
Package notmain

import "github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/cmd/nonce-service"

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type Config

type Config struct {
    NonceService struct {

        MaxUsed int
        // TODO(#6610): Remove once we've moved to derivable prefixes by
        // default.
        NoncePrefix string `validate:"excluded_with=UseDerivablePrefix,omitempty,len=4"`

        // UseDerivablePrefix indicates whether to use a nonce prefix derived
        // from the gRPC listening address. If this is false, the nonce prefix
        // will be the value of the NoncePrefix field. If this is true, the
        // NoncePrefixKey field is required.
        // TODO(#6610): Remove once we've moved to derivable prefixes by
        // default.
        UseDerivablePrefix bool `validate:"excluded_with=NoncePrefix"`

        // NoncePrefixKey is a secret used for deriving the prefix of each nonce
        // instance. It should contain 256 bits (32 bytes) of random data to be
        // suitable as an HMAC-SHA256 key (e.g. the output of `openssl rand -hex
        // 32`). In a multi-DC deployment this value should be the same across
        // all boulder-wfe and nonce-service instances. This is only used if
        // UseDerivablePrefix is true.
        // TODO(#6610): Edit this comment once we've moved to derivable prefixes
        // by default.
        NoncePrefixKey cmd.PasswordConfig `validate:"excluded_with=NoncePrefix,structonly"`

        Syslog        cmd.SyslogConfig
        OpenTelemetry cmd.OpenTelemetryConfig