Client for silence API
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (a *Client) DeleteSilence(params *DeleteSilenceParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*DeleteSilenceOK, error)
DeleteSilence Delete a silence by its ID
func (a *Client) GetSilence(params *GetSilenceParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*GetSilenceOK, error)
GetSilence Get a silence by its ID
func (a *Client) GetSilences(params *GetSilencesParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*GetSilencesOK, error)
GetSilences Get a list of silences
func (a *Client) PostSilences(params *PostSilencesParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*PostSilencesOK, error)
PostSilences Post a new silence or update an existing one
func (a *Client) SetTransport(transport runtime.ClientTransport)
SetTransport changes the transport on the client
ClientOption is the option for Client methods
type ClientOption func(*runtime.ClientOperation)
ClientService is the interface for Client methods
type ClientService interface { DeleteSilence(params *DeleteSilenceParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*DeleteSilenceOK, error) GetSilence(params *GetSilenceParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*GetSilenceOK, error) GetSilences(params *GetSilencesParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*GetSilencesOK, error) PostSilences(params *PostSilencesParams, opts ...ClientOption) (*PostSilencesOK, error) SetTransport(transport runtime.ClientTransport) }
func New(transport runtime.ClientTransport, formats strfmt.Registry) ClientService
New creates a new silence API client.
DeleteSilenceInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal server error
type DeleteSilenceInternalServerError struct { Payload string }
func NewDeleteSilenceInternalServerError() *DeleteSilenceInternalServerError
NewDeleteSilenceInternalServerError creates a DeleteSilenceInternalServerError with default headers values
func (o *DeleteSilenceInternalServerError) Error() string
func (o *DeleteSilenceInternalServerError) GetPayload() string
func (o *DeleteSilenceInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this delete silence internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (o *DeleteSilenceInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this delete silence internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (o *DeleteSilenceInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this delete silence internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (o *DeleteSilenceInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this delete silence internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (o *DeleteSilenceInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this delete silence internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (o *DeleteSilenceInternalServerError) String() string
DeleteSilenceOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Delete silence response
type DeleteSilenceOK struct { }
func NewDeleteSilenceOK() *DeleteSilenceOK
NewDeleteSilenceOK creates a DeleteSilenceOK with default headers values
func (o *DeleteSilenceOK) Error() string
func (o *DeleteSilenceOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this delete silence o k response has a 4xx status code
func (o *DeleteSilenceOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this delete silence o k response a status code equal to that given
func (o *DeleteSilenceOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this delete silence o k response has a 3xx status code
func (o *DeleteSilenceOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this delete silence o k response has a 5xx status code
func (o *DeleteSilenceOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this delete silence o k response has a 2xx status code
func (o *DeleteSilenceOK) String() string
DeleteSilenceParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the delete silence operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
type DeleteSilenceParams struct { /* SilenceID. ID of the silence to get Format: uuid */ SilenceID strfmt.UUID Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDeleteSilenceParams() *DeleteSilenceParams
NewDeleteSilenceParams creates a new DeleteSilenceParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewDeleteSilenceParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteSilenceParams
NewDeleteSilenceParamsWithContext creates a new DeleteSilenceParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewDeleteSilenceParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteSilenceParams
NewDeleteSilenceParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new DeleteSilenceParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewDeleteSilenceParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteSilenceParams
NewDeleteSilenceParamsWithTimeout creates a new DeleteSilenceParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (o *DeleteSilenceParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the delete silence params
func (o *DeleteSilenceParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the delete silence params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (o *DeleteSilenceParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the delete silence params
func (o *DeleteSilenceParams) SetSilenceID(silenceID strfmt.UUID)
SetSilenceID adds the silenceId to the delete silence params
func (o *DeleteSilenceParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the delete silence params
func (o *DeleteSilenceParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteSilenceParams
WithContext adds the context to the delete silence params
func (o *DeleteSilenceParams) WithDefaults() *DeleteSilenceParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the delete silence params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (o *DeleteSilenceParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteSilenceParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the delete silence params
func (o *DeleteSilenceParams) WithSilenceID(silenceID strfmt.UUID) *DeleteSilenceParams
WithSilenceID adds the silenceID to the delete silence params
func (o *DeleteSilenceParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteSilenceParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the delete silence params
func (o *DeleteSilenceParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
DeleteSilenceReader is a Reader for the DeleteSilence structure.
type DeleteSilenceReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (o *DeleteSilenceReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
GetSilenceInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal server error
type GetSilenceInternalServerError struct { Payload string }
func NewGetSilenceInternalServerError() *GetSilenceInternalServerError
NewGetSilenceInternalServerError creates a GetSilenceInternalServerError with default headers values
func (o *GetSilenceInternalServerError) Error() string
func (o *GetSilenceInternalServerError) GetPayload() string
func (o *GetSilenceInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get silence internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (o *GetSilenceInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get silence internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (o *GetSilenceInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get silence internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (o *GetSilenceInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get silence internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (o *GetSilenceInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get silence internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (o *GetSilenceInternalServerError) String() string
GetSilenceNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
A silence with the specified ID was not found
type GetSilenceNotFound struct { }
func NewGetSilenceNotFound() *GetSilenceNotFound
NewGetSilenceNotFound creates a GetSilenceNotFound with default headers values
func (o *GetSilenceNotFound) Error() string
func (o *GetSilenceNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get silence not found response has a 4xx status code
func (o *GetSilenceNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get silence not found response a status code equal to that given
func (o *GetSilenceNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get silence not found response has a 3xx status code
func (o *GetSilenceNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get silence not found response has a 5xx status code
func (o *GetSilenceNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get silence not found response has a 2xx status code
func (o *GetSilenceNotFound) String() string
GetSilenceOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Get silence response
type GetSilenceOK struct { Payload *models.GettableSilence }
func NewGetSilenceOK() *GetSilenceOK
NewGetSilenceOK creates a GetSilenceOK with default headers values
func (o *GetSilenceOK) Error() string
func (o *GetSilenceOK) GetPayload() *models.GettableSilence
func (o *GetSilenceOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get silence o k response has a 4xx status code
func (o *GetSilenceOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get silence o k response a status code equal to that given
func (o *GetSilenceOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get silence o k response has a 3xx status code
func (o *GetSilenceOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get silence o k response has a 5xx status code
func (o *GetSilenceOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get silence o k response has a 2xx status code
func (o *GetSilenceOK) String() string
GetSilenceParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the get silence operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
type GetSilenceParams struct { /* SilenceID. ID of the silence to get Format: uuid */ SilenceID strfmt.UUID Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewGetSilenceParams() *GetSilenceParams
NewGetSilenceParams creates a new GetSilenceParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewGetSilenceParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetSilenceParams
NewGetSilenceParamsWithContext creates a new GetSilenceParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewGetSilenceParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetSilenceParams
NewGetSilenceParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new GetSilenceParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewGetSilenceParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetSilenceParams
NewGetSilenceParamsWithTimeout creates a new GetSilenceParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (o *GetSilenceParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the get silence params
func (o *GetSilenceParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the get silence params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (o *GetSilenceParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get silence params
func (o *GetSilenceParams) SetSilenceID(silenceID strfmt.UUID)
SetSilenceID adds the silenceId to the get silence params
func (o *GetSilenceParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the get silence params
func (o *GetSilenceParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetSilenceParams
WithContext adds the context to the get silence params
func (o *GetSilenceParams) WithDefaults() *GetSilenceParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the get silence params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (o *GetSilenceParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetSilenceParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get silence params
func (o *GetSilenceParams) WithSilenceID(silenceID strfmt.UUID) *GetSilenceParams
WithSilenceID adds the silenceID to the get silence params
func (o *GetSilenceParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetSilenceParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the get silence params
func (o *GetSilenceParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
GetSilenceReader is a Reader for the GetSilence structure.
type GetSilenceReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (o *GetSilenceReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
GetSilencesInternalServerError describes a response with status code 500, with default header values.
