
Package opt

import "github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/opt"

Overview ▾

Package opt provides sets of options used by LevelDB.

Index ▾

func GetStrict(o *Options, ro *ReadOptions, strict Strict) bool
type Cacher
    func CacherFunc(f func(capacity int) cache.Cacher) Cacher
    func NewLRU(capacity int) Cacher
    func PassthroughCacher(x cache.Cacher) Cacher
type Compression
    func (c Compression) String() string
type Options
    func (o *Options) GetAltFilters() []filter.Filter
    func (o *Options) GetBlockCacheCapacity() int
    func (o *Options) GetBlockCacheEvictRemoved() bool
    func (o *Options) GetBlockCacher() Cacher
    func (o *Options) GetBlockRestartInterval() int
    func (o *Options) GetBlockSize() int
    func (o *Options) GetCompactionExpandLimit(level int) int
    func (o *Options) GetCompactionGPOverlaps(level int) int
    func (o *Options) GetCompactionL0Trigger() int
    func (o *Options) GetCompactionSourceLimit(level int) int
    func (o *Options) GetCompactionTableSize(level int) int
    func (o *Options) GetCompactionTotalSize(level int) int64
    func (o *Options) GetComparer() comparer.Comparer
    func (o *Options) GetCompression() Compression
    func (o *Options) GetDisableBlockCache() bool
    func (o *Options) GetDisableBufferPool() bool
    func (o *Options) GetDisableCompactionBackoff() bool
    func (o *Options) GetDisableLargeBatchTransaction() bool
    func (o *Options) GetDisableSeeksCompaction() bool
    func (o *Options) GetErrorIfExist() bool
    func (o *Options) GetErrorIfMissing() bool
    func (o *Options) GetFilter() filter.Filter
    func (o *Options) GetFilterBaseLg() int
    func (o *Options) GetIteratorSamplingRate() int
    func (o *Options) GetMaxManifestFileSize() int64
    func (o *Options) GetNoSync() bool
    func (o *Options) GetNoWriteMerge() bool
    func (o *Options) GetOpenFilesCacheCapacity() int
    func (o *Options) GetOpenFilesCacher() Cacher
    func (o *Options) GetReadOnly() bool
    func (o *Options) GetStrict(strict Strict) bool
    func (o *Options) GetWriteBuffer() int
    func (o *Options) GetWriteL0PauseTrigger() int
    func (o *Options) GetWriteL0SlowdownTrigger() int
type ReadOptions
    func (ro *ReadOptions) GetDontFillCache() bool
    func (ro *ReadOptions) GetStrict(strict Strict) bool
type Strict
type WriteOptions
    func (wo *WriteOptions) GetNoWriteMerge() bool
    func (wo *WriteOptions) GetSync() bool

Package files

options.go options_default.go


const (
    KiB = 1024
    MiB = KiB * 1024
    GiB = MiB * 1024


var (
    DefaultBlockCacher                   = LRUCacher
    DefaultBlockCacheCapacity            = 8 * MiB
    DefaultBlockRestartInterval          = 16
    DefaultBlockSize                     = 4 * KiB
    DefaultCompactionExpandLimitFactor   = 25
    DefaultCompactionGPOverlapsFactor    = 10
    DefaultCompactionL0Trigger           = 4
    DefaultCompactionSourceLimitFactor   = 1
    DefaultCompactionTableSize           = 2 * MiB
    DefaultCompactionTableSizeMultiplier = 1.0
    DefaultCompactionTotalSize           = 10 * MiB
    DefaultCompactionTotalSizeMultiplier = 10.0
    DefaultCompressionType               = SnappyCompression
    DefaultIteratorSamplingRate          = 1 * MiB
    DefaultOpenFilesCacher               = LRUCacher
    DefaultWriteBuffer                   = 4 * MiB
    DefaultWriteL0PauseTrigger           = 12
    DefaultWriteL0SlowdownTrigger        = 8
    DefaultFilterBaseLg                  = 11
    DefaultMaxManifestFileSize           = int64(64 * MiB)
var (
    // LRUCacher is the LRU-cache algorithm.
    LRUCacher = CacherFunc(cache.NewLRU)

