
Package xinerama

import "github.com/jezek/xgb/xinerama"

Overview ▾

Package xinerama is the X client API for the XINERAMA extension.

Index ▾

func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error
func ScreenInfoListBytes(buf []byte, list []ScreenInfo) int
func ScreenInfoRead(buf []byte, v *ScreenInfo) int
func ScreenInfoReadList(buf []byte, dest []ScreenInfo) int
type GetScreenCountCookie
    func GetScreenCount(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetScreenCountCookie
    func GetScreenCountUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetScreenCountCookie
    func (cook GetScreenCountCookie) Reply() (*GetScreenCountReply, error)
type GetScreenCountReply
type GetScreenSizeCookie
    func GetScreenSize(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Screen uint32) GetScreenSizeCookie
    func GetScreenSizeUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Screen uint32) GetScreenSizeCookie
    func (cook GetScreenSizeCookie) Reply() (*GetScreenSizeReply, error)
type GetScreenSizeReply
type GetStateCookie
    func GetState(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetStateCookie
    func GetStateUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetStateCookie
    func (cook GetStateCookie) Reply() (*GetStateReply, error)
type GetStateReply
type IsActiveCookie
    func IsActive(c *xgb.Conn) IsActiveCookie
    func IsActiveUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) IsActiveCookie
    func (cook IsActiveCookie) Reply() (*IsActiveReply, error)
type IsActiveReply
type QueryScreensCookie
    func QueryScreens(c *xgb.Conn) QueryScreensCookie
    func QueryScreensUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) QueryScreensCookie
    func (cook QueryScreensCookie) Reply() (*QueryScreensReply, error)
type QueryScreensReply
type QueryVersionCookie
    func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, Major byte, Minor byte) QueryVersionCookie
    func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Major byte, Minor byte) QueryVersionCookie
    func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error)
type QueryVersionReply
type ScreenInfo
    func (v ScreenInfo) Bytes() []byte

Package files


func Init

func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error

Init must be called before using the XINERAMA extension.

func ScreenInfoListBytes

func ScreenInfoListBytes(buf []byte, list []ScreenInfo) int

ScreenInfoListBytes writes a list of ScreenInfo values to a byte slice.

func ScreenInfoRead

func ScreenInfoRead(buf []byte, v *ScreenInfo) int

ScreenInfoRead reads a byte slice into a ScreenInfo value.

func ScreenInfoReadList

func ScreenInfoReadList(buf []byte, dest []ScreenInfo) int

ScreenInfoReadList reads a byte slice into a list of ScreenInfo values.

type GetScreenCountCookie

GetScreenCountCookie is a cookie used only for GetScreenCount requests.

type GetScreenCountCookie struct {

func GetScreenCount

func GetScreenCount(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetScreenCountCookie

GetScreenCount sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetScreenCountCookie.Reply()

func GetScreenCountUnchecked

func GetScreenCountUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetScreenCountCookie

GetScreenCountUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.

func (GetScreenCountCookie) Reply

func (cook GetScreenCountCookie) Reply() (*GetScreenCountReply, error)

Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetScreenCount request.

type GetScreenCountReply

GetScreenCountReply represents the data returned from a GetScreenCount request.

type GetScreenCountReply struct {
    Sequence    uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
    Length      uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
    ScreenCount byte
    Window      xproto.Window

type GetScreenSizeCookie

GetScreenSizeCookie is a cookie used only for GetScreenSize requests.

type GetScreenSizeCookie struct {

func GetScreenSize

func GetScreenSize(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Screen uint32) GetScreenSizeCookie

GetScreenSize sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetScreenSizeCookie.Reply()

func GetScreenSizeUnchecked

func GetScreenSizeUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Screen uint32) GetScreenSizeCookie

GetScreenSizeUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.

func (GetScreenSizeCookie) Reply

func (cook GetScreenSizeCookie) Reply() (*GetScreenSizeReply, error)

Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetScreenSize request.

type GetScreenSizeReply

GetScreenSizeReply represents the data returned from a GetScreenSize request.

type GetScreenSizeReply struct {
    Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
    Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
    // padding: 1 bytes
    Width  uint32
    Height uint32
    Window xproto.Window
    Screen uint32

type GetStateCookie

GetStateCookie is a cookie used only for GetState requests.

type GetStateCookie struct {

func GetState

func GetState(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetStateCookie

GetState sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetStateCookie.Reply()

func GetStateUnchecked

func GetStateUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetStateCookie

GetStateUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.

func (GetStateCookie) Reply

func (cook GetStateCookie) Reply() (*GetStateReply, error)

Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetState request.

type GetStateReply

GetStateReply represents the data returned from a GetState request.

type GetStateReply struct {
    Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
    Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
    State    byte
    Window   xproto.Window

type IsActiveCookie

IsActiveCookie is a cookie used only for IsActive requests.

type IsActiveCookie struct {

func IsActive

func IsActive(c *xgb.Conn) IsActiveCookie

IsActive sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling IsActiveCookie.Reply()

func IsActiveUnchecked

func IsActiveUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) IsActiveCookie

IsActiveUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.

func (IsActiveCookie) Reply

func (cook IsActiveCookie) Reply() (*IsActiveReply, error)

Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a IsActive request.

type IsActiveReply

IsActiveReply represents the data returned from a IsActive request.

type IsActiveReply struct {
    Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
    Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
    // padding: 1 bytes
    State uint32

type QueryScreensCookie

QueryScreensCookie is a cookie used only for QueryScreens requests.

type QueryScreensCookie struct {

func QueryScreens

func QueryScreens(c *xgb.Conn) QueryScreensCookie

QueryScreens sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryScreensCookie.Reply()

func QueryScreensUnchecked

func QueryScreensUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) QueryScreensCookie

QueryScreensUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.

func (QueryScreensCookie) Reply

func (cook QueryScreensCookie) Reply() (*QueryScreensReply, error)

Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryScreens request.

type QueryScreensReply

QueryScreensReply represents the data returned from a QueryScreens request.

type QueryScreensReply struct {
    Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
    Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
    // padding: 1 bytes
    Number uint32
    // padding: 20 bytes
    ScreenInfo []ScreenInfo // size: xgb.Pad((int(Number) * 8))

type QueryVersionCookie

QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.

type QueryVersionCookie struct {

func QueryVersion

func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, Major byte, Minor byte) QueryVersionCookie

QueryVersion sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryVersionCookie.Reply()

func QueryVersionUnchecked

func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Major byte, Minor byte) QueryVersionCookie

QueryVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.

func (QueryVersionCookie) Reply

func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error)

Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryVersion request.

type QueryVersionReply

QueryVersionReply represents the data returned from a QueryVersion request.

type QueryVersionReply struct {
    Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
    Length   uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
    // padding: 1 bytes
    Major uint16
    Minor uint16

type ScreenInfo

type ScreenInfo struct {
    XOrg   int16
    YOrg   int16
    Width  uint16
    Height uint16

func (ScreenInfo) Bytes

func (v ScreenInfo) Bytes() []byte

Bytes writes a ScreenInfo value to a byte slice.