
Package internal

import "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/internal"

Overview ▾

Index ▾

func ApplyNestedFocusPolicyToTree(tree *TreeNode)
func GinkgoLogrFunc(writer *Writer) logr.Logger
func MakeIncrementingIndexCounter() func() (int, error)
func NewProgressReport(isRunningInParallel bool, report types.SpecReport, currentNode Node, currentNodeStartTime time.Time, currentStep types.SpecEvent, gwOutput string, timelineLocation types.TimelineLocation, additionalReports []string, sourceRoots []string, includeAll bool) (types.ProgressReport, error)
func NewSpecContext(suite *Suite) *specContext
func OrderSpecs(specs Specs, suiteConfig types.SuiteConfig) (GroupedSpecIndices, GroupedSpecIndices)
func PartitionDecorations(args ...interface{}) ([]interface{}, []interface{})
func RegisterForProgressSignal(handler func()) context.CancelFunc
func UniqueNodeID() uint
type Done
type Failer
    func NewFailer() *Failer
    func (f *Failer) AbortSuite(message string, location types.CodeLocation)
    func (f *Failer) Drain() (types.SpecState, types.Failure)
    func (f *Failer) Fail(message string, location types.CodeLocation)
    func (f *Failer) GetFailure() types.Failure
    func (f *Failer) GetState() types.SpecState
    func (f *Failer) Panic(location types.CodeLocation, forwardedPanic interface{})
    func (f *Failer) Skip(message string, location types.CodeLocation)
type FlakeAttempts
type GracePeriod
type GroupedSpecIndices
type Labels
    func UnionOfLabels(labels ...Labels) Labels
    func (l Labels) MatchesLabelFilter(query string) bool
type MustPassRepeatedly
type Node
    func NewCleanupNode(deprecationTracker *types.DeprecationTracker, fail func(string, types.CodeLocation), args ...interface{}) (Node, []error)
    func NewNode(deprecationTracker *types.DeprecationTracker, nodeType types.NodeType, text string, args ...interface{}) (Node, []error)
    func (n Node) IsZero() bool
type NodeTimeout
type Nodes
    func (n Nodes) BestTextFor(node Node) string
    func (n Nodes) Clone() Nodes
    func (n Nodes) CodeLocations() []types.CodeLocation
    func (n Nodes) ContainsNodeID(id uint) bool
    func (n Nodes) CopyAppend(nodes ...Node) Nodes
    func (n Nodes) Filter(filter func(Node) bool) Nodes
    func (n Nodes) FirstNodeMarkedOrdered() Node
    func (n Nodes) FirstNodeWithType(nodeTypes types.NodeType) Node
    func (n Nodes) FirstSatisfying(filter func(Node) bool) Node
    func (n Nodes) FirstWithNestingLevel(level int) Node
    func (n Nodes) GetMaxFlakeAttempts() int
    func (n Nodes) GetMaxMustPassRepeatedly() int
    func (n Nodes) HasNodeMarkedFocus() bool
    func (n Nodes) HasNodeMarkedPending() bool
    func (n Nodes) HasNodeMarkedSerial() bool
    func (n Nodes) IndexOfFirstNodeMarkedOrdered() int
    func (n Nodes) Labels() [][]string
    func (n Nodes) Reverse() Nodes
    func (n Nodes) SortedByAscendingNestingLevel() Nodes
    func (n Nodes) SortedByDescendingNestingLevel() Nodes
    func (n Nodes) SplitAround(pivot Node) (Nodes, Nodes)
    func (n Nodes) Texts() []string
    func (n Nodes) UnionOfLabels() []string
    func (n Nodes) WithType(nodeTypes types.NodeType) Nodes
    func (n Nodes) WithinNestingLevel(deepestNestingLevel int) Nodes
    func (n Nodes) WithoutNode(nodeToExclude Node) Nodes
    func (n Nodes) WithoutType(nodeTypes types.NodeType) Nodes
type NoopOutputInterceptor
    func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) PauseIntercepting()
    func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) ResumeIntercepting()
