
Package types

import "github.com/onsi/gomega/types"

Overview ▾

func MatchMayChangeInTheFuture

func MatchMayChangeInTheFuture(matcher GomegaMatcher, value interface{}) bool

type Assertion

Assertions are returned by Ω and Expect and enable assertions against Gomega matchers

type Assertion interface {
    Should(matcher GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool
    ShouldNot(matcher GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool

    To(matcher GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool
    ToNot(matcher GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool
    NotTo(matcher GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool

    WithOffset(offset int) Assertion

    Error() Assertion

type AsyncAssertion

AsyncAssertions are returned by Eventually and Consistently and enable matchers to be polled repeatedly to ensure they are eventually satisfied

type AsyncAssertion interface {
    Should(matcher GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool
    ShouldNot(matcher GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...interface{}) bool

    WithOffset(offset int) AsyncAssertion
    WithTimeout(interval time.Duration) AsyncAssertion
    WithPolling(interval time.Duration) AsyncAssertion
    Within(timeout time.Duration) AsyncAssertion
    ProbeEvery(interval time.Duration) AsyncAssertion
    WithContext(ctx context.Context) AsyncAssertion
    WithArguments(argsToForward ...interface{}) AsyncAssertion
    MustPassRepeatedly(count int) AsyncAssertion

type Gomega

Gomega represents an object that can perform synchronous and assynchronous assertions with Gomega matchers

type Gomega interface {
    Ω(actual interface{}, extra ...interface{}) Assertion
    Expect(actual interface{}, extra ...interface{}) Assertion
    ExpectWithOffset(offset int, actual interface{}, extra ...interface{}) Assertion

    Eventually(actualOrCtx interface{}, args ...interface{}) AsyncAssertion
    EventuallyWithOffset(offset int, actualOrCtx interface{}, args ...interface{}) AsyncAssertion

    Consistently(actualOrCtx interface{}, args ...interface{}) AsyncAssertion
    ConsistentlyWithOffset(offset int, actualOrCtx interface{}, args ...interface{}) AsyncAssertion


type GomegaFailHandler

type GomegaFailHandler func(message string, callerSkip ...int)

type GomegaMatcher

All Gomega matchers must implement the GomegaMatcher interface

For details on writing custom matchers, check out: http://onsi.github.io/gomega/#adding-your-own-matchers

type GomegaMatcher interface {
    Match(actual interface{}) (success bool, err error)
    FailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string)
    NegatedFailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string)

type GomegaTestingT

A simple *testing.T interface wrapper

type GomegaTestingT interface {
    Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})

type OracleMatcher

GomegaMatchers that also match the OracleMatcher interface can convey information about whether or not their result will change upon future attempts.

This allows `Eventually` and `Consistently` to short circuit if success becomes impossible.

For example, a process' exit code can never change. So, gexec's Exit matcher returns `true` for `MatchMayChangeInTheFuture` until the process exits, at which point it returns `false` forevermore.

type OracleMatcher interface {
    MatchMayChangeInTheFuture(actual interface{}) bool