
Package types

import "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/types"

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func GenerateFlagArgs(flags GinkgoFlags, bindings interface{}) ([]string, error)
func GenerateGinkgoTestRunArgs(suiteConfig SuiteConfig, reporterConfig ReporterConfig, goFlagsConfig GoFlagsConfig) ([]string, error)
func GenerateGoTestCompileArgs(goFlagsConfig GoFlagsConfig, destination string, packageToBuild string, pathToInvocationPath string) ([]string, error)
func GenerateGoTestRunArgs(goFlagsConfig GoFlagsConfig) ([]string, error)
func MarkAsHelper(optionalSkip ...int)
func PruneStack(fullStackTrace string, skip int) string
func ValidateAndCleanupLabel(label string, cl CodeLocation) (string, error)
func VetAndInitializeCLIAndGoConfig(cliConfig CLIConfig, goFlagsConfig GoFlagsConfig) (CLIConfig, GoFlagsConfig, []error)
func VetConfig(flagSet GinkgoFlagSet, suiteConfig SuiteConfig, reporterConfig ReporterConfig) []error
type AdditionalFailure
    func (f AdditionalFailure) GetTimelineLocation() TimelineLocation
type CLIConfig
    func NewDefaultCLIConfig() CLIConfig
    func (g CLIConfig) ComputedNumCompilers() int
    func (g CLIConfig) ComputedProcs() int
type CodeLocation
    func NewCodeLocation(skip int) CodeLocation
    func NewCodeLocationWithStackTrace(skip int) CodeLocation
    func NewCustomCodeLocation(message string) CodeLocation
    func (codeLocation CodeLocation) ContentsOfLine() string
    func (codeLocation CodeLocation) String() string
type ColorableStringer
type DeprecatedSetupSummary
type DeprecatedSpecFailure
type DeprecatedSpecMeasurement
    func (s DeprecatedSpecMeasurement) PrecisionFmt() string
type DeprecatedSpecSummary
    func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) Failed() bool
    func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) HasFailureState() bool
    func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) Panicked() bool
    func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) Passed() bool
    func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) Pending() bool
    func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) Skipped() bool
    func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) TimedOut() bool
type DeprecatedSuiteSummary
type Deprecation
type DeprecationTracker
    func NewDeprecationTracker() *DeprecationTracker
    func (d *DeprecationTracker) DeprecationsReport() string
    func (d *DeprecationTracker) DidTrackDeprecations() bool
    func (d *DeprecationTracker) TrackDeprecation(deprecation Deprecation, cl ...CodeLocation)
type EnumSupport
    func NewEnumSupport(toString map[uint]string) EnumSupport
    func (es EnumSupport) MarshJSON(e uint) ([]byte, error)
    func (es EnumSupport) String(e uint) string
    func (es EnumSupport) UnmarshJSON(b []byte) (uint, error)
type Failure
    func (f Failure) GetTimelineLocation() TimelineLocation
    func (f Failure) IsZero() bool
type FailureNodeContext
    func (fnc FailureNodeContext) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (fnc FailureNodeContext) String() string
    func (fnc *FailureNodeContext) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type FileFilter
    func (f FileFilter) Matches(locations []CodeLocation) bool
type FileFilters
    func ParseFileFilters(filters []string) (FileFilters, error)
    func (ffs FileFilters) Matches(locations []CodeLocation) bool
type FunctionCall
type GinkgoError
    func (g GinkgoError) Error() string
type GinkgoFlag
type GinkgoFlagSection
type GinkgoFlagSections
    func (gfs GinkgoFlagSections) Lookup(key string) (GinkgoFlagSection, bool)
type GinkgoFlagSet
    func BuildBuildCommandFlagSet(cliConfig *CLIConfig, goFlagsConfig *GoFlagsConfig) (GinkgoFlagSet, error)
    func BuildLabelsCommandFlagSet(cliConfig *CLIConfig) (GinkgoFlagSet, error)
    func BuildRunCommandFlagSet(suiteConfig *SuiteConfig, reporterConfig *ReporterConfig, cliConfig *CLIConfig, goFlagsConfig *GoFlagsConfig) (GinkgoFlagSet, error)
    func BuildTestSuiteFlagSet(suiteConfig *SuiteConfig, reporterConfig *ReporterConfig) (GinkgoFlagSet, error)
    func BuildWatchCommandFlagSet(suiteConfig *SuiteConfig, reporterConfig *ReporterConfig, cliConfig *CLIConfig, goFlagsConfig *GoFlagsConfig) (GinkgoFlagSet, error)
    func NewAttachedGinkgoFlagSet(flagSet *flag.FlagSet, flags GinkgoFlags, bindings interface{}, sections GinkgoFlagSections, extraGoFlagsSection GinkgoFlagSection) (GinkgoFlagSet, error)
    func NewGinkgoFlagSet(flags GinkgoFlags, bindings interface{}, sections GinkgoFlagSections) (GinkgoFlagSet, error)
    func (f GinkgoFlagSet) IsZero() bool
    func (f GinkgoFlagSet) Lookup(name string) *flag.Flag
    func (f GinkgoFlagSet) Parse(args []string) ([]string, error)
    func (f GinkgoFlagSet) Usage() string
    func (f GinkgoFlagSet) ValidateDeprecations(deprecationTracker *DeprecationTracker)
    func (f GinkgoFlagSet) WasSet(name string) bool
type GinkgoFlags
    func (f GinkgoFlags) CopyAppend(flags ...GinkgoFlag) GinkgoFlags
    func (f GinkgoFlags) SubsetWithNames(names ...string) GinkgoFlags
    func (f GinkgoFlags) WithPrefix(prefix string) GinkgoFlags
type GoFlagsConfig
    func NewDefaultGoFlagsConfig() GoFlagsConfig
    func (g GoFlagsConfig) BinaryMustBePreserved() bool
type Goroutine
    func (g Goroutine) HasHighlights() bool
    func (g Goroutine) IsZero() bool
type LabelFilter
    func MustParseLabelFilter(input string) LabelFilter
    func ParseLabelFilter(input string) (LabelFilter, error)
type LineFilter
    func (lf LineFilter) Matches(line int) bool
type LineFilters
    func (lfs LineFilters) Matches(line int) bool
type NodeType
    func (nt NodeType) Is(nodeTypes NodeType) bool
    func (nt NodeType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (nt NodeType) String() string
    func (nt *NodeType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PreRunStats
type ProgressReport
    func (pr ProgressReport) GetTimelineLocation() TimelineLocation
    func (pr ProgressReport) HighlightedGoroutines() []Goroutine
    func (pr ProgressReport) IsZero() bool
    func (pr ProgressReport) OtherGoroutines() []Goroutine
    func (pr ProgressReport) SpecGoroutine() Goroutine
    func (pr ProgressReport) Time() time.Time
    func (pr ProgressReport) WithoutCapturedGinkgoWriterOutput() ProgressReport
    func (pr ProgressReport) WithoutOtherGoroutines() ProgressReport
type Report
    func (report Report) Add(other Report) Report
type ReportEntries
    func (re ReportEntries) HasVisibility(visibilities ...ReportEntryVisibility) bool
    func (re ReportEntries) WithVisibility(visibilities ...ReportEntryVisibility) ReportEntries
type ReportEntry
    func (entry ReportEntry) GetRawValue() interface{}
    func (entry ReportEntry) GetTimelineLocation() TimelineLocation
    func (entry ReportEntry) StringRepresentation() string
type ReportEntryValue
    func WrapEntryValue(value interface{}) ReportEntryValue
    func (rev ReportEntryValue) GetRawValue() interface{}
    func (rev *ReportEntryValue) GobDecode(data []byte) error
    func (rev ReportEntryValue) GobEncode() ([]byte, error)
    func (rev ReportEntryValue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (rev ReportEntryValue) String() string
    func (rev *ReportEntryValue) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ReportEntryVisibility
    func (v ReportEntryVisibility) Is(visibilities ...ReportEntryVisibility) bool
    func (rev ReportEntryVisibility) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (rev ReportEntryVisibility) String() string
    func (rev *ReportEntryVisibility) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ReporterConfig
    func NewDefaultReporterConfig() ReporterConfig
    func (rc ReporterConfig) Verbosity() VerbosityLevel
    func (rc ReporterConfig) WillGenerateReport() bool
type SemVer
    func ParseSemVer(semver string) SemVer
    func (s SemVer) GreaterThanOrEqualTo(o SemVer) bool
type SetupSummary
type SpecComponentType
type SpecEvent
    func (se SpecEvent) GetTimelineLocation() TimelineLocation
    func (se SpecEvent) GomegaString() string
    func (se SpecEvent) IsOnlyVisibleAtVeryVerbose() bool
type SpecEventType
    func (se SpecEventType) Is(specEventTypes SpecEventType) bool
    func (se SpecEventType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (se SpecEventType) String() string
    func (se *SpecEventType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type SpecEvents
    func (se SpecEvents) WithType(seType SpecEventType) SpecEvents
type SpecFailure
type SpecMeasurement
type SpecReport
    func (report SpecReport) CombinedOutput() string
    func (report SpecReport) Failed() bool
    func (report SpecReport) FailureLocation() CodeLocation
    func (report SpecReport) FailureMessage() string
    func (report SpecReport) FileName() string
    func (report SpecReport) FullText() string
    func (report SpecReport) Labels() []string
    func (report SpecReport) LineNumber() int
    func (report SpecReport) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (report SpecReport) MatchesLabelFilter(query string) (bool, error)
    func (report SpecReport) Timeline() Timeline
type SpecReports
    func (reports SpecReports) CountOfFlakedSpecs() int
    func (reports SpecReports) CountOfRepeatedSpecs() int
    func (reports SpecReports) CountWithState(states SpecState) int
    func (reports SpecReports) WithLeafNodeType(nodeTypes NodeType) SpecReports
    func (reports SpecReports) WithState(states SpecState) SpecReports
type SpecState
    func (ss SpecState) GomegaString() string
    func (ss SpecState) Is(states SpecState) bool
    func (ss SpecState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (ss SpecState) String() string
    func (ss *SpecState) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type SpecSummary
type SuiteConfig
    func NewDefaultSuiteConfig() SuiteConfig
type SuiteSummary
type Timeline
    func (t Timeline) Len() int
    func (t Timeline) Less(i, j int) bool
    func (t Timeline) Swap(i, j int)
    func (t Timeline) WithoutHiddenReportEntries() Timeline
    func (t Timeline) WithoutVeryVerboseSpecEvents() Timeline
type TimelineEvent
type TimelineLocation
type VerbosityLevel
    func (vl VerbosityLevel) GT(comp VerbosityLevel) bool
    func (vl VerbosityLevel) GTE(comp VerbosityLevel) bool
    func (vl VerbosityLevel) Is(comp VerbosityLevel) bool
    func (vl VerbosityLevel) LT(comp VerbosityLevel) bool
    func (vl VerbosityLevel) LTE(comp VerbosityLevel) bool