    func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) Shutdown()
    func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) StartInterceptingOutput()
    func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) StartInterceptingOutputAndForwardTo(io.Writer)
    func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() string
type Offset
type OutputInterceptor
    func NewOSGlobalReassigningOutputInterceptor() OutputInterceptor
    func NewOutputInterceptor() OutputInterceptor
type Phase
type PollProgressAfter
type PollProgressInterval
type ProgressReporterManager
    func NewProgressReporterManager() *ProgressReporterManager
    func (prm *ProgressReporterManager) AttachProgressReporter(reporter func() string) func()
    func (prm *ProgressReporterManager) QueryProgressReporters(ctx context.Context, failer *Failer) []string
type ProgressSignalRegistrar
type ProgressStepCursor
type ReportEntry
    func NewReportEntry(name string, cl types.CodeLocation, args ...interface{}) (ReportEntry, error)
type SortableSpecs
    func NewSortableSpecs(specs Specs) *SortableSpecs
    func (s *SortableSpecs) Len() int
    func (s *SortableSpecs) Less(i, j int) bool
    func (s *SortableSpecs) Swap(i, j int)
type Spec
    func (s Spec) FirstNodeWithType(nodeTypes types.NodeType) Node
    func (s Spec) FlakeAttempts() int
    func (s Spec) MustPassRepeatedly() int
    func (s Spec) SpecTimeout() time.Duration
    func (s Spec) SubjectID() uint
    func (s Spec) Text() string
type SpecContext
type SpecIndices
type SpecTimeout
type Specs
    func ApplyFocusToSpecs(specs Specs, description string, suiteLabels Labels, suiteConfig types.SuiteConfig) (Specs, bool)
    func GenerateSpecsFromTreeRoot(tree *TreeNode) Specs
    func (s Specs) AtIndices(indices SpecIndices) Specs
    func (s Specs) CountWithoutSkip() int
    func (s Specs) HasAnySpecsMarkedPending() bool
type Suite
    func NewSuite() *Suite
    func (suite *Suite) AddReportEntry(entry ReportEntry) error
    func (suite *Suite) BuildTree() error
    func (suite *Suite) By(text string, callback ...func()) error
    func (suite *Suite) Clone() (*Suite, error)
    func (suite *Suite) CurrentSpecReport() types.SpecReport
    func (suite *Suite) GetPreviewReport() types.Report
    func (suite *Suite) InRunPhase() bool
    func (suite *Suite) PushNode(node Node) error
    func (suite *Suite) Run(description string, suiteLabels Labels, suitePath string, failer *Failer, reporter reporters.Reporter, writer WriterInterface, outputInterceptor OutputInterceptor, interruptHandler interrupt_handler.InterruptHandlerInterface, client parallel_support.Client, progressSignalRegistrar ProgressSignalRegistrar, suiteConfig types.SuiteConfig) (bool, bool)
type TreeNode
    func (tn *TreeNode) AncestorNodeChain() Nodes
    func (tn *TreeNode) AppendChild(child *TreeNode)
type TreeNodes
    func (tn TreeNodes) Nodes() Nodes
    func (tn TreeNodes) WithID(id uint) *TreeNode
type Writer
    func NewWriter(outWriter io.Writer) *Writer
    func (w *Writer) Bytes() []byte
    func (w *Writer) ClearTeeWriters()
    func (w *Writer) Len() int
    func (w *Writer) Print(a ...interface{})
    func (w *Writer) Printf(format string, a ...interface{})
    func (w *Writer) Println(a ...interface{})
    func (w *Writer) SetMode(mode WriterMode)
    func (w *Writer) TeeTo(writer io.Writer)
    func (w *Writer) Truncate()
    func (w *Writer) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error)
type WriterInterface
type WriterMode

