)

func (*Schema) AddPossibleType

func (s *Schema) AddPossibleType(name string, def *Definition)

func (*Schema) GetImplements

func (s *Schema) GetImplements(def *Definition) []*Definition

GetImplements returns all the interface and union definitions that the given definition satisfies

func (*Schema) GetPossibleTypes

func (s *Schema) GetPossibleTypes(def *Definition) []*Definition

GetPossibleTypes will enumerate all the definitions for a given interface or union

type SchemaDefinition

type SchemaDefinition struct {
    Description    string
    Directives     DirectiveList
    OperationTypes OperationTypeDefinitionList
    Position       *Position `dump:"-"`

type SchemaDefinitionList

type SchemaDefinitionList []*SchemaDefinition

type SchemaDocument

type SchemaDocument struct {
    Schema          SchemaDefinitionList
    SchemaExtension SchemaDefinitionList
    Directives      DirectiveDefinitionList
    Definitions     DefinitionList
    Extensions      DefinitionList
    Position        *Position `dump:"-"`

func (*SchemaDocument) Merge

func (d *SchemaDocument) Merge(other *SchemaDocument)

type Selection

type Selection interface {
    GetPosition() *Position
    // contains filtered or unexported methods

type SelectionSet

type SelectionSet []Selection

type Source

Source covers a single *.graphql file

type Source struct {
    // Name is the filename of the source
    Name string
    // Input is the actual contents of the source file
    Input string
    // BuiltIn indicate whether the source is a part of the specification
    BuiltIn bool

type Type

type Type struct {
    NamedType string
    Elem      *Type
    NonNull   bool
    Position  *Position `dump:"-"`

func ListType

func ListType(elem *Type, pos *Position) *Type

func NamedType

func NamedType(named string, pos *Position) *Type

func NonNullListType

func NonNullListType(elem *Type, pos *Position) *Type

func NonNullNamedType

func NonNullNamedType(named string, pos *Position) *Type

func (*Type) Dump

func (v *Type) Dump() string

func (*Type) IsCompatible

func (t *Type) IsCompatible(other *Type) bool

func (*Type) Name

func (t *Type) Name() string

func (*Type) String

func (t *Type) String() string

type Value

type Value struct {
    Raw      string
    Children ChildValueList
    Kind     ValueKind
    Position *Position `dump:"-"`

    // Require validation
    Definition         *Definition
    VariableDefinition *VariableDefinition
    ExpectedType       *Type

func (*Value) Dump

func (v *Value) Dump() string

func (*Value) String

func (v *Value) String() string

func (*Value) Value

func (v *Value) Value(vars map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error)

type ValueKind

type ValueKind int
const (
    Variable ValueKind = iota

type VariableDefinition

type VariableDefinition struct {
    Variable     string
    Type         *Type
    DefaultValue *Value
    Position     *Position `dump:"-"`

    // Requires validation
    Definition *Definition
    Used       bool `dump:"-"`

type VariableDefinitionList

type VariableDefinitionList []*VariableDefinition

func (VariableDefinitionList) ForName

func (l VariableDefinitionList) ForName(name string) *VariableDefinition