Package files

code_location.go config.go deprecated_types.go deprecation_support.go enum_support.go errors.go file_filter.go flags.go label_filter.go report_entry.go types.go version.go


const GINKGO_TIME_FORMAT = "01/02/06 15:04:05.999"
const VERSION = "2.17.2"


var (
    SpecComponentTypeInvalid                 = NodeTypeInvalid
    SpecComponentTypeContainer               = NodeTypeContainer
    SpecComponentTypeIt                      = NodeTypeIt
    SpecComponentTypeBeforeEach              = NodeTypeBeforeEach
    SpecComponentTypeJustBeforeEach          = NodeTypeJustBeforeEach
    SpecComponentTypeAfterEach               = NodeTypeAfterEach
    SpecComponentTypeJustAfterEach           = NodeTypeJustAfterEach
    SpecComponentTypeBeforeSuite             = NodeTypeBeforeSuite
    SpecComponentTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite = NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite
    SpecComponentTypeAfterSuite              = NodeTypeAfterSuite
    SpecComponentTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite  = NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite
var Deprecations = deprecations{}

Flags sections used by both the CLI and the Ginkgo test process

var FlagSections = GinkgoFlagSections{
    {Key: "multiple-suites", Style: "{{dark-green}}", Heading: "Running Multiple Test Suites"},
    {Key: "order", Style: "{{green}}", Heading: "Controlling Test Order"},
    {Key: "parallel", Style: "{{yellow}}", Heading: "Controlling Test Parallelism"},
    {Key: "low-level-parallel", Style: "{{yellow}}", Heading: "Controlling Test Parallelism",
        Description: "These are set by the Ginkgo CLI, {{red}}{{bold}}do not set them manually{{/}} via go test.\nUse ginkgo -p or ginkgo -procs=N instead."},
    {Key: "filter", Style: "{{cyan}}", Heading: "Filtering Tests"},
    {Key: "failure", Style: "{{red}}", Heading: "Failure Handling"},
    {Key: "output", Style: "{{magenta}}", Heading: "Controlling Output Formatting"},
    {Key: "code-and-coverage-analysis", Style: "{{orange}}", Heading: "Code and Coverage Analysis"},
    {Key: "performance-analysis", Style: "{{coral}}", Heading: "Performance Analysis"},
    {Key: "debug", Style: "{{blue}}", Heading: "Debugging Tests",
        Description: "In addition to these flags, Ginkgo supports a few debugging environment variables.  To change the parallel server protocol set {{blue}}GINKGO_PARALLEL_PROTOCOL{{/}} to {{bold}}HTTP{{/}}.  To avoid pruning callstacks set {{blue}}GINKGO_PRUNE_STACK{{/}} to {{bold}}FALSE{{/}}."},
    {Key: "watch", Style: "{{light-yellow}}", Heading: "Controlling Ginkgo Watch"},
    {Key: "misc", Style: "{{light-gray}}", Heading: "Miscellaneous"},
    {Key: "go-build", Style: "{{light-gray}}", Heading: "Go Build Flags", Succinct: true,
        Description: "These flags are inherited from go build.  Run {{bold}}ginkgo help build{{/}} for more detailed flag documentation."},

GinkgoCLIRunAndWatchFlags provides flags shared by the Ginkgo CLI's build and watch commands (but not run)

var GinkgoCLIRunAndWatchFlags = GinkgoFlags{
    {KeyPath: "C.Procs", Name: "procs", SectionKey: "parallel", UsageDefaultValue: "1 (run in series)",
        Usage: "The number of parallel test nodes to run."},
    {KeyPath: "C.Procs", Name: "nodes", SectionKey: "parallel", UsageDefaultValue: "1 (run in series)",
        Usage: "--nodes is an alias for --procs"},
    {KeyPath: "C.Parallel", Name: "p", SectionKey: "parallel",
        Usage: "If set, ginkgo will run in parallel with an auto-detected number of nodes."},
    {KeyPath: "C.AfterRunHook", Name: "after-run-hook", SectionKey: "misc", DeprecatedName: "afterSuiteHook", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags",
        Usage: "Command to run when a test suite completes."},
    {KeyPath: "C.OutputDir", Name: "output-dir", SectionKey: "output", UsageArgument: "directory", DeprecatedName: "outputdir", DeprecatedDocLink: "improved-profiling-support",
        Usage: "A location to place all generated profiles and reports."},
    {KeyPath: "C.KeepSeparateCoverprofiles", Name: "keep-separate-coverprofiles", SectionKey: "code-and-coverage-analysis",
        Usage: "If set, Ginkgo does not merge coverprofiles into one monolithic coverprofile.  The coverprofiles will remain in their respective package directories or in -output-dir if set."},
    {KeyPath: "C.KeepSeparateReports", Name: "keep-separate-reports", SectionKey: "output",
        Usage: "If set, Ginkgo does not merge per-suite reports (e.g. -json-report) into one monolithic report for the entire testrun.  The reports will remain in their respective package directories or in -output-dir if set."},

    {KeyPath: "D.Stream", DeprecatedName: "stream", DeprecatedDocLink: "removed--stream", DeprecatedVersion: "2.0.0"},
    {KeyPath: "D.Notify", DeprecatedName: "notify", DeprecatedDocLink: "removed--notify", DeprecatedVersion: "2.0.0"},

GinkgoCLIRunFlags provides flags for Ginkgo CLI's run command that aren't shared by any other commands

var GinkgoCLIRunFlags = GinkgoFlags{
    {KeyPath: "C.KeepGoing", Name: "keep-going", SectionKey: "multiple-suites", DeprecatedName: "keepGoing", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags",
        Usage: "If set, failures from earlier test suites do not prevent later test suites from running."},
    {KeyPath: "C.UntilItFails", Name: "until-it-fails", SectionKey: "debug", DeprecatedName: "untilItFails", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags",
        Usage: "If set, ginkgo will keep rerunning test suites until a failure occurs."},
    {KeyPath: "C.Repeat", Name: "repeat", SectionKey: "debug", UsageArgument: "n", UsageDefaultValue: "0 - i.e. no repetition, run only once",
        Usage: "The number of times to re-run a test-suite.  Useful for debugging flaky tests.  If set to N the suite will be run N+1 times and will be required to pass each time."},
    {KeyPath: "C.RandomizeSuites", Name: "randomize-suites", SectionKey: "order", DeprecatedName: "randomizeSuites", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags",
        Usage: "If set, ginkgo will randomize the order in which test suites run."},

GinkgoCLISharedFlags provides flags shared by the Ginkgo CLI's build, watch, and run commands

var GinkgoCLISharedFlags = GinkgoFlags{
    {KeyPath: "C.Recurse", Name: "r", SectionKey: "multiple-suites",
        Usage: "If set, ginkgo finds and runs test suites under the current directory recursively."},
    {KeyPath: "C.SkipPackage", Name: "skip-package", SectionKey: "multiple-suites", DeprecatedName: "skipPackage", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags",
        UsageArgument: "comma-separated list of packages",
        Usage:         "A comma-separated list of package names to be skipped.  If any part of the package's path matches, that package is ignored."},
    {KeyPath: "C.RequireSuite", Name: "require-suite", SectionKey: "failure", DeprecatedName: "requireSuite", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags",
        Usage: "If set, Ginkgo fails if there are ginkgo tests in a directory but no invocation of RunSpecs."},
    {KeyPath: "C.NumCompilers", Name: "compilers", SectionKey: "multiple-suites", UsageDefaultValue: "0 (will autodetect)",
        Usage: "When running multiple packages, the number of concurrent compilations to perform."},

GinkgoCLIRunFlags provides flags for Ginkgo CLI's watch command that aren't shared by any other commands

var GinkgoCLIWatchFlags = GinkgoFlags{
    {KeyPath: "C.Depth", Name: "depth", SectionKey: "watch",
        Usage: "Ginkgo will watch dependencies down to this depth in the dependency tree."},
    {KeyPath: "C.WatchRegExp", Name: "watch-regexp", SectionKey: "watch", DeprecatedName: "watchRegExp", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags",
        UsageArgument:     "Regular Expression",
        UsageDefaultValue: `\.go$`,
        Usage:             "Only files matching this regular expression will be watched for changes."},
var GinkgoErrors = ginkgoErrors{}