Package files

counter.go failer.go focus.go group.go node.go ordering.go output_interceptor.go output_interceptor_unix.go progress_report.go progress_report_unix.go progress_reporter_manager.go report_entry.go spec.go spec_context.go suite.go tree.go writer.go


const BAILOUT_MESSAGE = `Ginkgo detected an issue while intercepting output.

When running in parallel, Ginkgo captures stdout and stderr output
and attaches it to the running spec.  It looks like that process is getting
stuck for this suite.

This usually happens if you, or a library you are using, spin up an external
process and set cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout and/or cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr.  This
causes the external process to keep Ginkgo's output interceptor pipe open and
causes output interception to hang.

Ginkgo has detected this and shortcircuited the capture process.  The specs
will continue running after this message however output from the external
process that caused this issue will not be captured.

You have several options to fix this.  In preferred order they are:

1. Pass GinkgoWriter instead of os.Stdout or os.Stderr to your process.
2. Ensure your process exits before the current spec completes.  If your
process is long-lived and must cross spec boundaries, this option won't
work for you.
3. Pause Ginkgo's output interceptor before starting your process and then
resume it after.  Use PauseOutputInterception() and ResumeOutputInterception()
to do this.
4. Set --output-interceptor-mode=none when running your Ginkgo suite.  This will
turn off all output interception but allow specs to run in parallel without this
issue.  You may miss important output if you do this including output from Go's
race detector.

More details on issue #851 - https://github.com/onsi/ginkgo/issues/851
const BAILOUT_TIME = 1 * time.Second
const ContinueOnFailure = continueOnFailureType(true)
const Focus = focusType(true)
const OncePerOrdered = honorsOrderedType(true)
const Ordered = orderedType(true)
const Pending = pendingType(true)
const Serial = serialType(true)
const SuppressProgressReporting = suppressProgressReporting(true)


var PROGRESS_SIGNALS = []os.Signal{syscall.SIGUSR1}

func ApplyNestedFocusPolicyToTree

func ApplyNestedFocusPolicyToTree(tree *TreeNode)

If a container marked as focus has a descendant that is also marked as focus, Ginkgo's policy is to unmark the container's focus. This gives developers a more intuitive experience when debugging specs. It is common to focus a container to just run a subset of specs, then identify the specific specs within the container to focus - this policy allows the developer to simply focus those specific specs and not need to go back and turn the focus off of the container:

As a common example, consider:

FDescribe("something to debug", function() {
	It("works", function() {...})
	It("works", function() {...})
	FIt("doesn't work", function() {...})
	It("works", function() {...})

here the developer's intent is to focus in on the `"doesn't work"` spec and not to run the adjacent specs in the focused `"something to debug"` container. The nested policy applied by this function enables this behavior.

func GinkgoLogrFunc

func GinkgoLogrFunc(writer *Writer) logr.Logger

func MakeIncrementingIndexCounter

func MakeIncrementingIndexCounter() func() (int, error)

func NewProgressReport

func NewProgressReport(isRunningInParallel bool, report types.SpecReport, currentNode Node, currentNodeStartTime time.Time, currentStep types.SpecEvent, gwOutput string, timelineLocation types.TimelineLocation, additionalReports []string, sourceRoots []string, includeAll bool) (types.ProgressReport, error)

func NewSpecContext

func NewSpecContext(suite *Suite) *specContext

SpecContext includes a reference to `suite` and embeds itself in itself as a "GINKGO_SPEC_CONTEXT" value. This allows users to create child Contexts without having down-stream consumers (e.g. Gomega) lose access to the SpecContext and its methods. This allows us to build extensions on top of Ginkgo that simply take an all-encompassing context.

Note that while SpecContext is used to enforce deadlines by Ginkgo it is not configured as a context.WithDeadline. Instead, Ginkgo owns responsibility for cancelling the context when the deadline elapses.

This is because Ginkgo needs finer control over when the context is canceled. Specifically, Ginkgo needs to generate a ProgressReport before it cancels the context to ensure progress is captured where the spec is currently running. The only way to avoid a race here is to manually control the cancellation.

func OrderSpecs

func OrderSpecs(specs Specs, suiteConfig types.SuiteConfig) (GroupedSpecIndices, GroupedSpecIndices)

func PartitionDecorations

func PartitionDecorations(args ...interface{}) ([]interface{}, []interface{})

func RegisterForProgressSignal

func RegisterForProgressSignal(handler func()) context.CancelFunc

func UniqueNodeID

func UniqueNodeID() uint

type Done

type Done chan<- interface{} // Deprecated Done Channel for asynchronous testing

type Failer

type Failer struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewFailer

func NewFailer() *Failer

func (*Failer) AbortSuite

func (f *Failer) AbortSuite(message string, location types.CodeLocation)

func (*Failer) Drain

func (f *Failer) Drain() (types.SpecState, types.Failure)

func (*Failer) Fail

func (f *Failer) Fail(message string, location types.CodeLocation)

func (*Failer) GetFailure

func (f *Failer) GetFailure() types.Failure

func (*Failer) GetState

func (f *Failer) GetState() types.SpecState

func (*Failer) Panic

func (f *Failer) Panic(location types.CodeLocation, forwardedPanic interface{})

func (*Failer) Skip

func (f *Failer) Skip(message string, location types.CodeLocation)

type FlakeAttempts

type FlakeAttempts uint

type GracePeriod

type GracePeriod time.Duration

type GroupedSpecIndices

type GroupedSpecIndices []SpecIndices

type Labels

type Labels []string

func UnionOfLabels

func UnionOfLabels(labels ...Labels) Labels

func (Labels) MatchesLabelFilter

func (l Labels) MatchesLabelFilter(query string) bool

type MustPassRepeatedly

type MustPassRepeatedly uint

type Node

type Node struct {
    ID       uint
    NodeType types.NodeType

    Text         string
    Body         func(SpecContext)
    CodeLocation types.CodeLocation
    NestingLevel int
    HasContext   bool

