
Package grpc

import "github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/grpc"

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Package files

client.go errors.go generate.go interceptors.go pb-marshalling.go resolver.go server.go


CodedError is a alias required to appease go vet

var CodedError = status.Errorf
var ErrMissingParameters = CodedError(codes.FailedPrecondition, "required RPC parameter was missing")

func AuthzToPB

func AuthzToPB(authz core.Authorization) (*corepb.Authorization, error)

func CertStatusToPB

func CertStatusToPB(certStatus core.CertificateStatus) *corepb.CertificateStatus

func CertToPB

func CertToPB(cert core.Certificate) *corepb.Certificate

func ChallengeToPB

func ChallengeToPB(challenge core.Challenge) (*corepb.Challenge, error)

func ClientSetup

func ClientSetup(c *cmd.GRPCClientConfig, tlsConfig *tls.Config, statsRegistry prometheus.Registerer, clk clock.Clock) (*grpc.ClientConn, error)

ClientSetup creates a gRPC TransportCredentials that presents a client certificate and validates the the server certificate based on the provided *tls.Config. It dials the remote service and returns a grpc.ClientConn if successful.

func NewServer

func NewServer(c *cmd.GRPCServerConfig, logger blog.Logger) *serverBuilder

NewServer returns an object which can be used to build gRPC servers. It takes the server's configuration to perform initialization and a logger for deep health checks.

func PBToAuthz

func PBToAuthz(pb *corepb.Authorization) (core.Authorization, error)

func PBToAuthzMap

func PBToAuthzMap(pb *sapb.Authorizations) (map[string]*core.Authorization, error)

PBToAuthzMap converts a protobuf map of domains mapped to protobuf authorizations to a golang map[string]*core.Authorization.

func PBToCert

func PBToCert(pb *corepb.Certificate) core.Certificate

func PBToCertStatus

func PBToCertStatus(pb *corepb.CertificateStatus) core.CertificateStatus

func PBToChallenge

func PBToChallenge(in *corepb.Challenge) (challenge core.Challenge, err error)

func PBToProblemDetails

func PBToProblemDetails(in *corepb.ProblemDetails) (*probs.ProblemDetails, error)

func PBToValidationRecord

func PBToValidationRecord(in *corepb.ValidationRecord) (record core.ValidationRecord, err error)

func PbToRegistration

func PbToRegistration(pb *corepb.Registration) (core.Registration, error)

func ProblemDetailsToPB

func ProblemDetailsToPB(prob *probs.ProblemDetails) (*corepb.ProblemDetails, error)

func RegistrationToPB

func RegistrationToPB(reg core.Registration) (*corepb.Registration, error)

func ValidationRecordToPB

func ValidationRecordToPB(record core.ValidationRecord) (*corepb.ValidationRecord, error)

func ValidationResultToPB

func ValidationResultToPB(records []core.ValidationRecord, prob *probs.ProblemDetails) (*vapb.ValidationResult, error)