GoBuildFlags provides flags for the Ginkgo CLI build, run, and watch commands that capture go's build-time flags. These are passed to go test -c by the ginkgo CLI

var GoBuildFlags = GinkgoFlags{
    {KeyPath: "Go.Race", Name: "race", SectionKey: "code-and-coverage-analysis",
        Usage: "enable data race detection. Supported only on linux/amd64, freebsd/amd64, darwin/amd64, windows/amd64, linux/ppc64le and linux/arm64 (only for 48-bit VMA)."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.Vet", Name: "vet", UsageArgument: "list", SectionKey: "code-and-coverage-analysis",
        Usage: `Configure the invocation of "go vet" during "go test" to use the comma-separated list of vet checks.  If list is empty, "go test" runs "go vet" with a curated list of checks believed to be always worth addressing.  If list is "off", "go test" does not run "go vet" at all.  Available checks can be found by running 'go doc cmd/vet'`},
    {KeyPath: "Go.Cover", Name: "cover", SectionKey: "code-and-coverage-analysis",
        Usage: "Enable coverage analysis.	Note that because coverage works by annotating the source code before compilation, compilation and test failures with coverage enabled may report line numbers that don't correspond to the original sources."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.CoverMode", Name: "covermode", UsageArgument: "set,count,atomic", SectionKey: "code-and-coverage-analysis",
        Usage: `Set the mode for coverage analysis for the package[s] being tested. 'set': does this statement run? 'count': how many times does this statement run? 'atomic': like count, but correct in multithreaded tests and more expensive (must use atomic with -race). Sets -cover`},
    {KeyPath: "Go.CoverPkg", Name: "coverpkg", UsageArgument: "pattern1,pattern2,pattern3", SectionKey: "code-and-coverage-analysis",
        Usage: "Apply coverage analysis in each test to packages matching the patterns. 	The default is for each test to analyze only the package being tested. See 'go help packages' for a description of package patterns. Sets -cover."},

    {KeyPath: "Go.A", Name: "a", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "force rebuilding of packages that are already up-to-date."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.ASMFlags", Name: "asmflags", UsageArgument: "'[pattern=]arg list'", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "arguments to pass on each go tool asm invocation."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.BuildMode", Name: "buildmode", UsageArgument: "mode", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "build mode to use. See 'go help buildmode' for more."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.Compiler", Name: "compiler", UsageArgument: "name", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "name of compiler to use, as in runtime.Compiler (gccgo or gc)."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.GCCGoFlags", Name: "gccgoflags", UsageArgument: "'[pattern=]arg list'", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "arguments to pass on each gccgo compiler/linker invocation."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.GCFlags", Name: "gcflags", UsageArgument: "'[pattern=]arg list'", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "arguments to pass on each go tool compile invocation."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.InstallSuffix", Name: "installsuffix", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "a suffix to use in the name of the package installation directory, in order to keep output separate from default builds. If using the -race flag, the install suffix is automatically set to raceor, if set explicitly, has _race appended to it. Likewise for the -msan flag.  Using a -buildmode option that requires non-default compile flags has a similar effect."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.LDFlags", Name: "ldflags", UsageArgument: "'[pattern=]arg list'", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "arguments to pass on each go tool link invocation."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.LinkShared", Name: "linkshared", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "build code that will be linked against shared libraries previously created with -buildmode=shared."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.Mod", Name: "mod", UsageArgument: "mode (readonly, vendor, or mod)", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "module download mode to use: readonly, vendor, or mod.  See 'go help modules' for more."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.ModCacheRW", Name: "modcacherw", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "leave newly-created directories in the module cache read-write instead of making them read-only."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.ModFile", Name: "modfile", UsageArgument: "file", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: `in module aware mode, read (and possibly write) an alternate go.mod file instead of the one in the module root directory. A file named go.mod must still be present in order to determine the module root directory, but it is not accessed. When -modfile is specified, an alternate go.sum file is also used: its path is derived from the -modfile flag by trimming the ".mod" extension and appending ".sum".`},
    {KeyPath: "Go.MSan", Name: "msan", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "enable interoperation with memory sanitizer. Supported only on linux/amd64, linux/arm64 and only with Clang/LLVM as the host C compiler. On linux/arm64, pie build mode will be used."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.N", Name: "n", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "print the commands but do not run them."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.PkgDir", Name: "pkgdir", UsageArgument: "dir", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "install and load all packages from dir instead of the usual locations. For example, when building with a non-standard configuration, use -pkgdir to keep generated packages in a separate location."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.Tags", Name: "tags", UsageArgument: "tag,list", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "a comma-separated list of build tags to consider satisfied during the build. For more information about build tags, see the description of build constraints in the documentation for the go/build package. (Earlier versions of Go used a space-separated list, and that form is deprecated but still recognized.)"},
    {KeyPath: "Go.TrimPath", Name: "trimpath", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: `remove all file system paths from the resulting executable. Instead of absolute file system paths, the recorded file names will begin with either "go" (for the standard library), or a module path@version (when using modules), or a plain import path (when using GOPATH).`},
    {KeyPath: "Go.ToolExec", Name: "toolexec", UsageArgument: "'cmd args'", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "a program to use to invoke toolchain programs like vet and asm. For example, instead of running asm, the go command will run cmd args /path/to/asm <arguments for asm>'."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.Work", Name: "work", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "print the name of the temporary work directory and do not delete it when exiting."},
    {KeyPath: "Go.X", Name: "x", SectionKey: "go-build",
        Usage: "print the commands."},

GoRunFlags provides flags for the Ginkgo CLI run, and watch commands that capture go's run-time flags. These are passed to the compiled test binary by the ginkgo CLI

var GoRunFlags = GinkgoFlags{
    {KeyPath: "Go.CoverProfile", Name: "coverprofile", UsageArgument: "file", SectionKey: "code-and-coverage-analysis",
        Usage: `Write a coverage profile to the file after all tests have passed. Sets -cover.`},
    {KeyPath: "Go.BlockProfile", Name: "blockprofile", UsageArgument: "file", SectionKey: "performance-analysis",
        Usage: `Write a goroutine blocking profile to the specified file when all tests are complete. Preserves test binary.`},
    {KeyPath: "Go.BlockProfileRate", Name: "blockprofilerate", UsageArgument: "rate", SectionKey: "performance-analysis",
        Usage: `Control the detail provided in goroutine blocking profiles by calling runtime.SetBlockProfileRate with rate. See 'go doc runtime.SetBlockProfileRate'. The profiler aims to sample, on average, one blocking event every n nanoseconds the program spends blocked. By default, if -test.blockprofile is set without this flag, all blocking events are recorded, equivalent to -test.blockprofilerate=1.`},
    {KeyPath: "Go.CPUProfile", Name: "cpuprofile", UsageArgument: "file", SectionKey: "performance-analysis",
        Usage: `Write a CPU profile to the specified file before exiting. Preserves test binary.`},
    {KeyPath: "Go.MemProfile", Name: "memprofile", UsageArgument: "file", SectionKey: "performance-analysis",
        Usage: `Write an allocation profile to the file after all tests have passed. Preserves test binary.`},
    {KeyPath: "Go.MemProfileRate", Name: "memprofilerate", UsageArgument: "rate", SectionKey: "performance-analysis",
        Usage: `Enable more precise (and expensive) memory allocation profiles by setting runtime.MemProfileRate. See 'go doc runtime.MemProfileRate'. To profile all memory allocations, use -test.memprofilerate=1.`},
    {KeyPath: "Go.MutexProfile", Name: "mutexprofile", UsageArgument: "file", SectionKey: "performance-analysis",
        Usage: `Write a mutex contention profile to the specified file when all tests are complete. Preserves test binary.`},
    {KeyPath: "Go.MutexProfileFraction", Name: "mutexprofilefraction", UsageArgument: "n", SectionKey: "performance-analysis",
        Usage: `if >= 0, calls runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction()	Sample 1 in n stack traces of goroutines holding a contended mutex.`},
    {KeyPath: "Go.Trace", Name: "execution-trace", UsageArgument: "file", ExportAs: "trace", SectionKey: "performance-analysis",
        Usage: `Write an execution trace to the specified file before exiting.`},
var NodeTypesAllowedDuringCleanupInterrupt = NodeTypeAfterEach | NodeTypeJustAfterEach | NodeTypeAfterAll | NodeTypeAfterSuite | NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite | NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach | NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll | NodeTypeCleanupAfterSuite
var NodeTypesAllowedDuringReportInterrupt = NodeTypeReportBeforeEach | NodeTypeReportAfterEach | NodeTypeReportBeforeSuite | NodeTypeReportAfterSuite
var NodeTypesForContainerAndIt = NodeTypeContainer | NodeTypeIt
var NodeTypesForSuiteLevelNodes = NodeTypeBeforeSuite | NodeTypeSynchronizedBeforeSuite | NodeTypeAfterSuite | NodeTypeSynchronizedAfterSuite | NodeTypeReportBeforeSuite | NodeTypeReportAfterSuite | NodeTypeCleanupAfterSuite

ParallelConfigFlags provides flags for the Ginkgo test process (not the CLI)

var ParallelConfigFlags = GinkgoFlags{
    {KeyPath: "S.ParallelProcess", Name: "parallel.process", SectionKey: "low-level-parallel", UsageDefaultValue: "1",
        Usage: "This worker process's (one-indexed) process number.  For running specs in parallel."},
    {KeyPath: "S.ParallelTotal", Name: "parallel.total", SectionKey: "low-level-parallel", UsageDefaultValue: "1",
        Usage: "The total number of worker processes.  For running specs in parallel."},
    {KeyPath: "S.ParallelHost", Name: "parallel.host", SectionKey: "low-level-parallel", UsageDefaultValue: "set by Ginkgo CLI",
        Usage: "The address for the server that will synchronize the processes."},