    SynchronizedBeforeSuiteProc1Body              func(SpecContext) []byte
    SynchronizedBeforeSuiteProc1BodyHasContext    bool
    SynchronizedBeforeSuiteAllProcsBody           func(SpecContext, []byte)
    SynchronizedBeforeSuiteAllProcsBodyHasContext bool

    SynchronizedAfterSuiteAllProcsBody           func(SpecContext)
    SynchronizedAfterSuiteAllProcsBodyHasContext bool
    SynchronizedAfterSuiteProc1Body              func(SpecContext)
    SynchronizedAfterSuiteProc1BodyHasContext    bool

    ReportEachBody  func(SpecContext, types.SpecReport)
    ReportSuiteBody func(SpecContext, types.Report)

    MarkedFocus             bool
    MarkedPending           bool
    MarkedSerial            bool
    MarkedOrdered           bool
    MarkedContinueOnFailure bool
    MarkedOncePerOrdered    bool
    FlakeAttempts           int
    MustPassRepeatedly      int
    Labels                  Labels
    PollProgressAfter       time.Duration
    PollProgressInterval    time.Duration
    NodeTimeout             time.Duration
    SpecTimeout             time.Duration
    GracePeriod             time.Duration

    NodeIDWhereCleanupWasGenerated uint

func NewCleanupNode

func NewCleanupNode(deprecationTracker *types.DeprecationTracker, fail func(string, types.CodeLocation), args ...interface{}) (Node, []error)

func NewNode

func NewNode(deprecationTracker *types.DeprecationTracker, nodeType types.NodeType, text string, args ...interface{}) (Node, []error)

func (Node) IsZero

func (n Node) IsZero() bool

type NodeTimeout

type NodeTimeout time.Duration

type Nodes


type Nodes []Node

func (Nodes) BestTextFor

func (n Nodes) BestTextFor(node Node) string

func (Nodes) Clone

func (n Nodes) Clone() Nodes

func (Nodes) CodeLocations

func (n Nodes) CodeLocations() []types.CodeLocation

func (Nodes) ContainsNodeID

func (n Nodes) ContainsNodeID(id uint) bool

func (Nodes) CopyAppend

func (n Nodes) CopyAppend(nodes ...Node) Nodes

func (Nodes) Filter

func (n Nodes) Filter(filter func(Node) bool) Nodes

func (Nodes) FirstNodeMarkedOrdered

func (n Nodes) FirstNodeMarkedOrdered() Node

func (Nodes) FirstNodeWithType

func (n Nodes) FirstNodeWithType(nodeTypes types.NodeType) Node

func (Nodes) FirstSatisfying

func (n Nodes) FirstSatisfying(filter func(Node) bool) Node

func (Nodes) FirstWithNestingLevel

func (n Nodes) FirstWithNestingLevel(level int) Node

func (Nodes) GetMaxFlakeAttempts

func (n Nodes) GetMaxFlakeAttempts() int

func (Nodes) GetMaxMustPassRepeatedly

func (n Nodes) GetMaxMustPassRepeatedly() int

func (Nodes) HasNodeMarkedFocus

func (n Nodes) HasNodeMarkedFocus() bool

func (Nodes) HasNodeMarkedPending

func (n Nodes) HasNodeMarkedPending() bool

func (Nodes) HasNodeMarkedSerial

func (n Nodes) HasNodeMarkedSerial() bool

func (Nodes) IndexOfFirstNodeMarkedOrdered

func (n Nodes) IndexOfFirstNodeMarkedOrdered() int

func (Nodes) Labels

func (n Nodes) Labels() [][]string

func (Nodes) Reverse

func (n Nodes) Reverse() Nodes

func (Nodes) SortedByAscendingNestingLevel

func (n Nodes) SortedByAscendingNestingLevel() Nodes

func (Nodes) SortedByDescendingNestingLevel

func (n Nodes) SortedByDescendingNestingLevel() Nodes

func (Nodes) SplitAround

func (n Nodes) SplitAround(pivot Node) (Nodes, Nodes)

