Package barcode
Package barcode provides helper methods for adding barcodes of different
types to your pdf document. It relies on the
package for the barcode creation.
- func Barcode(pdf barcodePdf, code string, x, y, w, h float64, flow bool)
- func BarcodeUnscalable(pdf barcodePdf, code string, x, y float64, w, h *float64, flow bool)
- func GetUnscaledBarcodeDimensions(pdf barcodePdf, code string) (w, h float64)
- func Register(bcode barcode.Barcode) string
- func RegisterAztec(pdf barcodePdf, code string, minECCPercent int, userSpecifiedLayers int) string
- func RegisterCodabar(pdf barcodePdf, code string) string
- func RegisterCode128(pdf barcodePdf, code string) string
- func RegisterCode39(pdf barcodePdf, code string, includeChecksum, fullASCIIMode bool) string
- func RegisterDataMatrix(pdf barcodePdf, code string) string
- func RegisterEAN(pdf barcodePdf, code string) string
- func RegisterPdf417(pdf barcodePdf, code string, columns int, securityLevel int) string
- func RegisterQR(pdf barcodePdf, code string, ecl qr.ErrorCorrectionLevel, mode qr.Encoding) string
- func RegisterTwoOfFive(pdf barcodePdf, code string, interleaved bool) string
Package files
func Barcode(pdf barcodePdf, code string, x, y, w, h float64, flow bool)
Barcode puts a registered barcode in the current page.
The size should be specified in the units used to create the PDF document.
If width or height are left unspecfied, the barcode is not scaled in the unspecified dimensions.
Positioning with x, y and flow is inherited from Fpdf.Image().
func BarcodeUnscalable(pdf barcodePdf, code string, x, y float64, w, h *float64, flow bool)
BarcodeUnscalable puts a registered barcode in the current page.
Its arguments work in the same way as that of Barcode(). However, it allows for an unscaled
barcode in the width and/or height dimensions. This can be useful if you want to prevent
side effects of upscaling.
func GetUnscaledBarcodeDimensions(pdf barcodePdf, code string) (w, h float64)
GetUnscaledBarcodeDimensions returns the width and height of the
unscaled barcode associated with the given code.
func Register(bcode barcode.Barcode) string
Register registers a barcode but does not put it on the page. Use Barcode()
with the same code to put the barcode on the PDF page.
▾ Example
pdf := createPdf()
fileStr := example.Filename("contrib_barcode_Register")
bcode, err := code128.Encode("gofpdf")
if err == nil {
key := barcode.Register(bcode)
var width float64 = 100
var height float64 = 10.0
barcode.BarcodeUnscalable(pdf, key, 15, 15, &width, &height, false)
err = pdf.OutputFileAndClose(fileStr)
example.Summary(err, fileStr)
Successfully generated ../../pdf/contrib_barcode_Register.pdf
func RegisterAztec(pdf barcodePdf, code string, minECCPercent int, userSpecifiedLayers int) string
RegisterAztec registers a barcode of type Aztec to the PDF, but not to
the page. Use Barcode() with the return value to put the barcode on the page.
code is the string to be encoded. minECCPercent is the error correction percentage. 33 is the default.
userSpecifiedLayers can be a value between -4 and 32 inclusive.
▾ Example
pdf := createPdf()
key := barcode.RegisterAztec(pdf, "aztec", 33, 0)
barcode.Barcode(pdf, key, 15, 15, 100, 100, false)
fileStr := example.Filename("contrib_barcode_RegisterAztec")
err := pdf.OutputFileAndClose(fileStr)
example.Summary(err, fileStr)
Successfully generated ../../pdf/contrib_barcode_RegisterAztec.pdf
func RegisterCodabar(pdf barcodePdf, code string) string
RegisterCodabar registers a barcode of type Codabar to the PDF, but not to
the page. Use Barcode() with the return value to put the barcode on the page.
▾ Example
pdf := createPdf()
key := barcode.RegisterCode128(pdf, "codabar")
var width float64 = 100
var height float64 = 10
barcode.BarcodeUnscalable(pdf, key, 15, 15, &width, &height, false)
fileStr := example.Filename("contrib_barcode_RegisterCodabar")
err := pdf.OutputFileAndClose(fileStr)
example.Summary(err, fileStr)
Successfully generated ../../pdf/contrib_barcode_RegisterCodabar.pdf
func RegisterCode128(pdf barcodePdf, code string) string
RegisterCode128 registers a barcode of type Code128 to the PDF, but not to
the page. Use Barcode() with the return value to put the barcode on the page.