ReporterConfigFlags provides flags for the Ginkgo test process, and CLI

var ReporterConfigFlags = GinkgoFlags{
    {KeyPath: "R.NoColor", Name: "no-color", SectionKey: "output", DeprecatedName: "noColor", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags",
        Usage: "If set, suppress color output in default reporter."},
    {KeyPath: "R.Verbose", Name: "v", SectionKey: "output",
        Usage: "If set, emits more output including GinkgoWriter contents."},
    {KeyPath: "R.VeryVerbose", Name: "vv", SectionKey: "output",
        Usage: "If set, emits with maximal verbosity - includes skipped and pending tests."},
    {KeyPath: "R.Succinct", Name: "succinct", SectionKey: "output",
        Usage: "If set, default reporter prints out a very succinct report"},
    {KeyPath: "R.FullTrace", Name: "trace", SectionKey: "output",
        Usage: "If set, default reporter prints out the full stack trace when a failure occurs"},
    {KeyPath: "R.ShowNodeEvents", Name: "show-node-events", SectionKey: "output",
        Usage: "If set, default reporter prints node > Enter and < Exit events when specs fail"},
    {KeyPath: "R.GithubOutput", Name: "github-output", SectionKey: "output",
        Usage: "If set, default reporter prints easier to manage output in Github Actions."},

    {KeyPath: "R.JSONReport", Name: "json-report", UsageArgument: "filename.json", SectionKey: "output",
        Usage: "If set, Ginkgo will generate a JSON-formatted test report at the specified location."},
    {KeyPath: "R.JUnitReport", Name: "junit-report", UsageArgument: "filename.xml", SectionKey: "output", DeprecatedName: "reportFile", DeprecatedDocLink: "improved-reporting-infrastructure",
        Usage: "If set, Ginkgo will generate a conformant junit test report in the specified file."},
    {KeyPath: "R.TeamcityReport", Name: "teamcity-report", UsageArgument: "filename", SectionKey: "output",
        Usage: "If set, Ginkgo will generate a Teamcity-formatted test report at the specified location."},

    {KeyPath: "D.SlowSpecThresholdWithFLoatUnits", DeprecatedName: "slowSpecThreshold", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed--slowspecthreshold",
        Usage: "use --slow-spec-threshold instead and pass in a duration string (e.g. '5s', not '5.0')"},
    {KeyPath: "D.NoisyPendings", DeprecatedName: "noisyPendings", DeprecatedDocLink: "removed--noisypendings-and--noisyskippings", DeprecatedVersion: "2.0.0"},
    {KeyPath: "D.NoisySkippings", DeprecatedName: "noisySkippings", DeprecatedDocLink: "removed--noisypendings-and--noisyskippings", DeprecatedVersion: "2.0.0"},
    {KeyPath: "D.SlowSpecThreshold", DeprecatedName: "slow-spec-threshold", SectionKey: "output", Usage: "--slow-spec-threshold has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Ginkgo.  This feature has proved to be more noisy than useful.  You can use --poll-progress-after, instead, to get more actionable feedback about potentially slow specs and understand where they might be getting stuck.", DeprecatedVersion: "2.5.0"},
    {KeyPath: "D.AlwaysEmitGinkgoWriter", DeprecatedName: "always-emit-ginkgo-writer", SectionKey: "output", Usage: " - use -v instead, or one of Ginkgo's machine-readable report formats to get GinkgoWriter output for passing specs."},
var SpecStateFailureStates = SpecStateFailed | SpecStateTimedout | SpecStateAborted | SpecStatePanicked | SpecStateInterrupted

SuiteConfigFlags provides flags for the Ginkgo test process, and CLI

var SuiteConfigFlags = GinkgoFlags{
    {KeyPath: "S.RandomSeed", Name: "seed", SectionKey: "order", UsageDefaultValue: "randomly generated by Ginkgo",
        Usage: "The seed used to randomize the spec suite.", AlwaysExport: true},
    {KeyPath: "S.RandomizeAllSpecs", Name: "randomize-all", SectionKey: "order", DeprecatedName: "randomizeAllSpecs", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags",
        Usage: "If set, ginkgo will randomize all specs together.  By default, ginkgo only randomizes the top level Describe, Context and When containers."},

    {KeyPath: "S.FailOnPending", Name: "fail-on-pending", SectionKey: "failure", DeprecatedName: "failOnPending", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags",
        Usage: "If set, ginkgo will mark the test suite as failed if any specs are pending."},
    {KeyPath: "S.FailFast", Name: "fail-fast", SectionKey: "failure", DeprecatedName: "failFast", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags",
        Usage: "If set, ginkgo will stop running a test suite after a failure occurs."},
    {KeyPath: "S.FlakeAttempts", Name: "flake-attempts", SectionKey: "failure", UsageDefaultValue: "0 - failed tests are not retried", DeprecatedName: "flakeAttempts", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags",
        Usage: "Make up to this many attempts to run each spec. If any of the attempts succeed, the suite will not be failed."},

    {KeyPath: "S.DryRun", Name: "dry-run", SectionKey: "debug", DeprecatedName: "dryRun", DeprecatedDocLink: "changed-command-line-flags",
        Usage: "If set, ginkgo will walk the test hierarchy without actually running anything.  Best paired with -v."},
    {KeyPath: "S.PollProgressAfter", Name: "poll-progress-after", SectionKey: "debug", UsageDefaultValue: "0",
        Usage: "Emit node progress reports periodically if node hasn't completed after this duration."},
    {KeyPath: "S.PollProgressInterval", Name: "poll-progress-interval", SectionKey: "debug", UsageDefaultValue: "10s",
        Usage: "The rate at which to emit node progress reports after poll-progress-after has elapsed."},
    {KeyPath: "S.SourceRoots", Name: "source-root", SectionKey: "debug",
        Usage: "The location to look for source code when generating progress reports.  You can pass multiple --source-root flags."},
    {KeyPath: "S.Timeout", Name: "timeout", SectionKey: "debug", UsageDefaultValue: "1h",
        Usage: "Test suite fails if it does not complete within the specified timeout."},
    {KeyPath: "S.GracePeriod", Name: "grace-period", SectionKey: "debug", UsageDefaultValue: "30s",
        Usage: "When interrupted, Ginkgo will wait for GracePeriod for the current running node to exit before moving on to the next one."},
    {KeyPath: "S.OutputInterceptorMode", Name: "output-interceptor-mode", SectionKey: "debug", UsageArgument: "dup, swap, or none",
        Usage: "If set, ginkgo will use the specified output interception strategy when running in parallel.  Defaults to dup on unix and swap on windows."},

    {KeyPath: "S.LabelFilter", Name: "label-filter", SectionKey: "filter", UsageArgument: "expression",
        Usage: "If set, ginkgo will only run specs with labels that match the label-filter.  The passed-in expression can include boolean operations (!, &&, ||, ','), groupings via '()', and regular expressions '/regexp/'.  e.g. '(cat || dog) && !fruit'"},
    {KeyPath: "S.FocusStrings", Name: "focus", SectionKey: "filter",
        Usage: "If set, ginkgo will only run specs that match this regular expression. Can be specified multiple times, values are ORed."},
    {KeyPath: "S.SkipStrings", Name: "skip", SectionKey: "filter",
        Usage: "If set, ginkgo will only run specs that do not match this regular expression. Can be specified multiple times, values are ORed."},
    {KeyPath: "S.FocusFiles", Name: "focus-file", SectionKey: "filter", UsageArgument: "file (regexp) | file:line | file:lineA-lineB | file:line,line,line",
        Usage: "If set, ginkgo will only run specs in matching files. Can be specified multiple times, values are ORed."},
    {KeyPath: "S.SkipFiles", Name: "skip-file", SectionKey: "filter", UsageArgument: "file (regexp) | file:line | file:lineA-lineB | file:line,line,line",
        Usage: "If set, ginkgo will skip specs in matching files. Can be specified multiple times, values are ORed."},

    {KeyPath: "D.RegexScansFilePath", DeprecatedName: "regexScansFilePath", DeprecatedDocLink: "removed--regexscansfilepath", DeprecatedVersion: "2.0.0"},
    {KeyPath: "D.DebugParallel", DeprecatedName: "debug", DeprecatedDocLink: "removed--debug", DeprecatedVersion: "2.0.0"},
    {KeyPath: "D.EmitSpecProgress", DeprecatedName: "progress", SectionKey: "debug",
        DeprecatedVersion: "2.5.0", Usage: ".  The functionality provided by --progress was confusing and is no longer needed.  Use --show-node-events instead to see node entry and exit events included in the timeline of failed and verbose specs.  Or you can run with -vv to always see all node events.  Lastly, --poll-progress-after and the PollProgressAfter decorator now provide a better mechanism for debugging specs that tend to get stuck."},

func GenerateFlagArgs

func GenerateFlagArgs(flags GinkgoFlags, bindings interface{}) ([]string, error)

given a set of GinkgoFlags and bindings, generate flag arguments suitable to be passed to an application with that set of flags configured.

func GenerateGinkgoTestRunArgs

func GenerateGinkgoTestRunArgs(suiteConfig SuiteConfig, reporterConfig ReporterConfig, goFlagsConfig GoFlagsConfig) ([]string, error)

GenerateGinkgoTestRunArgs is used by the Ginkgo CLI to generate command line arguments to pass to the compiled Ginkgo test binary

func GenerateGoTestCompileArgs

func GenerateGoTestCompileArgs(goFlagsConfig GoFlagsConfig, destination string, packageToBuild string, pathToInvocationPath string) ([]string, error)

GenerateGoTestCompileArgs is used by the Ginkgo CLI to generate command line arguments to pass to the go test -c command when compiling the test

func GenerateGoTestRunArgs

func GenerateGoTestRunArgs(goFlagsConfig GoFlagsConfig) ([]string, error)

