
Package datakinds

import "github.com/launchdarkly/go-server-sdk/v6/internal/datakinds"

Overview ▾

Package datakinds contains the implementations of ldstoretypes.DataKind for flags and segments.

These have their own package because they are used in many places and therefore need to be in a package that doesn't have other things with other dependencies, to avoid cyclic references.

func AllDataKinds

func AllDataKinds() []ldstoretypes.DataKind

AllDataKinds returns all the supported data StoreDataKinds.

type DataKindInternal

DataKindInternal is implemented along with DataKind to provide more efficient jsonstream-based deserialization for our built-in data kinds.

type DataKindInternal interface {
    DeserializeFromJSONReader(reader *jreader.Reader) (ldstoretypes.ItemDescriptor, error)

Features is the global StoreDataKind instance for feature flags.

var Features DataKindInternal = featureFlagStoreDataKind{} //nolint:gochecknoglobals

Segments is the global StoreDataKind instance for segments.

var Segments DataKindInternal = segmentStoreDataKind{} //nolint:gochecknoglobals