
Package config

import "github.com/sassoftware/relic/config"

Overview ▾


var (
    Version   = "unknown" // set this at link time
    Commit    = "unknown" // set this at link time
    UserAgent = "relic/" + Version
    Author    = "SAS Institute Inc."

func DefaultConfig

func DefaultConfig() string

type AmqpConfig

type AmqpConfig struct {
    URL      string // AMQP URL to report signatures to i.e. amqp://user:password@host
    CaCert   string
    KeyFile  string
    CertFile string
    SigsXchg string // Name of exchange to send to (default relic.signatures)

func (*AmqpConfig) ExchangeName

func (aconf *AmqpConfig) ExchangeName() string

func (*AmqpConfig) RoutingKey

func (aconf *AmqpConfig) RoutingKey() string

type ClientConfig

type ClientConfig struct {
    Nickname    string   // Name that appears in audit log entries
    Roles       []string // List of roles that this client possesses
    Certificate string   // Optional CA certificate(s) that sign client certs instead of using fingerprint-based auth
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ClientConfig) Match

func (cl *ClientConfig) Match(incoming []*x509.Certificate) (bool, error)

type Config

type Config struct {
    Tokens    map[string]*TokenConfig  `yaml:",omitempty"`
    Keys      map[string]*KeyConfig    `yaml:",omitempty"`
    Server    *ServerConfig            `yaml:",omitempty"`
    Clients   map[string]*ClientConfig `yaml:",omitempty"`
    Remote    *RemoteConfig            `yaml:",omitempty"`
    Timestamp *TimestampConfig         `yaml:",omitempty"`
    Amqp      *AmqpConfig              `yaml:",omitempty"`

    PinFile string `yaml:",omitempty"` // Optional YAML file with additional token PINs
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func FromEnvironment

func FromEnvironment() (*Config, error)

FromEnvironment tries to build a client-only config from environment variables. If none are set then returns nil.

func ReadFile

func ReadFile(path string) (*Config, error)

func (*Config) GetKey

func (config *Config) GetKey(keyName string) (*KeyConfig, error)

func (*Config) GetTimestampConfig

func (config *Config) GetTimestampConfig() (*TimestampConfig, error)

func (*Config) GetToken

func (config *Config) GetToken(tokenName string) (*TokenConfig, error)

func (*Config) ListServedTokens

func (config *Config) ListServedTokens() []string

ListServedTokens returns a list of token names that are accessible by at least one role

func (*Config) NewKey

func (config *Config) NewKey(name string) *KeyConfig

func (*Config) NewToken

func (config *Config) NewToken(name string) *TokenConfig

func (*Config) Normalize

func (config *Config) Normalize(path string) error

func (*Config) Path

func (config *Config) Path() string

type KeyConfig

type KeyConfig struct {
    Token           string   // Token section to use for this key (linux)
    Alias           string   // This is an alias for another key
    Label           string   // Select a key by label
    ID              string   // Select a key by ID (hex notation)
    PgpCertificate  string   // Path to PGP certificate associated with this key
    X509Certificate string   // Path to X.509 certificate associated with this key
    KeyFile         string   // For "file" tokens, path to the private key
    Roles           []string // List of user roles that can use this key
    Timestamp       bool     // If true, attach a timestamped countersignature when possible
    Hide            bool     // If true, then omit this key from 'remote list-keys'
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*KeyConfig) GetTimeout

func (keyConf *KeyConfig) GetTimeout() time.Duration

func (*KeyConfig) Name

func (keyConf *KeyConfig) Name() string

func (*KeyConfig) SetToken

func (keyConf *KeyConfig) SetToken(tokenConf *TokenConfig)

type RemoteConfig

type RemoteConfig struct {
    URL            string `yaml:",omitempty"` // URL of remote server
    DirectoryURL   string `yaml:",omitempty"` // URL of directory server
    KeyFile        string `yaml:",omitempty"` // Path to TLS client key file
    CertFile       string `yaml:",omitempty"` // Path to TLS client certificate
    CaCert         string `yaml:",omitempty"` // Path to CA certificate
    ConnectTimeout int    `yaml:",omitempty"` // Connection timeout in seconds
    Retries        int    `yaml:",omitempty"` // Attempt an operation (at least) N times

type ServerConfig

type ServerConfig struct {
    Listen     string // Port to listen for TLS connections
    ListenHTTP string // Port to listen for plaintext connections
    KeyFile    string // Path to TLS key file
    CertFile   string // Path to TLS certificate chain
    LogFile    string // Optional error log

    Disabled    bool // Always return 503 Service Unavailable
    ListenDebug bool // Serve debug info on an alternate port
    NumWorkers  int  // Number of worker subprocesses per configured token

    TokenCheckInterval int
    TokenCheckFailures int
    TokenCheckTimeout  int

    // URLs to all servers in the cluster. If a client uses DirectoryURL to
    // point to this server (or a load balancer), then we will give them these
    // URLs as a means to distribute load without needing a middle-box.
    Siblings []string

type TimestampConfig

type TimestampConfig struct {
    URLs      []string // List of timestamp server URLs
    MsURLs    []string // List of microsoft-style URLs
    Timeout   int      // Connect timeout in seconds
    CaCert    string   // Path to CA certificate
    Memcache  []string // host:port of memcached to use for caching timestamps
    RateLimit float64  // limit timestamp requests per second
    RateBurst int      // allow burst of requests before limit kicks in

type TokenConfig

type TokenConfig struct {
    Type       string  // Provider type: file or pkcs11 (default)
    Provider   string  // Path to PKCS#11 provider module (required)
    Label      string  // Select a token by label
    Serial     string  // Select a token by serial number
    Pin        *string // PIN to use, otherwise will be prompted. Can be empty. (optional)
    Timeout    int     // (server) Terminate command after N seconds (default 60)
    Retries    int     // (server) Retry failed commands N times (default 5)
    User       *uint   // User argument for PKCS#11 login (optional)
    UseKeyring bool    // Read PIN from system keyring
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*TokenConfig) Name

func (tconf *TokenConfig) Name() string