GenerateGoTestRunArgs is used by the Ginkgo CLI to generate command line arguments to pass to the compiled non-Ginkgo test binary

func MarkAsHelper

func MarkAsHelper(optionalSkip ...int)

MarkAsHelper is used by GinkgoHelper to mark the caller (appropriately offset by skip)as a helper. You can use this directly if you need to provide an optional `skip` to mark functions further up the call stack as helpers.

func PruneStack

func PruneStack(fullStackTrace string, skip int) string

PruneStack removes references to functions that are internal to Ginkgo and the Go runtime from a stack string and a certain number of stack entries at the beginning of the stack. The stack string has the format as returned by runtime/debug.Stack. The leading goroutine information is optional and always removed if present. Beware that runtime/debug.Stack adds itself as first entry, so typically skip must be >= 1 to remove that entry.

func ValidateAndCleanupLabel

func ValidateAndCleanupLabel(label string, cl CodeLocation) (string, error)

func VetAndInitializeCLIAndGoConfig

func VetAndInitializeCLIAndGoConfig(cliConfig CLIConfig, goFlagsConfig GoFlagsConfig) (CLIConfig, GoFlagsConfig, []error)

VetAndInitializeCLIAndGoConfig validates that the Ginkgo CLI's configuration is sound It returns a potentially mutated copy of the config that rationalizes the configuration to ensure consistency for downstream consumers

func VetConfig

func VetConfig(flagSet GinkgoFlagSet, suiteConfig SuiteConfig, reporterConfig ReporterConfig) []error

VetConfig validates that the Ginkgo test process' configuration is sound

type AdditionalFailure

AdditionalFailure capturs any additional failures that occur after the initial failure of a psec these typically occur in clean up nodes after the spec has failed. We can't simply use Failure as we want to track the SpecState to know what kind of failure this is

type AdditionalFailure struct {
    State   SpecState
    Failure Failure

func (AdditionalFailure) GetTimelineLocation

func (f AdditionalFailure) GetTimelineLocation() TimelineLocation

type CLIConfig

Configuration for the Ginkgo CLI

type CLIConfig struct {
    //for build, run, and watch
    Recurse      bool
    SkipPackage  string
    RequireSuite bool
    NumCompilers int

    //for run and watch only
    Procs                     int
    Parallel                  bool
    AfterRunHook              string
    OutputDir                 string
    KeepSeparateCoverprofiles bool
    KeepSeparateReports       bool

    //for run only
    KeepGoing       bool
    UntilItFails    bool
    Repeat          int
    RandomizeSuites bool

    //for watch only
    Depth       int
    WatchRegExp string

func NewDefaultCLIConfig

func NewDefaultCLIConfig() CLIConfig

func (CLIConfig) ComputedNumCompilers

func (g CLIConfig) ComputedNumCompilers() int

func (CLIConfig) ComputedProcs

func (g CLIConfig) ComputedProcs() int

type CodeLocation

type CodeLocation struct {
    FileName       string `json:",omitempty"`
    LineNumber     int    `json:",omitempty"`
    FullStackTrace string `json:",omitempty"`
    CustomMessage  string `json:",omitempty"`

func NewCodeLocation

func NewCodeLocation(skip int) CodeLocation

func NewCodeLocationWithStackTrace

func NewCodeLocationWithStackTrace(skip int) CodeLocation

func NewCustomCodeLocation

func NewCustomCodeLocation(message string) CodeLocation

func (CodeLocation) ContentsOfLine

func (codeLocation CodeLocation) ContentsOfLine() string

func (CodeLocation) String

func (codeLocation CodeLocation) String() string

type ColorableStringer

ColorableStringer is an interface that ReportEntry values can satisfy. If they do then ColorableString() is used to generate their representation.

type ColorableStringer interface {
    ColorableString() string

type DeprecatedSetupSummary

type DeprecatedSetupSummary struct {
    ComponentType SpecComponentType
    CodeLocation  CodeLocation

    State   SpecState
    RunTime time.Duration
    Failure SpecFailure

    CapturedOutput string
    SuiteID        string

type DeprecatedSpecFailure

type DeprecatedSpecFailure struct {
    Message        string
    Location       CodeLocation
    ForwardedPanic string

    ComponentIndex        int
    ComponentType         SpecComponentType
    ComponentCodeLocation CodeLocation

type DeprecatedSpecMeasurement

type DeprecatedSpecMeasurement struct {
    Name  string
    Info  interface{}
    Order int

    Results []float64

    Smallest     float64
    Largest      float64
    Average      float64
    StdDeviation float64

    SmallestLabel string
    LargestLabel  string
    AverageLabel  string
    Units         string
    Precision     int

func (DeprecatedSpecMeasurement) PrecisionFmt

func (s DeprecatedSpecMeasurement) PrecisionFmt() string

type DeprecatedSpecSummary

type DeprecatedSpecSummary struct {
    ComponentTexts         []string
    ComponentCodeLocations []CodeLocation

    State           SpecState
    RunTime         time.Duration
    Failure         SpecFailure
    IsMeasurement   bool
    NumberOfSamples int
    Measurements    map[string]*DeprecatedSpecMeasurement

    CapturedOutput string
    SuiteID        string

func (DeprecatedSpecSummary) Failed

func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) Failed() bool

func (DeprecatedSpecSummary) HasFailureState

func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) HasFailureState() bool

func (DeprecatedSpecSummary) Panicked

func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) Panicked() bool

func (DeprecatedSpecSummary) Passed

func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) Passed() bool

func (DeprecatedSpecSummary) Pending

func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) Pending() bool

func (DeprecatedSpecSummary) Skipped

func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) Skipped() bool

func (DeprecatedSpecSummary) TimedOut

func (s DeprecatedSpecSummary) TimedOut() bool

type DeprecatedSuiteSummary

type DeprecatedSuiteSummary struct {
    SuiteDescription string
    SuiteSucceeded   bool
    SuiteID          string

    NumberOfSpecsBeforeParallelization int
    NumberOfTotalSpecs                 int
    NumberOfSpecsThatWillBeRun         int
    NumberOfPendingSpecs               int
    NumberOfSkippedSpecs               int
    NumberOfPassedSpecs                int
    NumberOfFailedSpecs                int
    NumberOfFlakedSpecs                int
    RunTime                            time.Duration

type Deprecation

type Deprecation struct {
    Message string
    DocLink string
    Version string

type DeprecationTracker

type DeprecationTracker struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDeprecationTracker

func NewDeprecationTracker() *DeprecationTracker

func (*DeprecationTracker) DeprecationsReport

func (d *DeprecationTracker) DeprecationsReport() string

func (*DeprecationTracker) DidTrackDeprecations

func (d *DeprecationTracker) DidTrackDeprecations() bool

func (*DeprecationTracker) TrackDeprecation

func (d *DeprecationTracker) TrackDeprecation(deprecation Deprecation, cl ...CodeLocation)

type EnumSupport

type EnumSupport struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewEnumSupport

func NewEnumSupport(toString map[uint]string) EnumSupport

func (EnumSupport) MarshJSON

func (es EnumSupport) MarshJSON(e uint) ([]byte, error)

func (EnumSupport) String

func (es EnumSupport) String(e uint) string

func (EnumSupport) UnmarshJSON

func (es EnumSupport) UnmarshJSON(b []byte) (uint, error)

type Failure

Failure captures failure information for an individual test

type Failure struct {
    // Message - the failure message passed into Fail(...).  When using a matcher library
    // like Gomega, this will contain the failure message generated by Gomega.
    // Message is also populated if the user has called Skip(...).
    Message string

    // Location - the CodeLocation where the failure occurred
    // This CodeLocation will include a fully-populated StackTrace
    Location CodeLocation

    TimelineLocation TimelineLocation

    // ForwardedPanic - if the failure represents a captured panic (i.e. Summary.State == SpecStatePanicked)
    // then ForwardedPanic will be populated with a string representation of the captured panic.
    ForwardedPanic string `json:",omitempty"`

    // FailureNodeContext - one of three contexts describing the node in which the failure occurred:
    // FailureNodeIsLeafNode means the failure occurred in the leaf node of the associated SpecReport. None of the other FailureNode fields will be populated
    // FailureNodeAtTopLevel means the failure occurred in a non-leaf node that is defined at the top-level of the spec (i.e. not in a container). FailureNodeType and FailureNodeLocation will be populated.
    // FailureNodeInContainer means the failure occurred in a non-leaf node that is defined within a container.  FailureNodeType, FailureNodeLocation, and FailureNodeContainerIndex will be populated.
    // FailureNodeType will contain the NodeType of the node in which the failure occurred.
    // FailureNodeLocation will contain the CodeLocation of the node in which the failure occurred.
    // If populated, FailureNodeContainerIndex will be the index into SpecReport.ContainerHierarchyTexts and SpecReport.ContainerHierarchyLocations that represents the parent container of the node in which the failure occurred.
    FailureNodeContext FailureNodeContext `json:",omitempty"`

    FailureNodeType NodeType `json:",omitempty"`

    FailureNodeLocation CodeLocation `json:",omitempty"`

    FailureNodeContainerIndex int `json:",omitempty"`

    //ProgressReport is populated if the spec was interrupted or timed out
    ProgressReport ProgressReport `json:",omitempty"`

