
Package ethernet

import "github.com/mdlayher/ethernet"

Overview ▾

Package ethernet implements marshaling and unmarshaling of IEEE 802.3 Ethernet II frames and IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tags.


const (
    // VLANNone is a special VLAN ID which indicates that no VLAN is being
    // used in a Frame.  In this case, the VLAN's other fields may be used
    // to indicate a Frame's priority.
    VLANNone = 0x000

    // VLANMax is a reserved VLAN ID which may indicate a wildcard in some
    // management systems, but may not be configured or transmitted in a
    // VLAN tag.
    VLANMax = 0xfff


Broadcast is a special hardware address which indicates a Frame should be sent to every device on a given LAN segment.

var Broadcast = net.HardwareAddr{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}

ErrInvalidFCS is returned when Frame.UnmarshalFCS detects an incorrect Ethernet frame check sequence in a byte slice for a Frame.

var ErrInvalidFCS = errors.New("invalid frame check sequence")

ErrInvalidVLAN is returned when a VLAN tag is invalid due to one of the following reasons:

var ErrInvalidVLAN = errors.New("invalid VLAN")

type EtherType

An EtherType is a value used to identify an upper layer protocol encapsulated in a Frame.

A list of IANA-assigned EtherType values may be found here: http://www.iana.org/assignments/ieee-802-numbers/ieee-802-numbers.xhtml.

type EtherType uint16

Common EtherType values frequently used in a Frame.

const (
    EtherTypeIPv4 EtherType = 0x0800
    EtherTypeARP  EtherType = 0x0806
    EtherTypeIPv6 EtherType = 0x86DD

    // EtherTypeVLAN and EtherTypeServiceVLAN are used as 802.1Q Tag Protocol
    // Identifiers (TPIDs).
    EtherTypeVLAN        EtherType = 0x8100
    EtherTypeServiceVLAN EtherType = 0x88a8

func (EtherType) String

func (i EtherType) String() string

type Frame

A Frame is an IEEE 802.3 Ethernet II frame. A Frame contains information such as source and destination hardware addresses, zero or more optional 802.1Q VLAN tags, an EtherType, and payload data.

type Frame struct {
    // Destination specifies the destination hardware address for this Frame.
    // If this address is set to Broadcast, the Frame will be sent to every
    // device on a given LAN segment.
    Destination net.HardwareAddr

    // Source specifies the source hardware address for this Frame.
    // Typically, this is the hardware address of the network interface used to
    // send this Frame.
    Source net.HardwareAddr

    // ServiceVLAN specifies an optional 802.1Q service VLAN tag, for use with
    // 802.1ad double tagging, or "Q-in-Q". If ServiceVLAN is not nil, VLAN must
    // not be nil as well.
    // Most users should leave this field set to nil and use VLAN instead.
    ServiceVLAN *VLAN

    // VLAN specifies an optional 802.1Q customer VLAN tag, which may or may
    // not be present in a Frame.  It is important to note that the operating
    // system may automatically strip VLAN tags before they can be parsed.

    // EtherType is a value used to identify an upper layer protocol
    // encapsulated in this Frame.
    EtherType EtherType

    // Payload is a variable length data payload encapsulated by this Frame.
    Payload []byte

func (*Frame) MarshalBinary

func (f *Frame) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

MarshalBinary allocates a byte slice and marshals a Frame into binary form.

func (*Frame) MarshalFCS

func (f *Frame) MarshalFCS() ([]byte, error)

MarshalFCS allocates a byte slice, marshals a Frame into binary form, and finally calculates and places a 4-byte IEEE CRC32 frame check sequence at the end of the slice.

Most users should use MarshalBinary instead. MarshalFCS is provided as a convenience for rare occasions when the operating system cannot automatically generate a frame check sequence for an Ethernet frame.

func (*Frame) UnmarshalBinary

func (f *Frame) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error

UnmarshalBinary unmarshals a byte slice into a Frame.

func (*Frame) UnmarshalFCS

func (f *Frame) UnmarshalFCS(b []byte) error

UnmarshalFCS computes the IEEE CRC32 frame check sequence of a Frame, verifies it against the checksum present in the byte slice, and finally, unmarshals a byte slice into a Frame.

Most users should use UnmarshalBinary instead. UnmarshalFCS is provided as a convenience for rare occasions when the operating system cannot automatically verify a frame check sequence for an Ethernet frame.

type Priority

Priority is an IEEE P802.1p priority level. Priority can be any value from 0 to 7.

It is important to note that priority 1 (PriorityBackground) actually has a lower priority than 0 (PriorityBestEffort). All other Priority constants indicate higher priority as the integer values increase.

type Priority uint8

IEEE P802.1p recommended priority levels. Note that PriorityBackground has a lower priority than PriorityBestEffort.

const (
    PriorityBackground           Priority = 1
    PriorityBestEffort           Priority = 0
    PriorityExcellentEffort      Priority = 2
    PriorityCriticalApplications Priority = 3
    PriorityVideo                Priority = 4
    PriorityVoice                Priority = 5
    PriorityInternetworkControl  Priority = 6
    PriorityNetworkControl       Priority = 7

type VLAN

A VLAN is an IEEE 802.1Q Virtual LAN (VLAN) tag. A VLAN contains information regarding traffic priority and a VLAN identifier for a given Frame.

type VLAN struct {
    // Priority specifies a IEEE P802.1p priority level.  Priority can be any
    // value from 0 to 7.
    Priority Priority

    // DropEligible indicates if a Frame is eligible to be dropped in the
    // presence of network congestion.
    DropEligible bool

    // ID specifies the VLAN ID for a Frame.  ID can be any value from 0 to
    // 4094 (0x000 to 0xffe), allowing up to 4094 VLANs.
    // If ID is 0 (0x000, VLANNone), no VLAN is specified, and the other fields
    // simply indicate a Frame's priority.
    ID uint16

func (*VLAN) MarshalBinary

func (v *VLAN) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

MarshalBinary allocates a byte slice and marshals a VLAN into binary form.

func (*VLAN) UnmarshalBinary

func (v *VLAN) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error

UnmarshalBinary unmarshals a byte slice into a VLAN.


Name Synopsis
etherecho Command etherecho broadcasts a message to all machines in the same network segment, and listens for other messages from other etherecho servers.