func (Nodes) Texts

func (n Nodes) Texts() []string

func (Nodes) UnionOfLabels

func (n Nodes) UnionOfLabels() []string

func (Nodes) WithType

func (n Nodes) WithType(nodeTypes types.NodeType) Nodes

func (Nodes) WithinNestingLevel

func (n Nodes) WithinNestingLevel(deepestNestingLevel int) Nodes

func (Nodes) WithoutNode

func (n Nodes) WithoutNode(nodeToExclude Node) Nodes

func (Nodes) WithoutType

func (n Nodes) WithoutType(nodeTypes types.NodeType) Nodes

type NoopOutputInterceptor

type NoopOutputInterceptor struct{}

func (NoopOutputInterceptor) PauseIntercepting

func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) PauseIntercepting()

func (NoopOutputInterceptor) ResumeIntercepting

func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) ResumeIntercepting()

func (NoopOutputInterceptor) Shutdown

func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) Shutdown()

func (NoopOutputInterceptor) StartInterceptingOutput

func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) StartInterceptingOutput()

func (NoopOutputInterceptor) StartInterceptingOutputAndForwardTo

func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) StartInterceptingOutputAndForwardTo(io.Writer)

func (NoopOutputInterceptor) StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput

func (interceptor NoopOutputInterceptor) StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() string

type Offset

type Offset uint

type OutputInterceptor

The OutputInterceptor is used by to intercept and capture all stdin and stderr output during a test run.

type OutputInterceptor interface {
    StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() string



func NewOSGlobalReassigningOutputInterceptor

func NewOSGlobalReassigningOutputInterceptor() OutputInterceptor

This is used on windows builds but included here so it can be explicitly tested on unix systems too

func NewOutputInterceptor

func NewOutputInterceptor() OutputInterceptor

type Phase

type Phase uint
const (
    PhaseBuildTopLevel Phase = iota

type PollProgressAfter

type PollProgressAfter time.Duration

type PollProgressInterval

type PollProgressInterval time.Duration

type ProgressReporterManager

type ProgressReporterManager struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewProgressReporterManager

func NewProgressReporterManager() *ProgressReporterManager

func (*ProgressReporterManager) AttachProgressReporter

func (prm *ProgressReporterManager) AttachProgressReporter(reporter func() string) func()

func (*ProgressReporterManager) QueryProgressReporters

func (prm *ProgressReporterManager) QueryProgressReporters(ctx context.Context, failer *Failer) []string

type ProgressSignalRegistrar

type ProgressSignalRegistrar func(func()) context.CancelFunc

type ProgressStepCursor

type ProgressStepCursor struct {
    Text         string
    CodeLocation types.CodeLocation
    StartTime    time.Time

type ReportEntry

type ReportEntry = types.ReportEntry

func NewReportEntry

func NewReportEntry(name string, cl types.CodeLocation, args ...interface{}) (ReportEntry, error)

type SortableSpecs

type SortableSpecs struct {
    Specs   Specs
    Indexes []int

func NewSortableSpecs

func NewSortableSpecs(specs Specs) *SortableSpecs

func (*SortableSpecs) Len

func (s *SortableSpecs) Len() int

func (*SortableSpecs) Less

func (s *SortableSpecs) Less(i, j int) bool

func (*SortableSpecs) Swap

func (s *SortableSpecs) Swap(i, j int)

type Spec

type Spec struct {
    Nodes Nodes
    Skip  bool

func (Spec) FirstNodeWithType

func (s Spec) FirstNodeWithType(nodeTypes types.NodeType) Node

func (Spec) FlakeAttempts

func (s Spec) FlakeAttempts() int

func (Spec) MustPassRepeatedly

func (s Spec) MustPassRepeatedly() int

func (Spec) SpecTimeout

func (s Spec) SpecTimeout() time.Duration

func (Spec) SubjectID

func (s Spec) SubjectID() uint

func (Spec) Text

func (s Spec) Text() string

type SpecContext

type SpecContext interface {

    SpecReport() types.SpecReport
    AttachProgressReporter(func() string) func()

type SpecIndices

type SpecIndices []int

type SpecTimeout

type SpecTimeout time.Duration

type Specs

type Specs []Spec

func ApplyFocusToSpecs

func ApplyFocusToSpecs(specs Specs, description string, suiteLabels Labels, suiteConfig types.SuiteConfig) (Specs, bool)

Ginkgo supports focussing specs using `FIt`, `FDescribe`, etc. - this is called "programmatic focus" It also supports focussing specs using regular expressions on the command line (`-focus=`, `-skip=`) that match against spec text and file filters (`-focus-files=`, `-skip-files=`) that match against code locations for nodes in specs.