    // NoCacher is the value to disable caching algorithm.
    NoCacher = CacherFunc(nil)
var (
    DefaultOpenFilesCacheCapacity = 500

func GetStrict

func GetStrict(o *Options, ro *ReadOptions, strict Strict) bool

type Cacher

Cacher is a caching algorithm.

type Cacher interface {
    New(capacity int) cache.Cacher

func CacherFunc

func CacherFunc(f func(capacity int) cache.Cacher) Cacher

func NewLRU

func NewLRU(capacity int) Cacher

NewLRU creates LRU 'passthrough cacher'.

func PassthroughCacher

func PassthroughCacher(x cache.Cacher) Cacher

PassthroughCacher can be used to passthrough pre-initialized 'cacher instance'. This is useful for sharing cache over multiple DB instances.

Shared cache example:

    fileCache := opt.NewLRU(500)
    blockCache := opt.NewLRU(8 * opt.MiB)
	   options := &opt.Options{
        OpenFilesCacher: fileCache,
        BlockCacher: blockCache,
    db1, err1 := leveldb.OpenFile("path/to/db1", options)
    db2, err2 := leveldb.OpenFile("path/to/db2", options)

type Compression

Compression is the 'sorted table' block compression algorithm to use.

type Compression uint
const (
    DefaultCompression Compression = iota

func (Compression) String

func (c Compression) String() string

type Options

Options holds the optional parameters for the DB at large.

type Options struct {
    // AltFilters defines one or more 'alternative filters'.
    // 'alternative filters' will be used during reads if a filter block
    // does not match with the 'effective filter'.
    // The default value is nil
    AltFilters []filter.Filter

    // BlockCacher provides cache algorithm for LevelDB 'sorted table' block caching.
    // Specify NoCacher to disable caching algorithm.
    // The default value is LRUCacher.
    BlockCacher Cacher

    // BlockCacheCapacity defines the capacity of the 'sorted table' block caching.
    // Use -1 for zero, this has same effect as specifying NoCacher to BlockCacher.
    // The default value is 8MiB.
    BlockCacheCapacity int

    // BlockCacheEvictRemoved allows enable forced-eviction on cached block belonging
    // to removed 'sorted table'.
    // The default if false.
    BlockCacheEvictRemoved bool

    // BlockRestartInterval is the number of keys between restart points for
    // delta encoding of keys.
    // The default value is 16.
    BlockRestartInterval int

    // BlockSize is the minimum uncompressed size in bytes of each 'sorted table'
    // block.
    // The default value is 4KiB.
    BlockSize int

    // CompactionExpandLimitFactor limits compaction size after expanded.
    // This will be multiplied by table size limit at compaction target level.
    // The default value is 25.
    CompactionExpandLimitFactor int

    // CompactionGPOverlapsFactor limits overlaps in grandparent (Level + 2) that a
    // single 'sorted table' generates.
    // This will be multiplied by table size limit at grandparent level.
    // The default value is 10.
    CompactionGPOverlapsFactor int

    // CompactionL0Trigger defines number of 'sorted table' at level-0 that will
    // trigger compaction.
    // The default value is 4.
    CompactionL0Trigger int

    // CompactionSourceLimitFactor limits compaction source size. This doesn't apply to
    // level-0.
    // This will be multiplied by table size limit at compaction target level.
    // The default value is 1.
    CompactionSourceLimitFactor int

    // CompactionTableSize limits size of 'sorted table' that compaction generates.
    // The limits for each level will be calculated as:
    //   CompactionTableSize * (CompactionTableSizeMultiplier ^ Level)
    // The multiplier for each level can also fine-tuned using CompactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel.
    // The default value is 2MiB.
    CompactionTableSize int

