
Package types

import "github.com/opencontainers/runc/types"

Overview ▾

type Blkio

type Blkio struct {
    IoServiceBytesRecursive []BlkioEntry `json:"ioServiceBytesRecursive,omitempty"`
    IoServicedRecursive     []BlkioEntry `json:"ioServicedRecursive,omitempty"`
    IoQueuedRecursive       []BlkioEntry `json:"ioQueueRecursive,omitempty"`
    IoServiceTimeRecursive  []BlkioEntry `json:"ioServiceTimeRecursive,omitempty"`
    IoWaitTimeRecursive     []BlkioEntry `json:"ioWaitTimeRecursive,omitempty"`
    IoMergedRecursive       []BlkioEntry `json:"ioMergedRecursive,omitempty"`
    IoTimeRecursive         []BlkioEntry `json:"ioTimeRecursive,omitempty"`
    SectorsRecursive        []BlkioEntry `json:"sectorsRecursive,omitempty"`

type BlkioEntry

type BlkioEntry struct {
    Major uint64 `json:"major,omitempty"`
    Minor uint64 `json:"minor,omitempty"`
    Op    string `json:"op,omitempty"`
    Value uint64 `json:"value,omitempty"`

type CPUSet

type CPUSet struct {
    CPUs                  []uint16 `json:"cpus,omitempty"`
    CPUExclusive          uint64   `json:"cpu_exclusive"`
    Mems                  []uint16 `json:"mems,omitempty"`
    MemHardwall           uint64   `json:"mem_hardwall"`
    MemExclusive          uint64   `json:"mem_exclusive"`
    MemoryMigrate         uint64   `json:"memory_migrate"`
    MemorySpreadPage      uint64   `json:"memory_spread_page"`
    MemorySpreadSlab      uint64   `json:"memory_spread_slab"`
    MemoryPressure        uint64   `json:"memory_pressure"`
    SchedLoadBalance      uint64   `json:"sched_load_balance"`
    SchedRelaxDomainLevel int64    `json:"sched_relax_domain_level"`

type Cpu

type Cpu struct {
    Usage      CpuUsage   `json:"usage,omitempty"`
    Throttling Throttling `json:"throttling,omitempty"`

type CpuUsage

type CpuUsage struct {
    // Units: nanoseconds.
    Total        uint64   `json:"total,omitempty"`
    Percpu       []uint64 `json:"percpu,omitempty"`
    PercpuKernel []uint64 `json:"percpu_kernel,omitempty"`
    PercpuUser   []uint64 `json:"percpu_user,omitempty"`
    Kernel       uint64   `json:"kernel"`
    User         uint64   `json:"user"`

type Event

Event struct for encoding the event data to json.

type Event struct {
    Type string      `json:"type"`
    ID   string      `json:"id"`
    Data interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`

type Hugetlb

type Hugetlb struct {
    Usage   uint64 `json:"usage,omitempty"`
    Max     uint64 `json:"max,omitempty"`
    Failcnt uint64 `json:"failcnt"`

type IntelRdt

type IntelRdt struct {
    // The read-only L3 cache information
    L3CacheInfo *L3CacheInfo `json:"l3_cache_info,omitempty"`

    // The read-only L3 cache schema in root
    L3CacheSchemaRoot string `json:"l3_cache_schema_root,omitempty"`

    // The L3 cache schema in 'container_id' group
    L3CacheSchema string `json:"l3_cache_schema,omitempty"`

    // The read-only memory bandwidth information
    MemBwInfo *MemBwInfo `json:"mem_bw_info,omitempty"`

    // The read-only memory bandwidth schema in root
    MemBwSchemaRoot string `json:"mem_bw_schema_root,omitempty"`

    // The memory bandwidth schema in 'container_id' group
    MemBwSchema string `json:"mem_bw_schema,omitempty"`

    // The memory bandwidth monitoring statistics from NUMA nodes in 'container_id' group
    MBMStats *[]intelrdt.MBMNumaNodeStats `json:"mbm_stats,omitempty"`

    // The cache monitoring technology statistics from NUMA nodes in 'container_id' group
    CMTStats *[]intelrdt.CMTNumaNodeStats `json:"cmt_stats,omitempty"`

type L3CacheInfo

type L3CacheInfo struct {
    CbmMask    string `json:"cbm_mask,omitempty"`
    MinCbmBits uint64 `json:"min_cbm_bits,omitempty"`
    NumClosids uint64 `json:"num_closids,omitempty"`

type MemBwInfo

type MemBwInfo struct {
    BandwidthGran uint64 `json:"bandwidth_gran,omitempty"`
    DelayLinear   uint64 `json:"delay_linear,omitempty"`
    MinBandwidth  uint64 `json:"min_bandwidth,omitempty"`
    NumClosids    uint64 `json:"num_closids,omitempty"`

type Memory

type Memory struct {
    Cache     uint64            `json:"cache,omitempty"`
    Usage     MemoryEntry       `json:"usage,omitempty"`
    Swap      MemoryEntry       `json:"swap,omitempty"`
    Kernel    MemoryEntry       `json:"kernel,omitempty"`
    KernelTCP MemoryEntry       `json:"kernelTCP,omitempty"`
    Raw       map[string]uint64 `json:"raw,omitempty"`

type MemoryEntry

type MemoryEntry struct {
    Limit   uint64 `json:"limit"`
    Usage   uint64 `json:"usage,omitempty"`
    Max     uint64 `json:"max,omitempty"`
    Failcnt uint64 `json:"failcnt"`

type NetworkInterface

type NetworkInterface struct {
    // Name is the name of the network interface.
    Name string

    RxBytes   uint64
    RxPackets uint64
    RxErrors  uint64
    RxDropped uint64
    TxBytes   uint64
    TxPackets uint64
    TxErrors  uint64
    TxDropped uint64

type Pids

type Pids struct {
    Current uint64 `json:"current,omitempty"`
    Limit   uint64 `json:"limit,omitempty"`

type Stats

stats is the runc specific stats structure for stability when encoding and decoding stats.

type Stats struct {
    CPU               Cpu                 `json:"cpu"`
    CPUSet            CPUSet              `json:"cpuset"`
    Memory            Memory              `json:"memory"`
    Pids              Pids                `json:"pids"`
    Blkio             Blkio               `json:"blkio"`
    Hugetlb           map[string]Hugetlb  `json:"hugetlb"`
    IntelRdt          IntelRdt            `json:"intel_rdt"`
    NetworkInterfaces []*NetworkInterface `json:"network_interfaces"`

type Throttling

type Throttling struct {
    Periods          uint64 `json:"periods,omitempty"`
    ThrottledPeriods uint64 `json:"throttledPeriods,omitempty"`
    ThrottledTime    uint64 `json:"throttledTime,omitempty"`


Name Synopsis
features Package features provides the JSON structure that is printed by `runc features` (since runc v1.1.0).