▾ Example
pdf := createPdf()
key := barcode.RegisterCode128(pdf, "code128")
barcode.Barcode(pdf, key, 15, 15, 100, 10, false)
fileStr := example.Filename("contrib_barcode_RegisterCode128")
err := pdf.OutputFileAndClose(fileStr)
example.Summary(err, fileStr)
Successfully generated ../../pdf/contrib_barcode_RegisterCode128.pdf
func RegisterCode39(pdf barcodePdf, code string, includeChecksum, fullASCIIMode bool) string
RegisterCode39 registers a barcode of type Code39 to the PDF, but not to
the page. Use Barcode() with the return value to put the barcode on the page.
includeChecksum and fullASCIIMode are inherited from code39.Encode().
▾ Example
pdf := createPdf()
key := barcode.RegisterCode39(pdf, "CODE39", false, true)
barcode.Barcode(pdf, key, 15, 15, 100, 10, false)
fileStr := example.Filename("contrib_barcode_RegisterCode39")
err := pdf.OutputFileAndClose(fileStr)
example.Summary(err, fileStr)
Successfully generated ../../pdf/contrib_barcode_RegisterCode39.pdf
func RegisterDataMatrix(pdf barcodePdf, code string) string
RegisterDataMatrix registers a barcode of type DataMatrix to the PDF, but not
to the page. Use Barcode() with the return value to put the barcode on the
▾ Example
pdf := createPdf()
key := barcode.RegisterDataMatrix(pdf, "datamatrix")
barcode.Barcode(pdf, key, 15, 15, 20, 20, false)
fileStr := example.Filename("contrib_barcode_RegisterDataMatrix")
err := pdf.OutputFileAndClose(fileStr)
example.Summary(err, fileStr)
Successfully generated ../../pdf/contrib_barcode_RegisterDataMatrix.pdf
func RegisterEAN(pdf barcodePdf, code string) string
RegisterEAN registers a barcode of type EAN to the PDF, but not to the page.
It will automatically detect if the barcode is EAN8 or EAN13. Use Barcode()
with the return value to put the barcode on the page.
▾ Example
pdf := createPdf()
key := barcode.RegisterEAN(pdf, "96385074")
barcode.Barcode(pdf, key, 15, 15, 100, 10, false)
fileStr := example.Filename("contrib_barcode_RegisterEAN")
err := pdf.OutputFileAndClose(fileStr)
example.Summary(err, fileStr)
Successfully generated ../../pdf/contrib_barcode_RegisterEAN.pdf
func RegisterPdf417(pdf barcodePdf, code string, columns int, securityLevel int) string
RegisterPdf417 registers a barcode of type Pdf417 to the PDF, but not to the
page. code is the string to be encoded. columns specifies the number of
barcode columns; this should be a value between 1 and 30 inclusive.
securityLevel specifies an error correction level between zero and 8
inclusive. Barcodes for use with FedEx must set columns to 10 and
securityLevel to 5. Use Barcode() with the return value to put the barcode
on the page.
▾ Example
pdf := createPdf()
key := barcode.RegisterPdf417(pdf, "1234567895", 10, 5)
barcode.Barcode(pdf, key, 15, 15, 100, 10, false)
fileStr := example.Filename("contrib_barcode_RegisterPdf417")
err := pdf.OutputFileAndClose(fileStr)
example.Summary(err, fileStr)
Successfully generated ../../pdf/contrib_barcode_RegisterPdf417.pdf
func RegisterQR(pdf barcodePdf, code string, ecl qr.ErrorCorrectionLevel, mode qr.Encoding) string
RegisterQR registers a barcode of type QR to the PDF, but not to the page.
Use Barcode() with the return value to put the barcode on the page.
The ErrorCorrectionLevel and Encoding mode are inherited from qr.Encode().
▾ Example
pdf := createPdf()
key := barcode.RegisterQR(pdf, "qrcode", qr.H, qr.Unicode)
barcode.Barcode(pdf, key, 15, 15, 100, 10, false)
fileStr := example.Filename("contrib_barcode_RegisterQR")
err := pdf.OutputFileAndClose(fileStr)
example.Summary(err, fileStr)
Successfully generated ../../pdf/contrib_barcode_RegisterQR.pdf
func RegisterTwoOfFive(pdf barcodePdf, code string, interleaved bool) string
RegisterTwoOfFive registers a barcode of type TwoOfFive to the PDF, but not
to the page. Use Barcode() with the return value to put the barcode on the
The interleaved bool is inherited from twooffive.Encode().
▾ Example
pdf := createPdf()
key := barcode.RegisterTwoOfFive(pdf, "1234567895", true)
barcode.Barcode(pdf, key, 15, 15, 100, 10, false)
fileStr := example.Filename("contrib_barcode_RegisterTwoOfFive")
err := pdf.OutputFileAndClose(fileStr)
example.Summary(err, fileStr)
Successfully generated ../../pdf/contrib_barcode_RegisterTwoOfFive.pdf