    //AdditionalFailure is non-nil if a follow-on failure occurred within the same node after the primary failure.  This only happens when a node has timed out or been interrupted.  In such cases the AdditionalFailure can include information about where/why the spec was stuck.
    AdditionalFailure *AdditionalFailure `json:",omitempty"`

func (Failure) GetTimelineLocation

func (f Failure) GetTimelineLocation() TimelineLocation

func (Failure) IsZero

func (f Failure) IsZero() bool

type FailureNodeContext

FailureNodeContext captures the location context for the node containing the failing line of code

type FailureNodeContext uint
const (
    FailureNodeContextInvalid FailureNodeContext = iota


func (FailureNodeContext) MarshalJSON

func (fnc FailureNodeContext) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (FailureNodeContext) String

func (fnc FailureNodeContext) String() string

func (*FailureNodeContext) UnmarshalJSON

func (fnc *FailureNodeContext) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type FileFilter

type FileFilter struct {
    Filename    *regexp.Regexp
    LineFilters LineFilters

func (FileFilter) Matches

func (f FileFilter) Matches(locations []CodeLocation) bool

type FileFilters

type FileFilters []FileFilter

func ParseFileFilters

func ParseFileFilters(filters []string) (FileFilters, error)

func (FileFilters) Matches

func (ffs FileFilters) Matches(locations []CodeLocation) bool

type FunctionCall

type FunctionCall struct {
    Function        string
    Filename        string
    Line            int
    Highlight       bool     `json:",omitempty"`
    Source          []string `json:",omitempty"`
    SourceHighlight int      `json:",omitempty"`

type GinkgoError

type GinkgoError struct {
    Heading      string
    Message      string
    DocLink      string
    CodeLocation CodeLocation

func (GinkgoError) Error

func (g GinkgoError) Error() string

type GinkgoFlag

type GinkgoFlag struct {
    Name       string
    KeyPath    string
    SectionKey string

    Usage             string
    UsageArgument     string
    UsageDefaultValue string

    DeprecatedName    string
    DeprecatedDocLink string
    DeprecatedVersion string

    ExportAs     string
    AlwaysExport bool

type GinkgoFlagSection

type GinkgoFlagSection struct {
    Key         string
    Style       string
    Succinct    bool
    Heading     string
    Description string

type GinkgoFlagSections

type GinkgoFlagSections []GinkgoFlagSection

func (GinkgoFlagSections) Lookup

func (gfs GinkgoFlagSections) Lookup(key string) (GinkgoFlagSection, bool)

type GinkgoFlagSet

type GinkgoFlagSet struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func BuildBuildCommandFlagSet

func BuildBuildCommandFlagSet(cliConfig *CLIConfig, goFlagsConfig *GoFlagsConfig) (GinkgoFlagSet, error)

BuildBuildCommandFlagSet builds the FlagSet for the `ginkgo build` command

func BuildLabelsCommandFlagSet

func BuildLabelsCommandFlagSet(cliConfig *CLIConfig) (GinkgoFlagSet, error)

func BuildRunCommandFlagSet

func BuildRunCommandFlagSet(suiteConfig *SuiteConfig, reporterConfig *ReporterConfig, cliConfig *CLIConfig, goFlagsConfig *GoFlagsConfig) (GinkgoFlagSet, error)

BuildRunCommandFlagSet builds the FlagSet for the `ginkgo run` command

func BuildTestSuiteFlagSet

func BuildTestSuiteFlagSet(suiteConfig *SuiteConfig, reporterConfig *ReporterConfig) (GinkgoFlagSet, error)

BuildTestSuiteFlagSet attaches to the CommandLine flagset and provides flags for the Ginkgo test process

func BuildWatchCommandFlagSet

func BuildWatchCommandFlagSet(suiteConfig *SuiteConfig, reporterConfig *ReporterConfig, cliConfig *CLIConfig, goFlagsConfig *GoFlagsConfig) (GinkgoFlagSet, error)

BuildWatchCommandFlagSet builds the FlagSet for the `ginkgo watch` command

func NewAttachedGinkgoFlagSet

func NewAttachedGinkgoFlagSet(flagSet *flag.FlagSet, flags GinkgoFlags, bindings interface{}, sections GinkgoFlagSections, extraGoFlagsSection GinkgoFlagSection) (GinkgoFlagSet, error)

Call NewGinkgoFlagSet to create GinkgoFlagSet that extends an existing *flag.FlagSet

func NewGinkgoFlagSet

func NewGinkgoFlagSet(flags GinkgoFlags, bindings interface{}, sections GinkgoFlagSections) (GinkgoFlagSet, error)

Call NewGinkgoFlagSet to create GinkgoFlagSet that creates and binds to it's own *flag.FlagSet

func (GinkgoFlagSet) IsZero

func (f GinkgoFlagSet) IsZero() bool

func (GinkgoFlagSet) Lookup

func (f GinkgoFlagSet) Lookup(name string) *flag.Flag

func (GinkgoFlagSet) Parse

func (f GinkgoFlagSet) Parse(args []string) ([]string, error)

func (GinkgoFlagSet) Usage

func (f GinkgoFlagSet) Usage() string

func (GinkgoFlagSet) ValidateDeprecations

func (f GinkgoFlagSet) ValidateDeprecations(deprecationTracker *DeprecationTracker)

func (GinkgoFlagSet) WasSet

func (f GinkgoFlagSet) WasSet(name string) bool

type GinkgoFlags

type GinkgoFlags []GinkgoFlag

func (GinkgoFlags) CopyAppend

func (f GinkgoFlags) CopyAppend(flags ...GinkgoFlag) GinkgoFlags

func (GinkgoFlags) SubsetWithNames

func (f GinkgoFlags) SubsetWithNames(names ...string) GinkgoFlags

func (GinkgoFlags) WithPrefix

func (f GinkgoFlags) WithPrefix(prefix string) GinkgoFlags

type GoFlagsConfig

Configuration for the Ginkgo CLI capturing available go flags A subset of Go flags are exposed by Ginkgo. Some are available at compile time (e.g. ginkgo build) and others only at run time (e.g. ginkgo run - which has both build and run time flags). More details can be found at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zkp-DS4hU4sAJl5eHh1UmgwxCPQhf3s5a8fbiOI8tJU/

type GoFlagsConfig struct {
    //build-time flags for code-and-performance analysis
    Race      bool
    Cover     bool
    CoverMode string
    CoverPkg  string
    Vet       string

    //run-time flags for code-and-performance analysis
    BlockProfile         string
    BlockProfileRate     int
    CoverProfile         string
    CPUProfile           string
    MemProfile           string
    MemProfileRate       int
    MutexProfile         string
    MutexProfileFraction int
    Trace                string

    //build-time flags for building
    A             bool
    ASMFlags      string
    BuildMode     string
    Compiler      string
    GCCGoFlags    string
    GCFlags       string
    InstallSuffix string
    LDFlags       string
    LinkShared    bool
    Mod           string
    N             bool
    ModFile       string
    ModCacheRW    bool
    MSan          bool
    PkgDir        string
    Tags          string
    TrimPath      bool
    ToolExec      string
    Work          bool
    X             bool

func NewDefaultGoFlagsConfig

func NewDefaultGoFlagsConfig() GoFlagsConfig

func (GoFlagsConfig) BinaryMustBePreserved

func (g GoFlagsConfig) BinaryMustBePreserved() bool

type Goroutine

type Goroutine struct {
    ID              uint64
    State           string
    Stack           []FunctionCall
    IsSpecGoroutine bool

func (Goroutine) HasHighlights

func (g Goroutine) HasHighlights() bool

func (Goroutine) IsZero

func (g Goroutine) IsZero() bool

type LabelFilter

type LabelFilter func([]string) bool

func MustParseLabelFilter

func MustParseLabelFilter(input string) LabelFilter

func ParseLabelFilter

func ParseLabelFilter(input string) (LabelFilter, error)

type LineFilter

type LineFilter struct {
    Min int
    Max int

func (LineFilter) Matches

func (lf LineFilter) Matches(line int) bool

type LineFilters

type LineFilters []LineFilter

func (LineFilters) Matches

func (lfs LineFilters) Matches(line int) bool

type NodeType

NodeType captures the type of a given Ginkgo Node

type NodeType uint
const (
    NodeTypeInvalid NodeType = 0

    NodeTypeContainer NodeType = 1 << iota






func (NodeType) Is

func (nt NodeType) Is(nodeTypes NodeType) bool

func (NodeType) MarshalJSON

func (nt NodeType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (NodeType) String

func (nt NodeType) String() string

func (*NodeType) UnmarshalJSON

func (nt *NodeType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type PreRunStats

PreRunStats contains a set of stats captured before the test run begins. This is primarily used by Ginkgo's reporter to tell the user how many specs are in the current suite (PreRunStats.TotalSpecs) and how many it intends to run (PreRunStats.SpecsThatWillRun) after applying any relevant focus or skip filters.

type PreRunStats struct {
    TotalSpecs       int
    SpecsThatWillRun int

type ProgressReport

ProgressReport captures the progress of the current spec. It is, effectively, a structured Ginkgo-aware stack trace

type ProgressReport struct {
    Message           string `json:",omitempty"`
    ParallelProcess   int    `json:",omitempty"`
    RunningInParallel bool   `json:",omitempty"`

    ContainerHierarchyTexts []string     `json:",omitempty"`
    LeafNodeText            string       `json:",omitempty"`
    LeafNodeLocation        CodeLocation `json:",omitempty"`
    SpecStartTime           time.Time    `json:",omitempty"`

    CurrentNodeType      NodeType     `json:",omitempty"`
    CurrentNodeText      string       `json:",omitempty"`
    CurrentNodeLocation  CodeLocation `json:",omitempty"`
    CurrentNodeStartTime time.Time    `json:",omitempty"`

    CurrentStepText      string       `json:",omitempty"`
    CurrentStepLocation  CodeLocation `json:",omitempty"`
    CurrentStepStartTime time.Time    `json:",omitempty"`

