
Package nfs

import "github.com/prometheus/procfs/nfs"

Overview ▾

Package nfs implements parsing of /proc/net/rpc/nfsd. Fields are documented in https://www.svennd.be/nfsd-stats-explained-procnetrpcnfsd/

type ClientRPC

ClientRPC models the nfs "rpc" line.

type ClientRPC struct {
    RPCCount        uint64
    Retransmissions uint64
    AuthRefreshes   uint64

type ClientRPCStats

ClientRPCStats models all stats from /proc/net/rpc/nfs.

type ClientRPCStats struct {
    Network       Network
    ClientRPC     ClientRPC
    V2Stats       V2Stats
    V3Stats       V3Stats
    ClientV4Stats ClientV4Stats

func ParseClientRPCStats

func ParseClientRPCStats(r io.Reader) (*ClientRPCStats, error)

ParseClientRPCStats returns stats read from /proc/net/rpc/nfs.

type ClientV4Stats

ClientV4Stats models the nfs "proc4" line.

type ClientV4Stats struct {
    Null               uint64
    Read               uint64
    Write              uint64
    Commit             uint64
    Open               uint64
    OpenConfirm        uint64
    OpenNoattr         uint64
    OpenDowngrade      uint64
    Close              uint64
    Setattr            uint64
    FsInfo             uint64
    Renew              uint64
    SetClientID        uint64
    SetClientIDConfirm uint64
    Lock               uint64
    Lockt              uint64
    Locku              uint64
    Access             uint64
    Getattr            uint64
    Lookup             uint64
    LookupRoot         uint64
    Remove             uint64
    Rename             uint64
    Link               uint64
    Symlink            uint64
    Create             uint64
    Pathconf           uint64
    StatFs             uint64
    ReadLink           uint64
    ReadDir            uint64
    ServerCaps         uint64
    DelegReturn        uint64
    GetACL             uint64
    SetACL             uint64
    FsLocations        uint64
    ReleaseLockowner   uint64
    Secinfo            uint64
    FsidPresent        uint64
    ExchangeID         uint64
    CreateSession      uint64
    DestroySession     uint64
    Sequence           uint64
    GetLeaseTime       uint64
    ReclaimComplete    uint64
    LayoutGet          uint64
    GetDeviceInfo      uint64
    LayoutCommit       uint64
    LayoutReturn       uint64
    SecinfoNoName      uint64
    TestStateID        uint64
    FreeStateID        uint64
    GetDeviceList      uint64
    BindConnToSession  uint64
    DestroyClientID    uint64
    Seek               uint64
    Allocate           uint64
    DeAllocate         uint64
    LayoutStats        uint64
    Clone              uint64

type FS

FS represents the pseudo-filesystem proc, which provides an interface to kernel data structures.

type FS struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDefaultFS

func NewDefaultFS() (FS, error)

NewDefaultFS returns a new FS mounted under the default mountPoint. It will error if the mount point can't be read.

func NewFS

func NewFS(mountPoint string) (FS, error)

NewFS returns a new FS mounted under the given mountPoint. It will error if the mount point can't be read.

func (FS) ClientRPCStats

func (fs FS) ClientRPCStats() (*ClientRPCStats, error)

ClientRPCStats retrieves NFS client RPC statistics from proc/net/rpc/nfs.

func (FS) ServerRPCStats

func (fs FS) ServerRPCStats() (*ServerRPCStats, error)

ServerRPCStats retrieves NFS daemon RPC statistics from proc/net/rpc/nfsd.

type FileHandles

FileHandles models the "fh" line.

type FileHandles struct {
    Stale        uint64
    TotalLookups uint64
    AnonLookups  uint64
    DirNoCache   uint64
    NoDirNoCache uint64

type InputOutput

InputOutput models the "io" line.

type InputOutput struct {
    Read  uint64
    Write uint64

type Network

Network models the "net" line.

type Network struct {
    NetCount   uint64
    UDPCount   uint64
    TCPCount   uint64
    TCPConnect uint64

type ReadAheadCache

ReadAheadCache models the "ra" line.