    // CompactionTableSizeMultiplier defines multiplier for CompactionTableSize.
    // The default value is 1.
    CompactionTableSizeMultiplier float64

    // CompactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel defines per-level multiplier for
    // CompactionTableSize.
    // Use zero to skip a level.
    // The default value is nil.
    CompactionTableSizeMultiplierPerLevel []float64

    // CompactionTotalSize limits total size of 'sorted table' for each level.
    // The limits for each level will be calculated as:
    //   CompactionTotalSize * (CompactionTotalSizeMultiplier ^ Level)
    // The multiplier for each level can also fine-tuned using
    // CompactionTotalSizeMultiplierPerLevel.
    // The default value is 10MiB.
    CompactionTotalSize int

    // CompactionTotalSizeMultiplier defines multiplier for CompactionTotalSize.
    // The default value is 10.
    CompactionTotalSizeMultiplier float64

    // CompactionTotalSizeMultiplierPerLevel defines per-level multiplier for
    // CompactionTotalSize.
    // Use zero to skip a level.
    // The default value is nil.
    CompactionTotalSizeMultiplierPerLevel []float64

    // Comparer defines a total ordering over the space of []byte keys: a 'less
    // than' relationship. The same comparison algorithm must be used for reads
    // and writes over the lifetime of the DB.
    // The default value uses the same ordering as bytes.Compare.
    Comparer comparer.Comparer

    // Compression defines the 'sorted table' block compression to use.
    // The default value (DefaultCompression) uses snappy compression.
    Compression Compression

    // DisableBufferPool allows disable use of util.BufferPool functionality.
    // The default value is false.
    DisableBufferPool bool

    // DisableBlockCache allows disable use of cache.Cache functionality on
    // 'sorted table' block.
    // The default value is false.
    DisableBlockCache bool

    // DisableCompactionBackoff allows disable compaction retry backoff.
    // The default value is false.
    DisableCompactionBackoff bool

    // DisableLargeBatchTransaction allows disabling switch-to-transaction mode
    // on large batch write. If enable batch writes large than WriteBuffer will
    // use transaction.
    // The default is false.
    DisableLargeBatchTransaction bool

    // DisableSeeksCompaction allows disabling 'seeks triggered compaction'.
    // The purpose of 'seeks triggered compaction' is to optimize database so
    // that 'level seeks' can be minimized, however this might generate many
    // small compaction which may not preferable.
    // The default is false.
    DisableSeeksCompaction bool

    // ErrorIfExist defines whether an error should returned if the DB already
    // exist.
    // The default value is false.
    ErrorIfExist bool

    // ErrorIfMissing defines whether an error should returned if the DB is
    // missing. If false then the database will be created if missing, otherwise
    // an error will be returned.
    // The default value is false.
    ErrorIfMissing bool

    // Filter defines an 'effective filter' to use. An 'effective filter'
    // if defined will be used to generate per-table filter block.
    // The filter name will be stored on disk.
    // During reads LevelDB will try to find matching filter from
    // 'effective filter' and 'alternative filters'.
    // Filter can be changed after a DB has been created. It is recommended
    // to put old filter to the 'alternative filters' to mitigate lack of
    // filter during transition period.
    // A filter is used to reduce disk reads when looking for a specific key.
    // The default value is nil.
    Filter filter.Filter

    // IteratorSamplingRate defines approximate gap (in bytes) between read
    // sampling of an iterator. The samples will be used to determine when
    // compaction should be triggered.
    // Use negative value to disable iterator sampling.
    // The iterator sampling is disabled if DisableSeeksCompaction is true.
    // The default is 1MiB.
    IteratorSamplingRate int

    // NoSync allows completely disable fsync.
    // The default is false.
    NoSync bool

    // NoWriteMerge allows disabling write merge.
    // The default is false.
    NoWriteMerge bool

    // OpenFilesCacher provides cache algorithm for open files caching.
    // Specify NoCacher to disable caching algorithm.
    // The default value is LRUCacher.
    OpenFilesCacher Cacher