Internal server error
type GetSilencesInternalServerError struct { Payload string }
func NewGetSilencesInternalServerError() *GetSilencesInternalServerError
NewGetSilencesInternalServerError creates a GetSilencesInternalServerError with default headers values
func (o *GetSilencesInternalServerError) Error() string
func (o *GetSilencesInternalServerError) GetPayload() string
func (o *GetSilencesInternalServerError) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get silences internal server error response has a 4xx status code
func (o *GetSilencesInternalServerError) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get silences internal server error response a status code equal to that given
func (o *GetSilencesInternalServerError) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get silences internal server error response has a 3xx status code
func (o *GetSilencesInternalServerError) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get silences internal server error response has a 5xx status code
func (o *GetSilencesInternalServerError) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get silences internal server error response has a 2xx status code
func (o *GetSilencesInternalServerError) String() string
GetSilencesOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Get silences response
type GetSilencesOK struct { Payload models.GettableSilences }
func NewGetSilencesOK() *GetSilencesOK
NewGetSilencesOK creates a GetSilencesOK with default headers values
func (o *GetSilencesOK) Error() string
func (o *GetSilencesOK) GetPayload() models.GettableSilences
func (o *GetSilencesOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this get silences o k response has a 4xx status code
func (o *GetSilencesOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this get silences o k response a status code equal to that given
func (o *GetSilencesOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this get silences o k response has a 3xx status code
func (o *GetSilencesOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this get silences o k response has a 5xx status code
func (o *GetSilencesOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this get silences o k response has a 2xx status code
func (o *GetSilencesOK) String() string
GetSilencesParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the get silences operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
type GetSilencesParams struct { /* Filter. A list of matchers to filter silences by */ Filter []string Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewGetSilencesParams() *GetSilencesParams
NewGetSilencesParams creates a new GetSilencesParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewGetSilencesParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetSilencesParams
NewGetSilencesParamsWithContext creates a new GetSilencesParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewGetSilencesParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetSilencesParams
NewGetSilencesParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new GetSilencesParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewGetSilencesParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetSilencesParams
NewGetSilencesParamsWithTimeout creates a new GetSilencesParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (o *GetSilencesParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the get silences params
func (o *GetSilencesParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the get silences params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (o *GetSilencesParams) SetFilter(filter []string)
SetFilter adds the filter to the get silences params
func (o *GetSilencesParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get silences params
func (o *GetSilencesParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the get silences params
func (o *GetSilencesParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetSilencesParams
WithContext adds the context to the get silences params
func (o *GetSilencesParams) WithDefaults() *GetSilencesParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the get silences params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (o *GetSilencesParams) WithFilter(filter []string) *GetSilencesParams
WithFilter adds the filter to the get silences params
func (o *GetSilencesParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetSilencesParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get silences params
func (o *GetSilencesParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetSilencesParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the get silences params
func (o *GetSilencesParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
GetSilencesReader is a Reader for the GetSilences structure.
type GetSilencesReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (o *GetSilencesReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
PostSilencesBadRequest describes a response with status code 400, with default header values.
Bad request
type PostSilencesBadRequest struct { Payload string }
func NewPostSilencesBadRequest() *PostSilencesBadRequest
NewPostSilencesBadRequest creates a PostSilencesBadRequest with default headers values
func (o *PostSilencesBadRequest) Error() string
func (o *PostSilencesBadRequest) GetPayload() string
func (o *PostSilencesBadRequest) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this post silences bad request response has a 4xx status code
func (o *PostSilencesBadRequest) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this post silences bad request response a status code equal to that given
func (o *PostSilencesBadRequest) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this post silences bad request response has a 3xx status code
func (o *PostSilencesBadRequest) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this post silences bad request response has a 5xx status code
func (o *PostSilencesBadRequest) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this post silences bad request response has a 2xx status code
func (o *PostSilencesBadRequest) String() string
PostSilencesNotFound describes a response with status code 404, with default header values.