    AdditionalReports []string `json:",omitempty"`

    CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput string           `json:",omitempty"`
    TimelineLocation           TimelineLocation `json:",omitempty"`

    Goroutines []Goroutine `json:",omitempty"`

func (ProgressReport) GetTimelineLocation

func (pr ProgressReport) GetTimelineLocation() TimelineLocation

func (ProgressReport) HighlightedGoroutines

func (pr ProgressReport) HighlightedGoroutines() []Goroutine

func (ProgressReport) IsZero

func (pr ProgressReport) IsZero() bool

func (ProgressReport) OtherGoroutines

func (pr ProgressReport) OtherGoroutines() []Goroutine

func (ProgressReport) SpecGoroutine

func (pr ProgressReport) SpecGoroutine() Goroutine

func (ProgressReport) Time

func (pr ProgressReport) Time() time.Time

func (ProgressReport) WithoutCapturedGinkgoWriterOutput

func (pr ProgressReport) WithoutCapturedGinkgoWriterOutput() ProgressReport

func (ProgressReport) WithoutOtherGoroutines

func (pr ProgressReport) WithoutOtherGoroutines() ProgressReport

type Report

Report captures information about a Ginkgo test run

type Report struct {
    //SuitePath captures the absolute path to the test suite
    SuitePath string

    //SuiteDescription captures the description string passed to the DSL's RunSpecs() function
    SuiteDescription string

    //SuiteLabels captures any labels attached to the suite by the DSL's RunSpecs() function
    SuiteLabels []string

    //SuiteSucceeded captures the success or failure status of the test run
    //If true, the test run is considered successful.
    //If false, the test run is considered unsuccessful
    SuiteSucceeded bool

    //SuiteHasProgrammaticFocus captures whether the test suite has a test or set of tests that are programmatically focused
    //(i.e an `FIt` or an `FDescribe`
    SuiteHasProgrammaticFocus bool

    //SpecialSuiteFailureReasons may contain special failure reasons
    //For example, a test suite might be considered "failed" even if none of the individual specs
    //have a failure state.  For example, if the user has configured --fail-on-pending the test suite
    //will have failed if there are pending tests even though all non-pending tests may have passed.  In such
    //cases, Ginkgo populates SpecialSuiteFailureReasons with a clear message indicating the reason for the failure.
    //SpecialSuiteFailureReasons is also populated if the test suite is interrupted by the user.
    //Since multiple special failure reasons can occur, this field is a slice.
    SpecialSuiteFailureReasons []string

    //PreRunStats contains a set of stats captured before the test run begins.  This is primarily used
    //by Ginkgo's reporter to tell the user how many specs are in the current suite (PreRunStats.TotalSpecs)
    //and how many it intends to run (PreRunStats.SpecsThatWillRun) after applying any relevant focus or skip filters.
    PreRunStats PreRunStats

    //StartTime and EndTime capture the start and end time of the test run
    StartTime time.Time
    EndTime   time.Time

    //RunTime captures the duration of the test run
    RunTime time.Duration

    //SuiteConfig captures the Ginkgo configuration governing this test run
    //SuiteConfig includes information necessary for reproducing an identical test run,
    //such as the random seed and any filters applied during the test run
    SuiteConfig SuiteConfig

    //SpecReports is a list of all SpecReports generated by this test run
    //It is empty when the SuiteReport is provided to ReportBeforeSuite
    SpecReports SpecReports

func (Report) Add

func (report Report) Add(other Report) Report

Add is used by Ginkgo's parallel aggregation mechanisms to combine test run reports form individual parallel processes to form a complete final report.

type ReportEntries

type ReportEntries []ReportEntry

func (ReportEntries) HasVisibility

func (re ReportEntries) HasVisibility(visibilities ...ReportEntryVisibility) bool

func (ReportEntries) WithVisibility

func (re ReportEntries) WithVisibility(visibilities ...ReportEntryVisibility) ReportEntries

type ReportEntry

ReportEntry captures information attached to `SpecReport` via `AddReportEntry`

type ReportEntry struct {
    // Visibility captures the visibility policy for this ReportEntry
    Visibility ReportEntryVisibility
    // Location captures the location of the AddReportEntry call
    Location CodeLocation

    Time             time.Time //need this for backwards compatibility
    TimelineLocation TimelineLocation

    // Name captures the name of this report
    Name string
    // Value captures the (optional) object passed into AddReportEntry - this can be
    // anything the user wants.  The value passed to AddReportEntry is wrapped in a ReportEntryValue to make
    // encoding/decoding the value easier.  To access the raw value call entry.GetRawValue()
    Value ReportEntryValue

func (ReportEntry) GetRawValue

func (entry ReportEntry) GetRawValue() interface{}

GetRawValue returns the Value object that was passed to AddReportEntry If called in-process this will be the same object that was passed into AddReportEntry. If used from a rehydrated JSON file _or_ in a ReportAfterSuite when running in parallel this will be a JSON-decoded {}interface. If you want to reconstitute your original object you can decode the entry.Value.AsJSON field yourself.

func (ReportEntry) GetTimelineLocation

func (entry ReportEntry) GetTimelineLocation() TimelineLocation

func (ReportEntry) StringRepresentation

func (entry ReportEntry) StringRepresentation() string

StringRepresentation() returns the string representation of the value associated with the ReportEntry -- if value is nil, empty string is returned if value is a `ColorableStringer` then `Value.ColorableString()` is returned if value is a `fmt.Stringer` then `Value.String()` is returned otherwise the value is formatted with "%+v"

type ReportEntryValue

ReportEntryValue wraps a report entry's value ensuring it can be encoded and decoded safely into reports and across the network connection when running in parallel

type ReportEntryValue struct {
    AsJSON         string
    Representation string
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func WrapEntryValue

func WrapEntryValue(value interface{}) ReportEntryValue

func (ReportEntryValue) GetRawValue

func (rev ReportEntryValue) GetRawValue() interface{}

func (*ReportEntryValue) GobDecode

func (rev *ReportEntryValue) GobDecode(data []byte) error

func (ReportEntryValue) GobEncode

func (rev ReportEntryValue) GobEncode() ([]byte, error)

func (ReportEntryValue) MarshalJSON

func (rev ReportEntryValue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (ReportEntryValue) String

func (rev ReportEntryValue) String() string

func (*ReportEntryValue) UnmarshalJSON

func (rev *ReportEntryValue) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type ReportEntryVisibility

ReportEntryVisibility governs the visibility of ReportEntries in Ginkgo's console reporter

type ReportEntryVisibility uint
const (
    // Always print out this ReportEntry
    ReportEntryVisibilityAlways ReportEntryVisibility = iota
    // Only print out this ReportEntry if the spec fails or if the test is run with -v
    // Never print out this ReportEntry (note that ReportEntrys are always encoded in machine readable reports (e.g. JSON, JUnit, etc.))

func (ReportEntryVisibility) Is

func (v ReportEntryVisibility) Is(visibilities ...ReportEntryVisibility) bool

func (ReportEntryVisibility) MarshalJSON

func (rev ReportEntryVisibility) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (ReportEntryVisibility) String

func (rev ReportEntryVisibility) String() string

func (*ReportEntryVisibility) UnmarshalJSON

func (rev *ReportEntryVisibility) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type ReporterConfig

Configuration for Ginkgo's reporter

type ReporterConfig struct {
    NoColor        bool
    Succinct       bool
    Verbose        bool
    VeryVerbose    bool
    FullTrace      bool
    ShowNodeEvents bool
    GithubOutput   bool

    JSONReport     string
    JUnitReport    string
    TeamcityReport string

func NewDefaultReporterConfig

func NewDefaultReporterConfig() ReporterConfig

func (ReporterConfig) Verbosity

func (rc ReporterConfig) Verbosity() VerbosityLevel

func (ReporterConfig) WillGenerateReport

func (rc ReporterConfig) WillGenerateReport() bool

type SemVer

type SemVer struct {
    Major int
    Minor int
    Patch int

func ParseSemVer

func ParseSemVer(semver string) SemVer

func (SemVer) GreaterThanOrEqualTo

func (s SemVer) GreaterThanOrEqualTo(o SemVer) bool

type SetupSummary

type SetupSummary = DeprecatedSetupSummary

type SpecComponentType

type SpecComponentType = NodeType

type SpecEvent

SpecEvent captures a vareity of events that can occur when specs run. See SpecEventType for the list of available events.

type SpecEvent struct {
    SpecEventType SpecEventType

    CodeLocation     CodeLocation
    TimelineLocation TimelineLocation

    Message  string        `json:",omitempty"`
    Duration time.Duration `json:",omitempty"`
    NodeType NodeType      `json:",omitempty"`
    Attempt  int           `json:",omitempty"`

func (SpecEvent) GetTimelineLocation

func (se SpecEvent) GetTimelineLocation() TimelineLocation

func (SpecEvent) GomegaString

func (se SpecEvent) GomegaString() string

func (SpecEvent) IsOnlyVisibleAtVeryVerbose

func (se SpecEvent) IsOnlyVisibleAtVeryVerbose() bool

type SpecEventType

type SpecEventType uint
const (
    SpecEventInvalid SpecEventType = 0

    SpecEventByStart SpecEventType = 1 << iota

func (SpecEventType) Is

func (se SpecEventType) Is(specEventTypes SpecEventType) bool

func (SpecEventType) MarshalJSON

func (se SpecEventType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (SpecEventType) String

func (se SpecEventType) String() string

func (*SpecEventType) UnmarshalJSON

func (se *SpecEventType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type SpecEvents

type SpecEvents []SpecEvent

func (SpecEvents) WithType

func (se SpecEvents) WithType(seType SpecEventType) SpecEvents

type SpecFailure

type SpecFailure = DeprecatedSpecFailure

type SpecMeasurement

type SpecMeasurement = DeprecatedSpecMeasurement

type SpecReport

SpecReport captures information about a Ginkgo spec.

