
Package mem

import "github.com/shirou/gopsutil/mem"

Overview ▾

type SwapDevice

type SwapDevice struct {
    Name      string `json:"name"`
    UsedBytes uint64 `json:"usedBytes"`
    FreeBytes uint64 `json:"freeBytes"`

func SwapDevices

func SwapDevices() ([]*SwapDevice, error)

func SwapDevicesWithContext

func SwapDevicesWithContext(ctx context.Context) ([]*SwapDevice, error)

func (SwapDevice) String

func (m SwapDevice) String() string

type SwapMemoryStat

type SwapMemoryStat struct {
    Total       uint64  `json:"total"`
    Used        uint64  `json:"used"`
    Free        uint64  `json:"free"`
    UsedPercent float64 `json:"usedPercent"`
    Sin         uint64  `json:"sin"`
    Sout        uint64  `json:"sout"`
    PgIn        uint64  `json:"pgin"`
    PgOut       uint64  `json:"pgout"`
    PgFault     uint64  `json:"pgfault"`

    // Linux specific numbers
    // https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cgroup-v2.txt
    PgMajFault uint64 `json:"pgmajfault"`

func SwapMemory

func SwapMemory() (*SwapMemoryStat, error)

func SwapMemoryWithContext

func SwapMemoryWithContext(ctx context.Context) (*SwapMemoryStat, error)

func (SwapMemoryStat) String

func (m SwapMemoryStat) String() string

type VirtualMemoryExStat

type VirtualMemoryExStat struct {
    ActiveFile   uint64 `json:"activefile"`
    InactiveFile uint64 `json:"inactivefile"`
    ActiveAnon   uint64 `json:"activeanon"`
    InactiveAnon uint64 `json:"inactiveanon"`
    Unevictable  uint64 `json:"unevictable"`

func VirtualMemoryEx

func VirtualMemoryEx() (*VirtualMemoryExStat, error)

func VirtualMemoryExWithContext

func VirtualMemoryExWithContext(ctx context.Context) (*VirtualMemoryExStat, error)

func (VirtualMemoryExStat) String

func (v VirtualMemoryExStat) String() string

type VirtualMemoryStat

Memory usage statistics. Total, Available and Used contain numbers of bytes for human consumption.

The other fields in this struct contain kernel specific values.

type VirtualMemoryStat struct {
    // Total amount of RAM on this system
    Total uint64 `json:"total"`

    // RAM available for programs to allocate
    // This value is computed from the kernel specific values.
    Available uint64 `json:"available"`

    // RAM used by programs
    // This value is computed from the kernel specific values.
    Used uint64 `json:"used"`

    // Percentage of RAM used by programs
    // This value is computed from the kernel specific values.
    UsedPercent float64 `json:"usedPercent"`

    // This is the kernel's notion of free memory; RAM chips whose bits nobody
    // cares about the value of right now. For a human consumable number,
    // Available is what you really want.
    Free uint64 `json:"free"`

    // OS X / BSD specific numbers:
    // http://www.macyourself.com/2010/02/17/what-is-free-wired-active-and-inactive-system-memory-ram/
    Active   uint64 `json:"active"`
    Inactive uint64 `json:"inactive"`
    Wired    uint64 `json:"wired"`

    // FreeBSD specific numbers:
    // https://reviews.freebsd.org/D8467
    Laundry uint64 `json:"laundry"`

    // Linux specific numbers
    // https://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/5.1/Deployment_Guide/s2-proc-meminfo.html
    // https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt
    // https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/vm/overcommit-accounting
    Buffers        uint64 `json:"buffers"`
    Cached         uint64 `json:"cached"`
    Writeback      uint64 `json:"writeback"`
    Dirty          uint64 `json:"dirty"`
    WritebackTmp   uint64 `json:"writebacktmp"`
    Shared         uint64 `json:"shared"`
    Slab           uint64 `json:"slab"`
    SReclaimable   uint64 `json:"sreclaimable"`
    SUnreclaim     uint64 `json:"sunreclaim"`
    PageTables     uint64 `json:"pagetables"`
    SwapCached     uint64 `json:"swapcached"`
    CommitLimit    uint64 `json:"commitlimit"`
    CommittedAS    uint64 `json:"committedas"`
    HighTotal      uint64 `json:"hightotal"`
    HighFree       uint64 `json:"highfree"`
    LowTotal       uint64 `json:"lowtotal"`
    LowFree        uint64 `json:"lowfree"`
    SwapTotal      uint64 `json:"swaptotal"`
    SwapFree       uint64 `json:"swapfree"`
    Mapped         uint64 `json:"mapped"`
    VMallocTotal   uint64 `json:"vmalloctotal"`
    VMallocUsed    uint64 `json:"vmallocused"`
    VMallocChunk   uint64 `json:"vmallocchunk"`
    HugePagesTotal uint64 `json:"hugepagestotal"`
    HugePagesFree  uint64 `json:"hugepagesfree"`
    HugePageSize   uint64 `json:"hugepagesize"`

func VirtualMemory

func VirtualMemory() (*VirtualMemoryStat, error)

func VirtualMemoryWithContext

func VirtualMemoryWithContext(ctx context.Context) (*VirtualMemoryStat, error)

func (VirtualMemoryStat) String

func (m VirtualMemoryStat) String() string