Sadly there is no way to gracefully deprecate access to these global config variables. Users who need access to Ginkgo's configuration should use the DSL's GinkgoConfiguration() method These new unwieldy type names exist to give users a hint when they try to compile and the compilation fails
var DefaultReporterConfig = DefaultReporterConfigIsNoLongerAccessibleFromTheConfigPackageUseTheDSLsGinkgoConfigurationFunctionInstead{}
Sadly there is no way to gracefully deprecate access to these global config variables. Users who need access to Ginkgo's configuration should use the DSL's GinkgoConfiguration() method These new unwieldy type names exist to give users a hint when they try to compile and the compilation fails
var GinkgoConfig = GinkgoConfigIsNoLongerAccessibleFromTheConfigPackageUseTheDSLsGinkgoConfigurationFunctionInstead{}
Sadly there is no way to gracefully deprecate access to these global config variables. Users who need access to Ginkgo's configuration should use the DSL's GinkgoConfiguration() method These new unwieldy type names exist to give users a hint when they try to compile and the compilation fails
type DefaultReporterConfigIsNoLongerAccessibleFromTheConfigPackageUseTheDSLsGinkgoConfigurationFunctionInstead struct{}
DefaultReporterConfigType has been deprecated and its equivalent now lives in the types package. You can no longer access Ginkgo configuration from the config package. Instead use the DSL's GinkgoConfiguration() function to get copies of the current configuration
DefaultReporterConfigType is still here so custom V1 reporters do not result in a compilation error It will be removed in a future minor release of Ginkgo
type DefaultReporterConfigType = DeprecatedDefaultReporterConfigType
type DeprecatedDefaultReporterConfigType struct { NoColor bool SlowSpecThreshold float64 NoisyPendings bool NoisySkippings bool Succinct bool Verbose bool FullTrace bool ReportPassed bool ReportFile string }
type DeprecatedGinkgoConfigType struct { RandomSeed int64 RandomizeAllSpecs bool RegexScansFilePath bool FocusStrings []string SkipStrings []string SkipMeasurements bool FailOnPending bool FailFast bool FlakeAttempts int EmitSpecProgress bool DryRun bool DebugParallel bool ParallelNode int ParallelTotal int SyncHost string StreamHost string }
Sadly there is no way to gracefully deprecate access to these global config variables. Users who need access to Ginkgo's configuration should use the DSL's GinkgoConfiguration() method These new unwieldy type names exist to give users a hint when they try to compile and the compilation fails
type GinkgoConfigIsNoLongerAccessibleFromTheConfigPackageUseTheDSLsGinkgoConfigurationFunctionInstead struct{}
GinkgoConfigType has been deprecated and its equivalent now lives in the types package. You can no longer access Ginkgo configuration from the config package. Instead use the DSL's GinkgoConfiguration() function to get copies of the current configuration
GinkgoConfigType is still here so custom V1 reporters do not result in a compilation error It will be removed in a future minor release of Ginkgo
type GinkgoConfigType = DeprecatedGinkgoConfigType