
Package gojs

import "github.com/tetratelabs/wazero/experimental/gojs"

Overview ▾

Package gojs allows you to run wasm binaries compiled by Go when `GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm`. See https://wazero.io/languages/go/ for more.


Go defines js "EXPERIMENTAL... exempt from the Go compatibility promise." Accordingly, wazero cannot guarantee this will work from release to release, or that usage will be relatively free of bugs. Moreover, `GOOS=wasi` will happen, and once that's available in two releases wazero will remove this package.

Due to these concerns and the relatively high implementation overhead, most will choose TinyGo instead of gojs.

func Instantiate

func Instantiate(ctx context.Context, r wazero.Runtime, guest wazero.CompiledModule) (api.Closer, error)

Instantiate detects and instantiates host functions for wasm compiled with `GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm`. `guest` must be a result of `r.CompileModule`.


func MustInstantiate

func MustInstantiate(ctx context.Context, r wazero.Runtime, guest wazero.CompiledModule)

MustInstantiate calls Instantiate or panics on error.

This is a simpler function for those who know host functions are not already instantiated, and don't need to unload them separate from the runtime.

func Run

func Run(ctx context.Context, r wazero.Runtime, compiled wazero.CompiledModule, moduleConfig Config) error

Run instantiates a new module and calls "run" with the given config.



After compiling your Wasm binary with wazero.Runtime's `CompileModule`, run it like below:

// Instantiate host functions needed by gojs
gojs.MustInstantiate(ctx, r)

// Assign any configuration relevant for your compiled wasm.
config := gojs.NewConfig(wazero.NewConfig())

// Run your wasm, notably handing any ExitError
err = gojs.Run(ctx, r, compiled, config)
if exitErr, ok := err.(*sys.ExitError); ok && exitErr.ExitCode() != 0 {
} else if !ok {


type Config

Config extends wazero.ModuleConfig with GOOS=js specific extensions. Use NewConfig to create an instance.

type Config interface {
    // WithOSWorkdir sets the initial working directory used to Run Wasm to
    // the value of os.Getwd instead of the default of root "/".
    // Here's an example that overrides this to the current directory:
    //	err = gojs.Run(ctx, r, compiled, gojs.NewConfig(moduleConfig).
    //			WithOSWorkdir())
    // Note: To use this feature requires mounting the real root directory via
    // wazero.FSConfig `WithDirMount`. On windows, this root must be the same drive
    // as the value of os.Getwd. For example, it would be an error to mount `C:\`
    // as the guest path "", while the current directory is inside `D:\`.
    WithOSWorkdir() Config

func NewConfig

func NewConfig(moduleConfig wazero.ModuleConfig) Config

NewConfig returns a Config that can be used for configuring module instantiation.

type FunctionExporter

FunctionExporter builds host functions for wasm compiled with `GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm`.

type FunctionExporter interface {
    // ExportFunctions builds functions to an existing host module builder.
    // This should be named "go" or "gojs", depending on the version of Go the
    // guest was compiled with. The module name changed from "go" to "gojs" in
    // Go 1.21.

func NewFunctionExporter

func NewFunctionExporter() FunctionExporter

NewFunctionExporter returns a FunctionExporter object.


Name Synopsis