type ReadAheadCache struct {
    CacheSize      uint64
    CacheHistogram []uint64
    NotFound       uint64

type ReplyCache

ReplyCache models the "rc" line.

type ReplyCache struct {
    Hits    uint64
    Misses  uint64
    NoCache uint64

type ServerRPC

ServerRPC models the nfsd "rpc" line.

type ServerRPC struct {
    RPCCount uint64
    BadCnt   uint64
    BadFmt   uint64
    BadAuth  uint64
    BadcInt  uint64

type ServerRPCStats

ServerRPCStats models all stats from /proc/net/rpc/nfsd.

type ServerRPCStats struct {
    ReplyCache     ReplyCache
    FileHandles    FileHandles
    InputOutput    InputOutput
    Threads        Threads
    ReadAheadCache ReadAheadCache
    Network        Network
    ServerRPC      ServerRPC
    V2Stats        V2Stats
    V3Stats        V3Stats
    ServerV4Stats  ServerV4Stats
    V4Ops          V4Ops
    WdelegGetattr  uint64

func ParseServerRPCStats

func ParseServerRPCStats(r io.Reader) (*ServerRPCStats, error)

ParseServerRPCStats returns stats read from /proc/net/rpc/nfsd.

type ServerV4Stats

ServerV4Stats models the nfsd "proc4" line.

type ServerV4Stats struct {
    Null     uint64
    Compound uint64

type Threads

Threads models the "th" line.

type Threads struct {
    Threads uint64
    FullCnt uint64

type V2Stats

V2Stats models the "proc2" line.

type V2Stats struct {
    Null     uint64
    GetAttr  uint64
    SetAttr  uint64
    Root     uint64
    Lookup   uint64
    ReadLink uint64
    Read     uint64
    WrCache  uint64
    Write    uint64
    Create   uint64
    Remove   uint64
    Rename   uint64
    Link     uint64
    SymLink  uint64
    MkDir    uint64
    RmDir    uint64
    ReadDir  uint64
    FsStat   uint64

type V3Stats

V3Stats models the "proc3" line.

type V3Stats struct {
    Null        uint64
    GetAttr     uint64
    SetAttr     uint64
    Lookup      uint64
    Access      uint64
    ReadLink    uint64
    Read        uint64
    Write       uint64
    Create      uint64
    MkDir       uint64
    SymLink     uint64
    MkNod       uint64
    Remove      uint64
    RmDir       uint64
    Rename      uint64
    Link        uint64
    ReadDir     uint64
    ReadDirPlus uint64
    FsStat      uint64
    FsInfo      uint64
    PathConf    uint64
    Commit      uint64

type V4Ops

V4Ops models the "proc4ops" line: NFSv4 operations Variable list. See: - v4.0 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3010 (38/39 operations)

- v4.1 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5661 (58 operations) - v4.2 https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-nfsv4-minorversion2-41 (71 operations)

type V4Ops struct {
    //Values       uint64 // Variable depending on v4.x sub-version. TODO: Will this always at least include the fields in this struct?
    Op0Unused          uint64
    Op1Unused          uint64
    Op2Future          uint64
    Access             uint64
    Close              uint64
    Commit             uint64
    Create             uint64
    DelegPurge         uint64
    DelegReturn        uint64
    GetAttr            uint64
    GetFH              uint64
    Link               uint64
    Lock               uint64
    Lockt              uint64
    Locku              uint64
    Lookup             uint64
    LookupRoot         uint64
    Nverify            uint64
    Open               uint64
    OpenAttr           uint64
    OpenConfirm        uint64
    OpenDgrd           uint64
    PutFH              uint64
    PutPubFH           uint64
    PutRootFH          uint64
    Read               uint64
    ReadDir            uint64
    ReadLink           uint64
    Remove             uint64
    Rename             uint64
    Renew              uint64
    RestoreFH          uint64
    SaveFH             uint64
    SecInfo            uint64
    SetAttr            uint64
    SetClientID        uint64
    SetClientIDConfirm uint64
    Verify             uint64
    Write              uint64
    RelLockOwner       uint64