
Package notmain

import "github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/cmd/crl-storer"

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Package files


type Config

type Config struct {
    CRLStorer struct {

        // IssuerCerts is a list of paths to issuer certificates on disk. These will
        // be used to validate the CRLs received by this service before uploading
        // them.
        IssuerCerts []string `validate:"min=1,dive,required"`

        // S3Endpoint is the URL at which the S3-API-compatible object storage
        // service can be reached. This can be used to point to a non-Amazon storage
        // service, or to point to a fake service for testing. It should be left
        // blank by default.
        S3Endpoint string
        // S3Bucket is the AWS Bucket that uploads should go to. Must be created
        // (and have appropriate permissions set) beforehand.
        S3Bucket string
        // AWSConfigFile is the path to a file on disk containing an AWS config.
        // The format of the configuration file is specified at
        // https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkref/latest/guide/file-format.html.
        AWSConfigFile string
        // AWSCredsFile is the path to a file on disk containing AWS credentials.
        // The format of the credentials file is specified at
        // https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkref/latest/guide/file-format.html.
        AWSCredsFile string

        Features map[string]bool

    Syslog        cmd.SyslogConfig
    OpenTelemetry cmd.OpenTelemetryConfig