When both programmatic and file filters are provided their results are ANDed together. If multiple kinds of filters are provided, the file filters run first followed by the regex filters.

This function sets the `Skip` property on specs by applying Ginkgo's focus policy: - If there are no CLI arguments and no programmatic focus, do nothing. - If a spec somewhere has programmatic focus skip any specs that have no programmatic focus. - If there are CLI arguments parse them and skip any specs that either don't match the focus filters or do match the skip filters.

*Note:* specs with pending nodes are Skipped when created by NewSpec.

func GenerateSpecsFromTreeRoot

func GenerateSpecsFromTreeRoot(tree *TreeNode) Specs

func (Specs) AtIndices

func (s Specs) AtIndices(indices SpecIndices) Specs

func (Specs) CountWithoutSkip

func (s Specs) CountWithoutSkip() int

func (Specs) HasAnySpecsMarkedPending

func (s Specs) HasAnySpecsMarkedPending() bool

type Suite

type Suite struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSuite

func NewSuite() *Suite

func (*Suite) AddReportEntry

func (suite *Suite) AddReportEntry(entry ReportEntry) error

func (*Suite) BuildTree

func (suite *Suite) BuildTree() error

func (*Suite) By

func (suite *Suite) By(text string, callback ...func()) error

func (*Suite) Clone

func (suite *Suite) Clone() (*Suite, error)

func (*Suite) CurrentSpecReport

func (suite *Suite) CurrentSpecReport() types.SpecReport

Spec Running methods - used during PhaseRun

func (*Suite) GetPreviewReport

func (suite *Suite) GetPreviewReport() types.Report

Only valid in the preview context. In general suite.report only includes the specs run by _this_ node - it is only at the end of the suite that the parallel reports are aggregated. However in the preview context we run in series and

func (*Suite) InRunPhase

func (suite *Suite) InRunPhase() bool

func (*Suite) PushNode

func (suite *Suite) PushNode(node Node) error

func (*Suite) Run

func (suite *Suite) Run(description string, suiteLabels Labels, suitePath string, failer *Failer, reporter reporters.Reporter, writer WriterInterface, outputInterceptor OutputInterceptor, interruptHandler interrupt_handler.InterruptHandlerInterface, client parallel_support.Client, progressSignalRegistrar ProgressSignalRegistrar, suiteConfig types.SuiteConfig) (bool, bool)

type TreeNode

type TreeNode struct {
    Node     Node
    Parent   *TreeNode
    Children TreeNodes

func (*TreeNode) AncestorNodeChain

func (tn *TreeNode) AncestorNodeChain() Nodes

func (*TreeNode) AppendChild

func (tn *TreeNode) AppendChild(child *TreeNode)

type TreeNodes

type TreeNodes []*TreeNode

func (TreeNodes) Nodes

func (tn TreeNodes) Nodes() Nodes

func (TreeNodes) WithID

func (tn TreeNodes) WithID(id uint) *TreeNode

type Writer

Writer implements WriterInterface and GinkgoWriterInterface

type Writer struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewWriter

func NewWriter(outWriter io.Writer) *Writer

func (*Writer) Bytes

func (w *Writer) Bytes() []byte

func (*Writer) ClearTeeWriters

func (w *Writer) ClearTeeWriters()

func (*Writer) Len

func (w *Writer) Len() int

func (*Writer) Print

func (w *Writer) Print(a ...interface{})

func (*Writer) Printf

func (w *Writer) Printf(format string, a ...interface{})

func (*Writer) Println

func (w *Writer) Println(a ...interface{})

func (*Writer) SetMode

func (w *Writer) SetMode(mode WriterMode)

func (*Writer) TeeTo

func (w *Writer) TeeTo(writer io.Writer)


func (*Writer) Truncate

func (w *Writer) Truncate()

func (*Writer) Write

func (w *Writer) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error)

type WriterInterface

type WriterInterface interface {

    Bytes() []byte
    Len() int

type WriterMode

type WriterMode uint
const (
    WriterModeStreamAndBuffer WriterMode = iota


Name Synopsis