
Package totp

import "github.com/pquerna/otp/totp"

Overview ▾

func Generate

func Generate(opts GenerateOpts) (*otp.Key, error)

Generate a new TOTP Key.

func GenerateCode

func GenerateCode(secret string, t time.Time) (string, error)

GenerateCode creates a TOTP token using the current time. A shortcut for GenerateCodeCustom, GenerateCode uses a configuration that is compatible with Google-Authenticator and most clients.

func GenerateCodeCustom

func GenerateCodeCustom(secret string, t time.Time, opts ValidateOpts) (passcode string, err error)

GenerateCodeCustom takes a timepoint and produces a passcode using a secret and the provided opts. (Under the hood, this is making an adapted call to hotp.GenerateCodeCustom)

func Validate

func Validate(passcode string, secret string) bool

Validate a TOTP using the current time. A shortcut for ValidateCustom, Validate uses a configuration that is compatible with Google-Authenticator and most clients.

func ValidateCustom

func ValidateCustom(passcode string, secret string, t time.Time, opts ValidateOpts) (bool, error)

ValidateCustom validates a TOTP given a user specified time and custom options. Most users should use Validate() to provide an interpolatable TOTP experience.

type GenerateOpts

GenerateOpts provides options for Generate(). The default values are compatible with Google-Authenticator.

type GenerateOpts struct {
    // Name of the issuing Organization/Company.
    Issuer string
    // Name of the User's Account (eg, email address)
    AccountName string
    // Number of seconds a TOTP hash is valid for. Defaults to 30 seconds.
    Period uint
    // Size in size of the generated Secret. Defaults to 20 bytes.
    SecretSize uint
    // Secret to store. Defaults to a randomly generated secret of SecretSize.  You should generally leave this empty.
    Secret []byte
    // Digits to request. Defaults to 6.
    Digits otp.Digits
    // Algorithm to use for HMAC. Defaults to SHA1.
    Algorithm otp.Algorithm
    // Reader to use for generating TOTP Key.
    Rand io.Reader

type ValidateOpts

ValidateOpts provides options for ValidateCustom().

type ValidateOpts struct {
    // Number of seconds a TOTP hash is valid for. Defaults to 30 seconds.
    Period uint
    // Periods before or after the current time to allow.  Value of 1 allows up to Period
    // of either side of the specified time.  Defaults to 0 allowed skews.  Values greater
    // than 1 are likely sketchy.
    Skew uint
    // Digits as part of the input. Defaults to 6.
    Digits otp.Digits
    // Algorithm to use for HMAC. Defaults to SHA1.
    Algorithm otp.Algorithm