type SpecReport struct {
    // ContainerHierarchyTexts is a slice containing the text strings of
    // all Describe/Context/When containers in this spec's hierarchy.
    ContainerHierarchyTexts []string

    // ContainerHierarchyLocations is a slice containing the CodeLocations of
    // all Describe/Context/When containers in this spec's hierarchy.
    ContainerHierarchyLocations []CodeLocation

    // ContainerHierarchyLabels is a slice containing the labels of
    // all Describe/Context/When containers in this spec's hierarchy
    ContainerHierarchyLabels [][]string

    // LeafNodeType, LeadNodeLocation, LeafNodeLabels and LeafNodeText capture the NodeType, CodeLocation, and text
    // of the Ginkgo node being tested (typically an NodeTypeIt node, though this can also be
    // one of the NodeTypesForSuiteLevelNodes node types)
    LeafNodeType     NodeType
    LeafNodeLocation CodeLocation
    LeafNodeLabels   []string
    LeafNodeText     string

    // State captures whether the spec has passed, failed, etc.
    State SpecState

    // IsSerial captures whether the spec has the Serial decorator
    IsSerial bool

    // IsInOrderedContainer captures whether the spec appears in an Ordered container
    IsInOrderedContainer bool

    // StartTime and EndTime capture the start and end time of the spec
    StartTime time.Time
    EndTime   time.Time

    // RunTime captures the duration of the spec
    RunTime time.Duration

    // ParallelProcess captures the parallel process that this spec ran on
    ParallelProcess int

    // RunningInParallel captures whether this spec is part of a suite that ran in parallel
    RunningInParallel bool

    //Failure is populated if a spec has failed, panicked, been interrupted, or skipped by the user (e.g. calling Skip())
    //It includes detailed information about the Failure
    Failure Failure

    // NumAttempts captures the number of times this Spec was run.
    // Flakey specs can be retried with ginkgo --flake-attempts=N or the use of the FlakeAttempts decorator.
    // Repeated specs can be retried with the use of the MustPassRepeatedly decorator
    NumAttempts int

    // MaxFlakeAttempts captures whether the spec has been retried with ginkgo --flake-attempts=N or the use of the FlakeAttempts decorator.
    MaxFlakeAttempts int

    // MaxMustPassRepeatedly captures whether the spec has the MustPassRepeatedly decorator
    MaxMustPassRepeatedly int

    // CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput contains text printed to the GinkgoWriter
    CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput string

    // CapturedStdOutErr contains text printed to stdout/stderr (when running in parallel)
    // This is always empty when running in series or calling CurrentSpecReport()
    // It is used internally by Ginkgo's reporter
    CapturedStdOutErr string

    // ReportEntries contains any reports added via `AddReportEntry`
    ReportEntries ReportEntries

    // ProgressReports contains any progress reports generated during this spec.  These can either be manually triggered, or automatically generated by Ginkgo via the PollProgressAfter() decorator
    ProgressReports []ProgressReport

    // AdditionalFailures contains any failures that occurred after the initial spec failure.  These typically occur in cleanup nodes after the initial failure and are only emitted when running in verbose mode.
    AdditionalFailures []AdditionalFailure

    // SpecEvents capture additional events that occur during the spec run
    SpecEvents SpecEvents

func (SpecReport) CombinedOutput

func (report SpecReport) CombinedOutput() string

CombinedOutput returns a single string representation of both CapturedStdOutErr and CapturedGinkgoWriterOutput Note that both are empty when using CurrentSpecReport() so CurrentSpecReport().CombinedOutput() will always be empty. CombinedOutput() is used internally by Ginkgo's reporter.

func (SpecReport) Failed

func (report SpecReport) Failed() bool

Failed returns true if report.State is one of the SpecStateFailureStates (SpecStateFailed, SpecStatePanicked, SpecStateinterrupted, SpecStateAborted)

func (SpecReport) FailureLocation

func (report SpecReport) FailureLocation() CodeLocation

FailureLocation() returns the location of the failure (or an empty CodeLocation if the test hasn't failed)

func (SpecReport) FailureMessage

func (report SpecReport) FailureMessage() string

FailureMessage() returns the failure message (or empty string if the test hasn't failed)

func (SpecReport) FileName

func (report SpecReport) FileName() string

FileName() returns the name of the file containing the spec

func (SpecReport) FullText

func (report SpecReport) FullText() string

FullText returns a concatenation of all the report.ContainerHierarchyTexts and report.LeafNodeText

func (SpecReport) Labels

func (report SpecReport) Labels() []string

Labels returns a deduped set of all the spec's Labels.

func (SpecReport) LineNumber

func (report SpecReport) LineNumber() int

LineNumber() returns the line number of the leaf node

func (SpecReport) MarshalJSON

func (report SpecReport) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (SpecReport) MatchesLabelFilter

func (report SpecReport) MatchesLabelFilter(query string) (bool, error)

MatchesLabelFilter returns true if the spec satisfies the passed in label filter query

func (SpecReport) Timeline

func (report SpecReport) Timeline() Timeline

Timeline() returns a timeline view of the report

type SpecReports

type SpecReports []SpecReport

func (SpecReports) CountOfFlakedSpecs

func (reports SpecReports) CountOfFlakedSpecs() int

If the Spec passes, CountOfFlakedSpecs returns the number of SpecReports that failed after multiple attempts.

func (SpecReports) CountOfRepeatedSpecs

func (reports SpecReports) CountOfRepeatedSpecs() int

If the Spec fails, CountOfRepeatedSpecs returns the number of SpecReports that passed after multiple attempts

func (SpecReports) CountWithState

func (reports SpecReports) CountWithState(states SpecState) int

CountWithState returns the number of SpecReports with State matching one of the requested SpecStates

func (SpecReports) WithLeafNodeType

func (reports SpecReports) WithLeafNodeType(nodeTypes NodeType) SpecReports

WithLeafNodeType returns the subset of SpecReports with LeafNodeType matching one of the requested NodeTypes

func (SpecReports) WithState

func (reports SpecReports) WithState(states SpecState) SpecReports

WithState returns the subset of SpecReports with State matching one of the requested SpecStates

type SpecState

SpecState captures the state of a spec To determine if a given `state` represents a failure state, use `state.Is(SpecStateFailureStates)`

type SpecState uint
const (
    SpecStateInvalid SpecState = 0

    SpecStatePending SpecState = 1 << iota

func (SpecState) GomegaString

func (ss SpecState) GomegaString() string

func (SpecState) Is

func (ss SpecState) Is(states SpecState) bool

func (SpecState) MarshalJSON

func (ss SpecState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (SpecState) String

func (ss SpecState) String() string

func (*SpecState) UnmarshalJSON

func (ss *SpecState) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type SpecSummary

type SpecSummary = DeprecatedSpecSummary

type SuiteConfig

Configuration controlling how an individual test suite is run

type SuiteConfig struct {
    RandomSeed            int64
    RandomizeAllSpecs     bool
    FocusStrings          []string
    SkipStrings           []string
    FocusFiles            []string
    SkipFiles             []string
    LabelFilter           string
    FailOnPending         bool
    FailFast              bool
    FlakeAttempts         int
    MustPassRepeatedly    int
    DryRun                bool
    PollProgressAfter     time.Duration
    PollProgressInterval  time.Duration
    Timeout               time.Duration
    EmitSpecProgress      bool // this is deprecated but its removal is causing compile issue for some users that were setting it manually
    OutputInterceptorMode string
    SourceRoots           []string
    GracePeriod           time.Duration

    ParallelProcess int
    ParallelTotal   int
    ParallelHost    string

func NewDefaultSuiteConfig

func NewDefaultSuiteConfig() SuiteConfig

type SuiteSummary

type SuiteSummary = DeprecatedSuiteSummary

type Timeline

type Timeline []TimelineEvent

func (Timeline) Len

func (t Timeline) Len() int

func (Timeline) Less

func (t Timeline) Less(i, j int) bool

func (Timeline) Swap

func (t Timeline) Swap(i, j int)

func (Timeline) WithoutHiddenReportEntries

func (t Timeline) WithoutHiddenReportEntries() Timeline

func (Timeline) WithoutVeryVerboseSpecEvents

func (t Timeline) WithoutVeryVerboseSpecEvents() Timeline

type TimelineEvent

TimelineEvent represent an event on the timeline consumers of Timeline will need to check the concrete type of each entry to determine how to handle it

type TimelineEvent interface {
    GetTimelineLocation() TimelineLocation

type TimelineLocation

TimelineLocation captures the location of an event in the spec's timeline

type TimelineLocation struct {
    //Offset is the offset (in bytes) of the event relative to the GinkgoWriter stream
    Offset int `json:",omitempty"`

    //Order is the order of the event with respect to other events.  The absolute value of Order
    //is irrelevant.  All that matters is that an event with a lower Order occurs before ane vent with a higher Order
    Order int `json:",omitempty"`

    Time time.Time

type VerbosityLevel

type VerbosityLevel uint
const (
    VerbosityLevelSuccinct VerbosityLevel = iota

func (VerbosityLevel) GT

func (vl VerbosityLevel) GT(comp VerbosityLevel) bool

func (VerbosityLevel) GTE

func (vl VerbosityLevel) GTE(comp VerbosityLevel) bool

func (VerbosityLevel) Is

func (vl VerbosityLevel) Is(comp VerbosityLevel) bool

func (VerbosityLevel) LT

func (vl VerbosityLevel) LT(comp VerbosityLevel) bool

func (VerbosityLevel) LTE

func (vl VerbosityLevel) LTE(comp VerbosityLevel) bool