    // OpenFilesCacheCapacity defines the capacity of the open files caching.
    // Use -1 for zero, this has same effect as specifying NoCacher to OpenFilesCacher.
    // The default value is 200 on MacOS and 500 on other.
    OpenFilesCacheCapacity int

    // If true then opens DB in read-only mode.
    // The default value is false.
    ReadOnly bool

    // Strict defines the DB strict level.
    Strict Strict

    // WriteBuffer defines maximum size of a 'memdb' before flushed to
    // 'sorted table'. 'memdb' is an in-memory DB backed by an on-disk
    // unsorted journal.
    // LevelDB may held up to two 'memdb' at the same time.
    // The default value is 4MiB.
    WriteBuffer int

    // WriteL0StopTrigger defines number of 'sorted table' at level-0 that will
    // pause write.
    // The default value is 12.
    WriteL0PauseTrigger int

    // WriteL0SlowdownTrigger defines number of 'sorted table' at level-0 that
    // will trigger write slowdown.
    // The default value is 8.
    WriteL0SlowdownTrigger int

    // FilterBaseLg is the log size for filter block to create a bloom filter.
    // The default value is 11(as well as 2KB)
    FilterBaseLg int

    // MaxManifestFileSize is the maximum size limit of the MANIFEST-****** file.
    // When the MANIFEST-****** file grows beyond this size, LevelDB will create
    // a new MANIFEST file.
    // The default value is 64 MiB.
    MaxManifestFileSize int64

