
Package encrypted

import "github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf/encrypted"

Overview ▾

Package encrypted provides a simple, secure system for encrypting data symmetrically with a passphrase.

It uses scrypt derive a key from the passphrase and the NaCl secret box cipher for authenticated encryption.

Deprecated: The encrypted package from go-tuf is already moved to https://github.com/secure-systems-lab/go-securesystemslib and will be deprecated here. Use github.com/secure-systems-lab/go-securesystemslib/encrypted instead.

func Decrypt

func Decrypt(ciphertext, passphrase []byte) ([]byte, error)

Decrypt takes a JSON-encoded ciphertext object encrypted using Encrypt and tries to decrypt it using passphrase. If successful, it returns the plaintext.

func Encrypt

func Encrypt(plaintext, passphrase []byte) ([]byte, error)

Encrypt takes a passphrase and plaintext, and returns a JSON object containing ciphertext and the details necessary to decrypt it.

func EncryptWithCustomKDFParameters

func EncryptWithCustomKDFParameters(plaintext, passphrase []byte, kdfLevel KDFParameterStrength) ([]byte, error)

EncryptWithCustomKDFParameters takes a passphrase, the plaintext and a KDF parameter level (Legacy, Standard, or OWASP), and returns a JSON object containing ciphertext and the details necessary to decrypt it.

func Marshal

func Marshal(v interface{}, passphrase []byte) ([]byte, error)

Marshal encrypts the JSON encoding of v using passphrase.

func MarshalWithCustomKDFParameters

func MarshalWithCustomKDFParameters(v interface{}, passphrase []byte, kdfLevel KDFParameterStrength) ([]byte, error)

MarshalWithCustomKDFParameters encrypts the JSON encoding of v using passphrase.

func Unmarshal

func Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}, passphrase []byte) error

Unmarshal decrypts the data using passphrase and unmarshals the resulting plaintext into the value pointed to by v.

type KDFParameterStrength

KDFParameterStrength defines the KDF parameter strength level to be used for encryption key derivation.

type KDFParameterStrength uint8
const (
    // Legacy defines legacy scrypt parameters (N:2^15, r:8, p:1)
    Legacy KDFParameterStrength = iota + 1
    // Standard defines standard scrypt parameters which is focusing 100ms of computation (N:2^16, r:8, p:1)
    // OWASP defines OWASP recommended scrypt parameters (N:2^17, r:8, p:1)