A silence with the specified ID was not found
type PostSilencesNotFound struct { Payload string }
func NewPostSilencesNotFound() *PostSilencesNotFound
NewPostSilencesNotFound creates a PostSilencesNotFound with default headers values
func (o *PostSilencesNotFound) Error() string
func (o *PostSilencesNotFound) GetPayload() string
func (o *PostSilencesNotFound) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this post silences not found response has a 4xx status code
func (o *PostSilencesNotFound) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this post silences not found response a status code equal to that given
func (o *PostSilencesNotFound) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this post silences not found response has a 3xx status code
func (o *PostSilencesNotFound) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this post silences not found response has a 5xx status code
func (o *PostSilencesNotFound) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this post silences not found response has a 2xx status code
func (o *PostSilencesNotFound) String() string
PostSilencesOK describes a response with status code 200, with default header values.
Create / update silence response
type PostSilencesOK struct { Payload *PostSilencesOKBody }
func NewPostSilencesOK() *PostSilencesOK
NewPostSilencesOK creates a PostSilencesOK with default headers values
func (o *PostSilencesOK) Error() string
func (o *PostSilencesOK) GetPayload() *PostSilencesOKBody
func (o *PostSilencesOK) IsClientError() bool
IsClientError returns true when this post silences o k response has a 4xx status code
func (o *PostSilencesOK) IsCode(code int) bool
IsCode returns true when this post silences o k response a status code equal to that given
func (o *PostSilencesOK) IsRedirect() bool
IsRedirect returns true when this post silences o k response has a 3xx status code
func (o *PostSilencesOK) IsServerError() bool
IsServerError returns true when this post silences o k response has a 5xx status code
func (o *PostSilencesOK) IsSuccess() bool
IsSuccess returns true when this post silences o k response has a 2xx status code
func (o *PostSilencesOK) String() string
PostSilencesOKBody post silences o k body swagger:model PostSilencesOKBody
type PostSilencesOKBody struct { // silence ID SilenceID string `json:"silenceID,omitempty"` }
func (o *PostSilencesOKBody) ContextValidate(ctx context.Context, formats strfmt.Registry) error
ContextValidate validates this post silences o k body based on context it is used
func (o *PostSilencesOKBody) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (o *PostSilencesOKBody) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (o *PostSilencesOKBody) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
Validate validates this post silences o k body
PostSilencesParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the post silences operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request.
type PostSilencesParams struct { /* Silence. The silence to create */ Silence *models.PostableSilence Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPostSilencesParams() *PostSilencesParams
NewPostSilencesParams creates a new PostSilencesParams object, with the default timeout for this client.
Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side.
To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults.
func NewPostSilencesParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PostSilencesParams
NewPostSilencesParamsWithContext creates a new PostSilencesParams object with the ability to set a context for a request.
func NewPostSilencesParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PostSilencesParams
NewPostSilencesParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new PostSilencesParams object with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request.
func NewPostSilencesParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PostSilencesParams
NewPostSilencesParamsWithTimeout creates a new PostSilencesParams object with the ability to set a timeout on a request.
func (o *PostSilencesParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the post silences params
func (o *PostSilencesParams) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults hydrates default values in the post silences params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (o *PostSilencesParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the post silences params
func (o *PostSilencesParams) SetSilence(silence *models.PostableSilence)
SetSilence adds the silence to the post silences params
func (o *PostSilencesParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the post silences params
func (o *PostSilencesParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PostSilencesParams
WithContext adds the context to the post silences params
func (o *PostSilencesParams) WithDefaults() *PostSilencesParams
WithDefaults hydrates default values in the post silences params (not the query body).
All values with no default are reset to their zero value.
func (o *PostSilencesParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PostSilencesParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the post silences params
func (o *PostSilencesParams) WithSilence(silence *models.PostableSilence) *PostSilencesParams
WithSilence adds the silence to the post silences params
func (o *PostSilencesParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PostSilencesParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the post silences params
func (o *PostSilencesParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
PostSilencesReader is a Reader for the PostSilences structure.
type PostSilencesReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (o *PostSilencesReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.