func (*Options) GetAltFilters

func (o *Options) GetAltFilters() []filter.Filter

func (*Options) GetBlockCacheCapacity

func (o *Options) GetBlockCacheCapacity() int

func (*Options) GetBlockCacheEvictRemoved

func (o *Options) GetBlockCacheEvictRemoved() bool

func (*Options) GetBlockCacher

func (o *Options) GetBlockCacher() Cacher

func (*Options) GetBlockRestartInterval

func (o *Options) GetBlockRestartInterval() int

func (*Options) GetBlockSize

func (o *Options) GetBlockSize() int

func (*Options) GetCompactionExpandLimit

func (o *Options) GetCompactionExpandLimit(level int) int

func (*Options) GetCompactionGPOverlaps

func (o *Options) GetCompactionGPOverlaps(level int) int

func (*Options) GetCompactionL0Trigger

func (o *Options) GetCompactionL0Trigger() int

func (*Options) GetCompactionSourceLimit

func (o *Options) GetCompactionSourceLimit(level int) int

func (*Options) GetCompactionTableSize

func (o *Options) GetCompactionTableSize(level int) int

func (*Options) GetCompactionTotalSize

func (o *Options) GetCompactionTotalSize(level int) int64

func (*Options) GetComparer

func (o *Options) GetComparer() comparer.Comparer

func (*Options) GetCompression

func (o *Options) GetCompression() Compression

func (*Options) GetDisableBlockCache

func (o *Options) GetDisableBlockCache() bool

func (*Options) GetDisableBufferPool

func (o *Options) GetDisableBufferPool() bool

func (*Options) GetDisableCompactionBackoff

func (o *Options) GetDisableCompactionBackoff() bool

func (*Options) GetDisableLargeBatchTransaction

func (o *Options) GetDisableLargeBatchTransaction() bool

func (*Options) GetDisableSeeksCompaction

func (o *Options) GetDisableSeeksCompaction() bool

func (*Options) GetErrorIfExist

func (o *Options) GetErrorIfExist() bool

func (*Options) GetErrorIfMissing

func (o *Options) GetErrorIfMissing() bool

func (*Options) GetFilter

func (o *Options) GetFilter() filter.Filter

func (*Options) GetFilterBaseLg

func (o *Options) GetFilterBaseLg() int

func (*Options) GetIteratorSamplingRate

func (o *Options) GetIteratorSamplingRate() int

func (*Options) GetMaxManifestFileSize

func (o *Options) GetMaxManifestFileSize() int64

func (*Options) GetNoSync

func (o *Options) GetNoSync() bool

func (*Options) GetNoWriteMerge

func (o *Options) GetNoWriteMerge() bool

func (*Options) GetOpenFilesCacheCapacity

func (o *Options) GetOpenFilesCacheCapacity() int

func (*Options) GetOpenFilesCacher

func (o *Options) GetOpenFilesCacher() Cacher

func (*Options) GetReadOnly

func (o *Options) GetReadOnly() bool

func (*Options) GetStrict

func (o *Options) GetStrict(strict Strict) bool

func (*Options) GetWriteBuffer

func (o *Options) GetWriteBuffer() int

func (*Options) GetWriteL0PauseTrigger

func (o *Options) GetWriteL0PauseTrigger() int

func (*Options) GetWriteL0SlowdownTrigger

func (o *Options) GetWriteL0SlowdownTrigger() int

type ReadOptions

ReadOptions holds the optional parameters for 'read operation'. The 'read operation' includes Get, Find and NewIterator.

type ReadOptions struct {
    // DontFillCache defines whether block reads for this 'read operation'
    // should be cached. If false then the block will be cached. This does
    // not affects already cached block.
    // The default value is false.
    DontFillCache bool

    // Strict will be OR'ed with global DB 'strict level' unless StrictOverride
    // is present. Currently only StrictReader that has effect here.
    Strict Strict

func (*ReadOptions) GetDontFillCache

func (ro *ReadOptions) GetDontFillCache() bool

func (*ReadOptions) GetStrict

func (ro *ReadOptions) GetStrict(strict Strict) bool

type Strict

Strict is the DB 'strict level'.

type Strict uint
const (
    // If present then a corrupted or invalid chunk or block in manifest
    // journal will cause an error instead of being dropped.
    // This will prevent database with corrupted manifest to be opened.
    StrictManifest Strict = 1 << iota

    // If present then journal chunk checksum will be verified.

    // If present then a corrupted or invalid chunk or block in journal
    // will cause an error instead of being dropped.
    // This will prevent database with corrupted journal to be opened.

    // If present then 'sorted table' block checksum will be verified.
    // This has effect on both 'read operation' and compaction.

    // If present then a corrupted 'sorted table' will fails compaction.
    // The database will enter read-only mode.

    // If present then a corrupted 'sorted table' will halts 'read operation'.

    // If present then leveldb.Recover will drop corrupted 'sorted table'.

    // This only applicable for ReadOptions, if present then this ReadOptions
    // 'strict level' will override global ones.

    // StrictAll enables all strict flags.
    StrictAll = StrictManifest | StrictJournalChecksum | StrictJournal | StrictBlockChecksum | StrictCompaction | StrictReader | StrictRecovery

    // DefaultStrict is the default strict flags. Specify any strict flags
    // will override default strict flags as whole (i.e. not OR'ed).
    DefaultStrict = StrictJournalChecksum | StrictBlockChecksum | StrictCompaction | StrictReader

    // NoStrict disables all strict flags. Override default strict flags.
    NoStrict = ^StrictAll

type WriteOptions

WriteOptions holds the optional parameters for 'write operation'. The 'write operation' includes Write, Put and Delete.

type WriteOptions struct {
    // NoWriteMerge allows disabling write merge.
    // The default is false.
    NoWriteMerge bool

    // Sync is whether to sync underlying writes from the OS buffer cache
    // through to actual disk, if applicable. Setting Sync can result in
    // slower writes.
    // If false, and the machine crashes, then some recent writes may be lost.
    // Note that if it is just the process that crashes (and the machine does
    // not) then no writes will be lost.
    // In other words, Sync being false has the same semantics as a write
    // system call. Sync being true means write followed by fsync.
    // The default value is false.
    Sync bool

func (*WriteOptions) GetNoWriteMerge

func (wo *WriteOptions) GetNoWriteMerge() bool

func (*WriteOptions) GetSync

func (wo *WriteOptions) GetSync() bool